Job Description Asst Chemisy, SR Chemist
Job Description Asst Chemisy, SR Chemist
Job Description Asst Chemisy, SR Chemist
3. Gain knowledge side by side to prepare himself to run as shift chemist independently in future.
1. To Supervise total shift staff working and to implement work plan provided by seniors/concerned
2. Close coordination with shift engineer, electrical engineer, boiler staff, mill house staff, lab staff to run
the shift smoothly, to achieve maximum crushing rate with economized quality production.
4. Responsible to look after any breakage of machinery during shift and to take it in operation after
necessary repair as soon as possible.
5. Responsible to handle any kind of trouble shooting to achieve targets fixed by senior management /
6. Responsible to intimate any kind of problem faced during shift immediately, especially the problems
to be handled beyond his limit.
8. Responsible to check lab analysis reports on hourly bases and to back feed concerned staff for
rectification if required and contact his seniors to get guideline if there is any upset.
10. Responsible to incomplete jobs to be carried out properly to the related department.
11. Responsible to achieve crushing target as well as production target given by the HOD.
13. Note the progress report and remaining jobs on chemist log book and report the shift progress to
D.C.C, C.C and DGM (P).
14. Responsible to maintain shift wise production report and submit to DCC, CC and DGM (P).