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Mixture Pharmacy Assistant
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a 4 o v oY ce , thy dy Ply fina Lat (Mixtures) 47 ~~ we EAE oy OD CUTE a7! (DAE Md Leet tate biind pebbles" PSM at Ente Czas, 21 Avie Lh dnd Lei bicein ype tulow LAVALLE Lute ewe -ednut SVU SS ALL Pasule PEST ie HEEL ha Abe Wi why we nde el obs! eM evils Aine ro se Sune uti mdb Lxtchbig, AE ehinnnnratee 2the pte deSurid Eu A POSES IB Util Lbs Lb EAP LL Lit tibet bt bei See 4 Morir ee ab SAR nips C_noeubine = thy AS WBS Trcic Le tasaes Sia Rp Se ey fle wll Sige LL Sip gE re 8 SUS LY ARAL e PEI 0 ISIE WOE Pee KILL SUS LL bob tbe eh truteidGume tI PLL be Putebewd 23,4508 Me bl Nise thi iya life e bializg 12 blogg Heth ES LIAL gos UA eng ov ap net tebe Ee he bulsbic sb” =p Bigg’ et Up Btie et OCaNnned with LamocannerPoe trteu Bud ae tis SURE A OMA L ne tie Winter. PIG C 6 (DS LALO SP GEL BNA ALCL LEIA L Aho in SHEE . ; 2 bev she dmb th BLA Pie CL mitt dyin tg Hoi ~ut2Zf Suspending Agentut uri Pcdhizige ded negin€, (ihe fh3 wp Lote ‘ut Lien Foti tte (ote LA PSL Mtg Ve Si Su of iScrUL nF) ipyivcnglvieit “Ki sisfgeie reir" ° =e f5 Lydsute lure tel putenrbu,Sutid se Sn SHE suas bih et werk piAtidt edn gerede SSutals aw26 ep phpentiey Wernee Ze NEALE newbie tie ‘ wee! 7 buat bee Jur ut ee pi Soe slag An teehd SIG. bute exe ee et ty fertre sleet IU ~ our iP a GUL A pdr Li eat nth fin seen” ce als pened PEL a bly Sele Cyyessig dvi fire nde» Scanned with CamScanner PE)3 Fe ANE L Hin 6S LIS GAL So Shige -u, tind Ha vod nd eA rk & Aqua (time § day Webi SUS yt (Distilled & eft See teV LI Le ays Lb on Wit Witte, AiSdies Be rhe tony! Bebe te Ln Aeterna Ahi, Z Water) emia lmieuiges a SMILE bet eM SLL NA PAE whi SW L IA Ligstreg tan Le Wl syste thine IS Fuz. ei gate gen Moye IL FY eee MSL SOL IMOLL gates LI te to EEE LG ~<-Suspending Agent fg wredyd Lit PUCK HELE eb wtbbte be bee tut nd ney sl deb ebb Mine It ant iene 2 bree lL AS Meni 3 eb eb SIEM Sir OCAaNned with LamocannerHNO MI RES at EOL LUM Lt et -6 TUS tag Sele Ze dir Sig SUL nd eli eet LSC A RU tie! —_ oe it ie Biba even Gi) eA) eve) wee -i ete Lysine n AIT Poy ole vir epee pipetted (= (’201950A , baie sino ie ual Lunde ges nd Met2di eb F-ti SF S00F bey AM piSiectcon PoP dn ten ASE ditt eA OAL A tieti Ae? hanlabe Kens h Phase toned Pigg SEW dhe WE -et ee Lb Lill nc apue ten fetotienbvloled Sdegep/00 ec AINA eo pE ALLE hae RII AIEEE peer? | Abel AH =r woe DCL Seni seto Sots! eS UE eter Fo anh biguerphabec foe wisnL PEP a Jvdarsevik — 0 Scanned with CamScannerUeLiberdevite — Ci Mba Gea cpBegbaSLa vires ubmey ptt th dKe ad ML wher Gay : BicherwSenbrnsabme cetera nia Pe OrLuraw’ UAB ire SQUALL "prac ph Mbignr ELIAS cen Pecos Syed ee UP wet te nad twee ego tnvllHA Faye yoy AEbE NTI eK (Stock Mixture):J% fw Ea te rol Sipe dt A, Fe el et VL PIMA Gaprecl BSE ues Wa Seal up Lpelie ese (LRU Zot Uervlziveciurr action shanneile he ye ANB JHSE (Feud LL Le Sees dive Pel te we bigwrertl Bruty LyE Lede wiz aH beet ce dette Soe te titionl/’ agai 8 Erte! 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Wa Prt genta ge thar bode’ (Thorapeutle Incompatibility) OCAaNned with LamocannerPESO Mt EI PINE phase Ve LE bass te 23k 99 ASG Aes bl ne ths f Pw Se Eile ble FIM PIL PSSnL phere Surber ve tee oir ay ett 0z A Url bret te nei tabs lade re Bre” -uta Physical Incompatibility ete Veunh beater” i) JHA CaiGizie — (wv) tear Sikevtyat lil) UE — (vi) sik ow ote Ua Stighe dr Li TU d te tL TIPE P abe sil Alita ez SL nts PS ce tat oe Ube Lb te tne etic tribe erie deel Ae et Mets bet Phe cht SoPthue fiber Cry Sie SLL whey ie tlre A i + tile Rx Terpin Hydrate. Simple Syrup. eg a ttcvb eth SEBS tales prt rn lice HAL nko EAE ey Sir Roi 2E SCH ac LAbaol Ate doe 26S P Scanned with CamScannerRX Arsenic Trloxide...,....... Ext.Nux Vomica.... Qunine Sulphate. Pepermint....q.s... “tug hie by. uid BPI HH LSE UYU Eb PU ec eR ASCE SSE EAE EO Ke Stal 2pfai Se .. 0.06 gm .. 2.00 gm vee 0.60 gm . 24.00 mF pSutdletolvhmel,Csbhed ‘aes Rab Sa ole LI Sekial eA LIEU ga OES Mee aug toboai (Dilute Alcoha MO eure SZ eed Sete bX His seri Z Precepetatee ty A< dur uhe denver boarut Saget PRADA EE NII B I oe BO MeL Ng Ha u“ eA ha, Bt Sees IME LEA tei tet SERENE Lohizihtle Hoes tis tele Si ety Rx Tincture Nux Vomica............00 Ammonium Chloride. Distilled Water. UL bn criti LI} A pdaSe 10.0 ml - 7.0 gm . 90. ml "Scanned with CamScanner seul AL 4~ ELLE Water) (Distilled Lut ag tes Ole Aol Sh ais Wild Ape vd Leret A suit eh tL AGUS de Sze BIH 6 bo itl Sie atoll Meu ebrtle LNs ee tout brremtoblly i bt UMobutubey® AE TO OU Blac ety Me dpm bis POR Le geese tide Rx Chloral Hydrate Sodium Bromide Elixir Aromatic Cnet Hse dys GS reg Pte ed zi Ne tr Sye i, Debs tite Chie tied Mei soll bi Foe tie aio we beret SU UIat eH | Lee rte hire L ited £ Eo Oe ele” att Rx Phenol . 2% Sodium Sulphate. 5% Distilled’ Water.......ssssss0 120 ml entire nb Pug thre WERE Brida tence Scanned with CamScanner13 aa gia Led utes beie puter Abo Ut Li Leitch -~ pedir sHoWLL pudoctAslg bie d# baboon Me LOAN —StGiaiee AE Catt toot Liquity easter ate ti jhe. roututies hiner te " Lg-tone- pS (Water of Hydration Lactate! typed ‘ Rx Amino Pyrine ... gry Codeine Sulphat gr 1/4 Belladone Extract ...... w. gr 6 Acetyl! 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Urb- & sale Dre LAyag BUOY ALE ALLL Kesh Did oe SCAAKSA WiTK CamocannerFea ROO Me Nw Fits AI ne aM Be Rall Be SIO IBiat oe EEUU EN Me Pa APG i Wotuna tuthne ti, HUD b IL ed AK t Ilide fondue tbe i ah Mfoiuneatttthewer A te ~oth etn Ea Le tcl beg Eye bate PL MsK uel reese PS 4 TBE gt die ~Jir sus ye euicls Lack fice wha SAFE FHEWIS , a4. we9 Hite BA8 of AGA7 ee 12 duh. eent10 AW S-15 ns SHAS HB fi eunté ofA 21 ecstzhJuh20 JE19 - RU 24 edly 223 x £2 weer Hr n_26 71.25, HVE LE-30 Jeyi29 Je ?ALL7-33 HBT LL .32 HT IL-3 Jkd74-36 Hb ul-38 eu iol34 wdZu.39 we Kel 386 Ue Ae 37 ee ftsa2 hikat etik ao BiB AWS tei ag Pag as (Frb48 tote tenASLy turning WAAL ES ey MA Use tite he 3 eH Lanne Fey ELE te AL pe r Scanned with CamScanner19 (Acacia)r4f4 woes ite Msi SUIS ‘uty initn| ie 35%L A Serle Jue 16 LH itd PSBAL Sad iL Pyle tein fed i IHL ise vie AIC ASLe test cet lUMuctle Lo’ duu Sc Arle Soe AP bt Lapbrdr Suited SrA gel g# ‘Uns slee iP OC LEN R eb 5 yell ele For Sugar Ue dobbs iorothedtgiep title! Ln tousizg thw eC SI batt bor ese iinet 00Cd Lard WME ntting Breall (Acetyl Salleylic Acid) tei. Gk Stutl.2 ce thspuiledlwiund LOA AL ed Seas eLAsrlcs Atay ne othe Witeng Lei ASH Sen bL vii tne Lact 6bye whic kite re AL kal Ble vise UE Ie bre bike Ike sttie ce Pale vl Sootbyntintk icine tl nk-gZt (Acetophenetidin) of ¢ ACLs See li Wd LIAL AS Absibaces Zh ky Arud teks! hinge tendputvite Volt iis HL Leth FPL ie ae bbe CALE (Acdsee Ble vdevaa Oates KH Ai es ante le ure. 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Cnt leeLy, Ley #3 \ Fp Vteh SC A Sule be IT } EEL Bloc ss uh il Sed al owe ph eA 2 Mbit PIGS tabs, i . (Murcuric lodied (Ready) sit i534 feclratig tL ETE te EOL 28g Fe Fundy, ( -cthwidh, BL EKG eh PPE Scanned with CamScanner25 (Murcuric Oxide): T6532 Crete LLM L ANT IS Soe Ll thy bre RL tL, ebb oD Leyte Se (Murcurochrome):p4£7_33 PE ALVA cbs Gal MSHI Py Le Iord e le dysoMeilog eth rsle ale dit (Murcurous Chloride):44U% i534 pblidbitutute Szabat ent bt thesis beh 6 UWL LL UBL ee oh nou etl were bryltle MSL dla elctziyt ou , (Murcurous lodied):13yfud7-35 SL Ne teigiole tty tei tel oS Berne Oe Xt Bunny -e th ZISyT (Phenobarbital): Jeg. 44-36 wes rth he Oy Gn ox eS SCG Le ch Phe VAL Gilg Uh S Lg Cy li, ee (Phenobarbital Sodiumyé3rUty4s4-37 Pi SOA ce SU Hed Sifoe Cf Nie Sa te SMT Mile ctrl ty Meticg Sp ube et tile tel Miya beeie BALI Bre Oe cer th SW e Ee PL: Sh Fe LU Soe aK Ley wiethpitbe ela abe RUM Erle ele Utdisd Sophie LSAT GMS En Spe nla eae Se ta HAL eI Scanned with CamScanner
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