Determining a Relative’s Specific Relationship to a Child and the Relative’s Degree of 3
Child’s Consanguinity to That Child’s Parent or Stepparent Great-Great Grandparents 18 NYCRR 415.1 (h) (1) (iii)...Relatives within the third degree of consanguinity of the parent(s) or step-parent(s) of the child include: the grandparents of the child; the great-grandparents of the child; the great-great-grandparents of the child; 2 4 Child’s the aunts and uncles of the child, including the spouses of the aunts and uncles; Child’s Great Great-Grand the great-aunts and great-uncles of the child, including the spouses of the great-aunts and great-uncles; Grandparents Uncles & the siblings of the child; and Aunts the first cousins of the child, including the spouses of the first cousins.
The numbers attached to each relative in the 1 3 5
consanguinity chart below represent that St Child’s Child’s First ar Child’s relative’s degree of consanguinity to the child’s t co Great Uncles Cousins, Twice un Grandparents parent. To understand how these numbers are tin & Aunts Removed g derived: he re Locate on the chart, the child’s parent and the specific relative who is 0 2 4 6 Child’s providing the child care. Child’s First Child’s Parents Child’s Uncles Second Determine the relative’s degree of Cousins, Once & Aunts Cousins, Once consanguinity to the child’s parent, by Removed Removed starting with the “child’s parent” and following the arrows. Count upwards to the common 1 3 5 7 ancestor shared by the parent and Child’s Child’s Brothers/ Child’s First Child’s Third other relative, and then downwards to Child Second Sisters Cousins Cousins the specific relative, (if the relative is a Cousins direct descendant of the child’s parent, such as the child’s brother, you will not need to count upwards.) 2 4 6 Child’s 8 Count a degree for each relative you Child’s Child’s First Child’s Third Second pass through to get to the specific Nephews/ Cousins, Once Cousins, Once Note that if you were Cousins, Once relative, meaning those between the Nieces Removed Removed counting degrees of Removed parent and relative. Do not count the consanguinity from the starting point, which for determining child, you would start at “relative care” is the child’s parent. the child and ascend through the parent. Each 3 Child’s 5 Child’s First 7 Child’s 9 The degrees they stand from each Child’s Third of the relatives would be Grand Cousins, Second other is the degree of consanguinity by Cousins, Twice one degree further Nephews & Twice Cousins, Twice which they are related. removed from the child Removed Nieces Removed Removed Thus, from the child’s “parent” to the child’s than from the parent. For example, the child’s grandparent, 1 degree; child’s parent to the first cousin is a 3rd child’s aunt/uncle, 2 degrees; child’s parent to degree relative to the 4 Child’s 6 Child’s First 8 Child’s 10 Child’s Third the child’s great grandfather, 2 degrees; child’s child’s parent and a 4th Great-Grand Cousins, Second Cousins, parent to the child’s first cousin, 3 degrees. degree relative to the Nephews & Thrice Cousins, Thrice Thrice child. Nieces Removed Removed Removed