Detailed Plan in MC English 102 Literature OYARDO JAYVE M.

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Name: Jayve Oyardo Course & Block: BEED 3-12


I. Learning

1. Read grade-level text with appropriate speed, accuracy

and proper expression. EN4F-IIIa-15
2. Infer the theme of the story they read through
a. A word or phrase description
b. An oral interpretation
3. Use background knowledge and clues in the story such
as the characters’ words and actions in determining
the theme of the story.
II. Subject- Matter Topic: Inferring the theme of a literary text
Title of Literary Piece: The Homeless Monkey (Fable)
Values Integration:
Respect: Listen as the teacher/classmate talk.
Kindheartedness: Being good to others.
References: Fun in English 4. 1999. Pp. 92-93
English for all Times 4. 1999. Pp 57-58
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Laptop, Visual materials
such as pictures, worksheets
III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity

A. Opener
1. Review lesson • (students will write a word, phrase, or
Strategy: Entry Pass a short sentence on a piece of paper
• Last meeting, we have determined the to show their previous learning)
factors on how to properly read a
story. Now, to have a recall of what
you have learned I want you to get a
bond paper or any piece of paper and
write down any word, phrases or even
a short
sentence that will describe what you have • Students possible
learned from our last discussion. I will give answers:
you two minutes to do this. ✓ Observe punctuation marks
• Now, I want everyone to raise your ✓ Read with appropriate speed
papers and show what you have wrote. ✓ Do not be monotonous
✓ Read with expression
✓ Observe correct pronunciation

• Wow! I can clearly see that you have

really understood our last topic and I am
hoping that in our next lessons, you will
be able to apply these learnings
especially in reading a text. Now, we will
move on to our next topic, but before that
I have here a song and video to share
with you.

2. Motivation/Advocating Prior
• (Present the song entitled, “It’s easy to be
Kind” and let students sing along with the
• I want everybody to sing along with the
song! • (Students will sing along)
• It’s a way of putting a smile
• Now, based from the song what is
on someone’s face.

• It’s being good in the words

we say and how we treat people.

• Very good! And according to the song • Being kind to everyone

why we need to be kind? makes the world better.
• Yes, correct! Kindness is one of the key
to make our world a better place. Now, • (Students possible
how do you show kindness to other
✓ Offer a helping hand to those who
are in need.
✓ Complimenting or saying good
words to others.
✓ Obeying parents.
✓ Listening to peoples’ situations
• Great answers my dear students. I am without judgments
happy listening to your answers. Give
yourself a pat on your shoulder for
being great and kind. Indeed, we can
be kind in different ways and I hope at
your home, school and community,
always choose to be kind to the people
around you. Now, let us explore more
about kindness through a story. But
first, let us be familiarize with some
important terms or words.

3. Unlocking of Difficulties
• I have here three pictures. Now using
these words presented to you;
- Homeless
- Sorrow
- Beaver
• Can you tell which of the words
describe each of the picture? For the
first picture;

• Beaver

• Very good! The picture shows a beaver.

Beaver are large mammals who can
live both in water and land, like ponds,
rivers, lakes and tree trunks.
• For the second picture;
• Sorrow

• Excellent! Sorrow is a feeling of great

sadness or distress caused by loss,
disappointment and others.
• For the last, the word that can be
use to describe the picture is
homeless. What do you think being
homeless means?

• Having no
home or
place to

• Homeless is when people have

nowhere to live and those who
wander around because they don’t
have a home or place to live in.
• Now, that we have been
familiarized with some important
terms let us now read a story
named, “The Homeless Monkey”.
• I have here a copy of the story and
as I read the story you can follow
and read silently for you to better
understand the story. And if you
just want to listen to the story, I will
read the story to you but again,
what are the things you must do
while listening to teacher?
• Very Good! • Listen attentively
• Don’t make
unnecessary noises
B. Presentation
1. Giving of Motive Question
• Here are some of the questions that
will guide you as we explore the
story. You can take a screenshot of
it or note this as this will help us
process the content and theme of
the story we will read.
1. What is the name of the main
character in the story?
2. Why did the Monkey decided to
travel the world?
3. Can you describe the characteristic of
the main character in the story?
4. How did the monkey show kindness in
the story?
5. Which line of the main character struck
you the most? Or Which line of the main
character was your favorite? Why?
6. If you were the monkey would you also
help the robbers despite what they did?
6. What do you think is the message of the

2. Reading of the Story/Poem

• (Present and read the story through a
PowerPoint Presentation)
The Homeless Monkey
Once upon a time, there lived a monkey who
had no home of his own. They called him
‘Springs’, for he always walked with a bounce
in his steps. He had sold everything he owned,
and with that money, he had started traveling
the world.

He wanted to see the world’s smallest and

biggest wonders. He traveled from village to
village, town to town and offered his services-
to do work in exchange for food and shelter.
• (Students will listen attentively/
He was a happy monkey and he loved helping
follow by reading silently)
people. One day, he passed through the
village of Zver, where twenty animals lived. He
saw an old beaver. So, he walked towards him
and said “Hello, Mr. beaver. If I was to do some
garden work for you today, would you be so
kind as to give me something to eat.”

The old beaver agreed and asked Springs to

do some gardening and fix up a few things
around the house. It was a long and tiring day
for Springs but enjoyed his day.

When springs returned to the house in the

evening, the whole village had gathered there.
There was a lot of food put out on the large
wooden table and everybody was celebrating
as though a hero had come to their small
They all had a great time that night; it was like a
big party. There was dancing, and lots food and
Springs really enjoyed his evening.

The following morning when Springs was ready to

leave, the old beaver approached Springs with
tears in his eyes and said, “Thank you for joining
us for dinner. Please come back whenever you
have time. I have two boys around your age who
I have not seen in 10 years. Spending time with
you reminded me of my boys.”

Springs did not know what to say so he just

hugged the Beaver, just like he would his father,
and set off on his way with a promise to return one
day. Springs had been walking for some time and
was tired.

He saw two highway robbers who pushed him

down and took his bag away. When the robbers
looked in his bag, they only found a rope, some
tools, and some bread.

They threw his bag on the ground and ran away.

Springs picked up his backpack and continued on
his journey. He started to think about all the good
and bad in the world.

The road was long and finally led him to a dark

forest. The only way he could continue his journey
was to walk through the forest.

Springs walked for more than an hour and then he

realized he was lost. He decided to climb up a tree
to relax and eat some of the bread the villagers
had given him. Suddenly Springs heard some
voices shouting for help.

He climbed down from the tree and ran in the

direction the voices were coming from. Springs
reached the place the voices were coming from.
He saw that the two robbers who had pushed him
earlier that day were trapped inside a deep hole in
the ground. They were both trapped and couldn’t
get out and were yelling for help.

Springs quickly reached into his backpack and

grabbed the rope that was inside. He tied one end
of the rope to a tree and threw the other
end inside the hole. The robbers both quickly
climbed up the rope to safety.

The robbers were amazed that Springs had saved

them. One robber asked “Why did you help us? We
pushed you and tried to rob you earlier!”.

Springs replied “There are good people and bad

people in this world. The good people do good
things and bad people do bad things. I have
decided to be one of the good people.” The two
robbers were amazed by Springs’ reply.

Springs told the robbers, “I have traveled far and

wide, seen happiness as well as sorrow. I have
met all kinds of people; good, bad, old, and young.
I have experienced all sorts of bad things, but I
have always tried to do only good things.”

As Springs was leaving, he gave the two robbers

some bread with a smile and said, “I hope what I
have said today will help you realize that there is
always a way to live without causing harm to

3. Answering of the Motive Question

1. What is the name of the main character in • Spring
the story? • He always walked with a bounce in his
- and why did people call him Spring? steps
2. Why did the Monkey decided to travel the
Because he wanted to see the world’s
• biggest and smallest wonders.
3. Can you describe the characteristic of the
main character in the story? • He was a happy and kind monkey.
4. How did the monkey show kindness in the
story? • He offers good services to others.

• He hugged the old beaver when he saw

him cried.

• He helped the robbers trapped in the deep

hole despite what they did - the robbers
pushed and robbed him.

He also gave the robbers bread to provide

them something to eat.
5. If you were the monkey would you also
• (students answers may vary)
help the robbers despite what they did?
6. Which line of the main character struck
you the most? Or Which line of the main
• (students answers may vary)
character was your favorite?

• For the last question, determine the

main theme or message of the story
through a word or phrase. Write your
answer on a piece of paper. Then,
support your answer with the clues in
the story such as writing the • (students will do the activity)

characters’ lines and describing his

actions. Write also at least 1-2
sentences to support your answer.
• Now, everybody raise your papers.
Wow! Your answers are amazing. Can • (students will raise their answers)
I call some students to share and
explain their answers?
• (the teacher will call some students)
• (students will explain their work)

4. Comprehension Check
• Great job my dear students. You have (Students will listen attentively)
clearly determined the message of the
story. Some of you have answered
kindheartedness, helping others, live a
good life, treat others with kindness
etc. and all of you are correct. You
have also supported your answers with
the clues found in the story.
• We have to remember that when we
talk about the theme of the story, it’s • For us kindness is when we
about the author’s message or the help people which was shown
moral lesson of the story. And when we in the story.
infer the theme of the story, we look for
the clues in the story or use our prior
experiences and knowledge. Like what
you did, you support your answers by
describing what the character said and
did in the story. We can also use our
prior experiences or knowledge. But
how? In the story without using any
clues in the text, why did you think
kindness or being good is the theme of
the story?
• Yes! Before our lesson, you have
shared that being kind is when you
help others, smile at people, being
considerate of other’s feelings, saying
good words and others. You have
already prior knowledge about what is
kindness. So, you can use this
knowledge as a basis in determining
the theme of the story.

5. Valuing/ Integration
• The theme of the story you heard is
about kindness or being good to
others. Now, prior to the story, I have
here a somewhat similar situation.
- You have witnessed your classmate
took someone else’s
“baon”. You followed him but when
you are about to confront him, you • (students answers may vary)
see that some of your classmates
are already confronting him
because of what he did. However,
you witness that they are physically
bullying him. What will you do? Will
you help him regardless of the bad
thing he did? Or let him suffer for
what he did?
-Very good! What your classmate did
was wrong, but this doesn’t mean that
he deserved to be hurt. You can
defend him from the bullies or report
what you see to your teacher and you
can just address what he has done
wrong later. Also, we never knew the
reason behind what he did, he might
have done it because he doesn’t have
a “baon” or because his parents cannot
provide him food. Here in the situation,
you can correct someone’s’ mistake
without harming him. We have to
remember that kindness without a
sense of caring, love and respect is not
kindness at all. Like what Spring did in
the story we read, even the robbers have
done something bad to him without a
second thought he helped the robbers
get out from the deep hole, because he
cares for them and what’s important for
him is to help them get out from the
• Now with what you learned from the story,
I want you to think of a word or phrase to
complete the sentence below.

Kindness is _______________________. • (students will orally share their

C. Group Activity ( Enrichment)
1. Giving of Task • (Students will listen to the instruction)
• Students will access the copy of the
story. Students will be grouped into 6
1st group – will read the 1-3 paragraph.
2nd group – 4-6 paragraph
3rd group – 7-9 paragraph
4th group – 10-12 paragraph
5th group- 13 -15 paragraph
6th group – 16 -18 paragraph
• Each group will read the different parts of
the story and accomplish the table

Other Themes Clues

found in the Story (Characters’ actions
(can be in words and lines, and base
and sentences) on prior knowledge)

2. Cooperative Learning
• A. Each group will practice reading • (each group will practice reading their
the story with their assigned parts. parts and accomplish the table)
They must read with appropriate
speed, accuracy and proper
• B. Then, they will analyze the story
again and determine what are the
other possible themes revealed in the
story (i.e., friendship, fellowship,
forgiveness, appreciate someone’s
kindness). And support their answers
using the clues found in the story or
their prior knowledge.
• After brainstorming, they will finalize
everything by filling the table given
3. Output Presentation • (Presentation of each group)
• I will facilitate the presentation by letting
each group read their parts in
sequence. After the reading
presentation of all groups, each will
present their output or their answers
on the second part of the activity.
4. Synthesis • It’s about the author’s message or the
• Again, when we talk about the theme moral of the story
of a story it’s about what? • Find clues in the story such as the
• What are the ways for us to infer the characters’ words and actions and
use our prior experiences and
theme of a story? knowledge.

• Wow! Good job my dear students.

You have successfully learned and
achieved the objectives of our lesson.
With this, you all deserve to receive a
big star. Wow! This star is your
reward for doing a great job for our
today’s lesson.
IV. Evaluation
• For your last task, accomplish this quiz
and submit it after 15 minutes.
A. Fill in the missing parts of the sentences
1. _________ is the moral, or message, or
lesson that readers can gain from a literary
text. ’ • (Students will answer the quiz)
2 – 4. We can infer the theme of a story by
finding clues such as the characters
_________ and _______, as well as use our

B. Encircle what can be considered as a

theme of a story below.
▪ Friendship
▪ The characters’ struggle in the story.
▪ Be grateful for what you have
▪ Characteristics of the character
▪ Honesty is the best policy
▪ Selflessness

C. Read the short story below. Analyze the

details in the story and infer the main theme
and find clues to support your answer. Use
the table provided below.
The Wise Man
People have been coming to the wise
man, complaining about the same
problems every time. One day he told
them a joke, and everyone laugh. After
a couple of minutes, he told them the
same joke and only a few of them
smiled. When he told the same joke for
the third time no one laughed anymore.
The wise man smiled and said, “You
can’t laugh at the same joke over and
over. So why are you always crying
about the same problem? Instead of
complaining with the same problem, do

Theme Explanation

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