Conrad 2012 101 Trees of The Yucatan FREE BOOK

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Jim Conrad
Copyright © 2012 Jim Conrad
This is the November 21, 2012 issue.

All rights reserved.

This book is dedicated to the teachers, researchers, nature
guides and all others of the Yucatan's conservation-minded
citizens in whose hands lies the future of the Yucatan's living

• Royal Palms
• Areca Palms
• Bamboo Palm/ Xiat
• Chinese Banyan/ Laurel
• SIDEBAR: Strangler Figs
• Bo Tree
• Spanish Bayonet
• Mexican Ponytail/ Despeinada
• Screw-Pine
• Shavingbrush Tree/ Amapola
• Frangipani/ Flor de Mayo
• Ciricote/ Siricote
• Royal Poinciana/ Flamboyán
• Lebbeck-Tree/ Algarrobo Blanco
• Purple Orchid Tree/ Árbol Orquidea
• Tropical Lilac/ Balché
• Indian Coral Tree/ Colorín Pinto
• Dwarf Poinciana/ Chaksikin
• Golden Shower Tree/ Lluvia de Oro
• Blue Jacaranda
• Pink Tabebuia/ Roble
• Morning-Glory Tree/ Campanilla
• Oleander
• Yellow Oleander/ Aki'its
• Hoja Santa
• Poinsettia/ Nochebuena
• Lady of The Night/ Galán de Noche
• Mexican Elder/ Sauco
• Tree Cotton/ Algodón
• Giant Mexican Sunflower/ Árnica


• Sapodilla/ Chicozapote
• Mamey
• Canistel
• Star-Apple/ Caimito
• Custard Apple/ Anona
• Soursop/ Guanábana
• Pomegranate/ Granada
• Avocado/ Aguacate
• Mango
• Papaya
• Banana/ Plátano
• Grapefruit/ Toronja
• Bitter Orange/ Naranja Agria
• Sweet Orange/ China
• Key Lime/ Lima Agria
• Spanish Plum/ Ciruelo
• Barbados-Cherry/ Nancén
• Nance
• Guava/ Guayaba
• Guaya
• Tamarind/ Tamarindo
• Noni
• Cow Okra/ Pepino de Árbol
• Annatto/ Achiote
• Indian-Fig/ Nopal
• Scarlet Bush/ Coralillo
• Sennas
• Buttercup Tree/ Madera de Pasta
• Cecropia/ Guarumo
• Wild Papaya/ Papaya
• Mala Mujer
• Su-Tut
• Trema/ Capulín
• Australian Pine


• Palms

o Coconut Palm/ Cocotero

o Thatch Palm/ Huano
o Chit Palm
o Paurotis Palm
o Coyol
• SIDEBAR: Mangroves in the Yucatan
• Red Mangrove/ Mangle Rojo
• Black Mangrove/ Mangle Negro
• White Mangrove/ Mangle Blanco
• Buttonwood/ Botoncillo
• SIDEBAR: Bean Family Trees with Compound Leaves
• Members of the Bean Family
o Guanacaste/ Piich
o Sweet Acacia
o Gaumer's Acacia
 SIDEBAR: George Franklin Gaumer
o Bull-Horn Acacia
o Bahama Mimosa
o Wild Tamarind #1/ Uaxim
o Wild Tamarind #2/ Tsalam
o Balché
o Fishpoison Tree/ Habim, Jabim, Habin, Jabin...
o Blackbead
o Kik-Ché
o Madre de Cacao
• Not Members of the Bean Family
o Strangler Figs
o Gumbo-Limbo/ Chaká
o Poisonwood/ Chechén
o Bec
o Iguana Hackberry
o Spanish Cedar/ Cedro
o Vitex
o Sip-Ché
o Pixoy
o Breadnut/ Ramón
o Mora
o Alvaradoa
o Pepper Bush
o Cow Itch/ Ortiga


• Bonete
• Helicopter Tree
• "Gaumer's Bakeridesia"
• "Dog Jasmine"

Thanks to the folks who hosted me during various seasons

happily spent tree-watching in the Yucatan: Ana María Palos near
Dzemul, Katharine Wingate near Telchac Pueblo, Diego Nuñez in
Río Lagartos, Marcia and Kim Bales at Mayan Beach Garden Inn,
the villagers of Sabacché and Yokzenot, and Belisa Barbachano
and Bruce Gordon at Hacienda Chichen -- where I stayed for two
and a half years in a real Maya hut provided by them.

Also thanks to Bea Laporte for proofing. Any typos were added
after her expert reading.


Back during the heyday

of henequen production
when Mérida boasted of
being home to more
millionaires per capita than
any other city on Earth,
entry roads to the most
prosperous plantation
mansions often were
framed with tall, stately
Royal Palms, Roystonea
regia, such as those at the

Something special that

helps distinguish Royal
Palms from other palm
species is their prominent,
green "crownshaft" -- that
smooth, green area between the gray trunk and the tuft of shaggy
fronds. Crownshafts are formed by the leaves' very broad,
overlapping petiole-bases, a petiole being a leaf's stem.

Here's something all property
owners with lots of Royal Palms on
their grounds know: The bottom
leaves or fronds of Royal Palms
always are drying up and falling off
as new, larger fronds emerge
above them. What's shown at the
left is very typically found beneath
Royal Palms.

Old fronds fall mainly during the

dry season. Ridding itself of older,
less efficiently photosynthesizing
leaves is a water-saving
adaptation. Another adaptation is shown below.

The Royal Palm fronds'

closely spaced leaflets arise
from the midrib at various
angles. That's very different
from most other feathery-leafed
palms whose pinnae are like
flat feathers. Why would such a
dignified palm permit itself such
disorderly appearing fronds?
The answer became clear one
morning as I breakfasted
beneath a Royal Palm.

All during the meal cool water droplets

showered onto my bare back from the
palm's shaggy leaves. Also, little
streamlets of water drained down the
palm's trunk, as shown at the left.

The palm's many leaflets thrusting

ever-which-way into the morning's
moisture-saturated air were wicking

moisture from the air, gathering it and dropping it onto its own
roots, and letting it run down its smooth, absorbent-looking trunk!

Royal Palms also

produce enormous flower
clusters, which sometimes
buzz very loudly with bees
and other pollinators, as
shown at the left.

Sexually, Royal Palms

are "monoecious," which
means that each tree
bears separate male and
female flowers. In the
picture, the dark green
flower cluster on the right
bears hundreds of
developing fruits, which when mature will be only about half an
inch wide (1.3 cm); the white cluster at the left bears thousands of
male flowers that when spent will flurry to the ground like a gentle
snow. Sometimes the ground becomes white with discarded male

Royal Palms are native to southern Florida, southeastern

Mexico, including the Yucatan, as well as Cuba, the Bahamas and
the Cayman Islands. Earlier the Florida populations were regarded
as a different species, but genetic studies show that they are not
distinct enough to be regarded as a
separate species.


On Mérida's grand Paseo Montejo

you might see the palm shown on the
next page. It was flowering, as shown
at the right.

The fronds looked very familiar but it took me awhile to figure
out what it was. It's an Areca Palm, Dypsis lutescens. It looked
familiar because the species is much planted in pots. The one in
the picture stumped me because it's unusual to see such large
ones growing from the ground.

The Areca Palm is native to Madagascar but abundantly

planted throughout the world's tropics and subtropics. One reason
for its popularity is that it's easy to grow, thriving in full sun or
shade. It can be grown from seeds or offshoots can be cut from
the trunk's base and used to start new plants.


Sometimes you see

very dense clumps of
slender-stemmed palms
like those shown at the

If you look closely you

may find unusual, colorful
flowers and fruits like
those shown below.

That's the Bamboo

Palm, Chamaedorea
seifrizii, native to southern
Mexico, including the
Yucatan, and Central
America, where it thrives
as an understory species
in the shade. One Internet page declares that the species' mature
fruits are toxic.

A closely related and similarly shade-loving palm,

Chamaedorea oblongata, grows wild in the southern
Peninsula where it's rainier and the forest is higher.


When you see big, multi-trunked trees with smooth, gray bark
like the one on the following page, whether it's sprouting from the
top of a Maya ruin or out in the forest, probably it's one of several
native, wild species of Yucatan's "strangler figs." However, if you
see such a tree in town or around an old hacienda, it's a good bet
that you have an introduced species that's also a strangler fig, but
one brought from outside the country. That's the case with the one

That's a Chinese
Banyan, Ficus
microcarpa, from
southern Asia and
northern Australia
but now widely
planted in the tropics
worldwide. Since it's
a Ficus you know
that it's a real fig
tree, despite its leaf,
shown at the right,
not having a "fig-leaf shape."

Chinese Banyans are
strangler figs, as explained
at the right. Like most Many species of the fig-tree genus
strangler figs, the trees Ficus are regarded as strangler figs.
Strangler figs are those which sometimes
produce spherical, pea-
"strangle" their host trees. The strangling
sized fruits which are very works like this:
unlike the Common Fig's
large, pear-shaped fig. On Tiny fig seeds are deposited on a "host
tree." The seed germinates, sprouts a shoot
the next page you see a
that will become a new tree, and issues
branch of a Chinese roots that dangle to the forest floor or creep
Banyan loaded with figs. down the tree's trunk or maybe snake
through cracks between a Maya ruin's
One feature causing stones. The idea is to get to the ground
that fig-loaded branch to where water and nutrients can be attained.
Meanwhile, above, the shoot grows into a
be so typical is that its
small tree, and maybe eventually a big one,
leaves are well splattered even overtopping the host tree. The fig is
with bird poop, for many not a parasite, for it robs nothing from its
bird species eat figs. host. However, while it lives on a tree's
Sometimes as they fill the limbs, it's an epiphyte -- a plant living on
another plant.
trees with their hopping,
flitting and calling they eat Eventually many of the growing fig's
so many figs that they get roots reach the ground. They enlarge and
the runs! That's part of merge with one another. If the roots
encircle a tree trunk sometimes they form a
nature's plan, however, for cylinder around it. Once the fig is shading
wherever the splattered its host tree and taking much water from it,
poop lands, the fig's tiny the host may die. It is "strangled" by the
seeds are sown. strangler fig. Some strangler figs live on
Maya ruins, old hacienda walls, or just on
At the right you see a the forest floor. You don't need to have
strangled a host tree to be a strangler fig.
split-open Chinese Banyan
fig. Such figs are edible but
they're so small and tasteless -- not to
mention the bird-poop problem -- that
hardly anyone bothers to snack on them.


The Bo-Tree, Ficus religiosa, is

another introduced strangler fig tree,
much planted along Mérida's famous
Paseo de la Reforma and elsewhere.
Though the Bo-Tree's trunk system is
like that of the Chinese Banyan's, its
leaves are very different, being more
or less triangular with long, slender
"drip tips" like those shown at the right.

Bo-Trees are native to India and

thereabouts, where some regard them
as sacred. The Buddha sat beneath a
Bo-Tree when he "awakened."


Spanish Bayonets, Yucca aloifolia, are yuccas, same as

Joshua Trees of the US southwestern desert. That's one below.

Typical of Spanish Bayonets are their brown, dried-up "shags"

of old leaves gathered like grass skirts below the stiff, sharp-
pointed leaves at the top of each trunk.

At the right you see the
Spanish Bayonet's typical
yucca flowers.

Spanish Bayonet is
native to US coastal areas
from North Carolina to
Louisiana, as well as the
Caribbean and eastern
Mexico. It's "gone wild" in
much of the US Southeast
and elsewhere. Several
cultivars have been
developed, including 'Marginata' with yellow-margined leaves.

There's a similar yucca, known as Spanish Dagger, Yucca

gloriosa, native to US coastal areas from North Carolina to
Florida, also much planted and escaped, and likely to be confused
with Spanish Bayonet. However, that species, Spanish Dagger, is
more branched, presents an overall moundlike appearance
instead of our plant's tall-standing one, plus its leaves are bluish-
green instead of our plant's dark


At the right, the 20-ft-tall (6m),

palm-like tree in full bloom next to
a bank along Mérida's Paseo de
Montejo is a native Yucatec plant
found in the Peninsula's more
arid, scrubby parts. Northerners
sometimes think it must be some
kind of yucca or maybe a palm,
but it's unrelated to those plant

groups. It's the Mexican Ponytail, also known as the Ponytail
Palm, Elephant-Foot Tree, and by many other names. It's
Beaucarnea pliabilis.

Probably you are more accustomed to seeing Mexican Ponytail

in pots where sometimes they produce very large, spherical,
water-storing bulges at their trunk bases. Often you see them in
hotel lobbies and the like. They're planted in the tropics worldwide
because they are such unusual, handsome plants.


Above you see a 25-ft-tall (7.5m), much-branched, unusually

large (for the Yucatan) specimen of a species that surely is one of
the most misidentified and underappreciated of our ornamental

plants. This one is at Hacienda Chichen Resort adjacent to
Chichén Itzá ruins.

It's the Screw-pine, a member of the genus Pandanus, maybe

Pandanus veitchii from Polynesia. About 600 Pandanus species
are recognized. The main difficulty in being sure which species we
have is that flowers seldom or never appear here, and flowers are
needed to identify them.

Screw-pines are unrelated to pines. They're vaguely like palms,

yuccas or enormous amaryllises, but they're not closely related to
those plant groups either. They're their own thing, members of the
Screw-Pine Family, the Pandanaceae. Screw-pines are native to
the Old World tropics, mostly of Malaya and the Pacific islands.
They are monocots, like grasses and lilies. Plants are either male
or female.

In the Yucatan mostly

you see only young
individuals without well
developed stems. People
plant them expecting them
to look like leafy agaves,
never dreaming that if left
alone they'll grow to tree
size. Also, mature Screw-
pines develop prop roots
like those shown at the left.

If you're unsure whether you have a

baby Screw-pine or something similar,
check out the leaves. They should be
stiff like plasticised paper, with a
prominent midvein amidst many
parallel secondary veins, and bear
sharp, thick-based little spines on the
margins like those shown at the right.


During the dry season sometimes you see medium-sized trees

with thick, pale gray, semisucculent, gangly branches at the tips of
which arise four-inch-high (10cm) flowers like the one shown

That's a single flower, and flowers can be

either pink or white; a white one is shown at the
right. The tree producing these gorgeous flowers
is sometimes called Shavingbrush Tree. It's
Pseudobombax ellipticum, a member of the
Hibiscus Family, the Malvaceae.

Right before they open, Shavingbrush Tree's flower buds look
like four-inch-long (10cm), brown cigars. The brownness is on the
outside of long petals slightly connected to one another along their
margins. When the long bud is about to open, usually just after
dawn, first the connected petals buckle outward at their bases
making slits.

That's when birds such as Hooded Orioles come, stick their

bills through the vertical slits, and sip nectar. There must be a lot
of nectar, too, for sometimes the birds' throat muscles vigorously
work as they sip, and glistening beads of nectar cling to the birds'
withdrawn beaks. Also, the nectar-feeding birds pee as frequently
as sapsuckers at sap-rising time up North.

As the morning warms, the blossoms open, attracting not only

birds but also honeybees. It's nothing to see a yellow and black
oriole probing deeply into the stamen tuft while six to ten bees
work the same flower's stamen tips. Pretty!

During the rainy season Shavingbrush Tree is green with

digitally compound leaves -- the leaflets arising from the leaf
petioles' tops like digits from hands. The fruits look like large okra
pods filled with pea-sized seeds and white fuzz. When still green,
before the fuzz has become dry and the seeds hard, the pods'
contents can be eaten. In Maximino Martinez's Las Plantas
Medicinales de México it's reported that the flowers can be
cooked to make a tea for fevers and coughs, and powdered bark
from the tree can tighten gums.

This magnificent species is native to our area -- southern

Mexico south to Honduras and El Salvador, and is grown as an
ornamental in Florida, Hawaii and other semitropical parts of the
world. It can reach 60 feet high (18m).

FRANGIPANI/ Flor de Mayo

Frangipani, genus Plumeria, is commonly planted throughout

the Yucatan as well as the rest of the whole world's tropics
because the flowers are so pretty and fragrant. You can feast your
eyes on some blossoms below.

Hawaiian leis typically are made of Frangipani flowers, so

people often assume that Frangipanis are Hawaiian. In fact,
Frangipanis are native to the Yucatan. Out in the Yucatan woods
you can find Frangipanis blooming as prettily as the one above.
Two species are listed for the Yucatan. The above one is Plumeria

During the dry season Frangipani trees lose their leaves,

resulting in their naked branches looking like a jumble of dead
twigs. You can see what I mean atop the next page.

However, when the
rainy season returns in
May or thereabouts
those same branches
once again become
gloriously arrayed with
flowers. The locals
often call Frangipanis
Flor de Mayos -- May
Flowers, because of
this spectacular May

CIRICOTE/ Siricote

The Ciricote, Cordia

dodecandra, is found in
every Yucatan village
and along many city
streets not only
because its reddish-
orange flowers are so
pretty, but also
because it's native to
the Yucatan. In
northern Yucatan you
find it just as prettily
flowering out in the
scrubby woods as
along Mérida's Paseo
de Montejo, shown at the right. However, Ciricote isn't as common
in the wild as it used to be because its colorful wood is highly
regarded for use as furniture wood, plus it's known to hold up
under wet conditions.

Ciricotes are distributed from southern Mexico into Belize and

Guatemala. A similar and closely related tree, in English
sometimes Geiger-Tree, Cordia sebestena, has flowers with only
5-8 corolla lobes, as opposed to the Ciricote's 12-16.


Any fair-sized, ornamental, tropical tree with dark green, twice-

compound leaves and with branches absolutely burgeoning with
bright red, saucer-sized flowers surely is the abundantly planted
and much-loved Royal Poinciana, also called Peacock-Flower,
Flamboyant and other English names. It's Delonix regia, a native
to Madagascar but one of the most planted of all tropical,
ornamental trees. Its flowers are shown below:

The Royal Poinciana's peak flowering time occurs as the dry
season changes to the rainy, in May or thereabouts. The twice-
compound, Acacia-like leaves cue us to the fact that Royal
Poincianas belong to the big Bean Family. The Bean Family
relationship becomes more obvious deep in the dry season when
the tree loses its leaves and drops its two-ft-long (60cm), legume-
type fruiting pods. That's the woody half of one split-apart legume

The "notches" in the legume's inner wall are where the beans
nestled before the pod split apart. During the dry season when
Royal Poincianas are leafless and full of dangling, brown legumes
of this kind, the tree is a bit homely. However, as soon as the rainy
season brings back the lush herbage and gorgeous flowers, all is

LEBBECK-TREE/ Algarrobo Blanco

The Lebbeck-Tree, Albizia lebbeck, also a member of the Bean

Family, catches our eye during both its flowering and fruiting
season. In the late rainy season, in September or so, these good-
sized trees issue egg-sized, powder-puff-like clusters of perfumy,
greenish-yellow flowers that show up very prettily against the
tree's twice-pinnate leaves, as shown on the next page.

In the flower clusters the slender, fuzzy items are the male
parts -- the stamens. Each stamen is tipped by a tiny anther that
opens to release pollen. In the picture the stamens in some flower
clusters are drooping and turning brown after their blossoms have
been pollinated, and the stamens are no longer needed.

Despite the tree's prettiness and the sweet fragrance of its

flowers, it's possible that most Northerners mainly notice the tree
in the late dry season, in April or so, when leafless Lebbeck-Trees
are heavily laden with legume-type fruits, as shown on the next

At the right a closer
look shows the 10-
inch-long (25cm) dry
pods with their widely
spaced beans inside
them clearly visible.

have been planted
along many of
Mérida's most used
streets. Many drivers
on those streets never
notice the trees' flowers as they rush by, but late in the dry season
when long lines of leafless trees appear, with all those dry, brown
legumes clacking against one another in the afternoon wind, more

than one person has wondered why such ugly trees were planted.
If they'd just see and smell the flowers during the rainy season,
they'd know.

Lebbeck-Trees are native to tropical Asia and northern

Australia, though they're planted widely throughout the world's
tropics. "Lebbeck" is its Arabic name.


If you see a smallish tree with saucer-sized leaves curiously

shaped like the prints of cow hooves, with similar-sized lavender
to purple flowers, it's the Purple Orchid Tree, or just Orchid Tree,
Bauhinia variegata. That's one below:

Purple Orchid Trees belong to the big Bean Family, though

admittedly they're unusual members. For one thing, most Bean
Family members bear compound leaves, but this one's leaves are
simple and have that strange shape. In the Yucatan's forest and in

weedy places often you see small trees with similar leaves but
with much smaller, white flowers. They're also members of the
genus Bauhinia, but few people plant them as ornamentals.


Among the Maya the Balché tree is an important native

ceremonial tree found in the forest. The pretty tree shown below,
often seen along streets and in villages, is very closely related
(same genus) but is not that ceremonial tree, though people still
call it Balché.

That's Lonchocarpus violaceus, native to the Lesser Antilles
and Northern South America. Below you see its flower, which is
similar to many Bean Family species.

You know that fruits produced by members of the Bean Family

are legumes that split open to release bean-type seeds. The
typical legume holds several to many beans. An important
distinction of the various Balché species is that their legumes
contain only one or a very few beans. On the next page you see
the ornamental Balché's pods, sunlight from behind showing just
one or two beans in each legume.

INDIAN CORAL TREE/ Colorín pinto

Here and there

along streets and
roads all through the
Yucatan you see
smallish trees with
leaves boldly striped
with yellow as
shown at the right.
It's the Indian Coral
Tree, Erythrina
variegata. The word
"coral" is in its name
because people call
almost anything red
"coral," and deep in
the dry season, in February or so, the Indian Coral Tree does
produce dense racemes of very red blossoms, as shown on the
next page.

Indian Coral
Tree is a
member of the
Bean Family,
so those 2½-
(8cm), red
flowers are
typical bean-
type blossoms
except that the
top petal, the
"standard," is
much oversized
relative to the
lower petals --
the "wings" and

Besides being pretty and easy-to-grow, in many cultures Indian

Coral Trees are regarded as useful. In southern Florida they're
often planted as hedges. In India they're used to support vine
crops such as black pepper, vanilla, yam and betel. During the
hottest months their leaves shade the vines, keeping them moist.
When it gets cooler the leaves fall and the vines receive more
direct sunlight, which is what they need at that season. Indian
Coral Trees are popular shade trees in many places, and make
excellent living fence posts. Their leaves make good feed for most
livestock, containing 16-18% crude protein.

Medicinally, in Asia, juice from the tree's leaves is mixed with

honey to kill tapeworms, roundworms and threadworms. Women
take the juice to stimulate lactation and menstruation. A warm
poultice of its leaves relieves rheumatic joints. The bark is used as
a laxative, diuretic and expectorant. The Maya I've talked to don't
know about these uses, which is to be expected since this is a
non-native tree that wasn’t around as their traditions evolved.


Below you see one of the Yucatan's most frequently planted

bushes or small trees.

That's the Dwarf Poinciana,

Caesalpinia pulcherrima, a
tropical American native but
planted in the tropics worldwide.
Above you see the yellow form.
Most plants bear predominantly
red flowers like those at the right.

Below you see a two-inch wide flower (5cm) with its very long,
slender stamens, crinkly-margined petals and some spherical,
unopened flower buds.

Since Dwarf Poincianas belong to the Bean Family, their fruits

are legumes containing beans. If you are ever near a Dwarf
Poinciana heavy with mature legumes ready to open and it's a
particularly hot, dry afternoon of the kind that occurs in April and
May, notice if you are hearing occasional snapping sounds. Dwarf
Poinciana pods are explosive. As they dry, tensions within the
legume reach the point when suddenly the whole pod splits, the

tough sides twist like electrified
earthworms, and beans are
thrown everywhere. A recently-
split legume is shown at the

Dwarf Poincianas are so

frequently planted that they're
known by a host of other English
names as well, such as Peacock
Flower, Barbados Pride,
Barbados Flower-fence, Red
Bird-of-Paradise, and more.
Since it's a native plant, in the
Yucatan the Maya name
Chaksikin often is used.


Lluvia de Oro

Golden Shower Trees, Cassia fistula,

catch our eye twice during the year. The
first time is toward the end of the rainy
season, in September or so, when they
adorn themselves with two-inch-wide
(5cm), canary-yellow blossoms densely
clustered in dangling, foot-long (30cm)
racemes among handsome pinnate
leaves, as shown at the right. The flowers,
a little atypical for the Bean Family,
deserve a close look, as shown on the
next page.

The long, slender, green, U-shaped item is the ovary -- the
future fruit which, this being a member of the Bean Family, will be
a legume. The other slender, curving, yellow items sprouting from
the blossom's center are stamens consisting of curving, stalk-like
filaments tipped with baglike anthers, which open to release
powdery pollen.

The second time this tree catches our attention is in the late dry
season, in March or so, when the slender, green ovaries in the
above photo become dark brown, two-ft-long (60cm), dangling
legumes, as shown on the next page.

The ripe legumes are of special interest because they
constitute an important part of the traditional pharmacopia, or
body of information pertaining to medicinal plants, of many
cultures -- not the Maya, however, since this is an introduced
species. If you list all the pods' uses elsewhere you end up with
such a list that you wonder if any cures work at all.

One use, however, is repeated so frequently that there must be

something to it: The uncooked pulp of the pods cures constipation.
A cracked-open pod showing greenish pulp between beans is
shown on the next page.

The pulp tastes and smells a
little like the "honey" in
Honeylocust pods up North.

Golden Shower Tree is

native to southern Asia. It is
Thailand's national flower.


Toward the end of the dry season, in May or so, you see trees
gorgeously decked out in purple flowers, sometimes with the
branches completely leafless, sometimes with the season's leaves
emerging with the flowers. Standing beneath such trees looking
up, with the blue sky beyond, it's just beautiful, as suggested by
the photo on the next page.

In that picture, at the bottom right, notice the tree's ferny, twice-
compound leaves composed of many tiny leaflets. In the inset at
the bottom left you see the tree's funnel-shaped flowers littering
the ground below.

One English name for this wonderful tree -- one of the most
frequently planted in the tropics worldwide -- is Blue Jacaranda.
It's Jacaranda mimosifolia, a native of South America. Besides
being so pretty, jacarandas are popular because they can be
grown easily from seeds or cuttings.

In size and shape the tree's two-inch long (5cm), tubular

flowers might remind Eastern North Americans of Catalpa or
Trumpet-creeper blossoms. They should, because the tree
belongs to the same family as those, the Bignonia Family. Such
blossoms are well adapted for pollination by large bees and
hummingbirds. Field studies show that they are also vulnerable to
smaller "nectar robbers" who take the nectar without pollinating
the flowers. For Blue Jacarandas, honeybees are significant


Pink Tabebuias, Tabebuia rosea, belong to the same Bignonia

Family as Blue Jacarandas. As with Blue Jacarandas, sometimes
in the dry season, in February or so, you see Pink Tabebuias
completely leafless but resplendent with finger-size, funnel-
shaped, flowers -- but flowers that are pink instead of purple.

During the rainy season they may bear both leaves and flowers as
shown below:

Pink Tabebuia's leaves are very different from the Blue

Jacaranda's, though. Instead of being ferny and twice-compound
like the Blue Jacaranda, Pink Tabebuia's leaves are "digitately
compound" -- their five or so leaflets arise from atop the petiole
like digits, or fingers, of a hand, as
shown above.

A flower is shown at the right.

In towns of the Yucatan Pink

Tabebuias often are planted along
streets. Sometimes when you see
their intense pinkness beneath a
deep blue sky they look unreal.
However, not only are they real
but, unlike Blue Jacarandas, Pink

Tabebuias are native to the Yucatan, extending from Mexico to

Being a native tree, Mexican country folks traditionally brewed

tea from its bark and leaves to bring down fevers.


If you know your flowers, you recognize that the above

blossoms could hardly be anything other than those of a morning-
glory. However, morning-glories are herbaceous vines, not woody,
small trees like this plant. Well, this is the Morning-Glory Tree,
Ipomoea carnea. The genus Ipomoea is the morning-glory genus,
so it's a real morning-glory, too.

Tree Morning-Glories are native to tropical America, often
showing up in the Yucatan woods. Because of their beauty, ease
of propagation and general toughness they deserve to be planted
much more than they are. However, beyond tropical America the
species is becoming a weed species threatening native plants.
Tree Morning-Glories are prohibited in Florida and Arizona.

Medicinally, the shrub's roots are boiled to use as a laxative

and to provoke menstruation, and the milky sap is used by
traditional healers for skin diseases. However, it's dangerous
when used wrong, for it depresses the central nervous system and
relaxes muscles. It's regarded as poisonous to cattle.


There are so
many Oleander
cultivars that it's
hard to generalize
about what the
Oleander, Nerium
oleander, looks
like. The one at
the right is a
special dwarf type
but some other
Oleanders reach
20 feet high (6m).
Still, Oleanders do
share a number of
features, such as
their tendency to
produce many
branches bearing
narrow leaves along the stems. Also, the flowers -- unless they're
"double-blossomed" types -- look like those on the next page.

If you cut a blossom
down its center you see
other distinctive
features, as shown the

The white, columnar

item at the bottom,
center is the ovary, or
future fruit. Notice the
"tepee" covering the
ovary. The tepee
consists of five fused
stamens. The erect,
fuzzy items in the picture's top center are appendages arising atop

the stamens' anthers. Maybe they help pollinators hold on as they
do their work.

Oleanders are native to the Mediterranean region. All parts of

the plant are poisonous, but they are very bitter and one would
have to eat a lot to die.


Much-planted Yellow Oleanders, Thevetia peruviana, with their

small size, yellow, 2.5-inch-long (6cm) flowers, black fruits and
willow-like leaves are easy to recognize. That's one below:

Yellow Oleander is not just a yellow species of Oleander; it's its

own thing, a Yellow Oleander. Yellow Oleanders and "real"
oleanders belong to the same family, the Dogbane Family, or
Apocnaceae, but they are in completely different genera. One
feature the two species share, however, is that all their parts are

Yellow Oleander's thick, four-sided, black fruit is unusual. While

immature it's green, then turns bright, glossy red, and finally it
becomes the dull black shown in the picture. Inside the fruit
resides a smooth, brown stone sometimes called a "lucky nut."
Enterprising natives have been known to string lucky nuts on
necklaces and sell them as charms for carrying in the pocket.

Yellow Oleanders have been planted so widely for so long that

it's unclear where they're from, though most experts, despite the
species name peruviana, think it comes from southern Mexico, the
Caribbean area and Central America. However, it's not found in
the Yucatan's forests.


This small tree, native

to Mexico but requiring
more rain than falls in
the northern Yucatan,
often is planted around
houses here. The words
Hoja Santa mean, more
or less, Blessed Leaf,
because the tree's fresh
leaves when crushed fill
the air with a delightful
odor, one that reminds
some of anise, but which
I always think of as the
odor of root beer. Hoja
Santa's foot-long (30cm)

leaves are soft and have rounded ears at their bases, and its tiny
white flowers are grouped in long, slender spikes.

You probably know that the Mexican tamale is about the size of
a package of cigarettes and is made of a pillow-shaped, moist
lump of cornmeal, or masa, inside which can be almost any
ingredient, such as beans. The tamale must be steamed before it
is eaten. While being steamed, the tamale must be wrapped in
something to keep it from coming apart. Traditionally the tamale
wrapper is cornhusks, but if you want a particularly flavorful
tamale, maybe for a fiesta, you use Hoja Santa leaves. Steam
causes the leaves' cells to break down, releasing their fragrant
and tasty oils into the masa.

Hoja Santa, Piper auritum, is a member of the Black Pepper

Family and belongs to the same genus as the southern Indian
vine from which the pepper of salt-and-pepper fame comes. When
the ovaries of Hoja Santa's tiny flowers' mature, the resulting fruits
are genuine peppercorns, but they're too small to be worth drying
and grinding into black pepper.

Something else interesting about Hoja Santa -- and you can

confirm this in our picture -- is that when its small, greenish spikes
of immature flowers first emerge they hang down. As the spikes
enlarge and the flowers become ready to be pollinated by visiting
insects, the spikes turn vividly white and are held erect. After
pollination, when the flowers no longer need to be visited by
insects, the spikes once again turn downward.

By moving its spikes up and down like this, and making the
spike brightly white when its flowers need pollination, Hoja Santa
is communicating with its pollinators. It's telling its pollinators to
pay attention to conspicuous flowers on the upright spikes
needing to be pollinated, but not to bother visiting the less
noticeable flowers on the down-hanging spikes, which are either
too young or too old for pollination.

POINSETTIA/ Nochebuena

Sometimes visitors from the North see a bushy tree with large
red flowers at its branch tips, stop to take a look, and can't believe
their eyes. Below is what the plant looks like around Christmas:

What's surprising is the red flowers, shown below:

Christmas Poinsettia! -- Euphorbia pulcherrima. Probably you
already know that Poinsettias are named after Joel Roberts
Poinsett, the first United States Minister to Mexico, who introduced
the plant into the US in 1825. So, Poinsettias are native to Mexico,
but this particular species isn't native to the Yucatan. The
Yucatan's are planted, as they are in much of the world's tropical
lands. Christmas Poinsettias sold in pots up north are basically
branch tips of this plant managed by horticulturalists to flower at a
certain time.

Something else to know about Poinsettias is that the big red

item shown in the above photo is not a flower. The long red things
most people think of as flower petals are modified leaves called
bracts, meant to attract pollinators to the real flowers, which reside
in the center of the cluster of bracts. Below you see the "real"
Poinsettia flowers.

In the picture, the structure labeled as a cyathium is like a bowl

containing a few male flowers and one female flower. Above and
to the left of the labeled cyathium you can see another cyathium

from which male stamens are protruding. But notice that to the
right of the labeled cyathium there's a "pistillate flower" -- the
female flower -- on a curved stem dangling outside the cyathium.
This just shows you how surreal things can get in the world of

LADY OF THE NIGHT/ Galán de Noche

Sometimes nondescript trees draw your attention because they

smell so good. One of the most fragrant of this kind is the Lady of
the Night, Cestrum nocturnum, which visually presents itself as an
Orange-Tree-size, much branching, very dense bush or small tree
with leaves and flowers like those shown below:

Lady of the Night's fruits are pea-sized, occur in small clusters,

and are white. The tree is native to the Yucatan and is much
planted in the tropics worldwide. In India and elsewhere in South
Asia its flowers are used in perfumery, for medicinal applications

and in religious ceremonies, though some parts of the plant are


Sometimes you see compact, hut-high bushes or small trees

bearing basketball-sized heads of tiny, white flowers and/or
clusters of black, pea-sized fruits, as shown below.

This is the Mexican Elder, Sambucus mexicana. It's native to

the Mexican uplands, where its Spanish name is Sauco, but not to
the Yucatan. Here it's strictly planted as a garden species.
Mexican Elder is closely related to western North America's Blue
Elderberry whose fruits are very tasty and nourishing, both for
wildlife, and people. However, the Maya I know don't trust the
fruits enough to eat them.

The plant's leaves are distinctively twice-compound, as shown


Sometimes during the dry season in villages you see leafless,

shrubby bushes or small trees bearing what appear to be clusters
of cotton fiber. Sometimes in rainy season the bushes bear leaves
as well as cotton, as shown on the next page.

If you are familiar with cotton grown in the US this plant might
stump you, because you know that cotton grown up north is
herbaceous, maybe around knee high, and these plants in the
Yucatan are definitely woody and can reach ten feet (3m) or more.

Well, in the Yucatan we have Tree Cotton, sometimes called

Sea-Island Cotton, Gossypium barbadense. That's a different
species from what's grown in fields up north.

Tree Cotton produces pretty, hibiscus-type flowers about two

inches across (5cm) as shown on the next page.

Flowers emerge as yellow
but after pollination turn rose-
purplish, so often you see
blossoms of two different colors
on the same branch.

Something else fascinating

about this plant is that often the
fiber it produces is not pure
white. Frequently it is beige or
brownish. This is explained by
Tree Cotton's history.

For, Tree Cotton was originally domesticated by indigenous

people in the Andes. Moreover, the early domesticators seem to
have been interested less in weaving textiles from cotton fiber
than in making fishnets from them. And they knew that fish were
more easily caught with dark nets than light ones, so they selected
for plants producing dark fiber. Eventually they had dark,
chocolate-colored fiber. Of course once they had different strains
of Tree Cotton producing different-hued fibers, then the production
of multicolored textiles was sure to follow.

Fray Diego de Landa, in his 1566 book Relación de las Cosas

de Yucatan, often mentions how the Maya, both before and after
the Spaniards' arrival, slept under cotton blankets and in war wore
cotton jackets as body armor. In Chapter 49 of Relación he writes
that two kinds of cotton were planted: an annual dying after its first
year -- surely Gossypium hirsutum, the species planted up north --
and a small tree that produced cotton for five or six years, which
probably was our Tree Cotton, Gossypium barbadense.

Tree Cotton found its way from the Andes to the Yucatan long
before the Europeans arrived.


Maybe a sunflower shouldn't be considered a tree, but this one

grows so tall and is so frequently planted in Mayan villages that
here we'll call it a tree just so we can have the pleasure of
featuring it. Look:

That one is at least 15 feet tall (4.5m). Its lanky stems stand

next to a typical village cinderblock house. Below you can see its
blossom and leaves:

This is Tithonia diversifolia, native to Mexico, including the

Yucatan, and Central America, but planted throughout the world's
tropics. As such, it's known by many English names, including
Mexican Sunflower, Tree Marigold, and Mexican Tournesol.

Giant Mexican Sunflower produces so much biomass that
African farmers use it as an organic fertilizer. Elsewhere it's
considered to have important medicinal properties. In China it's
used for skin diseases, night sweats, as a diuretic, for hepatitis,
jaundice and cystitis. In Taiwan tea made from it is supposed to
improve liver function. This native Mexican plant is so well
established in Thailand that it's the provincial flower of Mae Hong
Son Province, and in Vietnam it's the unofficial symbol of La Lat

I asked my Maya shaman friend José what he thought about

Giant Mexican Sunflower, and he said:

"Because it grows so fast and becomes so big beneath the

sun, in the wind and rain, it soaks up these strong influences.
Therefore, when you work outside too much, with the body
absorbing so much energy from so many sources that you ache
and feel bad, you can soak seven leaves from this plant, with
some Rue (Ruta graveolens), and wash yourself with that water,
letting it drain over your head. It'll absorb those excess energies
inside you, bring your energies back into balance, and let you feel
good again... "


SAPODILLA/ Chicozapote

Sapodillas, Manilkara zapota, produce one of the tropic's most

delicious fruits, which are eaten raw. Especially farther south in
the Yucatan where there's more rainfall Sapodillas fairly
commonly occurs in deep forest, but in the most arid parts of
northern Yucatan they are only planted. You can see a tree's
leathery, green leaves and fruits below:

In the forest there's an interesting

way to identify a Sapodilla tree by its
trunk. A typical deep-forest trunk is
shown at the right. Do you see those
diagonal slashes across the trunk?
That's the way you know it's a
Sapodilla. I've never seen a deep-
forest Sapodilla tree without those

That's because Sapodilla latex

coagulates into chicle gum, which for
many years was the base for

chewing gum. Most chewing gums nowadays are made of
synthetic compounds but in 1930 US companies imported about
15 million pounds (6.8 million kilos) of chicle gum. The slashes
indicate that not too long ago backwoods Maya were still slashing
Sapodilla trunks to collect the chicle sap that oozed from the


At the right you see a

softball-size mamey fruit on a
branch with large, tongue-like
leaves clustered toward the
branch tip.

Mamey trees, Pouteria

sapota, belong to the same
Family as Sapodillas, and
mamey fruits are just as
wonderful. Newcomers can
have problems distinguishing
Mamey trees from Sapodilla
trees. The Mamey's leaves
are larger and wider toward
their tips than the Sapodilla
tree's, plus mamey fruits are
oval and contain only one large seed while sapodilla fruits are
more spherical and usually bear more than one seed. Mamey
fruits, like sapodilla fruits, have a custard texture and the flesh is
"bright burned-magenta-orange," according to one color-savvy

Another distinctive feature of the Mamey tree is that its very

numerous, small flowers arise directly from stout stems instead of
in typical flower clusters such as spikes, racemes or panicles. On
the next page you can see immature mamey fruits dangling from a

thick stem covered with dozens of flowers, the vast majority of
which will fall off after pollination.


Yet another member of the Sapodilla Family is the Canistel,

Pouteria campechiana, shown below:

Canistel is native to the Yucatan and parts of Central America,
but the wild plants tend to produce much smaller fruits. The
excellent taste is the same, though. The fruits contain two or three
large, shining seeds embedded in soft, orange flesh textured and
tasting like a well baked sweet potato.


Yet a fourth member of the Sapodilla Family, in which

Sapodilla, Mamey and Canistel all are found, is the Star-Apple, or
Caimito, Chrysophyllum cainito. Star-Apple is an especially
handsome tree, often growing quite large, and it's easily
identifiable at all times by its five-inch-long (13cm), leathery,
evergreen leaves that are dark green and glossy on top but fuzzy-
golden-brown below. You can see one in flower in the late rainy
season, in August, below:

The tiny flowers
also are especially well
formed, as shown at
the right. An unusual
feature of the blossom
is that its pollen-
producing stamens
arise opposite the
corolla lobes, at their
bases. Stamens in
most flowers alternate
with their corolla lobes.
Also, it's a little unusual for stamens to simply arise from a corolla
wall instead of beneath the ovary. However, stamens like those
are characteristic of the Sapodilla Family.

As with the other members of this family we've looked at, Star-
Apple trees produce large, delicious fruits. You can see what ripe,
purple-skinned, 3½-inch-across (9cm) Star-Apple fruits look like
hanging on a tree below.

A sliced-open fruit is shown below.

Star-Apples are sweet and juicy, and their juice is so sticky that
afterwards your lips slightly stick together, and things stick to your
fingers. The fruit's skin is just tough enough to make you wonder
whether to eat it or not. I eat the skin of fruits from trees I know
don't have chemical residues on them, but I peel those from

Star-Apples are native tropical American trees, but not to the

Yucatan. They are planted widely throughout the Earth's tropics.


The Custard Apple is Annona reticulata. The fruit shown on the

next page was maturing during the late dry season, in March,
while most of the tree's leaves were falling off.

Custard-Apple fruits are variable. When ripe they can be yellow
or brownish with a pink, reddish or brownish-red blush, and their
skin can be faintly, moderately, or distinctly impressed with a scaly
effect. The somewhat granular flesh contains many hard, dark-
brown or black, glossy seeds and a pointed, fibrous, central core
that's attached to the stem. The flavor is sweet and agreeable but
often not considered as flavorful as the closely related Sweetsops
we look at next. Custard Apples are thought to be native to the
West Indies, but were carried into the Yucatan in prehistoric times.

SWEETSOP/ Saramuyo

Sweetsops, sometimes also called Sugar-Apples, are Annona

squamosa. Their fruits are sweet and good tasting, though a bit
too seedy for most Northerners. Maya who take the time to work
with their tongues as they eat, and spit, like them just fine.

Technically, Sweetsop fruits are "syncarps," which means that

each fruit is derived from a single flower with two or more pistils,
which partially fuse as the pistils mature. When the fruits are past
their peak of ripeness, turn brown and start drying out, the bumps
separate from one another and the fruit falls apart.

Sweetsops are native tropical American, but the Yucatan is a

bit too arid for them so the Yucatan's trees are all planted.

SOURSOP/ Guanábana

Closely related to both Custard Apples and Sweetsops,

Soursops are Annona muricata. Fruits of all three species share
the same basic structure and have a somewhat similar taste, but
they look different. That's a Soursop fruit on the next page.

Soursop fruits are a bit acidy, as well as juicy. They're whitish
inside and fragrant. They're used mostly for making sweetened,
fruity drinks, and for making into preserves. Traditionally the juice
has been considered a remedy for dysentery.

This is another native Mexican -- but not from the Yucatan --

species that has been planted in the tropics worldwide.


In the late dry season, around March, you might see 10-ft-tall
(3m), slender-stemmed bushes graced with very bright red flowers
a little over an inch broad (3cm), as shown on the next page.
They're flowers of the Pomegranate, which Spanish speakers call
Granada. They're Punica granatum, members of the Loosestrife
Family, the Lythraceae, and native to the area of modern-day Iran
and Iraq.

Those are curious flowers. At the right in the above picture you
see the blossom's unusually large, leathery, red calyx subtending
a somewhat larger, wrinkled corolla. At the left the corolla has
fallen off leaving the calyx's interior walls bristling with pollen-
producing stamens. In most flowers the calyx is small and green,
plus normally stamens arise below the ovary or from the corolla's
walls, not the calyx's walls.

Once the flowers' ovaries

have matured a little we start
seeing the form of our future
pomegranate fruits, as shown
at the right.

By late in the rainy

season, in August or so, we
begin seeing mature
pomegranates such as those
shown on the next page.

Technically, pomegranate fruits are thick-skinned, several-
celled berries, with seeds enmeshed in juicy pulp. It's the pulp you
eat, which can be very sweet and juicy. The seeds are so soft that
I just chew them, but I suspect that finicky folks spit them out.

Notice how the fruit bears a "crown" of 5-7 thick, leathery

sepals. Sepals are the separate divisions of the usually green,
leafy, cuplike calyx that resides below the corollas of typical

flowers. Sepals usually wither and drop away as a blossom's
ovary develops into a fruit, but pomegranates for some reason
decided they needed those sepals, and made them big and tough.

AVOCADO/ Aguacate

Deep in the dry season, in March or so, certain good-sized

trees suddenly break out with diffuse, yellowish, basketball-size
flower clusters, or inflorescences, such as those shown below:

These trees' leaves are about as nondescript as leaves get, so

the sudden appearance of such conspicuous flower displays can
be surprising. If you keep watching the inflorescences as the
season progresses you'll see nearly all the tiny yellow flowers fall
off, maybe with only one or two per cluster setting fruit, and you'll
have the pleasure of watching the fruit develop. Then, about half a
year later, toward the end of the rainy season, you'll see what's

shown below:

That's an avocado on an Avocado Tree, Persea americana. In

the Yucatan you see several different avocado cultivars. Some
have smooth skin, others rough, some are small and the one in
the picture is a big one, about eight inches long (20cm).

Avocados are native Mexican plants -- though not of the

Yucatan -- and Mexico is by far the world's greatest exporter of
them. If you have an Avocado tree and want to try to identify
which cultivar it is, a helpful piece of information is that Avocados
come in two flowering types: "A" and "B". "A" cultivar flowers open
as female on the morning of their first day and close in late

morning or early afternoon. Then they open as male in the
afternoon of the second day. "B" varieties open as female on the
afternoon of their first day, close in late afternoon and reopen as
male the following morning. Once you know whether you have an
"A" or "B" type, you can rule out about half the other possible
cultivars it might be. Help in identifying your cultivar can be found
online by searching on the keywords "avocado cultivar

Avocados belong to the Laurel Family, the Lauraceae, in which

we also find Sassafras, Spicebush, Cinnamon-Tree and the Laurel
itself, all fragrant and spicy species.


In the late dry

season, in April or so,
the Mango tree,
Mangifera indica, --
which can grow to be
fairly large -- draws
attention to itself with
foot-long panicles of
tiny, white flowers at
the end of branches
equipped with slender,
foot-long leaves with
herring-bone venation
as shown at the right.

Mango trees are members of the Cashew Family, the

Anacardiaceae, along with not only Cashews but also Pistachios,
the sumacs, and Poison Oak and Poison Ivy. Flowers in the family
typically bear 3-5 petals and have their ovaries perched atop
"annular disks," which are doughnut-shaped things in the flower's
center. Flowers can be unisexual or bisexual. Mango flowers

display all those features of the family, plus they add some
interesting innovations. You can see a small cluster of them

In that picture, in the flower at the top, left, the green, spherical
ovary -- the future mango -- is easy to make out. Mango ovaries
are unusual in that their styles don't emerge from their centers, but
rather a bit to one side. You may have noticed that the resulting
mango fruits are a bit lopsided, too. Note behind that flower's
ovary that there's a single stamen, its dark purple, pollen-
producing anther attached atop a pale, slender filament. Some
mango flowers may have up to five stamens, but usually only one
or two are fertile, the others hardly developing. All the flowers

examined on the tree producing these flowers bore only a single
stamen, and in the flower world that's an unusual situation.

Notice the younger flower in the picture's lower right. That

blossom has no ovary at all. It's strictly a male, unisexual flower.
The yellow structure in the center is the annular disk. The dark
flower to the left is similarly a male, unisexual flower in which the
stamen and annular disk have shriveled up. When a plant bears
unisexual flowers mixed with flowers bearing both male and
female parts, the plant is said to be polygamous.

In each many-
flowered panicle, all
male flowers shrivel
and fall off leaving
nothing behind, and
all but a few female
flowers also shrivel
and fall. In the end,
each panicle bears
only one or two fruits.
Most flowers with
ovaries, even if they
get pollinated, abort,
leaving only the
strongest to mature
into fruits. Well into
the rainy season, in
July or thereabouts,
fruits appear on
trees, as shown at
the left.

Mango trees, though found all over Mexico, are native to

northern India, Burma and Malaya.


A garden Papaya with its

enormous immature fruit is
shown at the right. When
those fruits ripen they'll be
orangish yellow and big as
large watermelons.

Maya country people

know to harvest their
papayas a little before they
turn ripe because critters,
especially certain birds such
as woodpeckers and orioles,
love to eat them. You cut
the unripe fruit, store it
where you can watch it, and then everyone gives his or her
opinion as to the exact moment the big fruit is at its peak of
perfection, and you eat it. It's a happy time for all.

In my opinion, a papaya isn't perfectly ripe until its skin begins

looking almost disagreeable -- the yellow surface browning here
and there, even with spots of white fungus breaking out. Well, you
cut off that part and eat the perfect stuff that's left. I say "in my
opinion" because I'm always astonished by how many people
think that any fruit with brown spots is beyond eating. "In my
opinion," fruits like papayas and bananas are at their best when
brown spots begin appearing. But the advertising industry has put
it into people's heads that fruit skins need to be unblemished, so
what can you do?

Papayas please with much more than their mere taste, texture
and appearance. Something in them sets the stomach at ease,
and makes the guts smile on hot, sunny afternoons. That
shouldn't surprise us, for traditional cooks have known for
millennia to wrap their pigs in papaya leaves before baking them,
and even our own culture has realized that papayas contain "the

natural meat tenderizer" called papain. Papain is the "something"
that helps our stomachs digest food.

BANANA/ Plátano

Banana trees are herbaceous or at most only semiwoody, so

arguably they shouldn't be considered here. However, most
people think of them as trees, so here we are.

The thing is, technically, the Banana tree's actual "trunk" is

below the ground. The item we think of as a Banana "tree" is
actually a sprout arising from the underground trunk, which
technically is thought of as a stolon. What looks like a trunk is
actually the clustered petioles, or stems, of the Banana's big
leaves. If you cut across a Banana tree's trunklike aboveground
part you'll see how the petioles nest within one another. And these
leaf petioles are so tough and fibrous that they can seem woody,
and maybe they halfway are.

Banana flowers are even

more interesting than the stems.
At the right you see a typical
Banana flower cluster, or
inflorescence. In that picture
male flowers cluster at the
bottom of the dangling
inflorescence (where the purple
item is) and female ones arise at
the top, where the bananas are
in the picture. Bananas are just
the matured pistils, or female
sexual parts, of female flowers.

The male flower shown at the

top of the next page was
plucked from beneath the

peeling-back, leaflike thing (bract, or modified leaf) at the top of
the purple item at the inflorescence's tip.

In the picture above, the flat, long item with powdery lines
along its margins, extending from the center of my thumbnail, is a
stamen -- the male sexual part. The blunt, yellow-tipped thing
below that is a sterile staminode, maybe giving pollinators
something to hold onto as they pull themselves into the flower's
throat, dusting themselves with pollen.

In the picture beginning this section, showing a dangling

banana stalk, notice that the immature bananas at the picture's
top all have something sticking from their tips. Atop the next page
you can see what that is.

The ribbonlike, striated item curving toward the picture's top,
right is the calyx, which started out as a cylinder, then split down
one side and curled back, and soon will fall off. Earlier on the
other side there was a similar ribbonlike thing; but that was the
corolla, and it's already fallen off. The pale, slender, fingerlike
objects arising at the base of the single, thicker, dark-headed item
are sterile, vestigial stamens. The black item at the left is the
stigma, where pollen theoretically germinates, atop the ovary's
"neck," the style.

Actually, these sexual parts are useless to the cultivated

Banana, since Banana genes have been so scrambled during
centuries of domestication that the flowers of cultivated bananas
no longer produce fruits with viable seeds.

This genetic scrambling means that the usual binomial system
(genus plus species) for naming plants isn't appropriate for
bananas. In the past they were called Musa paradisiaca, but
nowadays there's no good two-part binomial for the Banana tree.
For us amateurs it's best to just call it the genus Musa, and let the
species go unsaid.

Finally, the Spanish name for Banana plants varies across

Mexico. In the Yucatan most folks I've spoken to call medium-
sized supermarket bananas plátanos and the big tough ones
Northerners may know as plantains, plátanos machos.


As the rainy season becomes the dry season in November or

so it's a pretty thing to see big, round, yellowing grapefruits in dark
green trees beside shady village homes. That's a typical cluster
above. Grapefruits, like oranges and lemons, are citrus fruits,
which means that they belong to the genus Citrus. Grapefruit trees

are Citrus x paradisi. A Grapefruit's typical citrus leaves with
"winged petioles" causing the leaves to look jointed at their bases
are shown below:

A sliced-open grapefruit typical of the kind found around Maya

homes has a thicker rind and more seeds than those in
supermarkets up North, as shown on the next page.

With that fruit's thick rind, many seeds, and relatively dry flesh,
you might wonder whether grapefruit trees around homes in Maya
villages today might derive from stock brought to the Yucatan by
the Spanish during colonial times, long before plant breeders
produced cultivars with thinner rinds, fewer seeds and juicier flesh.

In fact, I'll bet that the Yucatan's little Maya villages are great
places for finding old strains of many cultivars, maybe strains

going extinct out in the world as flashier ones take their place. And
maybe some of those old strains have resistance to diseases, or
offer flavors or textures, which newer cultivars don't.

We've seen that the

technical name for the
Grapefruit tree is Citrus
x paradisi. The "x" in
the name's middle
signifies that we're
dealing with a hybrid. In
other words, there's no
"Wild Grapefruit" out in
the wild from which
today's grapefruit plants
have been developed.

The first grapefruits

came into being in
Barbados in the 1700s
when an Orange tree, Citrus x sinensis, was crossed with a
Pomelo, Citrus maxima, both taxa originally being from southern
Asia. And with that x in the Orange's name, you can see that
Orange plants themselves are hybrids.

Studies show that compounds in grapefruit increase the

effective potency of certain medicines, particularly those known as
statins. This came to light when several deaths from overdoses
occurred among people on medication who ate grapefruit.
Grapefruit juice also can interfere with etoposide, a chemotherapy
drug, as well as some beta-blocker drugs used to treat high blood
pressure, and cyclosporine, taken by transplant patients to
prevent rejection of their new organs.

Grapefruit juice is powerful stuff!

BITTER ORANGE/ Naranja Agria

The fruits above are too large and leathery-skinned to be the

sweet oranges Northerners think of when they think "orange."
They are Bitter Oranges, sometimes called Sour Oranges or
Seville Oranges; they're Citrus x aurantium. Bitter Orange trees
are not just varieties of the same species as regular Orange trees,
but rather they're an entirely different taxon.

Juice from bitter oranges makes great lemonade, plus it's

nothing to see a Mexican cut one in half, salt it generously,
sprinkle hot-chili powder over it, and eat it. Gringos find that
remarkable because these oranges are as sour as chili peppers
are hot. A cut-open sour orange displaying a thicker rind and very
many more and larger seeds than most of us are accustomed to
seeing on sweet oranges, is shown atop the next page.

Sour Orange is
native to southeastern
Asia. By the 9th
Century Arab traders
had introduced it into
Arabia. It was
reported in Sicily as
early as 1002, then for
500 years it was the
only orange known to
Europeans. It was
recorded growing in
Mexico as early as
1568. Probably some
of the Bitter Orange
trees around Maya
homes in the Yucatan
are direct descendents of stock introduced by the Spanish 500
years ago.

Until early 2011 most experts thought that Sour Orange trees
constituted a regular species. However, now Chinese researchers
have done gene sequencing studies that show that Sour Orange
trees, like Sweet Orange trees, are hybrids of Tangerine (also
called Mandarin), Citrus reticulata, and Pummelo, Citrus grandis.


On the next page you see what typical sweet oranges-- what
the local folks call chinas -- look like in a typical frutaría bin. Notice
that these very sweet, super-flavorful oranges at the peak of
perfection for eating in early December aren't very orange. That's
because the notion that a good orange must be brightly orange in
color is a marketing ploy. Marketers tout the orangeness of
oranges because it's easier to make oranges orange than to
deliver exceptionally tasty oranges to distant customers. People in

the Yucatan, however, are sophisticated orange eaters, so they
know that to determine a good orange you check for blemishes,
you might feel firmness, you smell them, but you certainly don't
buy them because they're orange.

Many orange cultivars are recognized, and too many of them

have been bred with very tough, very orange rinds with shipping
and marketing in mind, instead of flavor and wholesomeness. The
ones in the bin are especially thin-skinned and juicy, perfect for
squeezing orange juice from, though I just eat them. Since this
cultivar's peel is hard to remove, I've developed a special way to
eat them.

First I cut them in half, then at the back

of a half I push inward so that it splits in
the way shown at the right. Now it's easy
to tug the wedges from their peel with my
teeth. When I'm pressing the half from
behind some of the juice packets burst, but
when I'm pushing I'm also slurping up all

the sweetness. It doesn't matter that I get a seed from time to
time, for it's all so sweet and sensuous that I even like the seed's
mild bitterness, and the slight burning sensation where the peel
touches my lips, and the juice that gets into my beard. How
wonderful to have such oranges, and to be able to eat them
exactly as I like!

The Orange tree is Citrus x sinensis, "sinensis" meaning

"Chinese," which coincides with the local word for sweet oranges,
which is chinas. For, the Orange plant is thought to have arisen in
southern China. Until now it's been debated whether the Sweet
Orange plant derives from a wild species no longer occurring in a
natural state, or whether it's a hybrid. Early in 2011 the issue was
settled when a team of Chinese researchers doing genetic studies
determined that both they and Bitter Orange are hybrids between
Tangerines (also called Mandarins), Citrus reticulata, and
Pummelos, Citrus grandis.

Today the Sweet Orange is the most commonly grown fruit tree
in the world, and there's a world of cultivars to choose from. In the
US, most oranges grown in California are either 'Washington
Navel' or 'Valencia'. Florida's commercial cultivars are mainly
'Hamlin' (early); 'Pineapple' (mid-season), and; 'Valencia' (late).

The owner of the frutaría supplying the oranges in our pictures

says that his chinas are Valencias. That makes sense since
Valencias are known to be the cultivar most planted in the tropics,
and one producing relatively small but very juicy, rich-tasting fruits
that often don't develop a deep orange color.

KEY LIME/ Lima Agria

Up North it's easy to distinguish between a lime and a lemon. A

lime is a sweetish fruit tasting like lime Lifesavers and smelling like
lime-scented aftershave. Lemons are oval, yellow, very sour fruits
with a low, broad nipple at one end. Down here I never see the
thing that gringos call lemons, but they call fruits not seen up

North limones, or lemons, and they refer to as limas, or limes,
things more acid-puckery than any gringo lemon.

Whatever the situation,

here we're referring to a
small, super-sour citrus fruit
best known in the English-
speaking world as the Key
Lime, or sometimes Mexican
Lime. It's Citrus aurantifolia,
and that's one at the left, a
bit smaller than what
Northerners think of as a

Though the Maya regard

this species as their own,
sometimes calling it Limón Criollo, or "Native Lemon," what we're
calling Mexican Lime is native to Asia's Indo-Malayan region. It's
thought to have been introduced into Europe by Crusaders from
Palestine. It had been introduced there by Arabs who'd carried it
from Asia. The Spanish introduced it into the New World, there
being a report of it commonly growing in Haiti in 1520. It must
have been brought to Mexico early during the Conquest.

So, the Maya have known the tree for nearly 500 years, during
which time they well may have developed a distinctive Maya
cultivar. Despite the Lime part of the name, the small, very acidy
fruits don't taste or smell like a lime-flavored Lifesaver. It tastes
like a super-sour gringo lemon. It makes wonderful lemonade, and
its juice can remove spots from laundry.

At different times of the year the tree might break out in very
fragrant, smallish flowers, as shown on the next page.

Notice the branch's spines,
the typical citrus "wings" on
the leaves' petioles, as well as
the close-together dots on the
leaves' undersurfaces. Those
dots, typical of citrus leaves,
are glands filled with fragrant
oils. If you hold such a leaf up
against the sun you can see
what's shown at the right.

You can see the same thing in other citrus leaves plus similar
oil glands occur in several other plant groups as well, for example
Eucalyptus and Allspice. Translucent dots such as those above
are said to be "pellucid."


As the dry season

begins, in May or so,
you see leafless trees
around people's homes
bearing hundreds of
plum-sized fruits, as
shown at the left.

If you look at the

fruits closely, probably
they'll still be green,
because as soon as
they're ripe critters and
people snatch them
away. Immature fruits
look very different from
ripe ones. Some green
ones are shown below.

Mexicans call
the tree "Ciruelo,"
which translates to
"plum," and in fact
in English often we
call them Spanish
Plums, as well as
Mombins and other
names. Actually,
there are two
species that go by
these names.
There's a species
with both yellow-
and red-fruited forms, Spondias purpurea (both occur in the
Yucatan) and there's another closely related species, Spondias
mombin, which produces only yellow fruits. The way to distinguish

them is that the flowers and fruits of Spondias purpurea cluster
along the stem as in our previous picture, while in Spondias
mombin they're clustered at the end of branches.

By June the plums are

ripe and ready to eat, as
shown at the right. You can
see why they're called
plums. In fact, they also
taste like northern plums,
and similarly can be eaten
raw and made into
preserves. However, note
the large, hard, white,
blocky seed, which is very
unlike the northern plum's
lens-shaped pit.

Spanish Plums belong to

the mostly tropical Cashew
Family, in which we find not
only cashew and mango
trees but also sumac, Poison Oak and Poison Ivy. The North's
plums are members of the Rose Family. By the time Spanish
Plum fruits are ripe, the trees' pinnately compound, walnut-tree-
like leaves have emerged and the plentiful yellow fruits set amidst
fresh, emerald green leaves are very pretty, as shown below.

A big problem with Spanish

Plums is that sometimes every
ripe plum on a tree will be
wormy. Just about any country
Maya person can tell you,
though, how to put salt in a ring
around the tree to keep that
from happening.


Here's another tree drawing attention to itself twice each year.

First, as the dry season begins, in November or so, you notice its
peso-sized, pinkish flowers, shown below:

Later, in
May or so, at
the beginning
of the rainy
season, once
again the tree
becomes very
pretty with all
its bright red,
fruits, as
shown at the

This is the Barbados-Cherry, sometimes called Wild Crape
Myrtle by Northerners focusing on the pretty flowers. It's Malpighia
glabra, a member of the tropical and subtropical Malpighia Family,
the Malpighiaceae. In most of North America there are no wild
members of the Malpighia Family.

The acidy fruits are thin-skinned and good to eat. They contain
32 times more Vitamin C than a similar quantity of orange juice.
When eleven fruit pulps were tested, that of Barbados-Cherry
scored the highest anti-oxidant potency. Unfortunately, the ones I
pick nearly always are inhabited by worms.

Barbados-Cherries grow from southern Texas through our area

all the way to northern South America.


Of all the fruit trees mentioned in this section, one smallish

species may be both the least known by Northerners, and yet one
of the most commonly found around Maya homes. A raceme of its
yellowish, 2/5ths-inch wide (1cm) fruits is shown below:

This is the Nance, which is the Spanish name, and in Spanish
it's pronounced NAHN-seh. It's Byrsonima crassifolia of the
Malpighia Family, a family little known to Northern plant lovers.

My impression is that in the old days the tree's fruits were much
more appreciated by the Maya than now. Before the days when
every Maya felt entitled to his or her daily Coke, Nance fruits were
used to make a sweet beverage reminding me of Kool-Aid. Mash
a pan of Nance fruits into juice and pulp, add about a quart (liter)
of water, sweeten to taste, and you have a nice drink. Fancier
recipes are known by every family. Nance fruit pulp is white and
oily, and varies in flavor from sweet to acid to cheesy, to having
not much taste at all. Depending on the flavor, the fruits might also
be eaten raw, cooked as desserts like plum stew, added to soups,
or even used as stuffing for meats.

Families who no longer use their Nance fruits might keep the
tree around just for their pretty flowers, shown below:

The individual ¾-inch-wide flowers (2cm) are elegant little

things, as made clear below:

GUAVA/ Guayaba

Especially when kept watered,

guava trees, Psidium guajava of the
Myrtle Family, might produce guava
fruits almost throughout the year. You
can see a half-grown one in July at the

Before looking closer at the guava fruit itself, notice how the
Guava tree's leaves have such close-together, parallel veins
whose tips arc and more or less unite just inside the leaf's margin.
That helps a lot when identifying this tree, especially in the woods,
for Guavas are native to the American tropics, including the

But, it's the five leathery, purplish items forming a kind of star at
the fruit's bottom that makes this a guava fruit and nothing else.
To grasp what they are you need to remember that a typical flower
has its colored corolla and sexual parts arising from a green,
cuplike calyx. Most calyxes have five lobes, or sepals. The five
leathery, purplish items in the picture, then, are the calyx lobes, or
sepals, remaining on the maturing fruit long after the flower's
corolla and male sexual parts have shriveled and fallen off. In
most flowers the calyx and its lobes also shrivel and fall off, so
these "persistent calyx lobes" on guava fruits are peculiar to the

A fellow once gave me a

bag of ripe guavas, which I put
away. Around midnight I had
to get up and take them
outside because they created
such a strong odor. At first the
smell strikes you as delicious
and perfumy with only a
slightly musky undercurrent,
but as time passes the
muskiness takes over, grows
heavy, smothers with its
insistence, and I'll bet there
are sexual pheromones
involved, too, stirring up
subconscious cogitations.
There's a saying among
Spanish speakers, "Hard to hide as a guava," and that's why.

The guava fruit's many seeds are a little hard (sometimes
awfully hard) and they bother some fastidious folks, but to us
gulpers they're no problem at all. If you get some hard seeds, just
don't bite hard or you might crack a tooth. Sort of smush your
guava, skin and all, then swallow.


So, there's Guava, and

there's Guaya -- unrelated
and unlike one another, just
with similar names. Most
Northerners first discover
Guaya fruits piled on stands
along streets or as they slow
their cars at topes on the
highway where folks are
standing holding up guaya
fruits -- maybe calling them
by the Spanish name
mamoncillos, or the Maya
name uayum. Those are
guaya fruits at the right.

You buy a bunch, pull off

a fruit, bite the green shell not too hard, and the thin husk readily
cracks apart freeing a succulent, pinkish-cream pulp, as shown on
the next page. Once the Guaya fruit's shell is cracked, the pulp
easily plops into the mouth. It tastes like slightly sour grape flesh,
and you're a little disappointed that the flesh so thinly covers a
very big seed. As you suck on the seed the flesh expands.

The seed, I read, can be roasted like a chestnut. Some folks

chill Guaya fruits in their freezers, then during hot times serve
them as cold, tangy snacks. The local Maya eat them with chili
powder, salt, and lime.

The Guaya tree is
Melicoccus bijugatus, a
member of the same
family that includes Litchi
fruits and the North's
weedy balloon-vines, the
mostly tropical Soapberry
Family, or Sapindaceae.
Guaya trees are fairly
large and bear pinnately
compound leaves typically
with four leaflets, as
shown at the left.

There's some confusion about what tree is actually the Guaya.

The Guaya producing the fruits shown above, Melicoccus
bijugatus, is native to northern South America but is widely
planted and often naturalized through all of hot tropical America,
and beyond. It's not a wild tree in the Yucatan's forests.

However, if you ask a Maya farmer to show you a Guaya, he
may well lead you to a large, wild tree in the forest -- one also with
pinnately compound leaves bearing four leaflets -- and say that it's
a Guaya, or Uayum. In fact that's the very similar, closely related,
native tree Talisia oliviformis. If you ask the Maya directly about
different kinds of Guaya or Uayum, usually it'll be admitted that
indeed there are two kinds of Guaya, one producing the big fruits
illustrated above, and the other, this forest-dwelling one, with a
smaller fruit, also edible, but not eaten as frequently, and that's
Talisia oliviformis.

The leaves of wild Guayas are wider, thinner and hairless,

while those of the planted Guayas are more narrow, leathery and
hairy. The planted Guayas have been cultivated for so long that
several cultivars have been produced, including some with extra
sweet fruits.

TAMARIND/ Tamarindo

If you see a large, graceful

tree with ferny, acacia-like
leaves next to a Maya home,
there's a good chance it's a
Tamarind Tree, Tamarindus
indica, a native of tropical
Africa. And if the tree bears
dangling fruits looking like
brown, bloated, green bean
pods like those at the right,
then it's definitely a Tamarind.

Tamarind trees deserve

being planted if only because
they are such handsome trees
and provide good shade.
However, they're also famous

for their pods, which actually are legumes, since Tamarinds are
members of the Bean Family. A cracked-open pod is shown

I say "cracked open" because the pods' coverings are hard and
brittle. Inside the pods you find the large beans typical of a Bean-
Family member, but the beans are embedded in a soft, brownish
pulp through which a few tough fibers run. It's the pulp people like,
for it's extremely sour, and makes a lemonade-type drink when
mashed in water and sweetened.

To make the drink, remove pulp from about a dozen good-

sized pods, dissolve the pulp in about 1½ cups of warm water,
strain it, add about a quart of cold water, then sweeten to taste. To
dissolve the pulp you may need to squish it with your fingers or
else remove the seeds and use a blender until you have a thick


In fruit markets sometimes you see heaps of greenish-yellow,

potato-size fruits of a kind that until just a few years ago were
never seen in this part of the world. It's one of those "wonder fruits
with a great future" which from time to time get introduced with
great fanfare as an "important, alternative, money-making crop."
The fruits are produced by a small tree called Noni. Noni is
Morinda citrifolia, a member of the large, mostly tropical Coffee
Family, the Rubiaceae. Nonis are native to Southeast Asia and
Australasia, but today it's not uncommon to see them growing
next to Mayan homes in the Yucatan. Below you see some typical
Noni leaves and immature fruits.

If you Google Noni fruits you'll find extravagant claims about

their medicinal value and you'll see that much research has been
done on the chemicals in them. The fruits certainly taste
medicinal, more bitter than sweet. In fact, usually when I see them
in markets they're just lying there rotting because very few people
buy them. Some Noni producers say they've found markets for
their fruits but others say they can't give them away. One Maya
store-owner I know says he makes a drink from Noni juice,
softening its bitterness with orange juice, and he looks like he's 45
but says he's 63, so...

Above you see an immature Noni fruit with flowers attached to
it. This picture explains why Noni fruits are so bumpy and each
bump bears a little "eye." For, Noni fruits don't develop from single
flowers. Rather, as the flowers on the left in the above picture
show, each bump on a fruit develops from a flower's ovary. The
Noni "fruit," then, is a "multiple fruit" consisting of several to many
packed-together simple fruits. Mulberries, Osage Oranges,
pineapples and figs are other examples of multiple fruits.

COW OKRA/ Pepino de Árbol

The remarkable thing about the nine-inch-long (23cm) pods on

the tree in the picture on the next page is that, instead of dangling
from branches, they grow right off the tree's trunk, like cacao
fruits. The Maya call the tree Kat-but in English it's known by the
wonderful name Cow Okra. It's Parmentiera aculeata, a member
of the Bignonia Family, along with North America's Trumpet
Creeper and Catalpas. The leaves are compound 3- or 5-foliate,
with a short, stiff spine at the base of each petiole.

Cow Okra is native to southern Mexico, including the Yucatan,
and Central America. Traditionally the Maya made an infusion
from its roots to control diabetes. In fact, I've read in a scientific
paper that chloroform extracts from Cow Okra reduce blood
glucose levels in diabetic mice by 44%, and 30% in normal mice.
The Aztecs of central Mexico were known to use the plant for
kidney diseases, indigestion, colds, and ear infections.
Supposedly each day they drank tea made from 1.8 oz (50g) of
leaves in one quart (liter) of water. For ear infections they soaked
a cotton ball in this mixture and inserted it into the ear.

The raw fruits can be eaten, though they're not particularly

good tasting; some Maya sprinkle sugar on them. Cow Okra pod

rinds are too tough and fibrous to bite through, but the flesh inside
the fruits has the texture of cucumbers, and is filled with many
small seeds that are easy enough to ignore and swallow. Some
Maya roast the pods, covering them with ashes and embers, and
this improves the taste markedly. As the fruits bake they soften,
sweeten, and get juicier. I've baked them in a solar oven and
loved how as they baked they issued a rich, molasses aroma. To
me the gummy flesh tastes like campfire-baked plantains (the
really big bananas), though others say it's more like sweet
potatoes. The pods I baked in the solar oven turned out so sweet
and gooey that I was accused of packing them in brown sugar, or
piloncillo. They were delicious, but fibrous; I had to pick fibers from
my teeth for hours afterwards.

ANNATTO/ Achiote

Sometimes you see a

small tree or shrub with
heart-shaped leaves and
bearing white, two-inch
broad (5cm) flowers and/or
clusters of soft-spiny,
reddish-brown capsules like
those shown at the right.

That's Annatto, Bixa

orellanai, native to Mexico,
including the Yucatan, and
Central America. In Maya
culture Annatto is very
important because it's the
source of a bright, reddish-
orange paste the Maya use
in many of their dishes as
both coloring and flavoring.
Traditional Maya dishes in

which you may have seen annatto paste's red signature include
Cochinita Pibil and various annatto-marinated fish plates. The
recado rojo or "red broth" used in many Maya dishes is red
because of annatto.

When an Annatto fruit capsule is mature -- but not too mature --

the peppercorn-like seeds inside are embedded in a red-orange
paste. That's the annatto paste. When the capsule matures and
starts splitting open, the paste more or less dries and covers the
seeds, becoming part of the seeds' pericarp. This pericarp or even
the whole seeds can then be ground to make annatto paste. You
can see mature Annatto capsules filled with red, annatto-covered
seeds below.


In the Yucatan cacti can be trees, as the picture below shows.

That's the Indian-Fig, Opuntia ficus-indica, a kind of pricklypear

cactus. Many Northerners call it by its Mexican name, Nopal. The
feature that makes it so beloved among Mexico's country folks is
that it's edible, and many of its cultivars are spineless. When its
tender pads first sprout, they can be collected, processed, cooked,

and eaten. Pads ready to be cooked are shown below.

Preparing the
pads for cooking
consists of cutting
little bumps off the
pads. Even if the
bumps don't sprout
spines, they may
bear a few almost-
microscopic spines
called glochids,
which can cause
plenty of trouble if
they stick in your
lips, tongue or even
your fingers. Once
processed, the pads
are ready for

Ingredients for
one recipe call for: 3 cups sautéed nopal slices; 3 tbsp chopped
white onion; ½ cup chopped cilantro; ½ tsp dried Mexican
oregano, and; 2 tbsp fresh lime juice or vinegar.

The Indian-Fig's fruits, called tunas, are

edible, too. You can see some still on the
cactus plant on the next page. At the right
you can see that tunas bear bumps similar
to those on the pads, and glochids also
arise from them. The glochids must be
removed before the tuna can be eaten.

One way to get them off is to put the

tunas on the ground and beat them all
around with a brush of soft-leafed weeds. If you have a rag you
can throw away, probably rubbing the tunas with it would work,

too. Once you're sure your tunas are free of glochids, cut open the
skin and behold what's shown at the right.

The pulp is succulent and

red, almost like watermelon
flesh. The taste is even a
little like watermelon, but the
pulp is full of small seeds.
Therefore, you're faced with
the same question as when
you eat passion fruits or
pomegranates: Do you spit
out each little seed or
swallow them?

When I ask the Maya what they do, some say they spit, some
swallow. Most backwoods folks, as well as myself, are swallowers.

While we have our minds on cacti, it might be fun to think about

the special anatomy peculiar to cacti.

Mainly, the paddle-

like, edible pads that
constitute most of the
cactus aren't modified
leaves but rather
modified stem parts.
However, on many
cacti, including the
Nopal, leaves do exist.
New pads sprouting
from older ones are
covered with tiny,
green, conical leaves,
as shown at the left.


All through tropical America, from Mexico to Paraguay, if you're

traveling where there's enough rainfall to support forest at least 20
feet high (6m), the vegetation is weedy and the soil is halfway rich,
if you see a head-high shrub aflame with many bright clusters of
slender-tubed, red flowers like those shown below, probably you
have the Scarlet-Bush, Hamelia patens, a member of the Coffee
Family, the Rubiaceae.

If you like to take butterfly pictures you can't do much better
than to just stand next to a Scarlet-Bush and wait for butterflies to

A Maya friend, who called it Kanán, had a high opinion of

Scarlet-Bush's medicinal value: "Combine its leaves with those of
Pomegranate and Guava, brew a tea from the mixture, and you
can cure skin sores by washing the skin with the tea. The tea is
also good to swish around in your mouth when it's inflamed and
sore. And if you cut yourself, you heal better if you toast its leaves
on the comal, grind them to a fine powder, and sprinkle the
powder in the wound."


All through the

year you're likely to
see smallish trees
along roads ablaze
with bright yellow,
peso-sized flowers
like the one at the

As shown on the
next page, the
leaves are pinnately
compound and the
flowers bear five
petals that are more
or less the same
size, but usually at
least one petal is of
a different size than
the others.

The flower close-up at the
right shows that in the blossom's
center there are little frankfurter-
shaped things. Those are pollen-
filled anthers. The long, slender,
green thing arising below the
stamens is the pistil, which will
mature into the future fruit.
Seeing the fruit's shape, you
might even guess that eventually
the fruit will be a green-bean-

type legume, which would make perfect sense, since this tree is a
member of the Bean Family, whose fruits are legumes.

The Yucatan is home to several similar species of this kind of

tree -- species of the genus Senna. The online Flora de la
Península de Yucatan lists 22 Senna species, and the species
can be hard to distinguish. Most are small trees with lots of yellow
flowers. They blossom at different times of the year, so you
seldom go for long without seeing the roadside adorned with one
or the other species. The one in the picture seems to be Senna
racemosa, the Limestone Senna. Sometimes Sennas are known
as Cassias.

BUTTERCUP TREE/ Madera de Pasta

During the late dry season when many of the Yucatan's

deciduous trees have lost their leaves, especially in abandoned
fields along roads in arid northwestern Yucatan, sometimes you
see leafless, rather gangly-looking, smallish trees spectacularly
aflower with four-inch-broad (10cm), orangish-yellow flowers as
shown below.

One English name for the tree is Silk Cottontree; another is
Buttercup Tree, which is easier to remember. It's Cochlospermum
vitifolium, a member of the Bixa Family, in which we also find
Annatto, whose fruits produce the Mayas' orange-red cooking
paste. Below you see a cross-section of a flower:

At the blossom's bottom-center, note the pea-sized, spherical,

fuzzy ovary atop a saucer-like platform or "disk." Many stamens
emerge from between the ovary's base and the disk. Having so
many stamens and such a disk below the ovary is a little unusual
among flowers, and helps distinguish the Bixa Family, which is a
small, quirky one.

Buttercup Tree's fruits are bulbous, brown, jumbo-egg-size

structures that split open flowerlike, revealing seeds embedded in
masses of white cotton.

The species is widely distributed, not really rare but also not

common, from Mexico well into Northern South America, mostly in
semiarid areas. It's such a pretty tree that it's planted in gardens
throughout the tropics.

A Maya shaman tells me that its Maya name is Nickte' Ch'om,

and that resin from the tree is used to treat epilepsy.


In arid northwestern
Yucatan's scrubby forest
you do not see the
smallish tree shown at the
right with its straight,
bamboo-like stem and
oversized, umbrella-like
leaves. That's because
this tree likes more rain
than falls in the
northwest. The farther
east and south you travel
in the Yucatan, the more
of this tree you see,
especially in disturbed
habitats such as along

This is a Cecropia, of
which two species occur
in the Yucatan: Cecropia peltata, and C. obtusifolia. The one in
the picture is C. peltata.

Cecropias come in male or female trees -- they're dioecious.

The best way to distinguish C. peltata from C. obtusifolia is by
looking at their female flower spikes. The ones shown on the next
page are C. peltata and are about four inches long (10cm). If they
were longer and more slender they'd be C. obtusifolia.

A cluster of spikes of male
flowers of C. peltata is
shown at the right.

Cecropia tree stems are

hollow and segmented, with
some segments bearing
holes serving as doors for
ants who live in the stems. If
a large herbivore comes
eating the tree, the biting
ants may drive it away. Not
only do Cecropia flowers

produce sweet nectar that attracts ants but also the tree's mature
female spikes are sweet and succulent, and eaten by birds and
mammals. Historically the Maya have considered the spikes an
emergency food.

Ceropia peltata enjoys high repute as a medicinal plant. The

book Las Plantas Medicinales de México describes it as useful
against obesity, asthma, liver ailments and diabetes. The trunk's
outer layer contains cecropina, considered to be a powerful heart
tonic and diuretic. Once when I was exploring Mexico City's
enormous Merced market I asked a big-time medicinal herb dealer
which of all the plants he knew he'd take with him if he had to go
live on an island with just one medicinal plant. "¡Guarumo!" he
replied without batting an eye.


Big papayas bought in markets grow on cultivated trees

developed horticulturally from Wild Papaya trees, Carica papaya,
which are native to the American tropics. In fact, Wild Papaya
trees are among the most eye-catching species along many of the
Yucatan's roads (not in the arid northwest) because they are so
unlike other trees with their big, umbrella-like leaves arising atop
thick, succulent, mostly unbranched trunks. Two Wild Papaya
trees are shown below.

In that picture notice that flowers on the tree at the left grow at
the end of long, branched stems. That tree is male. Flowers on the
tree at the right arise directly from the trunk, and that tree is

On the female tree at the right the fruits -- the papayas -- are
about the size of golf balls. On wild trees that's about as large as
they get. When they turn orange they'll be edible and the flesh will
taste OK, but there won't be enough of it for most people to bother
with. Birds, though, especially woodpeckers, love eating them. In
fact, usually it's hard to find a mature, orange Wild Papaya fruit
that doesn't have a hole in it from where some critter has been
eating it.


Often at woods
edges and along
roads you see a
scraggly bush or
small tree with big,
maple-like leaves.
That's one shown at
the right.

Usually the plant is

called, even by
English speakers,
Mala Mujer (moo-
HERR), which
means, "bad woman."
The plant is "bad" because it abundantly bears many stiff, sharp,
stinging hairs of the kind northern nettles have, except that they're
much larger and more painful to make contact with. Some stem
prickles are shown on the next page.

I don't know why the
name givers made this plant
a woman instead of a man,
for it seems to me that men
are more likely to be prickly
than women. Whatever the
gender issues, it took me
awhile to realize that in the
Yucatan there are two, not
one, very closely related
species of "Mala Mujer" that
most people, including the
Maya, don't differentiate.
The species shown here is
Cnidoscolus souzae. The
other species is Cnidoscolus aconitifolius, which is a very
important one because it's the wild ancestor of the wonderful
Chaya plant that produces very nutritious leaves often used in
traditional Maya cooking. We look at Chaya elsewhere.

The two closely related species

are a little hard to distinguish
unless you know a little secret. The
secret is that at the top of each
petiole (the leaf's "stem") where the
petiole joins the leaf blade, there's
a secretion-producing gland. Nearly
everything about the two Mala
Mujer species is almost identical,
except for these glands, and they're
very different. At the right you see
the long-stalked glands of Cnidoscolus souzae.

Compare that with the same view on the next page of the
bathtub-like gland on Chaya's wild ancestor, Cnidoscolus

The domesticated,
edible Chaya has
glands just like this,
but its stems and
leaves lack the spines.
The domestication
process consisted of
selectively breeding
the spines off the wild


Especially at weedy
forest edges sometimes
you see a ten-ft-high
(3m) shrub or small tree
with really strange,
spiraling fruits at the
ends of long stems, like
those at the right.

This is Helicteres
baruensis, a member of
the Hibiscus Family. It
has no commonly
accepted English or
Spanish name, though
the Maya I know call it

If you enjoy wandering through traditional markets you may

have seen boxes of such fruits sold for medicinal purposes. Once
a Maya friend's elderly father told me what the fruits were for. He

"Su-tut is for children with speech problems. You put a fruit into
the child's mouth, twist it nine times in one direction, then twist it
nine times in the other direction, and after you do that for a few
weeks the child no longer has problems speaking."

TREMA/ Capulín

In Spanish the name Capulín is likely to be used for any small,

spherical fruit with a fleshy covering, and the one below is one of

This medium-sized tree often shows up in fields that have been

abandoned a few years, and at weedy woods edges. It's Trema
micrantha, and you can imagine how birds love those hackberry-
like fruits. There's no good English name for this tree, so typically

English speakers just call it Trema. It's found in southern Florida
and there it's called Florida Trema, but that name won't do in the

It's no accident that its fruits are like northern hackberries, and
its leaves look like hackberry leaves. Both Hackberry trees and
Tremas are members of the Elm Family. Tremas occur in much of
Mexico and the Caribbean area south into South America.


Australian Pine, Casuarina equisetifolia, isn't seen much in the

interior but in some places along the coast it's abundant and so
unusual looking that it deserves mention. Below you see some
young ones next to a Hurricane-Dean-ravaged mangrove swamp
north of Chetumal. Basically they look like pine trees.

However, if you look closely at the "needles," you see
something very unpine-like. Look:

The inset at the bottom, left shows why Australian Pine isn't a
pine. Pine needles aren't segmented. Australian Pine's "needles"
are actually slender, toothpick-wide stems bearing minute scale-
leaves in whorls of six to eight.

Australian Pines are a serious invasive species along the

Yucatan's coast. Moreover, the species is highly allelopathic -- it
produces chemicals that inhibit the growth of other species. Once
Australian Pine gets established it can form pure stands with few
other plants able to survive near them, offering relatively little food
and shelter to wildlife. Dense stands of Australian Pine look lush
and green, but ecologically they are deserts.

Therefore, in Florida the possession, collection, transportation,
cultivation and importation of Australian Pine are prohibited by the
Florida Department of Environmental Protection.

On the other hand, Australian Pine is very tolerant of sand, sun

and salt spray, stabilizes sandy, windblown soil, and grows quickly
producing firewood in places where few other tree species can
grow. I've seen it referred to as "the best firewood in the world."

Below you see a cluster of cherry-sized Australian Pine cones:

A cone with three papery-winged

seeds below it is shown at the right.
Australian Pine cones differ from cones of
real pines in that their seeds do not fall
from beneath woody, overlapping scales,
but rather from what look like little turtle
heads that spit out the seeds.




● I'm not really that chubby. In the picture I'm wearing five
shirts because when the picture was taken I was cold!
Therefore, it's not always hot in the Yucatan. The Yucatan has
very definite seasons. The Yucatan's naturally occurring trees
and bushes often profoundly reflect the season they're in.

● Most of the woody vegetation in the picture is leafless.

That's because during the Yucatan's relatively cool dry season
from about the end of November to mid May many deciduous
trees and bushes lose their leaves. This cuts down on water loss
from the leaves. When the rainy season returns in late May or
so, woody branches sprout new stems and foliage.

● The picture shows rather low, scrubby vegetation. That's

typical for northwestern Yucatan because, climatologically

speaking, in the Yucatan the farther northwest you go the
more arid it gets. There's low, scrubby, cactus-rich vegetation
in the northwest, but tall, relatively lush forest in the southeast,
and smoothly transitioning forest in between. Some species
occur only in the more arid northwestern and northern zone
while others live only in the southeastern and southern zone.




Coconut Palms, Cocos nucifera, grow naturally along the
Yucatan peninsula's beaches. Many palm species other than
Coconut Palms are planted in the Yucatan and several are native.
You can distinguish the Coconut Palm from the others by these

• often they bear large coconuts

• their long fronds are pinnately divided -- like feathers
• their frond bases (petioles) emerge from netlike brown fiber
• their trunks are tall and slender throughout, with no remnants of frond-
petiole bases clothing their upper parts

Palms are
which means
that their flowers
are unisexual,
but flowers of
both sexes
occur on the
same tree. In the
picture at the
right of a
Coconut Palm's
flower cluster, or
notice the many
small, greenish
items densely
arranged along
the slender,
fingerlike things
directed toward the picture's upper, right corner. Those are male
flowers, or what's left of them. The much less numerous and
larger, oval items in the picture's lower, left corner are female
flowers, or the female flowers' pistils enlarging as they become

Notice how the entire large inflorescence arises from a semi-
woody, brownish, scooplike spathe. The spathe surrounds and
protects the flowers as they develop. Spathes remain on the tree
until well after the fruits are mature.

In some parts of the Yucatan Lethal Yellowing Disease has

killed most or almost all of the Coconut Palms. One reason for the
disease's devastation is that earlier the Yucatan's diverse natural
Coconut Palm population, which included trees bearing nuts of
many sizes and shapes, were replaced by just one Coconut race
-- one with big, spherical nuts -- which sold better. The disease
then rampaged through the resulting monoculture. Now everyone
is encouraged to plant native types, even if their nuts are not
especially big and spherical. You can see some native longish
coconuts below:


Above you see an eight-ft-tall (2.5m) palm common in much of

the Yucatan, Sabal yapa. North Americans are familiar with
palmetto palms of the US Deep South, which also are members of
the genus Sabal. Most of the palm's fronds in the above picture
have been removed because the Maya use them for thatching

When identifying palms a point to keep in mind is that the vast

majority of palm species fall neatly into one of two broad groups:
the feather-leaved or pinnate palms, such as the Coconut Palm,

whose leaf segments arise from a rachis passing through the
center of a long leaf blade, like pinnae arising from the rachis of a
feather, and; the fan palms, whose leaf segments radiate from
the top of the leaf stem, or petiole, forming a ± circular blade.
Palmettos such as the Thatch Palm are regarded as fan palms.

Thatch Palms can grow into tall, slender-trunked trees, as you

can see in the picture of three Huanos in different stages of
development below.

For two and a half years I had the pleasure of living in a Maya-
style hut on the grounds of Hacienda Chichen Resort adjacent to
Chichén Itzá ruins, and I got to see how Thatch Palm fronds were
used to thatch the hut's roof. Below you can see what the hut
looked like in an early stage.

After chopping off each of the

frond's stems, or petioles, so
they'd be the same length, the
men tied together bunches of
them so they could be raised to
their working spot on the roof, by
rope, as shown at the left.

One reason Thatch Palm

fronds are favored over other
palm species is because of how
the fronds' petioles extend like a
midrib into the fanlike blade.

Below you can see from inside the hut how the fronds hook
onto a roof pole.

At the left you can see what

the house looked like after the
first hour of thatching. After I
had lived in the hut a few
weeks, the green thatch turned
straw color.

I loved living in that hut.


Another famous fan palm is the Chit, Thrinax radiata, shown


How do you distinguish Chit

Palms from Thatch Palms? We've
just seen how the petioles of
Thatch Palm fronds extend up
through the middle of the Thatch
Palm's fronds. Compare that with a
Chit's frond at the left, where the
petiole abruptly stops at the frond's

Not only do Chit frond petioles end abruptly where they meet
the frond, but also notice the toothlike growth rising
perpendicularly from the frond at the junction. That toothlike item
is referred to as a hastula. Hastulas occur on fronds of several
palm kinds but in the genus Thrinax hastulas are particularly well
developed. Thatch Palm fronds don't have hastulas.

Among the Maya, Chits are famous because of this: Their

fronds make good brooms. When the Maya see a Chit, they think
"broom." Below is a former neighbor, Doña Neima, using her well
worn but easy-to-renew Chit broom.

In Florida, where the same Chit species often goes by the
name of Florida Thatch Palm, it's regarded as endangered. Also in
Mexico officials can get upset when Chits are removed for house
building. Often Northerners building on the coast can't understand
the problem because they look around and see large numbers of
Chits. The problem is with the Chit's narrow coastal distribution,
and the fact that so much of coastal Yucatan is being "developed."


Along the coasts, often in the neighborhood of mangroves,

sometimes you see tall fan-palms looking like those below.

At first glance they could be Chit Palms but their trunks are
more slender and their fronds are divided into more and stiffer
leaflets that the Chits'. These are Acoelorrhaphe wrightii. In the

Florida Everglades this same species is known as the Everglades
Palm, but that won't do in the Yucatan, where there are more of
them. Often in English they're known as Paurotis Palms so that's
what we'll call them.

Up close, Paurotis
Palm petioles also
differ from Chit petioles
by bearing large,
broad-based, forward-
curved spines like
those shown at the left,
while Chit petioles bear

In the mangroves,
Paurotis Palms mostly
occupy the edges, avoiding the most flooded areas. You could say
that Chits favor sand while Paurotis Palms go for mud, but not
mud where water stands for too long.


Sometimes you see a

naturally occurring palm vaguely
similar to an upside-down
feather duster. If you stand
beneath it, you see what's
shown at the right.

And, did I say that this palm

is spiny? It's very spiny, with
big, hard, sharp spines, as
shown atop the next page.

In that picture my hand can hardly find a place among the
trunk's many long and short spines jutting out at odd angles.

To a lot of Maya folks the big

thing about Coyol isn't their
spininess, but rather their nuts,
which are like little coconuts.
Coyols produce abundant crops
of such nuts, as shown at the left.

The wonderful thing is that

these nuts make good eating!
Sometimes the Maya sell little
plastic bags of boiled Coyol nuts
swimming in thick, super-sweet
syrup. Usually Northerners don't
see the point in them, finding the
nuts too hard and tasteless and
the syrup too sweet, but the Maya say that they're something
sweet that lasts for a long time and, to Maya thinking, that's good.


The word "mangroves" refers to a special community of plants and

animals occurring in tropical areas that are inundated permanently
or occasionally with saltwater. Mangrove communities occur
intermittently along all the Yucatan's coasts and surrounding islands.
Few of the Earth's ecosystems are as rich in species and numbers of
living things, and few are as important to the broader ecological
community as mangroves. The young of many ocean fish species
spend their early days in the mangroves, so mangroves are very
important to offshore fishing.

However, mangroves are also very fragile. They are vulnerable to

hurricanes, human drainage programs and general "development." In
fact two of the Yucatan's main woody mangrove species -- Red
Mangrove and Black Mangrove -- are regarded as threatened.

Coastal mangrove communities occur in the tropics worldwide, but

the species composition of the communities changes from region to
region. In the Yucatan usually we think of four different woody species
as constituting our mangrove swamps. Sometimes it's observed that,
in terms of water depth and salinity, the four species arrange
themselves like this:

(deepest water & saltiest soil) (driest & least salty)

Red Mangrove -> Black Mangrove ->White Mangrove -> Buttonwood


Of the four mangrove tree

species constituting the
Yucatan's mangroves, Red
Mangrove, Rhizophora
mangle, is the most eye-
catching. It's the one with
gangling "stilt-roots," as
shown at the right.

Red Mangrove inhabits

the deepest water of the four
species, and its fruits are the
most curious-looking. You
can see what I mean in the
picture below.

That picture shows two

Red Mangrove flowers with
fruits developing from the
ovaries in the flowers' centers.
The fruit on the right is much
more developed, as indicated by
the fact that inside it a seed has
already germinated and now a
very sizable root is emerging
from the fruit, pointing

The dangling root is about

eight inches long (20cm).
Sometimes when such root-
possessing fruits fall from trees
the root stabs into the mud, thus
planting new Red Mangroves
right beneath the parent tree.
More typically, the fruit with its

root falls into water and floats away. When the root makes contact
with mud it grows into it and then the tree develops as you'd
expect. Still, it's fun to know that a Red Mangrove fruit, at least
under certain conditions, can actually plant itself.

Mother Nature almost always prefers for offspring to settle

farther away from the parent so that parent and offspring don't end
up competing for the same resources. Red Mangroves may
constitute an exception, however, since they often grow so closely
together that their stilt roots interlock, forming impenetrable
thickets that are the delight of shelter-seeking wildlife. Also, the
network of roots catches soil particles that otherwise would wash
away, and this builds up the land.

The Red Mangrove's

long-rooted fruits are so
attention-getting that the
flowers preceding them
often are overlooked. At the
right you can see how the
pale yellow, leathery, star-
shaped flowers arrange
themselves in few-flowered,
long-stemmed clusters
arising from leaf axils:

A picture of a little-less-
than-inch-wide (2cm) flower
with four pale yellow,
leathery sepals and four
whitish petals with cottony
hairs on their inner surface,
and eight stamens, is
shown on the next page.

I'm guessing that the
petals' hairiness provides
footholds for visiting
pollinators. The fruit is a
little over an inch long
(3cm), dark brown, and
contains one seed which,
as we saw, germinates
while still on the tree.
Plants producing such
seeds are said to be


Black Mangrove,
Avicennia germinans, is
easy to identify because
its widely spreading
roots send up slender,
gray-brown, pencil-like
items from the mud and
water to about a foot
high -- as shown at the

These pencil-like
things are known as
pneumatophores. and
they absorb oxygen for
the submerged roots.
Black Mangrove grows
higher above the low-
tide mark than Red
Mangroves, so often you
see Black Mangrove

pneumatophores emerging from mud, not water. Black
Mangrove's leaves, reaching only about three inches long (8cm),
are hairy below. The four-lobed flowers are white, up to half an
inch long (1.3cm). The fruit is a compressed, two-valved, one-
seeded capsule up to about 1.5 inches long (4cm) and an inch
wide (2.5cm). Here in the tropics Black Mangrove can grow up to
70 feet tall (20m).


White Mangrove, Laguncularia racemosa, is a member of the

mostly tropical Combretum Family. From just a few feet away,

dense and much-branching White Mangrove looks like a green
wall, but up close you see distinguishing features such as its
three-inch-long (7cm) leaves with rounded or notched tips, and
long, roundish petioles jutting from the stem almost at right angles.
Also there may be clusters of half-inch-long (1.3cm), thick-ribbed,
leathery, roughly wedge-
shaped fruits.

At the top of many of the

stiff petioles there are two
wartlike glands such as
those seen at the right. In
other species such glands
often exude chemicals that
either attract ants which
protect the leaves from leaf
eaters, or maybe repel leaf-
eating insects. However, White Mangrove's petiole glands help
the plant excrete excess salt.

We've seen that Red

Mangrove seeds germinate
while the fruits still are
attached to the stems -- the
seeds are "viviparous." With
a White Mangrove fruit in
hand, I wondered if it might
do something similar. A fruit
with its top broken off, and
another fruit with one side
stripped away, are shown at
the left.

The dark green item inside the fruit is the sprout's future green
leaves wrapped around one another. In typical seeds we'd find a
small, hardly noticeable embryo that would remain dormant for a
season but here we have a living shoot that once it's formed never
stops developing inside the fruit on or off the tree. This green-

leafed shoot will have a head start rooting and growing as soon as
the seed is deposited on mud or in water. Since the seeds aren't
germinating while still on the tree they're not viviparous like those
of the Red Mangrove, but some experts would say that they are

Most White Mangroves I see in the Yucatan are only about

eight feet tall (2.5m) but I read that they may grow up to 60 feet
tall (18m).

BUTTONWOOD/ Botoncillo

Buttonwood, Conocarpus erectus, a member of the mostly

tropical Combretum Family, has the driest feet of the Yucatan's
four main mangrove-tree species. In the mangroves, often
Buttonwood grows around edges. Usually it bears flowers and/or
fruits in distinctive, cone-like clusters like those below.

At the peak of maturity when the clusters are brownish they
crumble into separate fruits.

Ecologically, Buttonwood is noted for withstanding high winds

better than the other mangrove species. Therefore, when they
occur at the edges of mangrove swamps they serve as a buffer for
the entire mangrove ecosystem.

Buttonwood thickets provide habitat for many species,

including crabs and Bald Eagles. Unfortunately, its heavy wood
makes great firewood and is cut for charcoal production. The
species is distributed from central Florida through the Caribbean,
and northern Mexico south to Ecuador and Brazil, as well as
western tropical Africa.


In the Yucatan no plant group contains more species of trees and

bushes than the Bean Family, the Fabaceae -- also known as the
Legume or Pea Family. Usually it's fairly easy to recognize members of
the Bean Family because they produce legume-type fruits, plus the vast
majority of Bean Family members bear compound leaves. Compound
leaves are those divided into leaflets.

A once-divided compound leaf looks something

like what's shown at the right.

And here is a twice-divided compound leaf:

Being able to recognize the Bean Family helps us

in the identification process. However, remember that
in the Yucatan several common tree and bush
species bear perfectly nice compound leaves, but
they aren't members of the Bean Family.

However, the following dozen species are indeed members of the

Bean Family.


Sometimes you see especially big trees with elephantine trunks

and massive, widely-spreading limbs bearing gardens of
epiphytes such as bromeliads, aroids and orchids, such as those

This is one of the Yucatan's most eye-catching and memorable

trees, yet it doesn't really have a commonly accepted English
name. Sometimes people call it something like "Ear Tree"
because of the shape of its legumes, but those ear-names sound

contrived. Guanacaste is sometimes used. That's a pretty name
and we need a name, so that's what we'll use here. The Maya call
it Piich. It's Enterolobium cyclocarpum. Farther south where
there's more rain Guanacaste can grow up to 100 feet tall (30m).

Guanacaste's twice-compound leaves fall off during the dry

season, littering the ground with confetti-like leaflets. Below you
can see some leaves along with freshly emerged flower heads.

Toward the
end of the dry
season, in hot,
breezy April or
so, thick, woody,
saucer-size, ear-
shaped legume-
type fruits
appear bearing
beans inside
them that, when
mature, can be roasted and ground to prepare a rich, flavorful,
coffee-like drink.


Sweet Acacia is Acacia farnesiana. In arid northern Mexico

where it's abundant it's known as Huisache (we-SACH-eh) but the
Maya call it something like Ka'an kilis che. It flowers much of the
year but seems to reach a peak during the early dry season.
Sometimes it gets absolutely loaded with tiny, yellow flowers
clustered into globular, mothball-size heads on zigzagging
branches with 1.5-inch long (4cm), white spines and feathery
leaves as shown below.

In the Yucatan Sweet Acacia is most common in the arid

northwestern corner. Since it produces abundant flowers during
the dry season when many trees and bushes are in "suspended
animation" because of the lack of rain, Sweet Acacia flowers
produce a lot of nectar, which attracts many pollinators, including
honeybees. Thus this tree is very important to the Yucatan's
honey industry. Many insectiverous birds visit the flowers, feeding
on the smaller insect pollinators.

Sweet Acacia's legumes are short, pudgy items, as shown on

the next page.

Interestingly, some of
the world's finest, most
expensive perfumes are
based on an essence
called "cassie," which is
extracted from Sweet
Acacia flowers. To get
cassie, macerate the
flowers and mix with
melted, purified fats until
the fats are saturated with
fragrance. Then re-melt
the fats, strain and cool.
This results in a kind of
salve that in some
cultures is used as pomade for dressing hair. If alcohol is mixed
with the salve and left standing for about a month at below-
freezing temperatures the fragrance transfers to the alcohol.
When you distill this, the alcohol evaporates leaving a viscous,
yellow to brown liquid called "cassie absolute," which is the cassie
of expensive perfumes.

Not only that, but the resin that exudes

from wounds on Sweet Acacia also is very
useful stuff. At the left you see some
hardened resin where a Sweet Acacia twig
has broken off.

Maybe you have heard of "gum arabic,"

which is still used as a natural stabilizer and
thickening agent in the food industry,
particularly in soft-drink syrups, gumdrops
and marshmallows. In the past it was used
to adjust viscosity in inks. Gum arabic is
normally collected by hand in its dried-hard,
amber-like state and is often referred to as a 'tear' -- the very thing
shown in the picture. Commercial gum arabic is produced by the

African acacia species Acacia senegal. Thing is, some experts
say that in certain cases gum produced from Sweet Acacia resin
is superior to gum arabic produced by Acacia senegal!

By the way, when a wounded tree exudes resin drops, it's

doing so because the gummy resin plugs up the plant's severed
conducting tissue in a process called "gummosis." Resin is a lot
like the clotting agents in our own blood when we cut ourselves.

What an incredibly useful tree! None of the Maya I have

spoken to find Sweet Acacia of any value other than for firewood
and for honey production.


GAUMER'S ACACIA The northern Yucatan is home to

a surprising number of plants whose
Especially in the central technical name, or binomial, end
Yucatan there's a common with "gaumeri." "Gaumeri" is the
acacia doing something very Latinized form of the name Gaumer.
strange for an acacia. The George Franklin Gaumer (1850-
species doesn't have a 1929) was a US citizen residing in
the Yucatan from 1884 until his
decent English name so I call
death. He collected a remarkable
it Gaumer's Acacia after the
number of rare and endemic
gringo naturalist who
species, which he sent to specialists
discovered it. It's Acacia for identification or, if they were
gaumeri. The Maya call it Box unknown to science, for naming.
Katzin. The name Katzin or Many of those specialists named the
Catzin is applied to several undescribed plants after their
scrubby, spiny acacias and discoverer, Gaumer. There's Acacia
the word box (pronounced gaumeri, Caesalpinia gaumeri,
bosh) means "black." So, the Thevetia gaumeri, Vitex gaumeri,
Maya think of it as "Black Pterocereus gaumeri, Guatteria
gaumeri, and many more.

The vast majority of acacia species are like the above Sweet
Acacia in that they are low, scrubby, spiny trees with ferny leaves.
Gaumer's Acacia is like that, except that when given a chance its
branches elongate, become slender and vine-like, and like vines

clamber over adjacent trees and bushes. At woods edges they
cascade into openings very prettily. During the early rainy season,
in June or so, basketball-sized clusters of small heads of tiny,
white flowers adorn the dangling branches, as shown below:

Later in the season, large, flat,

brown legumes replace the flowers,
as shown at the left.

So, why does Gaumer's Acacia

produce such long, flexible, un-
acacia-like branches? I'm guessing
that it's an adaptation for hurricanes.
For, Gaumer's Acacia is endemic to
the Yucatan -- in the whole world
found only in the Yucatan Peninsula -
- so it's particularly adapted just to
this part of the world. And when the
big winds come, it's good to be

flexible instead of brittle. If the entire forest gets blown down, it's
nice to have vine-like limbs that can grow over the surrounding
fallen trees like morning-glory vines.


Especially during the dry season when many trees and bushes
in the Yucatan lose their leaves you're likely to see what's shown

That's one of a couple of trees found in the Yucatan known as

Bull-Horn Acacia. It's Acacia collinsii, or Subín in Maya. Atop the
next page a close-up of some thorns shows what's bull-hornish
about them.

In that picture notice that two of the 2¾-inch long (4cm) spines
bear holes near their tips. Ants chew the holes into the thorns,
then enter and live inside. A single ant colony may reside in
several adjacent Bull-Horns. If a herbivore comes along disturbing
the tree, the ants rush onto the animal and bite. Thus it's a
mutualistic relationship, with both tree and ant benefiting.

The tree not only

shelters the ants but also
feeds them. Take a look at
the tiny, expanding leaf at
the left.

Acacia leaves are

bipinnate, so the entire
feathery, purplish
structure in the picture's
lower right quarter is a
very young leaf about to
expand. At the top, left of
the leaf the shoehorn-like
thing with two green-
doughnut-like items in the

horn is the leaf's stem, or petiole, and the green doughnuts within
the petiole's concavity are glands producing sweet, energy-rich
nectar that ants feed on.

Also notice that many of the leaves' ultimate leaflets bear

teardrop-shaped, dark purple, shiny things. Those are Beltian
bodies, which are protein-rich structures eaten by the ants. Once
the leaves are fully expanded, the Beltian bodies will have been
eaten and there won't be a sign of them left.

Bull-Horn Acacias also have interesting flower heads, as

shown below.


Bahama Mimosa, Mimosa bahamensis, is known in Maya as

Sak-Catzin, catzin being a general name for certain acacias, and
sak meaning white, probably referring to the tree's abundant white
flower heads, so the Maya think of it as "White Acacia." The
species is a small tree very common along roadsides and recently
abandoned fields. In other words, it's an almost weedy species. It

seldom grows more than 15 feet tall (4.5m). That's its flowers and
fruits below.

Bahama Mimosa
looks like several
other acacia species,
except for its fairly
distinctive legumes
with their brownish,
papery, jagged
"wings" along both
sides of the flat pods'

The local folks

more or less ignore
this plant, thinking
that it's too small to
cut for firewood and
not knowing any
particular medicinal
value for it, though
some I've spoken to
have a vague notion about its once being used as baby medicine.
Its abundant flowers do feed untold numbers of nectar- and
pollen-seeking invertebrates, which in turn feed birds, which
perform many services in the scrub. Also, it's among the first
woody plants to invade abandoned fields, so, ecologically, it's a
pioneer species, and Bahama Mimosa is a good citizen after all.


In some places around Mérida and beyond, where abandoned

land is slowly reverting to low scrub, the most abundant woody
tree is something that looks like a spineless Acacia. The Maya call
Uaxim (wa-SHEEM), and books in English sometimes call it Wild

Tamarind, though the next species also is called that. In much of
Mexico it's called Guaje. It's Leucaena leucocephala.

For the most part Wild

Tamarind is such a
nondescript little tree that
you don't notice it until
deep into the dry season
when it's lost most of its
leave and the branches
are absolutely loaded with
flattish legumes a little like
those of the eastern US's
Redbuds. Then the trees
are noticeable because,
basically, they are so ratty
looking. That's one at the

The flowering heads

look very much like those
of a typical acacia, as you
can see for yourself

Despite its less than flamboyant

appearance, this is a wonderful

For one thing, it thrives on thin, poor

soil, of which the Yucatan abounds, so
ecologically it's very important. Also,
the tree bears flowers much of the
year, and the flowers are visited by an
endless parade of pollinators.

Moreover, if you open a slightly immature legume when its
beans are formed but the legume sides haven't yet turned brown
and dry, the soft, green beans are delicious. You can nibble on
them, but good Maya cooks know that their best use is to grind
them up and flavor soups and stews with them. They have an
unusual flavor with a hint of garlic. Eat just two or three seeds and
the flavor stays with you for hours.

In the Yucatan often you see Maya farmers macheteing entire

branches of Wild Tamarind to feed to their livestock, stems and
all. In fact, sometimes agronomists call Wild Tamarind "the miracle
tree" not only because of its worldwide success as a long-lived
and highly nutritious forage tree for livestock but also because it
provides firewood, timber, green manure, shade and erosion
control. This native tree has been planted worldwide, and in 1990
was estimated to cover as much as 12 million acres (5 million ha)

WILD TAMARIND (#2)/ Tsalam

This second "Wild Tamarind," which

the Maya call Tsalam, is Lysiloma
latisiliquum. Though its ferny leaves
look like those of several other common
trees in the area, during the early dry
season -- in December or so -- the
species is easy to distinguish because
of its large, flat, legumes with swollen
edges and, most conspicuously, the
odd manner by which the legumes' dark
covering flakes off, making the pods
look faded and weatherbeaten, as
shown at the left.

The online Biblioteca Digital de la Medicina Tradicional
Mexicana says that traditionally this tree's leaves have been
roasted and pounded into powder to apply to sores and wounds.

Traditionally Tsalam has been a source of natural dye, the

soaked bark or core wood yielding a reddish brown hue. Its dye
varies in intensity depending on the age of the tree and the
season. The bark can be stored for a few days and still be
effective. It is a natural mordant.


Balché is famous in the Yucatan because a drink concocted

from its soaked bark, also called balché, is much used during
Maya rituals. During ceremonies when a shaman pours a liquid in
the four directions, usually he's pouring balché. Traditionally the
balché drink was slightly fermented but what I've drunk didn't
seem fermented at all. It was sweetened with honey and tasted of
cinnamon and woodsmoke. Over the vast Maya domain different
Balché species are used for the drink. That's one of them below.

At the beginning of the dry season, in mid-November, that's the
northern Yucatan's main native Balché species, Lonchocarpus
rugosus. A close-up of some of its flowers is shown below.

These are classic "papilionaceous" flowers typical of the Bean

Family. Note the distinctive, rusty-colored hairiness on the backs
of the top petals -- the "banners."

By around Christmas
Balché's abundant flowers
carpet the ground like dry,
brown confetti. The vast
majority of flowers produce
no fruits, which are
legumes; usually only two or
three legumes result on a
flower spike. You can see
the tree's broad, thin fruits
at the right.

Books I've seen use the spelling "balché," with the accented e
in the Spanish style. That means that the word must be
pronounced with the emphasis on the last, accented syllable.
However, the shamans I know emphasize the first syllable,
pronouncing it "BAL-che."

FISHPOISON TREE/ Habim, Jabim, Habin, Jabin...

Though this is one

of the most common
and useful trees in
the Yucatan, English
speakers here don't
have a good name
for it. I use the Maya
name, but one
problem with that is
that the Maya really
don't care whether a
word ends with an m
or an n, using those
interchangeably at the ends of words. Also, in Spanish, words
beginning with an h-sound sometimes begin with h, sometimes
with j. Therefore, this tree's Maya name isn't standardized in print.
Habim, Jabim, Habin, Jabin -- you see them all. Whatever the
name, the tree is Piscidia piscipula and that's it flowering above in

The ground beneath the above

tree was littered with so many
fallen blossoms that it looked as if
a snow flurry had passed through.
That's a flower at the left, looking a
lot like a garden bean blossom.

Some English books refer to the tree as Fishpoison Tree
because the tree's bark can be ground up, sprinkled into a pool of
fishy water, the fish will rise to the top gasping for air, and they
can be captured. Many indigenous American cultures have used
the tree this way, but this use is unknown to the many Maya I've
asked about it. I'm not surprised, though, because with no rivers
or lakes here the Maya haven't needed such a fish-getter. The
Maya do appreciate this tree, however, because it grows large
and its hard wood resists rotting when planted in the ground.

Around mid May, at the end of the dry season, once again
Habims become conspicuous when they produce enormous
quantities of very strange looking fruits, as shown below.

Since Fishpoison Trees are members of the Bean Family the

fruits are legumes. The dangling legumes are very slender, but
each one bears four paper-thin, fin-like "wings."

Despite such
glorified flowerings and
fruitings, Habim's
leaves are fairly
unspectacular, rather
like the North's
pinnately compound
ash leaves, as shown at
the right.


Throughout the year but mostly

at the end of the dry season in
April or so a medium-sized tree
that's easy to overlook the rest of
the year suddenly develops curled,
red bean-pods, or legumes. Two
such legumes curling together and
splitting open to release their black
beans partly encased in white
tissue are shown at the right.

The tree producing these

legumes is Pithecellobium dulce, a
fairly common tree from southern
Mexico into northern South America. In some cultures the
legumes are appreciated because the white tissue cupping the
black beans is somewhat sweet and very edible. Sometimes
people secure hooks on poles for snatching the pods just so they
can stand around nibbling on them. Technically the white tissue is
referred to as the aril, which is a growth arising from the threadlike
connection between the bean and the pod.

Finding a good English name for Pithecellobium dulce is

impossible. Many books list it as Manila Tamarind, but the species

is neither from Manila nor is it a tamarind. It's also called Madras
Thorn, but it's not from Madras, either. This native Mexican
species has been carried to many tropical countries throughout
the world, which accounts for the names, but for us in the Yucatan
they are inappropriate names. Spanish speakers don't seem to
have a consistently used name for it. My Maya friends call the
tree, approximately, Ts'iu-Ché. Well, several species of
Pithecellobium exist and members of the genus sometimes are
referred to as Blackbeads, so that's what we'll call them here:

Another nice thing about Blackbeads is that in the middle of the

dry season, in February or thereabouts, they become covered with
white, fuzzy-looking flowers, as shown below.

Those flowers are fragrant, especially during the evening's first

hours. The perfume can be simply intoxicating.

At the right you can see
the tree's curious leaves.
As is typical for the Bean
Family, the leaves are
compound. In this case
they are doubly compound.
Usually doubly compound
leaves consist of very
many tiny leaflets, like the
acacias, but in this species
the leaf's first division
produces only two
subdivisions, then each
subdivision forms only two
leaflets. Therefore there are four egg-shaped leaflets per leaf.


In the early dry

season, in
November or so,
a very common
small tree calls
attention to itself
not because its
flowers are so
pretty but
because its
massive, brown
fruiting clusters
are so messy
looking, as shown
at the left.

There's no good English name for this tree. The Maya call it
Kik-ché. It's Apoplanesia paniculata, and it's yet another member
of the Bean Family.

If you look closely at the brown masses of fruits you'll see that
something pretty is going on at a small scale, despite the large-
scale messiness, as shown below.

What you have there is a single oval, olive-brown, one-seeded

fruit (a legume with one bean inside it) at the base of which five
reddish-brown, veiny, leathery, elongate lobes emerge, like the
arms of a star. Each lobe is a much enlarged sepal, or calyx
segment. During flowering the sepals look more or less normal,
but once pollination occurs and the corolla drops off, the sepals
grow like crazy until they form this starry collar below the legume.
The lobes help disseminate the legumes by wind. Sepals that
expand after flowering are said to be "accrescent."

Tiny, brownish glands
are embedded in Kik-
ché's leaves, as shown at
the right. Aromatic oils in
those glands must be the
source of the fragrant,
spicy odor smelled when
Kik-ché's leaves are
crushed between fingers.

In Maya "kik" means "blood" and "ché" means "wood," so this

is the "Bloodwood Tree," so named because if you hack the
slender, scaly-barked trunk with a machete it exudes reddish sap.
In fact, Kik-ché was one of the most important sources of the
ancient Mayas' red dyes for mural painting.


Deep in the dry

season, in February or
so, you might see a tree
looking very much like
the North's Redbud -- a
smallish tree with leafless
branches abundantly
blossoming with bean-
type flowers -- except
that the flowers are white
or pale pink, not nearly
as dark as the Redbud's.
That's them at the left. A
close-up of one of the ¾-
inch long (2cm), bean-
type flowers is shown
atop the next page.

Even in the dry
season you might find
a leaf or two, dried-up
and about to fall off,
but showing its once-
compound structure,
as shown at the left.

This is Gliricidia
sepium and while it's
native to Mexico,
Central America and
northern South America, it's also one of the most widely planted of
all trees in the world's tropics -- explaining why it has a world of
common names, including the English ones Quick-Stick and
Cacao Shade. Often English speakers call it by one of its Spanish
names, Madre de Cacao, a name reflecting its value for providing
shade for Cacao plants.

Cut a leg-long stick of this tree, poke it into the ground, and if
the ground is reasonably moist the stick will grow into a new tree
in a single season. Place many sticks in a row and in a few
months you'll have a "living fence." Livestock love eating its leafy

branches, and it's good for them, containing a crude protein
content of 18-30% and a high digestibility.

In Spanish sometimes the tree also is known as Mata Ratón, or

"Mouse Killer," because leaves and bark mixed with ground corn
can be used as a rodenticide.

Now we are beginning that group of plants that are...



Except in the arid scrub of northwestern Yucatan strangler fig
trees get your attention because they look something like what's
shown on the previous page.

Strangler fig trees are real figs -- species of the genus Ficus.
However, if the only fig tree you know is the European one with
mitten-shaped leaves, and if the only fig fruit you know is the big,
pear-shaped one sold in Northern supermarkets, you'll be
surprised at what American figs look like. American fig trees have
laurel-like leaves (the Maya tend to call them Laureles) and the fig
fruits are spherical, generally marble-sized items, like those shown

Strangler fig fruits are so tasteless and small that people don't
bother to eat them. However, many kinds of wildlife relish them,
especially birds such as parrots.

Actually, the items we've been calling "fig fruits" aren't fruits at
all. Technically the "fig fruit" is a rather strange construction known
as a syconium.

To understand a syconium, visualize a T-shaped structure with
many crammed-together, tiny flowers atop the T. Now curve up
the sides of the T top to form a bowl, and then close the bowl's top
until you have a spherical structure, but leave a tiny hole at the
top. That's a syconium, with the actual flowers inside the sphere.

Tiny wasps that pollinate the flowers inside enter through the
hole at the top, walk around atop the flowers pollinating them, and
then leave. Typically each species of fig has its own species of
wasp to pollinate its flowers.

Once you have all that in your head, when you break open a fig
and see what's inside it, it makes more sense. Look:

Each of those bag-looking things inside the syconium is,
technically, a fig fruit developed from a tiny fig flower.

Many species of strangler figs are recognized. The online Flora

de la Península de Yucatan lists eight species for the Yucatan.


One of the most

common and best-
known trees in the
Yucatan catches the
eye because of its
reddish, flaky bark,
shown at the left.

The Maya call the

tree Chakah, and many
savvy visitors call it
that, too. However, the
same species, Bursera
simaruba, also grows
in southern Florida,
where it's called
Gumbo-Limbo, so
probably that's the best
known English name
we have.

Atop the next page

you can see Gumbo-
Limbo's pinnately
compound leaves,
which look like those of the North's ash trees. Also you can see
the tree's grape-sized fruits, which appear deep in the dry season,
in April or so. Birds, squirrels and other critters relish the fruits,
often eating them before they turn their mature purplish. Humans
find the fruits bitter, tasting like a blend of menthol and pine resin.

Gumbo-Limbo's wood is brittle and juicy, and its sap smells a
little like turpentine. I read that in the Caribbean people use its
resin as glue, varnish, water-repellent coating, and incense.
Gumbo-Limbo is considered medicinal nearly everyplace it grows.
In fact, it's one of those plants whose listed cures are so varied
that you suspect them all. However, its sap has such a clean,
crisp odor that just smelling it probably makes you feel better.

Something else impressive about Gumbo-Limbo is that it's very

flexible in terms of habitat requirements. You find it holding its own
in fairly undisturbed forests as well as appearing as a "weed tree"
along roads and in chopped-over cornfields. In southern Florida it
makes a handsome street-tree.


People with experience in the Yucatan know you can't mention

Gumbo-Limbo without bringing up the matter of Poisonwood.

That's because Poisonwood juice can blister your skin, and
Gumbo-Limbo is supposed to be its antidote. Every old Yucatan
hand knows, "If you touch Poisonwood (Chechén), you'd better
wash with Gumbo-Limbo (Chaká) juice." Moreover, people are
likely to swear that wherever there's a Poisonwood tree, there's a
Gumbo-Limbo growing not far away. I can swear that it's true that
they often share the same habitat, but also that sometimes you
get Poisonwood juice on you and there's no Gumbo-Limbo within

As you can see at

the left, Poisonwood's
pinnately compound
leaves look a little like

Unfortunately for
those who want to avoid
Poisonwood, the tree's
trunk has nothing very
distinctive about it,
other than that if the
trunk is damaged so
that it oozes sap, the
sap turns black. So, if
you run into a tree with
black splotches on its
trunk, beware. That's
one below.

To have problems with Poisonwood you need

to get the juice on you. Just touching the leaves
without injuring them is OK. However, I've heard
of people who chopped Poisonwood with
machetes, got juice in their eyes, and nearly
went blind. It's serious stuff! In fact, a while back
I conducted a little experiment. I broke off a
Poisonwood leaf and daubed a single droplet of
juice onto the inside of my left wrist. You can
see documentation of what happened to my
wrist on the next page.

Below you can see a branch of Poisonwood attractively fruiting
toward the end of the rainy season in September.

Poisonwood grows throughout the Yucatan. In most places it's
uncommon, except along the coast, and there, sometimes, as on
a sandbar between a mangrove swamp and the sea, it can be the
dominant species.


As the rainy season turns into the dry season, in November or

so, there's a certain medium-size tree with a pleasing form and
dark green, leathery leaves -- a perfect shadetree -- that suddenly
attracts our attention with drooping panicles of golden-yellow,
cherrylike fruits. The Maya call it Bec, and it's shown below.

In much of the Yucatan this is a common forest tree. Often

along streets and at field edges it is left standing because it's so
pretty and makes such good shade. During the rainy season its
abundant white flowers attract clouds of butterflies.
Bec is Ehretia tinifolia, a member of the Borage Family. Up
North members of that family nearly always are herbaceous --
Bluebells, Forget-me-nots, Comfrey. It just shows that in the
tropics sometimes the Northerner's old stereotypes have to be


Certain of the Yucatan's

trees remind Northerners of
plants they know up North,
but they're definitely
different. For example, the
tree at the right bears fruits
that are very similar to the
North's hackberries or
sugarberries, and the leaves
have three major veins
arising from their bases like
those trees... but these
leaves are too leathery to be
hackberries or sugarberries,
plus hackberry and
sugarberry trees don't have
curved spines along their
stems like this one. Still,
what's shown in the picture is a genuine hackberry -- a member of
the hackberry/sugarberry genus, Celtis. It's the Iguana Hackberry,
Celtis iguanaea.

Iguana Hackberries generally produce fruit late in the rainy

season, in August or so. They show up in dry, sunny places at
weedy woods edges and along roads. They're one of those
species that start out looking like regular trees but as they grow
older and larger their branches become slender and tend to lean
onto other vegetation, as if they wanted to become vines, their
curved spines holding them in place. Iguana Hackberries occur
generally throughout the American tropics and subtropics.

Of course wildlife, especially birds, relish the fruits.


Often we don't notice Spanish Cedar, Cedrela odorata, until

late in the dry season, in April or so, when one day a big tree
we've managed to ignore all year suddenly turns up with its dry-
season-leafless branches absolutely bristling with 2½-inch-wide
(6cm), star-shaped items, as shown below.

At the left you see the split-

open, woody husks of Spanish
Cedar's oval, capsular fruits. When
the fruits open, papery, winged
seeds flutter to the ground. The
tree's alternate (one leaf per stem
node), pinnately compound,
walnut-like leaves and panicle of
oval, brownish, 1.5-inch-long
capsules (4cm) are shown in the
following picture.

Obviously Spanish Cedar isn't similar to or related to the
North's cedars, which are evergreen gymnosperms. The cedar
connection comes about because the tree's wood is reddish and
emits a sharp, resiny odor like northern cedars.

Spanish Cedars are very important timber trees. In fact, they

have disappeared from large parts of tropical America because
their wood is so prized, and often exported. The species shares

many characteristics with Mahogany, for they belong to the same
family, the tropical Mahogany Family, or Meliaceae. Up North the
best-known member of the Mahogany Family is the Chinaberry
Tree, introduced from Asia.

Spanish Cedars live in the hot, humid lowlands of Mexico,

Central America and the West Indies.


Sometimes you're walking along a forest trail and come upon a

spot where the ground is just purple with thumbnail-sized flowers
dropped from above. The tree may be so tall that you can't see
where the flowers are coming from. Maybe you'll spot some of the
tree's curious leaves, though, which are "digitately compound"
ones with five or so leaflets all arising from atop slender petioles.
Below you can see the leaves and flowers being referred to:

This handsome, sometimes-common tree really has no good

English name. The Maya call it Ya'ax Niik. It's Vitex gaumeri, so I

just think of it as Vitex, which is easy enough to remember.
Sometimes species in the genus Vitex are known as Fiddlewoods
so if you want to call it Fiddlewood no one will stop you. Vitexes
are members of the Verbena Family.

Below you see that the tree's flower is beautifully adapted for
pollination -- the yellow "nectar guide" on the corolla's lower lip
leading from the pollinator's "landing pad" beneath stamens
whose anthers daub pollen onto the pollinator's back as it enters
the corolla's throat.

The IUCN's "Red List" classifies Vitex gaumeri as

"endangered," probably because of tremendous habitat
destruction throughout the lowland area the tree occupies, and
because of overharvesting of the tree for its exceptionally fine
wood. The species occurs from southern Mexico south to


Sometimes late in the rainy season, at woods edges you see

small trees with slender branches just bursting with pretty yellow
blossoms, as shown on the next page.

That's Bunchosia
swartziana, which has
no good English name,
so I use the Maya name,
Sip-ché. The tree is
important in traditional
Maya culture because of
its supposed healing
powers. When you
suffer under the
influence of "evil winds,"
a shaman with a handful
of Sip-ché branches can
brush away your
miseries. It "equalizes

If you see Sip-ché, take the time to look closely at its flowers,
which are quite elegant, as shown below.


Most people don't

notice Pixoy (pee-
CHOY) until late in the
dry season, in March
and April, when the
tree's leaves have
fallen to conserve water
and its branches are
heavy with cherry-
sized, black, woody,
rough-surfaced fruits,
as shown at the right.

Some fruits are

shown below.

Despite the tree's homely appearance, it's a very important

species. For example, in a Pixoy beside my hut, each early
morning when it was
fruiting, Yucatan Gray
Squirrels would come and
gnaw and nibble until they
were full. The Maya also
know that livestock like to
eat the leaves and young
stems. Maximino
Martínez's classic book
Las Plantas Medicinales
de México reports that
traditionally the tree's bark
was used to cure malaria,
skin diseases,
elephantiasis, leprosy and
other ailments. On the
Internet, Pixoy extracts are

sold under various names as herbal medicine for many uses,
including slimming down. You can see what's being offered now
by searching on Pixoy's technical name, Guazuma ulmifolia.

When the Maya campesino thinks about Pixoy, however, he

thinks "rope." A while back my friend Paulino, at Hacienda
Chichen adjacent to Chichén Itzá ruins needed some crude rope
for a Maya ceremony so he simply walked over to a Pixoy and
macheted off some six-foot lengths of "water sprouts" -- those
fast-growing, straight sprouts that sometimes emerge at the base
of a tree and shoot up through the tree's older, much-branched
limbs. The sprouts were about as thick as a banana, so they were
pretty substantial.

Paulino and his helpers set about beating the poles against old
tree-stumps or pounding them with rounded rocks, but not hard
enough to crack the bark. This loosened the bark from the wood.
Then each man planted a stick before him and began pulling
strips of semi-
pliable bark off,
each strip an inch or
two in width. Once
the strips were
removed they were
still pretty stiff so
they needed to be
worked to soften up,
as shown at the left.

The resulting
fibers were used to
tie together stacks
of ceremonial
tortillas wrapped in
fronds of Chit Palm before they were baked in a ground pit. You
can see how that looked atop the next page.

Pixoy is a member of the Hibiscus Family. It's native to most of
tropical America but has been introduced into numerous tropical
countries, where sometimes it has escaped to become invasive.


Breadnut trees, or Ramóns, may well be the most potentially

useful and important of all the plants considered in this book. But
before we look at why, let's make sure we can identify this
amazing tree when we meet it, for its appearance is fairly

This member of the Fig Family can grow into a big tree. In the
picture on the next page notice how the veins of its simple, dark
green, leathery leaves form a "herringbone pattern."

The thing is, the yellowish, spherical flower heads in the above
picture produce the extremely nutritious -- high in calcium, fiber,
iron, folate, potassium and antioxidants -- tasty, easy-to-preserve,
nutlike fruits shown below.

The fruit's hard,

nutlike body is
encased in a warty
skin that's orange
when mature. That
covering is mildly
sweet and not bad

to eat, but the main eating is in the nut part.

In Chiapas and Guatemala I've been in Maya communities

where Ramón fruits were eaten with relish. They'd boil them in
water in which they'd added wood ashes to soften the fruits. The
finished products are shown below:

I've also seen the fruits boiled in salt water, then roasted and
sold as a good-tasting snack. In Chiapas I've roasted the fruits,
ground them with a hand-turned corn grinder, and made
extraordinarily good-tasting "coffee." You can also make bread
from them that is many times more nutritious than Mexico's Bimbo
white bread.

However, here in the Yucatan I haven't found many Maya

eating the fruits. Maya country folks think of the tree mainly as
producing leaves and stems that their livestock love to eat, and
which is very nutritious for them. Old records show that the fruits
were very important to the ancient Maya, especially because they
could be stored in dry places for long periods of time. If the corn

and bean crops failed, always there was Ramón. This tree should
be planted throughout the world's tropics wherever people,
livestock and wildlife need food.


Sometimes out in the

woods you come upon a
section of trail where the
ground is carpeted with
long, wormlike yellowish
flower clusters like the one
shown at the left. The tree
producing the "worms" --
which are spikelike clusters
of male flowers -- is known
by everyone as Mora.
According to every Spanish-
English dictionary Mora
means "mulberry," but this
Mora isn't what Northerners
think of as a mulberry.

Moras are Maclura

tinctoria. They're members
of the Fig Family, so it
shouldn't be a surprise
that Mora's fruits, despite
not being mulberries, are
edible -- though not very
tasty. Still, at least in the
past, Mora trees were very
important because of this:
A yellow dye can be
extracted from their wood.
In fact, in the old days

sometimes English speakers called Mora "Dyer's Mulberry."
During World War I, dye from Mora was used to color khaki fabric
for US soldiers.

A while back I came upon a

spot where campesinos had felled
a Mora to make way for their
milpa. I collected some Mora
sawdust, soaked it overnight in
water in a cut-off bottom of a liter
Coke bottle, and at the right you
can see what the water looked like
the next morning.

Mora is distributed from southern Mexico south all the way to



A bit into the dry season, around New Year, you begin seeing
large, often abundantly occurring trees with ferny leaves bearing
10-inch-long (24cm) racemes of male flowers, as shown below.

Female trees of this species also bear dangling racemes of
female flowers, but they're not nearly as conspicuous. However,
late in the dry season, in March or so when the groundcover is
dried-up and brown, it's the female trees that catch your eye with
their thousands of drooping fruit clusters, as shown below:

Despite this being such a ubiquitous tree in much of the

Yucatan, there's just no good English name for it, so I just call it
Alvaradoa, because it's Alvaradoa amorphoides, a member of the
mostly tropical Quassia Family, the Simarubaceae. In North
America the best-known Quassia-Family member is the invasive
Ailanthus, or Tree-of-Heaven, introduced from eastern Asia.

Certain seed-eating birds, such as finches, gorge on the fruits,

which appear when food is getting scarce toward the end of the
dry season, in May or so.


Here's another common eye-catcher that simply doesn't have a

good English name. I made up the name "Pepper Bush" just so
we can talk about it. Anyway, that's the plant below:

This little tree normally occurs in the shady understory. Note its
spikes of tiny flowers and its leaves' unusual venation. The
secondary veins connect with the several primary veins forming
more or less quadrangular cells in a netlike fashion.

This is Piper amalago. The genus Piper contains many

species, and often Spanish speakers refer to them all as
Cordoncillos -- "Little Strings," referring to the flower spikes. It's
worth taking a close look at the spikes, as shown atop the next

The spike at the left is flowering, while the one at the right
bears developing pistils, or immature fruits. The interesting thing is
that when the fruits are mature, they'll be genuine peppercorns.
For, the genus Piper is the very one containing Piper nigrum of
southern Asia, whose ripe fruits are the peppercorns ground into
the black pepper so often used in Northern cooking. People in the
Yucatan don't bother using the dried fruits of Piper amalgo as a
spice, however, since they're too small to fool with. However, if
you find a mature spike of them in the woods you can taste their
definite pepperiness.

COW-ITCH/ Ortiga

If you see a sprawling shrub or small tree with big leaves and
diffuse clusters of flowers and/or white, mistletoe-like fruits arising
from the stems behind the leaves, don't touch it. It's bristling with
stinging, nettle-like hairs. That's one atop the next page.

That's Urera baccifera, called Ortiga by Spanish speakers, but
that's the name they use for just about anything with lots of little
stickers. In Belize sometimes they call it Cow-Itch and that's such
a fine name that it deserves to be used in the Yucatan. Cow-Itch
gets its stinging bristles honestly, for it's a genuine member of the
Nettle Family, the Urticaceae.

If you're familiar with

nettle fruits, you'll recognize
their similarity to the white
Cow-Itch fruits, shown at
the right.

Cow Itch commonly

occurs in the hot, humid
American tropics from
Mexico to Peru and
Argentina. In Mexico the
Aztecs used to make paper
from Cow Itch's inner bark,
while in Venezuela indigenous people boiled the root for a tea to
eliminate kidney stones.


No one doubts that the Yucatan is a geological peninsula, but

few realize that it's an ecological island. Ecologically, it's isolated by
the sea from other land toward the north, east and west, and to the
south it's isolated from the rest of Mexico by this climatological fact:
The northern Yucatan, especially the northwestern corner, is much
more arid than that part of Mexico to its south.

The Yucatan, then, is an ecological island of aridity, and

Darwin's experiences in the Galapagos remind us that on islands
unique species tend to evolve. That's the case with the Yucatan.
Nearly 10% of the Yucatan's plant species are endemics --
naturally found nowhere else on Earth. The Yucatan is home to 14
endemic cactus species, and the northern Yucatan -- the most arid
part of the arid island -- has ten of them.

One worrisome feature about all this is that currently a lot of land
along the Yucatan's northern coast -- exactly where so many
endemics cluster -- is being "developed," largely by English-
speaking northerners building retirement homes. The first step in
this process typically is to "clean away the scrub."

Theoretically regulations are in place to protect important

species but from what can be seen is that economic realities are
allowing too much endemic-rich scrub to be "cleaned up." English-
speaking residents, then, have a special duty to pay attention to this


When you see what looks

like a small fruit tree sprouting
from a gigantic elephant's leg -
- like the dry-season-leafless
one at the right -- probably it's
what the Maya call Bonete. I
find no English name for it. It's
Jacaratia mexicana, endemic
but frequent in the Mexican
states of Yucatan and
Campeche, and growing to
about 40 feet high (12m).
Bonetes are members of the
Papaya Family.

Bonetes flower in the

middle of the dry season, in
January or so. The male
flowers are yellow and
attractive, but the female ones
are more interesting, being
star shaped and bearing
oversize, brown stigmas. The
ovary bears longitudinal ridges
along its sides. Those ridges
will develop into "fins" on the
Bonete's torpedo-shaped
fruits, as shown on the next

The fruits grow to about six
inches long (15cm) and may yellow.
The local Maya eat them raw,
saying that they are sweet. The
fruits take their time to ripen, about
six months. Often by the time they
ripen, leaves are present on the

When I first saw the torpedo-like

fruits pointed toward the ground
and bearing those swooped-back
fins, I imagined that when the fruits
dropped the fins would stabilize
their descent and the fruits would
lodge nose-down in rainy-season
mud. However, you can see the
fruit's final destiny below.

The ripe fruit, still green outside

but orangish like ripe papaya inside,
remains on the tree while animals eat
it. Birds eat them and I suspect that
fruit bats also do, and probably
Kinkajous and other critters. My Maya
friends confirm that the fruits don't fall
by themselves. "Use a pole," they

You can barely make out in the

photo at the left that the Bonete's
leaves, which emerge at the
beginning of the rainy season, cluster
toward the tips of branches and are
"palmately compound" -- consisting of
five to seven slender leaflets arising
from atop a stem, or petiole, like
fingers from the palm of a hand.


In the late dry season, around early March, you might be lucky
enough to see the thick-stemmed, dry-season-leafless, smallish
tree about 15 feet tall (4.5m) in full flower shown below.

When I first saw this tree I

couldn't imagine what it was. I
knocked down a few flowers
and their structure was unlike
anything I'd ever seen. All I
could do was wait for fruits in
the hope that they would look
like something familiar. When
they appeared, however, I
was even more amazed.
That's them at the right.

Those leaves in the picture

developing at branch tips
looked rather familiar, like the
Chaya I eat each day, but I'd

never seen such one-seeded, samara-type fruit bearing two
rabbit-ear wings. Even with this extra information and long hours
on the Internet I couldn't figure them out.

Eventually the
fruits fell and I got
to see them up
close, and the
leaves expanded,
revealing that they
were "palmately
lobed" -- with
segments like thick
fingers radiating
from the palm of a
hand -- as shown
at the right.

Now I could figure it out, and what I discovered was wonderful.

The trees belong to a family I'd never seen before, the

Hernandia Family, the Hernandiaceae. On the Phylogenetic Tree
of Life the Hernandicaceae usually is placed near the Laurel
Family. The tree itself is Gyrocarpus jatrophifolius, and the only
English name I can find for it is Helicopter Tree, referring to the
way its fruits spin as they fall. My Maya friends have nothing to
say about it.

Helicopter Trees are spottily distributed throughout much of

southern Mexico and Central America, but apparently nowhere
are they common. Little is known about them, and I regard them
as one of the most interesting, obscure woody plants I've ever


During most of the year, out in the forest, a certain ten-ft-tall

tree (3m), a member the Hibiscus Family, can be found bearing
the 1½-inch-wide (3.8cm), yellow flowers shown above. It's
Bakeridesia gaumeri, known only from the Yucatan Peninsula and
a single collection in Honduras. It has no commonly accepted
English name so I'm making up "Gaumer's Bakeridesia."
Sometimes flowers have red "eyes" -- the bases of the individual
petals are red.

In the Hibiscus Family often fruit

structure is more useful for identification
than flower anatomy. An immature fruit,
unusually hairy and divided into ten
sections, or carpels, is shown at the right.

Apparently "Gaumer's Bakeridesia" is

exquisitely adapted for the northern

Yucatan's rather dry, scrubby forests, for the species disappears
as the forest grows more lush and moist farther south.

"Gaumer's Bakeridesia is pretty enough and long-flowering

enough to be planted as an ornamental. It's a species just waiting
to be noticed by the gardening world.


Now we end our superficial look at a few of the Yucatan's

woody plants, and we're ending with another exceptionally pretty
species whose name needs quotation marks around it because
really it has no commonly accepted English name. In Spanish
sometimes it's called Jazmín de Perro, which translates to "Dog
Jasmine," so that's what we'll call it here. It's Tabernaemontana
amygdalifolia, a member of the same family in which we also find
Mandevilla vine, Oleander, Periwinkle and Frangipani, the
Apocynaceae. The flowers appear in the late dry season, in April
or so.

This wonderful little tree has been chosen to end this book
because in the Yucatan's forests it's a good one for representing
the many, many other such tree species of the Yucatan that are
too uncommon, too hidden in deep shadows or living in too
unusual environments to attract the attention it deserves.

But, you can see for yourself what a worthy being "Dog
Jasmine" is, and how graciously it seems to be inviting us all to
pay attention to the Yucatan Peninsula's natural environment.


Born in 1947, Jim Conrad grew up on a

small tobacco farm in western Kentucky, in
the southeastern USA. After college he
served as a naturalist in a Kentucky state
park, then for three years worked at the
Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis.
While there he collected plants for
taxonomic research in several Latin
American countries.

Then he began his main career as a freelance writer focusing

mostly on topics relating to natural history. For his work he has
traveled in about forty countries, in the process publishing over
200 magazine articles and stories, and six books. His most
popular books -- books distributed and sold by regular publishers
for money -- are MEXICO: A Hiker's Guide to Mexican Natural
History, The Maya Road and Discover Nature in the Garden:
Things to Know and Things to Do.

There's plenty more on Jim's biography page at


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