Importance of Assessing Newborn

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IMPORTANCE OF ASSESSING NEWBORN 1. Two-thirds of all deaths that occur in the first year of life in the neonatal period.

Over occur in the first 24 hrs. After birth and indications of how hazardous this is for the infant. Close observation for indications of distress is essential during this period. 2. For identification and assessment of the newborn s well-being/condition 3. For evaluation of the gestational maturity of the baby. 4. For the early identification of the signs and symptoms of possible diseases/infections the newborn may have.

PRINCIPLES INVOLVED IN ASSESS THE NEWBORN 1. Anatomy and Physiology knowledge on different areas of newborn assessment is necessary for the nurse to properly assess newborn s condition. The nurse must have adequate knowledge on the different parts and functions of the newborn s body to be able to determine or distinguish normal from abnormal. 2. Microbiology medical hand washing is performed before assessing the newborn to prevent cross-contamination between the nurse and the baby. Babies are very prone to disease because their immune system is not fully developed yet. 3. Safety and Security Always maintain patient s safety. Put the baby in a secure bed or a bed which has safety rails at the sides to prevent accidents while assessing. Never leave the baby unattended. 4. Physics provide warmth to the newborn to prevent chilling and cyanosis. Rub both hands first or warm hands first before touching the baby to promote comfort. 5. Body Mechanics Proper body mechanics should be ensured to prevent muscle aches and back pains.

GUIDELINES INVOLVED IN NEWBORN ASSESSMENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Determine newborn s state of consciousness. Observe newborn s sleep-wake patterns. Determine newborn s ability to be consoled. Determine newborn s ability to diminish the impact of disturbing stimuli. Determine newborn s gestational age. The nurse should do assessment immediately after birth. Take complete nursing history and survey.

NURSING RESPONSIBILITIES Before: 1. Prepare the necessary materials / equipments to be used. 2. Ensure that the atmosphere where the newborn assessment is done is suited for the newborn the room must be quiet, soft lit and warm. 3. Do medical handwashing. During: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. After: 1. 2. 3. 4. Wrap the baby snugly Transport the baby back to the nursery or to his/her mother s room. Do the necessary after care to the equipment and placed used. Record all findings and refer to the physician for any abnormalities noted. Take the baby s vital signs. Take necessary measurements needed as accurately as possible. Do physical, neurological, behavioural, maturity assessment. Always maintain safety, never keep the infant out of sight. Maintain warmth throughout the assessment. Palpation should be done gently and firmly with the use of warm hands Ensure that the newborn s name bracelet is placed properly and lock is secure.

EQUIPMENTS USED FOR NEWBORN ASSESSMENT AND IMMEDIATE NEWBORN CARE 1. WEIGHING SCALE used to measure the weight of the baby which will serve as baseline data.

2. TAPE MEASURE used to measure the babies head circumference and chest and length of the baby.

3. RADIAN-HEAT INFANT CARE UNIT to provide heat to newborn in cases like cyanosis.

4. BULB SYRINGE used to suction mucous from the newborn s mouth or nose.

5. THERMOMETER used to determine the newborn s temperature and to serve as baseline data.

6. OXYGEN used for babies who have difficulty in breathing or impaired respiratory system.

7. SUCTION CATHETERS sizes 10, 12 and 14 french and sizes 8, 10, 12 and 14 French Disposal Respiratory System.

8. LANYGOSCOPE used for inspecting larynx

9. ENDOTRACHEAL TUBES a tube to be inserted inside the babies trachea for breathing (sizes 2.54mm or size 10, 12 and 14)

10. BAG RESUSITATION SET set capable of delivering 100% oxygen , used to give CPR to babies on emergency purposes/emergency situations.

11. HOLISTIC CORD CLAMP - holds the cord of the baby while allowing it to dry and fall off by itself

12. SILVER NITRATE for prophylactic eye care of the newborn

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