Questions TNP 2024 - 2

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RKIT Software Pvt Ltd | Full Stack Developer

Total Rounds - 5

Round 1 _ Aptitude

Round 2 _ Personal Interview

Personal Information | Hobby Related | Basic OOP Concepts | Basic SQL Queries

Round 3 _ Written Technical Test

What is the difference between equal to operator(==) and Equals() method?

Explain with example.What is herarical inheritance?
Types of lists in HTML
What is constraint?List out at least four MySQL constraint
How to control background image repitation in CSS
Differentiate full join and natural join
What is the difference between CHAR,VARCHAR and TEXT in MySQL
What is the use of INDEX in MySQL
Explain how to add link on image.Write syntax
Does every HTML tag has an ending tag?Explain with example.
Explain css float property.
What are access Modifiers?
Types of CSS
Write 4 Data Structure and 1 of each data structure method.
Explain 5 methods of string.
what is video tag? how it is declared?
Explain Hybrid Inheritance
Link exteranl css?
Explain Finally block?
Write css code for how center div?
difference between DELETE, DROP, & TRUNCATE.
Output of a Java Program (reverse string & pattern based question)
Swap values without extra variable
How to give hyperlink to an image ?
Which css property is used to repeat background image ?
List of aggrigate functions in SQL.

Round 4 _ Panel Interview

Deep Understanding about mentioned project in resume

OOP concepts in detail (Inheritance, Abstraction, Interface, Polymorphism)
Logical questions(like puzzles)
Javascript related question if mentioned in resume

Round 5 _ Coding Round

Questions Solution

Array1 & Array2 is given. Find kth position in combined sorted array of both Arrays.
(Using Merge Sort)
Input : Array1 = [3,2,1] , Array2 = [6,5,4], k = 2
Output : 2 (1 base indexing)

Check given string is anagram or not.

Input : String1 = "silent" String2 = "listen"
Output : Given String is anagram.
Input : String1 = "gram" String2 = "arm"
Output : Given String is not anagram.

Draw following pattern (Swastik)

Pascal Triangle upto n rows.

Extra quiz asked

Note: All below mentioned details are about technical field only - .Net/Node/Java /PHP/iOS/Android/React/React Native
Its not for QA/Design Field.

Total Round - 3

Round_1_Online test
Total 80 mcq (negative mark system - 0.5 for each wrong answer)
35 mcq - Aptitude
35 mcq - Reasoning
10 mcq - Techninal (Basic about language & Sql queries)

Round_2_Technical Interview
(Note: Dont use Programiz website for online compilation as it generate Wrong output in some case. Use other online compiler instead.)

Introduction | Basic About Any one language| Basic programs of String and array | OOPs Concept | Patterns Programs | Basic of Dbms & Sql queries | Projects

Asked Concept/Questions in Technical Interview

Advantages/Features of java.
What is OOPs & 4 pillars of OOPs?
What is Polymorphism & Explain realtime use of method overloading & method overriding?
Explain static keyword? Can we make object of static class?
concept of Strings and loops.
Difference between For loop & While loop
Write Pattern code(Star, Alphabetic, Numeric) with Sharing the screen (Problem-pattern given by the Interviewer)
Questions on pattern code wrote by candidate.
What is Array? & Which type of data contain by array?
Basic Strigs and array Programs (Eg. Write a program to remove duplicates from array)
What is Primary Key, foreign key, unique key in DBMS?
Explain About Join. What is Having and Like in SQL?
DBMS Concept & Perform sql Queries.
Html Code Writing - Html Table (Using concept of Rowspan and column span)
Debugging, Error finding And Program implementation.
Explain About Your Projects.

Round_3_HR_Interview (Final Round)

Personal Information(Family, College, Technology preference)
Question on your Result (10th, 12th, JEE/Gujcet PR, ACPC Rank)
Questions on Your Projects.
Aptitude Questions(Ratio, Profit and loss, Percentage, Average,Probability etc.)
Reasoning Questions (Number series,Direction sens etc.)
Technical (Debugging the given code, error finding )
What is ypur Strength and weakness.
Short time and Long time goal.
Why you choose the tatvasoft?
will you left the company once bond is over?
Have you any plan for your own IT Startup?
Why you want to Do job instead of Business?
Where you want to see yourself in 5 years?
What Will you do if we will not select you?
Why you choose GEC instead the private colleges?
Why you choose this technology for your project?

Important Tips:
Be careful while giving answer to the HR. They will ask question based on your answer so you should be prepare with answer of that.
Give Diplomatic answer of all the questions. make sure that you are not clarifying anything about any college/dept./company or specific person.
For more details:
Tark Technologies
Total Rounds - 4

Round 1: Online test

Section 1 : Mixed questions of aptitude,DSA,CN,OS,OOP,C language,html.

Section 2 : one Programs based on Arrays, and sorting.

Find the value which have same numbers of small and large element than that value.
All values are different and total number of element is odd.

Find the difference of second bigger element and second smallest element of array.

Section 3 : Functional implementation for two DSA problem statements with OOP concepts.
Implement functions for calculating different shapes perimeter.
Implement functions for removing given element from encapsulated LinkedList.
Write SQL query like Join, Order By,where,and

Round 2 : Group discussion

You have to solve two problem statement and write there algorithms and discuss with the interviewer.
e.g. You are participate in N KM long marathon it's your first marathon so your speed decrease by 10% of current speed after everykm.
There are many booster dose station available after some km which will increases your current spdee by some % but for that you have to wait for some minutes for your turn.
inputs : 1.length of marathon in km
2.Your starting speed in km/hr
3.Integer array for location of booster Dose e.g. [2,5,8,10]
4.Integer array for Effectiveness of the booster dose station e.g. [5,8,12,9]
5..Integer array for time to wait in minutes to avaiil e,g, [1,1,4,2]
Problem 1 : find minimum time to complete marathon with at most one booster dose. you can tack only one booster dose from one station.
Problem 2 : find minimum time to complete marathon with at most two booster dose. you can tack only one booster dose from one station.

Round 3 : Technical interview

Questions about your resume skills and project.

Ask for a different condition assigned to your project and how to solve them.
Ask in-depth questions about your technical topics and how they can be modeled in OOP.

What is BFS and DFS ?
How to implement model for courier transportation with OOP ?
What is Prim's and Kruskal's algorithm ?
pettern Question.
syntax of ArrayList (how to define it)

Round 4 : HR interview

Your personal details.

Your family details.
Why you choose GECR ?
Your objectives and how to reach them ?
Your hobbies.

Total 8 rounds for SE, 9 rounds for DevOps, 8 rounds for APS

Round - 1 Aptitude
mixed questions of Aptitude and Reasoning

Round - 2 Open Handed Q-A

Questions related your project and Programming languages you know
also there were some moral questions to chech your thougth process
beware and be honest in this as it would be checked during your technical and HR interview and questions may be asked from it

Round - 3 Practical Test

Hacker Rank question - 501 darts
in this type of questions, achieve as many successful testcases as possible and don't leave it

Round - 4 Group Discussion

Social Media - boon or bane
OTT vs Cinema
Online money vs Offline money

Round 5 and 6 were different for each role (DevOps interview has 9 rounds)

Round 5(SE) - Technical Interview

SQL concepts like join, group by
OOPs concepts like inheritence, polymorphism, encapsulation
basics about language mentioned in resume
project related questions
questions related to technical domains of company
Fibonacci series
DSA questions and difference between linear and non-linear data structures
How to implement Linked List in java without collections framework
explain indexing in SQL
explain real world examples of data structures
how to implement queue/stack with linked list/ tree
Explain difference between class & objects, static classes, class variables, instance variables

Round 6(SE) - Code Conversion

you were given a solution in some language that you may know or not know but you have to solve it again in the language that you are not knowing
you can access the internet in this round

Round 5(DevOps) - Technical Interview (same as SE role)

Round 6(DevOps) - Code Conversion (same as SE role)

Round 7(DevOps) - Deployment

You were given some new tool for code deployment like github and you have to perform updation, deletion, rebuild like tasks with it througth terminal

Round 5(APS) - Technical Interview

Common technical questions like SE role and situation based technical questions

Round 6(APS)
You were given some random topic and you have to make brief report and send it to the specified person and you can access internet

Round 7 - conversation with executives

why you studied computer engineering?
why you choose GECR?
Would you like to recomend GEC to juniours?
what is your family background?
what do you do in your free time?
explain anything in which you are having deep knowledge
why do you choose our company?
how was the interview process till now?(it was the first question)
resume related question
what do you think where do you leg in this interview?

Round 8 - HR round
how was the interview process till now?
tell me about your family background
what is your goal in next 5 years?
what do you know about company?
questions related to project(s)
What did you learn from this interview?
Total Rounds : 5

Round 1 : Communication

Round 2 : Technical Round

Technical Questions
Nested Dom Elements (
SQL query which contains group by, having and order by

Round 3 : Aptitude round

Round 4 : Hr Interview

Walk me Through your resume.

Where you see yourself in a future.
Are you a team player ?
Give me a reason for : how you are a team player as well as a team leader.
As a team leader what will you do if your colleagues are not approaching you for problems ?
In which technology you're interested?
Have you done any certification courses?
What will you do if one team member is not working properly ?
In your team if one team member not working properly what will you do?

Round 5 : Technical Interview

Question About Project.

Pillers of OOP in details.
Exception Handling (Nested Try - catch Block).
DBMS Triggers, Cursor.
Indexing in Dbms.
Query of Group by, Join , Union.
What is JavaScript callback ?
Difference between let and var.
Abstarct Class in Details.
Access Modifiers
Have you done oop with javascript ?
Difference between Container and Container fluid.
SKH Algorithms - Software Engineer

Round 1 MCQ Test

Pen/Paper Test, Aptitude + Domain specific Questions

Round 2 Technical Interview

Round 3 Final HR Interview

Vivansh Infotech
frontend developer

Round 1 Aptitude

Aptitude + Reasoning MIx questions + sql + java code mcq

Round 2- Personal Interview Round

1. Introduce Yourself
html+css + js -que.
html tag attributes
event handling in js
let var const difference javascript
position in css
how to change background color using css
how to select html tag in css
how to fix one box in bottom right corner using css
relative absolute in css

function in javascript
promise in javascript
seqvens of resoving promises in javascript
meta tag in html used of meta tag
api call in js
synchronous and asynchronous in javascript
get post method js also use of ..

react js
use of react
use of [ ] condison in useeffect
if we don't use condition in useeffect what happens
props in react js

write a output

let arr = [1,2,3,4,5,3,4,5,6,6,8,7];

let a = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8];
let b = [3,4,5,6];
let arr = [1,2,3,4,5,3,4,5,6,6,8,7];

let a = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8];
let b = [3,4,5,6];
write a code for above arr : unique validation in arr a and duplicate value in arr b
ans = competition like bubble sort

api call in react

Shaligram Infotech - Full Stack Developer

Total 5 Round (For Off Campus)

Round 1 Aptitude

Aptitude + Reasoning MIx questions + Basic English Grammer

Round 2 Technical Interview

Tell me about the introduction and if the mention any project in resume tell about the project.
What is oop?
What are the 4 pillar of oop? and Explain about it.
What is polymorphism and Explain with real time example.
What is inheritance and what the type of the inheritance
Why we didn't use the multple inheritance & hierarchical inheritance in java ? and if we want to use how will achived in java.
What is over loading and what is over ridding method ?
What are the abstraction and encapsulation explain with the real time example
What is sql and ask about basic queries
What are the join and write an basic query of that in paper.
What are the Truncate,delete and Drop and explain difference it.
Can we join the Four table ?

Round 3 Coding Round

In the coding question they are given the P , R and N for theand find the EMI per month if you take an loan for that.

Round 4 Managerial Round

Tell me about yourself and Project Explain in mention in resume

What is your oop
What are 4 main pillar of oop and explain it with real time example
What are the join and type of join and also write the general query for joining table

Round 5 HR Round

Tell about the company and role of the company which your are work further
Discuss about the salary and bond duration
What are the leave you get and how many paid leave you will get during the 1 year.

(For On Campus )

Round 1 Aptitude

Same as off campus

Round 2 Technical + Personal Interview

Same as Off Campus questions

Give difference between == and ===
Explain exception handling and can catch block have return statement? Or any of one try,catch,finally can exist without other two blocks?
Basic javascript questions like difference between var, let and const keyword
Give difference between null and undefined

const a=10;
function example(){
let c=2,b=2;


Tell the expected output
















3 tables customer, order, supplier and their attributes are given write sql to join first two tables, to join three tables with and without using subquery.
Write logic to print prime numbers
Series 1 - 1 2 4 1 1 4 3 2

Series 2 - 1 3 2 2 3 1 4 2
Write logic to convert first series into second.

Basic Star pattern questions

ask about projects and which tech used in projects and ask about that tech
inner join and left join diffrence
subquery in sql
HTML tag questions like wide elements , legend tag

Round 3 Telephonic Interview

Personal Introduction + individual project/ team project related questions

What is SQL ?
What is SQL joins and what are the type of join ?
When we use unique key ?
Difference between primary key and unique key ?
What is use for connecting a table ? ( ans is foreign key)
What is inheritance ? type of inheritance ?
Describe the use of interface.
What is ACID property ?
How many tables are required to perform join operation?
KOOPS Technologies | Business Developer Executive

Round 2-Discussion/Debate

Topic: 1. Is women manager is better than men's?

2.Why Top company ceo is men only
3.introduce yourself

Round 3- Personal Interview Round

1. Introduce Yourself
2.How will you make restaurants owner to come onboard on swiggy platform
3. how will you make a non-tech person to onboard on one of the platform, Insta/whatsapp/gmail
4.what is CRM
5. how long you see yourself to be with our company after bond completion
6. how much salary did you expect to get after you be a manager post?
7. how long will take you to be in manager post

KOOPS Technologies | Web Technology Developer

Round 3- Personal/HR Interview Round

1. Introduce yourself
2. brief explanation your project
3. JavaScript basic question
i). different between let, Var and const
ii) example are given Let,Var and Const. What is print in console log
iii) what is settimeout and setinterval
iv) example are given settimeout and setinterval. what is output?
4. core Java and oops question
i) what is inheritance and which support Java
ii) brief explain polymorphism and its type
iii) what is access modifier?
iv) what is abstraction
5. SQL question
i) given tree and how to make table for this tree
ii) what is trigger?
iii) what is join and explain inner join and left joint
Inara Consultancy Services (ICS)- Software Engineer

Round 1 MCQ round

Round 2 Coding test + Personal interview

Round 3 HR round
eSparkBiz - Software Developer

Round 1 Aptitude (online)

Aptitude + Reasoning + English + Data Structure + DBMS

Round 2 Coding Round ( pen-paper )

Revere Array Program

Print Fibonacci series using Recursion
Check occurrence of each character in Strin
Find second largest element in array
Fnd Intersection in two arrays
Find Vowel and constant in given String
Print 1 to n prime numbers
Using 2 variable to swap numbers
Print Pattern
check given number is palindrome or not.
check given string is palindrome or not.

Round 3 Technical Interview

Ask on Coding Round Program

What are the 4 pillar of oop? and Explain about it.
What are the join and write an basic query of that in paper.
What is Data structure?
Diffrent types of data structure.
What is Stack?
what is Queue?
what is Linked List?
What is sorting Algorithms and its types.
Pesudo Code and Logic of Selection sort, Insertion sort, Bubble sort, Quick sort, merge sort
What is databases and its types.
They give us Table and we perform some queries like update, select, joins and its type, insert, groupby, order by, etc.
Diffrent types of Joins and Explain.
What is Encapsulation?
What is Abstraction?
What is polymorphism?
Types of polymorphism?
Method Overloading and method Overriding diffrence.
What is inheritance?
types of inheritance.
React hooks? if you metioned in resume and in your project.
Questions About Project.
Exception Handling.

Round 4 CTO Round

Tell me about yourself

What is your oop ( Specially ask on Static Keyword )
What are 4 main pillar of oop and explain it with real time example
What are you learn excluding coding ?

Round 5 HR Round

Discuss about Norms of the Company

Discuss about the salary and bond duration
TSS Consultancy Private Limited
Round 1


Round 2(Technical-1)

Find substring's(substring can be repeat) starting index in given pattern

Valid parenthesis

Round 3(Technical-2)

Merge two array but if any elements repeat in array then that element should appears only one time and put zeros in place of repeated elements
String Question (for ex input is 2b2a then output is bbaa)
<Prominent Pixel> - <Web Developer>

Round 1 <Technical 1>

1. Basic of OOPS concepts

2. Mention Project
3. what is synchronous and asynchronous
4. what is props in react.
5. What are the new changes in ES6?
6. let vs var vs const
7. swap two number without third variable
8. In 2D array print only diagonal element
9. Palindrmoe check for string
10. debug const for loop

Round 2 <Technical 2>

1. difference between string and stringbuilder

2. difference between splice and slice in javascript
3. string inbuilt method
4. find second largest element in array
5. Linked list using add number to pointing address
6. Integer store as string variable and that convert in integer variable without in built method.

Round 3 <Technical 3>

1. In 2D array sum of diagonal elements

2. Given two array remove duplicate value and merge to new array without inbuilt method.
3. find pairs between 1 to 1000 for pythagorean theorem
4. minimal coin selection for given amount
<Company Name> - <Position>

Round 1 <MCQ Test>

Round 2 <Coding Test>

Round 3 <Technical Interview>

Round 4 <Personal Interview>

Round 5 <HR Round>

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