8 Density Pressure-Cie Ial Physics-Theory Qp-Unlocked

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Density & Pressure

Question paper

Level International A Level

Subject Physics
Exam Board CIE
Topic Forces, Density & Pressure
Sub Topic Density & Pressure
Paper Type Theory
Booklet Question paper

Time Allowed: 71 minutes

Score: /59

Percentage: /100

A* A B C D E U

>85% 777.5% 70% 62.5% 57.5% 45% <45%

Dr. Asher Rana www.chemistryonlinetuition.com [email protected]

1 (a) Define pressure.


..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) Explain, in terms of the air molecules, why the pressure at the top of a mountain is less
than at sea level.





..................................................................................................................................... [3]

(c) Fig. 3.1 shows a liquid in a cylindrical container.


0.250 m

Fig. 3.1

The cross-sectional area of the container is 0.450 m2. The height of the column of liquid
is 0.250 m and the density of the liquid is 13 600 kg m–3.

(i) Calculate the weight of the column of liquid.

weight = ............................................ N [3]

Dr. Asher Rana www.chemistryonlinetuition.com [email protected]
(ii) Calculate the pressure on the base of the container caused by the weight of the

pressure = ........................................... Pa [1]

(iii) Explain why the pressure exerted on the base of the container is different from the
value calculated in (ii).


............................................................................................................................. [1]

Dr. Asher Rana www.chemistryonlinetuition.com [email protected]

2 Show that the pressure P due to a liquid of density ρ is proportional to the depthh below
the surface of the liquid.


(b) The pressure of the air at the top of a mountain is less than that at the foot of the
mountain. Explain why the difference in air pressure is not proportional to the difference
in height as suggested by the relationship in (a).




...................................................................................................................................... [2]

Dr. Asher Rana www.chemistryonlinetuition.com [email protected]

3 (a) Define density.


..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) Explain how the difference in the densities of solids, liquids and gases may be related to
the spacing of their molecules.




..................................................................................................................................... [2]

(c) A paving slab has a mass of 68 kg and dimensions 50 mm × 600 mm × 900 mm.

(i) Calculate the density, in kg m–3, of the material from which the paving slab is

density = ...................................... kg m–3 [2]

(ii) Calculate the maximum pressure a slab could exert on the ground when resting on
one of its surfaces.

pressure = ............................................ Pa [3]

Dr. Asher Rana www.chemistryonlinetuition.com [email protected]

4 (a) Define density.


(b) Liquid of density ρ fills a container to a depth h, as illustrated in Fig. 3.1.

area A

Fig. 3.1

The container has vertical sides and a base of area A.

(i) State, in terms of A, h and ρ, the mass of liquid in the container.


(ii) Hence derive an expression for the pressure p exerted by the liquid on the base of
the container. Explain your working.


Dr. Asher Rana www.chemistryonlinetuition.com [email protected]

(c) The density of liquid water is 1.0 g cm–3. The density of water vapour at atmospheric
pressure is approximately g cm–3.
Determine the ratio

volume of water vapour

(i) ,
volume of equal mass of liquid water

ratio = ..................................................[1]

mean separation of molecules in water vapour

(ii) .
mean separation of molecules in liquid water

ratio = ................................................... [2]

(d) State the evidence for

(i) the molecules in solids and liquids having approximately the same separation,



(ii) strong rigid forces between molecules in solids.

strong: ......................................................................................................................

rigid: .....................................................................................................................[2]

Dr. Asher Rana www.chemistryonlinetuition.com [email protected]

5 (a) Define density.



..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) A U-tube contains some mercury. Water is poured into one arm of the U-tube and oil is
poured into the other arm, as shown in Fig. 4.1.



71 cm
53 cm


Fig. 4.1

The amounts of oil and water are adjusted until the surface of the mercury in the two
arms is at the same horizontal level.

(i) State how it is known that the pressure at the base of the column of water is the
same as the pressure at the base of the column of oil.


.............................................................................................................................. [1]

(ii) The column of water, density 1.0 × 103 kg m–3, is 53 cm high. The column of oil is
71 cm high.
Calculate the density of the oil. Explain your working.

Dr. Asher Rana www.chemistryonlinetuition.com [email protected]

6 (a) (i) Define pressure.


.............................................................................................................................. [1]

(ii) State the units of pressure in base units.

.............................................................................................................................. [1]

(b) The pressure p at a depth h in an incompressible fluid of density ρ is given by

p = ρgh,

where g is the acceleration of free fall.

Use base units to check the homogeneity of this equation.




..................................................................................................................................... [3]

Dr. Asher Rana www.chemistryonlinetuition.com [email protected]

7 (a) Define pressure.

.............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(b) A cylinder is placed on a horizontal surface, as shown in Fig. 2.1.



Fig. 2.1

The following measurements were made on the cylinder:

mass = 5.09 ± 0.01 kg

diameter = 9.4 ± 0.1 cm.

(i) Calculate the pressure produced by the cylinder on the surface.

pressure = .................................................... Pa [3]

(ii) Calculate the actual uncertainty in the pressure.

actual uncertainty = .................................................... Pa [3]

(iii) State the pressure, with its actual uncertainty.

Dr. Asher Rana pressure = ...........................................

www.chemistryonlinetuition.com ± ...........................................
[email protected] Pa [1]
8 One isotope of iron may be represented by the symbol
26 Fe.

(a) State, for one nucleus of this isotope,

(i) the number of protons,

number = …………………………………….

(ii) the number of neutrons.

number = …………………………………….

(b) The nucleus of this isotope of iron may be assumed to be a sphere of radius
5.7 × 10–15 m.

Calculate, for one such nucleus,

(i) the mass,

mass = …………………………………. kg

(ii) the density.

density = …………………………………. kg m–3

Dr. Asher Rana www.chemistryonlinetuition.com [email protected]
(c) An iron ball is found to have a density of 7900 kg m–3. By reference to your answer in
(b)(ii), suggest what can be inferred about the structure of an atom of iron.



..................................................................................................................................... [2]

Dr. Asher Rana www.chemistryonlinetuition.com [email protected]

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