g5 Standards Practice 7.3

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© Howton mn Hct ishing Corea Lesson 7.3 Name Fraction and Whole Number Multiplication ‘common cone STANDARD CC5:e-40 ‘Apply and extend previous urdestanngs af mulpliavon a dion 19 mult and die ractons Find the product. Write the product in simplest form. 21 waxd 2 22x3- 3 5 4x3 20 1 20 = 28, or 23 3 5 1 4 3x9- 5 axd= a 7xte a a 1 0. 4x3 i bx7= 2 4x6 Problem Solving FZ) 13. Leah makes aprons to sell ata craft fair 14, The gas tank of Mr. Tanaka's car holds She needs 3 yard of material to make each 415 gallons of gas. He used 3 of a tank of apron. How much material does Leah need gas last week. How manyy gallons of gas to make 6 aprons? did Mt. Tonaka use? Chapter 7 P149 Lesson Check «c.s.nras) 1. Atthe movies, Liz eats of a box of popcorn. Her friend Kyra eats two times as much popcorn as Li eats How much of a box of popcorn does Kyra eat? ® © © Spiral Review (ccsnora,ccsner7,cesnts,ccs.nr2) 3. Which is the best estimate for the ‘quotient? (Wesson 53) 5913 = 29 @® about 2 about 3 © about 20 © about 30 5. Eric jogged 34 miles on Monday, 5f miles cn Tuesday, and 8 miles on Wednesday. Suppose he continues the pattem forthe remainder ofthe week. How far wil Eric jog on Friday? @esson 6.8) @® 10} mites @® 103 mites © 12§ mites © 125 mites P150 2 6 EST REP Intakes Ed 45 minutes to complete his science homework It takes him 2 as long to complete his math homework. How long does ittake Ed to complete his math homework? ® 15 mines ® 30 minutes © 9 minutes © 120 minutes Sandy bought 3 yard of ed bbon end 3 yard of white bon to make some har hows, ‘Aliogethes, how mary yarés of rbbon ‘she buy? (Lesson 6.5) ® fryars ® yard © 18 yards © 17, yards Sharon bought 25 pounds of ground beef and made 100 hamburger patties of ‘equal weight. What is the weight of each hamburger patty? (tesson 5:1) ® 0.025 pound ® 0.25 pouna © 25 pounds © 2,500 pounds Howson mn Hac Raina Coren)

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