Vegan Focus Veganism Ebook v2

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Vegan Focus Information for both the established and aspiring modern-day vegan www.veganfocus.


Living the Vegan Life

Its More Than Just a Menu Choice

Vegan Focus Information for both the established and aspiring modern-day vegan

Table of Contents
Introduction to Veganism ........................................................... 3 Vegan 101: From the Beginning ..................................................... 4 Why Vegan? The Vegan Ethos............................................................ 5 Vegan Recipes: Investigating a Healthy Vegan Plan .......................... 6 Food Tips for New Vegans .................................................... 7 Nutritious Vegan Food Sources .................................................... 9 Dining Out as a Vegan .......................................... 11 Vegan Checklist: Is Veganism for Me? ............................................ 12 Conclusion .......................................................................... 13 Disclaimer ............................................................. 14

Vegan Focus Information for both the established and aspiring modern-day vegan

Introduction to Veganism
Vegans are typically conscientious supporters of life and they prefer to live their lives through the non-exploitation of animals. The whole vegan ethos is to eat nothing that has come from an animal at all and this includes milk, meat and eggs. Vegans also avoid wearing wool, leather or any animal product. This might seem strange to a meat eater as wool of course is a by-product and the animal has not been killed for this but to a vegan this is still unacceptable. Most vegans make the decision to adopt whole lifestyle changes through their concerns at farming practices. For years, many people have not been consciously aware or may have deliberately shut their minds to the reality of how these animals are kept. Many are kept in cramped environments and may be unable to move or to act naturally as a result of their confines. Realistically, this can be deemed as cruelty and because modern farming has opted over the years for selective breeding with the purpose of breeding finer stock, often an accelerated growth is experienced, and many animals destined for the slaughter house grow at a rate far quicker than their bodies should be able to cope with. The fact that millions of male chicks and calves are killed simply as a waste product of the dairy production system is considered non ethical by vegans, and a way of announcing their concerns is to abstain from eating meat. Once dairy cows become too old to be productive, they are typically sold as meat and of course, as male calves are unable to produce milk, they are simply bred for veal or other by-products. Vegans avoid these food types to make a stand against the meat industry. Being a vegan does not equal perfection. It is merely making a personal stand against practices that they feel are cruel and without justification. Vegans are not being judgemental of others; it is merely a personal choice and a matter of conscience.

Vegan Focus Information for both the established and aspiring modern-day vegan

Vegan 101: From the Beginning

In 1944, Donald Watson who co-founded the Vegan Society introduced the word vegan as a new word which enabled people to differentiate from those who followed a vegetarian lifestyle. For Watson, it was important to differentiate from the two because he felt that vegetarianism -which stipulated the avoidance of eating any meat flesh, did not fully cover the commitment of those who wished to abstain from any type of animal products. So the term vegan took vegetarianism to its natural conclusion which meant the deliberate and conscious avoidance of any meat products including abstaining from using any product that came from an animal or had caused harm to animals. Becoming a vegan meant often drastic lifestyle changes to those who followed this path but for those that were committed to the non-abuse of animals; this was a natural and deliberate choice. Veganism as a way of life means that its important to understand just what is deemed a no go product and this means, eggs, milk, fur and honey has to be eliminated from use. Of course, just as importantly, materials such as leather and silk should also be avoided and the more that one looks into the vegan ethos, the more animal by-products can be determined, so much research is required to be deemed a true vegan. On a global scale, there are many benefits to adopting a vegan lifestyle. It has been stipulated that a vegan diet produces much fewer greenhouse gas emissions than any diet that is largely meat-based. In fact, according to a study done by the University of Chicago, a typical US diet generates nearly 1.5 tonnes more carbon dioxide per meat eater than those who are on a vegan diet. With land becoming less available, other benefits are that any plant based diet requires substantially less land or water which would be typically required to support a meat based western diet and this is because farmed animals will eat much more by way of protein and water than they actually produce. As a result, many more crops and water go to feed animals than would be consumed if a plant based diet were consumed by people in the first place. Farming animals also requires a sufficient amount of land and therefore contributes to other environmental concerns such as water pollution and deforestation.

Vegan Focus Information for both the established and aspiring modern-day vegan

Why Vegan? The Vegan Ethos Explored

Many people feel that the whole vegan ethos is about caring only for animals and that a vegan typically has much less regard for a fellow human. This is not the case at all. Vegans in general care about life per se and would never wish to see any living creature hurt including their fellow man. Becoming a vegan is all about making an active choice to take a kinder path that will not hurt animals, people or the environment. The thought process behind veganism is to look at the whole picture and to adopt a lifestyle that has a much less aggressive footprint. People often ask the question why vegan? When actually, a better question may be termed, why not vegan? Having compassion for animals is important and fortunately there is less ignorance of farming processes and more knowledge which in turn affords people the opportunity to make an informed choice. Everyone must do what feels right for them ultimately but ignorance is not an option. If everyone was aware of the terrible conditions that some animals have to endure all in the name of meat for human consumption, there could be serious uproar. Sentient, intelligent animals are often treated with complete disregard and cruelty; it is up to the individual to determine whether they are comfortable with these facts. Of course, no-one should make or enter into any major lifestyle change without serious consideration but the fact that so many people become vegans can only show the strength of mind, dedication and purpose behind these caring and conscientious groups of people. Many meat-eaters feel that living a vegan lifestyle must be difficult to endure and see it as so restrictive, and they wonder how vegans can stay healthy with such a limited dietary range. By return, a vegan would say that although the lifestyle change is comprehensive, facing it with a positive attitude and relishing the changes towards a healthy and conscientious direction ensures many benefits including financial savings as well as those benefits to the whole mind, body and spirit.

Vegan Focus Information for both the established and aspiring modern-day vegan

Vegan Recipes: Investigating a Healthy Vegan Plan

Investigating how to ensure a healthy diet is important if anyone is considering becoming a vegan. In truth, the vegan approach is about much more than cutting meat out of the diet. There is a strong thread of care into animal welfare it is true but concern for the environment is also an issue. There is no point cutting out all animal products if there is a lack of homework into how the relevant nutritional needs can be met and without this homework, poor health could follow. There is an abundance of information available online which can help to steer those interested in the right direction and this is essential even for those who do not wish to embrace the whole vegan concept, as good nutrition is a must. Its a good idea to investigate possible vegan recipes and to slowly embrace the concept by having one vegan day each week. This will enable a subtle conversion towards veganism without rushing into it with very little knowledge. This slow transition allows the body to become used to the dietary changes too. A vegan diet may be healthy when undertaken with due care and attention but its good to instinctively listen to the body and learn how to properly substitute certain elements before becoming a fully fledged and full-time vegan. Learning about meat alternatives is vital and if tempted to try Tofu and Soya products, be aware that there is a distinctive taste difference although it is easy to adapt but there is a need to know how to bring out the best of these meat alternative products. This is why having a vegan day each week makes sense because it allows for a taster into the preparation and planning needed if a full change is going to occur at some point. Tofu and Soya products provide an excellent source of protein and calcium and can be prepared in many different ways. It does call for a little creativity, but these products can become an integral and healthy part of a vegan diet. One of the main disadvantages (if not keen on cooking) is that there will be very few pre-packaged and prepared meals available that are suitable for a vegan so this means, creating and cooking from scratch. The benefits of cooking a meal from scratch of course is that it can give a much greater connection with the food and make it much more rewarding.

Vegan Focus Information for both the established and aspiring modern-day vegan

Food Tips for New Vegans

1. Plan meals in advance. Consider the time required to cook and the ease of obtaining the ingredients. If time is short, dont plan any extensive meal preparations as this will be difficult. 2. Add lots of variety to the diet but dont make the mistake of planning lots of different recipes. Start with about four recipes and make enough to last for a few days, therefore saving cooking time and money. This wont be boring as the food will be so tasty that it will be a pleasure to eat. 3. On those days where time is plentiful, plan a few hours to ensure that there are some frozen ready-made meals stacked up. If cooking anyway, its relatively easy to cook a little bit more and to then freeze for when time is short. 4. Add lots of greens into the diet and include vegetable soups, smoothies and salads. 5. Have lots of quick and easy snack foods ready for those unexpected hunger pangs when temptation for a quick and easy fry-up might strike. 6. Keep a food journal and rate any culinary successes so that these recipes can be used again. Write down any recipe ideas or even a seven day menu plan. Organisation is paramount.

Vegan Focus Information for both the established and aspiring modern-day vegan

Starting the day healthily is important. Vegans often start with a home-made vegetable or fruit juice. There are so many wonderful juice options that will promote different health benefits as required or can be consumed just for the wonderful tastes. Green liquids will provide lots of energy so if an energy boost is required, start creating some exciting green smoothies. Juices and smoothies are excellent to give the digestive system a break too. In terms of health, a vegan diet can be surprisingly healthy as it is incredibly low in fat and contains no cholesterol. Some misconceptions by those with little knowledge of the vegan diet, have concerns that proteins are difficult to match in comparison to those who eat meat. This is not true at all.

Many proteins come from nuts, beans or grains and calcium can be obtained from soya milk, spinach and broccoli with the all-important iron intake coming from chickpeas and spinach. Understanding how the body works and just what minerals and vitamins are needed is important for all, even those who eat meat should understand the basics and all of this information is readily available to those who require it.

Vegan Focus Information for both the established and aspiring modern-day vegan

Nutritious Vegan Food Sources

If considering becoming a vegan, its important to understand exactly what nutrients are needed and from which food sources they can be obtained so this quick list will highlight the essentials required: Vitamin B12 Often found to be lacking in vegetarians or vegans who have not done their appropriate research. Easily found in soya milk, margarines and even breakfast cereals. It is possible to take a supplement to ensure that this vitamin is absorbed. Iodine Iodine plays an important part in the bodys health and can be obtained from seaweed i.e. kelp and also green leafy vegetables. Vitamin D Much of the required vitamin D is absorbed through the skin from exposure to the sun but a supplement can be taken or foods such as soya milk or margarine should provide sufficient amounts. Note that D3 is not suitable usually for those on a vegan diet. Omega 3 Two tablespoons of rapeseed oil will provide the required amount of Omega 3 but it is also obtainable by taking one heaped tablespoon of ground flaxseed. Proteins Protein is available from many ingredients within the vegan diet but specifically can be found in: Potatoes, chickpeas, lentils, soy milk, spinach, tofu and rice to name but a few. Fats Vegan diets are low in saturated fat and generally free of cholesterol. It is important to use those high fat foods sparingly however such as: Nuts, avocado, coconut or margarines. Calcium There are many good sources of calcium within the vegan diet such as soya milk, tofu, soybeans and broccoli. Zinc There are often high levels of zinc within a vegan diet and potential sources include: Legumes, nuts and grains.

Vegan Focus Information for both the established and aspiring modern-day vegan

Iron Its important to increase vitamin C content to help with iron absorption and foods that contain a healthy supply of iron are any dark green leafy vegetables, tahini, black beans, prune juice, chick peas, kidney beans, lentils, soybeans and blackstrap molasses. Omega 3 Fatty Acids Always include sources of alpha-linolenic acid and this can be found in tofu, soybeans, flaxseed or flaxseed oil and walnuts. Vitamin B12 There is minimal requirement for vitamin B12 and its important to take advice from a doctor or health food shop regarding this vitamin if not sure whether required. Essentially, children and pregnant or lactating women do need to have vitamin B12. Some vitamin B12 can be found in fortified soya milk although this should be doublechecked prior to purchase as it varies due to the type of processing undertaken.


Vegan Focus Information for both the established and aspiring modern-day vegan

Dining Out as a Vegan

Many new vegans worry about how they will be able to socialise and eat out at restaurants or cafes, going forward and at first; it may seem fairly difficult unless a convenient vegan restaurant is in the area. Quite often however, local restaurants can be much more accommodating than people think, so dont just disregard a restaurant because it doesnt mention a vegan option. A good chef will be able to provide a vegan dish fairly readily because generally restaurants do cater for those with different dietary needs as they are used to tweaking their recipes for those with nut allergies or on low fat diets or reduced carbohydrate meals. Vegetarian meals have become increasingly popular over the years and it is not overly difficult to change a vegetarian meal into one suitable for a vegan customer. Fast food restaurants may not be as accommodating because they offer a very limited menu and a lot of the ingredients may just not be vegan friendly. Investigating those food places that will be flexible in their approach towards offering vegan options is important and always provide time and notice where possible to the restaurant so that they can be prepared.


Vegan Focus Information for both the established and aspiring modern-day vegan

Vegan Checklist: Is Veganism for Me?

Becoming a vegan is a personal choice and it is one that must be made on an individual level and not through any type of coercion. For anyone who is considering making the change from eating meat to veganism, it is worth asking the following questions first:

1. Does having compassion as to how animals are treated matter? 2. Do you feel guilty for eating meat or for wearing animal products? 3. Do you care about the environment? 4. Are you concerned about farming practices? 5. Are you prepared to investigate the meaning of veganism and learn the vegan options?

Having a compassionate view to animals and how they are treated is a good thing, taking a look at harmful farming processes and questioning the reasoning behind them is also a productive thing to do.


Vegan Focus Information for both the established and aspiring modern-day vegan

Having a compassionate view to animals and how they are treated is a good thing, taking a look at harmful farming processes and questioning the reasoning behind them is also a productive thing to do. Whatever the viewpoint, eating less meat and eating more natural fruit and vegetables has to be a much better option for the individual and bears far less consequences for the environment as a result.


Vegan Focus Information for both the established and aspiring modern-day vegan

Disclaimer: The information in this report is intended as an introduction into veganism only and offers up information that is available for all through careful research. It is advisable to always investigate all nutritional needs and health concerns before making any drastic dietary alterations.

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