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Inc Tax Intro

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Taxation Contribute since he has no dependents to

Defined as State Power, a legislative process
and a mode of government cost distribution Inherent powers of the state

As a state power – taxation is an inherent Taxation power

power of the state to enforce a proportional Power of state to enforce proportional
contribution from its subjects for public contribution from its subjs to sustain
purposes. itself
Ex. Gov requiring people to pay a tax
As a process – is a process of levying taxes by on any goods they buy that will go to
the legislature of the state to enforce the funding of police force
proportional contributions from its subj. for
public purpose Police power
Gen power of state to enact laws to
As a mode of cost distribution – taxation is a protect the welfare of people
mode by which the state allocates its costs or Ex. Real estate zoning, bldg. codes
burden to its subjs. Who are benefitted by its and rent controls
Eminent domain
Aspects of ability to pay theory Power of state to take priv property for
public use after paying just
Vertical Equity compensation
Proposes that the extent of one’s abilitu to Ex. Buying a priv. land for the making of
pay is directly proportional to the level of his rail road
tax base.
Aspects of taxation
Ex. A has income of 200k and B has 400k. in
taxing income, the gov. should tax B more Levying of tax
than A bcuz B has a greater income and a Imposition of tax requires legislative
greater capacity to contribute intervention. In PH, it is congress that
levies taxes
Horizontal Equity
Requires consideration of the particular Collection of tax levied
circumstances od the taxpayer. Essentially an administrative function

Ex, a & b had 300k inco. A is a single mom

w./o a child while b is married w/ 4 kids. In
taxing income, the gov should tax a more
bcuz she has more of the capacity to
Basic Principles of Sound Tax system
- Tax can only be imposed within
Fiscal Adequacy territories of the state.
Sources of rev, must be enough or - No basis for taxing foreign subjs.
sufficient to provide funds to meet
gov. expenditures International Comity – property of foreign
state may not be taxed by another in respect
Theoretical Justice to the agreement of the states.
Taxes must be based on the payer’s
ability to pay Exemption – gov. agencies performing
governmentak functions are exempt from
Administrative Feasibility taxation. Those in gov.
The tax must be clear tax payer, not
unduly burdensome and Non-delegation – power to tax being
discouraging to busi., convenient legislative in nature may not be delegated.
as to time and manner of payment,
and capable of enforcement by Double Taxation
competent public officials
Occurs when same taxpayer is taxed twice
The law must be capable of by the same tax jurisdiction for the same
convenient, just and effective thing.
Limitations on the power of Taxation Primary: subject
Subj. to constitutional and inherent Secondary: same type of tax
limitations. Same purpose of tax
Same taxing jurisdiction
Constitutional limitations Same tax period
Prov. For in the constitution or implied from its
provisions. Direct double taxation
Inherent Limitations Occurs when all elems of double tax exist for
Restrictions to the power to tax attached to botj impositions.
its nature Illegal as it is against the constitution

1. Inherent Lims Becomes legal objectionable for being

Purpose – levied only for public oppressive and inequitable if both taxes are
purpose imposed w/ same purpose by same taxing
Territoriality – state may tax persons authority for same taxable period.
and properties under its jurisdiction
Indirect Double Taxation Allowed by selecting tax options allowed by
When at least one of the secondary elems. Is law which minimizes tax liability or by careful
not common for both impositions. tax planning to reduce tax exposure.

Ex. Busi. Tax is imposedby municipal gov. Tax Amnesty

prior to issuance of busi. License to a General pardon/forgiveness granted by gov.
taxpayer for engaging in advertising busi. for erring taxpayers to give them a chance
---------------------------------------------------------------- to reform and enable them to have a fresh
Lifeblood Doctrine/Theory start to be a part of a society w/ clean slate
Taxes are the lifeblood of the government
and their prompt and certain availability are It is an absolute forgiveness or waiver by the
an imperious need gov. on its rights to collect and is
retrospective in application
Taxation is indispensable and inevitable price
for civilized society; Tax Exemption (tax holiday)
Immunity privilege or freedom from being
without taxes, the government would be subj. to a tax which others are subj. to
paralyzed for lack of motive power to
activate or operate it. All forms of tax exemption can be revoked by
congress except those that is granted by
A government cannot continue to exist and constitution or contract.
operate without financial means. This
inherent power gives the government the Tax condonation (tax remission)
right to tax citizens and properties within its Forgiveness of tax obligation of a certain
jurisdiction. taxpayer under certain justifiable grounds.

Tax Evasion (Tax dodging) Bcus the deprive the gov of revs. Tax
occurs when the taxpayer resorts to illegal or exemption, tax refund , tax amnesty and tax
unlawful means to lessen or ot get away with condonation are construed against
his tax liability. taxpayer and in favor of gov.

Examples of atx evasion are under-

declaration of sales, overstatement of
expenses, and backdating an imp.
Tax Avoidance (Tax minimization/planning)
Any act or trick that reduces or totally
escapes taxes by any legally permissible
Tax amnesty vs. Tax condonation

Amnesty - covers both civil and criminal

- Operates retrospectively by forgiving
past violation
- Conditional upon taxpayer paying the
gov. a portion of tax

Condonation – covers only civil liabilities

- Applies prospectively to any unpaid
bal of tax. Portion already paid will not
be refunded
- Requires no payment.

Situs of Taxation

- Situs is the place of taxation

- Is the atax jurisdiction that has the
power to levy taxes upon the tax
- The rule is that the state may rightfully
levy and collect tax where the subj.
being taxed has a situs under its
- Serves as the frames of referenvce in
gauging whether the tax obj. is within
or outside the tax jurisdiction of the
taxing authority.

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