Course Curriculum BSMath
Course Curriculum BSMath
Course Curriculum BSMath
BS Mathematics
As part of the overall learning requirements, students will also be exposed to relevant simulations, role-
plays and real-life scenarios and will be required to apply skills acquired throughout the course in the
form of a final project.
Magnetic Field and Magnetic Force: Crossed Electric and Magnetic Field sand their Applications,
Hall Effect, Magnetic Force on a Current Carrying Wire, Torque on a Current Loop, Magnetic Dipole
Moment, Magnetic Field Due to a Current, Force between two Parallel Currents, Ampere’s Law, Biot-
Savart Law: Magnetic Field due to a Current, Long Straight Wire carrying Current, Solenoids
and Toroids, A current-carrying Coil as a Magnetic Dipole, Inductance, Faraday’s Law of Induction,
Lenz’s Law, Induction and Energy Transfers, Induced Electric Fields, Inductors and Inductances, Self
Inductance, RL Circuits, Energy Stored in a Magnetic Field, Energy Density, Mutual Induction.
Alternating Fields and Currents: LC Oscillations, Damped Oscillations in an RLC circuit, Alternating
Currents, Forced Oscillations, Resistive, Capacitive, and Inductive Loads, RLC series Circuit, Power in
AC Circuits, Transformers, Gauss’ Law for Magnetism, Induced Magnetic Fields, Displacement
Current, Spin & Orbital Magnetic Dipole Moment, Diamagnetism, Paramagnetism, Ferromagnetism,
1. D. Halliday, R. Resnick and J. Walker, “Fundamentals of Physics”, John Wiley & Sons, 9th ed.
2. R. A. Serway and J. W. Jewett, “Physics for Scientists and Engineers”, Golden Sunburst Series,
8thed. 2010.
3. R. A. Freedman, H. D. Young, and A. L. Ford (Sears and Zeemansky),“University Physics with
Modern Physics”, Addison-Wesley-Longman,13th International ed. 2010.
4. F. J Keller, W. E. Gettys and M. J. Skove, “Physics: Classical and Modern, McGraw Hill. 2nd ed.
5. D. C. Giancoli, “Physics for Scientists and Engineers, with Modern Physics”, Addison-Wesley,
4th ed. 2008.
Title of the Course: Expository Writing
Course Code: ENG-121
Credit Hours: 3+0
Course Outline:
Introduction to Expository Writing:
Understanding expository writing (definition, types, purpose and applications)
Characteristics of effective expository writing (clarity, coherence and organization)
Introduction to paragraph writing
The Writing Process:
Pre-writing techniques (brainstorming, free-writing, mind-mapping, listing, questioning
and outlining etc.)
Drafting (three stage process of drafting techniques)
Revising and editing (ensuring correct grammar, clarity, coherence, conciseness etc.)
Proof reading (fine-tuning of the draft)
Peer review and feedback (providing and receiving critique)
Essay Organization and Structure:
Introduction and hook (engaging readers and introducing the topic)
Thesis statement (crafting a clear and focused central idea)
Body Paragraphs (topic sentences, supporting evidence and transitional devices)
Conclusion (types of concluding paragraphs and leaving an impact)
Ensuring cohesion and coherence (creating seamless connections between paragraphs)
Different Types of Expository Writing:
Cause and effect (exploring causal relationships and outcomes)
Process analysis (explaining step-by-step procedures)
Comparative analysis (analyzing similarities and differences)
Writing for Specific Purposes and Audiences:
Different types of purposes (to inform, to analyze, to persuade, to entertain etc.)
Writing for academic audiences (formality, objectivity, and academic conventions)
Writing for public audiences (engaging, informative and persuasive language)
Different tones and styles for specific purposes and audiences
Ethical Considerations:
Ensuring original writing (finding credible sources, evaluating information etc.)
Proper citation and referencing (APA, MLA, or other citation styles)
Integrating quotes and evidences (quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing)
Avoiding plagiarism (ethical considerations and best practices)
As part of the overall learning requirements, students will be required to build a writing
portfolio having a variety of expository texts and present the same at the end of the course
showcasing proficiency in expository writing.
Computing Programming Lab: Introduction to Visual Studio 2022 environment. Basics of C++.
Branching statements (If, If-else, nested If-else, switch, goto) and enumerations. Looping
statements. Break statement, continue statement and increment/decrement operator. Nested loops.
Arrays (1D and 2D). Structures, Functions, and Pointers in C++. Passing arrays to function and
function name overloading. Classes I&II. Strings in c++ (C-string and string class). File Handling.
Euclidean spaces, Vector spaces, Subspaces, Linear independence and dependence, Basis and
dimensions, Rank and nullity of matrices, Inner product spaces, Angle and Orthogonality in Inner
product spaces, Orthogonal basis; Gram–Schmidt process. Orthogonal matrices, Change of basis,
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Diagonalization, Orthogonal diagonalization.
Linear transformations, Linear functional and dual spaces, Kernel and range, Inverse linear
transformation, Matrices of general linear transformation, Rank and nullity of linear transformation,
Applications to relevant problems.
Practical Requirements
1. Guided tutorials and exercises to ensure that students are proficient in commonly used software
applications such as word processing software (e.g., Microsoft Word), presentation software (e.g.,
Microsoft PowerPoint), spreadsheet software (e.g., Microsoft Excel) among such other tools. Students
may be assigned practical tasks that require them to create documents, presentations, and spreadsheets
2. Assigning of tasks that involve creating, managing, and organizing files and folders on both
local and cloud storage systems. Students will practice file naming conventions, creating
directories, and using cloud storage solutions (e.g., Google Drive, OneDrive).
3. The use of online learning management systems (LMS) where students can access course
materials, submit assignments, participate in discussion forums, and take quizzes or tests. This
will provide students with the practical experience with online platforms commonly used in
education and the workplace.
Introduction to Statistical Mechanics: Statistical distribution and mean values, Mean free path and
microscopic calculations of mean free path. Distribution of Molecular Speeds, Distribution of Energies,
Maxwell distribution, Maxwell Boltzmann energy distribution, Internal energy of an ideal gas,
Brownian Motion Legvaian equation, Qualitative description.
1. Technical Writing, Process and Product, Fifth Edition by Sharon J. Gerson and Steven.M.
2. Hand Book of Technical writing by Davis A. MacMurrey
3. Dissertation and Project Report How to Write by Kathleen Macmillan
4. Communication Skills by Leena Sen
1. "Quantitative Reasoning: Tools for Today's Informed Citizen" by Bernard L. Madison, Lynn and
Arthur Steen.
2. "Quantitative Reasoning for the Information Age" by Bernard L. Madison and David M. Bressoud.
3. "Fundamentals of Mathematics" by Wade Ellis.
4. "Quantitative Reasoning: Thinking in Numbers" by Eric Zaslow.
5. "Thinking Clearly with Data: A Guide to Quantitative Reasoning and Analysis" by Ethan Bueno de
Mesquita and Anthony Fowler.
6. "Using and Understanding Mathematics: A Quantitative Reasoning Approach" by Bennett, J. 0.,
Briggs, W. L., & Badalamenti, A.
7. "Discrete Mathematics and its Applications" by Kenneth H. Rosen.
8. "Statistics for Technology: A Course in Applied Statistics" by Chatfield, C.
9. "Statistics.: Unlocking the Power of Data" by Robin H. Lock, Patti Frazer Lock, Kari Lock
Morgan, and Eric F. Lock.
transforming under rotations with ∈ijk notation, scalar- and vector-triple products, scalar- and vector-
3-D vectors, summation convention, kronecker delta, Levi-Civita symbol, vectors as quantities
point functions, differentiation and integration of vectors, line integrals, path independence, surface
integrals, volume integrals, gradient, divergence and curl with physical significance and applications,
vector identities, Green’s theorem in a plane, divergence theorem, Stokes’ theorem, coördinate systems
and their bases, the spherical-polar- and the cylindrical-coördinate meshes, tensors of first, second and
higher orders, 41 algebra of tensors, contraction of tensor, quotient theorem, symmetric and skew-
symmetric tensors, invariance property, application of tensors in modeling anisotropic systems, study of
physical tensors (moment of inertia, index of refraction, etc.), diagnolization of inertia tensor as aligning
coördinate frame with natural symmetries of the system
As part of the overall learning requirements, students shall be tasked with creating and presenting a
comprehensive business plan at the end of the course for a hypothetical or real business idea. This
practical exercise shall allow them to apply the knowledge, skills and competencies acquires in the
course to develop a feasible business plan.
Community Storytelling: Students can collect and share stories from community members.
This could be done through oral histories, interviews, or multimedia presentations that capture
the lived experiences and perspectives of diverse individuals.
Community Event Planning: Students can organize a community event or workshop that
addresses a specific issue or fosters community interaction. This could be a health fair,
environmental cleanup, cultural festival, or educational workshop.
Service-Learning: Students can collaborate with a local nonprofit organization or community
group. They can actively contribute by volunteering their time and skills to address a particular
community need, such as tutoring, mentoring, or supporting vulnerable populations.
Cultural Exchange Activities: Students can organize a cultural exchange event that celebrate
the diversity within the community. This could include food tastings, performances, and presentations
that promote cross-cultural understanding.
Review of ordinary differential equations with constant and variable coefficients, Methods of
undetermined coefficients and variation of parameters, Existence and uniqueness of solutions, Systems
of linear ordinary differential equations, Modeling of physical systems and their solutions, Simple
harmonic motion, Damped vibrations, Forced vibrations. Series solutions of differential equations,
Power series method,
Method of Frobenius, Bessel, Legendre, Lagguere, Hermite, and Hypergeometric differential equations
and their solutions, Sturm–Liouville systems, Green’s function for ordinary differential equations,
Introduction of partial differential equations.
1. Shah, N.A. (2011) “Ordinary Differential Equations” A–One Publishers, Urdu Bazar, Lahore.
2. Rainville, E.D. and Bedient, P.E. (1989) “Elementary Differential Equations” (Seventh Edition)
Macmillan Publishing Company.
3. Brikhoff, G. and Rota G. C. (1989) “Ordinary Differential Equations” (Fourth Edition) John–
Wiley & Sons Inc.
4. Spiegel, R. (1981) “Applied Differential Equations” Prentice Hall.
5. Bronson R. (1994) “Theory and Problems of Differential Equations” (Second Edition)
6. Schaum’s Outline Series, McGraw–Hill.
7. Kreyszig, E. (1999) “Advanced Engineering Mathematics (Eighth Edition)” John–Wiley & Sons
Real number system, Ordered sets, Bounded sets, Real field and the extended real number system,
Euclidean spaces, Equivalent sets, Countable and uncountable sets, Concept of cardinality numbers,
Addition and multiplication of cardinals, Neighbourhood of a point, Limit point, Isolated point, Open ,
closed, perfect, dense, compact and connected sets. Numerical sequences and series, Convergent and
divergent sequences and series, Subsequences, Cauchy sequences. Completeness, Infinite series, Tests
of convergence, Power series, Continuous functions, Properties of continuous functions on closed and
bounded sets, Discontinuities, Uniform continuity, Differentiability, Mean value theorem and L’
Hospital rule, Error estimates.
Metric Spaces: Definition and various examples of metric spaces, Holder’s inequality, Cauchy-schwarz
and minkowski’s inequality, Open and closed balls, Neighborhoods, Open and closed sets, Interior,
Exterior and boundary points, Limit points, Closure of a set, Convergence in metric spaces, Cauchy
sequences, Continuity in metric spaces, Inner product and norm, Orthonormal sets and basis, The Gram-
Schmidt process
Topology: Examples; open and closed subsets, metric spaces, neighbourhoods. Examples. Limit points
and accumulation points. Interior, closure, dense subsets. Constructing new topological spaces:
Cartesian products, induced topology and quotient topology. Continuous maps, open and closed maps,
homeomorphisms. Examples: R, RxR, S^1, S^2, torus, cylinder. Cauchy sequences, complete metric
spaces. Separation axioms. Compact spaces. Properties. Power of Compactness. Image of a compact set
through a continuous map. Compactness and completeness of metric spaces. Connected spaces,
connected components. Properties. Image of a connected set through a continuous map. Path-
Introduction to Logic, Propositional calculus, Sets, Sequences and Functions, Growth of functions.
Algorithms, Complexity of algorithms, Integers and Division, Applications of Number theory, Matrices.
Mathematical Reasoning: Methods of Proof, Mathematical Induction, Recursive definitions. Advanced
Counting techniques: Recurrence Relations, Solving Recurrence Relations, Generating Functions,
Inclusion-Exclusion, Applications of Inclusion-Exclusion. Relations: Relations and their properties,
Representing Relations, Closure of Relations, Equivalence Relations, Partial Orderings. Graphs:
Introduction to Graphs, Graph Terminology, Representing Graphs and Graph Isomorphism,
Connectivity, Euler and Hamilton Paths, Shortest Path problems, Planner Graphs, Graph Coloring.
Trees: Introduction to Trees, Spanning Trees, Minimum Spanning Trees.
Basic Notions
Sets, functions; binary operations; modular arithmetic.
Mathematical theory of a rings, subrings, integral domains, fields, and division ring; interconnections
between these algebraic structures; commutative and noncommutative rings; zero divisors; characteristic
and other fundamental ring theoretic topics. Polynomials
Polynomials; the division algorithm; factorization; units; associates; unique factorization domains.
Ideals and Quotient Rings
Ring homomorphisms; ideals; quotient rings; homomorphism theorem for rings; quotients of
polynomial rings.
Groups Definition; elementary properties including cancellation laws, uniqueness of the identity and
inverses; unique solvability of linear equations; subgroups and subgroup tests; orders of elements; cyclic
groups; modular systems; abelian groups; permutation groups, including the alternating and symmetric
groups, cycle notation, and transpositions; dihedral groups and applications to symmetry.
Introduction to Fuzzy sets , Crisp vs Fuzzy Types of Fuzzy sets, Membership functions , Alpha cuts
Contd alpha cuts, Operation on fuzzy sets, t-norm, complements t-conorm, combination of operartions
continued, Introduction to Fuzzy arithmetic Interval arithmetic, +,-,,* using alpha cuts MIN and MAX
fuzzy numbers, Fuzzy arithmetic using Alpha cuts continued Decomposition principle, Extension
principle Fuzzy arithmetic using Extension Principle Fuzzy Equations, Relations, Introduction to fuzzy
relations Projections, Equivalence relation, transitive closure, compatibility relation, Introduction to
propositional Logic, Boolean Algebra Multi valued logic , Fuzzy Logic, Linguistic hedges, Fuzzy
propositions (conditional and unconditional), Inference from conditional and qualified fuzzy
propositions, Fuzzy Quantifiers, Inference from quantified fuzzy propositions, Introduction to possibility
theory Possibility vs probability Belief and Plausibility, Dempsters rule
Definition and examples of a graph, Sub graph, Types of graphs, Paths, cycles, wheels and walks,
Connected and disconnected graph, Isomorphism, Handshaking lemma, Matrix representation of a
graph, Three puzzles, Connectivity, Eulerian graphs, Hamiltonian graphs, Shortest path Algorithms,
Trees, Traversability, Matchings and Factorizations, Colouring of Graphs
Suggested Instructional / Reading Materials:
1. Robin J. Wilson, Graph Theory, 4th Edition, Longman 2000
2. Douglas B. West, Graph Theory, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall 2003
3. V.K.Balakrishnan, Graph Theory, Schaum’s Ouline 1997
4. Parthasarathy, K.R. Basic Graph Theory, McGraw Hill, 1994
5. Bela Bollobas, Graph Theory, Springer Verlag, New York, 1979
Title of the Course: Measure Theory and Lebesgue Integration
Course Code: MTH-405
Credit Hours: 3+0
Course Outline:
Measurable Sets: Outer measure, Lebesgue measure, Lebesgue measurable sets, Borel sets, Non
measurable sets
Measurable Functions: Lebesgue measurable functions, Simple functions, characteristic functions,
Borel measurable function, Littlewood three principle
The Lebsegue Integration: Review of the Riemann integral, Lebsegue integral, Integral of a non
negative function, Integral of measurable functions, Convergence in measure
Suggested Instructional / Reading Materials:
1. D. Smith, M. Eggen and R. St. Andre, A Transition to Advanced Mathematics, (Brooks, 2001)
2. 2 Seymour Lipshcutz, Set Theory and Related Topics, (Mc-Graw Hill Book Company, 1999) 3
H. L. Royden, Real Analysis, (Macmillam, 1968)
3. D. L. Cohan, Measure Theory, (Bir Khauser, 1980)
4. P.R. Halmos, Measure Theory, (Von Nostrand, New York, 1950)
First order PDEs: Introduction, formation of PDEs, solutions of PDEs of first order, The Cauchy’s
problem for quasilinear first order PDEs, First order nonlinear equations, Special types of first order
equations Second order PDEs: Basic concepts and definitions, Mathematical problems, Linear
operators, Superposition, Mathematical models: The classical equations, the vibrating string, the
vibrating membrane, conduction of heat solids, canonical forms and variable, PDEs of second order in
two independent variables with constant and variable coefficients, Cauchy’s problem for second order
PDEs in two independent variables
Methods of separation of variables: Solutions of elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic PDEs in Cartesian
and cylindrical coordinates Laplace transform: Introduction and properties of Laplace transform,
transforms of elementary functions, periodic functions, error function and Dirac delta function, inverse
Laplace transform, convolution theorem, solution of PDEs by Laplace transform, Diffusion and wave
Fourier transforms: Fourier integral representation, Fourier sine and cosine representation, Fourier
transform pair, transform of elementary functions and Dirac delta function, finite Fourier transforms,
solutions of heat, wave and Laplace equations by Fourier transforms.
Review: Galilean relativity, Newtonian mechanics, Electrodynamics and inconsistency with Galilean
relativity, ether and experiments for its detection, failure to detect ether. Measurement of velocity of
light in moving frames. Lorentz, Poincare and developments towards relativity
Einstein’s special theory: Constancy of velocity of light as a postulate. Derivation of Lorentz
transformation. Length contraction and time dilation. Mass- energy relation, Doppler shift. Minkowski
space-time diagram, boosts as complex rotations in Minkowski space
Four dimensional space-time continuum, Lorentz transformations as coordinate transformations, vectors,
scalar product, scalars, tensors, contravariant and covariant objects, laws of physics as tensor equations,
Mechanics, hydro-dynamics and electrodynamics as tensor equations
Beyond special relativity: Inertial and gravitational mass, Equivalence principle, Introducing
gravitational field as general coordinate transformation, Principle of general covariance, Metric tensor
and affine connection, Gravitational potential as metric tensor, Laws of physics in presence of
gravitation, gravitational time dilation and red shift, Experimental observation of gravitational red shift
Lorentz and Poincare groups: abelian and non-abelian groups, Rotations in two and three dimensions,
generators of rotations, Representations (finite dimensional), Casimir operators, Lorentz transformations
as a group, Generators for translations, rotations and boosts, Finite and infinite dimensional
Mechanical Vibrations and waves: simple harmonic motion, Mass-Spring System, Simple Harmonic
Oscillator Equation, Complex Number Notation, LC Circuit, Simple Pendulum, Quality Factor, LCR
Forced vibrations and resonance: Steady-State Behavior, Driven LCR Circuit, Transient Oscillator
Response, Resonance, Superposition
Coupled Oscillations: Two Spring-Coupled Masses, Two Coupled LC Circuits, Three Spring Coupled
Masses, Normal Modes, Atomic and Lattice Vibrations
Transverse Waves: Transverse Standing Waves, Normal Modes, General Time Evolution of a Uniform
String, Phase velocity, Group Velocity.
Longitudinal Waves: Spring Coupled Masses, Sound Waves in an Elastic Solid, Sound Waves in an
Ideal Gas.
Traveling Waves: Standing Waves in a Finite Continuous Medium, Traveling Waves in an Infinite
Continuous Medium, Energy Conservation, Transmission Lines, Reflection and Transmission at
Boundaries, Electromagnetic Waves.
Wave Pulses: Fourier Series and Fourier Transforms, Bandwidth, Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle.
Multi-Dimensional Waves: Plane Waves, Three-Dimensional Wave Equation, Laws of Geometric
Optics, Waveguides, Cylindrical Waves.
Interference and Diffraction of Waves: Double-Slit Interference, Single-Slit Diffraction.
Introductory Concepts
Dimensions, units, fluid mass and weight,
Compressibility, vapor pressure, viscosity, surface tension
Fluid Statics
Pressure, hydrostatic force on plane and curved surface
Manometers, Plane and inclined manometers
Buoyancy and Archimedes Principle
Elementary Fluid Dynamics
Stream lines
Bernoulli’s Equation along the streamline and across the streamline
Application of Bernoulli’s Equation
Static, stagnation and total Pressure and pitot tube
Hydraulic grade line and energy grade line
Assumption of Bernoulli’s equation
Fluid Kinematics
Velocity field, acceleration field, control volume,
Material Derivative
Reynolds’s transport theorem
Finite Control Volume Analysis
Conservation of Mass for a Control Volume
Derivation and application of linear momentum equation
Derivation and application of momentum of momentum equation
Derivation and application of energy equation
Comparison of equations
Differential Analysis of Fluid Flow
Overview of types of motion and deformation a fluid element
Differential form of continuity equation
The stream function
Deriving the equations of motion
Dimensional Analysis, Similitude, and Modeling
Dimensional Analysis
Buckingham Pi Theorem
Computer Languages: A brief introduction of the computer languages like Basic, C. Pascal etc. and
known software packages of computation Numerical Methods: Numerical Solutions of equations,
Regression and interpolation, Numerical integration and differentiation. Error analysis and
technique for elimination of systematic and random errors Modeling & Simulations: Conceptual
models, the mathematical models, Random numbers and random walk, doing Physics with random
Computer simulation, Relationship of modeling and simulation. Some systems of interest for physicists
such as Motion of Falling objects, Kepler's problems, Oscillatory motion, Many particle systems,
Dynamic systems, Wave phenomena, Field of static charges and current, Diffusion, Populations
genetics etc.