Moonlighting and Employee's Performance: A Study of Academic Staff of Federal Polytechnics in South-West Nigeria
Moonlighting and Employee's Performance: A Study of Academic Staff of Federal Polytechnics in South-West Nigeria
Moonlighting and Employee's Performance: A Study of Academic Staff of Federal Polytechnics in South-West Nigeria
Abstract:- This study explores the factors influencing sales management, media planning, and public relations at a
moonlighting among academic staff in Federal reputable Nigerian institute on weekends may derive
Polytechnics in Southwest Nigeria and its impact on satisfaction in knowing that he is shaping young minds,
employee and organizational performance. Adopting a despite the fact that both jobs require equal commitment.
positivist research philosophy and a survey research
design, the study gathered data from a sample of 340 Kisumano and Wa-Mbaleka (2017) argued that many
academic staff using a structured questionnaire. The data people experience job insecurity in the current economy, and
were analyzed using inferential statistics, with the first moonlighting may offer an extra source of income as well as
objective analyzed through percentage methods and the a safety net in the event of job loss. This imply that employee
subsequent objectives through multiple regression intentions to moonlight may also be influenced by job
analysis, utilizing SPSS version 23. The findings revealed insecurity. Another justification for moonlighting is
that financial pressures, career development flexibility because people with flexible jobs may choose to
opportunities, job satisfaction, workload flexibility, and moonlight in order to supplement their income (Kimmel,
the desire for diverse experiences significantly influence 1995).
academic staff to engage in moonlighting. The study also
shows that while moonlighting provides individual An individual's general welfare, job performance, and
benefits, such as increased income and enhanced work-life balance can all be impacted by moonlighting, both
creativity, it has a negative impact on organizational favourably and badly (Prasad et al., 2024). Most workers
performance, particularly in terms of service delivery. augment their income by moonlighting in their spare time
The study concludes that moonlighting is a double-edged following their first job (Ashwini, Mirthula & Preetha, 2017).
sword, offering personal benefits to academic staff but It may present a chance to expand one's professional
potentially undermining institutional effectiveness. Based networks, earn more money, and acquire new skills, but it
on these findings, the study recommends the development may also result in burnout and have a detrimental effect on
of clear moonlighting policies, salary reviews, enhanced relationships and one's health (Campion et al., 2020).
internal career development programs, and monitoring
systems to balance the needs of employees with the goals Conflicts of interest can also arise from moonlighting,
of the institution. These measures could help mitigate the particularly if the second employment is related to the
negative effects of moonlighting while supporting the primary work (Kamal & Bakare, 2021). Additionally,
professional growth of academic staff. according to Baldwin and Daugherty (2002), it may result in
problems with time management and work-life balance. All
Keywords:- Academic Staff, Employee Performance, Federal things considered, moonlighting may be a great way for
Polytechnics, Moonlighting, Southwest Nigeria. people to earn extra money and develop new abilities, but it
is important to think through the possible consequences and
I. INTRODUCTION learn how to properly manage time and responsibilities (Ara
and Akbar, 2016).
Moonlighting occurs when people work a second job in
addition to their regular employment or work many Problem Statement
occupations (Adebisi, 2019). Prasad, Kalavakolanu, De, and The education sector is considered as one of the core
Satyaprasad (2024) opined that there are a number of reasons pillars that propels a nation to its desired state through the
for engaging in moonlighting which includes personal creation of human capital. Serving as a public servant while
fulfilment, job growth, economic factors, or financial moonlighting has long been a common practice that has
requirements. Some people work part-time jobs to benefited ambidextrous officers (Kamal & Bakare, 2021).
supplement their income (Garcia & Chen, 2022). For Many organisations do not have stringent policies that forbid
example, a person who works as a senior executive in a TV moonlighting. It is one area that has not been well
media company during the week and as a lecturer teaching investigated, even though it is assumed to be negatory in the
majority of workforce cultures due to its propensity to create basis for comprehending this dynamic in order to investigate
a gap in service delivery (Prasad et al., 2024). the link between moonlighting and employee performance.
Lecturers tend to take the practice of moonlighting for Typically, there are two forms of moonlighting:
granted since those who moonlight get away with it. An involuntary and voluntary (Gamal, Taneo & Halim, 2022).
observation was made by the Senate of a public institution When workers voluntarily look for extra employment to
about its most productive instructors flooding other private supplement their income, further their careers, or satisfy
universities (Kamal & Bakare, 2021). While the parent personal needs, this is known as voluntary moonlighting
institution saw multiple sessions of ungraded and (Sanjo et al., 2024). In contrast, the need for involuntary
extraordinary student outcomes, these professors lectured and moonlighting is usually a result of financial strain or
graded assignments on schedule, meeting all deadlines. inadequate primary income (Ashwini et al., 2017). As a result
of its impact on how much an individual performs in their
Without a doubt, moonlighting has improved workers' regular work, the motive for moonlighting is very critical to
morale in meeting or attending to their requirements, which be understood.
has an impact on how well they perform in their core roles
and lowers productivity within the company (Akinde, 2018). The multifaceted concept of employee performance
However, there is a dispute in the research on the extent to describes how successfully a person carries out their duties
which these part-time jobs impact an organization's and makes a contribution to the objectives of the organisation
performance, particularly in Nigerian higher education (Abdelmegeed Abdelwahed, Soomro, & Shah, 2023). A
institutions (Sanjo, Ayo-Balogun, & Odunayo, 2024). number of criteria, including productivity, work quality,
efficiency, and overall contribution to the workplace, may be
It is against this background that this present study seeks used to measure employee performance (Agboola, Aremu,
to investigate the impact of moonlighting on employee job Eze, & Wahab, 2021). The equilibrium between job demands
performance in Federal Polytechnics in South-West, Nigeria. and available resources is said to affect an employee's
performance, according to theories like the Job Demands-
Objectives of the Study Resources (JD-R) model. The demands of the job increases
for workers who moonlight, which may have an impact on
To determine the reasons why Academic Staff in Federal how well they perform in their day jobs.
Polytechnics in South-West Nigeria Moonlight.
To ascertain the benefits that comes along with According to Resource Allocation Theory, which looks
moonlighting for Academic Staff in Federal Polytechnics at how people divide their time and effort between various
in South-West Nigeria. jobs, moonlighting can have an impact on employee
To show how moonlighting can help to enhance creativity performance (Prasad et al., 2024). Employees that moonlight
of Academic Staff in Federal Polytechnics in South-West may find it difficult to devote enough time and energy to their
Nigeria. regular work because these are limited resources, which could
To discover the benefits of moonlighting to Federal result in low quality performance (Nunnally & Bernstein,
Polytechnics in South-West Nigeria 1994). This theoretical framework highlights the significance
of comprehending the compromises that workers undertake
Research Questions when handling various responsibilities and the potential
Based on the objectives of the study, the following effects these compromises may have on their overall
research questions have been carefully crafted: performance in their primary position.
What are the reasons why why Academic Staff in Federal Several research studies that have looked at how
Polytechnics in South-West Nigeria Moonlight? moonlighting affects employee performance may be found in
What are the benefits that comes along with moonlighting the literature. The reasons why Czech lower secondary school
for Academic Staff in Federal Polytechnics in South-West instructors worked two jobs, one as a paid employee and one
Nigeria? as a private tutor, were examined by Ššastný et al. (2021). The
results demonstrated that financial considerations account for
What is the impact of moonlighting on creativity of
the majority of male teachers' responses to side work. Sai
Academic Staff in Federal Polytechnics in South-West
Manogna and Swamy (2023) examined the impact of
organisational commitment attributes on secondary recruiting
Does moonlighting offer any benefit to management of
decisions made by higher education instructors through the
Federal Polytechnics in South-West Nigeria?
use of structural equation modelling research. The study's
findings indicate a negative relationship between
moonlighting intentions and organisational commitment. It
was found in another study by Ara and Akbar (2016) that
The term moonlighting describes the practice of
moonlighting significantly affects workers' job happiness.
someone doing two jobs in addition to their full-time job
The study found that employee job satisfaction increase when
(Vijay, Sultana Ph, & Rajan, 2023), and it has garnered a lot
they were given a supportive work environment in which they
of interest from scholars in recent times. This conceptual
could carry out enriching, meaningful tasks that offered a
framework looks at pertinent ideas and concepts that lay a
range of challenges, opportunities, and feedback to boost
Further, the sample size determination formula by Taro The formula is given as:
Yamane was applied to determine an adequate sample size
from the total population of 2268 academic staff. The formula 𝑛𝑁ℎ
nh =
is given as: 𝑁
𝑁 Where:
nh= Allocation formula
Nh = Number of items in each stratum in the population
n= sample size
n= total sample size
N= population
N = Population size
e= error margin
Applying the formula, we have:
The study assumes the maximum variability to be 50%
( p =0.5) and taking 99% confidence level with ±5%
precision, the calculation for required sample size is as
= 340.02
Table 3 Factors Influencing Academic Staff in Federal Polytechnics in Southwest Nigeria Decision to Moonlight
S/N Factors SA A U SD D Total
1. Insufficient income from their 152 120 3 39 26 340
primary academic position (44.7%) (35.3%) (0.9%) (11.46%) (7.64%) (100%)
2. 108 215 5 4 8 340
Career Development Opportunities
(31.77%) (63.24%) (1.47%) (1.18%) (2.34%) (100%)
3. Job Satisfaction and Fulfillment 174 112 NR 36 18 340
(51.18%) (32.93%) (0%) (10.59%) (5.3%) (100%)
4. Workload Flexibility 125 198 6 7 4 340
(36.77%) (58.23%) (1.76%) (2.06%) (1.18%) (100%)
5. Desire for Diverse Experiences 268 65 2 5 NR 340
(78.82%) (19.12%) (0.59%) (1.47%) (0%) (100%)
Source: Field Survey (2024)
The information in the table 3 above alludes to how the Therefore, based on these individual results, the study
respondents perceived the factors that may influence their rejects the null hypothesis (H0) and accept the alternative
decision to moonlight. From the table 3 above, it can be (H1). The study therefore concludes that there are factors
observed that majority of the respondents i.e 152 (44.7%) influencing the decision among Academic staff in Federal
strongly agreed that their decision to moonlight is influenced Polytechnics in Southwest Nigeria to moonlight. These
by insufficient income from their primary academic position. factors comprises the financial pressures, career development
opportunities, job satisfaction and fulfilment, workload
Furthermore, the result also revealed that a large flexibility and desire for diverse experiences. This findings is
percentage of the respondents i.e. 215 (63.24%) agreed that in tandem with the findings of Sai Manogna and Swamy
they are influenced by the need for career development to (2023); Abdelmegeed et al. (2023) and Agboola et al. (2021)
moonlight. Also, the result shows that majority of the who found identified similar factors as highlighted in this
respondents i.e. 174 (51.18%) strongly agreed that they are present study as the factors that influence the decision of
motivated to moonlight due to a need for job satisfaction and employees to moonlight.
Hypothesis Two:
In the same vein, the findings of the study revealed that
majority of the respondents i.e 198 (58.23%) agreed that the H0: Moonlighting does not offer any benefit to employees
flexibility of their workload is an influencing factor that fuels in Federal Polytechnics in Southwest Nigeria.
their motivation to moonlight. Lastly, the result revealed that H1: Moonlighting does not offer any benefit to employees
majority of the respondents i.e. 268 (78.82%) strongly agreed in Federal Polytechnics in Southwest Nigeria.
that desire for diverse experience makes them consider Decision Rule: Accept H0 if p-value is greater than 5%
moonlighting. and reject H1. Reject H0 is p-value is less than 5% and
accept H1.
Table 5 Coefficienta
Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 2.006 .369 0.214 1.712 .000
Moonlighting 1.462 .053 0.317 2.018 .000
Source: Field Survey (2024)
a. Dependent Variable: Employee Benefits
The data displayed in the table 5 above shows the highlighted in the earlier objectives. This result is in line with
contribution of moonlighting to the benefits enjoyed by the the findings of Kisumano and Wa-Mbaleka (2017) who found
academic staff in the study area. The information in the table that moonlighting is beneficial to employees.
5 shows that in the absence of moonlighting, the value of
the constant is 0.214 and the p-value is .000 which is less than Hypothesis Three:
the acceptable 5% level of significance. This result implies
that in the absence of moonlighting, employees enjoy an H1: Moonlighting has no impact on creativity of
increase in benefits attached to their job by 0.214 units. This Academic Staff in Federal Polytechnics in South-West
result is also statistically significant. However, the result also Nigeria.
indicates that a unit increase in Moonlighting leads to 0.317 H1: Moonlighting has an impact on creativity of
unit increase in the benefits enjoyed by the academic staff in Academic Staff in Federal Polytechnics in South-West
the study area. Also, the p-value is statistically significant as Nigeria.
it is less than the 5% acceptable level of significance. Decision Rule: Accept H0 if p-value is greater than 5%
and reject H1. Reject H0 is p-value is less than 5% and
Based on the result, the study rejects the null hypothesis accept H1.
(H0) and accept the alternative (H1). Therefore, the study
concludes that moonlighting offers benefits to academic staff
in the study area. These benefits could be related to the factors
The result in the model summary table 6 above revealed 71.7% to employees’ creativity in the study area while the
the contribution of moonlighting to employee creativity. The remaining 28.3% can be attributed to other factors aside from
result of the R2 indicates that moonlighting contributes up to moonlighting that are not captured by the model.
Table 7 Coefficientb
Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 1.897 .150 .326 1.390 .001
Moonlighting .462 .053 .592 2.753 .000
Source: Field Survey (2024)
a. Dependent Variable: Employee Creativity
The information displayed in the table 7 above informs In the same, the coefficient () value of moonlighting is
on the relationship between moonlighting and employee 0.592 which indicates that a unit increase in moonlighting
creativity. The data revealed that the -value of the constant leads to 0.592 unit increase in employee creativity. Also, the
is 0.326 which indicates that in the absence of moonlighting, p-value is less than 5% level of significance. Therefore, the
employee creativity increases by 0.326 unit and this study rejects the null hypothesis (H0) and accept the
relationship is statistically significant at 5%. alternative (H1). The study therefore concludes that
moonlighting has a significant positive impact on employee
creativity in the study area. This result is in line with the
findings of Campion et al. (2020) who found that H1: Moonlighting does not offer benefits to management
moonlighting has a positive impact on employee creativity. of Federal Polytechnics in South-West Nigeria.
Decision Rule: Accept H0 if p-value is greater than 5%
Hypothesis Four: and reject H1. Reject H0 is p-value is less than 5% and
accept H1.
H0: Moonlighting offer benefits to management of
Federal Polytechnics in South-West Nigeria.
The result in the model summary table 8 above revealed moonlighting that are not captured by the model. This result
the contribution of moonlighting to organisation benefit. The implies that moonlighting contributes little to the benefits
result of the R2 indicates that moonlighting contributes up to enjoyed by the organisation in terms of the performance of its
18.1% to organisation benefit in the study area while the employees.
remaining 81.9% can be attributed to other factors aside from
Table 9 Coefficientc
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 2.341 .695 .453 3.682 .000
Moonlighting -.994 -.080 -.254 -2.367 .001
Source: Field Survey (2024)
a. Dependent Variable: Organisation Benefit
The information in the table 9 above revealed the Furthermore, the study highlights that moonlighting
relationship between moonlighting and organisation benefit. provides tangible benefits to academic staff, such as increased
The -value of the constant (0.453) indicates that in the income and enhanced creativity, which suggests that
absence of moonlighting, the benefits enjoyed by the moonlighting can contribute positively to personal and
polytechnics as a result of employee performance increases professional growth. However, the study also found that
by 0.453 units and this is statistically significant at 5% level moonlighting negatively impacts organizational benefits,
of significance. potentially leading to reduced overall performance and
service delivery within the polytechnics.
However, the coefficient of moonlighting stands at (=
-2.367) is an indication that as moonlighting increases by a The implications of these findings are twofold: while
unit, organisation benefit reduces by 2.367 units. Also, this moonlighting can enhance individual employee outcomes, it
result is statistically insignificant at 5% level of significance. may undermine organizational effectiveness. This suggests a
need for policies that balance the benefits of moonlighting for
Based on this result, the study rejects the null hypothesis staff with the potential risks to institutional performance,
(H0) and accepts the alternative (H1). The study therefore ensuring that both employees and organizations can thrive.
concludes that moonlighting does not have a significant
impact on the benefits enjoyed by Federal Polytechnics in VI. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS
South-West Nigeria. This result is consistent with the result
of Kamal and Bakare (2021) who found that moonlighting The study concludes that moonlighting is a prevalent
causes poor service delivery in public education institutions. practice among academic staff in Federal Polytechnics in
Southwest Nigeria, driven by factors such as financial
V. DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS pressures, career development opportunities, job satisfaction,
workload flexibility, and the desire for diverse experiences.
The study's findings reveal several key insights into the While moonlighting offers notable benefits to individual staff
factors influencing academic staff in Federal Polytechnics in members, including increased income and enhanced
Southwest Nigeria to engage in moonlighting. The results creativity, it also presents challenges to organizational
indicate that financial pressures, career development performance, particularly in terms of service delivery and
opportunities, job satisfaction, workload flexibility, and the institutional benefits.
desire for diverse experiences are significant motivators for
moonlighting. These factors align with previous research, Given these findings, it is essential for educational
underscoring the widespread nature of these influences. institutions to acknowledge the dual-edged nature of
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