8 Proven Health Benefits of Sunlight - GoodRx

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8 Ways Sunlight Can

Benefit Your Health

Written by Kara-Marie Hall, RN, BSN, CCRN | Reviewed by

Farzon A. Nahvi, MD

Updated on June 21, 2024


Key takeaways:
Sunlight has various benefits that can improve
your health and well-being. One of the main
benefits is the way it supports vitamin D levels,
which play an important role in your health.

Some people only need 10 minutes of sunlight

to see health benefits. People with darker skin
tones need more time in the sun to get the
same effects, since darker skin absorbs sunlight

If you need more time in the sun, there are

some simple ways you can work it into your
daily schedule, like taking your coffee breaks

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Vitamin D 2 Drisdol Ergocalciferol

Vitamin D 3

Table of contents
Sunlight benefits How much sunlight?

When to get sun Tips for getting sun FAQs

Bottom line References

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You have probably heard about the potential dangers of

being out in the sun too long. But did you know that
getting the right amount of sunlight can be good for
your health and well-being?

Keep reading to learn how the ultraviolet (UV) light in the

sun’s rays can be beneficial and how to ensure that
you’re getting enough sunlight.

What are the benefits of

From providing vitamin D to reducing high blood
pressure and boosting mood, we explore eight potential
benefits of sunlight below.

1. Sunlight provides vitamin D

Being exposed to sunlight enables your body to make
vitamin D from cholesterol in your skin cells. Known as
the “sunshine vitamin,” vitamin D benefits your health in
many ways, including:

Supporting your bone and muscle health

Regulating your blood pressure

Regulating your immune system

Maintaining the health of your blood vessels

Keeping your brain working well

Regulating your blood sugar

2. Sunlight strengthens bones

Vitamin D supports bone health. The sunshine vitamin
helps your body absorb calcium, which is essential for
strong bones and helps prevent conditions like
osteoporosis and osteopenia. And having good bone
health can also help you avoid bone fractures (breaks).

3. Sunlight kills bacteria

Most people spend a lot of time indoors. And indoor
environments can contain dust that carries different
types of bacteria — some of which can trigger asthma
and allergy symptoms.

One study found that sunlight can kill the bacteria that
lives in dust indoors. In this particular study, 1 in 8
bacteria survived in a darkroom environment, but only 1
in 16 dust bacteria survived after being exposed to

What does this mean for you? Open those shades and
windows and let more sunlight into your home. As the
UV rays kill bacteria that live in the dust in your home,
your air quality may improve.

4. Sunlight may reduce high blood

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is linked to many
health problems, including heart attack, stroke, and
kidney damage. One study showed that exposure to
sunlight lowered systolic blood pressure (the top
number in a blood pressure reading) in people who had
kidney failure and were getting dialysis.

The study was based on the idea that UV light increases

the availability of nitric oxide in your body. Nitric oxide is
a molecule that can cause blood vessels to widen and,
as a result, lower blood pressure.

But more research is needed to understand the sun’s

effects on blood pressure and whether there are
benefits for people who don’t have kidney disease.

5. Sunlight can improve sleep quality

Sun exposure plays a big role in maintaining your body’s
internal clock, or circadian rhythm. Generally, your
circadian rhythm responds to the sun’s light-dark cycle,
helping you fall asleep at night (when there’s darkness)
and wake up in the morning (when there’s light). So you
can try using the sun’s light-dark cycle to improve your
sleep hygiene.

For instance, experts recommend being in bright

sunlight in the morning to increase your chances of
falling asleep earlier in the evening. Exposure to
sunshine in the morning increases your melatonin levels.
And melatonin plays a key role in regulating your body’s
circadian rhythm and helping you sleep when it gets

6. Sunlight boosts mood

Getting enough sunlight can help lessen the likelihood
of having mood disorders, most notably seasonal
affective disorder (SAD). SAD is a type of depression
that usually occurs in the fall and winter, when there’s
less sunlight.

Experts don’t know the exact cause of SAD, but a lack of

sunlight may affect the way the brain’s hypothalamus
works. This effect may make it harder for your circadian
rhythm to time certain functions, like waking up. As a
result, you may be more likely to experience SAD
symptoms, such as feelings of despair or fatigue.

Plus, not getting enough sunlight can result in lower

serotonin levels, which can contribute to depression. So
it makes sense that getting more sunlight can boost
your level of serotonin and your mood.

7. Sunlight can boost your immune

Sunlight can help fine-tune your immune system in two
separate ways. First, your body gets a lot of vitamin D
from sunlight. Vitamin D is essential for a healthy
immune system. Second, sunlight provides UV light.
Since we often hear negative things about UV light it
may come as a surprise that UV light can actually be
helpful. The truth, though, is that in some cases UV light
can actually be good for your immune system.

Studies have found that vitamin D and exposure to UV

light both have a protective effect against some bacteria
and viruses. In addition to helping to fight infections
from things like influenza and tuberculosis, sunlight has
also been found to help your immune system regulate
diseases like psoriasis. In fact, exposure to UV light and
vitamin D are two treatments used to treat psoriasis.

Scientists also know that people who live in

environments high in UV light (such as tropical areas)
are protected against illnesses like multiple sclerosis
and asthma. Though they don’t know for sure what
effect sunlight has on these illnesses yet. But because
scientists know that sunlight helps regulate the immune
system and because these illnesses are autoimmune
diseases, it’s possible that getting more sunlight may
actually protect against these diseases.

8. Sunlight is associated with weight

Multiple studies have shown that exposure to sunlight is
associated with having a lower body mass index (BMI).
There haven’t been enough studies to show that sunlight
actually causes weight loss, though. It could be that
people who have lower a BMI happen to spend more
time outdoors, which causes them to get more sunlight.

Nevertheless, scientists think that it’s possible that

sunlight can actually help with weight loss. Getting
sunlight affects vitamin D levels, the release of nitric
oxide in the body, and other biological pathways related
to weight. Because of this, scientists think it’s possible
that sunlight itself might actually affect your weight
directly. If nothing else, sunlight has been shown to
boost your mood, which may make you more inclined to
go outside and be active.


Forest bathing benefits: Spending time in

nature can help you feel relaxed and lower
stress levels. Here are some other health
benefits to visiting a forest or green space.

Sunscreen and your skin health: A

dermatologist sheds light on the benefits of
sunscreen and tips for keeping your skin happy
while enjoying the outdoors.

Beyond sunscreen: When it comes to

protecting yourself from the sun, sunscreen
isn’t your only option. Here’s how to safely soak
up the sun.

How much sunlight should you

get per day?
Depending on your skin tone, you may be able to get the
daily recommended amount of sun exposure in as little
as 10 minutes.

People with darker skin tones have more melanin, a

molecule that serves as a natural sunscreen. But this
can also make it a little harder to get enough sun
exposure. So it takes more time in sunlight to get its
benefits if you have a darker skin tone.

Here is how much sunlight experts recommend based

on your skin tone:

Lighter skin tones: 10 to 15 minutes a day

Darker skin tones: 25 to 40 minutes a day

Where you live also matters:

If you live in tropical areas where the sun is stronger,

you might need less time in the sun to get your
recommended exposure.

If you live up north where the sun isn’t as powerful,

you might need more time outdoors to get the right
daily dose of sun exposure for you.

Keep in mind, regardless of skin tone, spending more

time in the sun than is recommended may increase your
risk of sunburn or skin cancer. This is why it’s a good
idea to put on sunscreen before going outside. This is
especially true if you’re going to be out longer than 10 to
30 minutes.

How sunscreen impacts the sunlight

you need each day
You may be wondering whether putting on sunscreen
can prevent you from getting enough sunlight to make
vitamin D. The body only needs a little sunlight to make
vitamin D, and research shows that using sunscreen on
a regular basis doesn’t hurt the body’s ability to create
the sunshine vitamin.

When is the best time to get

Any time you can fit some sunlight into your schedule is
a good time. But research suggests that you absorb the
most sunlight around noon.

Experts believe the timeframe from 10AM and 1PM is

optimal for sun exposure, because you get plenty of
UVB rays — which allow your body to create vitamin D —
while minimizing your risk for skin cancer from UVA rays.

Tips for working time in the sun

into your daily schedule
In today’s technology-driven society, it can be difficult to
get enough sunlight each day. Here are a few ways you
might get more time in the sun:

Take a brief walk during your work breaks or study


Take one or more of the day’s virtual meetings


Park your car further away from store entrances so

you can soak up some sunlight as you walk in.

Eat your lunches or snacks outside.

Exercise outside.

Plant a few flowers or vegetables to give you a

reason to go outside.

Frequently asked questions

Does sunlight give you more energy?

Yes, sunlight gives you more energy. Sunlight has

been proven to boost your mood and help with your
sleep. Your mood plays a big role in your energy levels,
and the better you sleep, the more energy you will
have during the day.

Do you need direct sunlight for vitamin D? "

Are there any benefits of sunlight for your skin? "

The bottom line

Getting enough sunlight has a number of
potential advantages for your mental and
physical health, including improving your mood
and sleep and lowering your risk of certain
diseases. People who have lighter skin typically
only need 10 to 15 minutes of daily sun exposure.
However, due to increased melanin, people with
darker skin tones usually need a bit more —
around 25 to 40 minutes. But due to the risk of
skin damage and skin cancer from prolonged sun
exposure, it’s important to wear sunscreen on a
regular basis when you’re outside.

Why trust our experts?

Written by:
Kara-Marie Hall, RN, BSN, CCRN

Kara-Marie Hall, RN, BSN, CCRN, is a registered

nurse who specializes in writing health content
that connects with everyone — no matter where
they are in their health journey. She has over 10
years of clinical experience in a variety of
specialties, including critical care, surgery, and

Edited by:
Alex Eastman, PhD, RN

Alex Eastman, PhD, RN, is a California-based

registered nurse and staff medical editor at
GoodRx, where he focuses on clinical updates and
Latino health.

Reviewed by:
Farzon A. Nahvi, MD

Dr. Nahvi is an emergency medicine physician and

author of “Code Gray: Death, Life, and Uncertainty
in the ER.” He works clinically at Concord Hospital
in Concord, New Hampshire, and is a clinical
assistant professor of emergency medicine at the
Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth.

Our editorial standards

Meet our experts

Burchell, K. (2019). Press release: Are you getting your 10-15
minutes of sunlight a day? The University of Manchester.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2024). Sleeping


View All References (17) "

GoodRx Health has strict sourcing policies and relies on primary

sources such as medical organizations, governmental agencies,
academic institutions, and peer-reviewed scientific journals.
Learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate,
thorough, and unbiased by reading our editorial guidelines.

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