125 SHED English

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Grant No. 22

125 - Secondary and Higher Education Division

Medium Term Expenditure
(Taka in Thousands)
Budget Projection
2024-25 2025-26 2026-27
Operating Expenditure 28566,84,00 31093,07,00 34202,56,00
Development Expenditure 15541,50,00 17335,67,00 19069,24,00
Total 44108,34,00 48428,74,00 53271,80,00

Recurrent 32643,44,97 31731,40,99 34295,43,40

Capital 11464,89,03 16697,33,01 18976,36,60
Financial Asset 0 0 0
Liability 0 0 0
Total 44108,34,00 48428,74,00 53271,80,00

1.0 Mission Statement and Major Functions

1.1 Mission Statement

To develop well educated and efficient human resources imbued with the moral values by imparting
general, science and technology-based education and training.

1.2 Major Functions

1.2.1 Formulation and implementation of policy for secondary and tertiary education;
1.2.2 Research and training programs with focus on improving the quality of secondary, higher secondary and
tertiary education;
1.2.3 Formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of projects with focus on construction of new
educational infrastructure and improvement and expansion of existing infrastructure and Establishment of
specialized university and creation of open educational resources;
1.2.4 Formulation of curriculum for secondary levels and printing and distribution of free text books for primary
and secondary levels;
1.2.5 Registration and recruitment of teachers for non-government education institutions;
1.2.6 Providing merit scholarship and stipend for students at secondary and degree levels;
1.2.7 Providing broad-band connection, multi-media books to educational institutions, ensuring use of ICT in
class rooms and application of ICT in education management;
1.2.8 Increasing bilateral and international cooperation in education sector.

2.0 Medium Term Strategic Objectives and Key Activities

Medium Term Strategic Activities Implementing

Objectives Departments/Agencies

1 2 3

1. Ensuring quality  Construction of new buildings of secondary  Education Engineering

Secondary and Higher level educational institutions; Department (EED).
Secondary Education.  Expansion of secondary education

Medium Term Strategic Activities Implementing

Objectives Departments/Agencies

1 2 3
opportunities in and around Dhaka city;

 Distribution of textbooks to all secondary National Curriculum & Text

level students within the month of January. Book Board (NCTB).

 Conducting classes through multimedia and Directorate of Secondary and

online platform; Higher Education (DSHE)
 Inspection of educational institutions/offices.

 Inspection and auditing of Government and Department of Inspection &

non-government educational institutions. Audit.

2. To create opportunities  Legislation aimed at establishing new University Grants Commission

in access to affordable universities; (UGC).
and quality higher  Approval of new departments and institutes
education. and posts in universities;
 Infrastructure development of universities;
 Set up new laboratories, Innovation Labs
and computer labs in universities;
 Increasing cooperation and collaboration
with universities and industrial institutions;
 Expanding online journal facilities through
digital libraries in universities.
 Distribution stipends and tuition fees to Prime Minister's Educational
secondary and higher secondary level Assistance Trust
 Distribution stipends and tuition fees to
graduate (pass) and equivalent level

3. Eliminating gender  Construction of new classrooms in Education Engineering

disparity in education educational institutions in backward areas. Department (EED)
and creating equal
 Construction of toilets for female students in
educational opportunities
constructed educational institutions.
for people with special
needs.  Construction of ramps for disabled students.

 Providing financial assistance to poor and Prime Minister's Educational

meritorious students to ensure admission in Assistance Trust
educational institutions;
 Providing contemporary financial grants to
teachers and staff suffering from terminal
diseases and seriously injured in accidents
and poor and meritorious students;

 Providing merit scholarships and stipends Directorate of Secondary and

based on public examination results; Higher Education (DSHE).

4. Improving the quality of  Strengthening research activities on various  Bangladesh Bureau of

education through issues related to education and training; Education Information and
research Statistics (BANBEIS) &
 National Academy for

Medium Term Strategic Activities Implementing

Objectives Departments/Agencies

1 2 3
Education Management

 Research on arts, social sciences, science  University Grants

and technology; Commission (UGC)

 Providing MPhil and PhD fellowships in  Prime Minister's Educational

higher education; Assistance Trust
 Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Scholar

5. Improving the skills of  Establishment of upazila ICT training and  Bangladesh Bureau of
teachers and staffs resource center Education Information and
through training and Statistics (BANBEIS)
increasing the number of
qualified teachers and  Organization of special learning sessions  Secondary and Higher
staffs at a singificant rate for capacity building of secondary and Education Division (SHED).
higher education department employees;

 Conducting teacher training programs.  National Academy for

Education Management

3.0 Poverty, Gender and Climate activities Reporting

3.1 Impact of Medium Term Strategic Objectives on Poverty Reduction, Women's
Advancement and Climate activities:

3.1.1 To ensure quality Secondary and Higher Secondary Education

Impact on Poverty Reduction: Construction, repair, renovation and expansion of new buildings in
educational institutions, distribution of free textbooks to all students, providing stipends and merit
scholarships to students, taking classes through digital (online and multimedia) mode will reduce unequal
competition in higher education and create self-employment for the poor and alleviate poverty, will play an
important role.

Impact on Women’s Advancement: Distribution of free textbooks to all students, stipends and merit
scholarships will increase women's participation in education. As a result, child marriage prevention,
women's access to the labor market will increase and women's participation in income-generating activities
will increase, thereby overall women's empowerment and women's social security will be ensured.

Impact on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation: New secondary school buildings set up in
climate change affected areas will be able to be used as shelters in case of emergency due to climate
change. They can also be used as permanent community communication centers for climate change
emergency preparedness. Apart from this, environment-friendly infrastructure is being created in
educational institutions, including water reservoirs, tree planting, which will play a role in climate adaptation
and mitigation, and students will also get an opportunity to be environmentally conscious.

3.1.2 To create opportunities in higher education for women and men with equity and quality

Impact on poverty reduction:

Establishing new universities, improving the physical infrastructure of universities, general science,
technology, applied and business education, along with making the policy of admission of students in
professional degree courses poor-friendly and by implementing them, poor students will get the opportunity
to enroll in the courses in large numbers. This will create a huge opportunity for self-employment of poor
people. Besides, stipends are being provided at the degree level which is having a direct impact on
poverty alleviation and creating opportunities for the deserving to complete their education.

Impact on Women’s Advancement: Women’s capacity and skill is expected to be increased through
enrollment in professional degree courses. Their social dignity will also be enhanced by participating in the
productive activities.

Impact on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation: With the expansion of science and technology
education, research opportunities are being created to gain knowledge about future actions to reduce the
impact of environment and climate change and to develop environment-friendly technologies. Community
awareness on environmental protection is increasing.

3.1.3 Promotion of research in secondary and higher education

Impact on Poverty Reduction: Allocation of funds for conducting educational research, higher research
on various subjects, research in universities etc. are ensuring quality education, which will directly
contribute to the creation of self-employment of the poor and poverty alleviation.

Impact on Women’s Advancement: As women's participation in research programs increases, women's

empowerment and women's access to the labor market will increase, and women's participation in income-
generating activities will increase, thereby ensuring women's overall social security.

Impact on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation: Along with the expansion of science and
technology education, research opportunities are being created to gain knowledge about future actions to
reduce the impact of environment and climate change and to develop environment-friendly technologies.

3.1.4 Improving the skills of teachers and staffs.

Impact on Poverty Reduction: By imparting training to secondary school teachers in education

administration and management and ICT, quality education is ensured as a result of which quality
education will directly contribute to the creation of self-employment and poverty alleviation of the poor

Impact on Women’s Advancement: The participation of women teachers among trained teachers will
increase the skills of women and increase the rate of qualified women teachers. Women can be
represented in the participation of merit-based rights thereby increasing the power and status of women.

Impact on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation: As a result of the training, the awareness of
environmental protection of all concerned will increase through socio-social awareness.

3.1.5 Eliminating gender disparity in education and creating equal educational opportunities for people
with special needs

Impact on poverty reduction: As a part of Stipend-Financial Assistance for Boys and Girls of Poor
Families, 4,35,49,328 selected students have been given stipends of Tk 10010.0585 crore from FY 2009-
2010 to FY 2021-2022. Besides, 1,87,384 students are given scholarships every year under merit
scholarship. In the last 3 years, classrooms with water source, sanitation facilities, improved washrooms
have been constructed as institutional facilities under safe environment, drinking water supply, sanitation
and infrastructural development for students. In the last 3 years (2019-2020, 2020-2021 and 2021-2022), a
total of 34494 classrooms have been constructed in public and private secondary schools. Moreover, a
total of 4491 classrooms have been constructed in public and private colleges, 77 examination centers, 84
college canteens, 54 meeting rooms, 1409 ICT Lab has been built. Apart from this, a total of 9380
classrooms have been constructed including 42 in 14 polytechnic institutes, 97 TSCs and other specialized
educational institutions. 1001 classrooms have been set up in 154 secondary schools in underserved
areas. 134 hostels have been constructed in government colleges and government girls' schools for the
accommodation of female students. 12934 buildings of public and private educational institutions have
been repaired and renovated, 24207 toilets and 3914 ramps have been constructed for students. As a
result, inclusion of students from backward areas in education will increase, they will be able, skills will
increase which will help in poverty alleviation.

Impact on Women’s Advancement: Construction of 134 hostels, 24207 toilets and 3914 ramps for
students with special needs have been constructed in government colleges and government secondary
schools for accommodation of female students. Moreover, it is increasing educational opportunities with

financial support for female students at the secondary level, which will later help them participate in
income-generating activities in the labor market and empower women and increase the status of women in

Impact on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation: Educational infrastructure built in coastal areas
can play a positive role in climate adaptation and mitigation as they can be used as shelters during natural

3.2 Poverty Reduction, Women’s Advancement and Climate Change Related Spending
(Taka in Thousand)
Budget Projection
2024-25 2025-26 2026-27
Poverty Reduction 29372,86,68 36394,02,36 41294,10,52
Gender 21484,83,31 20737,21,80 19345,23,45
Climate Change 1005,84,00 1106,42,40 1217,06,64

4.1 Priority Spending Areas/Programmes

Priority Spending Areas/Programmes Related Medium Term Strategic

1. Improving quality of the Secondary Education  To ensure quality Secondary and
Key initiatives to improve the quality of education including various Higher Secondary Education.
study, baseline survey, curriculum development, decentralization of
the education management, establishment of model school and
colleges and new schools in under-served areas ensures quality
education. Hence, this has been given top priority.

2. Development of physical infrastructure for Government and  To ensure Quality secondary and
non-Government education institutions Higher Secondary Education.
Construction of new buildings for different educational institutions
(school, college and madrasa), repair and renovation of existing
institutions and establishment of new schools in underserved areas
will directly contribute to the expansion of education opportunities.
Hence, these activities have been prioritized.

3. Provision of stipends to female students at secondary and  Eliminating gender disparity in

higher secondary levels education and creating equal
Continuing the stipend program for female students will contribute to educational opportunities for
reduce dropout rate and ensure gender equality. Hence, this initiative people with special needs.
has been given priority.

4. Construction and expansion of infrastructure of new science  Creation of equal and quality
and technology universities including existing engineering and higher education opportunities for
technology universities men and women.
The sector has been prioritized to create specialized productive
manpower, life-saving innovations and reduce unemployment by
providing opportunities to more students in vocational and higher
education in addition to general education.

4.2 Medium Term Expenditure Estimates and Projection (2024-25 to 2026-27)

4.2.1 Expenditure by Department/Agencies/Institutional Units
(Taka in Thousands)
Budget Revised Budget Projection
2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27
Secretariat, Secondary and Higher Education 16199,85,00 12016,98,82 15453,18,34 18180,75,00 22672,46,00
Bangladesh National Commission for UNESCO 4,20,00 4,00,85 4,84,66 5,00,00 5,20,00
Head Office, Directorate Secondary & Higher Education 16403,19,65 15766,07,67 18602,11,34 20497,50,60 21816,45,05

Budget Revised Budget Projection

2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27
Zonal Secondary and Higher Education Offices 13,32,16 13,28,68 14,00,00 14,77,79 15,21,45
District Education Offices 40,09,03 41,17,38 43,80,00 48,18,00 52,99,80
Upazila Secondary Education Offices 178,11,03 218,11,03 173,01,00 190,31,10 209,34,20
Teachers Training Colleges 61,44,29 55,79,96 58,65,00 64,51,50 70,96,65
Higher Secondary Teachers Training Institutes 19,55,38 17,84,46 18,71,00 20,58,10 22,63,91
Government Colleges 2075,14,96 2065,14,96 2501,17,00 2621,28,70 2814,99,00
Government Secondary Schools 1228,00,53 1228,00,53 1447,37,00 1577,10,71 1641,27,56
Government School & Colleges 119,63,67 119,63,67 148,85,00 169,73,50 149,31,38
Head Office, Bangladesh Education Engineering
5840,12,95 1834,99,00 5051,39,50 4699,48,50 3497,01,00
Offices of the Superintending Engineer, Education
8,74,00 7,95,14 9,14,00 9,84,00 10,54,00
Engineering Department
Office of the Executive Engineer (Zone Office),
119,35,00 112,16,00 131,49,50 135,46,50 147,40,00
Education Engineering Department
Inspection and Audit Directorate 9,72,00 9,01,30 9,50,00 10,20,00 11,00,00
National Academy for Education Management 49,35,00 40,54,69 130,55,00 55,00,00 60,00,00
Bangladesh Bureau of Educational Information and
427,13,35 540,05,34 266,95,66 83,00,00 27,00,00
Statistics (BANBEIS)
Upazila ICT Training & Resource Centre for Eduction
42,00,00 40,65,55 43,60,00 46,00,00 48,00,00
Grand Total : 42838,98,00 34131,45,03 44108,34,00 48428,74,00 53271,80,00

4.2.2 Expenditure by Economic Group Wise

(Taka in Thousands)
Economic Budget Revised Budget Projection
Group 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27
Recurrent Expenditure
3111 Wages and salaries in cash 3794,85,75 3972,62,92 4460,51,22 4942,97,19 5322,03,56
3211 Administrative expenses 469,73,72 336,54,45 455,75,60 410,59,03 361,93,35
3221 Fees, charges and commissions 20,14,17 16,28,90 18,01,39 57,17 63,22
3231 Training 662,36,86 862,20,04 1147,44,09 838,66,75 1020,45,80
3243 Petrol, oil and lubricants 18,91,35 18,84,99 24,16,65 25,23,65 23,30,59
3244 Travel and Transfer 54,24,61 38,72,69 46,04,77 45,08,48 46,28,12
3251 Agriculture supplies 3,00 3,00 3,00 3,00 3,00
3252 Medical and surgical supplies 3,00 7,50 4,00 5,00 5,00
3253 Public order and safety supplies 75,70 87,37 1,18,22 1,55,83 1,68,70
3255 Printing and stationery 36,05,88 39,84,25 42,19,27 45,32,98 46,46,80
3256 General supplies and materials 24,14,02 24,45,49 29,79,36 31,75,44 33,22,61
3257 Professional services, honorariums and
164,65,62 167,55,16 346,17,06 353,91,78 259,86,51
special expenses
3258 Repairs and maintenance 596,88,91 599,13,30 682,23,04 739,07,94 768,64,60
3631 Current grants 19242,98,85 19760,00,69 21175,31,81 23172,15,14 25419,48,87
3632 Capital grants 493,96,48 283,29,89 435,26,95 352,84,28 277,93,10
3821 Current transfers not elsewhere classified 1737,16,01 2441,87,09 2899,98,64 316,04,95 346,26,55
3823 Current transfers for projects 349,72,92 255,50,00 362,95,00 36,44,73 16,16,90
3911 Reserve 1102,47,74 326,21,05 516,34,90 419,07,65 350,96,12
Total : - Recurrent Expenditure 28769,14,59 29144,08,78 32643,44,97 31731,40,99 34295,43,40
Capital Expenditure
4111 Buildings and structures 5403,99,00 1754,71,12 4686,22,05 5742,60,95 4811,39,91
4112 Machinery and equipment 1936,78,82 803,23,47 2080,33,54 2774,26,50 1099,77,09
4113 Other fixed assets 24,49,60 99,02,66 20,57,44 7,96,66 8,27,17
4141 Land 60,45,90 1,00,69 55,50,00 14,00,00 16,88,00

Economic Budget Revised Budget Projection

Group 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27
4211 Capital expenditure for project 5729,41,69 2329,22,31 4105,63,89 2384,44,51 677,38,10
4911 Reserve 912,87,40 1,00 516,62,11 5774,04,39 12362,66,33
Total : - Capital Expenditure 14068,02,41 4987,21,25 11464,89,03 16697,33,01 18976,36,60
7215 Loans 1,81,00 15,00 0 0 0
Total : - Assets 1,81,00 15,00 0 0 0
Grand Total : 42838,98,00 34131,45,03 44108,34,00 48428,74,00 53271,80,00

5.0 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Revised Revised
Related Actual Target Medium Term Targets
Indicator Strategic Unit Target Target
2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Secondary Education
1. * Student enrolment at
1,3 % 61.01 60.17 65.48 60.44 62.04 63.24 64.62
secondary level (6th-10th grade)

2. ** Drop out at secondary level

1,3 % 34;19 36,07 32;36 35.51 34.77 34.02 33,28
(6th-10th grade)

3. Ratio of male-female students at

1,3 ratio 47:53 46.54 49:51 48.52 50:50 50:50 50:50
secondary level (6th-10th grade)

4. Student enrolment at higher

1,3 % 38;04 36,57 39:32 37.23 39.08 39.08 40.00
secondary level (11th-12th grade)

5. Drop out at higher secondary

1,3 % 18;91 19.93 19.55 19.48 19.40 19.11 19
level (11th-12th grade)

6. Ratio of male-female students at

higher secondary level (11th-12th 1,3 ratio 49;91 48.52 50:50 49.51 50:50 50:50 50:50

Higher Education
1. *** Enrolment at professional
2, 3 thousand 6.51 4.43 7.05 5.42 5.85 6.33 6.70
degree course *

2. Graduation and post-graduation

2 % 4.09 4.24 4.11 4.39 4.47 4.55 4.70
degree rate

3. Enrolment of female students at

2,3 % 20.31 19.47 20.98 19.86 20.23 20.60 20.96
tertiary education

* Enrolment rate of Boys and Girls= Rate of enrollment of students is calculated on total population of that age group
** The dropout rate is calculated as percentage of the students enrolled.
*** Enrolment of students at professional degree course as a percentage of total population of that age group (18-22 years).
NB: Key Performance Indicators of madraasha and technical education has been shown in Madraasha and Technical Education Division

6.0 Recent Achievements, Activities, Output Indicators and Targets and

Expenditure Estimates of the Departments/Agencies
6.1 Secretariat

6.1.1 Recent Achievements: The Division allocated 73.75 crore taka for 357 researches, a total of 5 crores 91
lac taka (per institute 60000.00 taka) for purchasing of research equipment for 985 private educational
institutes, a total of 5 crores 20 lakh taka for repair and renovation purpose and purchasing furniture to 520
private institutions in the last three financial year. Besides this a total of 2 crore 59 lakh 80 thousand taka
to 866 sick teachers and employees of private educational institutions and 18 crore 20 lakh taka to 21333
students have been allocated in the last 3 financial year. As per government decision 20,91,77,530 copies
of secondary (Bangla and English version) Ibtedayi, Dakhil and Dakhil Vocational level and 5752 copies of
Braille books in total 20,91,83,283 copies of textbooks and pre-primary in total of 30,29,86,889 copies of
textbooks including 9,38,03,606 copies of primary and minor groups have been delivered free of charge to
3,81,28,354 students at the beginning of the academic year 2023-24. The department is working to
inseminate a modern, science-minded and internationally competitive human resource by introducing

internet-based interactive teaching, conducting online admission process and digitizing education
management with the aim of introducing information-technology based education system to complement all
contemporary global trends. At the university level, 908373 online classes were held in the financial year
2021-22, in which 46372849 students participated. Almost 11,040 new classrooms at the secondary level
and repair and renovation of 4,016 educational institutions, 1,140 classrooms in selected private colleges
and 318 new classrooms in educational institutions have been constructed in backward areas during FY
2021-22. Besides these 07 academic buildings, 5 residential buildings and 3 student halls have been
constructed in the public university in the financial year 2021-22.

6.1.2 Activities, Output Indicators and Targets:

Related Revised Revised

Actual Target Medium Term Targets
Activities Output Indicator Strategic Unit Target Target
Objectives 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1. Organization of special training
sessions for capacity building of
sessions 5 No. 6 6 6 6 6 6
secondary and higher secondary
education division employees

6.1.3 Medium Term Expenditure Estimates by Institutional Unit, Schemes and Projects
(Taka in Thousands)

Related Actual Budget Revised Medium Term Expenditure Estimates

Name of the Institutional Unit/Scheme/ Project
Activity 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Operating Activities
General Activity
1250101 - Secretariat, Secondary and Higher
55,30,94 64,90,00 56,82,90 121,80,60 81,36,00 93,60,00
1250102 - Bangladesh National Commission for
2,97,80 4,20,00 4,00,85 4,84,66 5,00,00 5,20,00
Total : General Activity 58,28,74 69,10,00 60,83,75 126,65,26 86,36,00 98,80,00
Special Activity
120000801 - Loans to Government Employees 50 1,81,00 15,00 0 0 0
120001403 - Academic Talent Hunt Programme - 5,66,33 6,00,00 6,00,00 6,50,00 6,50,00 6,50,00
120001405 - Education Week - 6,64,25 8,00,00 8,00,00 8,50,00 8,50,00 8,50,00
120001408 - National Research Based Teaching - 36,47 52,00 40,00 52,00 52,00 52,00
120001513 - Special Grants to Students,Teachers
- 7,99,76 12,00,00 12,00,00 10,00,00 10,00,00 10,00,00
and Educational institutions
127003801 - Commonwealth Distance Education 25,70 40,00 40,00 40,00 40,00 40,00
127010701 - ISESCO 0 3,30,00 3,30,00 1,60,00 1,60,00 1,60,00
127011701 - Islimic University of Technology 42,68 50,00 57,00 60,00 60,00 60,00
127017501 - UNESCO 23,08 40,00 38,00 40,00 40,00 40,00
Total : Special Activity 21,58,77 32,93,00 31,20,00 28,52,00 28,52,00 28,52,00
Support Activity
131004300 - International Mother Language
- 5,70,00 7,55,00 13,55,00 9,00,00 10,50,00 11,00,00
131004500 - Dhaka Residential Model College - 17,00,00 18,50,00 18,50,00 20,00,00 21,00,00 22,00,00
131019300 - Bangladesh Accreditation Council 8,23,40 9,09,00 8,85,92 10,00,00 10,50,00 11,20,00
132011700 - Prime Minister's Education Support
- 2,57,50 3,36,00 3,32,00 3,76,00 4,00,00 4,70,00
135002100 - Dhaka School of Economics - 3,00,00 3,00,00 3,00,00 3,00,00 3,00,00 3,00,00
135002200 - Girls Guide Association - 3,00,00 3,00,00 3,00,00 3,00,00 3,00,00 3,00,00
135002300 - Bangladesh Economic Association - 20,00 20,00 20,00 20,00 20,00 20,00
135002400 - Bangladesh Scouts - 5,00,00 5,00,00 5,00,00 5,00,00 5,00,00 5,00,00
135002500 - Bangladesh Society for Training and
- 20,00 20,00 20,00 20,00 20,00 20,00
Development (BSTD)
135002600 - Bishwa Sahitya Kendra - 1,50,00 1,50,00 1,50,00 1,50,00 1,50,00 1,50,00
135002700 - Campus Social Development Center - 35,00 35,00 35,00 35,00 35,00 35,00
135002800 - Foundation for Research on
- 20,00 20,00 20,00 20,00 20,00 20,00
Educational Planning and Development (FREPD )

Related Actual Budget Revised Medium Term Expenditure Estimates

Name of the Institutional Unit/Scheme/ Project
Activity 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
135002900 - Khulna Public College - 12,80,00 14,10,00 14,10,00 15,40,00 16,50,00 17,50,00
135003300 - Bangladesh Unnayan Parishad - 25,00 25,00 25,00 25,00 25,00 25,00
135003400 - Non Government Teacher Employee
- 0 700,00,00 700,00,00 300,00,00 0 0
Retirement Benefit Board
Total : Support Activity 60,00,90 766,30,00 772,02,92 371,86,00 76,20,00 80,10,00
Total : Operating Activities 139,88,41 868,33,00 864,06,67 527,03,26 191,08,00 207,42,00
Development Activities
Annual Development Program
221000125 - Reserve for unapproved project
- 0 893,08,00 0 500,00,00 5750,66,63 12362,66,33
Secondary & Higher Education Division
224016300 - Expansion of Scouting in Bangladesh
and Construction of Scout Satabdi Bhaban - 25,84,00 1,00 1,00 0 0 0
(01/01/16 - 31/12/2023)
224284700 - Construction of Sylhet Regional and
- 14,43,44 13,60,00 10,18,00 16,28,00 10,00,00 0
Maulovibazar District Scout Bhaban
224284800 - Development of Regional Scout
Training Centre, Lalmai, Comilla (01/01/2019- - 9,77,50 27,80,00 13,90,00 14,35,00 10,00,00 0
Total : Annual Development Program 50,04,94 934,49,00 24,09,00 530,63,00 5770,66,63 12362,66,33
Total : Development Activities 50,04,94 934,49,00 24,09,00 530,63,00 5770,66,63 12362,66,33
Program (Single Budget)
320000100 - Secondary Education Development
0 600,00,00 6,00,00 20,00,34 0 0
Program (SEDP) (01/07/2018-30/06/2025)
320000101 - Management, Technical Assistance
and Coordination of SEDP (01/10/2018- 7,75,37 20,00,00 20,00,00 38,14,00 0 0
320000102 - Improving Access & Retention
Through Harmonized Stipend Program 1907,85,36 1398,00,00 2221,25,00 2642,78,00 0 0
Total : Investment 1915,60,73 2018,00,00 2247,25,00 2700,92,34 0 0
Total : Program (Single Budget) 1915,60,73 2018,00,00 2247,25,00 2700,92,34 0 0
Total : 2105,54,08 3820,82,00 3135,40,67 3758,58,60 5961,74,63 12570,08,33

6.2 Department of Secondary and Higher Education (DSHE)

6.2.1 Recent Achievements: In the last 03 financial years, 985 educational institutions were allocated tk5 crore
91 lakhs for the purchase of research equipment. Besides, 3,28,407 people have been trained on New
Curriculum, 1,23,144 teachers and education related officials on other subjects and 10,900 teachers
parents and officials on autism have been trained. A total of Tk 250 crore performance based grants have
been distributed to 5000 educational institutions. Implementation of vocational education, academic
programs spanning 10 trades (2 trades in each institution) have commenced in 640 selected schools under
SESIP. Online inspection and monitoring through DMS (Digital Monitoring System) apps have been
conducted in 19,821 educational institutions. In all government and almost all private secondary schools,
admission is processed through digital lottery system from class 1 to class 9. As merit scholarship 397.06
crore taka have been disbursed through ‘G to P’ to 1168204 students. 333 colleges have been
nationalized. 72.50 crore books have been distributed among the students.

6.2.2 Activities, Output Indicators and Targets

Related Revised Revised

Actual Target Medium Term Targets
Activities Output Indicator Strategic Unit Target Target
Objectives 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1. Taking the class through

Classes taken 1 No. 6.50 9.58 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00

2. Public Examination Result Merit Scholarship for

100 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Scholarship and Minority student
Community and Tribal 3 Percentage
Scholarship taken
Scholarship 100 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
by student

Related Revised Revised

Actual Target Medium Term Targets
Activities Output Indicator Strategic Unit Target Target
Objectives 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

3. Educational Institute/Office Visit Institution of

1 No. 5000 9508 5500 5500 6500 6500 6500

6.2.3 Medium Term Expenditure Estimates by Institutional Unit, Schemes and Projects
(Taka in Thousands)

Related Actual Budget Revised Medium Term Expenditure Estimates

Name of the Institutional Unit/Scheme/ Project
Activity 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Operating Activities
General Activity
1250201 - Head Office, Directorate Secondary &
1-4 653,39,41 839,85,38 803,87,35 839,75,02 923,72,51 1001,96,08
Higher Education
1250202 - Zonal Secondary and Higher Education
1-4 10,10,90 13,32,16 13,28,68 14,00,00 14,77,79 15,21,45
1250203 - District Education Offices 1-4 34,38,95 40,09,03 41,17,38 43,80,00 48,18,00 52,99,80
1250204 - Upazila Secondary Education Offices 1-4 126,04,94 178,11,03 218,11,03 173,01,00 190,31,10 209,34,20
1250205 - Teachers Training Colleges 2,4 51,95,60 61,44,29 55,79,96 58,65,00 64,51,50 70,96,65
1250206 - Higher Secondary Teachers Training
2,4 14,23,17 19,55,38 17,84,46 18,71,00 20,58,10 22,63,91
1250207 - Government Colleges 1-4 1286,88,65 2075,14,96 2065,14,96 2501,17,00 2621,28,70 2814,99,00
1250208 - Government Secondary Schools ১-৪ 811,76,16 1228,00,53 1228,00,53 1447,37,00 1577,10,71 1641,27,56

1250209 - Government School & Colleges 26,60,82 119,63,67 119,63,67 148,85,00 169,73,50 149,31,38
Total : General Activity 3015,38,60 4575,16,43 4562,88,02 5245,31,02 5630,21,91 5978,70,03
Special Activity
120001504 - Grants to Non-Government Schools 7010,05,59 8230,50,27 8445,50,27 9165,19,29 10402,53,59 11588,06,47
120001505 - Grants to Non-Government Colleges 3373,72,48 3830,64,00 3935,64,00 4329,97,03 4971,04,50 5677,22,50
120001508 - Grants to Newly Recognised Non
0 200,00,00 200,00,00 200,00,00 200,00,00 200,00,00
Government Institutions
120001512 - Grants to Non-Government Buddhists
15,41 20,00 20,00 20,00 20,00 20,00
and Sanskrit Tols
Total : Special Activity 10383,93,48 12261,34,27 12581,34,27 13695,36,32 15573,78,09 17465,48,97
Total : Operating Activities 13399,32,08 16836,50,70 17144,22,29 18940,67,34 21204,00,00 23444,19,00
Development Activities
Annual Development Program
224011900 - Development of Selected Non-
government Colleges Along with ICT Facilities for
1,4 172,56,08 488,00,00 212,00,00 400,00,00 361,71,12 100,00,00
Improving Quality of Education (01/07/2012 -
224012000 - Development of Post-Graduate
Government College at the District head Quarters
- 101,95,57 0 124,24,00 0 0 0
for Improving Quality of Education (01/08/2010 -
224012100 - Secondary Education Sector
Investment Program (SESIP) (01/01/2014 - 1-4 242,48,27 217,00,00 91,00,00 128,50,00 0 0
224012200 - National Academy for Autism and
Neuro Development Disabilities- 10,04,84 97,58,00 15,36,00 150,00,00 270,00,00 94,05,35
224016400 - Fostering Opportunity of Science
Education in public College (01/01/2017 - 1,4 235,07,59 600,00,00 280,93,00 400,00,00 556,04,57 556,04,58
224016500 - Development of Government
- 202,87,38 398,78,00 257,52,00 600,00,00 1246,01,90 1392,77,29
Secondary Schools. (01/01/2017 - 31/12/2026)
224016600 - ICT for Education at Secondary and
Higher Secondary Level(2nd Phase) (01/07/2016 - 1,4 1,33,25 382,29,00 141,35,00 400,00,00 181,95,83 73,37,94
224115000 - Establishment of 10 Government
Secondary Schools in the Peripheral Areas of 113,35,32 191,35,00 17,80,00 121,50,00 238,68,50 163,51,02
Dhaka City (01/07/2017-30/06/2024) Approved
224268100 - Establishment of 9 Government
Secondary School Project (01/10/2018- 1-4 63,11,22 125,00,00 44,11,00 100,00,00 118,01,55 20,72,46

Related Actual Budget Revised Medium Term Expenditure Estimates

Name of the Institutional Unit/Scheme/ Project
Activity 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
224392700 - Learning Acceleration in Secondary
3 0 0 4,20,00 400,00,00 1027,56,53 948,51,36
Education (LAISE)
Total : Annual Development Program 1142,79,52 2500,00,00 1188,51,00 2700,00,00 4000,00,00 3349,00,00
Total : Development Activities 1142,79,52 2500,00,00 1188,51,00 2700,00,00 4000,00,00 3349,00,00
Program (Single Budget)
320000103 - Strengthening Reading Habit and
Reading Skills Among Secondary Students 17,09,45 250,00,00 158,31,28 277,00,00 0 0
Scheme (01/07/2019-30/06/2025)
320000104 - Performance Based Grants for
2,17,23 250,00,00 248,25,48 440,00,00 0 0
Secondary Institutions (01/07/2019-30/06/2025)
320000106 - Dissemination of New Curriculum
0 302,00,00 785,78,29 650,00,00 0 0
Scheme (01/07/2022-30/06/2025)
Total : Investment 19,26,68 802,00,00 1192,35,05 1367,00,00 0 0
Total : Program (Single Budget) 19,26,68 802,00,00 1192,35,05 1367,00,00 0 0
Total : 14561,38,28 20138,50,70 19525,08,34 23007,67,34 25204,00,00 26793,19,00

6.3 Education Engineering Department (E.E.D.)

6.3.1 Recent Achievements: In the last 3 years (2020-2021, 2021-2022 and 2022-2023) a total of 34494
classrooms have been constructed in public and private secondary schools and madrasas. Moreover, a
total of 4491 classrooms have been constructed in public and private colleges, 77 examination centers, 84
college canteens, 54 meeting rooms, 1409 ICT labs. 154 Secondary schools and 1001 classrooms in
madrasas have been constructed in backward areas. A total of 84 hostels have been constructed for
accommodation of students, 54 of government colleges. 12934 buildings of public and private educational
institutions have been repaired and renovated. 24207 toilets have been constructed for girl students and
3914 ramps have been constructed for students with special needs. Apart from this, school and college
buildings have been constructed under various projects of the Directorate of Secondary and Higher
Education. Construction of Polytechnic Institute, Vocational Institute building under various projects of
Madrasa and Technical Directorate and 24 buildings under University Grants Commission have been
constructed. Furniture has been provided to 3748 secondary schools and higher secondary educational

6.3.2 Activities, Output Indicators and Targets

Related Revised Revised

Actual Target Medium Term Targets
Activities Output Indicator Strategic Unit Target Target
Objectives 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1. Construction of new buildings of

Constructed class
secondary level educational 1 No. 9500 849 6000 6000 5000 7000 7500

2. Expansion of secondary education

opportunities in and around Dhaka 1 No. 24 9 50 50 40 50 60
class rooms

3 Construction of new buildings at Construction of

educational institutions in under- class rooms in
3 No. 500 418 600 600 500 700 800
developed areas constructed

4 Toilets for female students in

Repair &
constructed educational 3 No 540000 3400 5000 5000 5500 6000 6500

5 Prepared ramps for disabled Toilets

students Constructed for 3 No 1100 800 800 800 1000 1100 1200
girls’ students

6.3.3 Medium Term Expenditure Estimates by Institutional Unit, Schemes and Projects
(Taka in Thousands)

Related Actual Budget Revised Medium Term Expenditure Estimates

Name of the Institutional Unit/Scheme/ Project
Activity 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Operating Activities
General Activity
1250301 - Head Office, Bangladesh Education
1-6 823,56,24 1105,94,95 85,78,00 1417,16,50 1519,95,00 1585,75,00
Engineering Department
1250302 - Offices of the Superintending Engineer,
1-6 4,68,84 8,74,00 7,95,14 9,14,00 9,84,00 10,54,00
Education Engineering Department
1250303 - Office of the Executive Engineer (Zone
1-6 67,94,01 119,35,00 112,16,00 131,49,50 135,46,50 147,40,00
Office), Education Engineering Department
Total : General Activity 896,19,09 1234,03,95 205,89,14 1557,80,00 1665,25,50 1743,69,00
Special Activity
120001601 - Repair and Rehabilitation of Govt
4-5 199,17,78 350,00,00 350,00,00 384,23,00 400,00,00 420,00,00
Educational Institute
120001602 - Repair and rehabilitation of Non-
4-5 157,14,51 215,00,00 215,00,00 250,00,00 279,53,50 291,26,00
Govt. Educational Institute
Total : Special Activity 356,32,29 565,00,00 565,00,00 634,23,00 679,53,50 711,26,00
Total : Operating Activities 1252,51,38 1799,03,95 770,89,14 2192,03,00 2344,79,00 2454,95,00
Development Activities
Annual Development Program
224015600 - Establishment of Paikgacha
Agriculture College, Khulna. (01/01/2014 - 2,5,6 6,50,21 20,00,00 6,00,00 20,00,00 10,00,00 8,29,00
224015800 - Strengthening of Education
Engineering Department by Establishing Head 21,80,00 100,00,00 20,10,00 100,00,00 80,00,00 9,65,00
Quarter and District Offices (01/01/14-30/06/25)
224123600 - Infrastructure Development of
Birsreshtha Munshi Abdur Rouf Public College
2,4 1,26,56 10,00,00 8,00,00 10,00,00 2,00,00 2,00
B.G.B Head Quarter, Dhaka (01/07/2017-
224149300 - Development of Selected non Govt.
1,3,4 1460,33,62 1931,80,00 510,00,00 1500,00,00 1300,00,00 584,50,00
Secondary School.(01/01/2018-30/06/2025)
224149400 - Vertical Extension of Selected non
1,3,4 551,28,61 1076,92,00 270,00,00 650,00,00 300,00,00 27,43,00
Govt.Secondary School. (01/01/2018-31/12/2024)
224267800 - * Infrastructure Development of 2Nos
Government and 1Nos Non-Government
1,3-6 70,87 15,00,00 6,00 25,00,00 10,00,00 4,83,00
Educational Institute at Noakhali and Feni
224267900 - Infrastructure Development of Military
1,4 8,00,00 15,00,00 10,00,00 10,00,00 5,00,00 2,00
Collegiate School, Khulna.
224268500 - Development Of 9Nos Selected
2 55,32,25 150,00,00 90,00,00 150,00,00 250,00,00 210,75,00
Government Colleges
224279300 - Infrastructure Development of Sheikh
Rasel High School, Sadar, Gopalgonj and Sher-E- 4 12,01,00 30,00,00 7,50,00 20,00,00 20,00,00 1,50,00
Bangla Girls College, Sutrapur, Dhaka.
224307700 - Infrastructure Development Of 3Nos
Colleges at Dhaka, Madaripur and Rangpur 4 3,38,00 25,00,00 15,00,00 30,00,00 20,00,00 12,59,00
224310000 - Development Of Selected
Educational Institute at Haore Area Under 3-4 27,68,41 300,00,00 100,00,00 150,00,00 100,00,00 22,12,00
Kishorgonj District.(01/01/2020-31/12/2023)
224319700 - * Infrastructure Development Of
Selected Educational Institutions At Haor Aries 23,04,95 450,00,00 125,00,00 250,00,00 350,00,00 292,41,00
224319800 - * Infrastructure Development Of 05
Nos Educational Institutions At Sylhet and 1,60,00 25,00,00 9,00,00 20,00,00 10,00,00 36,00
Sunamgonj Districts(01/01/2020-31/12/2022)
224370300 - Infrastructure Development Of Gani
Model High School and Ludhua High School & 0 20,46,00 6,05,00 20,00,00 13,00,00 10,92,00
College at Chandpur. (01/11/2022-31/10/2025)
224380800 - Infrastructural development of
3 0 0 1,00,00 20,00,00 20,00,00 8,98,00
Noakhali Govt. College.

Related Actual Budget Revised Medium Term Expenditure Estimates

Name of the Institutional Unit/Scheme/ Project
Activity 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
224381500 - Development of selected 4
Educational Institutions of Laksam and 3 0 0 6,50,00 25,00,00 10,00,00 5,63,00
Manohorganj upazila
Total : Annual Development Program 2172,94,48 4169,18,00 1184,21,00 3000,00,00 2500,00,00 1200,00,00
Total : Development Activities 2172,94,48 4169,18,00 1184,21,00 3000,00,00 2500,00,00 1200,00,00
Total : 3425,45,86 5968,21,95 1955,10,14 5192,03,00 4844,79,00 3654,95,00

6.4 University Grants Commission (U.G.C.)

6.4.1 Recent Achievements: As part of this, in the last three fiscal years (2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23), 09
laws have been enacted to establish new universities (Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman University,
Naogaon Act, 2023, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman University of Science and Technology, Pirojpur
Act , 2022, Sheikh Hasina Medical University, Khulna, Act, 2021, Kurigram Agricultural University Act,
2021, Chandpur Science and Technology University Act, 2020, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
University, Kishoreganj Act, 2020, Habiganj Agricultural University Act, 2020, Sunamganj University of
Advertising and Technology, 2020 and Mujibnagar University, Meherpur, 2023). 06 new department
approvals in universities, 250 manpower approvals, 06 academic buildings for physical infrastructure
development, 05 residential buildings, 03 student halls and 02 student halls have been handed over. In
addition, formulation/approval of 18 Outcome Based Curriculum, publication of 3 higher education text
books, download of 25,900 online journals through digital library, awarding teachers with 50 PhD
fellowship and 10 Postdoctoral fellowship and offering the UGC-Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Fellowship to
1 distinguished professor of universities have been completed. Moreover, MoUs have been signed with 10
public universities and 2 industrial entities in establishing the industry-university cooperation.

6.4.2 Activities, Output Indicators and Targets

Related Revised Revised

Output Actual Target Medium Term Targets
Activities Strategic Unit Target Target
Objectives 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1. Legislation to establish Prepare and

new universities submit draft
laws as per
the enacted 2 No. 100% 100 100 100 100 100 100
al directives

2. Approval of new New

department and institute department 4 4 5 5 5 6 7
in universities approved No./
New institute
250 250 250 250 270 300 350

3. Physical infrastructure Constructed/

development of handover of
universities 5 6 4 4 5 6 6

handover of 4 5 7 7 7 8 8
2 No.
handover of 3 3 2 2 3 4 5

handover of 2 2 1 1 2 3 3

4. Setting up of Established
new/developed/expanded new/develop
2 No. 3 3 2 2 2 3 3
laboratories and computer ed/expanded
labs in universities laboratories

Related Revised Revised

Output Actual Target Medium Term Targets
Activities Strategic Unit Target Target
Objectives 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

5. Research on Arts, Social Conducted

Sciences, Science and Ph.D. 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Technology research
4 No.
postdoctoral 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

6. Increasing cooperation MoUs signed

and collaboration with with industry 2 2 1 1 3 4 4
universities and industrial bodies
institutions 2 No.
signed with 10 10 4 4 5 6 7

7. Expansion of digital Expanded

library facilities in digital library - - 5 5 5 -
universities and facilities
institutions 2 No.
22000 22000 25000 25000 28000 3000 35000

6.4.3 Medium Term Expenditure Estimates by Institutional Unit, Schemes and Projects
(Taka in Thousands)

Related Actual Budget Revised Medium Term Expenditure Estimates

Name of the Institutional Unit/Scheme/ Project
Activity 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Operating Activities
Support Activity
131005200 - Universities
1-7 4810,20,00 5130,00,00 5209,70,00 5500,00,00 5775,00,00 6250,00,00

131005201 - University Grants Commission

1-7 58,87,00 77,00,00 77,00,00 87,00,00 94,00,00 100,00,00

Total : Support Activity 4869,07,00 5207,00,00 5286,70,00 5587,00,00 5869,00,00 6350,00,00

Total : Operating Activities 4869,07,00 5207,00,00 5286,70,00 5587,00,00 5869,00,00 6350,00,00
Development Activities
Annual Development Program
222014600 - Feasibility Study for the Project
“Further Extension and Development of
0 0 1,00 0 0 0
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural
222017400 - Integrated Feasibility Study For the
Development of Sunamgonj Science and 2 0 0 0 3,68,00 0 0
Technology University Project
223049200 - Improving Computer and Software
2 0 0 10,72,00 240,00,00 682,62,00 728,40,00
Engineering Tertiary Education Project (ICSETEP)
PRODUCTION IN BANGLADESH BASED ON 2 0 0 0 6,55,00 4,99,37 2,57,67
224012800 - Establishment of Second Campus of
Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences 4 41,86,90 9,26,00 12,21,00 31,54,00 0 0
University (01/02/2015-30/06/2020)
224013300 - Specia Development of Begum
Rokeya University (01/01/2015-31/12/2018) 2-6 0 5,00,00 1,00 1,00 17,14,00 9,94,00
224013400 - Establishment Of University of
Science and Technological, Rangamati 1,2,3,5 9,69,75 12,00,00 4,08,00 10,00,00 30,61,00 30,63,00
224013700 - Development of Bangladesh Textile
3-5 29,01,50 18,12,00 38,00,00 0 0 0
University (01/01/2017 - 30/06/2017)
224013800 - Further Development of
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science
3-5 30,00,00 21,00,00 45,00,00 37,04,00 2,38,00 10,00,00
and Technology University, Gopalgonj
(01/01/2014-31/12/2024) approved

Related Actual Budget Revised Medium Term Expenditure Estimates

Name of the Institutional Unit/Scheme/ Project
Activity 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
224014600 - Development of Bangladesh
University of Professionals (01/07/2015 - 2-6 106,36,00 326,52,00 109,48,00 180,00,00 112,98,00 0
224016800 - Further Infrastructural Development
4 39,95,75 100,00,00 35,81,00 82,45,00 65,94,00 0
of Khulna University (01/04/2016 - 30/06/2021)
224017200 - College Education Development
Project (CEDP) 2,3,6,7 241,75,60 254,78,00 174,42,00 248,32,00 0 0
(01/07/2016 - 30/06/2021)
224017500 - Physical Infrastructure Development
Project of Rajshahi University. 4 115,00,00 150,00,00 25,05,00 80,00,00 10,00,00 0
(01/01/2017 - 31/12/2024)
224017600 - Establishment of Academic &
Residential Building at Dhaka University. 4 137,00,00 31,60,00 98,20,00 0 0 0
(01/01/2017 - 30/06/2024)
224017700 - Project for Development of
Chattogram University of Engineering 2-6 25,00,00 112,18,00 71,79,00 80,01,00 40,00,00 20,44,00
&Technology.(01/12/2016 - 30/06/2024)
224115900 - Project for Development of Rajshahi
2-6 70,00,00 215,00,00 130,00,00 294,00,00 20,00,00 0
University of Engineering &Technology.
224116000 - * Project for Research and Capacity
Building of the Institute of Marine Sciences and
2-7 7,06,70 1,00 4,21,00 0 0 0
Fisheries of the University of Chattogram
224116100 - Establishment of Islamic Arabic
1-5 301,25,23 50,00,00 9,16,00 94,15,00 73,81,00 16,39,00
University project(01/07/2017-31/12/2023)
224116300 - Establishment of Three Regional
4 7,82,75 40,00,00 13,00,00 41,42,00 0 0
offices for National University
224116400 - Further Development Shahjalal
2-5 52,00,00 39,69,00 48,60,00 0 0 0
University of Science & Technology
224144800 - Infrastructure Development of Jatio
Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University (01/01/2018- 4 50,00,00 297,00,00 150,00,00 250,00,00 110,77,00 0
30/06/2023) Approved
224257100 - Development of Bangladesh
2-6 302,94,00 221,38,00 137,80,00 150,00,00 129,36,00 0
University of Professionals (Phase-1).
224262400 - Development of Pabna University of
2-6 119,78,00 99,40,00 103,00,00 0 0 0
Science & Technology (01/07/2018-31/12/2024)
224264000 - Establishment of Sheikh Hasina
1-4 77,30,75 727,97,00 184,71,00 266,77,00 10,81,00 16,39,00
University, Netrakona
224267600 - *Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur
4 55,00,00 340,00,00 85,00,00 417,86,00 376,57,00 91,26,00
Rahman Maritime University, Bangladesh
224267700 - Further Development of Comilla
2-6 147,50,00 398,21,00 217,03,00 396,51,00 0 0
224268000 - * “Further Development of
Jahangirnagar University” (০১/১০/২০১৮ - 2-6 198,98,75 391,92,00 245,62,00 314,00,00 19,00,00 0
224270900 - Expansion of Infrastructure and
Academic Activities of Khulna University of 2-6 96,58,00 452,11,00 139,45,00 297,84,00 316,82,00 0
Engineering & Technology
224278400 - Establishment of New Campus of
Jagannath University: Land Acquisition and 4 60,00,00 673,82,00 174,52,00 346,12,00 11,38,00 0
224278500 - Bangladesh agricultural University
Further Development project (01/07/2018- 2-6 57,12,50 276,24,00 65,00,00 270,00,00 490,00,00 100,00,00
224279100 - Islamic University Development (3rd
2-6 88,50,00 194,74,00 110,40,00 143,00,00 65,00 0
Phase)-1st Revised(01/07/2018-31/12/2024)
224302600 - Further Development of Patuakhali
Science & Technology University (2nd Phase) ( 4 17,25,00 282,00,00 100,00,00 193,46,00 59,12,00 0
01/09/2019 - 31/12/2024)
224305400 - Further Development of Shajalal
4 5,00,00 312,12,00 3,41,00 207,69,00 500,00,00 394,20,00
University of Science and Technology (2nd Phase)
224360800 - Construction of Centenary Monument
for Celebrating Hundred years of the University of
0 6,85,00 11,61,00 0 0 0
Dhaka and Golden Jubilee of Independence of
224369000 - Establish a teaching and training pet
animal hospital and research center in Purbachle,
Dhaka and to strengthen research activities in 0 17,31,00 5,18,00 18,72,00 23,00,00 25,00
Cox's Bazar Project of Chittagong Veterinary and
Animal Sciences University.

Related Actual Budget Revised Medium Term Expenditure Estimates

Name of the Institutional Unit/Scheme/ Project
Activity 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
224376300 - Construction of Fine Art Building of
2 0 0 8,00,00 44,35,00 15,00,00 0
Jahangirnagar University
JASHORE UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND 2 0 0 16,00,00 17,00,00 10,00,00 6,00,00
224385200 - THE PROJECT FOR
2 0 0 9,11,00 6,57,00 4,00,00 4,08,00
224386600 - Higher Education Acceleration and
2 0 0 30,00 138,43,00 1868,05,00 727,02,00
Transformation (HEAT)
224397000 - Implementation of Land Acquisition,
Development and Ancillary Works for
2 0 0 0 10,00,00 0 0
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman University,
Total : Annual Development Program 2489,77,18 6076,23,00 2595,89,00 4917,49,00 5005,00,37 2157,57,67
Total : Development Activities 2489,77,18 6076,23,00 2595,89,00 4917,49,00 5005,00,37 2157,57,67
Total : 7358,84,18 11283,23,00 7882,59,00 10504,49,00 10874,00,37 8507,57,67

6.5 Bangladesh Bureau of Education Information and Statistics (BANBEIS)

6.5.1 Recent Achievements: On an average every year about 42 thousand posts in educational institutions
from primary to tertiary level have been completing the annual survey and preparing the database,
preparing and publishing the report through online survey in the last year, 2022. 17 research programs
have been completed in the last 3 years under the institution on various important issues related to
education. 357 researches have been implemented in the last 3 years under the higher research support
program in education sector of the Ministry of Education, the overall management of which has been
completed from Bangladesh Bureau of Education Information and Statistics (BANBEIS). 1640 teachers,
government officials and employees have been trained in ICT in 8 modules in 5 labs of ICT department at
BANBEIS. 1640 teachers, government officials and employees have been trained in ICT in 8 modules in 5
labs of ICT department at BANBEIS. In 125 Upazila ICT Training and Resource Centers for Education
(UITRCE) which was later named as 'Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Digital Education Bhavan'. 47000
teachers have been imparted 15 days ICT training in the last 3 years. Under the Integrated Educational
Information Management System (IEIMS) project, enrollment of about 11325728 students has already
been completed with the aim of nominating 1 crore 60 lakh students at secondary and higher secondary
level. Among them, UID has been generated for 67 lakh 50 thousand students.

6.5.2 Activities, Output Indicators and Targets

Related Revised Revised

Actual Target Medium Term Targets
Activities Output Indicator Strategic Unit Target Target
Objectives 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1. Establishment of Upazila ICT Developed

Training & Resource Center for Infrastructure
Education (UITRCE). (UITRCE) 5 %. 60% 30% 100 60% 100 - -


2. Education Research, Conducted

5 5 5 5 5 6 6
Evaluation, Training, National Education Research
& International Meeting,
Trained Teachers
Workshop 420 420 500 500 500 600 600

Trained Teachers
16000 16000 17000 16488 17000 17000 18000
4 No.
Conducted ToT for
150 150 180 50 50 100 100
Master Trainer

Higher Research
Funded by Ministry
300 100 100 100 100 100 100
of Education

6.5.3 Medium Term Expenditure Estimates by Institutional Unit, Schemes and Projects
(Taka in Thousands)

Related Actual Budget Revised Medium Term Expenditure Estimates

Name of the Institutional Unit/Scheme/ Project
Activity 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Operating Activities
General Activity
1250701 - Bangladesh Bureau of Educational
1-5 12,54,04 21,32,35 19,80,34 20,50,00 23,00,00 27,00,00
Information and Statistics (BANBEIS)
1250702 - Upazila ICT Training & Resource
1 31,06,35 42,00,00 40,65,55 43,60,00 46,00,00 48,00,00
Centre for Eduction (UITRCE)
Total : General Activity 43,60,39 63,32,35 60,45,89 64,10,00 69,00,00 75,00,00
Total : Operating Activities 43,60,39 63,32,35 60,45,89 64,10,00 69,00,00 75,00,00
Development Activities
Annual Development Program
223015700 - Establishment of 160 Upazila ICT
Training and Resource Center for Education 1 148,19,50 349,68,00 349,68,00 239,57,00 60,00,00 0
(UITRCE-2) (2nd Phase)(01/07/2017-30/06/2025)
224246000 - Establishment of Integrated
Educational Information Management System 3,4 33,03,59 56,13,00 159,57,00 0 0 0
(IEIMS) (01/07/2018-30/06/2024)
Total : Annual Development Program 181,23,09 405,81,00 509,25,00 239,57,00 60,00,00 0
Total : Development Activities 181,23,09 405,81,00 509,25,00 239,57,00 60,00,00 0
Program (Single Budget)
320000107 - Geographical Information System
(GIS) Mapping of Secondary Education Institutions
4 0 0 11,00,00 6,88,66 0 0
and Compliance Verification Survey (01/07/2023-
Total : Investment 0 0 11,00,00 6,88,66 0 0
Total : Program (Single Budget) 0 0 11,00,00 6,88,66 0 0
Total : 224,83,48 469,13,35 580,70,89 310,55,66 129,00,00 75,00,00

6.6 National Academy for Education Management (N.A.E.M.)

6.6.1 Recent Achievements: 2019-2020, 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 financial years 28 basic training courses,
26 educational administration and management training courses, 4 educational research methods training
courses, 21 computer application courses, 15 communicative English language courses, educational
planning and development courses 04, Senior Staff Course on Education and Management (SSCEM) 06,
08 Advanced Course on Education Management (ACEM) and 14 other training courses were conducted. A
total of 9039 trainees have been trained in these courses. At the same time, a total of 51 research studies
were conducted on teacher training and various other issues.

6.6.2 Activities, Output Indicators and Targets

Related Revised Revised

Actual Target Medium Term Targets
Activities Output Indicator Strategic Unit Target Target
Objectives 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1. Strengthening teachers training Conducted
5 Person 3000 3284 3200 3000 3200 3500 4000
activities training
2. Conducting Educational Conducted
Research & Arranging Workshop Educational
4 No. 17 16 20 18 20 22 24
& Seminar on different issues of research and
education and training workshop

News Latter
4 No. 4 4 4 4 4 4 04

NAEM Journal
4 No. 2 2 2 2 2 2 02
International and
local meetings,
workshops and 4 No. 15 14 20 14 16 18 20

6.6.3 Medium Term Expenditure Estimates by Institutional Unit, Schemes and Projects
(Taka in Thousands)

Related Actual Budget Revised Medium Term Expenditure Estimates

Name of the Institutional Unit/Scheme/ Project
Activity 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Operating Activities
General Activity
1250601 - National Academy for Education
1-2 43,15,06 49,35,00 40,54,69 51,55,00 55,00,00 60,00,00
Total : General Activity 43,15,06 49,35,00 40,54,69 51,55,00 55,00,00 60,00,00
Total : Operating Activities 43,15,06 49,35,00 40,54,69 51,55,00 55,00,00 60,00,00
Program (Single Budget)
320000109 - Enhancing Professional Skill of
3 0 0 0 79,00,00 0 0
Teachers (01/07/2023-30/06/2025)
Total : Investment 0 0 0 79,00,00 0 0
Total : Program (Single Budget) 0 0 0 79,00,00 0 0
Total : 43,15,06 49,35,00 40,54,69 130,55,00 55,00,00 60,00,00

6.7 Directorate of Inspection and Audit (D.I.A.)

6.7.1 Recent Achievements: In the last FY year 2020-2021, 2021-2022 and 2022-2023, the inspection, audit
and investigation programs have been conducted in total 6,328 government/ non-government schools,
colleges, technical educational institutions and madrasas including 2,002, 2,103 and 2,223 respectively.
Within these inspected institutions, a number of 1,853, 1,887 and 1,348 being total of 5,088
inspection/audit/investigation reports were submitted. During the last three years, the irregularities involving
Tk. 41,92,24,652, Tk. 41,42,60,885 and Tk. 96,49,94,862 respectively amounting to Tk. 179,84,80,399
have been identified in different institutions, and it has been duly recommended in the reports to recover
the money and thereby deposit it in the government treasur

6.7.2 Activities, Output Indicators and Targets

Related Revised Revised

Actual Target Medium Term Targets
Activities Output Indicator Strategic Unit Target Target
Objectives 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1. Inspect and audit government/ Audited
non-government educational educational 2.20 2.20 2.30 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60
institutions institutions 1
Coverage of
% 5.95 5.95 6.22 6.22 6.49 6.75 7.03

6.7.3 Medium Term Expenditure Estimates by Institutional Unit, Schemes and Projects
(Taka in Thousands)

Related Actual Budget Revised Medium Term Expenditure Estimates

Name of the Institutional Unit/Scheme/ Project
Activity 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Operating Activities
General Activity
1250401 - Inspection and Audit Directorate 1 6,70,32 9,72,00 9,01,30 9,50,00 10,20,00 11,00,00
Total : General Activity 6,70,32 9,72,00 9,01,30 9,50,00 10,20,00 11,00,00
Total : Operating Activities 6,70,32 9,72,00 9,01,30 9,50,00 10,20,00 11,00,00
Total : 6,70,32 9,72,00 9,01,30 9,50,00 10,20,00 11,00,00

6.8 National Curriculum and Text Book Board (N.C.T.B.)

6.8.1 Recent Achievements: As per the government decision for the academic year 2023-24 for the academic
year 2024, secondary (Bangla and English version) Ibtedayi, Dakhil and Dakhil vocational level
20,91,77,531 copies and Braille books 5,752 copies total 20,91,83,283 textbooks and A total of
33,48,78,455 copies of textbooks including 9,38,03,606 copies of pre-primary, primary and small group
textbooks have been delivered to 3,81,28,354 students at the beginning of the year. Accurate history of
liberation war is included in textbooks of all levels. According to the newly designed curriculum in the

academic year 2023, the textbooks of 6th, 7th classes and the textbooks of 8th-9th classes in the academic
year 2024 have been made easy to read, interesting and easy to understand by the educationists of the
country. Textbooks of all level and teacher training manuals for the academic year 2024 have been printed
in 4 colors. Besides, the cover of all the textbooks from the academic year 2018 has been printed in four
colors on 230 GSM art cards.

6.8.2 Activities, Output Indicators and Targets

Related Revised Revised

Actual Target Medium Term Targets
Activities Output Indicator Strategic Unit Target Target
Objectives 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1. The day of 1st January, Printed and

Distribution of Textbook to all Distributed
1 Crore copy 33.25 33.4878 33.00 30.1 35 35.2 35.5
students and celebrate the copies of
Textbook day nationally. Textbook

6.8.3 Medium Term Expenditure Estimates by Institutional Unit, Schemes and Projects
(Taka in Thousands)

Related Actual Budget Revised Medium Term Expenditure Estimates

Name of the Institutional Unit/Scheme/ Project
Activity 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Support Activity
131004400 - National Curriculum & Text Book
1 763,32,00 1100,00,00 1003,00,00 1194,95,40 1350,00,00 1600,00,00
Board, Bangladesh
Total : Support Activity 763,32,00 1100,00,00 1003,00,00 1194,95,40 1350,00,00 1600,00,00
Total : Operating Activities 763,32,00 1100,00,00 1003,00,00 1194,95,40 1350,00,00 1600,00,00
Total : 763,32,00 1100,00,00 1003,00,00 1194,95,40 1350,00,00 1600,00,00

6.9 Prime Minister's Educational Assistance Trust

6.9.1 Recent Achievements: 100 workshops have been held in the last 03 financial years. Distribution of Tk
251,39,78,930.00 stipend and tuition fees among 4,67,645 graduate (pass) and equivalent level students
out of Tk 1,000.00 (one thousand) crore Seedmoney dividend of the trust, among 4770 students from sixth
to graduate and equivalent level. 3,27,21,000 admission assistance distribution, 16,20,000.00 medical
grant to 40 students seriously injured in accident, 22,20,000 to 65 students from emergency fund of
managing director, 1,05,00,000 has been awarded to 35 selected scholars, 1,23,90,000.00 has been
awarded to 37 researchers for MPhil and PhD research courses in higher education.

6.9.2 Activities, Output Indicators and Targets

Related Revised Revised

Actual Target Medium Term Targets
Activities Output Indicator Strategic Unit Target Target
Objectives 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1. Providing stipends and tuition Number of

fees to secondary and higher Students receiving
2 No. 50.90 58.16 62.05 62.05 62.17 64.27 66.40
secondary level students stipends and
tuition fees

2. Providing of stipends and tuition Number of

fees to graduate (pass) and Students receiving
2 No. 120000 145989 165000 165000 175000 185000 200000
equivalent level students stipends and
tuition fees

3. Providing financial assistance to

Number of
poor and meritorious students to
Students received 3 No. 400 3571 3500 3500 4000 4500 5000
ensure admission in educational

4. Providing contemporary financial Number of

grants to poor and meritorious Students received
3 No. 5 22 18 18 80 100 120
students seriously injured in assistance/grants

5. Providing MPhil and PhD Number of

fellowships in higher education Students received 4 No. 10 09 10 10 15 20 20

Related Revised Revised

Actual Target Medium Term Targets
Activities Output Indicator Strategic Unit Target Target
Objectives 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

6. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Number of

Scholar Students received 4 - 22 22 22 22 22 22 22

6.9.3 Medium Term Expenditure Estimates by Institutional Unit, Schemes and Projects
(Taka in Thousands)

Related Actual Budget Revised Medium Term Expenditure Estimates

Name of the Institutional Unit/Scheme/ Project
Activity 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Not Applicable

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