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03-DG-Section 3 Sewerage System Design-Version 1.0

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Design Guidelines

Section 3

Sewerage System Design

Rev: 01

April 2008

Page 1 of 35

Design Guidelines
Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)


Revision No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Date April 2008 Revision Description / Purpose of Issue First Issue


Design Guidelines

Section 3

Sewerage System Design

Rev: 01

April 2008

Page 2 of 35

Design Guidelines
Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)

3.1 GENERAL ..........................................................................................................5 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.1.5 3.1.6 3.2 APPLICATION ........................................................................................5 SPECIALIST SEWERAGE SYSTEMS ...................................................5 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS.................................................................5 HEALTH AND SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS.........................................6 SITE CONSIDERATIONS ......................................................................7 DELIVERABLES.....................................................................................8

SEWERAGE SYSTEMS.....................................................................................9 3.2.1 PIPE MATERIALS ..................................................................................9 3.2.2 DESIGN CAPACITY ...............................................................................9 3.2.3 LAYOUT OF MANHOLES ......................................................................9 3.2.4 DESIGN OF MANHOLES .....................................................................10 3.2.5 DEPTH OF SEWERS AND STRUCTURAL DESIGN...........................11 Structural Design ..................................................................................11 3.2.6 MINIMUM SEWER SIZE ......................................................................12 3.2.7 HYDRAULIC DESIGN - SEWERS........................................................12 Design Flows ........................................................................................12 Hydraulic Design Equations..................................................................14 3.2.8 STRUCTURAL DESIGN .......................................................................14


PROPERTY CONNECTIONS...........................................................................15 3.3.1 LAYOUT OF WORKS ...........................................................................15 3.3.2 DESIGN OF CHAMBERS.....................................................................15 3.3.3 DEPTH OF PROPERTY CONNECTIONS ...........................................16 3.3.4 HYDRAULIC DESIGN OF PROPERTY CONNECTIONS ....................16 3.3.5 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS.................................................................16 Sand Traps. ..........................................................................................16 Grease Separators ...............................................................................17 Petrol/Oil Interceptors ...........................................................................18


PUMPING STATIONS ......................................................................................19 3.4.1 GENERAL.............................................................................................19 Location of Pumping Stations ...............................................................19 Selection of Equipment .........................................................................20 Determination of Flow Rates ................................................................20 Electrical Equipment .............................................................................20 Environmental Aspects .........................................................................21 Arrangement Considerations ................................................................21 3.4.2 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS...............................................................23 Substructure Configuration ...................................................................23 General Requirements..........................................................................23 3.4.3 PUMPING/FORCE MAINS ...................................................................30 Hydraulic Design...................................................................................30 Other Features......................................................................................32

3.5 3.6

NON DISRUPTIVE METHODS ........................................................................34 SEWER REHABILITATION TECHNIQUES.....................................................34


Design Guidelines

Section 3

Sewerage System Design

Rev: 01

April 2008

Page 3 of 35

Design Guidelines
Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)

3.7 3.8

VACUUM SEWERS .........................................................................................35 USE OF GREY WATER ..................................................................................35


Design Guidelines

Section 3

Sewerage System Design

Rev: 01

April 2008

Page 4 of 35

Design Guidelines
Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)


APPLICATION This guide is for use by design consultants and developers when planning, designing and constructing conventional foul water gravity sewers, property connections and pumping stations (including but not limited to, the pumping/force mains) intended for adoption by ADSSC. There shall be no departures from these guidelines except where formally confirmed by ADSSC; such departures being technically justified or representing advances in knowledge or technology. ADSSC is committed to using new and innovative technologies where they, in ADSSCs opinion, represent the best technical solution, provide low life cycle costs and value for money. All technologies will be considered for use by ADSSC providing they have been proven in terms of performance, quality and cost. ADSSC will approve plans for new systems, extensions to new areas or replacement sewers only when designed upon the separate system, and when they meet the requirements of these guidelines. ADSSC reserve the right not to adopt any system that fails to meet the minimum standards of these guidelines.


SPECIALIST SEWERAGE SYSTEMS The design of vacuum sewerage, sewerage rehabilitation, non-disruptive methods together with special structures (including but not limited to inverted siphons, vortex drop manholes, overflows, energy dissipaters and flow control structures) are outside the scope of this Guide and should be discussed and agreed separately with ADSSC.


DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS The layout of the network shall take account of the following: a) Best use of available reservations shall be made to ensure economy of design. b) Sewer depths shall be sufficient to accommodate not only all existing properties but also any future properties likely to be erected within the area. In certain cases, the depth of basements may need to be borne in mind. c) Where main sewers are laid at considerable depths, it may be more economic to lay shallow rider sewers to receive the local house connections and to connect the riders at a small number of convenient points into the main sewer.


Design Guidelines

Section 3

Sewerage System Design

Rev: 01

April 2008

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Design Guidelines
Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)

d) Consideration should be given to the likely form and method of construction as a consequence of depth and other factors such as nature of ground, groundwater and the proximity of foundations, services, etc. e) Sewers shall generally be kept as short as possible and unproductive lengths avoided. f) Sewer gradients shall be chosen to ensure velocities are high enough to prevent deposition of solid matter in the invert. Gradients shall be maintained without sudden changes.

g) Where a scheme is to be developed in phases, consideration shall be given to the likely flows following the initial stages of construction so that self-cleansing velocities are attained at times of peak flow each day. h) The route and depth of a new sewer shall take account of land where there is a possibility of future development. i) Steep gradients/high velocities shall be avoided to reduce problems of turbulence and the consequent gas/odour release and increased corrosion potential. Adequate access provision for maintenance, sewers shall be laid out in straight lines, as far as is as practical.


k) Consideration shall be given to such aspects as: i. ii. iii. l) The position of other existing or proposed services. The proximity of existing buildings and their foundations. The nature of the road construction.

The impact of the construction of the sewer and subsequent maintenance activities upon road users and the general public.

m) When areas are being improved or redeveloped the possibility of replacing the existing sewerage system shall be considered with a view to its relocation to a more suitable layout. n) Septicity development shall be avoided as far as possible. 3.1.4 HEALTH AND SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS Considerations in design to mitigate risks will include but not be limited to: a) The designer shall develop designs that preclude the need to enter into confined spaces wherever possible. b) Safe access shall be provided to all plant requiring maintenance.


Design Guidelines

Section 3

Sewerage System Design

Rev: 01

April 2008

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Design Guidelines
Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)

c) All aboveground systems shall be fenced off and be inaccessible to the general public. d) Craneage or mobile lifting facilities shall be provided for all heavy equipment. e) Stairways shall be equipped with handrailing and toe plates in accordance with BS 5395 and BS 4592. f) All hazards shall be signposted.

g) Lighting, to the requirements of Section 16200: Luminaires, is to be provided wherever access is required. h) Welfare facilities shall be provided to allow operatives to clean up after maintenance work. i) j) Manholes shall be equipped with covers that are secure yet can be easily removed for maintenance purposes. Flow isolation facilities.

k) Access to long tunnels to allow desilting equipment as necessary. l) Hazardous Area Zoning classification, in accordance with Section 16680 Hazardous Area Applications Guidelines, shall be established for all work carried out on any existing and proposed infrastructure.

m) The Designer shall ensure that all designs comply with the requirements of the ADWEA Health and Safety Manual. 3.1.5 SITE CONSIDERATIONS a) Information on topography, belowground conditions, existing services, service reservations, future development, etc shall be collected. b) Prior to design, the positions of all existing services should be ascertained as accurately as possible and physically checked by exploratory holes if considered necessary. c) Ground investigation should be considered in the light of the knowledge of site conditions already gained and of the probable disposition and depths of excavation. d) At pumping station sites, investigations should establish the historical and predicted maximum flood level and subsoil conditions and physical properties of the soil to a depth of at least 1.5 x depth to station foundation together with safe allowable bearing capacity of formation, the nature of groundwater and its normal level.


Design Guidelines

Section 3

Sewerage System Design

Rev: 01

April 2008

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Design Guidelines
Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)

e) Service reservations are prescribed by Town Planning Department of the Municipality. 3.1.6 DELIVERABLES Design/drawings/plans should be provided to ADSSC for assessment of new systems. These include but are not limited to: a) Location Plan at large and small scale (1:50,000 and 1:5,000 minimum respectively). b) Site Plan (scale 1:500) showing: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Levels related to an agreed datum. Site Boundary. Roads. Sewers and Property Connections. Pumping stations including compound. Pumping Mains. Existing Sewers. Site Contours.

c) Longitudinal Sections (sewers and pumping mains) (scale 1:2500 to 1:500 horizontal and 1:250 to 1:100 vertical) including: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Existing Levels. Proposed Cover and Invert Levels. Pipe Material and Strength. Pipe Diameters. Bedding Details. Air Valves and Washouts.

d) Copies of Hydraulic Calculations showing: i. ii. Foul System. Parameters Used.

e) Construction Details (scale 1:50 and 1:20) showing: i. ii. iii. iv. v. f) Manholes. Chambers. Pumping Stations. Ancillary Structures. Building General Arrangements.

Pumping Station Details (scale 1:50 and 1:20) including: i. ii. iii. General Arrangement. Wet well capacity/storage/start and stop levels. Pumping Main Capacity.


Design Guidelines

Section 3

Sewerage System Design

Rev: 01

April 2008

Page 8 of 35

Design Guidelines
Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)

iv. v. vi.

Structural Calculations and Floatation check. Surge Analysis, if required. Pump curves/pumping regimes.


PIPE MATERIALS Types of pipe materials should be discussed in advance with ADSSC. Guidance regarding pipe materials acceptable to ADSSC is provided in the Design Guidelines, Section 1, General, Appendix 6 Part 3.


DESIGN CAPACITY In general, sewer capacity shall be designed for the estimated ultimate contributing population, except in consideration of parts of the systems that can be readily increased in capacity. A similar consideration shall also be given to the maximum anticipated capacity of institutions, industrial and commercial areas, etc. In determining the required capacity of sewers, the following factors should be considered: a) Maximum hourly domestic sewage flow. b) Additional maximum sewage or waste flow from industrial plants. c) Topography of the area. d) Location of the sewage treatment plant. e) Depth of excavation. f) Pumping requirements.

The basis of design for all sewer projects shall accompany the plan documents. More detailed computation may be required by ADSSC for critical projects. 3.2.3 LAYOUT OF MANHOLES Manholes and sewers should be sited with due regard for other utility services. a) Sewer Manhole Spacing: i. ii. 150mm 200 to 500mm up to 60m. up to 100m.


Design Guidelines

Section 3

Sewerage System Design

Rev: 01

April 2008

Page 9 of 35

Design Guidelines
Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)


600mm and above

up to 120m.

A greater spacing of 120m or more may be used for larger sewers subject to review with ADSSC Operation and Maintenance Division regarding access requirements. b) A manhole should be built at: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. At changes of slope in pipeline. At changes of direction. At junctions including property connections. At changes of pipe diameter. At termination of sewers. At any designated special locations.

c) No connection pipe should enter the manhole at an angle of greater than 90 to the direction of the flow. 3.2.4 DESIGN OF MANHOLES a) Types: i. ii. Refer to standard drawings. ADSSC may consider application of new materials (HDPE, uPVC) for construction of prefabricated manhole, providing that that there is sufficient proof for viability of the application.

b) Manhole cover levels: i. ii. iii. Paved areas cover level = final paved level. Landscaped areas cover level = final ground level +0.1m. Open, unpaved areas cover level = final ground level +0.25m.

c) Manhole covers: i. ii. Rectangular Circular 600mm x 750mm. 750mm diameter.

d) Drop manhole or backdrop connection: i. ii. iii. Use to be limited to unavoidable situations. For a diameter pipe of 150 mm the minimum drop is 0.7 m. See standard drawing.

To avoid odour nuisance, ventilation of the manhole(s) shall be considered.


Design Guidelines

Section 3

Sewerage System Design

Rev: 01

April 2008

Page 10 of 35

Design Guidelines
Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)


DEPTH OF SEWERS AND STRUCTURAL DESIGN Sewers laid within highways shall have a minimum cover of 1.2m, measured from the top of the pipe barrel to the finished road level, to avoid interference with other services. Where this is not practical, special protection may be required. The structural design of the pipeline shall take account of the passage of construction plant as well as normal design loading. a) Minimum cover to pipelines: i. ii. iii. Without protection With protection protection). Under existing services between). 1.2m (depth to top of pipe). 0.5 m (depth to top of 0.3m (minimum distance

b) Protection: i. ii. Concrete bed and surround. Bunds can be used in ground to be raised if initial cover is 1.0 to 1.5m.

A design check shall be carried out when a shallow depth beneath a highway is needed. Structural Design The structural design of buried pipelines shall take the following into consideration: a) Soil loading: Use the Marston formulae b) Superimposed loading: Use highway design standards as appropriate. c) Bedding factors (or load factors): Refer to standard drawings. d) Pipe strength: i. ii. National standards specify strengths for diameters and class of rigid pipe. For flexible pipes, use the Spangler equation. The initial pipe stiffness shall be used for calculating the initial pipe deflection expected after backfilling. For long-term deflection, the pipe


Design Guidelines

Section 3

Sewerage System Design

Rev: 01

April 2008

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Design Guidelines
Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)

stiffness taken as 0.4 initial pipe stiffness for GRP pipes and 0.2 initial pipe stiffness for PVCu pipes. In the areas where high ground water table is encountered, the possibility of flotation shall be considered. 3.2.6 MINIMUM SEWER SIZE The minimum size of gravity sewer conveying raw sewage shall be 150mm nominal internal diameter. 3.2.7 HYDRAULIC DESIGN - SEWERS Potable water consumption was not historically monitored, though the recent introduction of metering systems will eventually allow the production of usage statistics, though they are not yet available for assessment. In this region, a large quantity of potable water has been drawn from the distribution system for use in irrigation purposes both for private developments and by the Public Garden Department. Design Flows a) Per capita flow: Sewer systems shall be designed on the basis of details given in Table 3.2.7 overleaf:


Design Guidelines

Section 3

Sewerage System Design

Rev: 01

April 2008

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Design Guidelines
Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)

Table 3.2.7 Design Flows Development Type Low Cost Residential Medium Cost Residential High Cost Residential Large Villas/Palaces High Rise Educational Hospital 1 Commercial Mosques Wet Industry Dry Industry Army Camps Hotels

Occupancy rate 0 - 16 0 - 16 0 - 16 0 - 50 Number of flats 5 Number of pupils + staff Number of beds + staff Number of staff/visitors Floor area m2 Not applicable Number of staff Number of occupants Number of rooms

Average Daily Flow Litres/Head 180 225 275 275 275 70 350 50 100 Varies to be advised 50 at 8 per m2 100 885 litres per room per day

Number of persons taken as twice the number of beds. b) Peak flow. Sewers shall be designed on a peak flow basis using one of the following methods: i. The ratio of peak to average daily flow as determined from the equation: Qmax / Qave = (18+P) / (4+ P) (where P is the population in thousands) ii. iii. Value established from a study acceptable to ADSSC. Use of other values for peak design flow, if justified on the basis of extensive documentation.


Design Guidelines

Section 3

Sewerage System Design

Rev: 01

April 2008

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Design Guidelines
Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)

Trade Effluent: The discharge of trade effluents to a sewer is subject to conditions prescribed by ADSSC Trade Effluent Policy. Compliance with such conditions may require the discharge to be pretreated. To provide a self-cleansing regime within gravity sewers, the minimum velocity shall be above 0.75 m/s at peak flow. In general, the maximum mean velocity shall not exceed 3 m/s at the design depth of flow. c) Depth of flow: i. ii. iii. The design depth of flow shall be 0.7 of the pipe diameter at peak flow. Minimum flow shall be considered to avoid sedimentation. Maximum flow shall be able to clear sedimentation.

d) Minimum gradient: i. ii. 150mm diameter 200mm diameter 0.75%. 0.30%.

ADSSC O+M Section shall be notified of those locations where gradients are less than those associated with minimum velocity. e) Maximum depth to invert: i. Nominally 10m. Hydraulic Design Equations Design of sewers shall be based on equations such as Manning, ColebrookWhite and Hazen Williams Pipe roughness factors, as follows: a) Manning b) Colebrook-White c) Hazen Williams n = 0.013. ks = 0.6 mm. 140 for pipe diameters >500mm. 135 for pipe diameters <500mm.

Consideration shall be given to dynamic modelling in designing systems for more than 10,000 inhabitants. 3.2.8 STRUCTURAL DESIGN The design of structures associated with sewerage systems shall comply with the requirements of the Design Guidelines Section 1, General paragraphs 1.4.12 to 1.4.14.


Design Guidelines

Section 3

Sewerage System Design

Rev: 01

April 2008

Page 14 of 35

Design Guidelines
Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)


LAYOUT OF WORKS a) Future connection provision: i. A chamber to be constructed in the approved reserve at the boundary of each known plot such that a connection can be made at any time in the future. Approval is required from ADSSC for each connection. Also, stub pipes to be incorporated in selected manholes to facilitate system extension and property connection of possible future development.


b) Chamber Spacing: Spacing of collection chambers and inspection chambers shall be between 20m and 50m where practical. c) General arrangement: Each plot to drain separately to an inspection chamber outside the boundary. 3.3.2 DESIGN OF CHAMBERS a) Classification: i. ii. Refer to standard drawings. Non-standard chambers may be required to accommodate the arrangement and number of outlets from the property internal drainage layout, and in restricted areas where plan area/depth requirements are not available.

b) Chamber cover levels: i. ii. iii. Paved areas Landscaped areas +0.1m. Open and unpaved areas +0.25m. cover level = final paved level. cover level = final ground level cover level = final ground level

c) Chamber covers (minimum sizes): i. Rectangular 600mm x 600mm


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Section 3

Sewerage System Design

Rev: 01

April 2008

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Design Guidelines
Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)

d) Venting: Should be provided at head chamber of every branch if not already installed within the property and should extend to 1m above roof of building 3.3.3 DEPTH OF PROPERTY CONNECTIONS a) Minimum Cover: i. Without protection ii. With protection iii. Under existing services services) 1.2m (depth to top of pipe). 0.5m (depth to top of protection). 0.3m (minimum clearance between

If plot internal system requires, then minimum cover with protection can be reduced to 0.3m. b) Protection: i. ii. 3.3.4 Concrete bed and surround. When at shallow depth beneath the highway then a design check shall be carried out.

HYDRAULIC DESIGN OF PROPERTY CONNECTIONS a) Minimum diameter: To be 150mm. b) Design Gradient: i. ii. Minimum Maximum 1%. 10%.


SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Sand Traps. Sand traps shall be installed on property connections, where required, and approved by ADSSC. a) Location: The trap shall be installed at the upstream end of the property connection and upstream of the grit separator or petrol interceptor. It shall be located to afford adequate access for maintenance and emptying.


Design Guidelines

Section 3

Sewerage System Design

Rev: 01

April 2008

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Design Guidelines
Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)

b) Capacity: As per German Standard DIN 1999 Part 2, provide recommended minimum capacities for flows up to 6 l/s as given in Table 3.3.5. Table 3.3.5 Sand Traps Capacities

Flow (l/s)

2 1000 800 520

3 1400 800 840

4 1750 1000 1400

5 2000 1000 1800

6 2500 1000 2500

Internal Dimensions mm

Minimum Capacity litres (l)

In addition, the minimum capacity for car wash plants should be 5,000 litres even when the rate of flow is under 6l/s. These capacities assume an emptying schedule ensures that only half the trap capacity has been utilised and a maximum interval of six months. For a more frequent emptying schedule of say once per month, the following guidelines can be used: i. ii. iii. For every l/s wastewater throughflow, a multiple of 100 litres of trap capacity shall be provided for an anticipated small accumulation of sediment. For every l/s wastewater throughflow, a multiple of 200 litres of trap capacity shall be provided for an anticipated normal accumulation of sediment. For every l/s wastewater throughflow, a multiple of 300 litres of trap capacity shall be provided for an anticipated large accumulation of sediment. Grease Separators Property connections to such premises as catering establishments, butchers and meat factories, fish processing establishments and some aspects of slaughter houses first require the elimination of grease. The wastewater shall be taken to a grease separator prior to connection to the sewer.


Design Guidelines

Section 3

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Rev: 01

April 2008

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Design Guidelines
Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)

a) Location: Grease separators should be provided as closely as possible to the outlet from the premises and wherever possible in the open and away from traffic but readily accessible for cleaning. b) Arrangement: Provision of the following is emphasised. i. ii. iii. iv. v. Adequate ventilation. Odour seals to upstream outlets like flow drains and to the separator outlet. Secure covers. Adequate access to all parts requiring maintenance including the inlet and outlet pipes. A minimum gradient of 1 in 50 on the inlet pipe.

c) Capacity: Provide, according to German Standard DIN 4040, a period of retention of wastewater in the separation compartment as follows: i. ii. iii. 3 minutes minimum for 2 l/s to 9 l/s throughflow. 4 minutes minimum for 10 l/s to 19 l/s throughflow. 5 minutes minimum for 20 l/s and over throughflow.

For example, a catering establishment serving 400 hot meals per day will discharge a peak flow of around 4 l/s. A further 0.25 l/s should be added for every additional 100 heads. d) Other Considerations Also, consider the following: i. ii. Compartment water surface shall be 0.25m2 per l/s inflow. Ratio of width and length shall be 1:1.8. Petrol/Oil Interceptors Petrol interceptors shall be provided on the outlets from vehicle washing bays, maintenance areas and the like, prior to connection to the sewer. a) Location: Interceptors must be installed as closely as possible to the point of wastewater source. Adequate access is essential so that the removal of its contents can be conveniently and effectively carried out. Interceptors shall not be installed in closed premises.


Design Guidelines

Section 3

Sewerage System Design

Rev: 01

April 2008

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Design Guidelines
Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)

b) Arrangement: Provision of the following shall be taken into consideration. i. ii. iii. iv. Adequate ventilation. Odour seals at inlet and outlet. Secure, non-inflammable covers. Uniform flow through the separation compartment.

Note: i. ii. iii. Domestic wastewater shall not be taken to the interceptor. Pumping installations must be located after the separation of the petrol/oil. Collection chambers are normally provided into which the separated petrol/oil is drawn off. This enables further separation in a non-agitated environment.

c) Capacity: Comply with the following recommendations: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. For vehicle washing facilities allow 2 l/s per wash line. Size of separator should be based on double the wastewater flow. For light liquids, retention time shall be a minimum of 3 minutes up to a design flow of 20 l/s. For higher flows, an additional minute can be added per 10 l/s increase. For vehicle maintenance bays where heavier liquids can be expected, the retention time should be increased to 6 or even 9 minutes. Width to length ratio should be 1:1.8. Specialist input should be sought for the provision of a purposedesigned interceptor for wastewater from commercial or industrial manufacturing processes.


GENERAL Location of Pumping Stations Pumping stations shall be readily accessible by maintenance vehicles during all weather conditions. The facility should be located off the trafficway of streets and alleys. Pumping stations shall be generally of the submersible type designed in accordance with typical pumping station layout drawings in the Standard Drawing Section 6 and with Section 15030: Pumpsets and Associated Equipment.


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Rev: 01

April 2008

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Design Guidelines
Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)

Pumping stations structures and electrical and mechanical equipment shall be protected from physical damage and fully operational and accessible during a 25-year flood. Selection of Equipment Commercially available standard pumps shall be chosen and they shall be capable of impeller adjustment to modify output. Pump type, size and numbers shall be selected to achieve the desired maximum and minimum pumping rates and so accommodate the variations in rate of discharge from the station. Pumping stations serving only a small tributary area shall have a minimum of two identical units, either one capable of handling the design flow. In large stations, the number of duty pump and standby units shall be chosen appropriate to the strategic importance of the station. The possible consequences of pump failure at a time of peak incoming flow or with one pumpset undergoing maintenance at such a time shall be considered. Determination of Flow Rates In pump selection, the following flow rates shall be considered: a) The design peak flow. b) The initial and design average flow. The pumps shall be capable of handling the design peak flow. The initial and design average flow rates shall be considered for efficient operation of the pumping equipment. In addition, low flow rates shall also be considered when sizing the force main to ensure that settlement does not occur and cause blockages. Electrical Equipment

Electrical equipment located in the wet well shall be suitable for use under corrosive conditions and be rated for a hazardous area in accordance with Section 16680: Hazardous Area Applications Guideline. Where cables pass through hazardous area boundaries, suitable precautions shall be taken to prevent the passage of flammable gasses, vapours or liquids across the boundary. This shall be achieved via a proprietary gas tight seal or transit system. The method of sealing hazardous area boundaries shall take due consideration of operational and maintenance requirements.


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April 2008

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Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)

Where the sealing on a hazardous area boundary is likely to be modified on a regular basis, the selected method of sealing the boundary shall be suitable for regular modification whilst retaining a gas tight seal. A fused disconnecting switch located aboveground shall be provided for all pumping stations. It shall be protected to NEMA IP65 or equivalent. Environmental Aspects

Pumping stations are conspicuous by their function and every effort should be made to disguise them and reduce their environmental impact to a minimum. Architectural and layout design and materials shall be chosen for access roads, boundary walls, building superstructures and landscaping to ensure that the general appearance of the aboveground structures blend in naturally with the neighbouring arrangements. Odour control is of primary importance to ensure that such nuisance does not arise. Arrangement Considerations The following shall be incorporated so that the pumping station installation facilitates operations and maintenance work: a) Provision of facilities and standards of equipment that are considered suitable and acceptable to the Abu Dhabi environment and are necessary in the types of pumping stations adopted. b) Provision of all necessary health, safety and welfare features appropriate to the numbers of personnel and the frequency of visits to the station. c) Where applicable, duplication of incoming sewers, inlet sumps, valves, penstocks, control panels, pumps and incoming power supplies. d) Pump operation shall be automatically controlled using a wet well level sensing system which sequences pump operation with the rise and fall of the water surface. e) Consideration of planned capacity in relation to development phasing. f) Appropriate wet well and sewer inlet design to minimise free fall of influent at entry, turbulence, surface vortices and air entrainment and so reduce odour emission, corrosive potential of the atmosphere and possible pump cavitation. For large stations, model tests shall be considered.

g) The wet well volume between high level and low level and the number of pumps should be such that the pumps will not be cycled more often than


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Section 3

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Rev: 01

April 2008

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Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)

recommended by the manufacturer and that the retention time of the sewage will be as short as possible. h) The lower part of the wet well or sump shall be shaped to suit pump suction and to prevent deposition of grit and sewage solids. i) Efficiently designed, all-flanged pipework shall include the following: i. ii. iii. iv. v. j) Suitably robust pipework support and anchorage, Drainage facilities for emptying isolated pumps and pipework, Cross connections and valves to enable suction lines to be backflushed, Flexible and dismantling couplings. Station bypass connections.

Provision of a valve chamber separate from the wet well to accommodate differential settlement.

k) The valve chamber shall be provided with a gravity drain into the wet well with the discharge of the drain protected by a flap valve or other isolating device. l) Each pumpset shall be supported from, and automatically coupled to, the outlet pipework by its own weight and shall be positively guided during installation and removal operations.

m) The guide system shall allow the pumpset to be raised to the top of the wet well without the need to undo any fixing arrangements or enter the wet well. n) Liberal dimensional tolerance in level and location for all installed items, such that they can be conveniently fitted together and fixed to the associated structure. o) Good access facilities to and working space around all equipment. p) Adequate access openings for the introduction and removal of all operational and safety items. q) Adequate ventilation to all areas to be accessed. r) Exhausted gases from the wet well should to be deodorised before discharge to the atmosphere.

s) Provision of adequate lighting and electrical power points for portable lights and tools. t) Hosing facilities for cleaning.

u) Floor drainage in the pump well and valve chambers.


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Section 3

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April 2008

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Design Guidelines
Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)

v) Provision for emptying the wet well and any other vessels. w) Good access to site for vehicles and plant for maintenance and emergency considerations. x) Provision of irrigation connection to wet well for flushing. y) For pumping stations forwarding significant quantities of grease, ensure the upstream network has adequate provision for grease removal. 3.4.2 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Substructure Configuration a) Unless specific or special circumstances prevail, the arrangement shall be circular. Refer to standard and typical drawings. b) In all cases, the ground floor slab level shall be 300mm above predicted maximum flood level. c) Pump start/stop levels shall be spaced to suit a pumping regime that produces the best compromise between stop/starts and continuous flow. The minimum live volume in the sump per pump is: V = 0.25 QT where Q is the pump capacity and T is the minimum on/off cycle time offered by the pump manufacturer. d) For an installation with several identical duty pumps, the start and stop levels of all the pumps differ by a constant value determined by the characteristics of the control system. The difference in levels should be large enough to eliminate accidental pump starts and is normally in the range 200mm to 300mm. e) The inlet arrangement shall minimise turbulence and hence emission of gases. f) Side slopes to wet well benching should be a minimum of 40 to 45 .
o o General Requirements a) The design shall cater for future increases in peak flow by suitable sizing of pump casings within a range to permit upsizing of impellers. b) Consideration shall be given to provide a suitable high level emergency overflow/bypass to prevent flooding of structures during emergency conditions.


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Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)

c) Three pumping station types, related to design flow, have been identified: Type 1 - Design flow up to 100 l/s. Type 2 - Design flow greater than 100 l/s up to 300 l/s. Type 3 - Design flow greater than 300 l/s. d) The factors and general requirements for each type of pumping station are given in Tables 3.4.2 a to 3.4.2 g inclusive.


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Table 3.4.2 a Design Parameters General Requirement Minimum number of duty pumps Minimum number of standby pumps Pumping Station Type 1 1 1 Pumping Station Type 2 2 1 Pumping Station Type 3 3 1

Control Philosophy
Service rating for Civils Service rating for pumps Type of impeller Solids handling capacity Running hours per day per pump Pipework velocity at: Maximum flow Minimum flow Maximum velocity through valves Maximum speed for pumps over 5l/s Maximum speed for small pumps up to 5l/s

Number of pumps depends on flow regime favoured Pumps to duty rotate after each start/stop cycle (see Section 16640: Control Philosophy Sewage Pumping Stations) 30 years design life 15 years design life Mixed flow 100mm 8 to 10 hours

2.5m/s 1.0m/s 2.5m/s 1500rpm 3000rpm


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Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)

Table 3.4.2 b Wet Well Arrangement General Requirement Number of wells Number inlets Inlet control Screens Pumping Station Type 1 1 1 Pumping Station Type 2 2 2 Penstock motorised or manual To be used only where required when possibility of large size material is anticipated Raked Either Raked Manual or Motorised Automatic Automatic Submersible type and used as an alternative to screens To be included (or other suitable arrangement to reduce turbulence and odour) Manual Protective coatings internally and externally Shaped to suit pump suctions and to prevent deposition of solids Temporary Access used Landings, handrailing and ladders provided only if directed by ADSSC Pumping Station Type 3 2 2

Macerators Inlet baffle Station pipework Benching Access Deodorisers Internal finish Lifting equipment

Activated carbon or chemical scrubbing units depending on H2S concentration anticipated Protective liners or coatings Portable davit or fixed frame Fixed motorised overhead lifting equipment to be provided.


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Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)

Table 3.4.2 c Dry Well Arrangement General Requirement Number of pumps and arrangement Pumping Station Type 1 1 duty 1 standby Pumping Station Type 2 1 duty 1 standby Pumping Station Type 3 2 duty 1 standby

At least 1m clear access around pumps Station pipework Suction line control Delivery line control Station bypass Sump pump provision Access Internal finishes Lifting equipment Protective coatings internally and externally Isolation valves required Isolation valves and NRVs required. Throttling valves not recommended. All valves manual unless size requires motorisation. Provision to be considered for each installation Required if return drain to wet well not included Safe access required by man hoist and appropriate harness system Protective liners or coatings Fixed motorised overhead lifting Portable davit equipment to be provided

Table 3.4.2 d Superstructure General Requirement Wet well no superstructure Wet well with superstructure Pumping Station Type 1 Pumping Station Type 2 Pumping Station Type 3

RC cover slab with protective coating to underside. Openings with covers and sealing plates sized and located to suit access needs. Construction of control room Not applicable Not applicable integral with pump well


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Table 3.4.2 e External Works General Requirement Minimum area of land required Delineation of boundary Vent locations Markers Signage Exterior Lighting Interior Lighting Access Landscaping Services Pumping Station Type 1 100m2 Pumping Station Type 2 400 m2 Pumping Station Type 3 900m2

Preferably wall with pedestrian and vehicular access for operation and maintenance To be located away from the control room Underground services are to be appropriately signed Required Required (switchable). Light pollution outside the boundary to be minimised. Required for control room, etc. (switchable). At least 6m wide turning circle with hardstanding for vehicles preferably with loading bay ADSSCs instructions to be obtained Telephone lines for outstation telemetry Telephone lines for outstation telemetry and hand set water supply for mess room and possible irrigation

Watchman facilities

Toilet facilities required on all, plus fully-equipped mess room on larger stations.


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Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)

Table 3.4.2 f Ancillaries General Requirement Small power and lighting provisions Fire protection and detection (detectors, alarms, portable hose reel system, electrical protection) Earthing system Standby generator Welfare facilities WED supply Transformer requirements Vehicular access to sump to clean sand debris Ventilation equipment for personnel and auxiliary cooling Air conditioning Surge protection and auxiliary equipment Note: 1) Where a fixed standby generator is provided, it shall comply with the requirements of Section 15060: Diesel Engine Generator System. 2) Where provision for a mobile generator is included, sufficient external space shall be provided to adequately accommodate the generator, its associated cabling and any refuelling needs without compromising any other requirement for vehicular access and parking. Not applicable Not applicable Pumping Station Type 1 Pumping Station Type 2 Pumping Station Type 3

Full internal and external site lighting. All stairways and landings to be provided with emergency lighting. Fire detection and alarm Fire detection, alarm and optional firefighting system Fire detection, alarm and fire fighting system

All pumping stations to rely on earth rods. It is recommendation to use a TN-S system. Always provide socket for portable generator. To be provided Possible space requirement Always required to access sump Provide minimum air change capacity of 15 per hour during maintenance. 5 per hour at other times. Permanent generator required

Portable only

Air conditioning of Control Panel rooms only To be reviewed on a scheme by scheme basis Always provided


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Table 3.4.2 g Instrumentation General Requirement Wet well water level sensor Wet well H2S level sensor SCADA equipment Pumping Station Type 1 Pumping Station Type 2 Pumping Station Type 3

Ultrasonic level detection for sump level monitoring and pump control Required Provide data transmission through Etisalat lines compatible with existing system Running/stopped. Isolated/Power on Running/stopped Healthy/Tripped Isolated/Power on Larger motor units will be fitted Healthy/Tripped with temperature monitors for alarm and protection circuits Electromagnetic flowmeters to provide integrated flow None If motorised valves then valve status indication provided

Pumping monitoring

Flow monitoring Valve status indication 3.4.3 PUMPING/FORCE MAINS Hydraulic Design a) Design basis: The following equations shall be used: i. ii. iii. Manning. Colebrook-White. Hazen Williams.

b) Pipe roughness factors for the above are as follows: i. ii. iii. Manning Colebrook-White Hazen Williams n = 0.0075. ks = 0.15mm (for velocity 1.1 to 1.8m/s). ks = 0.3mm (for velocity less than 1.1m/s). 140 for pipe diameters >500mm. 135 for pipe diameters< 500mm.

Energy losses through fittings given as equivalent pipe length i.e. factor pipe diameter as given in Table 3.4.3 overleaf:


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Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)

Table 3.4.3 Energy Losses through Fittings Fitting Non Return Valve Gate Valve Butterfly Valve Radial Tee Tee Piece Taper 15-60 angle Bellmouth exit 22 Bend (r = d) 45 Bend (r = d) 90 Bend (r = d) 22 Bend (r = 7d) 45 Bend (r = 7d) 90 Bend (r = 7d) a) Minimum velocity: 1.0m/sec. b) Maximum velocity: 2.5m/sec. c) Minimum gradient: None. d) Minimum pipe diameter: 100mm. e) Maximum bend: i. ii. f) 90 with radius to suit deflection measurement requirements. Sharp bends to be avoided as much as possible. Factor 45 7 45 22 54 22 9 7 14 34 5 9 18

For surge protection, the maximum negative pressure is 1.0m water head.

g) Means of surge control: i. ii. Air valves shall be used, as required. Regulating vessels are the preferred method of regulating surge. The use of regulating valve shall only be considered as a final option.


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Air valves along the main are not to be included in surge analysis.

h) For surge analysis, pressure and velocity changes can be calculated by the Joukowskey equation or an approved equivalent. i) j) Pump flywheels are not suitable for submersible type pumps. Septicity: Measures to avoid septicity shall be considered. Typically, they consist of: i. ii. iii. iv. Adherence to Section 16640: Control Philosophy Sewage Pumping Stations. Reduced system retention time by smaller diameter pumping mains. Reduced pumping stations storage volumes small enough to prevent deposition but large enough to permit good pump suction. Chemical dosing (to lessen OPEX costs only to be used where other measures are deemed inadequate). Other Features a) Minimum cover: i. ii. Without protection With protection 1.2m (depth to top of pipe). 0.5m (depth to top of protection).

b) Pipe bedding: Refer to the standard drawings. c) Pipeline protection: Use of concrete slab, where required. d) Thrust blocks: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Refer to the standard drawings. Check manufacturers recommendations for maximum bend without restraint. Wherever possible, blocks shall take the form of a cradle wedged against the undisturbed trench side and design based on the safe bearing pressure of the ground. Piling may be required to achieve support from the ground at depth, subject to results of soils investigation. Arrangement should not impede flexibility or expansion. Check for friction factor of safety 1.5, sliding factor of safety 2.0, overturning factor of safety 2.0 and bearing capacity.

e) Washouts: i. ii. Shall be installed at all low points along the pumping main. Refer to the standard drawings.


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Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)


Air valves: i. ii. iii. iv. At all high points along pumping main. At changes in grade. At minimum 500m spacing. Also, at selected locations to suit isolation and emptying of the main, including in the vicinity of the pumping station so that the station pipework can be dismantled without emptying the whole main. Refer to the standard drawings.


g) A Cleaning chamber shall be provided at the start of the main in the vicinity of the pumping station for all pipe diameters, and additionally for 100mm and 150mm diameter mains chambers are to be provided at 200m spacing. h) Discharge chamber: i. ii. iii. i) Shall be arranged so as to avoid turbulence or splashing. Vertical drop pipes shall be avoided and the end of the pumping main shall always be full. Surfaces of the structure shall be suitably protected against corrosion. Refer to the standard drawings.

Twin mains: i. ii. iii. iv. As required, to accommodate the short-term/long-term requirements of the pumping arrangement. Duplication could be limited to critical lengths if restraints are applied. Also used where pump characteristics do not lend themselves to combined working through a single main. A space between the mains shall ensure no interaction.


Crossover chambers: They shall be at selected locations for isolation and emptying and hence are dependent on the individual configuration of a project.

k) Marker Posts are to be provided at bends, features and crossings.


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Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)



Use of the NDM technology, as an alternative to the traditional method of open-cut method, will be employed where excavating the trench is not feasible, based on ADSSC approval. Selection of the trenchless technique should be made on the basis of analysing soil conditions, suitability of the method, risks involved, related costs of the works, effects on the environment and disruption to others in the area. In major road crossings, possible settlement can be decisive criteria, and based on the approval of ADSSC and concerned authorities. The following documents deal with the subject and can provide some guidance: Guidelines and Requirements for Planning and Design of NDRC. - Abu Dhabi Municipality. Guide to Pipe Jacking and Microtunnelling Design - Pipe Jacking Association, 1987. Trenchless construction for underground services - CIRIA Special Publication No.127, 1987. Trenchless and Minimum Excavation Techniques. Planning and selection CIRIA Special Publication No.147, 1998. BS EN 14457: 2004 General Requirements for Components Specifically Designed for Use in Trenchless Construction of Drains and Sewers.



Sewer rehabilitation techniques expanded significantly in the recent 20 years using new materials and methods of applications. Selection of the method should be carried out after investigation hydraulic, environmental and structural aspects of the sewerage network. Good guides are Sewerage Rehabilitation Manual by WRc, the most recent edition 2000, BS EN 13566 Plastic piping systems for renovation of underground non-pressure drainage and sewerage networks, parts 1 to 4 and 7. It is important to consider the behaviour of the pipeline after rehabilitation in view of the changed cross section. Currently acceptable systems for the rehabilitation of sewers are considered to be: a) Cured in place pipe liner. b) Deformed and reformed high density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe liner. c) Spiral-wound pipe liner with stainless steel reinforcement. sewers of 250mm diameter and greater. d) Sliplining. Only for


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Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC)

e) Pipe bursting / Pipe splitting / Pipe eating With progress in technology, ADSSC may accept new materials and working methods.


Vacuum sewers comprise a system of conveying the waste water using an air-stream generated by vacuum for transfer of the effluent. This new technology in known to ADSSC but has had limited application to date in the Emirate. Vacuum sewers are generally used in areas of low density population, areas of flat terrain or where ground water levels are high and where conventional gravity systems may not be economical. This technology is currently not widely used by ADSSC and its selection would only be considered following a detail evaluation of technical, environmental, operational, maintenance and economical aspects. Approval shall be sought from ADSSC before selection.



Grey water is generally defined as Wash water from domestic properties other than toilet and kitchen wastes. It can be used for irrigation although it requires full treatment if stored and can cause a health risk if not treated properly. There are additional costs related to the separate plumbing / drainage system and storage / treatment facilities, and grey water systems present a much higher capital cost due to the doubling of collection systems and the deepening of the conventional sewerage network to deal with the stronger and more concentrated black water. In addition, there is currently no clear legal framework for the regulation and proper control of grey water systems. Separate systems for grey water are attractive in some countries, as conservation techniques, when treated sewage effluent is discharged to the marine environment or local water bodies. In Abu Dhabi Emirate, all sewage effluent is treated to irrigation standard. It is therefore considered to be best practice in Abu Dhabi for grey water to be directed to the sewer, where it will receive treatment that is better and more cost-effective than that provided by an in-situ plant, where the water will in any case be used for irrigation (wherever possible) and where the risks to human health are minimised.



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