2004 - Convergent Evolution in Mechanical Design of Lamnid Sharks and Tunas
2004 - Convergent Evolution in Mechanical Design of Lamnid Sharks and Tunas
2004 - Convergent Evolution in Mechanical Design of Lamnid Sharks and Tunas
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5 authors, including:
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Figure 2 Simultaneous recordings of muscle strain (segment length change/mean length) During active swimming, as verified by red muscle activity (EMG trace), shortening in the
of red (red trace) and adjacent white (grey trace) muscle during passive simulated red muscle is delayed relative to the white muscle and is therefore in phase with lateral
swimming movements (a) and active steady swimming (0.5 l s21) (b) in the mako shark. motion in more posterior positions.
Figure 3 Collagenous architecture of myosepta of I. oxyrinchus. a, Oblique view focusing from skin; dotted line, excision line from remaining dorsal part of the myosepta, equivalent
on the hypaxial part between 0.54L and 0.74L (coloured inset). The elongated anterior to the dotted line in a; white arrowheads, intersection line of myosepta and loose
pointing cone (AC) of one myoseptum is shown. It intersects with the red musculature connective tissue surrounding red muscle. c, d, Transverse sections of left side.
(pale red area) and contains the hypaxial lateral tendon (dark red). The hypaxial lateral Concentric rings of myosepta indicate nesting anterior pointing cones. c, Fresh section,
tendon extends between the tip of the anterior pointing cone and the ventral posterior 0.6L, showing red muscle with sections of hypaxial lateral tendons (white) within the red
cone (VPC). The hypaxial lateral tendon of a more anterior myoseptum is also shown muscle. d, Histological section at 0.54L. Red muscle is separated from surrounding white
without its myoseptal sheet. The anterior part of this tendon is cut at its intersection with muscle by a sheath of loose connective tissue. Numbers 1–12 indicate anterior portions of
the transverse plane (blue). b, Excised area of myosepta between the anterior pointing 12 hypaxial lateral tendons present in red muscle, whereas numbers 13–24 indicate
cone and ventral posterior cone flattened out under polarized light. Pathways of posterior portions of 12 additional hypaxial lateral tendons present in white muscle,
collagenous structures are shown in white. The hypaxial lateral tendon extends between meaning that a single tendon covers 24 segments. The inset shows a detailed view of red
the red arrows. Dashed line, excision line from vertebral axis; thick white line, excision line muscle and hypaxial lateral tendons (stained orange).
NATURE | VOL 429 | 6 MAY 2004 | www.nature.com/nature
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anteriorly than in less derived species, the lateral motion it produces transport chamber equipped with circulating aerated sea water. Once at SIO, the sharks
were placed into a large 3,000-l swim tunnel for an acclimation period of several hours
is primarily focused to the caudal region. before experimentation. All procedures in capture, maintenance and experimentation
Our morphological investigations demonstrate that the anatomi- followed the guidelines of the University of California, San Diego Institutional Animal
cal specializations associated with the force-transmission system are Care and Use Committee.
also convergent. We used a new combination of techniques to
explore the three-dimensional morphology of the tendinous con- In vivo muscle dynamics
nective tissue linkages (myosepta) that transmit muscular forces to To examine the dynamics of red and white muscle contractions during swimming, we used
electromyography (EMG) and sonomicrometry, a technique for measuring distances in
the skin and backbone, and their relationship to the internal red which piezoelectric crystals transmit and receive ultrasonic pulses. Pairs of
muscle in the mako shark. sonomicrometric crystals were implanted into the deep red and adjacent white muscle to
In principle, the three-dimensional shape of myotomes and their record instantaneous changes in muscle segment length (strain) during active periods of
associated myosepta in mako sharks resembles the regular pattern in steady swimming as well as during passive, simulated swimming movements induced
under anaesthesia. Surgery was performed on anaesthetized individuals partially
gnathostome fishes20, which includes a main anterior cone and a submerged in a seawater bath according to procedures described previously15. Crystal
dorsal and ventral posterior cone (see Supplementary Fig. 1 for pairs were implanted approximately 15 mm apart along the longitudinal axis of the body
myoseptal parts of gnathostomes and mako sharks). Additionally, in and the leads were loosely anchored to the skin with surgical sutures. To verify the passive
mako sharks two secondary anterior cones are present at the dorsal- and active states of the red muscle, electrical activity was recorded using pairs of electrodes
implanted approximately 2 mm apart directly bisecting the crystal pairs. After surgery, the
and ventral-most part of the myoseptum. The red muscle is situated sharks were placed into the swim tunnel and allowed to recover before data collection. In
in the lower part of the main anterior cone (Fig. 3a; see also the recovery period we recorded red and white muscle strain during passive, simulated
Supplementary Fig. 1d, e) where its fibres insert into the collagenous swimming movements induced by gentle side-to-side motions of the centre of mass that
myoseptum. In particular, red muscle fibres insert into the anterior generated body undulation. Additionally, we recorded and analysed 30–50
consecutive tail-beat cycles for each individual while the shark swam steadily at
half of a myoseptal tendon (Fig. 3a). This tendon runs from the tip
approximately 0.5 l s21. To measure the relative timing of red and white muscle
of the main anterior cone through the red muscle towards its end strain (phase shift), a cross-correlation analysis was performed using waveforms
within the white muscle at the ventral posterior cone (Fig. 3a, b). It containing approximately ten consecutive tail-beat cycles. Mean phase shift presented
clearly represents the homologue of the hypaxial lateral tendon in in the text represents a mean of five individuals. Sonomicrometric and EMG signals
gnathostome fishes (Supplementary Fig. 1). In mako sharks, this were recorded at 500 Hz.
To correlate measurements of local muscle activation and strain with patterns of body
tendon is extremely prominent and elongated when compared bending, five mako sharks were videotaped while swimming against a current of known
with other fishes. In fact, myoseptal tendons as long and as velocity in the swim tunnel. To synchronize the collection of sonomicrometric, EMG and
distinct as those associated with the red muscle in the mako shark video recordings, a flashing red diode was recorded in the video sequences and its
have never been reported in any shark species. We measured excitation voltage was recorded with the sonomicrometric and EMG data. Kinematic
analysis follows procedures described previously15,24.
tendon lengths as long as 0.19L in the posterior region of the
body (Supplementary Fig. 1e). The sonomicrometric results Morphology
suggest that the action of the red muscle is directed posteriorly We used a combination of clearing and staining, microdissection, polarized light
along the body by 10–17%. The measured tendon lengths accord microscopy, standard histology and computer-based three-dimensional reconstruction to
well with the values predicted from sonomicrometry, suggesting explore the three-dimensional morphology of the tendinous connective tissue linkages
(myosepta). A small body segment (0.54–0.55L) of a formalin-fixed mako specimen
that the hypaxial lateral tendon is responsible for transmitting red (65 cm total length) was prepared for standard histology (paraffin embedding; Azan–
muscle forces posteriorly. The prominent tendons of the posterior Domagk staining, slice thickness of 15 mm). The two remaining parts (0–0.54L and
body are gradually developed along a rostrocaudal gradient from 0.55–1.00L) were carefully skinned, stained for cartilage with Alcian blue 8GX (Merck)
shorter (,0.06L; Supplementary Fig. 1d) and less distinct hypax- and then cleared according to a recently described procedure20. Microdissections on the
myoseptal system were carried out using fine microsurgery tools. Myosepta or parts of
ial lateral tendons of anterior myosepta to longer tendons in the
myosepta from all body regions were removed subsequently. Three-dimensional shape of
posterior. the myosepta was documented by a camera lucida, and tendon lengths and rostrocaudal
In tunas, distinct and elongated tendons have also been discov- extensions of complete myosepta were measured in situ. Removed myosepta were
ered and have been hypothesized to transfer forces from the red photographed under polarized light to visualize the collagen fibre pathways and tendons
muscle to the axial skeleton, and thus provide the anatomical basis (Zeiss Stemi 2000C with Fuji X digital camera HC300Z; 1,000 £ 1,450 pixels).
Additionally, the distribution of red muscle and its relation to myoseptal cones along the
for force transmission from the anterior to the caudal region21. As body was examined. A three-dimensional reconstruction was obtained from histological
in mako sharks, the available length measurements and sonomicro- sections. Major landmarks (vertebrae, neural arches, vertical septum, abdominal cavity,
metric data are in good accordance (0.18L experimentally and 0.16L tip of main anterior, secondary anterior and ventral posterior cone, sections of tendons,
morphologically)22. Although in tunas the primary force-transmit- position of red muscle) were digitized and aligned using SurfDriver 3.5.3. Maxon Cinema
4D (Release 6) was used for choosing an adequate perspective and rendering. The obtained
ting tendons are in the horizontal septum, in the mako shark, as in three-dimensional view was edited by Adobe Photoshop (final shading, adding of
other sharks23, we found the horizontal septum to be reduced in the myoseptal shape).
posterior half of the body. Instead, the primary linkage to the tail Received 23 January; accepted 25 February 2004; doi:10.1038/nature02435.
appears to be the hypaxial lateral tendons. Interestingly, although
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A. socius females mate with larger males to gain a larger haemo-
Supplementary Information accompanies the paper on www.nature.com/nature. lymph-based nuptial gift. This gift is obtained by chewing a
specialized spur on the male hind tibia during copulation7,8. There-
Acknowledgements We thank A. Biewener, J. Gosline, J. B. Graham, S. Vogel and N. Holland for fore, the condition of the spur (chewed or unchewed) indicates a
discussion and reviews. Funding was provided by NSF and UC Regents. male’s mating history (successful or unsuccessful): chewing beha-
viour is rarely uncoupled from sperm transfer. Spur condition also
Competing interests statement The authors declare that they have no competing financial
seems to be age-independent because spur categories persist
throughout a breeding season that is characterized by little new
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to J.D. ([email protected]). male recruitment once a cohort emerges8. Use of an ‘aggregate’
indicator, such as mating success, is important because it represents
the sum of interacting male traits9, overcoming the implicit weak-
ness of the traditional ‘simple’ indicator approach1–3.
To estimate the sire–offspring correlations, we mated 47 wild-
.............................................................. caught sires (25 successful and 22 unsuccessful) to 98 wild-caught
females and reared their offspring. Sires were caught mid-breeding
Female mating bias results season and females were collected as late instar nymphs earlier in the
season to ensure their virginity; on average there were two females
in conflicting sex-specific per sire. Males that had mated in the field were larger than unmated
offspring fitness males (F 1,45 ¼ 7.25, P ¼ 0.0099) and there was no female size
difference between sire groups (F 1,96 ¼ 0.01, P ¼ 0.9294). From
each female family, two or three sons (n ¼ 220 total males) were
Kenneth M. Fedorka* & Timothy A. Mousseau
separately placed into a mating arena with a randomly chosen,
Department of Biological Sciences, University of South Carolina, Columbia, unrelated male and female taken from other sire families (see
South Carolina 29208, USA
* Present address: Department of Genetics, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602, USA
Indirect-benefit models of sexual selection assert that females Table 1 Genetic correlation between a sire’s phenotype and offspring variables
gain heritable offspring advantages through a mating bias for Trait Sire mating success Sire size
males of superior genetic quality. This has generally been tested
n rG P rG P
by associating a simple morphological quality indicator (for .............................................................................................................................................................................
example, bird tail length) with offspring viability1. However, Son mating success 4.7 0.38 0.0076 0.06 0.7679
selection acts simultaneously on many characters, limiting the Daughter reproductive 6.9 2 0.36 0.0164 20.02 0.9280
Hatching* 545.9 0.01 0.9813 0.07 0.7549
ability to detect significant associations, especially if the simple Survivorship* 133.8 0.08 0.5708 0.03 0.8971
indicator is weakly correlated to male fitness2,3. Furthermore, Son development* 21.2 20.02 0.9134 0.01 0.9785
Daughter development* 23.8 0.03 0.8218 0.01 0.5381
recent conceptual developments suggest that the benefits gained Son size* 13.8 0.08 0.5924 0.17 0. 9670
from such mating biases may be sex-specific because of sexually Daughter size* 15.0 20.16 0.2737 0.00 0.9990
antagonistic genes that differentially influence male and female * Juvenile viability variable.
reproductive ability4. A more suitable test of the indirect-benefit Two sire phenotypes were examined, including sire mating success and sire size. n represents the
average number of individuals per sire family. Bold values remain significant after a sequential
model would examine associations between an aggregate quality Bonferroni. P-values corrected within each sire phenotype (mating success and size) and within
indicator1,3 (such as male mating success) and gender-specific each fitness stage (that is, adult fitness and juvenile viability).