Electric Bill Backup PDF
Electric Bill Backup PDF
Electric Bill Backup PDF
ElectricityBill Due
Name:UPENDRA RAWAT SanctionedLoad :3.00
BIllingW/O SANGRAMPUR C-80-81 T/FLOOR ContractDemand : CRN No. :1230150319
Address: Sangrampur lakhisarai bihar MDI :2.60 EnergisationDat :21.08.2017
PowerFactor :1.000 MeterType :1PSK
SANGRAMPUR811310 PoleNo. :LNRPH441S1 SupplyType :LT
BookNo. :PDC BillNo. :10228094593
WalkingSequenc :PDC020119A0AI BillBasis :Actual
Mobile/Tel.No. 9708563502 Circle/Zone :EAST-S
District/Division :Lakhisarai TariffCategory :Domestic
Meter Reading Status:DL CycleNo. :23
BillingPeriod :DEC-26
BillDate :26-12-2023 CustomerCareCentreNo.39999808
MeterNo Units BilledConsumption(Current) BilledConsumption(Previous) Multiplicatio CurrentConsumption
Reading Reading nFactor Days Units
Date of Date of
MeterRea MeterRea
ding ding
1112280 KWH 26-12-2023 11,104.0 26-12-2023 10,841.00 1.00 31 2063.00
2 0
1112280 KW 26-12-2023 2.60 1.00 2.60
BillingDetails CurrentPeriodCharges(06-08-2023to26-12-2023 )
FixedCharg Slab-wiseEnergyCharges Slab-wiseFPA/PPA T OD Srch@8%o Elec.tricity Total
es(A) Cons.Measrd BilledUnits Unit n Tax@ Amount(A+B+
Amount(B) PPAC% Amount(C) TOD% on Surg/Rebt. (E=A+B+D 5%(F) C+D+E+F+G)
During Rate on B B Amount(D) +R)
100.54 2001.00 4.00 12304.00 101.87 63.34 12680.65
1.01Mth(s) 62.00 5.95 376.90
on 56(1) of the ElectricityAct,2003.
#GoNCTD vide Order No. F 11 (111)/2012/Power/2882 dated 02/09/2014, has extended subsidy to domestic consumers w.e.f. 11.08.2014, @
Rs. 1.20 / unit##for consumption up to 200 units / month and Rs. 0.80 / unit for consumption between 201-400 units/mo nth (only on
incremental units above 200units).#Switch off lights and appliances from mains when not in use. This will conserve energy and reduce your
electricity bill. ELCB is a safeguard againstfaulty internal wiring and prevents shock, fire andelectrical accidents.Install ELCB for all loads.
Installation is mandatory for load of 5 KW andabove.ENERGYSAVEDISENERGY PRODUCED.
* Makeyourcheque/DDpayabletoBYPLCANo.101008330 *ChequeshouldbeaccountpayeeandpayableatBIHAR
* Chequeshouldnot be post dated. *DonotStaple.Onlyclipthechequetopaymentslip..
* Writeyourtelephonenumberonreverseofthecheque.
Billamountpayable:Rs.12680.00 Billmonth:DEC-26
Cheque/DDNo. Date:
Regd.Office: SBPDCL Power Limited (A joint venture of Reliance Infrastructure Ltd & Govt. of NCT of Bihar) Shakti Kiran Building, BIHAR-110032CIN
NO.:U74899DL2001PLC111525,TelephoneNo:011-39999808, FaxNo: 011-30813598, Email: [email protected],