Gatecrashers (Level 5 One-Shot)

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Plot Summary/Background

● This adventure takes place after the events of Oathbringer, and contains spoilers for it
and all previous Stormlight books
● Harkin’s Crossing, a fortified city near the border of Alethkar and the Frostlands, where it
prevents the Coalition army from moving to retake Alethkar. The Coalition of Monarchs
has managed to sneak in an elite strike force to open the city gates so the army can take
the city without storming the walls. Unfortunately for our heroes, the city is under the
control of the Fused
○ The statblock for the Magnificent One is in Chasmfiend Magazine, which does
cost money. However, rules for the Masked One can be found in one of the
Kickstarter updates, and you can always substitute the Fused for Stormform

Important NPCs
● Captain Goral: leader of the city’s internal resistance force, he is calm and stoic in the
face of danger
● Perith Three-Fingers: Crime lord of the city; cannot be trusted to act outside his own self-
● Rathalas: barkeep of The Fingerless Glove, a tavern near the city garrison. Sympathetic
to the Coalition’s cause
● The Fused: The importance of the Fused who run the city will vary depending on how
you run this; I only used them as a “Final Boss” for my players. If you want to give them
names, and even have them work against the players, feel free to do so

● The ultimate goal is to open the gatehouse, but even Radiants and Shardbearers can’t
take on a full city garrison. Thankfully, some of the current Wall Guard have no special
love for their new overlords, and will aid the players in attacking the gatehouse.
● In order to fight the Singers manning the wall, the loyal (or traitor, depending on how you
look at it) guards will need weapons. There are two main ways to get weapons in the
city; stealing them from the armory, or striking a deal with the local crime lord
Rob the Armory

Key to the buildings: Most are barracks for the soldiers, the building in the top left is the officer’s quarters,
the building in the bottom right is the Fingerless Glove, and the building in the top center is the armory

● The armory is built next to the garrison houses, and is almost always under heavy guard.
Even during rotations, the adjacent tavern (The Fingerless Glove) means there’s almost
always someone in the area
● The tavern keeper, Rathalas, is sympathetic to the coalition cause. If persuaded, he will
offer a round of drinks “on the house” to the soldiers to distract them from the armory
● My original plan for my group was to run this encounter as an endeavor. In the end, I
adopted a “hybrid style” where they still had to make multiple skill checks, but didn’t
need to hit a threshold, they just got in a position where they could get away. If you do
run the encounter as an endeavor, here are some sample skill checks the group could
○ Unlock the door (thievery or Stealth)
○ Cut a hole in the wall with a Shardblade (Heavy Weapons)
○ Distract the guards (Deception or some other appropriate skill)
○ Quickly incapacitate a few of the weaker guards (heavy or light weapons)
○ Stand watch while the weapons are stolen (Perception)
○ Persuade the tavern keeper to offer a round of drinks on the house, bringing in
nearby guardsmen (Persuasion)
○ Start a tavern brawl between the human and Singers, who barely tolerate one
another (appropriate social skill here)
○ Soulcast the wall (Transformation; requires a Lightweaver or Soulcaster)
Sway the Crime Lord

● Perith Three-Fingers is the de facto leader of the city’s underworld, and has been since
before the return of the Everstorm. He has reached out to the infiltration team about
supplying the strike force with some black market weapons. However, he’s worried
about possible Singer retribution, and needs convincing before he’ll do it, especially at
prices the infiltration team can afford
● Possible avenues include
○ The threat of coalition crackdown if the party succeeds without him (Intimidation)
○ Promising him none of this is traceable (Persuasion or Thievery)
○ Convince him of the martial prowess of the party (Discipline or possibly the
appropriate weapon skill?)
○ Promising amnesty in exchange for cooperation

(Optional) Prepare Supplies

● Resupplying and potentially reinforcing the loyalists is an endeavor. Possible checks
○ Convincing on the fence guardsmen to defect and join the strike force
(appropriate social skill, most likely Leadership or Persuasion)
○ Making improvised arms and armaments (Crafting)
○ Prepare poultices for battlefield first aid (Medicine)
○ Drill the troops you have (Disciple, Heavy Weapons, or Light Weapons)
○ Soulcast additional weapons (Transformation)

(Optional) Distract the Fused

● To get the Fused away from the gatehouse, have the players come up with a distraction,
possibly running the setup for that distraction as an endeavor. Possible distractions
○ Burning the food stores (as it turns out, flour is highly flammable)
○ If the players have more soldiers than expected, perhaps by rallying more
citizens to their side, they could make a feint attack on the opposite side of the
city or simply harass reinforcements to slow them down
○ Inciting the darkeyes to revolt
○ Convincing a few of the lighteyes still in power to distract the Fused with “urgent
● If you don’t have time to run this, you can still have the Fused arrive after the gatehouse
has already been captured, or replace the gatehouse garrison with the Fused
○ Be careful about reinforcing the Fused with additional soldiers; I didn’t get to
properly test Tier 2 combat, and parties not martially inclined may struggle
The Assault

The structure on the left is the city wall. To access the gatehouse, players will either need to
climb the walls or use one of the two staircases to reach the second floor. The dotted wall is a
half-wall which can give cover. I ran the two buildings on the left as empty housing, but you may
wish to use them as a guardpost. The objects in between are crates and chull wagons, which
can provide cover from attacks

● When the time comes to assault the gatehouse, the players are expected to be the ones
actually capturing it. Running the encounter with too many ally soldiers (and enemies to
compensate) may slow down combat
● The initial staff of the gatehouse is light; I used around 6 tier 1 rivals/minions (a mix of
human and Singers). For each weapon stash the party fails to acquire, consider adding
more enemy guardsmen to represent those not fighting the player’s strike force
● Once the chaff is dealt with and the players have secured the gatehouse, the Fused
○ Depending on how the last fight went, you might want to give the player
characters a brief moment to catch their breath and/or use Investiture to heal
○ The precise amount of Fused is flexible, depending on party size and
composition (you don’t want to throw four Fused at a party of Envoys!). I
recommend adjusting the number to fit your party

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