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CULTURE – Is embodiment of society’s Structural Functionalism Theory –
way of life, as it institutionalizes how states that society is a system of
society should be. interconnected parts that work as one. Society – is a community of people with Political Science – deals with how the common traditions, practices, institutions government, power, and authority work in and with collective of activities and society. interest. Popular Politics – also called populism. – Society has a big role in shaping Is a political stance of the people for a individuals into what it deems to be certain beliefs. commonly acceptable is called CULTURE – Is embodiment of society’s Norm.Each member has to follow the way of life, as it institutionalizes how norms to be recognized as part of the society should be. society. Neglecting to follow these norms CULTURE ALSO DEFINES WHO YOU is usually unacceptable called deviancy. ARE AS A PERSON Politics - may refer to the complex YOU ALSO LEARN FROM YOUR relationships of people living in a society . SCHOOL, YOUR FRIENDS AND PEERS, it may also refer to the concept of power AND OTHER PEOPLE YOU and leadership; the more powerful and ENCOUNTER IN WHAT IS CALLED influential may get the upper hand in the SOCIALIZATION. society. CULTURAL UNIVERSALS – SOME ASPECTS OF CULTURE ARE EVIDENT ‘’The Study of Anthropology, ACROSS SOCIETIES. Sociology, and Political Science.’’ LANGUAGE – IMPORTANT ASPECT OF Anthropology - is the study of the CULTURE WHICH REFER TO A evolutionary history of human being. SYSTEM OF COMMUNICATIONS. Four Subdisciplines of Anthropology SYMBOL – IS ANY OBJECT , BODY Cultural Anthropology – study how LANGUAGE / GESTURE, OR EVEN human developed their culture and ABSTRACT CONCEPT THAT HAS NO society. MEANING TO OUTSIDERS, BUT IT HAS Physical Anthropology – also known as A SIGNIFICANT MEANING TO THE biological anthropology PEOPLE WITHIN A CULTURE.NORMS – Linguistic Anthropology -The study of ARE ELEMENTS OF CULTURE THAT how language evolves and how human GUIDED SPECIFIC BEHAVIOR OF AN use language to communicate. INDIVIDUALS IN A SOCIETY. Archeology – study of artifacts or FORMAL NORMS – ARE THE RULES material evidence that past humans AND REGULATIONS ESTABLISHED BY societies left behind. SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND Sociology – study of human relationships GOVERNMENT. and behaviors in society. A LAW IS A FORMAL NORM AS IT IS - comes from Latin word socius means CODIFIED BY THE GOVERNMENT. society and logos means study. EXAMPLES OF LAWS ARE THOSE Social Facts – phenomena in society that ENSHRINED IN THE PHILIPPINE are already accepted. CONSTITUTION. Emile Durkheim – is considered the Father of Sociology. Auguste Comte – a French sociologist used the term sociology ‘’Human Variation’’ Homosexuals – commonly attracted to Nationality – refers to where you are born the same sex or gender. on your place of birth. LGBTQ+ - Lesbian, gay , bisexual, Citizenship – is granted by a government transgender, queer, intersex, and others of a country when certain legal .Socioeconomic class – refers to idea requirements are met. that differentiates between rich and poor Sex – refers to the biological and based on income, financial status, physiological traits of male and female. educational attainment, and social status Gender – refers to a social and cultural among others. construct that distinguishes in the ‘’ Classification of Socioeconomic attributes of male and female and their Class’’ role and responsibilities in the society. high income Society – is a collection of interacting middle income individuals sharing the same way of life low income and living in the same territory. Poverty – or state of lacking financial Status – is a position in society. resources and living with the bare ‘’ Two Types of Status’’ minimum. Ascribed Status – pertains to gender and ‘’Different Classification of Poverty’’ race. Situational Poverty - is caused by Achieved Status – these are attained sudden crisis such as pandemic, loss of through our own actions job etc. Roles – every status has rights and Generational Poverty – is the state or obligations. condition in which the family has been in ‘’ Kinds of Culture’’ poverty for at least two generations. Material Culture – physical objects that Absolute Poverty – refers to the lack of people create. very basic necessities such as food, Non-material Culture – it is the abstract clothing and shelter. human creations. Examples: language, ‘’Attaining Cultural Understanding’’ ideas, beliefs , rules and others. ‘’ Four Stages in Understanding Culture. ‘’Characteristics of Culture’’ Cultural Knowledge – having the Culture is learned knowledge oh history and cultural Culture is dynamic characteristics of a certain society and Culture is integrated culture. Culture is shared Cultural Awareness – having an Culture is based on symbols understanding of and openness toward a Nationality – refers to where you are born different culture. or your place of birth. Cultural Sensitivity – knowing the Citizenship – is granted by a government differences and similarities between of a country when certain legal cultures without assigning a certain value requirements are met. or amount to the difference. Sex – refers to the biological and Cultural Competence – acceptance and physiological traits of male and female. promotion of cultural diversity in a society Gender - refers to a social and cultural or organization. construct that distinguishes different Culture Shock – refers to unfamiliarity attributes of male and female and their with a culture or a certain aspect of roles and responsibilities in the society. culture. Heterosexuals – are commonly attracted Xenophobia – the dislike and prejudice of to the opposite sex or gender. other people based on culture. Cultural Relativism – refers to the idea UNESCO – United Nations Educational, that other cultures must be understood Scientific, and Cultural Organization based on their people’s own experiences Tangible Cultural Heritage – refer to any and standards.If cultural relativism is the is forms of structures, monuments, sites, the understanding of other cultures and other artifacts without bias, Ethnocentrism is the Intangible Cultural Heritage – refer to opposite of it. forms of literature, oral traditions, Ethnocentrism. which comes from the performing arts, traditional craftsmanship, word ethnos, meaning ‘’nation’’ and and folklore among other things, which are kentron , meaning ‘’center’’- is the considered the wealth of culture. Movable understanding of cultures based on the Heritage – may include any artistic viewer’s standards or cultural references. creation, clothing, jewelries, and other William Graham Sumner – American small movable artifacts. political Scientist introduced the term Immovable Heritage – may include built Ethnocentrism by his book Folkways heritage ( such as buildings, churches, ( 1906 ). lighthouses, and waterways ) and large Xenocentrism – is the notion that another monument like Pyramid of Giza and the culture is superior to one’s own Stonehenge. Understanding various cultures such their Digital Heritage – encompasses, cultural, differences and similarities is important. scientific, and Developing ones cultural awareness or administrative resources as well as sensitivity may lead him to experience technical, legal, medical and other kinds of more meaningful interactions with those informations. with different cultures. Changing Culture Recent trends in a globalized society have deeply impacted culture. They result in an exchange of cultural values and cultural change. Cultural Imperialism – is the imposition of a dominant culture onto and another due to political , economic, and social factors. Cultural Hegemony – refers to the domination of one cultural group over a diverse cultural society. Globalization- is a far reaching cocept defined as the growing interdependence of the worlds culture ,ideologies, economies, and Politics. Cultural Diffusion – the process by which some cultural items spread from one culture to another. Cultural lag – non adjustment to the changes in culture. Cultural Heritage
Virginia Heyer Young - Ruth Benedict - Beyond Relativity, Beyond Pattern (Critical Studies in The History of Anthropology) - University of Nebraska Press (2005)