Factory Talk Transaction Manager 2007 User Guide
Factory Talk Transaction Manager 2007 User Guide
Factory Talk Transaction Manager 2007 User Guide
Supersedes Publication RSSQL-UM001E-EN-P
Customer Support Telephone 1.440.646.3434 Online Support http://www.rockwellautomation.com/support 2007 Rockwell Automation Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in USA. This document and any accompanying Rockwell Software products are copyrighted by Rockwell Automation Technologies, Inc. Any reproduction and/or distribution without prior written consent from Rockwell Automation Technologies, Inc. is strictly prohibited. Please refer to the license agreement for details.
Trademark Notices
Allen-Bradley, FactoryTalk, PLC-2, PLC-3, PLC-5, Rockwell Automation, Rockwell Software, RSLinx, RSView, and the Rockwell Software logo are registered trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc. The following logos and products are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.: RSBizWare, the RSBizWare logo, RSBizWare Historian, FactoryTalk Historian Classic, RSBizWare Scheduler, and FactoryTalk Scheduler, Data Highway Plus, DH+, RSView, FactoryTalk View, RSView Studio, FactoryTalk View Studio, RSView Machine Edition, RSView Supervisory Edition, RSView32, FactoryTalk Activation, FactoryTalk Administration Console, FactoryTalk Alarms and Events, FactoryTalk Automation Platform, FactoryTalk Services Platform, FactoryTalk Audit, FactoryTalk Diagnostics, FactoryTalk Directory, FactoryTalk Live Data, RSAssetSecurity, FactoryTalk Security, RSBizWare PlantMetrics, FactoryTalk Metrics, RSSql, FactoryTalk Transaction Manager, RSLinx Classic and RSLinx Enterprise
Other Trademarks
ActiveX, Microsoft, Microsoft Access, SQL Server, Visual Basic, Visual C++, Visual SourceSafe, Windows, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, and Windows XP are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Adobe, Acrobat, and Reader are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. ControlNet is a registered trademark of ControlNet International. DeviceNet is a trademark of the Open DeviceNet Vendor Association, Inc. (ODVA). Ethernet is a registered trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation, Intel, and Xerox Corporation. OLE for Process Control (OPC) is a registered trademark of the OPC Foundation. Oracle, SQL*Net, and SQL*Plus are registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders and are hereby acknowledged.
This product is warranted in accordance with the product license. The products performance may be affected by system configuration, the application being performed, operator control, maintenance and other related factors. Rockwell Automation is not responsible for these intervening factors. The instructions in this document do not cover all the details or variations in the equipment, procedure, or process described, nor do they provide directions for meeting every possible contingency during installation, operation, or maintenance. This products implementation may vary among users. This document is current as of the time of release of the product; however, the accompanying software may have changed since the release. Rockwell Automation, Inc. reserves the right to change any information contained in this document or the software at anytime without prior notice. It is your responsibility to obtain the most current information available from Rockwell when installing or using this product.
Table of contents
1 Welcome to FactoryTalk Transaction Manager................................. 1
What is FactoryTalk Transaction Manager? ................................................................... What can FactoryTalk Transaction Manager do for me?................................................ Automate data logging............................................................................................. Control the plant floor using business rules and quality enforcement .................... Manage recipes ........................................................................................................ Understanding FactoryTalk Transaction Manager concepts........................................... Transaction Control Manager service...................................................................... Transaction Manager service and control connectors ............................................. Enterprise connectors .............................................................................................. Configuration Server ............................................................................................... Transactions............................................................................................................. FactoryTalk ..................................................................................................................... FactoryTalk Services Platform components............................................................ FactoryTalk Directory...................................................................................... FactoryTalk Live Data ..................................................................................... FactoryTalk Administration Console............................................................... FactoryTalk Audit and Diagnostics ................................................................. FactoryTalk Security........................................................................................ Intended audience............................................................................................................ Where can I go for help? ................................................................................................. Online help .............................................................................................................. Product manual ........................................................................................................ FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Answer Station................................................. Training ................................................................................................................... Technical support .................................................................................................... When you call .................................................................................................. On-site support................................................................................................. Consulting services .......................................................................................... Contact us......................................................................................................... 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9
Activation .............................................................................................................. Activate using FactoryTalk Activation .......................................................... Activate using EvRSI Activation................................................................... Grace period................................................................................................... Activation options.................................................................................................. FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Lite.......................................................... FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Demo ...................................................... FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Trial ........................................................ Summary ........................................................................................................ Installing FactoryTalk Transaction Manager software ................................................. Distributed FactoryTalk Transaction Manager installations .................................
13 13 14 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 18
Assembling pending edits...................................................................................... From the main FactoryTalk Transaction Manager user interface.................. From the FactoryTalk Data Point dialog........................................................ From the Pending Transaction Definition dialog........................................... From the Pending Edit Alerts dialog.............................................................. Canceling pending edits......................................................................................... Pending edit alerts ................................................................................................. How does a pending edit alert occur? ............................................................ Creating a configuration that uses online edits ............................................................. Editing data points in a running configuration that uses online edits.................... Adding new data points.................................................................................. Editing existing data points............................................................................ Saving data point pending edits ..................................................................... Assembling data point pending edits ............................................................. Canceling data point pending edits ................................................................ Editing transactions in a running configuration that uses online edits .................. Saving transaction pending edits.................................................................... Assembling transaction pending edits............................................................ Viewing transaction differences..................................................................... Canceling transaction pending edits ..............................................................
72 72 72 73 73 73 74 74 75 76 76 76 77 77 77 78 79 79 80 81
Increasing performance ................................................................................................. Control system ....................................................................................................... Database................................................................................................................. FactoryTalk Transaction Manager......................................................................... Hardware and operating environment ...................................................................
88 88 88 89 90
At FactoryTalk Transaction Manager start up..................................................... Scenario 1: You have a Windows-linked user account................................ Scenario 2: You have a FactoryTalk user account and are logged into the FactoryTalk Directory .............................................................................. Scenario 3: You do not have a Windows-linked user account .................... When using FactoryTalk Transaction Manager .................................................. Scenario 1: You have a Windows-linked user account................................ Scenario 2: You do not have a Windows-linked user account .................... Writing product-specific security privileges from a previous release to a file.... Map old product-specific security privileges to the new FactoryTalk Security permissions ...................................................................
D Glossary............................................................................................ 111
Control the plant floor using business rules and quality enforcement
FactoryTalk Transaction Manager provides the interface for a repository of business rules. A business rule can be any logic required to run your plant such as product specifications or quality parameters. By placing business rules in a database or COM+ server in a central location, the rules are easier to manage within an enterprise system. Additionally, the software can assure quality data to meet the requirements of todays advanced manufacturing companies.
Manage recipes
FactoryTalk Transaction Manager moves data (for example, recipe information) from a database to an HMI or control system.
In a configuration that uses online edits, the Transaction Control Manager service performs the duties of the Transaction Manager service. For more information on online edits, see chapter 8, Understanding Online Edits.
Control connectors
The Transaction Manager service interfaces with the industrial control system device via a control connector. A control connector is a Microsoft Windows 2000/2003/XP service that collects data from a controller and sends it to the Transaction Manager service in the the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager. You can use the following types of control connectors: FactoryTalk Live Data, DDE, RSLinx Classic OPC, RSView32, and Generic OPC. Control connectors can be used to reference data points, or memory locations within your control or shop floor system, such as tags from an RSView32 application.
Enterprise connectors
The Transaction Control Manager service and the Transaction Manager service interface with enterprise systems such as databases via an enterprise connector service. An enterprise connector is a Microsoft Windows 2000/2003/XP service that transfers data between the Transaction Control Manager service or the Transaction Manager service and a database. You can use the following types of enterprise connectors: Open Database Connectivity (ODBC), Oracle Call Interface (OCI), Microsoft OLE DB, Microsoft COM+, Time-series Data Compression, and FactoryTalk Metrics. Enterprise connectors can be used to create data objects that reference elements in your enterprise system, such as tables or stored procedures.
Configuration Server
The Configuration Server is a Microsoft Windows 2000/2003/XP service that continuously runs to provide a single interface to the configuration (.dat) files that make up a FactoryTalk Transaction Manager configuration. This service simplifies access to the configuration by filtering all changes to the configuration files and interfacing with other FactoryTalk Transaction Manager services. A collection of all changes that affect a configuration can be recorded in an audit trail (via either FactoryTalk Diagnostics or the Configuration Server *.log file). For more information, see the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager online help.
FactoryTalk Transaction Manager creates transactions, or discrete operations that transfer data from your control system to/from the enterprise system. For example, a single transaction can download data from an Oracle database, via a stored procedure, to tags in a ControlLogix processor. Alternately, a transaction can send multiple data points from a distributed control system to a Microsoft SQL Server database to be logged for reporting. Transactions can be modified at runtime; for more information, see chapter 8, Understanding Online Edits. The transaction model organizes the task of data management. FactoryTalk Transaction Managers flexibility provides many options for customizing all aspects of a transaction. The software can manage many transactions at once, allowing for sophisticated manufacturing data collection and control applications. Using the software, you can also monitor, modify, and enable or disable individual transactions, making the development and implementation of an application easier.
FactoryTalk is a manufacturing information platform that integrates plant-wide control systems and connects the enterprise with the production facility. Integrate - FactoryTalk eliminates both functionality gaps and overlaps by providing common services (such as diagnostics and access to real-time data) and by sharing plant resources (such as tags and graphic displays) throughout a production facility. Communicate - FactoryTalk transforms plant-floor data into useful information and delivers it to the people who need it, from maintenance engineers to enterprise planners. Collaborate - FactoryTalk allows defining plant-floor resources once, and then allows simultaneous access to those resources across system boundaries.
FactoryTalk Audit and Diagnostics provides the ability to log errors, warnings, and other status messages generated throughout a FactoryTalk-enabled system to either local logs or a central location. FACTORYTALK SECURITY FactoryTalk Security is intended to improve the security of your automation system by limiting access to those with a legitimate need. FactoryTalk Security authenticates user identities and authorizes user requests to access a FactoryTalk-enabled system. These security services are fully integrated into the FactoryTalk Directory and are included as part of the FactoryTalk Services Platform that installs with many products. FactoryTalk Security replaces all of the product-specific privilege configuration that was available in previous releases of FactoryTalk Transaction Manager. For more information about using FactoryTalk Transaction Manager with FactoryTalk Security, refer to appendix C, Securing FactoryTalk Transaction Manager using FactoryTalk Security.
Intended audience
We assume that you are a control engineer or database administrator and that you are familiar most of the following: Intel personal computers Microsoft Windows 2000/2003/XP operating systems DDE or OPC servers (for example, RSLinx Classic or RSView32) Configuration of database connections such as ODBC, OCI, or Microsoft OLE DB Microsoft COM+ RSLinx Enterprise FactoryTalk View SE
Online help
The online help provides general overview information, comprehensive step-by-step procedures, quick start topics, and context-sensitive control definitions (for example, text boxes, drop-down lists, and option buttons) for working with all of the features in FactoryTalk Transaction Manager. You can view online help in FactoryTalk Transaction Manager by using any of the following methods: select Help > FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Help on the main FactoryTalk Transaction Manager user interface click Help on any FactoryTalk Transaction Manager dialog click the What's This? icon in the upper-right corner of a FactoryTalk Transaction Manager dialog, then click any control to open a definition of that control
Product manual
You can gain immediate access to product documentation by selecting Help > Product Manuals > FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Users Guide from within FactoryTalk Transaction Manager. Throughout this document, a number of style conventions are used to help identify material. File menu paths are in bold with a (>) separating the entries (e.g., go to File > New); text you are asked to type is shown in Courier Bold (e.g., in this field, type Work Week), and button names are shown in bold (e.g., click OK).
One of the best ways to increase your proficiency at using Rockwell Software products is to attend Rockwell Software training programs. Our training programs can help you master the basics and show you how to unleash the full potential of our software. We offer a wide range of training programs, from regularly scheduled classes conducted at Rockwell Automation facilities, to custom-tailored classes conducted at your enterprise. The size of each class is kept small intentionally to maximize student engagement. If you would like more information about our training programs, visit the Rockwell Software site on the World Wide Web or contact the Rockwell Software training coordinator. Our World Wide Web address and telephone numbers appear on the inside front cover of this guide.
Technical support
Rockwell Automations support team of outstanding professionals provides top-notch technical support-monitoring and tracking your experience with our products to pave the road to your success in understanding and improving your factory performance. Rockwell Automation provides full support for FactoryTalk Transaction Manager. Questions concerning installation and the use of the software are handled by the Rockwell Automation Customer Support Center, staffed every day - except U.S. holidays - from 8 AM to 5 PM in your time zone for calls originating within the U.S. and Canada. To reach the Customer Support Center, call 1 (440) 646-3434 and follow the prompts. For calls originating outside the U.S./Canada, locate the number in your country by visiting http://www.rockwellautomation.com/locations. WHEN YOU CALL When you call you should be at your computer and prepared to give the following information: support program authorization number, name, and site location product name, description, serial number and version number (which can be found in the client software by selecting Help > About)
system configuration and components
description of what happened and what you were doing when the problem occurred description of how you attempted to solve the problem
complete error messages, including text and numbers, that appeared on your screen
ON-SITE SUPPORT Rockwell Automation field support engineers are located around the globe to provide assistance with special projects, unexpected problems, or emergency situations on-site. Field support engineers are available for dispatch 24 hours a day/7 days a week/365 days a year and can arrive at many locations the same day. To learn more about this and other support services, visit the Rockwell Automation web site at http://support.rockwellautomation.com. CONSULTING
Rockwell Automation provides expert consulting and turnkey implementation of the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager product. Please contact your local representative for more information. CONTACT US We strive to help all of our customers become successful in their manufacturing improvement efforts. Toward this objective, we invite you to contact your local representative or Rockwell Automation any time that we may be of service to you.
Hardware requirements
To use FactoryTalk Transaction Manager v9.00.00 (CPR 9) effectively, your personal computer must include the following minimum requirements: Intel Pentium processor (1 GHz or faster recommended) - single, dual, or quad processors 512 MB of RAM recommended (or more based on application requirements) 34 MB of free hard disk space (or more based on application requirements) a CD-ROM compatible drive 256-color VGA graphics adapter (1024 x 768 or greater resolution)
Software requirements
To use FactoryTalk Transaction Manager v9.00.00 (CPR 9) effectively, your personal computer must include the following software programs: Microsoft Windows XP (Service Pack 2), Windows 2000 Server (Service Pack 4), or Windows 2003 Server (Service Pack 1 or R2). Windows XP (Service Pack 2) should be used with non-distributed configurations only.
One or more of the following to use control connectors: DDE server and/or OPC server software. If you are using the RSView32 control connector, you must have RSView32 v7.40.00 (CPR 9). If you are using the RSLinx Classic OPC control connector, you must have RSLinx Classic v2.52.00 (CPR 9).
Note: RSLinx Classic must be configured to start as a Microsoft Windows service.
One or more of the following to use enterprise connectors: If you are using an ODBC enterprise connector, you must have ODBC Manager and ODBC drivers version 2.x or later. If you are using an Oracle OCI enterprise connector, you must use Oracle 10g R2 Standard Edition (, which includes support for all three types of client installations (Instant client, Runtime and Administrator install), Oracle with Oracle ODBC driver version, Oracle 8.1.7 with Oracle ODBC driver version 8.01.74 or 8.01.75 and a version 8.1.7 Net 8 client.
Note: Oracle databases created in version are recommended. The use of the Oracle ODBC drivers is not recommended.
If you are using a Microsoft OLE DB enterprise connector, you must have Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (Service Pack 2) Standard. If you are using Microsoft COM+, your Microsoft COM+ connector and the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager configuration using it must reside on a computer running Microsoft Windows XP (Service Pack 2), Windows 2000 Server (Service Pack 4), or Windows 2003 Server (Service Pack 1 and R2).
Note: Microsoft COM+ objects must be built using Microsoft Developer Studio 6.0.
Microsoft Windows 2000/2003/XP simple TCP/IP services must be configured. Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) is updated to version 2.8 during the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager installation. Minimum video resolution of 1024 x 768.
Software compatibility
FactoryTalk Transaction Manager v9.00.00 is a component of the latest Rockwell Software Coordinated Product Release (CPR 9). FactoryTalk Transaction Manager v9.00.00 (CPR 9) has been tested, and is compatible, with the Rockwell Software CPR 9 release of the following products: FactoryTalk Services Platform (v2.10.00) FactoryTalk Activation (v3.00.00) RSView32 (v7.40.00) FactoryTalk View SE (v5.00.00) RSLinx Enterprise (v5.00.00) RSLinx Classic (v2.52.00) RSBizWare (v9.00.00)
Rockwell Software's Windows-based software products are copy protected and require an activation key, located in an activation file, to run the software. FactoryTalk Transaction Manager v9.00.00 (CPR 9) supports the following activation tools: FactoryTalk Activation: If you are a new user, you will need to activate your software using FactoryTalk Activation. EvRSI activation: If you are a current user upgrading to FactoryTalk Transaction Manager v9.00.00 (CPR 9), your activation is already installed and will be used automatically.
Note: EvRSI activation will be replaced by FactoryTalk Activation in a future release. If you are using EvRSI activation, please contact your local Rockwell Automation Sales office or Technical Support for information on migrating your activations to FactoryTalk Activation. For Rockwell Automation Technical Support in the U.S. call 1 (440) 646-3434. Outside the U.S. see http://www.rockwellautomation.com/locations
When you launch FactoryTalk Transaction Manager, the software checks for the activation file. If the system fails to detect the activation file, an error is logged to FactoryTalk Diagnostics. Refer to the FactoryTalk Activation online help for more information about diagnostic messages (go to x:\Program Files\Common Files\Rockwell\Help to launch the FactoryTalk Activation online help file [FTActivationEN.chm] manually [where x: is the drive where your Rockwell Software products are located]). FactoryTalk Transaction Manager software consists of several components. The Transaction Control Manager service and the Transaction Manager service are copy protected, which means that you can run either of these services on only one computer, per license, at a time. The Microsoft COM+ enterprise application connector is also copy protected. If you have FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Professional, you may install copies of any of the other connectors on as many computers as necessary. ACTIVATE
FactoryTalk Activation provides a secure, software-based system for activating Rockwell Software products and managing software activation files. Activation files are generated and distributed via the Internet. If an Internet connection is not available, activation file information can be delivered via email, fax, or phone. FactoryTalk Transaction Manager v9.00.00 (CPR 9) supports Floating, concurrent activations.
To activate your software using FactoryTalk Activation, first determine your activation server/client configuration: One or more activation servers, one or more clients. You will need to run the FactoryTalk Activation Server software on the network computer(s) that will act as the activation server(s). You will need to run the FactoryTalk Activation Client software on each of the client computers. Then you will direct the client computers to the activation server computer. Activation server/client on each computer. You will need to run the FactoryTalk Activation Server software on this computer. This computer will then act as both the activation server and client. For more information, see the FactoryTalk Activation online help. ACTIVATE
EvRSI activation relied on a physical master disk that, prior to CPR 9, was supplied with the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager product. If you are a current user upgrading to CPR 9, your activation is already installed and will be used automatically. For more information about EvRSI activation, refer to the Activation Help (COPYPROT.HLP) by selecting Help > Copy Protection or by clicking Help on any of the EvMove or Reset dialog boxes. GRACE
In FactoryTalk Transaction Manager v9.00.00 (CPR 9), the software supports a seven day activation grace period when a valid activation is not found. During grace period: When a configuration is started following an operating system reboot, a message is logged to FactoryTalk Diagnostic log every four hours. When a configuration is started from the software itself, you are prompted to confirm entry into grace period mode. Upon confirmation, a message is logged to the FactoryTalk Diagnostic log every four hours on the computer running the Transaction Control Manager service or Transaction Manager service. FactoryTalk Transaction Manager can be started an unlimited number of times. If the grace period ends and a valid activation has not been found, you will no longer be able to start the software.
Note: If FactoryTalk Transaction Manager is unable to successfully obtain valid activations (for example, a network failure occurs), the software will attempt run in grace period for up to seven days.
Activation options
Activating FactoryTalk Transaction Manager software is determined by two factors: whether the control and enterprise connectors can be distributed among several computers and the maximum number of tags (data points) that the Transaction Control Manager service or Transaction Manager service will support.
Notes: FactoryTalk Transaction Manager previously was sold without a restriction on the number of tags. Although this option is no longer available, customers who own this version can continue without a tag restriction. Each Microsoft COM+ connector must be installed on the same computer as the Transaction Control Manager service or Transaction Manager service and requires a separate activation. Any FactoryTalk Transaction Manager activation must be installed on the same computer (when using EvRSI activation) or on either a centralized or local activation server (when using FactoryTalk activation) that will be running the Transaction Control Manager service or the Transaction Manager service.
FACTORYTALK TRANSACTION MANAGER LITE This embedded version of FactoryTalk Transaction Manager supports data collection for RSBizWare components and allows you to create transactions in FactoryTalk Historian Classic and FactoryTalk Metrics, which can then be executed by the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager services. While FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Lite is similar to FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Professional and FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Standard, it only supports creating and modifying data points, data objects, and transactions defined by other RSBizWare components. FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Lite does not support custom transactions created outside of the RSBizWare suite. To use custom transactions in addition to RSBizWare transactions, a FactoryTalk Transaction Manager activation is required.
Note: FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Lite cannot be purchased separately and does not require a separate activation. FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Lite does not run in Demo mode.
FACTORYTALK TRANSACTION MANAGER DEMO FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Demo cannot be purchased separately. This embedded version of FactoryTalk Transaction Manager runs when no activation is installed or the software is not already running under grace period. FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Demo is limited to two hours and 10 tags. FACTORYTALK TRANSACTION MANAGER TRIAL This version of FactoryTalk Transaction Manager allows you to run a configuration that includes 50 tags for a period of seven days. After seven days, FactoryTalk Transaction Managers servers will be shut down; these servers can be restarted. FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Trial is not compatible with configurations containing transactions that were created by FactoryTalk Historian Classic or FactoryTalk Metrics.
Note: An activation is required to run this version of FactoryTalk Transaction Manager. This activation is available with RSView32 7.30.00 (CPR 9) and FactoryTalk View SE 5.00.00 (CPR 9).
SUMMARY The table below shows the level of distribution and the maximum number of tags supported for each FactoryTalk Transaction Manager activation. The Availability column denotes sales availability (if the product is still for sale). "No" denotes products that are no longer available for sale.
Catalog Number: 9356-PRO2400 9356-PRO2500 9356-PRO2450 9356-PRO2350 9356-PRO2300 9356-PRO2200 9356-PRO2100 9356-STD2400 9356-STD2350 9356-STD2300 9356-STD2200 9356-STD2100 9356-SQLCOMPLS N/A N/A N/A
Availability: No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Free3 Free Free3
Tag Limit: Unlimited 70000 32000 5000 1500 300 150 Unlimited 5000 1500 300 150 N/A 50 10 N/A
Large Professional Large Professional Medium Professional Medium Professional Small Professional Small Professional Unlimited Standard FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Standard Large Standard Medium Standard Small Standard Microsoft COM+ Connector1, 2 Trial Demo FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Lite
Used when the software enters grace period. 2 Sold for use with FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Professional only. 3 With the purchase of other Rockwell Software products.
To install FactoryTalk Transaction Manager software, complete the following steps: 1. Log on to Microsoft Windows 2000/2003/XP using an account with administrator privileges.
2. Shut down any other Rockwell Software applications and services. 3. If you are installing FactoryTalk Transaction Manager from the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager CD-ROM, use autorun.exe or setup.exe. If you are installing FactoryTalk Transaction Manager from the RSBizWare CD-ROM, FactoryTalk Transaction Manager installs automatically when you install any other RSBizWare service. 4. After you have launched the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Welcome Page, click Required Steps. Click each of the following options in the order specified to successfully install FactoryTalk Transaction Manager. a. Check Operating System - Verifies your operating system and its compatibility with the current version of FactoryTalk Transaction Manager. b. Install Microsoft Internet Explorer - Installs Microsoft Internet Explorer so that you can properly view the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager online help files. Follow the instructions that appear on the screen. If Microsoft Internet Explorer is already installed, skip to step 4c. c. View Release Notes - Displays the Release Notes, allowing you to learn more about this version of FactoryTalk Transaction Manager prior to installing the software. d. Install FactoryTalk Services Platform - Installs the FactoryTalk Services Platform on your computer. Follow the instructions that appear on the screen.
Note: At the end of the FactoryTalk Services Platform installation, the FactoryTalk Services Platform Installation Wizard appears. Follow the instructions that appear on the screen.
e. Install FactoryTalk Activation Client - Installs the FactoryTalk Activation Client on your computer. Follow the instructions that appear on the screen. f. Install FactoryTalk Transaction Manager - Installs FactoryTalk Transaction Manager on your computer. Follow the instructions that appear on the screen. g. View How to Activate Rockwell Software Products - Displays information on activating Rockwell Software products. h. Check for Product Updates - Displays the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Product Updates page, outlining any software updates that may be available after this version of the software was released.
5. After you have completed all of the required steps of the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager installation, either click Documentation and Extras to display an optional page (where you can install Adobe Acrobat Viewer, view the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Users Guide, Release Notes, and other related documentation, display the Application Trigger example, and launch the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Live Data Migration Tool) or skip to step 6. 6. When you have finished installing the software, remove the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager CD-ROM from the CD-ROM drive. Store it in a safe place.
For more information on FactoryTalk Security, see appendix C, Securing FactoryTalk Transaction Manager with FactoryTalk Security. To view the procedures for configuring and using FactoryTalk Transaction Manager, select Help > Quick Start.
The design elements on the main FactoryTalk Transaction Manager user interface include: Title bar Menu bar Toolbar Configuration tree Workspace Status bar
Title bar
The title bar shows the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager icon, the name of the configuration or configuration server (depending on what is selected in the configuration tree), the product name, and the Minimize, Maximize, and Close buttons.
To view the Control Menu, click the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager icon on the title bar. The following items appear on the control menu.
Item: Restore Move Size Minimize Maximize Close Description: Restores the window to its former size after minimizing or maximizing it. Repositions the window on the desktop using the arrow keys on the keyboard. Resizes the window on the desktop using the arrow keys on the keyboard. Shrinks the window to an icon that is located on the task bar. Enlarges the window to occupy the entire screen. Exits the software.
Menu bar
You can access many features from the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager menu bar. For a description of the available shortcuts, refer to the Toolbar section in this chapter.
The Security menu allows you to log on or log off of FactoryTalk Security, or view your FactoryTalk Security permissions on the current configuration server. For more information on FactoryTalk Security, see appendix C, Securing FactoryTalk Transaction Manager with FactoryTalk Security. The Configuration menu allows you to create a new configuration, set or change properties in a configuration, access the Configuration Checklist, delete, backup, or restore a configuration, or stop or start a configuration. The Define menu allows you to define a connector, data object, data points, or a transaction. In addition, you can define options for error logging and scheduled events. The View menu allows you to view information about the currently defined transaction. You can view diagnostic information about the configuration that is currently running. You can also view error log files or the system graphic. This option allows you to switch between large and small icons, obtain a status update, or enable or disable the toolbar or status bar. The Tools menu allows you to create a configuration report, verify the selected configuration, or use wizards to create data logging, duplicate data points, or duplicate transactions. You can also use this menu to set message and log viewer options. The Help menu provides assistance with using FactoryTalk Transaction Manager. From the Index of the online help system, simply enter the name of the topic for which you want to search for information. Click the Help graphic on the toolbar, and then place the cursor on any design element on the system graphic for more information. The Help menu also provides specific links for viewing the release notes, a quick start, the online books, an error code resource, support and training, and the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Answer Station. In addition, you can use this option to obtain FactoryTalk Transaction Manager license and version information.
Each button on the toolbar is a shortcut to a FactoryTalk Transaction Manager feature. All features are also available from the menu bar.
Icon: Description: Creates a new configuration.
Displays the online help for any design element (click this button and place the cursor on any design element). Starts the configuration or connector currently selected in the Configuration tree. Stops the configuration or connector currently selected in the Configuration tree. Assembles pending edits. For a detailed description of assembling pending edits, refer to chapter 8, Understanding Online Edits. Opens the Pending Edit Alerts dialog. For a detailed description of pending edit alerts, see chapter 8, Understanding Online Edits. Verifies the selected configuration.
Displays information for the transactions currently defined in the right pane. Displays diagnostic information for the configuration that is currently running in the right pane. Displays error log information in the right pane.
Configuration tree
The FactoryTalk Transaction Manager user interface is divided into two panes. The left pane is known as the Configuration tree; it is a tree view of the current configurations. The top level is the Configuration Server, named for the computer on which it is running. The second level is the configuration name. The third level displays the Transaction Control Manager service (if the configuration uses online edits) or the Transaction Manager service. The Transaction Control Manager service or the Transaction Manager service are followed by the control connectors and enterprise connectors defined for the configuration. For a detailed description of the Transaction Control Manager services role in a configuration that uses online edits, see chapter 8, Understanding Online Edits.
CONFIGURATION AND CONNECTOR STATUS The traffic lights in the Configuration tree represent the status of FactoryTalk Transaction Manager connectors and configurations, turning from red to green when services are started. See the following table to determine how each icon applies to connectors and configurations.
If you see A configuration is: this icon: running properly; all connectors in that configuration are running properly. All transactions start based on the triggering rules that you defined. A connector is: running properly.
experiencing one or more connectors that are n/a (this state does not apply to a not functioning properly. connector) stopped; all of the connectors are not running. Additionally, the Transaction Control Manager service or the Transaction Manager service is not running. not running properly.
The icons that are displayed in the Configuration tree represent the status of the configuration servers. The following table shows the status icons, state, and a description of that state:
Icon: Status: Running Description: The configuration server host computer: resides in the FactoryTalk Administration Console. is working properly (the service is running and FactoryTalk Transaction Manager can connect to it). has been configured in the FactoryTalk Administration Console so that the current user has permissions to communicate with it. Unknown The configuration server host computer: may or may not reside in the FactoryTalk Administration Console. cannot be connected to or queried in FactoryTalk Transaction Manager. cannot provide any information to FactoryTalk Transaction Manager so that the software can determine why it is not working properly. No privilege The configuration server host computer: resides in the FactoryTalk Administration Console. is working properly. user does not have permissions to communicate with the Configuration Server.
The right pane of the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager user interface is the workspace; it displays the Transaction Definition View, the Transaction Monitor View, the Error Log Files View, or the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager system graphic, depending on the view option that you have selected. The Error Log File View is displayed below.
TRANSACTION STATES Transactions display in the Transaction Definition view. The states are described below: Current - The current definition of a transaction (with or without pending edits). Edit Pending - Changes that are made to the current transaction definition, but not assembled. Add Pending - A new transaction (created online), but not assembled. The following is an example Transaction Definition View.
Status bar
The status bar at the bottom of the main FactoryTalk Transaction Manager user interface displays the following information: Rows Selected (includes pending edits) - The number of rows selected before you saved, assembled or canceled pending edits. Transactions Selected - The number of transactions selected. Passed - The number of successful operations. Disregarded - FactoryTalk Transaction Manager does not allow the action to be performed. Failed - Operations that did not take place because of an internal error.
Configuration Checklist
A FactoryTalk Transaction Manager configuration consists of a set of transactions that use control and enterprise connector elements required to perform the transactions. You may create many configurations, but the Transaction Control Manager service or the Transaction Manager service can run only one configuration at a time. Therefore, all the transactions required to implement an application must be contained in a single configuration. Create a configuration using the Configuration Checklist, which lists the required steps and displays the progress of your configuration. A green check mark indicates a completed step, while a yellow check mark indicates a partially completed step. Select Configuration > Checklist or Configuration > New to begin using the Configuration Checklist. The following figure shows the Configuration Checklist:
This chapter is not intended to provide step-by-step directions for creating a configuration, but to provide an overview to help you understand configurations. The following sequence mimics the Configuration Checklist. It is recommended, at least initially, that you follow this sequence when creating configurations: Define and name a new configuration Define control and enterprise connectors Define the data points that will be used in transactions Define the data objects that will be used in transactions Define transactions, which transfer data between data points, in the control system and data objects Verify transactions The following sections provide additional details for each task in the sequence. For more information, see the Quick Start in the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager online help (select Help > Quick Start).
To create a configuration that uses online edits, you can select only the FactoryTalk Live Data control connector. You may select any enterprise connector. Make sure to select the Enable Online Edits check box. For more information, see chapter 8, Understanding Online Edits.
The connector service uses the Microsoft Windows user name and password assigned to the connector when it runs on the host computer. In general, control connectors must run on the computer that contains the data server to which they will communicate. This is not the case with some OPC servers that support DCOM or OPC used in a FactoryTalk architecture. After this step is complete (and you exit the Configuration Checklist), the configuration displays in the Configuration tree. Click the plus sign next to a configuration to expand it. Each connector service that is used by the configuration displays. Individual control and enterprise connectors display under the connector services. The Configuration tree displays all configurations recognized by each registered configuration server.
You can bind individual data points or an expression to a column/field/parameter in a data object. Double-click a non-bound entry in the Data Object Column to open the Filter and Select Data Points dialog or right-click and select Filter and Select Data Points from the menu. You can limit the list of data points by a connector and/or device. Bind the data point to the data object by dragging it from the Filter and Select Data Points dialog and dropping it onto the appropriate Data Object Column in the Transaction Definition dialog. From the Transaction Definition dialog, open the Trigger and Storage Parameters dialog to specify the events that will initiate your transactions and timeout values. For more detailed information about transactions, see chapter 7, Creating Transactions. In a configuration that uses online edits, you can edit existing or create new transactions while the configuration is running. When you have pending edits, you can view the differences between the current and pending definitions on the Transaction Differences dialog. If the pending edits that you created have caused pending edit alerts, you can view them on the Pending Edit Alerts dialog. For a detailed description of the information displayed on these dialogs, see chapter 8, Understanding Online Edits.
Starting configurations
Note: If you are starting a FactoryTalk Transaction Manager configuration, you must be logged into a Microsoft Windows 2000/2003/XP account that has administrative privileges for all computers that are part of the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager system. This is required by the Microsoft Windows 2000/2003/XP Service Control Manager to be able to start and stop FactoryTalk Transaction Manager services.
Only the Transaction Control Manager service or the Transaction Manager service can run at one time. Further, the Transaction Control Manager service or the Transaction Manager service can run only one FactoryTalk Transaction Manager configuration at a time; the configuration runs until it is stopped. You can start a FactoryTalk Transaction Manager configuration by using one of the following methods: Select the configuration name in the Configuration tree, right-click, and select Start Configuration from the menu. Select the configuration name in the Configuration tree, then click Start on the toolbar.
Notes: If you are using a distributed configuration, make sure all remote computers that are used in the configuration are running and available before you start the configuration. If the software encounters a remote computer that is not running or available, it will proceed to the next running and available computer. If your configuration includes RSView32 or FactoryTalk View SE, ensure that these products are running on the appropriate host computer and the project that is used by the configuration is loaded and running before you start the configuration.
Once you have started a configuration manually, you can set the configuration to autostart by performing the following steps: 1. Select Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services. The Services dialog appears. 2. Navigate through the Services list, select either the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Transaction and Control Manager service or the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Transaction Manager service (depending on your configuration), and double-click the mouse. The Properties dialog appears. 3. In the Start-up field, select Automatic. 4. Click OK. 5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 for each connector service in your configuration.
Note: The Transaction Control Manager service and the Transaction Manager service cannot be set to Auto-start at the same time.
Stopping configurations
You can stop a configuration by using one of the following methods: Select the configuration name in the Configuration tree, right-click and select Stop Configuration from the menu. Select the configuration name in the Configuration tree, then click Stop on the toolbar. You cannot stop the configuration by exiting FactoryTalk Transaction Manager or logging off of the computer. For more information, see chapter 9, Exploring Advanced Topics.
Monitoring configurations
You can monitor transactions as they are executed while a configuration runs. Click Transaction Monitor on the toolbar to view a summary of cumulative activity organized by transaction.
Note: Click any column header, except Total, to sort the list. The list refreshes every 30 seconds, or when you click the column headers.
The columns in the Transaction Monitor have the following meaning: Total - The total number of transactions that have been triggered. Passed - The number of transactions that have completed without errors. Failed - The number of transactions that have failed. % Passed - Passed/Total * 100. Cached - The number of transactions currently in Transaction Cache files. Database Passed - The number of transactions that have been successfully executed by the database. Database Failed - The number of transactions that have experienced a database error. Pending - The number of transactions that have been started, but are not completed or currently running.
Control connectors
The control connector services manage the interaction between the industrial control system and the Transaction Manager service in the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager. These control connector services (FactoryTalk Live Data, DDE, RSLinx Classic OPC, RSView32, or Generic OPC) communicate with the data server using the appropriate protocol. Rockwell Software recommends using the FactoryTalk Live Data control connector for most user applications. If your application requires the use of any other control connector, please review and consider the following sections before selecting an alternate control connector.
The DDE control connector service can be used for legacy connections to DDE servers or to provide functionality that is not supported by the OPC or FactoryTalk Live Data specification.
Note: The DDE server must be running on the same computer as the associated control connector. FactoryTalk Transaction Manager does not support NetDDE.
The FactoryTalk Transaction Manager user interface cannot query remote DDE servers to retrieve configured DDE topic information. When the DDE control connector is located on a remote FactoryTalk Transaction Manager computer, manually enter DDE topic names on the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager DDE Data Point Configuration dialog. Perform the following steps. 1. Define a configuration on the local computer that contains the Transaction Manager service. 2. Run the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager user interface on the remote computer and select a configuration that is using existing configuration files on the local computer. 3. Use the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager user interface on the remote computer to configure the DDE topics and items. When you have finished, exit the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager user interface on the remote computer and continue creating configurations on the local computer.
The RSView32 control connector service can be used to interface with tags provided by RSView32 applications. The FactoryTalk Transaction Manager RSView32 control connector must be on the same computer on which the RSView32 project is running. The FactoryTalk Transaction Manager user interface can browse for RSView32 project tags on remote computers, but when the transactions are running, the RSView32 control connector must be on the same computer as the RSView project.
The RSView32 control connector can be used to collect data from either memory tags or device tags. Device tags are updated every 300 milliseconds.
Notes: If you need updated tags at a faster rate, use the FactoryTalk Live Data, RSLinx Classic OPC, or Generic OPC control connectors to retrieve data from the devices directly. To interface with tags provided by FactoryTalk View SE, use the FactoryTalk Live Data control connector.
Generic OPC
The Generic OPC control connector service can be used to interface with items provided by any OPC server that conforms to the OPC custom interface specifications. The Generic OPC connector is an OPC client that supports OnDataChange subscription callback using either: IAdviseSink for OPC 1.0A-compliant servers IConnectionPoints for OPC 2.0-compliant servers The Generic OPC connector service tries to establish the IAdviseSink method, and then tries the IConnectionPoints method. Data writes to OPC items are performed using Asynchronous Writes. FactoryTalk Transaction Manager also supports Asynchronous Reads from Device as an option for OPC servers that support this method.
The ODBC enterprise database connector allows you to interface with virtually any ODBC-compliant database including Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or later, IBM DB2, and Sybase. The ODBC enterprise connector requires a system data source name (DSN) to connect to an ODBC data source. When you create an ODBC database connection, you must enter a valid system DSN for the ODBC server. A system DSN is available to all users and Microsoft Windows 2000/2003/XP services.
Oracle OCI
The Oracle Call Interface (OCI) enterprise database connector allows you to connect to database objects from an Oracle server. If you are using Oracle OCI in FactoryTalk Transaction Manager, you need to install SQL*NET 2.3x or later, Net8, or Oracle Net services (all from Oracle) locally. You can then connect to an Oracle database versions 8 through 10g.
Microsoft OLE DB
The Microsoft OLE DB enterprise database connector should only be used for interfacing with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Standard (Service Pack 1) or Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (Service Pack 4). The Microsoft OLE DB connector allows you to browse a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Standard (Service Pack 1) or Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (Service Pack 4) database without a DSN.
Microsoft COM+
The Microsoft COM+ enterprise application connector allows you to interface with Microsoft COM+ application components; these components must be integrated into a Microsoft Windows 2000/2003/XP COM+ environment.
FactoryTalk Metrics
The FactoryTalk Metrics enterprise application connector is only used with FactoryTalk Metrics and stores data into the Service Console. The FactoryTalk Metrics enterprise application connector can only be configured through the Service Console. For more information, see the RSBizWare Administrators Guide.
Maximum transactions per file: Indicates that a file is sent to the enterprise connector for processing when Maximum Transactions Per File or Maximum Time Between Files value is reached, whichever comes first. Setting this value to a field greater than 1 allows the enterprise connector to use array inserts on databases that support them. Array inserts increase database performance by allowing multiple inserts/updates in a single database command. Maximum time between files: Indicates that a file is sent to the enterprise connector for processing when the Maximum Time Between Files or Maximum Transactions Per File is reached, whichever comes first.
Configuration Server
The Configuration Server is a service that runs continuously to provide a single interface to the configuration (.dat) files that make up the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager configuration. The Configuration Server simplifies access to configuration files by filtering all changes to the files and interfacing with other FactoryTalk Transaction Manager services. A collection of all changes that affect a configuration are recorded in an audit trail and presented via FactoryTalk Diagnostics. Since the service is always running, functions such as configuration diagnostics and remote file browsing are easier. One benefit of the Configuration Server is consolidated file access. The Configuration Server is the focal point for all interaction with, and manipulation of, the configuration files.
These attributes are assigned by defining data points on the Data Point Definition dialogs (click Step 3 on the Configuration Checklist). These dialogs allow you to browse for data locations serviced by a data server, add data points to your configuration, edit existing data points, and delete unwanted data points. The following figure shows an example FactoryTalk Data Point dialog.
Notice the following fields on the status bar at the bottom of the FactoryTalk Data Point dialog: Configuration status - The status of the current configuration. Rows -The number of rows selected before you saved, assembled, or canceled pending edits. Points -The number of data points that specific row represents. For example, two rows may be two different data points or they may be the current definition and the pending definition of the same data point. Passed -The number of successful operations. Disregarded - The number of rows that FactoryTalk Transaction Manager does not allow the action to be performed. For example, selecting a row that does not have a pending edit and clicking Cancel Edits. Failed - Operations that did not take place because of an internal error. For more information on online edits, see chapter 8, Understanding Online Edits.
During scheduled collection mode, each data point is continuously on scan at a configurable rate. The data server sends any change in value or quality to the control connector. The control connector retains the current value in a buffer and provides it to the Transaction Manager service when it is requested. The Transaction Control Manager service also buffers this data internally and uses it as needed. The data server reads the value of the data point at the Subscription Scan Rate that is set on the FactoryTalk Data Point dialog; if a new value is found, it is sent to the data client. If the value has not changed in the data server, no data is transferred. Thus network bandwidth is not used to transmit the same value between the data server and the control connector. Typically, this type of collection mode is used to support a transaction that logs data constantly and rapidly (for example, logging a data point every second while an assembly line is running).
During device scheduled collection mode, each data point is not on scan and data is not buffered in the control connector or data server. The data server reads directly from the device. Each value is read from the controller only when the Transaction Control Manager service or Transaction Manager service requests it from the control connector. The value is then retrieved from the controller and passed to the control connector. Typically, this mode of collection is used to support a transaction that logs data infrequently. UNSCHEDULED: SEND
This collection mode is driven by the data server and each data point is continuously on scan at the prescribed rate. When the server detects a change to a data point value or quality, it sends the value to the control connector, which passes it to the Transaction Control Manager service or the Transaction Manager service. This collection mode is event-based, not time-based.
Note: Keep in mind that any unsolicited message sent by the controller that does not include a change in value or quality will never be sent to FactoryTalk Transaction Manager.
The Subscription Scan Rate sets the limit on how fast new data can arrive. For example, if the Subscription Scan Rate is 150 milliseconds, the data server cannot send changes faster. If the underlying data value is changing faster, the control connector only sees the current value every 150 milliseconds. Typically, this mode of collection is used for a transaction trigger that executes at a high or low transition, or exceeds a valid range.
Regardless of the trigger mechanism, once a transaction is started, the Transaction Control Manager service or Transaction Manager service checks each required data point to determine if the value in its local cache is still valid. A data point value is not valid when either the data valid time has passed or the data valid time is set to zero. The following calculation demonstrates the requirements for validity.
Data is valid = Time Received + Data Valid value < Current Time
Once the data point value is no longer valid, the Transaction Control Manager service or Transaction Manager service requests the data point from a data server and starts a timer for the retrieval of that data point. If the data point is not returned by the time specified in the data retrieval parameter, the rules of substitution are applied. When a data point is unscheduled, it is never requested and the transaction fails if the data valid time has expired. Unscheduled data points do not have substitution values. If a data point will be used as a transaction trigger and in other transactions, set the data valid parameter to a value that is large enough so that the value will remain fresh. Or create another data point using the same address and make it a scheduled data point so that the Transaction Control Manager service or Transaction Manager service can then request it as needed.
If the Transaction Control Manager service or Transaction Manager service starts a transaction and determines it has already requested a data point but not yet received a reply, it will not request the data point again. Rather, it uses the same value for both transactions when the value is received. DATA
The data retrieval timeout is measured from the start of the transaction until the data point arrives. If there is any latency in the communications between any of the following, the data point timeout may be affected: Transaction Control Manager service and the data server Transaction Manager service and the control connector, and the control connector and the data server An example of this type of latency is using a device-scheduled data point in FactoryTalk. In this case, the Transaction Control Manager service or Transaction Manager service requests the data point from the control connector. The control connector then sends notification to the FactoryTalk Live Data server. The FactoryTalk Live Data server sends a read request to the controller, which in turn returns the data value. The FactoryTalk Live Data server sends the value to the control connector, which sends it to the Transaction Control Manager service or Transaction Manager service. If the data point is not returned by the time specified in the data retrieval parameter, the rules of substitution are applied.
A substitution value of Null (default) causes the enterprise database connector to leave the value for that column empty. A data point that has a Null substitution policy causes a transaction to fail if the data point is used in an expression. A Null value is not a null string or a zero; it is a value that does not exist and, therefore, the expression evaluator cannot use it to calculate a result.
Specifying quality
For the FactoryTalk Live Data connectors, choose one of the bad quality options if you want the Transaction Control Manager service or Transaction Manager service to use bad quality values. Otherwise, select Use Substitution Option for Bad Quality on the Edit Collection Parameters dialog. If you do not select a bad quality value, the Transaction Control Manager service or Transaction Manager service uses one of the substitution policies listed earlier in this chapter when it receives a bad quality value for this data point.
If you choose to allow bad quality values, then use the QualityOf() expression from the Expression Editor dialog to bind the quality value to a column in your database. In addition, the bad quality status is saved to the Transaction Control Manager service log file or the control connectors log file (when using the Transaction Manager service) at an error level. The QualityOf() expression provides the following quality values:
Server Returns: Bad (0) Uncertain (1) N/A (2) Good (3) QualityOf() Returns: 1 2 3 0
Note: This function only applies to FactoryTalk Live Data and OPC data servers. If you are using a DDE data server, a Good value is always returned.
The target database tables, views, and stored procedures must already exist in the database to be used in data objects. You can also create new stored procedures using the Stored Procedure Wizard (for Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 or later and Oracle only).
Note: If you modify target database tables, views, or stored procedures in the database after you create a data object within FactoryTalk Transaction Manager, you must click Apply on the Data Object Definition dialog so that data object recognizes the database modifications.
Enterprise database connectors (ODBC, Oracle OCI, or Microsoft OLE DB) can communicate with databases located on other computers. Multiple data objects can reference the same database using a connection to the database system.
Lost connection with Microsoft COM+ - The enterprise application connector cannot communicate with Microsoft COM+. This may occur because the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager COM+ service has stopped running, or the Microsoft COM+ component stopped working. Microsoft COM+ may respond by creating a *.txt file, which displays the insert method. The Transaction Monitor (select View > Transaction Monitor when a configuration is running) displays diagnostic information about the currently running configuration.
Two columns in the Transaction Monitor dialog display failed transactions: The Failed column contains transactions that were not successfully processed. The Database Failed column contains transactions that were processed correctly, but could not be applied to the database due to a database error. For more information on error conditions that can affect enterprise connectors, as well as how FactoryTalk Transaction Manager handles transaction types and storage methods, see chapter 7, Transaction completion.
Stored procedures
A stored procedure is a user-defined function or program that is executed inside of the database; it can consist of any of the components of a structured language that enable you to define data behavior. A stored procedure can be simple like a single select command or complicated like validating all data before it is inserted into a table. A stored procedure works like a function that is stored in a database. Most databases provide a comprehensive stored procedure language that combines the data query capabilities of SQL and some kind of procedural control (for example, an IfThen statement). As with most kinds of function calls, a stored procedure can have both inputs and outputs. In a transaction that is connected to a stored procedure, the values bound to inputs are collected from the control system and the outputs are returned to the control system. When you create a data object and select the Stored Procedure radio button on the Data Object Definition dialog, FactoryTalk Transaction Manager queries the database for all stored procedures accessible by the chosen database user account and lists them in the stored procedure list box. When you select a stored procedure, the input and output parameters display in the lower pane. Since all parameters for a stored procedure are required, the software automatically adds them to the data object pane on the right when they are selected.
To simplify the creation of simple stored procedures, FactoryTalk Transaction Manager provides a Stored Procedure Wizard for SQL Server and Oracle databases (on the Data Object Definition dialog, click the Stored Procedure radio button and then click Wizard). For complicated stored procedures and/or debugging of stored procedures, use databasespecific tools.
Creating Transactions
Introducing transactions
FactoryTalk Transaction Manager transactions move data between the control system and the enterprise system. Binding is the process of mapping a: column in a database table to a data point in a control system, expression, or a literal string parameter in a stored procedure to a data point, expression, a literal string, or a null value A configuration can contain any number of transactions, each running independently based on a trigger event. Although the number of transactions in a configuration is unlimited, you cannot exceed the tag count for which you are licensed (see License options in chapter 2). In a configuration that uses online edits, you can edit existing or create new transactions while the configuration is running. For more information, see chapter 8, Understanding Online Edits. You can assign the following attributes to a transaction on the Transaction Definition dialog (click Step 5 on the Configuration Checklist): Transaction name Transaction time out Data object name Bindings of data object elements to data points/expressions Trigger event Transaction (cached or real-time) and storage options The following figure shows an example Transaction Definition dialog.
Transaction types
FactoryTalk Transaction Manager supports the following types of transactions regardless of the trigger mechanism: Unidirectional transactions Bidirectional transactions Additionally, for either transaction type, you can optionally specify that a transaction result is bound back to a control system.
Unidirectional transactions
Unidirectional transactions in FactoryTalk Transaction Manager use information from the control system to add records to a database table, update the contents of existing records, or call stored procedures that do not contain output parameters. Unidirectional transactions are commonly used to log production data to a database, including: Performance monitoring Quality analysis sampling Real-time production information collecting Material consumption tracking Product tracking End of job/batch/shift reporting Unidirectional transactions are the simplest transaction type. They can be used to perform database Insert or Update commands. They can also be used to perform simple stored procedures, provided no output parameters or return codes exist. In most applications, unidirectional transactions account for the majority of transaction volume. Data may be collected frequently from a large number of data points.
Bidirectional transactions
Bidirectional transactions in FactoryTalk Transaction Manager take data from the control system and call a stored procedure that exercises some logic, and then provides the software with output values that can be written back to the control system. You can also set up bidirectional transactions so that data is not sent to a database, but only downloaded from a database to a control system. This transaction type is the most powerful because it allows transactions to interact with a database stored procedure or Microsoft COM+ method. This capability makes it possible for FactoryTalk Transaction Manager to perform functions that were previously possible only through custom application development. Applications that are possible with this type of transaction include: Product parameter downloading Dynamic routing Dynamic production scheduling Controller centralizing Production floor interacting Automated storage and retrieval warehousing A bidirectional transaction with input/output bindings implements a data transfer from the enterprise system and sends it to the control system, binding database stored procedure input and output parameters. The control system data serves as input to a stored procedure. The results of a stored procedure can be written back to data points in the control system (enabling the creation of sophisticated transactions that allow a high degree of interaction between a database system and the factory floor). Transactions with output bindings must use the Real Time Thread Storage option on the Transaction Definition dialog because the procedure or method must complete before data can be returned to the Transaction Control Manager service or Transaction Manager service. FactoryTalk Transaction Manager allows you to specify the number of database threads used by a connector to improve performance. When creating a transaction using input/output bindings, parameters are bound in the same manner as columns in a table. The input data points are collected, any expressions are evaluated, and the procedure is called. If the procedure succeeds, any output parameters are written to the control system. Input parameters - In a stored procedure, these parameters must have a binding (a data point, expression, or a null). Select a data object parameter, right-click and select either Bind Data Point or Bind Null Value from the menu. A transaction must have all input parameters bound to it before it can be enabled. Binding a null value to an input eliminates the need to gather a value from the database.
Output parameters - These parameters do not require a binding. The results of the bound value display under the Bound Value column. If an output parameter is not bound or is bound to a null, the value is ignored and this column is empty. A procedure must succeed before output parameters can be returned to the control system. Normally, you bind outputs to a data point in the control system; upon the successful completion of a transaction, a value is written from the stored procedure to the data point. Input/output parameters - These parameters are handled as a single binding unless they are separated using the Separate Input/output option. This option permits separate data points to be bound to the same procedure parameter. This implies that the address from which the input parameter is derived is different from the address to which the output parameter is written. This also implies that if an input/output parameter is used only for output, then the input portion can be bound to a null value. Leaving an input/output parameter bound to a single data point causes the value to be read prior to executing the procedure and the output value to be written upon completion of the transaction. The Microsoft SQL Server RETURN_CODE contains data that can be bound as an output to a stored procedure. This value is only available if the procedure executes successfully. A successful return code does not guarantee a successful transaction as the transaction is not yet complete.
The Transaction Result Binding option allows a transaction to return a Transaction Result code to the control system. To enable the Transaction Result Binding option, select the Bind Transaction Result check box on the Transaction Definition dialog, then select a data point to accept the Transaction Result code. The control system should take appropriate action depending upon the result of the transaction. The Transaction Result code is a 16-bit integer. Bit 0 is the least significant, Bit 15 is the most significant. The Transaction Result code consists of: Bit 0: the Done Bit - A 1 indicates the transaction has completed, a 0 indicates that it has not completed. No information is given as to whether the transaction was successful or unsuccessful. Bit 1 - The Error Bit. A 1 indicates there was an error, a 0 indicates no error. Bits 2 through 15 - The Error Code. If Bit 1 contains a 1, these bits contain the error code. Otherwise, these bits are zeros. If you chose to use the Transaction Result code, you can run the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager error utility from the Startup menu. This eliminates the need to decode the integer to determine the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager error code. To convert the error code to a proper error number: 1. Select Start > Programs > Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk Transaction Manager > Error Messages. The FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Error Messages dialog appears. 2. Enter the Transaction Result code number (binary or decimal). 3. Click the Bind Transaction Result Error radio button. 4. Click Apply. For example, a transaction result code of 0000000000000001 (binary) or 1 (decimal) indicates that the transaction has completed without errors. If the Transaction Result code is: 0000010111101111 (1519 decimal) Then the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager error code is: 33147
Transaction timeout
The transaction timeout parameter specifies how long the Transaction Control Manager service or Transaction Manager service should wait for a transaction to complete. The transaction timeout for an unscheduled transaction does not affect other copies of the same unscheduled transactions as multiple copies of the unscheduled transaction can execute at the same time.
Note: Setting the transaction scan rate for a scheduled transaction lower than the transaction timeout may cause the second transaction to fail because only one scheduled transaction can run at a time.
Transaction completion
It is important to determine when the Transaction Control Manager service or Transaction Manager service considers a transaction to be complete because the Transaction Control Manager service or Transaction Manager service only runs one occurrence of a scheduled transaction at a time. The next occurrence cannot start until the current transaction is complete. Also, if a transaction has a Transaction Result Binding, the Transaction Result is written when the transaction completes.
Cached transactions
If you select Use Cache Transaction Files from the Transaction Definition dialog, unidirectional transactions complete as soon as the data is written to the cache file. The data is not yet stored to the database, but is on the disk.
Real-time transactions
If you select Real Time Storage from the Transaction Definition dialog, unidirectional transactions complete when the Transaction Control Manager service or Transaction Manager service receives a reply from the enterprise connector that the data has been stored. This means that the time necessary for the enterprise system to store the values is included in the transaction completion time. This may cause the transaction to timeout if the Transaction Control Manager service or Transaction Manager service has not received the reply from the enterprise connector in the allotted time. The transaction timeout does not determine if the data was logged to the database; the transaction can time out prior to sending the data to the database or after the data was successfully stored.
The table below shows how FactoryTalk Transaction Manager handles each transaction type and storage method.
Transaction Lost Connection with Transaction Type: Storage Method: Enterprise Connector: Unidirectional Cached transaction files Lost Connection with Enterprise System:
Cache files are applied when One cache file can be the connection is restored. converted to a .sql file and returns Database Failed. Remaining cache files are processed when connection is restored.1 Transaction fails and transaction data is lost. Transaction fails and transaction data is lost. Transaction data is written to a cache file. The transaction returns a successful result to the controller. The cache files are processed when the connection is restored. Transaction returns Database Failed, transaction data is written to a .sql file.2 Transaction returns Database Failed. Transaction data is written to a .sql file.2 Transaction returns a successful result. One cache file can be converted to a .sql file and returns Database Failed. Remaining cache files are processed when the connection is restored.1
Transaction returns Database Transaction fails and transaction data is lost. The Failed. Transaction data is failure is sent to the controller. written to a .sql file.2
multiple database connections are defined in the configuration, then the cache files continue processing. All data for the failed connection is written to a .sql file. is stored in separate .sql files depending on whether the Real Time option or the Transaction Cache Files option was used on the Transaction Definition dialog. This allows you to recover this data.
2 Data
Bidirectional transactions
Bidirectional transactions with input/output parameters are not complete until the control connector acknowledges that the control system has received the transaction output data. The transaction timeout includes the time it takes for the data server to connect to the control system, write the data values, and return a response to the control connector. Transactions with outputs may have latency in both the enterprise connector and the control connector.
Database triggers
Database triggers are functions that are executed by the database whenever the triggering operation occurs. For example, a trigger can be set so that whenever a value is inserted into a table, the data is verified and then another value is updated with the verified data. The amount of time necessary to process the trigger and the associated function is charged against the transaction timeout. In this case, the database insert does not return control to the enterprise connector until the insert and its triggered function is complete. In other words, a real-time transaction is considered complete when the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager transaction, and any database triggers that are caused by the transaction, are complete.
Expression Editor
An expression is a calculation or formula defined in the Expression Editor using mathematical operators and functions that can be bound to a data object. To display the Expression Editor, select a data object on the Transaction Definition dialog, right-click the mouse, and select Bind Expression. The following is an example Expression Editor dialog.
Time functions
The Expression Editor provides several functions for storing the current time. Select time functions can be expressed in either Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) or system local time. The TimestampOf( ) function logs the time a data point is read. This may differ from the time the transaction executed because the data point may have a data valid time of greater than zero.
The TransTimestamp( )function returns the transaction execution time. This may differ from the time the data was inserted into the database because completed transactions may be buffered in cached transaction (*.rsl) files. The MTimestampOf( ) and MTransTimestamp( )functions log the millisecond portions of the two previous times. These can be stored in separate columns, which permits accurate trend analysis for databases that do not store time values to the millisecond. The OPCTimeStampOf( ) and MOPCTimeStampOf( )functions return an OPC timestamp value that indicates when the OPC data server (or FactoryTalk data server) received (or read) the data from the controller. If the data server is RSLinx Classic, this is when RSLinx Classic provided data to FactoryTalk Transaction Manager. If the data server is RSLinx Enterprise, this is the time when RSLinx Enterprise acquired the data from the controller. This value is accurate to the nearest second.
Using the Store on Every N Transactions option, you can collect the data needed for an average, but not store the data to the database. If a transaction executes every second but only stores its data every 60 times and there is an avg(datapoint[0,59]), the value that is stored once a minute is the average of the values taken every second. If you make changes to transactions (or their bound data points) in a running configuration using the Data Point Range function in conjunction with the Avg function in an expression, the transaction resets or behaves as though it is starting for the first time when you assemble the pending edits. For more information about this behavior in a transaction, see chapter 8, Understanding Online Edits.
Parse function
The Parse function in the Expression Editor provides a powerful feature to guarantee that all data for a transaction is synchronized. The input for the parse function is a block of data and the output is a parsed subset. This permits the control system to manage all data into a single data point, which can then be sent using an unsolicited message to the control connector. The control connector then sends the data as a single unit to the Transaction Control Manager service or Transaction Manager service. The Transaction Control Manager service or Transaction Manager service uses the arrival of the data point as a trigger and then parses out the individual values as needed. Since the control system gathered all of the data into a single block and the block was sent to the Transaction Control Manager service or Transaction Manager service as a single unit, it is synchronized. The Parse function can also be used on scheduled data points and in scheduled transactions to separate data values from a single data point.
The running configuration is not affected until the end of the process when the pending edits are assembled. Saving, reviewing or canceling pending edits prior to assembling only affects the configuration files, not the running configuration itself.
When you assemble pending edits from the toolbar on the main FactoryTalk Transaction Manager user interface, all pending edits for transactions and data points are assembled. FROM
Assembling from this dialog affects only the selected data point rows and only data point pending definitions. Transaction pending definitions are not assembled from this dialog.
The pending definitions for the transaction you are currently viewing are assembled. Data point pending definitions are not assembled from this dialog. FROM
When you assemble transaction or data point pending edits that have caused side effects that you may not be aware of, FactoryTalk Transaction Manager prompts you to review the pending edits on the Pending Edit Alerts dialog. If you select Assemble All from the Pending Edit Alerts dialog, all of the data point and transaction pending edits are assembled (including the pending edits that did not cause alerts) and therefore do not display on the dialog.
Some transactions require state information to execute correctly. If you make certain changes to these transactions or the bindings they use, the transaction resets or behaves as though it is starting for the first time when you assemble the pending edits. FactoryTalk Transaction Manager warns you that the transaction will be reset by displaying a pending edit alert message. If the transaction includes any of the following characteristics, it requires state information. Ignore First Unscheduled Event Transactions Stores Data On Number of Completed Transactions Transactions Stores Data On Data Change and/or Rate Expression using DIFF function Expression using Data Point Range function used in conjunction with the Min, Max, or Avg functions A pending edit alert occurs if your enabled transaction includes any of the characteristics listed above and you perform any of the following tasks or change any of the transaction parameters: Trigger type Unscheduled event data point trigger Add a binding Delete a binding Data point to expression Expression to data point Data type of binding Data point in a binding Expression in a binding Order of bindings Merge input/output parameters in a binding Separate input/output parameters in a binding Or change these data point parameters: Number of elements in an array Size of string Address of a data point Data type of a data point
You can review transactions that have pending edit alerts on the Pending Edit Alerts dialog. From this dialog, only the transactions and data points with pending edit alerts are displayed; pending edits without alerts are not displayed. You can either assemble or cancel: the selected transactions all the transactions in the configuration (even the ones not displayed on this dialog).
To begin adding new data points, navigate to the correct area in your FactoryTalk directory in the Select Tags group and double-click to open the folder/area. Select a tag in the Contents of window, and then click Add Selected Tag(s). The new data points appear in red text in the data point grid. This new data point is considered a pending edit. In creating new data points and saving them, saving pending edits does not affect the running configuration because they have not been used in a transaction. Assembling new data points that are not used in a configuration that uses online edits does not affect the running configuration because FactoryTalk Transaction Manager does not collect data for data points that are not used. Data points must be assembled before they can be used in a new transaction. EDITING
While editing existing data points, you may change any of the data point parameters except the data point name and mode (scheduled, unscheduled or device-scheduled). To open the Edit Collection Parameters of Selected Row(s) dialog and change the properties of data points, use one of the methods described below: Select the data point row in the data point grid, right-click and select Edit Selected Collection Parameters from the menu. Double-click in the data point row to which you want to make the change. Select the data point row in the data point grid and select Create Edits. Select the data point row in the data point grid, and copy or paste data points from Excel. After you have finished modifying the data point parameters, you must save the changes before you close the FactoryTalk Data Point dialog.
When you are finished adding new data points or changing existing data points, you must save the pending edits. Select the data point rows in the data point grid and click Save Edits or select the data point rows in the grid, right-click and select Save Selected Edit(s) from the menu. You must always save pending edits before you assemble. ASSEMBLING
To make the pending edits effective in the running configuration, you must assemble them. On the FactoryTalk Data Point dialog, select the data point rows in the grid and click Assemble Edits or select the data point rows in the grid, right-click and select Assemble Edits from the menu. It is not critical to assemble pending edits at a specific time in the online edits process. If you have already created data point pending edits, you can close the FactoryTalk Data Point dialog without assembling and proceed to make changes to transactions on the Pending Transaction Definition dialog. However, data point pending edits do not display on the Pending Transaction Definition dialog until they have been assembled. It is a good idea to save and assemble data point pending edits before creating transaction pending edits. Assembling new data points does not affect a running configuration because the new data points are not used in a running transaction yet. You can also click Assemble Edits on the main FactoryTalk Transaction Manager user interface to assemble data point pending edits. CANCELING
To cancel pending edits, select the data point rows in the grid and click Cancel Edits or select the data point rows in the grid, right-click and select Cancel Edits from the menu. You can cancel pending edits after you have saved. You cannot cancel pending edits after you have assembled.
You can edit multiple transactions in a running configuration that uses online edits from the main FactoryTalk Transaction Manager user interface. Select one or more transactions in the Transaction Definition View in the right pane, right-click, and select one of the following menu options. Enable Transaction or Disable Transaction - A new pending edit row displays with the new state. The pending edit is automatically saved, but must be assembled manually. Edit Transaction Parameters - The parameters that display on the Trigger and Storage Parameters dialog are FactoryTalk Transaction Manager default values, not the values of the selected transactions. Once again, the pending edit is automatically saved, but must be assembled manually. SAVING
When you are finished changing the transaction, save the pending edits. You must save pending edits before you assemble. Saving pending edits does not affect the running configuration, it only saves the pending definition. ASSEMBLING
To make the pending edits effective in the configuration, you must assemble them. On the Pending Transaction Definition dialog, click Assemble Edits. You can also click Assemble Edits on the main FactoryTalk Transaction Manager user interface to assemble transaction pending edits.
Note: There may be a delay between the time you assemble the pending definition and the time the pending definition actually becomes effective, regardless of when the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager user interface indicates the changes have been made.
The rules governing when the actual transaction is changed are complex because they take into consideration the management of currently running transactions. Keep the following in mind: If a transaction is not currently executing, the software will apply pending edits immediately. If a transaction is currently executing, the software will wait until that transaction has completely executed or its timeout has been reached before applying pending edits. No additional instances of this transaction will be executed until the pending edits have been applied. The Transaction Control Manager's log file contains the entry displaying the time the transaction in question has been assembled. To view this log file on the main FactoryTalk Transaction Manager user interface, select the Transaction Control Manager in the Configuration tree, and click Log Files on the toolbar.
On the Transaction Differences dialog, you can see the differences between the current definition and the pending definition for a specific transaction. You must save pending edits before you view transaction differences. Click Show Differences on the Pending Transaction Definition dialog to view transaction differences. Transaction properties are displayed at the top of the dialog and bindings (including the address location of the data points, not just the data point names) are displayed at the bottom of the dialog. The default option is All, but you may select Differences to display only the properties or bindings that are different between the current and pending definitions. You can view the differences between the current and pending transaction definitions any time after you save, but before you cancel or assemble pending edits.
You can also view transaction differences in the Transaction Definition View on the main FactoryTalk Transaction Manager user interface. Select a transaction, right-click, and select Show Transaction Differences from the menu.
To cancel pending edits after you saved them on the Pending Transaction Definition dialog, click Cancel Edits. You cannot cancel pending edits after you have assembled. Canceling pending edits does not affect the running configuration, it only removes the pending definition. If you have a running configuration with pending edits and then stop it, you cannot make any further changes to the configuration until you cancel or assemble the pending edits.
The remote FactoryTalk Transaction Manager user interface communicates directly with the Configuration Server, which then reads from and writes to the configuration files.
Remote browsing allows you to browse DSNs and Oracle connection strings that are not found on the local computer. All browsing for FactoryTalk data points and all databases is in the context of Computer B.
Distributed configurations
A distributed configuration exists when FactoryTalk Transaction Manager services are used on different computers. One advantage of using a distributed configuration is that the processing of large amounts of data that can be distributed across multiple computers. A single computer processor may not be able to handle the increased amount of data that multiple computers can process, or you may want to use multiple control connectors or enterprise connectors of the same type. In Step 2 of the Configuration Checklist, you create a distributed configuration by choosing different computers to run the different FactoryTalk Transaction Manager services.
To change the transaction cache file, select the configuration name, and then select Configuration > Properties. From the Cache tab on the Configuration Properties dialog, double-click the connector to change the file path.
Note: The transaction cache file must reside on the same computer as the Transaction Manager service.
To change the error log file, select the Error Log tab from the Configuration Properties dialog and change the file path in the field.
Note: You can store the error log files on the remote FactoryTalk Transaction Manager computer; this may help to reduce network traffic. Unfortunately, you may not be able to view those log files from the local FactoryTalk Transaction Manager computer; in this case, view the files directly on the remote FactoryTalk Transaction Manager computer.
Values may change between scans, or more likely, the data server may read a series of related values while the controller is updating them. In this case, the values will not be synchronized. This problem can be solved by either blocking the data into a single message sent by the controller or by making sure that the controller does not trigger the transaction until all the values are set. You should also use a transaction result to alert the controller that the values have been read and can now be changed. BUFFERING
The FactoryTalk Transaction Manager control connector maintains a copy of the data. Data servers, which may have separate copies of the data, send changed values to the control connector. Once in the control connector, the data is either sent to the Transaction Manager service (unscheduled data points) or is buffered until it is requested (scheduled data points). Unscheduled data points that are sent to the Transaction Manager service are used in currently running transactions or as transaction triggers, or they are used to update the current value table of the Transaction Manager service. If the data points are not immediately needed, they can be overwritten before the data is used. This will appear to cause data loss. Scheduled data points are only used when a transaction is executed. Scheduled data points are stored in the control connector until the Transaction Manager service requests them. If the transaction executes slower than the data is changing in the controller, then data may be overwritten in the control connectors buffer. In some circumstances, lost data is acceptable (for example, where a temperature is recorded every five minutes but fluctuates every few seconds). The control connector is aware of every change while the Transaction Manager service is only aware of the value that is current every five minutes.
BUFFERING IN THE TRANSACTION CONTROL MANAGER SERVICE The Transaction Control Manager service has a local data point cache that contains the current values for every data point and the time the value was collected. If the Data Valid option that you set on the FactoryTalk Data Point Definition dialog is set to zero, data is not requested from the FactoryTalk Live Data server because this server automatically provides updated data values when they change (hence, the values for the Transaction Control Manager services are always correct). Transactions buffer their own values and only request those values from the Transaction Control Manager service master value table when the Data Valid timeout has occurred. An exception to this rule is DeviceScheduled points, which are read from the controller by the FactoryTalk Live Data server once it receives the read request from the Transaction Control Manager service. Another exception is that the Transaction Manager service never requests the current value of an unscheduled data point from the FactoryTalk Live Data server. BUFFERING IN THE TRANSACTION MANAGER SERVICE The Transaction Manager service has a local data point cache that contains the current values for every data point and the time the value was collected. If the Data Valid option that you set on the appropriate connectors Data Point Definition dialog is set to zero, data is requested from the control connector every time it is needed. Using this data, the Transaction Manager service knows which data points are still fresh (still in the data valid timeout range), and which data points need to be requested from the control connector. Note that the data is not read from the controller at this time but from the control connectors buffers. The exception to this rule is device scheduled data points, which are read from the controller by the data server once it receives the read request from the control connector. The other exception is that the Transaction Manager service never requests the current value of an unscheduled data point from the control connector. Individual transaction buffers are maintained for each transaction that is running; if two copies of the same transaction are running at the same time, the data values from the second transaction do not overwrite the data values from the first. Only unscheduled transactions can execute more than one copy of the same transaction at the same time. BUFFERING IN CACHED TRANSACTION FILES Completed transactions that are not configured for real-time storage are buffered in cached transaction (*.rsl) files prior to storage in the database. Therefore, data will not be available from a query until it has been removed from the cache file and written to the database. The rate that the cache transaction files are applied is also controllable. In the Transaction Definition dialog, set the number of completed transactions to a smaller value or decrease the time between cache transaction files. This will improve the timeliness of the data in your database, but increase the load on your database.
Increasing performance
The following sections discuss recommendations for increasing performance when running FactoryTalk Transaction Manager configurations.
Control system
Store data in the control system in consecutive locations. This allows the control data server to read and write the entire block of data one time instead of performing several reads and writes for each transaction. If you must use DDE, then select AdvanceDDE instead of DDE because AdvanceDDE is faster than CF_Text. Enable control system data server optimization for reads and writes. Use event driven communication (unsolicited messages) instead of fast polling. For example, if the control data does not change often, set the control system to send data only when it changes instead of continuously polling. If you must poll control data, use an appropriate poll rate. For example, do not poll every 10 milliseconds for data that is saved every 10 seconds.
Use a commercial database (for example, Microsoft SQL Server) instead of a personal database (for example, Microsoft Access). If you are using Microsoft SQL Server, upgrade to SQL Server 2000 or later. Distribute the database to a different computer than the one running FactoryTalk Transaction Manager. Use an appropriate data model for your application. Tune the database. Understand when to use indices and how to archive data. Consult your database administrator for assistance. Optimize queries, triggers, and stored procedures executed by FactoryTalk Transaction Manager.
Distribute both control connectors and enterprise connectors on multiple computers. When using real-time transactions, use multiple real-time threads. The disadvantage is that this consumes extra connections to the database. Some databases are licensed based on the number of simultaneous connections. Use an Oracle OCI connection instead of an ODBC connection to an Oracle database. Use cached transaction files instead of real-time threads, which enhances database performance on commercial databases that allow array inserts. Modify the cached transaction file parameters (number of transactions per log file and time between cache files) to optimize the scheduling and volume of transactions to your database. Disable debug error logging in FactoryTalk Transaction Manager. When collecting data from RSLinx Enterprise and FactoryTalk View, some controller values may exist in RSLinx Enterprise and in the FactoryTalk View tag database. Collect these points from RSLinx Enterprise, not from FactoryTalk View. This allows RSLinx Enterprise to optimize the data collection from the controller by reading the data once and passing it to FactoryTalk View and FactoryTalk Transaction Manager. When collecting data from RSLinx Classic and RSView32, some controller values may exist in RSLinx Classic and in the RSView32 tag database. Collect these points from RSLinx Classic, not from RSView32. This allows RSLinx Classic to optimize the data collection from the controller by reading the data once and passing it to RSView32 and FactoryTalk Transaction Manager. Delete unused data objects and database connections. The enterprise connector automatically tries to connect to these databases even if they are not used in the configuration. If a controller register is assigned to more than one data point in a transaction, use the same data point name so that the Transaction Control Manager service or Transaction Manager service does not have to request the data more than once.
The example application contains the following elements: A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet named ExternalTriggerSample.xls. The integer number in cell A1 is the data point that is sent to the database. A Microsoft SQL database with a table named ExternalTriggerSample that contains three columns: ExternalTriggerDatabaseID (an Autonumber field), ExcelValue, and a timestamp. A FactoryTalk Transaction Manager configuration that contains a single unidirectional transaction named ExternalTriggerTransaction. This transaction obtains a data value from cell A1 in an Excel spreadsheet and appends a record named ExternalTriggerSample in the Microsoft SQL database. The transaction is defined so that it can be triggered by an external application. Three sample programs: one each in Microsoft Visual Basic, C Language, and Microsoft Visual C++ allow you to trigger a transaction by entering a transaction name.
4. Restore the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager configuration contained in the ExternalTrigger.rsq file using correct host name paths. Start the configuration, and wait for all traffic light indicators to turn green. 5. Select the programming environment that you will use, and open the corresponding sample program from its appropriate subdirectory (VB_Example.vbp, C_Example.dsw, Visual_CPP_Example.dsw). 6. Run the program and enter the ExternalTriggerTransaction transaction name.
Note: If you are using the Visual_CPP_Example.dsw, click Trigger to trigger the transaction.
7. View the records that have been created in the database. A new row will be created each time a transaction is triggered. 8. You can change the data value in the Excel spreadsheet or select another option on the sample application screen.
Note: If you are using the Visual_CPP_Example.dsw, you can continue to click Trigger.
The sample illustrates the following two methods in the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Application Program Interface (API) for triggering transactions: RSSqlUnconnectedTrigger() function: The only parameter is the name of the transaction to be triggered (case sensitive). This function establishes a connection to the Transaction Manager service, sends the trigger request, and stops the connection. This function works well when the number of trigger requests is small. The Visual Basic version of this call is RSSqlUnconnectedTriggerVB(). RSSqlConnectedTrigger() function: The only parameter is the name of the transaction to be triggered (case sensitive). In addition, this function requires that the calling function use the RSSqlConnect() and RSSqlDisconnect() functions to manage the connection. This function is better suited for applications in which a large number of transactions must be triggered. The Visual Basic version of this call is RSSqlConnectedTriggerVB(), and the related calls are RSSqlConnectVB() and RSSqlDisconnectVB(). For more information, see the topic API Calls in the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager online help.
To create the client application, complete the following steps: 1. Create a new Visual Basic Standard EXE project. 2. Select Project > Project Properties. Click the General tab and change the project name to ClientSampleVB. 3. Add a command button to the standard form. 4. Copy Code Sample B at the end of this section and paste it into the General Declarations section of the form. 5. Save the project.
11. Select Install new component(s) and browse to the directory where the .dll file was saved in the Creating the Remote Component procedure. 12. Select ComSampleVB.dll from the Select Files to Install dialog and click Open. 13. ComSampleVB.dll displays under Files to Install. Click Next, then click Finish.
Note: You should be able to run the client code ClientSampleVB from the Visual Basic environment on the server computer successfully.
A Microsoft COM+ application is usually part of a larger application (N-tier) or system that affects many areas of a business. You will have to decide how to distribute components across the servers and what clients will have access to them. We assume a thorough understanding of the target environment (user accounts/groups, server names, etc.). For general concepts and detailed information about administering COM and COM+ applications, refer to the online help of the Component Services application. You can install a Microsoft COM+ application by using the setup program provided by the application vendor or the in-house developer, or by manually installing and configuring the COM+ application using the Component Services application. For more information about installing a COM+ application, refer to Installation Tasks in the online help of the Component Services application. The following procedures explain how to export the remote COM+ component, move the client project ClientSampleVB.vbp into Visual Basic, then run the client application in the Visual Basic environment.
To create a COM+ setup program, complete the following steps: 1. Select Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Component Services to start the Component Services Console. 2. In the left pane of the Component Services, click the plus sign next to Component Services to expand it. Continue expanding Computers, My Computer, COM+ Applications, and finally, the ComSampleVB application folder. 3. Right-click the ComSampleVB application and select Export from the menu. 4. From the COM Application Export Wizard dialog, click Next.
5. Enter, or browse for, the full path and filename where you will save the Microsoft Install (MSI) file. Make sure to select Application proxy Install on other machines to enable access to this machine. 6. Click Finish. 7. Navigate to the directory to which you exported the application. An MSI file and an MSI.CAB file that were built as a result of the export appears in the directory. 8. Move these files to the remote (client) computer and run the MSI file. Do not run this program on the server. This program correctly registers the remote components on the client computer.
To move the Client Sample Program, complete the following steps: 1. From Microsoft Windows Explorer, navigate to the directory in which the client application is stored. A Form1.frm file and a ClientSampleVB.vbp file appears in this directory. 2. Move these files to the remote (client) computer. 3. Open the .VBP file up in the Visual Basic environment.
Note: You should now be able to run the ClientSampleVB application on the remote client computer and execute the COM+ Server component ComSampleVB on the server.
Including the COM+ enterprise application connector in a FactoryTalk Transaction Manager configuration
To include a Microsoft COM+ enterprise application connector in a FactoryTalk Transaction Manager configuration, complete the following steps: 1. Open FactoryTalk Transaction Manager. 2. Select the desired configuration in the Configuration tree, right-click and select Define Configuration from the menu. 3. From the dialog, select the Microsoft COM+ check box under the Enterprise Connector Services group. 4. Click Apply to save the parameters, and then click Close.
1. Select Configuration > Checklist. 2. From the Configuration Checklist, make sure that all previous steps have been completed (a yellow or green checkmark next to a step designates that the step has been completed), then click Step 4. 3. From the COM+ Data Object Definition dialog, enter a name for the connector in the Connector Name field. 4. Enter a name for the data object in the Name field. 5. If the desired COM+ connection does not display, click () to define one. 6. From the COM+ Connection Definition dialog, select a connection name from the drop-down list or enter it in the Connection Name field.
Note: The User Name and Password fields are disabled because they are not supported in the initial release of Microsoft COM+.
7. Select a COM+ server from the drop-down list. The COM+ applications (or proxies) installed on the computer display in the COM+ Applications area. 8. Select a COM+ interface from the list, click Apply, then click Close to return to the COM+ Data Object Definition dialog. 9. Select a COM+ Method from the drop-down list. The method parameters that can be included in the specified FactoryTalk Transaction Manager data object display in the Parameters column.
10. Click Apply to save the parameters, then click Close to return to the Configuration Checklist. You are now ready to use Microsoft COM+ components in a FactoryTalk Transaction Manager transaction.
Exit Function Program Notes: Note the use of SetComplete and SetAbort methods of the ctxObject to end the code. SetComplete and SetAbort indicate to the transaction server to deactivate the object and whether to commit changes made by the business code (SetComplete) or throw away all changes (SetAbort) The purpose of the arguments (strKeyID bolData) of the Get_VB_Sample_Data function is to demonstrate how to pass data to and from the function. The strKeyID variable will show a required input, notice the ByVal keyword. The remaining variables will show optional variables returned by the function, notice the Optional and ByRef keywords. End Function
The Configuration Server is the only FactoryTalk Transaction Manager-specific component that you can apply security permissions to via the FactoryTalk Administration Console. One Configuration Server (in FactoryTalk Transaction Manager) is equivalent to one computer (in FactoryTalk). All configurations that are displayed under a single Configuration Server will have the same security settings.
Note: For information on product-specific, FactoryTalk Security-related permissions that are necessary for external components used by FactoryTalk Transaction Manager (for example, FactoryTalk Live Data), please see the online help for that respective component.
FactoryTalk Transaction Manager inherits its FactoryTalk Security settings from the computer that hosts the Configuration Server. These attributes must be configured using the FactoryTalk Administration Console.
Note: The computer that hosts the Configuration Server may be configured to inherit from a higher level in the FactoryTalk Directory (for example, the Application or the Area). For more information, see the FactoryTalk online help.
In addition to the standard Read and Write permissions, FactoryTalk Transaction Manager also supports one custom action: Start, Stop, and Assemble Configurations. For more information, see the following sections in this appendix: Specifying FactoryTalk Security permissions that allow you to perform FactoryTalk Transaction Manager tasks and Writing product-specific security privileges from a previous release to a file. All product-specific privilege information from releases prior to CPR 9 will be ignored in existing configurations and it will not be converted directly to FactoryTalk Security attributes. All product-specific privilege information can be viewed using the Write FactoryTalk Transaction Manager-specific security privileges to file tool, and then you can use that data to establish similar permissions in the FactoryTalk Administration Console. FactoryTalk Security is set in the FactoryTalk Directory. Therefore, if you move a configuration from one FactoryTalk Directory to another FactoryTalk Directory, your FactoryTalk Security permissions will not be maintained.
If an administrator changes your individual security permissions in the FactoryTalk Administration Console or if your user permissions to a computer are altered, FactoryTalk Transaction Manager will reflect those changes (in FactoryTalk Transaction Manager, select Security > Permissions to launch the FactoryTalk Security Permissions dialog) without requiring you to log off and log on to FactoryTalk Security. However, if an administrator makes changes in the FactoryTalk Administration Console to a group membership (in which you are a member), you must log off and log on again to FactoryTalk Security for those permission changes to be enforced.
FactoryTalk Transaction Manager also includes a Security menu that allows you to log on and log off from FactoryTalk Security from within FactoryTalk Transaction Manager, as well as check the current users permissions. If you select Security > Permissions in FactoryTalk Transaction Manager, you can view current user permission information. The permission types that can appear are "Read," "Write," or "Start, Stop, and Assemble Configurations." If you want to share configuration tasks across multiple computers, the FactoryTalk Directory servers on all of the computers must match. For example, if the FactoryTalk Directory server and the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Configuration Server are on your computer (computer A) and you want to communicate to another computer (computer B) that is configured to use another FactoryTalk Directory server, data cannot be shared between computer A and computer B until the FactoryTalk Directory servers are the same.
All security permissions must be assigned in the FactoryTalk Administration Console. Keep in mind that the user name and password associated with FactoryTalk Security permissions to the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager user interface may be completely independent from the user name and password associated with each connector.
Specifying FactoryTalk Security permissions that allow you to perform FactoryTalk Transaction Manager tasks
To perform specific tasks in FactoryTalk Transaction Manager, you must first have specific FactoryTalk Security permissions. Use the following table to determine the initial action (indicated by an x) that you or your administrator must take in the FactoryTalk Administration Console to ensure that you will be able to perform the specified FactoryTalk Transaction Manager tasks.
To perform this FactoryTalk Transaction Manager task:
Select the following item on the Explorer pane in the FactoryTalk Administration Console:
Right-click the selected item on the Explorer pane in the FactoryTalk Administration Console, select Security, and then set the following actions on the Security Settings dialog that is displayed: FactoryTalk Common > Transaction List Children Manager > Start, Stop, and Assemble Transactions Common > Read Common > Write
view a configuration
computer in the Computers group that hosts the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Configuration Server. FactoryTalk Area (located beneath Network > Application) that you wish to browse for tags.1 X
computer in the Computers group that hosts the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Configuration Server. FactoryTalk Area (located beneath Network > Application) that you wish to browse for tags.1 X
change a running configuration (i.e., perform online edits) start or stop a configuration run a service that is not FactoryTalk Live Data enabled
computer in the Computers group that hosts the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Configuration Server. computer in the Computers group that hosts the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Configuration Server.
FactoryTalk Area (located beneath Network > run a service that is Application) that you wish to browse for tags. FactoryTalk Live Data enabled (Transaction Control Manager or FactoryTalk Live Data connector) for read only access to the controller 2
1 - If you specify permissions at the application level in the FactoryTalk Administration Console, those permissions will be inherited by all of the areas that are included in that application. You can also set the permissions for each area separately. For more information, see the FactoryTalk Security online help. 2 - The user specified in the control connector must be a Microsoft Windows-linked user. This Microsoft Windows-linked user does not have to be defined via FactoryTalk Security.
FactoryTalk Transaction Manager behaviors when the FactoryTalk Security single sign-on user is in effect Overview
Single sign-on (SSO) is a FactoryTalk Security policy setting that allows you to log on to the first product that you are running in the FactoryTalk system, and then automatically allows you to be logged on (without being prompted) to each subsequent Rockwell Software product that you run, using the same user account and password information. For more information on user account types and how they interact with FactoryTalk Security, see the FactoryTalk Security online help (go to x:\Program Files\Common Files\Rockwell\Help to launch the FactoryTalk Security online help file [FTSecurityEN.chm] manually [where x: is the drive where your Rockwell Software products are located]).
Note: To use FactoryTalk Transaction Manager and FactoryTalk Security effectively, you must have a FactoryTalk user account in the FactoryTalk Directory. Additionally, to use FactoryTalk Transaction Manager to perform any design-time or run-time task, you must log into FactoryTalk Security. For more information, see the following sections. If you have additional questions, please contact your system administrator.
Prior to starting FactoryTalk Transaction Manager, if you: are not recognized as the SSO user have a Windows-linked user account in the FactoryTalk Directory then FactoryTalk Transaction Manager recognizes that an SSO is not set at startup. However, since you have a Windows-linked user account in the FactoryTalk Directory (and the user information on that account matches your user information as the currently logged in Microsoft Windows user), FactoryTalk Security logs you in as the SSO user. FactoryTalk Transaction Manager uses your user information to represent the logged in FactoryTalk Transaction Manager user. SCENARIO 2: YOU
Prior to starting FactoryTalk Transaction Manager, if you are: a FactoryTalk user (with a FactoryTalk user account in the FactoryTalk Directory) already logged on to the FactoryTalk Directory via Start > Programs > Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk Tools > Log on to FactoryTalk or some other FactoryTalkenabled product. then FactoryTalk Transaction Manager immediately retrieves your SSO information at startup. That user information represents both the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager and FactoryTalk logged-in user. SCENARIO 3: YOU
Prior to starting FactoryTalk Transaction Manager, if you: are not recognized as the SSO user do not have a Windows-linked user account in the FactoryTalk Directory then FactoryTalk Transaction Manager recognizes that an SSO is not present at startup. You are prompted with the Log on to FactoryTalk dialog. Either: Enter a valid FactoryTalk user name and password - In this case, you are immediately logged into FactoryTalk Transaction Manager and your user information represents the computer-wide SSO user. Cancel the log on prompt - In this case, FactoryTalk Transaction Manager starts up with the default system graphic displayed. To use FactoryTalk Transaction Manager effectively, you must select Security > Logon; you are immediately logged into FactoryTalk Transaction Manager and your user information represents the computerwide SSO user.
While using FactoryTalk Transaction Manager, if you select Security > Logon and you: have a Windows-linked user account in the FactoryTalk Directory are currently logged into Microsoft Windows then you will be automatically logged into FactoryTalk Transaction Manager. SCENARIO 2: YOU
While using FactoryTalk Transaction Manager, if you select Security > Logon and you do not have a Windows-linked user account in the FactoryTalk Directory, then the Logon to FactoryTalk dialog appears.
When using this tool, you can specify the file name and location where this file will reside. This file will be formatted as follows: Line 1 - file title Line 2 - Configuration Server name Line 3 - configuration name Line 4 and subsequent lines - security level, the user or group name, and any file notification options After generating this file, you can review the old product-specific security privileges and use that content to establish new FactoryTalk Security permissions in the FactoryTalk Administration Console. For more information on writing product-specific security privileges to a file, see the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager online help.
Map old product-specific security privileges to the new FactoryTalk Security permissions
For more information on how old product-specific security privileges map to the new FactoryTalk Security permissions, see the following table:
If you used this old productspecific security privilege: It has been replaced by this FactoryTalk Security permission or FactoryTalk Transaction Manager custom action: This security permission allows you to:
FactoryTalk Transaction Manager start, stop or assemble (on-line > Start, Stop, and Assemble editing) a running configuration. Configurations Note: This attribute also requires that you have Common > Read and Common > Write permission.
make offline changes to a Note: This attribute also requires that configuration. you have Common > Read permission. Common > Read No permissions needed view a configuration. view the following FactoryTalk Transaction Manager options (since security permissions have not been configured): Security > Logon Configuration > Exit Help Menu (all enabled) Configuration Tree (empty) System View Graphic
RSSQL_VIEW No privilege
Assemble pending edits - The process of changing the running, current definition of a transaction or data point in a configuration that uses online edits to the pending definition. You cannot assemble pending edits until you save them first. Audit trail - A record of changes made to a Transaction Manager service in the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager configuration, by whom, and when they were made, as compiled by the Configuration Server log file. The changes are displayed in FactoryTalk Diagnostics. Binding - The relationship between a single data object element (table column or stored procedure parameter) and its corresponding data point or expression in a transaction. Bound value - The data to be written to, or read from, a table column or stored procedure parameter. Configuration - A FactoryTalk Transaction Manager configuration consists of a set of transactions and the connectors, data points, and data objects required to implement the transactions. All configuration information is stored in the configuration files. You can create an unlimited number of configurations, but the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager Transaction Manager can run only one configuration at a time. Configuration Server - A Microsoft Windows 2000/2003/XP service that runs continuously to provide a single interface to the configuration files (.dat) that make up FactoryTalk Transaction Manager. The Configuration Server simplifies access to configuration files by filtering all changes to the files and interfacing with other FactoryTalk Transaction Manager services. A collection of all changes that affect a configuration can be recorded in an audit trail. Configuration that uses online edits - A configuration that can be changed while it is running and uses the Transaction Control Manager service to communicate exclusively with FactoryTalk Live Data servers. Control connector - A service that moves data between a data server in the control system and the Transaction Manager service. Control system - Typically includes a network of controllers and/or HMI servers that collect data from, and control the operation of, machines in a manufacturing plant. DDE control connector - A service that moves data between the Transaction Manager service and a DDE or AdvanceDDE server.
DSN - An acronym for Data Source Name; that is, the name of the database being used. A system DSN is available to all users and Microsoft Windows 2000/2003/XP services, while a user DSN is available only to the user who configured it. The ODBC enterprise database connector requires a system DSN to connect to an ODBC data source. Database view - A filter on selected fields in database table(s) outside of the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager software. Data object - A subset of columns in a database table or database view or a set of stored procedure parameters, along with the database connection information to access the database. A FactoryTalk Transaction Manager transaction acts on a single data object, so all of the necessary database information for a transaction must be contained in a single data object. Data objects are defined in enterprise connectors. Data point - Data locations in the control system. Data points are associated with control connectors and also contain collection parameters and other attributes. Data points can serve as transaction triggers, supply input data for transactions, and receive data as an output from a transaction. Enterprise connector - A service that moves data between the Transaction Manager service and database(s) or an enterprise system. Expression Editor - A FactoryTalk Transaction Manager utility used to create expressions prior to binding them in a transaction. FactoryTalk Metrics enterprise application connector - A service that is used only with FactoryTalk Metrics and stores data in the Information Services Manager. This connector can be configured only through the Service Console. FactoryTalk Security - Rockwell Softwares current security software that is intended to improve the security of your automation system by limiting access to those with a legitimate need. FactoryTalk Security authenticates user identities and authorizes user requests to access a FactoryTalk-enabled system. These security services are fully integrated into the FactoryTalk Directory and are included as part of the FactoryTalk Automation Platform that installs with many Rockwell Software products. FactoryTalk Transaction Manager user interface - The user interface that you use to create, run, control, and monitor FactoryTalk Transaction Manager configurations. Generic OPC control connector - A service that moves data between the Transaction Manager service and an OPC-compliant server. Local FactoryTalk Transaction Manager computer - A computer that is running the FactoryTalk Transaction Manager user interface. Microsoft COM+ enterprise application connector - A standard for designing distributed n-tier application systems. Microsoft COM+ builds on standard COM, and
incorporates new versions of tools such as Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) and Microsoft Message Queues (MSMQ). Microsoft OLE DB enterprise database connector - A service that moves data between the Transaction Manager service and Microsoft SQL Server. OCI - An acronym for Oracle Call Interface. OCI is an Application Programming Interface (API) used for developing software that can interface natively to Oracle databases. ODBC - An acronym for Open Database Connectivity. ODBC is a widely accepted API for database access that is based on the Call-Level Interface (CLI) specifications from X/Open and ISO/IEC APIs and uses Structured Query Language (SQL) as its database access language. ODBC enterprise database connector - A service that moves data between the Transaction Manager service and an ODBC-compliant database. The ODBC enterprise database connector is currently written to the ODBC version 2.0 specification and should support any ODBC driver that is version 2.0 compliant or greater. OLE DB - A Component Object Model (COM)based database architecture that provides universal data integration over an enterprise network (from mainframe to desktop) regardless of the data type. Oracle OCI enterprise database connector - A service that uses OCI to move data between the Transaction Manager service and an Oracle SQL*NETcompliant database. Pending definition - Changes made to data points or transactions in a configuration that uses online edits. Pending edits must be saved before they can be assembled. Pending edits do not affect the running configuration until they have been assembled. Pending edit alerts - Informational messages describing that transactions that have state information will lose that state information when the associated data point or transaction is assembled. Remote FactoryTalk Transaction Manager computer - A computer that is used to configure FactoryTalk Transaction Manager services and configuration (.dat) files to run on another computer (local FactoryTalk Transaction Manager computer). This computer communicates directly with the Configuration Server, which then writes to the configuration files. The FactoryTalk Transaction Manager user interface does not run on this computer. RSLinx Classic OPC control connector - A service that moves data between the Transaction Manager service and an RSLinx Classic server.
RSView32 control connector - A service that moves data from an RSView32 project to the Transaction Manager server in RSView32. SQL - An acronym for Structured Query Language. SQL is an ANSI/ISO standard language for querying, updating, inserting, deleting, controlling access to, and defining storage containers for, data. Table - In relational database terms, a unit of storage that contains columns of specific names and data types and rows of those columns. Tag - A collection of information for a single data point. Time-series data compression enterprise database connector - A service that compresses data from the control system using a lossless algorithm to conserve space. This connector can be configured and used by only FactoryTalk Historian Classic. Transaction - An exchange of data between data points and a data object. Transactions also include triggering information and other attributes that govern its behavior. Transactions can be unidirectional or bidirectional. Transaction Manager service - A service that controls and executes FactoryTalk Transaction Manager transactions contained in a configuration. Transaction Control Manager service - Similar to the Transaction Manager service, but with the additional functionality of the FactoryTalk Live Data control connector embedded in it. In configurations that use online edits, the Transaction Control Manager service replaces the separate Transaction Manager service and FactoryTalk Live Data control connector services. Transaction result binding - Implements a data transfer from the control system to the enterprise system (and possibly back to the control system, logging a return code to the control system that is bound to a data point and reports the success or failure of the transaction). The control system can then take appropriate action based on the success or failure of the transaction. Transaction Result Code - A data value assigned to a transaction by FactoryTalk Transaction Manager to communicate successful transaction completion. UNC - An acronym for Universal Naming Convention. Unidirectional transactions - Transactions that use information from the control system to add records to a database table or to update the contents of existing records. Unidirectional transactions are commonly used to log production data to a database and do not return data to the control system.
.dat files 32 .log files 32 .rfb files 32 .rpb files 32 .rsl files 32 .rsq files 32 .sql files 32 viewing 29 configurations that use online edits 71 creating 75 editing data points 76 editing transactions 78 connectors starting and stopping 31 control connectors 4, 35 DDE 36 defining 27 FactoryTalk 35 OPC 37 RSLinx Classic OPC 36 RSView32 36
activation 13 activation options 15
bidirectional transactions, with input/output bindings 59 bidirectional transactions, with transaction result bindings 60 buffering data points 86, 87
data block support 45 data objects COM+ 53 defining 28, 51 FactoryTalk Metrics 53 OCI 53 C ODBC 53 cached transactions 62 OLE DB 53 COM+ data points data objects 53 add multiple 45 enterprise connectors 38 buffering 86, 87 remote component sample 93, 94, 95, 96, 97 collection mode 43, 44 configuration and connector status DDE 49 viewing 23 defining 28, 41 Configuration Checklist 26 FactoryTalk 43 Configuration Server 5, 40 generic OPC 49 configuration that uses online edits 69 quality 46 configurations RSLinx Classic OPC 48 defining and naming 27 RSView32 49 increasing performance 88, 89, 90 substitution option 46 monitoring 31 data validity 45 overview 26 database triggers 64 starting 30 DDE control connectors 36 status 30 DDE data points 49 stopping 31 defining configurations properties
connectors 27 data objects 28, 51 data points 28, 41 distributed configurations 84 distributed FactoryTalk Transaction Manager installations 18
hardware requirements 11
inserting and updating data table records 55 installing FactoryTalk Transaction Manager 11, 16
Enterprise connectors 5 enterprise connectors 39 COM+ 38 defining 27 error handling 54 OCI 38 ODBC 38 OLE DB 38 options 39 Time-series Data Compression 39 error handling 54 Expression Editor 65 external files 32 external trigger sample application 91, 92
OCI data objects 53 OCI enterprise connectors 38 ODBC data objects 53 ODBC enterprise connectors 38 OLE DB data objects 53 OLE DB enterprise connectors 38 online edits 69, 70 current definition 69, 72 pending definition 69, 72 OPC control connectors 37 OPC data points 48
FactoryTalk control connectors 35 FactoryTalk data points 43 FactoryTalk Metrics data objects 53 FactoryTalk Metrics enterprise connectors 39 FactoryTalk Security 101 FactoryTalk services 6 FactoryTalk Transaction Manager concepts 3 consulting services 9 external files 32 installing 11, 16 overview 1 services 35 support 9 training 8 user interface 19
Parse function 67 pending edit alerts 69, 74 pending edits 69 assembling 69, 72, 77, 79 canceling 69, 73, 77, 81 saving 77, 79
real-time transactions 62 retrieving data 46 RSLinx Classic OPC control connectors 36 RSLinx Classic OPC data points 48 RSView32 control connectors 36 RSView32 data points 49
Service Console 33 software compatibility 12 software requirements 11 stale and mismatched data 47 starting configurations 30
generic OPC data points 49
timeout properties 45, 62 Time-series Data Compression enterprise connectors 39 Transaction Control Manager service 40, 69 Transaction Manager service 5, 40 transactions bidirectional 64 bidirectional with input/output bindings 59, 60 cached 62 creating 29 real-time 62
timeout properties 45, 62 triggers 64 types 55, 58 unidirectional 58 verifying 29 viewing differences 80 with bound transaction results 64
unidirectional transactions 58 user interface 19 Configuration tree 23 menu 21 title 20 toolbar 22, 23 workspace 25