Local First Law of Black Hole
Local First Law of Black Hole
Local First Law of Black Hole
Pritam Nanda
Pabitra Tripathy and Prof. Amit Ghosh
Black Hole: B = M − J − (I + ),
Event Horizon: ∆ = ∂B
J= lim ∇α ξ(ϕ) dSαβ (3)
16π St →∞ St
η α ∇α ηβ = eFβγ η γ (7)
The conserved energy and angular momentum of the particle are the
E = −η α tα − eAα tα (8)
L = η α ϕα + eAα ϕα (9)
Where Aα represents the electromagnetic four-potential resulting
from the charge of the black hole.
As the BH absorbs the charged particle results following changes in
the BH,
δJ = L; δQ = e; δM = E (10)
El = −η α γα (12)
For the quasilocal observer, i.e., when d 2 << A one can show that
(using Kerr-Newmann spacetime),
δE = δA (16)
ξ α , the Killing vector, Lie drags both the metric and electromagnetic
field. As a consequence, two constants of motion arise:
ω = kα t α + eAα t α
j = kα ϕα + eAα ϕα
In the previous section, we derived the universal form of the first law
for quasilocal observers under the assumption that the distance d is
very small.
ζRN (d)
δE = δA (28)
Where ζRN (d) is a function of proper distance,
The corresponding local temperature for RN BH can be written as,
κ̃ ζRN (d)
Tloc = = (29)
2π 2π