Daily Lesson Log - DIASS - Q1 - Week 6-Sep9-13

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Grade School Samaria Senior High Grade Level Grade 12

12 Teacher Precious O. Gregorio Learning Area Discipline and Ideas in the Applied Social Science
Teaching Dates and September 9 - 13, 2024 Quarter 1 (Week 6)
Time Grade 12 HUMSS
QUEZON: MTF 7-8am, TH 6-7am
LAUREL: MTWF 10:20-11:20 AM

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of professionals and practitioners in counseling
B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to undertake participant observation (e.g., a day in a life of a counselor) to adequately document and critique their
roles, functions, and competencies.
Objectives LAUREL) (OSMEÑA - Wednesday) Explain the principles and Explain the principles and LAUREL)
Distinguish the needs of Identify the goals and core values of social work core values of social work Explain the roles and
individuals, groups, scope of social work functions of social workers
organizations, and

D. Specific Objectives 1. Determine the 1. Define social work. 1. Describe the principles 1. Describe the principles 1. Describe the roles and
counseling needs of 2. Fill the graphic and core values of social and core values of functions of social
individuals, groups, and organizer about the work. social work. workers.
communities. topic. 2. Present to the class the 2. Present to the 2. Read and answer the
2. Explain to the 3. Give importance to the principles and core principles and core LAS.
class the needs for topic through sentence values of social work. values of social work. 3. Value the concept
counseling. completion activity. 3. Value the topic through 3. Value the topic through through an essay.
3. Understand the an essay. an essay. an essay.
importance of needs
analysis in identifying the
specific needs of clients
through an essay.
II. CONTENT Roles and Functions of
Identifying Needs for Goals and Scope of Social Principles and Core Values Principles and Core Values Social Workers (CATCH-
Counseling Work of Social Work of Social Work UP FRIDAY: Value
A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide pages Quipper TG Quipper TG Quipper TG Quipper TG Quipper TG
2. Learner’s Materials Quipper SG 0405 Quipper SG 0502 Quipper SG 0504 Quipper SG 0602 Quipper SG 0505
3. Textbook pages n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
4. Additional Materials from SLeM Q1 M5 SLeM Q1 M6 SLeM Q1 M6 SLeM Q1 M6 SLeM Q1 M6
Learning Resource (LR)
2. Other Learning PowerPoint Presentation PowerPoint Presentation PowerPoint Presentation PowerPoint Presentation PowerPoint Presentation
A. Reviewing the previous What are the processes What are the counseling What are the basic What are the basic What are the principles
lesson or presenting the and methods in needs of individuals, concepts, goals, and scope concepts, goals, and and core values of social
new lesson counseling? groups, and communities? of social work? scope of social work? work?
B. Establishing a purpose To explain the counseling To explain the basic To explain the principles To explain the principles To explain the roles and
for the lesson needs of individuals, concepts, goals, and scope and core values of social and core values of social functions of social workers
groups, and communities of social work. work. work.

C. Presenting Giving of instructions Giving of instruction Giving of instructions Giving of instructions

examples/instances of (pretest) Facts and Myths
the new lesson
D. Discussing new What are the counseling Define social work. What What are the principles and What are the principles What are the principles
concepts and practicing needs of individuals, are the goals and scope of core values of social work? and core values of social and core values of social
new skills #1 groups, and communities? social work? work? work?
E. Discussing new Free discussion Free discussion Free discussion Free discussion Free discussion
concepts and practicing
new skills #2
F. Developing mastery Compare and contrast What are the goals and Why do social justice and Pick two groups of
(leads to Formative needs assessment at the scope of social work? social change matter for clientele based on the
Assessment 3) individual, group, and the values of social work? characteristics mentioned
community levels. in the discussion. What
are their differences and How do social workers help
similarities? What are the address societal issues?
similarities and
differences in how
counselors help them deal
with their problems?
G. Finding practical Should there also be a Various groups in the If you were a community Recall a specific group of
applications of concepts needs assessment process country are finding ways to social worker, what do you people that you believe
and skills in daily living tailor-fitted for counseling address people’s mental think would be the most can benefit from
professionals? health, social, and important counseling. What are the
economic struggles. Given core value that you must needs of that group that What makes social work a
that the pandemic has uphold? Why? counseling can address? meaningful career?
aggravated these, do you How do you think
think that the goals of counseling can address
social work are still these problems?
H. Making generalizations A needs assessment is an The essential missions of The core values of social The core values of social Social workers may play
and abstractions about evaluative and objective social work are to develop work highlight where social work highlight where the role of an advocate,
the lesson process of data gathering human beings and assist workers should focus and social workers should broker, educator,
and interpretation that institutions in providing the what they should prioritize focus and what they facilitator, case manager,
focuses on determining needs of the people and in fulfilling their should prioritize in community change agent,
specific programs and communities. responsibilities. fulfilling their manager, counselor,
services for clients. responsibilities. mediator, researcher, or a
combination of these.
I. Evaluating learning Quiz From the activity From the activity From the activity From the activity

J. Additional activities for n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

application or
V. REMARKS Rubrics (Essay): Focus & n/a Rubrics (Essay): Focus & Rubrics (Essay): Focus & Rubrics (Essay): Focus &
Details 20, Organization Details 20, Organization 20, Details 20, Organization Details 20, Organization
20, Voice 20, Word Choice Voice 20, Word Choice 20, 20, Voice 20, Word Choice 20, Voice 20, Word Choice
20, Sentence Structure and Sentence Structure and 20, Sentence Structure 20, Sentence Structure and
Grammar 20// Total 100 Grammar 20// Total 100 and Grammar 20// Total Grammar 20// Total 100
a.No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
b.No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
c. Did the remedial lessons ____ Yes __ No ____ Yes __ No ____ Yes __ No ____ Yes __ No ____ Yes __ No
work? No. of learners who _____ No remedial class has _____ No remedial class has _____ No remedial class has _____ No remedial class _____ No remedial class has
have caught up with the been done been done been done has been done been done
d.No. of learners who
continue to require
e.Which of my teaching ____ Research ____ Research ____ Research ____ Research ____ Research
strategies worked well? ____ Collaborative Learning ____ Collaborative Learning ____ Collaborative Learning ____ Collaborative ____ Collaborative Learning
Why did it work? ____ Differentiated ____ Differentiated ____ Differentiated Learning ____ Differentiated
Instruction Instruction Instruction ____ Differentiated Instruction
____ Role Play ____ Role Play ____ Role Play Instruction ____ Role Play
____ Lecture ____ Lecture ____ Lecture ____ Role Play ____ Lecture
____ Others ____ Others ____ Others _______________ ____ Lecture ____ Others ______________
________________ ________________ Why: ____________________ ____ Others Why:
Why: Why: ____ Complete IMs ________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________ Why: ____ Complete IMs
____ Complete IMs ____ Complete IMs ____________________
____ Complete IMs
f. What difficulties did I ____ Bullying among ____ Bullying among ____ Bullying among ____ Bullying among ____ Bullying among
encounter which my learners learners learners learners learners
principal or supervisor can ____ Learner’s behavioral ____ Learner’s behavioral ____ Learner’s behavioral ____ Learner’s behavioral ____ Learner’s behavioral
help me solve? attitudes attitudes attitudes attitudes attitudes
____ Lacking IMs ____ Lacking IMs ____ Lacking IMs ____ Lacking IMs ____ Lacking IMs
____ Unavailable ____ Unavailable ____ Unavailable technology ____ Unavailable ____ Unavailable
technology equipment technology equipment equipment (Projector, technology equipment technology equipment
(Projector, Laptop) (Projector, Laptop) Laptop) (Projector, Laptop) (Projector, Laptop)
____ Computer Laboratory ____ Computer Laboratory ____ Computer Laboratory ____ Computer Laboratory ____ Computer Laboratory
____ Others: Specify ____ Others: Specify ____ Others: Specify _ __ ___ Others: Specify __ __ ____ Others: Specify
_________ _________ _________
g.What innovation or ____ Localized ____ Localized ____ Localized ____ Localized ____ Localized
localized materials did I PowerPoint/Video PowerPoint/Video PowerPoint/Video PowerPoint/Video PowerPoint/Video
used/discover which I wish ____ Making learning ____ Making learning ____ Making learning ____ Making learning ____ Making learning
to share with other activity sheets from views activity sheets from views activity sheets from views activity sheets from views activity sheets from views
learners? of the locality of the locality of the locality of the locality of the locality
____ Others, Specify: ____ ____ Others, Specify: ____ ____ Others, Specify: ___ Others, Specify: ____ Others, Specify: ____

Submitted by:

Teacher II/Grade 12 Level Chairman

Noted by:


OIC, Office of the School Principal

Comments/Suggestions: ______________________________
Date: ______________________________________________

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