English Templir Lyrics

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He carries the holy Cross,

Who broke hell

It is powered by power

He arose on the third day. Alleluia

Christ rose

And he enlightened his people:

Whom he redeemed

With his own blood. Alleluia!

He carries the holy Cross,

Who broke hell

It is powered by power

He arose on the third day. Alleluia

Christ rose

He no longer dies:

Death to him beyond

He will not dominate. Alleluia!

He carries the holy Cross,

Who broke hell

It is powered by power

He arose on the third day. Alleluia

Christ rose

The stone they rejected

Builders: here he was made

In the head corner. Alleluia!

He carries the holy Cross,

Who broke hell

It is powered by power

He arose on the third day. Alleluia

God bless us

our God

God bless us

and let all the ends of the earth fear him

May God have mercy on us

and may God bless us

God bless us

our God

God bless us

and let all the ends of the earth fear him

Midst of life we are in death

we are looking for a helper

except you, Lord

who for our sins

Are you just angry?

Holy God

holy strong

holy and merciful Savior:

do not deliver us to a bitter death

Begotten God the Father

you are the only begotten Son

the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete

Holy and individual Trinity

with all our heart and mouth we confess and praise

and we bless thee with glory for ever

My soul magnifies the Lord

And my spirit rejoiced in the God of my salvation

Because he looked at the humility of his handmaid

for behold, from this all generations will call me blessed

Because he who is mighty has done great things for me and his holy name

Holy and individual Trinity

we confess with all our heart and mouth

we praise and bless

And his mercy

from generation to generation fearing him

He made power in his arm

He scattered the proud mind of his heart

He put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted the lowly

Holy and individual Trinity

with all my heart

and we confess with our mouth

we praise

and we bless

He filled the hungry with good things

and let the rich be empty

Israel received her child

remembering his mercy

As Abraham spoke to our fathers

and his seed for ever

Holy and individual Trinity

we confess with all our heart and mouth

we praise and bless

Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit as it was in the beginning

Now and always

and forever and ever, Amen

Begotten God the Father

you the only begotten Son, you the Holy Spirit the Advocate

Holy and individual Trinity

we confess with all our heart and mouth

we praise and bless

to you be glory for ever

Give peace, O Lord

in our days

Because there is no other

Who for us

Unless you are our God

Let there be peace in your power

and abundance in your towers

Give peace, O Lord

in our days

Because there is no other

Who for us

Unless you are our God

Because of my brothers

and my neighbors

I spoke peace about you

Give peace, O Lord

in our days

Because there is no other

Who for us

Unless you are our God

Because of the house of the Lord our God

I asked for good things for you

Give peace, O Lord

in our days

Because there is no other

Who for us

Unless you are our God

Ask the things that are for the peace of Jerusalem

and abundance to those who care for you

Give peace, O Lord

in our days
Because there is no other

Who for us

Unless you are our God

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit

as it was in the beginning, and now and forever

and forever and ever

Hail, queen of mercy

Hail to our sweet life and hope.

We cry out to you, the exiles of the children of Eve.

We sigh and cry to you

in this valley of tears

Eya, then, our advocates, those yours

turn your merciful eyes upon us

And blessed is the fruit of thy womb

show us after this exile.

O merciful, O pious, O sweet Mary.

Alpha and Omega sent from above

glorious comfort to the poor

with Gabriel from the highest hierarchy

the paranymph says in harmony:

Hail Virgin Mary

O merciful, O pious, O sweet Mary.

O shepherds, arise for God

tell me what you have seen of Christ.

The kings of Tharsis had a vision of the star

be witnesses in the apparition:

Hail Virgin Mary

O merciful, O pious, O sweet Mary.

A low spring, a well of water,

the rose of the world, the starry splendour,

Aaron's almond fruit

be a glorious light to those who pray:

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