AITC 110-2001 Standard Appearance Grades
AITC 110-2001 Standard Appearance Grades
AITC 110-2001 Standard Appearance Grades
7012 South Revere Parkway Suite 140 Englewood, Colorado 80112 Telephone (303) 792-9559
AITC 110-2001
Adopted as Recommendations October, 2001 Copyright 2001 by American Institute of Timber Construction CONTENTS Section 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Introduction Textured Surfaces Framing Appearance Grade Industrial Appearance Grade Architectural Appearance Grade Premium Appearance Grade Special Appearance Requirements Summary of Appearance Grade Specifications Page 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4
Various grades of appearance are desired for different uses. The appearance grades apply to the surfaces of glued laminated members and include such items as growth characteristics, void filling and surfacing operations but not laminating procedures, stains, varnishes, or other finishes, nor wrappings, cratings, or other protective coverings. The appearance grades do not modify the design stresses, fabrication controls, grades of lumber used and other provisions of the standards for structural glued laminated timber. The appearance grades are for the guidance of the designer so that a product consistent with the use of the structure may be specified and provide a suitable appearance at appropriate cost. The designer should specify the desired appearance grade to give a clear understanding between buyer and seller. Requirements given in appearance descriptions are intended to achieve a general and distinctive uniformity of appearance, and reasonable tolerance is permitted. Appearance grading should reflect good judgment. Often the natural growth characteristics of the wood enhance the beauty of the member and help avoid an artificial appearance. Four appearance grades Framing, Industrial, Architectural and Premiumare applicable to all species or mixtures of species used in laminating. Some combinations in AITC 117, Standard Specifications for Structural Glued Laminated Timber of Softwood Species, permit the mixing of species within a given member; subsequently, the potential for differences in color or grain of adjacent laminations must be recognized. For those appearance applications where differences in color or grain might be important, the designer may specify a single species or species group This may restrict availability. When members containing wood filler are stained, the filler may not accept the stain in the same manner as the adjacent wood. In addition, filler exposed to the elements may weather differently than the adjacent wood. The buyer should check with the supplier concerning past experience in these matters before specifying.
1.5 1.6
2.1 2.2
When specified by the designer, a textured surface may be used. Textured surfaces are produced by a variety of methods and the buyer should check with the supplier before specifying. Textured surfaces may change the net finished sizes and tolerances given in AITC 113, Standard for Dimensions of Glued Laminated Structural Members. Depending upon the degree of texturing, it may be necessary for the designer to compensate for the resulting loss of cross section. Texturing will change the appearance grade specified. Additional voids and splintering may result. Textured surfaces will readily absorb stain, but adjacent areas of wood filler may not accept stain in the same manner. Eased edges will not normally be furnished.
Hit or miss surfaces may change the net finished sizes and tolerances given in AITC 113, Standard for Dimensions of Glued Laminated Structural Members, and ANSI/AITC A190.1. Depending upon the degree of hit or miss, it may be necessary for the designer to compensate for the resulting loss of cross section.
4.1 4.2
5.1 5.2
5.2.1 5.2.2 For appearance grading purposes, measurement of voids shall be in the direction of the length of the lamination and shall not exceed 3/4 in. except that a void may be longer than 3/4 in. if its area does not exceed 1/2 sq. in. Void measurement limitations apply only to the surfaces of the member exposed in the final structure. All characteristics shall be considered with respect to their effects on general appearance. 5.2.3 The wide face of laminations exposed to view shall be free of loose knots. Open knot holes shall be filled. Voids greater than 1/16 in. wide in edge joints appearing on the wide face of laminations exposed to view shall be filled. Exposed faces shall be surfaced smooth. Misses and wane are not permitted. The corners of the member exposed to view in the final structure shall be eased with a minimum relief of 1/8 in. Other dimensions for eased edges may be agreed upon between buyer and seller.
5.2.4 5.2.5
6.1 6.2
6.2.4 6.2.5
Natural growth characteristics of lumber grade Paragraph reference Filling of voids on edge of laminations Paragraph reference Wide face of laminations exposed to view
Paragraph reference Edge joints appearing on wide faces of laminations exposed to view Paragraph reference Surfacing of sides
5.2.3 Filling required for voids over 1/16 in. wide 5.2.3 Required. Misses not permitted
3.2.3 Required Hit or Miss, Low laminations permitted. Limited amount of wane permitted 3.2.4, 3.2.5 Not required
4.2.3 Required. Limited amounts of misses, low laminations and wane permitted. 4.2.4, 4.2.5 Not required
Paragraph reference Surfacing of wide face of laminations exposed to view Paragraph reference Eased edges Paragraph reference