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Mariam public school

Class-6th sub –MSc(ch-5)

 Answer the following

Q1. Who is a good leader?

Ans-A good leader is a person who inspires people and makes them perform great tasks. A good leader either has innate
leadership qualities or he acquires them through experiences of life.

Q2.List four qualities that a good leader must have.

Ans-Four qualities that a leader must have are:-

 Unwavering courage

 Self-control

 A pleasing personality

 Willing to assume full responsibility

Q3.In the story, out of the two brothers, who completed his project earlier?

Ans-Younger brother completed the project earlier.

Q4.The king said, ”he is now more than their king because he has become their leader”. What did the king mean by these

Ans-His commitment was so great that he himself was the one who worked the hardest on the project forgetting his princely
status. This is why everyone adores your brother and would do anything what he asks them to do, he is now more than their
king because he has become their leader”.

Q5. What is the moral of the story?

Ans-The moral of the story is ‘A leader is a person who has the support of masses. He is a role model for many people’.

 Fill in the blanks:-

1. A good leader has full control over his emotions.

2. A good leader is just and judicious towards his followers.

3. A good leader takes the responsibility for a particular task.

4. A good leader’s knowledge of the concerned aspect is complete.

Mariam public school
Class-6 sub-computer (Worksheet) ch-1
Read the chapter carefully and do yourself
Q1. What is Linker?

Q2.What is syntax?

Q3.Give 3 examples of microcomputer?

Q4.Which computer language understands, only 0 and1?

Q5.What is the meaning of 0 AND 1?

Q6.What is the full form of (a) LLL (b) HLL (c)SQL.

Q7.What is PARAM and ISHAN?

Q8.Which computers are used for satellite control?

Q9.Which computers are used for scientific laboratories?

Q10.CRAY-1 is a -------------- computer.

Mariam public school
Class-6 sub-G.K (CH-7)
Indian Nobel Prize Winners

1. He was a biochemist who shared the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine in 1968. He was born
in British India, now part of Pakistan. Hargobind Khorana
2. He is an India born American and British biologist. He shared the 2009 Nobel Prize in chemistry.
Venkatraman Ramakrishnan
3. He was the first non-European to win the Nobel Prize in literature in 1913 for his collection of
poems –Gitanjali. His compositions – Jana Gana Mana and Amar Shonar Bangla. Rabindranath
4. He was an Indian-American astrophysicist who with William A Fowler, won the 1983 Nobel Prize
for physics. Subramanyam Chandrasekhar
5. She founded the Missionaries of Charity in Kolkata in 1950. She was the recipient of numerous
honours including the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize. Saint Mother Teresa.
6. He was an Indian physicist. He was the recipient of Nobel Prize for physics in 1930. Sir C V
7. He is an Indian economist who was awarded the 1998 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic
Sciences. Amartya Sen
8. He is an Indian children’s right advocate and an activist against child labour. He won the Nobel
Prize for Peace in 2014. Kailash Satyarthi
Mariam public school

Class-6th sub-Maths exercise-1(e)

1. (a) Is 54x (100-5) equal to 54 x 100 – 54 x 5?
54 x 95 5400 – 270
5130 = 5130 (yes)
(b) Is 37 x108 = 37 x (100 + 8) ?
3995 37 x 108
3996 = 3996 (yes)
(c) Is 54 x 29 = (20+9) x (50+4) = (50 + 4) x 29 ?
1556 54x20+54x9 29x4 +29x50
1556 1080+486 1450+116
1556 = 1556 = 1556
2. Simplify by expanding the underlined number:-
(a) 109 x 23
23 x (100+9)
23 x 100 +23 x 9
2300 + 207
= 2507
(b) 240 x75
(200+40) x 75
200x75 + 40x75
15000 + 3000
= 18000
(c) 360 x 105
360 x (100+5)
360 x 100 + 360 x 5
36000 + 1800
= 37800
(d) 24 x 209
24 x (200+9)
24x200 + 24 x 9
4800 + 216
= 5016
Roman numeral I V X L C D M
Hindu-Arabic Numeral 1 5 10 50 100 500 1000

Exercise 1 (f)

1. Express each of the following as a roman numeral :-

(a)4-IV (B) 8-VIII (C) 15-XV (D) 34-XXXIV (E) 46-XLVI (F) 54-LIV (G) 61-LXI (H) 75-LXXV (I)83-LXXXIII (J) 91-XCI (K) 95-XCV
(L) 88-LXXXVIII (M) 99-XCIX (N) 96-XCVI (O)79-LXXIX
2. Write each of the following as Hindi-Arabic numeral:-
(A) XXVI-26 (B) XXXIV-34 (C) XLV-45 (D) LIV-54 (E) LXXV-75 (F) XCL-91 (G)XCVI-96 (H)XCIV-94 (I)XLIX-49 (J) XXVIII-28
Mariam public school
Class-6 sub –Science ch (3)


a) Which of the following is not a human made fibre?

i. Rayon ii. Polyester iii. Coir IV. Nylon

b) Which of the following is a staple fibre?

i. cotton ii. Nylon iii. Silk iv. Both (i) and (ii)

c) We get ___________ fibre from plants.

i. silk ii. Wool iii. Nylon iv. Coir

d) Synthetic clothes

i. absorb water ii. Tear easily iii. Do not wrinkle iv. Have large air spaces

e) Jute is obtained from the

i. leaf of the jute plant ii. Seed of the jute plant iii. Stem of the jute plant iv. Fruit of the
jute plant

f) Coir is obtained from the

i. root of the coconut tree ii. Outer of the coconut fruit iii. Stem of the coconut tree IV.
Leaf of the coconut tree

g) Which of the following processes is a part of the production of jute fibre?

i. retting ii. Ginning iii. Knitting iv. Weaving


a) Nylon S e) Polyester S

b) Wool N f) rayon S

c) Cotton N g) Acrylic S

d) Silk N h) jute N
3. Under line the correct words

a. The outer covering of the coconut is called husk/shell.

b. Yarns are maid when fibres are separated /twisted together.

c. Spinning /Knitting is the process of making yarns.

d. Harvesting is picking/planting of crop.

e. In ginning, the boles/bales are cleaned to separate the cotton fibres from the seed.

4. Fill in the blank using using appropriate words.

1. Cotton grows in black soil. Seeds are present inside cotton bolls farmers use machine to picking
cotton. The cotton is sent to a ginning are used to clean the cotton. The cleaned cotton is combed and
twisted in to yarn a charkha weaves the cotton yarn in to fabrics. People sew the fabrics in to clothes.

5. Match the following

a. Ginning I. Interlocking of Yarns (d)

b. Retting II. Making yarn from Fibres(c)

C. spinning iii.Interlacing two sets of yarn (e)

d. Weaving IV. Soaking of jute stems in water (b)

e. Knitting v .Separating cotton fibres from the seeds

Mariam Public School
Subject: SST (History)
Lesson -2

I. Multiple Choice Questions.

Choose the correct option from the followings:

1. The People first began to grow crops about

(a) 4,000 years ago (b) 6,000 years ago

(c) 8000 years ago (d)1000 years ago

2. Some of the earliest cities flourish about 4700 years ago on the bank of river

(a) Indus and its tributaries (b)Mahanadi

(c)Beas (d) Chambal

3. Which one of the following refer to the writing on relatively hard surfaces such as
metal or strong.

(a)Manuscript (b) Inscriptions

(c) Archaeology (d)None of these

4. Which one of the following refers to the process to understand the script and language
of the inscriptions?

(a) Inscription (b) Manuscript

(c) Archaeology (d) Decipherment

Answer:1.(c) 2.(a) 3.(b) 4.(d)

II. Very Short Answer Type Questions.

1. Why do you mean by BC and BCE?

Answer: BC stands for ‘Before Christ’. BCE stand for the ‘before Common Era’.

What is AD for CE?

Answer: AD stands for two latin words ‘Anno Domini’ that means in the year of Lord. CE
is also used in place of AD. It stands for ‘common Era’.

3. Since when we do use the AD/CE in India?

Answer: In India, we began to use these terms about 200 years ago with the influence of
the Britishers.

4. When and where did the earliest cities flourished in the Indian subcontinent?

Answer: About 2500 years ago, cities developed on the banks of Ganga and its tributaries
and along the sea-coasts also.

5. How did our country get its name “India”?

Answer: About 2500 years ago, the Iranians and the Greeks came here through the
Northeast. They were familiar with the river Indus. they called it the Hindos and the
Indos. The land to the east of river was called the India. This, the word, India comes from
the Indus.

6. Mention some archaeological source of history.

Answer: Remains of building or monuments, Coins inscriptions, manuscript are source of


III. Short Answer Type Questions.

1. Who were skilled gatherers?

Answer: For several thousand years, people lived along the bank of river Narmada. They
were skilled gatherers. They collected roots fruits and many other forest produce for the

2. When and where did people begin growing crops such as wheat and barley?

Answer: People first started growing crops like wheat and Barley around 8000 years ago
in the Sulaiman and Kirthar hills.

3. Differentiate between manuscripts and inscriptions.

Answer: Manuscript: The books that were written by hand long ago are called
manuscripts. It comes from the Latin words Manu from hand.

Inscriptions: These are writing on a relatively hard surfaces e.g., stone metal or can be on
the paper also. They generally conveyed Kings orders, their deeds and their preachings.

4. Why was it so that the ordinary men and women did not generally keep records of
their deeds?”

Answer: Ordinary men and women did not keep records of but they did, they were
generally poor, illiterate and unaware of their advantages.

IV. Long Answer Type Questions.

1. Why did people travel in the ancient times?

Answer: Reason for the movement

They travelled for following reasons:

For livelihood:

People travelled to different places in the search of livelihood.

To Escape from Natural Disaster:

They moved from one place to another to escape the natural disasters drought for floods

To capture lands:

At times, men marched in groups and armies to conquer lands of the others.

For Trade:

The merchant also made their trips carrying valuable goods in caravans or ship from
place to place.

To Preach:

Religious teachers also travelled. They moved from village to village, town to town and
stopped on the way to guide and advise people.

2. Why do you think the lives of Kings would have been different from those of farmers?

Answer: The lives of Kings were different from those of farmers. Farmers led very hard
lives whereas the king led lavish lives. Kings often keep record of victories in battles. They
got their orders in inscribed on the store or metals.

We know much about kings. In contrast, ordinary people life farmers, hunters, gatherers,
herders were too busy to earn even two square meals for themselves. They were
unaware to keep records of what they did. Moreover, as is true even today, people
follow different practices and customs in a different parts of the country.

3. Write the short notes on the banks of Narmada.

Answer: Banks of Narmada:

The area traces the habitation of the earliest people of the subcontinent. For several
thousand years people lived along the banks of river Narmada. They were skilled
gatherers i.e., gatherers of food. They collected roots, fruits and many other forest
produce for food. The vast wealth of the plants scattered around the surrounding forest
area was very well-known of them. They also hunted animals for the food and used their
skins for making clothes.

V. State true and false.

1. Skilled gatherers were the people who gathered their food. True

2. Manuscripts are the handwritten material, which reflect our rich past. True

3. Specially hand written books on the birch bark are called inscriptions. False

4. Archaeologist are persons who explore excavate the sites to know about our past
heritage. True

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