Q1-Cot-Lp - Arts10 (Contemporary Art Forms)

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Grade &
Lesson Learning
Dates & Quarter 1
Week No. 5-7 Day 3 Duration 1 hour

A. Content The learners…
Standards  art elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior
knowledge and skills
 the arts as integral to the development of organizations, spiritual belief,
historical events, scientific discoveries, natural disasters/ occurrences
and other external phenomenon
B. Performance The learners…
Standards  perform/ participate competently in a presentation of a creative
impression (verbal/nonverbal) from the various art movements
 recognize the difference and uniqueness of the art styles of the various
art movements (techniques, process, elements, and principles of art)
C. Learning The learner….
Competency/is  Explains the role or function of artworks evaluating their utilization
combination of art elements and principles (A10PL-Ih-2)
 Evaluates works of art in terms of artistic concepts and ideas using
criteria appropriate for the style or form (A10PR-IIf-4)

D. Learning At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
Objectives 1. Explains the purpose of Installation art and Performance art in today’s
2. Show an example of Installation art and Performance art guided with
rubric; and
3. Actively participate in class discussions and activities.
II. CONTENT/TOPIC CONTEMPORARY ART FORMS: Installation Art and Performance Art
A. References:
1. Teacher’s None
Guide pages
2. Learner’s HORIZONS 10-Music and Arts Appreciation for Young Filipinos pages 227-234
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages None
4. Additional
Materials on LR
B. Other Learning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2XbnQU35Ps
Resources https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELNppge75AA


A. Reviewing Reviewing previous lesson through singing in the (KRA 1, Obj. 1)

previous lesson tune of “Sit Down You’re Rocking the Boat” The teacher cites

intra and
or presenting interdisciplinary
the new lesson. (Lyrics) content
ELICIT Pop art, op art and Conceptual Art relationships
Pop art, pop art means Popular art through Music.
Op art, op art means Optical art
Idea and concept means Conceptual Art
(Repeat 2x)
(5 mins)
B. Establishing a Partner-Activity! (KRA 1, Obj. 3)
purpose for the  Present to the class two different pictures The teacher
lesson (one is Installation art and the other is classroom
ENGAGE Performance art). practices which
 Let each pair observe and describe the promote open
picture. One will describe installation and the communication
other will focus on performance art. between the
teacher and
 Call volunteers to present in class. learners, and
among the
Process Questions: learners and their
1. What can you say about Installation art? peers.
How about Performance Art?
2. How do you think art were formed?

(5 mins)
C. Discussing the Exploring Art! (KRA 1, Obj. 1)
new concepts 1. With the same partner, choose this time one The teacher
and practicing particular art form either Installation art or

learners to
new skills. Performance art. investigate the
EXPLORE For Installation art: teaching area to
 Let them use any available materials expand their
surrounds or with them (e.g. books, knowledge and
satisfy their
notebooks, pen, etc. curiosity
 Let them mount or install the objects they
have on their desk or in any available
For Performance Art
 Think of any concept/theme to perform and
create movement or actions to it.
 Using one particular music, let all pairs who
chosen performance art perform/execute
simultaneously their movements/actions

(10 mins)
D. Developing DISCUSSION (KRA 1, Obj. 1)
mastery The teacher
shows expertise
EXPLAIN  From the sample installation artwork of the in the
students from the previous activity, the content and uses

teacher will discuss briefly the concept of appropriate

installation art and the characteristics of pedagogy in
Installation art. delivering the
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2XbnQU35Ps (KRA 1, Obj.2)
The teacher uses
 The teacher will also discuss the concept of precise
Performance art and show samples of vocabulary and
Performance art and its distinct qualities. intonation to
express meaning
Link: and often
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELNppge75AA shows great
fluency and ease
(10 mins) in
delivering the

E. Making Ask the students the following: (KRA 1, Obj. 4)

generalization 1. Do installation art and performance art The teacher
ensures that
and abstraction exemplify the qualities of modern art? learners can
about the 2. Do art form like these serve a purpose in articulate and
adhere to the
lesson. today’s world? safety guidelines
ELABORATE and practices in
GROUP ACTIVITY: all the learning
 Group this time the class into two (2). tasks
Group 1: Boys (Installation Art)
(KRA 1, Ob. 5)
1. Yesterday, I told the boys to bring any The teacher
materials to use for today’s art activity. Now, enhances polite
gather all these materials for your and
installation. respectful
interactions with
2. Brainstorm on the concept of an installation
learners and
work to be constructed. among learners,
3. Assemble the materials to construct for and exhibits
installation sensitivity to
4. Give the work a though provoking title. learners’
Group 2: Girls (Performance Art)
1. Brainstorm on the concept of performance
art presentation.
2. Create movements/actions for the concept
made. You may use costumes and props for
your presentation as you were told yesterday
to bring it today for the activity.

 Use the rubric as guide for the activity.

(see the attached rubric)
F. Evaluating GROUP PERFORMANCE: It’s Showtime! KRA 2, Obj. 7)
learning. The teacher will evaluate student’s performance The teacher is

able to create a
EVALUATION using the rubric presented earlier with the following learning
criteria: environment that
1. Theme/Message (5) sustains learners’
2. Presentation (5) active
3. Cooperation/Teamwork (5) engagement and
Perfect Points (15)
G. Additional On a ¼ illustration board. Make a collage on the (KRA 2, Obj. 9)

activities for different installation art and performance art in the The teacher
demonstrates a
application or Philippines. wider
remediation. understanding of
EXTEND a culture-based


Prepared by: Checked by:

Master Teacher I: EUGENIO C. DIALINO JR. Principal I: JUDY B. OPERARIO
Signature: Signature:
Date: Date:

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