Standard Specification For Deformed and Plain Low-Alloy Steel Bars For Concrete Reinforcement
Standard Specification For Deformed and Plain Low-Alloy Steel Bars For Concrete Reinforcement
Standard Specification For Deformed and Plain Low-Alloy Steel Bars For Concrete Reinforcement
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A706/A706M-16 Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Low-Alloy Steel Bars for Concrete
Reinforcement, 2016
Designation: A706/A706M–16
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.
Section 1 Scope
Section 2 Referenced Documents
Section 3 Terminology
Section 4 Ordering Information
Section 5 Material and Manufacture
Section 6 Chemical Composition
Section 7 Requirements for Deformations
Section 8 Measurements of Deformations
Section 9 Tensile Requirements
Section 10 Bending Requirements
Section 11 Permissible Variation in Weight [Mass]
Section 12 Finish
Section 13 Number of Tests
Section 14 Retests
Section 15 Test Specimens
Section 16 Test Reports
Section 17 Inspection
Section 18 Rejection and Rehearing
Section 19 Marking
Section 20 Packaging and Package Marking
Section 21 Keywords
Footnotes 3/15/2018
A706/A706M-16 Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Low-Alloy Steel Bars fo... Page 2 of 8
1 | SCOPE *A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard. PREVIOUS NEXT | TOP BOTTOM
1.1 General—This specification covers deformed and plain low-alloy steel bars in cut lengths and coils for concrete reinforcement intended for
applications where restrictive mechanical properties and chemical composition are required for compatibility with controlled tensile property
applications or to enhance weldability. The standard sizes and dimensions of deformed bars and their number designations are given in Table
TABLE 1 Deformed Bar Designation Numbers, Nominal Weights [Masses], Nominal Dimensions, and Deformation Requirements
Bar Nominal DimensionsA Deformation Requirements, in. [mm]
Nominal Weight, lb/ft
Desig- Maximum Gap
[Nominal Mass, Diameter, Cross-Sectional Area Perimeter, Maximum Average Minimum Average
nation (Chord of 12.5 % of
kg/m] in. [mm] in. 2 [mm 2] in. [mm] Spacing Height
No. Nominal Perimeter)
3 [10] 0.376 [ 0.560] 0.375 [ 9.5] 0.11 [ 71] 1.178 [ 29.9] 0.262 [ 6.7] 0.015 [0.38] 0.143 [ 3.6]
4 [13] 0.668 [ 0.994] 0.500 [12.7] 0.20 [ 129] 1.571 [ 39.9] 0.350 [ 8.9] 0.020 [0.51] 0.191 [ 4.9]
5 [16] 1.043 [ 1.552] 0.625 [15.9] 0.31 [ 199] 1.963 [ 49.9] 0.437 [11.1] 0.028 [0.71] 0.239 [ 6.1]
6 [19] 1.502 [ 2.235] 0.750 [19.1] 0.44 [ 284] 2.356 [ 59.8] 0.525 [13.3] 0.038 [0.97] 0.286 [ 7.3]
7 [22] 2.044 [ 3.042] 0.875 [22.2] 0.60 [ 387] 2.749 [ 69.8] 0.612 [15.5] 0.044 [1.12] 0.334 [ 8.5]
8 [25] 2.670 [ 3.973] 1.000 [25.4] 0.79 [ 510] 3.142 [ 79.8] 0.700 [17.8] 0.050 [1.27] 0.383 [ 9.7]
9 [29] 3.400 [ 5.060] 1.128 [28.7] 1.00 [ 645] 3.544 [ 90.0] 0.790 [20.1] 0.056 [1.42] 0.431 [10.9]
10 [32] 4.303 [ 6.404] 1.270 [32.3] 1.27 [ 819] 3.990 [101.3] 0.889 [22.6] 0.064 [1.63] 0.487 [12.4]
11 [36] 5.313 [ 7.907] 1.410 [35.8] 1.56 [1006] 4.430 [112.5] 0.987 [25.1] 0.071 [1.80] 0.540 [13.7]
14 [43] 7.65 [11.38] 1.693 [43.0] 2.25 [1452] 5.32 [135.1] 1.185 [30.1] 0.085 [2.16] 0.648 [16.5]
18 [57] 13.60 [20.24] 2.257 [57.3] 4.00 [2581] 7.09 [180.1] 1.58 [40.1] 0.102 [2.59] 0.864 [21.9]
(A) The nominal dimensions of a deformed bar are equivalent to those of a plain round bar having the same weight [mass] per foot [metre] as the deformed bar.
1.2 Grade—Bars are of two minimum yield strength levels: namely, 60 000 psi [420 MPa] and 80 000 psi [550 MPa], designated as Grade 60
[420] and Grade 80 [550], respectively.
1.3 Plain bars, in sizes up to and including 21/2 in. [63.5 mm] in diameter in coils or cut lengths, when ordered, shall be furnished under this
specification. For ductility properties (elongation and bending), test provisions of the nearest smaller nominal diameter deformed bar size
shall apply. Requirements providing for deformations and marking shall not be applicable.
1.4 Controlled Tensile Properties—This specification limits tensile properties (Table 2) to provide the desired yield/tensile properties for
controlled tensile property applications. 3/15/2018
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A6/A6M Specification for General Requirements for Rolled Structural Steel Bars, Plates, Shapes, and Sheet Piling
A370 Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products
A510/A510M Specification for General Requirements for Wire Rods and Coarse Round Wire, Carbon Steel, and Alloy Steel
A615/A615M Specification for Deformed and Plain Carbon-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement
A700 Guide for Packaging, Marking, and Loading Methods for Steel Products for Shipment
A751 Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology for Chemical Analysis of Steel Products
E29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance with Specifications
E290 Test Methods for Bend Testing of Material for Ductility
2.2 AWS Standard:
AWSD1.4/D1.4M Structural Welding Code—Reinforcing Steel
2.3 U.S. Military Standard:
MIL-STD-129 Marking for Shipment and Storage
2.4 U.S. Federal Standard:
Fed.Std.No.123 Marking for Shipment (Civil Agencies)
Carbon 0.30
Manganese 1.50
Phosphorus 0.035
Sulfur 0.045
Silicon 0.50
6.3 Choice and use of alloying elements, combined with carbon, phosphorus, and sulfur to produce the mechanical properties prescribed in
Table 2 and Table 3, shall be made by the manufacturer. Elements commonly used include manganese, silicon, copper, nickel, chromium,
molybdenum, vanadium, columbium, titanium, and zirconium. 3/15/2018
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6.5 Product (Check) Verification Analysis—A product check analysis made by the purchaser shall not exceed the following percentages:
Element max, %
Carbon 0.33 %
Manganese 1.56 %
Phosphorus 0.043 %
Sulfur 0.053 %
Silicon 0.55 % 3/15/2018
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9.3.1 Test specimens taken from post-fabricated material shall not be used to determine conformance to this specification. (See Note 3.)
NOTE 3: Multiple bending distortion from mechanical straightening and fabricating machines can lead to excessive cold work, resulting in higher yield strengths, lower
elongation values, and a loss of deformation height.
9.4 The percentage of elongation shall be as prescribed in Table 2. 3/15/2018
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14.4.3 Flaws are detected in a test specimen, either before or during the performance of the test.
14.5 The original results from 14.4.1, 14.4.2, or 14.4.3 shall be discarded and the test shall be repeated on a new specimen from the same lot. 3/15/2018
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TABLE A1.1 Deformed Bar Designations, Nominal Weights [Masses], Nominal Dimensions, and Deformation Requirements
Bar Nominal DimensionsD Deformation Requirements, in. [mm]
Nominal Weight,
Desig- Maximum Gap
lb/ftB [Nominal Mass, Diameter, Cross-Sectional Area Perimeter, Maximum Average Minimum Average
nation (Chord of 12.5 % of
kg/m]C in. [mm] in. 2 [mm 2] in. [mm] Spacing Height
No.A Nominal Perimeter)
10 0.414 [0.617] 0.394 [10.0] 0.12 [79] 1.237 [31.4] 0.276 [7.0] 0.016 [0.40] 0.151 [3.8]
12 0.597 [0.888] 0.472 [12.0] 0.18 [113] 1.484 [37.7] 0.331 [8.4] 0.019 [0.48] 0.181 [4.6]
16 1.061 [1.578] 0.630 [16.0] 0.31 [201] 1.979 [50.3] 0.441 [11.2] 0.028 [0.72] 0.241 [6.1]
20 1.657 [2.466]† 0.787 [20.0] 0.49 [314] 2.474 [62.8] 0.551 [14.0] 0.039 [1.00] 0.301 [7.7]
25 2.589 [3.853] 0.984 [25.0] 0.76 [491] 3.092 [78.5] 0.689 [17.5] 0.049 [1.25] 0.377 [9.6]
28 3.248 [4.834] 1.102 [28.0] 0.95 [616] 3.463 [88.0] 0.772 [19.6] 0.055 [1.40] 0.422 [10.7]
32 4.242 [6.313] 1.260 [32.0] 1.25 [804] 3.958 [100.5] 0.882 [22.4] 0.063 [1.06] 0.482 [12.2]
36 5.369 [7.990] 1.417 [36.0] 1.58 [1018] 4.453 [113.1] 0.992 [25.2] 0.071 [1.80] 0.542 [13.8]
40 6.629 [9.865] 1.575 [40.0] 1.95 [1257] 4.947 [125.7] 1.102 [28.0] 0.79 [2.00] 0.603 [15.3]
50 10.36 [15.41] 1.969 [50.0] 3.04 [1963] 6.184 [157.1] 1.378 [35.0] 0.098 [2.50] 0.753 [19.1]
60 14.91 [22.20] 2.362 [60.0] 4.38 [2827] 7.421 [188.5] 1.654 [42.0] 0.106 [2.70] 0.904 [23.0]
† Editorially corrected.
(A) The bar designations are based on the number of millimetres of the nominal diameter of the bar.
(B) The assumed weight of a cubic foot of steel is 490 lb/ft3 in accordance with Specification A6/A6M.
(C) The assumed mass of a cubic metre of steel is 7850 kg/m3 in accordance with Specification A6/A6M.
(D) The nominal dimensions of a deformed bar are equivalent to those of a plain round bar having the same weight [mass] per foot [metre] as the deformed bar. 3/15/2018
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28, 32, 36 6d 7d
40, 50, 60 8d 9d
(A) d = nominal diameter of specimen.
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