ENGLISH: ह द िं ी Mid Term Syllabus Mid Term Syllabus
साह त्य पाठ- 1 वह चिड़िया जो
Honeysuckle Ch 1 to 4 Ch 1 Who Did Patrick 's Homework ? Ch 2 How the Dog Found Himself a Master? पाठ 2 - बिपन Ch 3 Taro's Teward Ch 4 An Indian American Woman पाठ 3- नादान दोस्त पाठ 4- िााँद से थोिी - सी गप्पें Poetry Poem 1 A House,A Home Poem 2 The Kite पाठ 5- साथी हाथ बढ़ाना Poem 3 The Quarrel Poem 4 Beauty पाठ 6 ऐसे- ऐसे
A Pact With the Sun (Ch 1 to 4) पाठ 7 टिकि अलबम
Ch 1 A Tale of Two Birds ह द िं ी व्याकरण Ch 2 The Friendly Mongoose Ch 3 The Shepherd's Treasure व्याकरण पाठ 1 से 4 व पाठ 10 से 16 Ch 4. Tansen पयाायवािी शब्द 1- 22 Writing Skills ववलोम शब्द 1- 23 Notice Writing Paragraph Writing अनेकाथाक शब्द 1- 15 Story Writing Informal Letter Writing श्रतु तसमभिन्नाथाक शब्द 1-18 अनेक शब्दों के भलए एक शब्द 1 -22 Grammar Ch 1 to 6,10 to 18 and 20 1.The Sentence मह ु ावरे - 1से 21 2.Subject and Predicate 3.Nouns लोकोक्ततयाांँाँ 1- 11 4.Nouns: Number रिनात्मक काया 5.Nouns : Gender 6.Nouns : Case पटठत/ अपटठत गदयाांश व पदयाांश 10.Pronouns 11.Personal Pronouns : Number औपिाररक पत्र लेखन, अनुच्छे द लेखन 12.Verbs Marking scheme. कुल अंक=80 13.The Tense 14.Simple Present Tense खडं -क (अपठित बोध) 15.Simple Past Tense प्रश्न 1(अपठित गद्यंश) =5 अंक 16. Simple Future Tense 17.Continuous Tenses खडं -ख (व्ययवहयरिक व्ययकिण) 18. Perfect Tenses प्रश्न 2 से 17= 2 x16 =32 अंक 20.Active and Passive Voice Antonyms and Synonyms (1-25) प्रश्न 18(रिक्त स्थयन )= 0.5x6=3अक ं Words Often Confused (1-15) खंड- ग(पयि् य पुस्तक आधयरित) Reading Skill Comprehension Passages (Prose and Poetry) प्रश्न 19(अपठित पद्यंश)=5अंक Marking Scheme(80) प्रश्न 20 (श्रुतलेख)=0.5x10=5अंक प्रश्न 21(शब्दयथथ)=0.5x10=5अकं Reading Comprehension 15 M प्रश्न 22(प्रश्न/उत्ति)=1x5=5अंक Writing Skills 15 M Grammar 25 M प्रश्न 23(प्रश्न/उत्ति)=2x5=10अंक Literature 25 M खंड घ(िचनयत्मक कययथ) प्रश्न 24(पत्र लेखन) =5x1=5अक ं प्रश्न 25(अनुच्छे द लेखन)= 5x1=5अंक Mathematics: SCIENCE: Mid Term Syllabus Mid Term Syllabus
Ch-1 Knowing Our Numbers Chapter -1 Components of food
Chapter -2 Sorting Materials into groups Ch-2 Whole Numbers Chapter -5 Body Movements Ch-3 Playing With Numbers Chapter -6 Motion and Measurements Ch-4 Basic Geometrical Ideas Chapter -8 Light,shadow and Reflection Chapter -11 Air Around Us Ch-6 Integers Marking scheme Ch-7 Fractions Fill in the blanks 1*6= 6 Marking Scheme Correct the false statements 1*6=6 One word. 1*6=6 Section A- Ques 1 to 10 carry 1 mark each Give reasons 1*6=6 Section B- Ques 11 to 20 carry 2 marks each Define 1*6=6 Section C- Ques 21 to 30 carry 3 marks each Differerntiate 3*2=6 Section D- Ques 31 to 34 carry 5 marks each Short ques/ans 8*3=24 Long ques/and 4*5=20
Social Science: French
Mid Term Syllabus Syllabus Ch-1 La France -en un d’oeil History Ch-2 Le corps humain Chapter-1 What, Where, How and When Ch-3 Les saisons Chapter-2 From Hunting Gathering to Growing Ch-4 A l’école Food Ch-5 Les vêtements
Chapter-3 In The Earliest Cities
Marking Scheme M.M-80 Chapter-4 What Books And Burials Tells Us Oral exam - 20 marks Chapter-5 Kingdoms, Kings And An Early Written Exam - 60 marks* Republic Word meanings -10marks Q/Ans - 2 marks Avoir verb- 5 marks Civics True/False- 4 marks Chapter-1 Understanding Diversity Adjectives - 4 marks Chapter-2 Diversity and Discrimination Conjugation - 5 marks Chapter-3 What is Government? Arrange in order- 3 marks Chapter-4 Panchayati Raj Counting - 10 marks Geography Definite articles - 5 marks Correct the faultes - 5 marks Chapter-1 The Earth in the Solar System Ma famille / ma introduction - 7 marks Chapter-2 Globe Chapter-3 Motions of the Earth Maps and diagram as done in the class. Marking Scheme Define- 8m Fill ups-5m True/False- 2m Match the following 2m Answer in one word- 8m Answer the following questions in brief- 30m Answer the following questions in detail- 20m Map- 5m सिंस्कृत पाठ 0 से 8 सम्पूणा Computer Syllabus Ch-1 Windows 10 शब्द रूप- बालक,पस् ु तक व लता Ch-2 Advanced Features of PowerPoint धातु रूप- पठ्, भलख ् ,िू व गम ् (लट् व लट् ृ लकार) Ch-3 Formulas and Functions फलों के नाम,सांख्यावािी शब्द 1से 20, सांस्कृत Ch-4 Introduction to GIMP श्लोक, अपटठत गदयाांश Marking Scheme M.M-80 अिंक वितरण Practical -20 marks शब्दाथा - 5 अांक चगनती- 5 अांक Written Exam - 60 marks True/false= 6 marks MCQ-1*10= 10 marks फलोंके नाम- 5 अांक Fill ups-1*10= 10 mark श्लोक- 5 अांक Short question answers-2*8= 16 marks शब्द रूप- 6 अांक Long question answers-4*4= 16 marks धातु रूप - 6 अांक Application Based Questions- 1 * 2 = 2 marks अपटठत गदयाांश -5अांक GK अभ्यास - 43अांक SYLLABUS: Chapter - 1 to 28(Including Rapid Fire & I.Q. Test) MARKING SCHEME: 1. Match the columns (1×10) 2. Name the following (1×11) 3. Answer the following questions (1×11) 4. True/False (1×11) 5. Do as directed (1×15) 6. Q/A using clues (1×15) 7. Identity the pictures (1×7)