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mBsr6ei ge LEARN™GEETA ey “renga ek Ver 7.0 Das SosgsoSy wet , wert, tet & are ber S88 urge Sathisder 4 earytea SOyTHOY wag’, Es] bao ssired Sard Serchiorr, Shera Mees, Lavo Sosrarkro sarytea. (Bod Soes° HVBvy (7°) oq sasossoo PSDPSOBW NS © 55 fie oir: app.learngeetacom * Go 495: onlineleamgeetacom 9 8D8 Sods Joingeetacom #908 Saoffen: store leageetacom ears SNA : practice learngeetacom, # Sard Oesoih : # DilsSsScv 204 eflerhd esd: sewaleamgectacom #568 SSre: * fe Sétae sao8: giftleamgeetacom * YouTube: youtube,com/c/GeetaPariwar ‘* Facebook :, ¢ Instagram: * Twitter Geeta “irehsineso.S sous), SosermrsSsGSS1 ! ass S8Enisos . satoiso S8° shepensonul 20 2 HOSTS IT Sodoe 1B DF+8 dD HenSHG& ['[H' OD FAI] "ut u t BSSHS BDSSheEr’ S Soc PSAWOS Sy 'G' D HEY OF Sain Mw, BW OPTS 5605552, HY STATS CATE: oo od HNdvr2eqrsos ‘HABr(E)ysoh: Sods ‘Br’ d AF aorj6e TaosSae, [2 (WSLS) Er 50 ‘eo’ Savory], sfheprarqara Ht 7 HOTT RTAT (P) ure, ari german i oreara) wae Tie, Tear RT TTT I l 2 Sharad j Sooke sO¥soa2G) arG, Brood Soop zerscdosl EV0FOHO(S) HSNO) Sr ocho, bar Pose eS) 9¢09 1 "Soo + ater +9 (G)¥+Sow(H)' Od Ged} 60HSSAo, “Soo Bi (S)5yT(G)FoHs' OD Gs 60SSS%, "BP(D)MSB' S' 2" D WH suv Senssow, WG “sero fag, seq) cease: | aan Ae wiser, gaormafretizi Scimadohagavadgits- "Chapter Manavisdoayoga Pasytsber-equcbSn7. PADE SASS fame yn VLIIDeNUVIT € 9 9 £ @ © D £ G o aWSS) S2IP0(S) HDS, ASS Sars g8heil MAP _ew sg Biv SrdIw2.5 58, PSS 30599 9H 2 I ‘Ser s(Sojhog+4ASr 0D SeosSB%, ‘AF rape g wd LmsSSa&, PHHSs+HSHISIS' 0d Sessow. ian i thal i J all, | maar arti~, piaraic) ofa aaa: 113 Soar ser o(S) SHH, $295g5B DGSH | Sodserssod HT oes), $3 jT2OS9 BS SS e513 Il SEP (BYLHW' SG" d Ur pS HEKSTS, '$B)2 (ENS SSB‘ Od 5 60580, BEB SB d's Sor SE8sSTA. afteriisael ay:@, Sey wat gfara aI i aegr siticy 2 frat wefeeeerian | § Ay DowWesSS srasoos(e5) , MO(So) SveS* GSS vs e2rerz5 BBdSO(S) BH, Dar? H¥yBYqr iid SED + OW SS" 099 HEL~SBA, '[HI9B+G(DAG" 0D HenssBar. amatreaicy, wp) YA wer aygicy werarel, waée) urda orTqISII estos sarso(S), HF QBoiSo DO B SorSo! BSAPSPOSD Her sry MdhcdsoiS Sse 23% 115 ll $SB+OHMSH+4 g(SlargS' SH! d SrOrv HoossS&, 'D(E)Q’ Od Gd j605SSx. ‘ f ae HES) PRAT STA: (H), WHA:((H) WeTARTUT IG ‘Srimadbhagavadgits-7"chapter-sRanoianayoge Pasytsber-equcbSn7. PADE SASS c mf > mB € 9 9 £ @ © D £das estes NS8599 Srwd, dorgede s—rdab! i fl OWO(S) SHS IVs BheSaH), (HeNSaH) Hoo Yar l6 II 9 (B)SsdH' 09D G5 }60SSBA, ‘Horgeb (Sho sH—rdsos' S ‘ef’ d ASSwrr SossSad, BQS+HH(H)H$" Od HOSS. aft ade whic, we ‘afore Sari Se2(H) HSG0(5) wsss, Be? S% SSO! 4 $009 0G g065.0(S) (*E$.0(Sd), BHP[S SoeShes 25 117 Il BOSSES’ S oe BOD Sr HenswTar, ‘Seal 7+ (DR 0d HOSS, ‘SoeBiter’ S*' * OUrosaor Sasso, ‘aS! S'S! d SpOrr Hew$SGA&. TECH) wt ec atkie@ gual gs 8 Sd YS Taos, (Darky $2PG sOBral (Ge952(H) V6 SSB, $0205) BB PHLAO(S Spills “GH + SSH)’ S ‘Ko! D UPS sSnrr Hen$SGAo, “Hay (H)%y"' S ‘Dy O ETH sSorr SenssS2v, ‘SW HPS srr S ‘Sr’ d AGSnrr Sos{SSad. Wy Woot TeKE yeas a, aoranfee ferret sterie waaay TORTTII9II “yest 8 Hoe (3) Sydsr-sorst) v6, Base y2 darser i BSSO(H) V6 sArSBy, 4HayH2 SS% sep 9 *BaaGHw HD)’ OD HeogSSAo, ‘DaP+ SV" S'S D SOP HengssS%, SS(D)DBS' SW" d UH sso Sens. € 9 9 £ @ © D £ § er Jinavinanayoge Basehor -eosassn7 esowscniss PIEasic aie ware), Ragone gradierane, dente 1oll Hesz0(Ss) SPO(S) HS sSrarTo(So, 28 BS SarsS5o | i i WOdJ@DwHDz, Bas Yaad garco%S 1110 *20(8)Q5 +2(6) 9 + Hew + S0(H)%' OD GSj)S0SSS&, *23(%)Qaa(H)B gars MPS’ 9D HewKSSad. ae) aetaai=) HES, arerrferateiar| unifies yay, preishe aeadriaii 29€0(S») DOSSrOlaé) IPOs), SHON eSe001 SoS ApS, sSved2 SSSI ‘$8101 DSB+BSSs' ©d SEOESTS, GO 7+D(G/F' 0d SoxSS%, ‘SABRHD' SDs" aur sor SenssBoo I |Z a aq wie wa, womeaarg 21 i Fa wae wR + ee ag 2 afi Ob BS PAs ara, wawapsoarsy oI HS DSB Wd, S SSLr01S) SH S So l!12 I “‘wraaar(H)AP+ HoA(G)S a OD Ged j605S5&y, ‘Soo’ 5 ‘on’ D UH sor HEngssSa&. faftnforraufa-~@, TED wdrep Tq Aiea aaParnfe, AI eH) WAST 13 I (BAG eaSoAVHor 7326), NHB) HB sMOSorak) wi | BrerdsoS) WDA, Sv soes 25) HBSoos gohoSo W131 (BO5+toeo+ HAW5+4PBE' Od ere }O05SS.%0, WH APTI SG HLH Sor HOxwsB&, BSH(H|S soHH' GD a5 OoSSTA. € 9 8 s @ © D £ G o a Pasytsber-equcbSn7. PADE SASSama & wed, arTadicp af S14 BD trsar teasroon, Sodo Soke Sobeb sas \ SBS dh WHSsz, Srhr Aeros) 65} Hi141 ‘Spr Shar’ wd SoosSGas, ‘Soo’ S* Goeto 'ho' Od Grrr HemssG%, BBE) SsMF' OD HEMKSSA, [HHS (HT OD HemgssSw. amie epi yar: (®), WrEt FRIGHT: | ARG, SRD rae I & Sos) 5.3.95" SorereS), ods Soresserel g Srobarsinoserm, @BN560(5) ayrSsSr BERS I15 I (YAY QBS" Od HengsGa, ‘Aroha +ergsePar’ od avd OosSGa. aafder wera FISD, WAR) Upset! ond? raregratlf, art a adie S86 s—r Sas Sroraty, sara) oF QS*2.Sp08 ef esrmpted, vd S S666 "8 QB+ SDS’ S'S! D SPS HenszsSav, Wyo + 65+ gS! 0d ed }GodSSAo. auicsy art Rlerden, i oe fet Fe enPriseadly, see) wa fra: 1711 Sarocet) xO Des sos0§, D8s§O 25S (2d3" Bp POSS 55d, 37.015) % 05 Sooo (20881117 Il "DSH(S)8H+D2(A)ASS' Od HemsSG&. SER ad wad, art cata & war anf eat ey B AS Gama, AMATI AAT 18 I Pasytsber-equcbSn7. PADE SASS .cO g s @ © D £ G o a70 DoS SosyseSo "ou BSOPO8(D) HHS apd, PA w BIS DH HSH! esdrebs () & Br oSosrery, SrsaroSSroel) 451118 ll ‘Sra OS SSeS" SSD ErosSur SenssBS. a! qe) wear, araraiep woe aa wd, w Herat gets: 1911 DIATAPO(SE) asa garrssoed, wPsarwzo1S Hos i ITWDS(H) V6 SB, H Sovter? 95052881119 Il "PSsr(S)/TYH' Od Hew§SGA, ‘KocoSsHx’ S 'K' d [WH shor” HewSSBAv, Tal a pil io yt 6p), WerASareaa:| dip acy Prarerera, wpe Pree) FaeMI'201 wat 8 § sD oSarart (D), WSasFeS sso 8 2 S08 SoS) Dobososrgrod, Q¥gersOodoewrey% sos 120 ut SDRAM) RG) NE+S ySPO(H)' OD G5 j5055S&, # Debs +Sr(H Po! a eS :COSSSS. attach aie eae wae, srg hteRe wea TEMA) AID, arta faqurereqi2t ll BS Br Kroho MraS) SAS) Su, Soke peo 931 Hs SA SSeroiSy SPOS) , PAS Deders 52°52 I "BENS + BPG + D0+.DH)S IB’ OD SemsSGx, “SG srsensy 2d Serssoe, “DeerEsogirSy 9 HOKSSS. wa sar aw: &D, earreitea| ua a aa HAM, waa Pasay arqii22ii % Si SOAP a8, SPsrssdorrai OBS S S25) SSPS, HAWS DrawQ w SF 1221 (Dr s+ PSS + dw S ‘Ay’ d AGSorr HewkSS&, ‘DeH(HY Sor’ O WS sao HOsSTS. ‘Srimadbhagavadgita-7"chapter-sAanaitanayoga Basehor -eosassn7 esowscniss PIEHea ae araftii23ii wSSe YoOo0S) — b Sesbyesihco BorFisava* sv, Sor ose) sSsrcho%o 1123 II *(B)595(S)S5(5)O}+ DSW Od G5 60SSL, Bar(S/FSHS" 0d SsSTS, ‘Sorso%' SO! O [US shor HewsSBa, Wa i) seria) aafeerereri Fara AGE | Re) Wane, AaTTTATARI2Z4I wssfoiSo S$588rH8.05, Doss Srxoengovoel 01S) arSSo2TV9*, Sods soos x65 124 r 'SSH8+SPHS+SD' OD HemgssS%, = ‘Sor+Soen(GySovor’ S'S‘ d Spr HowsswSav, i "APS +24 S(HS" Od HKSSLD, SMES sodrsAoG+ HH od S06TH ATE) WHTRI() ade, ON TATOTAATEE: | Ws) afteranfa, cet AUASTHSRTAI25 I AWLPO(S) (SSa() 0555, DBsr*MaSTraNoWST°S eS :l SorBFecborS) PHB, SE SorSoesssos soso 125 I Bhs Srsr+HSPS 9s OD G5j60SSSS, Draw]! SB! d SrH sao HengsB&, ‘Srso2s+s9(S)SsooSs' 0d a5} 6055S. aare) wad, adarnt aR uftentr a anh, aie) gy aq a Hertii261 Srimadbhagavadgis-7*Chapter-Aénajiinayogs Pasytsber-equcbSn7. PADE SASS o Ee 9 8 s @ © D £ G o aSorvroS) ShHBrd, SSdSramrd od ADarse8 S APEHd, Svo(S) oo BS & $478 1126l "SBS D [SS S' OD Hensore]($F+58') '$ ASM OIYAV HeEygssw, SHBwd SF “OD WTS JAoTP HOOKSG&W, ‘SS’! S'S! D SpOrr Hossa. i i PoRIaTeH, wares UR wader wage, aa oe weaTT27II i REPS SHHSSBS, SSSSBPErS eds! SS sSvwd VSv2%P0(S), 6B BrQ 68H 11271 ‘a(S ABsa+Hs(G)FS' Od G5j60555%, 'Og51+6 s+ BP EPS’ OD GS jO0SSSA. Auiep ERATE TIED, Srey ocerrfoT | i a wantePaten, werd sic) eewarli28 2 aharos & SSK S.0(Sy DVHOH), VAT AO(S) Y Seo. $86 2E9°SdI S SsSsBrHOb IS’, SAT Svo(S) Syd Seve li28 I SS(HS HSS OD 65 900SSS%, 5510 5+BrE1DHYAGS’ 6D 65 9008S Wo a aaeratg: acc)) — SRR wet MARIAH 29 arsodeoargras, Seavey od sO od! 3 (eosrg 8 schon) $9325, eur seb 2018) $62erDo5l29 ll ‘a0 + Sear Br (Hg! Gd SevssT&, ‘SHSHHAS) Sg" 0D ord }OSSSA, 'S(B)Os+Bo(Hy Gd SoKSSA. mt mf > BD € 9 9 £ @ © D £ § cn 5 > Srimadbhagavadgit-7* chapter nayors Pasytsber-equcbSn7. PADE SASSwin gnfiddey Ficy, wfragisp wa fag warreretsht a aicp, a fagdeddee: ii3oll WHAPHWHBS O(Sd) S0(5s), PaAdYors") 0 Gb Doel " WSrasrSe 3 Sros, S MoH s$ISHs 11301 PO+Gr wh + BSH' She'd SGSorr SevssB%, ‘Dosyre+ FSH’ Sd rH shore HenssSo, "DE5+ cho (H)¥+FSH2" Od SHewssSa, wou ow Wu & ate Arrseradrg oR mefearaic are S arafsarra ar arisen H &0 5859829 2 SnSySGers SedEie09 lwsmdarsosro(So aamrin 2 2 SXOSHoTS aPSDPSBH TAD dre qrsctos q We Arpondorrg M120 BaP yead% Il @22 oe oD a fame yn VLIFIDSNUVIT ak € 9 9 £ @ © D £ G o a Srimadbhagavadgis-7"chapter-Aénaijsinayogs Pasytsber-equcbSn7. PADE Ver 7.0 DSS Sosy Seoss0 row 3 Gerdes AdArS?Y DIYS sSsio0en S8okw a8 Srishen - UH ssw aw = 09 -Eran= 8g AGav any =oy-Sraar =F 0) re SsoasSmen- ItnSotd Ssozis Ger ySeas Sky. HLocoaw Seosood HOocwo dorjbm Shadsos S8 oso Ho) wows Arisa sasesse SMS, TBO sonar Sowden ewoein~d. e0- SH, S'S, a, oF, 5, (G'S, 'S, BV'S,'D, S'S, 'S! sive Ssoasdwen - Sjordame serjims wdsSabddzsS DoaosodSW0d Hoaw Gar ySasMadsos SSHod I8ysrO aches SHB. sensed Spoadimor hitgra Sjozdinared oerds, e0D- ‘26,9, 5,606, 88,88 Bods Hsbi0/00% 30 Soons BS 4) Sos w Ssdswod* Seni Svea BOHAGGIV 456 BS eee) HY ooerd. 1. SY AYH0G- OF: HSF AY:- Soc Hs6.in0 PISS Sed) wBis0 [5+ 2/es=@ Sor eresod=Sorsah), a/Sr+ Qrda= Sal SaS+araSs =Sao8S) Sie rea ee Saree eierchS-FarserohB) an/enr +am/anr =a (Sra -eme90 =HHw0Ea0) 2. theasod-etapess - Boch bina gssnd Seo) esis [8+ a/S= 9 OKS+0+8E7)= SE) O/8 + B/E = by QE+8+ GTS =YITS) eo/e3 + 200/209 = @9B (SoS +05+ AMET = SoS Gerd) 09/5 + P= OS (SSrO9+YSSz= SSHSGs) 3.099 H0G- aS head -(HSav SGTPSains Seo ssw /Sa+ DHH DSH [OST = O89 (S575 ++ DS = $6 7S $s) [e+ Defer DeodSso sane = 5 Gre+DowH=S sorrSy apa + NewSoe$ 0 sSadowSa = 5 (esi +e +e08 = are) D+ DewSo08 SsSHanSao = J (—+es8 JB = er$y) 4. $9908 -S9O0BS - Goth Sino PIsnd Sed) esis 9/8 + NO=DOTH+GtNS=HPTPS) 0/8 +4/O= OB (GS D+0+Lare = GSSTar) 5. @drO HOG - dS adharaieSss -[SGav SGT Sins Seo sia D+ dewSOe H FSSA = 0H (TAH +H +09: = Tadord:) D+ NenSos &sSsvan5ao = 80 (S10 res = Tass) 4+ dewSotd HsSSonSav = 5 (5+2,40= ssa) B+ MenS08HsS.HonSad = BH (65+ T+ Ass =r sss") 6. SS s6NH HOG-Nai: HorPSS - God Hjsoo PSsod Sed) eSiso SSHWASS D += NeGrorwAsrer=-SeDsve) SAS ASG 2.+ =be Gogrd+eode sdagteoy Brt40(So) SAWSFo(SO, TXSO(Se SaUoSo! SSZOPSSO(SQ Hoi), SOS SF astiepoSou © GEETA PARIWAR fer 5806 Mrs ssa OSs D Ho} TIT BSD WrossnS Ba MGanrsT SST Roaso/[SSdSocrhas SporswHF oSHGSw. oars} SSL GO SAIras Herescaor SwSo
[email protected]
So Sband Wood.
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From Everand
The Outsider: A Novel
Stephen King
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (1953)
Wolf Hall: A Novel
From Everand
Wolf Hall: A Novel
Hilary Mantel
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (4042)
The Woman in Cabin 10
From Everand
The Woman in Cabin 10
Ruth Ware
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (2587)
Brooklyn: A Novel
From Everand
Brooklyn: A Novel
Colm Toibin
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (2029)
A Man Called Ove: A Novel
From Everand
A Man Called Ove: A Novel
Fredrik Backman
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (4851)
Manhattan Beach: A Novel
From Everand
Manhattan Beach: A Novel
Jennifer Egan
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (883)
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
From Everand
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Stephen Chbosky
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (2110)
Little Women
From Everand
Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (105)
The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
From Everand
The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
Garth Stein
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (4255)
The Constant Gardener: A Novel
From Everand
The Constant Gardener: A Novel
John le Carré
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (108)
Sing, Unburied, Sing: A Novel
From Everand
Sing, Unburied, Sing: A Novel
Jesmyn Ward
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (1217)
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
From Everand
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Betty Smith
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (1934)
Her Body and Other Parties: Stories
From Everand
Her Body and Other Parties: Stories
Carmen Maria Machado
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (831)