Geriatrics is the branch of clinical 2. Wear and Tear Theory - Free radicals
medicine specializing in problems ,which are the waste products of
of the elderly. metabolism, accumulate and cause
damage to important biological
Geropsychiatry is the branch of structures
clinical medicine specializing in According to this theory ,these free
psychopathology of the radicals cause DNA damage ,cross-
elderly population linkage of collagen and the
accumulation of age pigment
• A number of theories related to
the aging process have been described. 3. Environmental - According to this
theory ,factors in the environment e.g.;
• These theories are grouped into Industrial carcinogens sunlight ,trauma
2 broad categories. They are: and infection bring about changes in the
aging process
Biological theories attempt to
explain the physical, process of aging 4. Immunity - It describes the age –
,including molecular and cellular related decline in the immune system.
changes in the major organ systems •As people age, their ability to, defend
against foreign organisms decreases,
resulting in susceptibility
to diseases such as cancer and
•Decreased vital capacity, diminished
Cough reflex and laryngeal reflex,
Decreased pulmonary blood flow
Abuse of elderly individuals may be “Successful Ageing is defined as the
-Psychological ability to maintain low risk of disease or
-Physical disability, high mental & physical
-Financial function, and active
engagement with life.”
Insulting The human body essentially lives in a
Harsh commands hostile environment, both externally and
Threats and social isolation internally.
Modern medicine has developed as a
PHYSICAL ABUSE repair response to
Striking ‘breakdown’ or damage, rather
Beating and restraints than as a preventative action.