Paccuppanna - Ajahn Sundara
Paccuppanna - Ajahn Sundara
Paccuppanna - Ajahn Sundara
The Present Moment
Ajahn Sundara
Dhamma Reflections by
Ajahn Sundara
Ajahn Sundara
Samyutta Nikaya
would be really patient with me. If you were a true Buddhist
you would be able to control your mind.’
No. ‘True Buddhists’ are people who can see when they don’t
control their minds. They see their mind as they are. They
aren’t caught up in an idea of how the mind should be. As true
Buddhists we have the wisdom to know what makes us turn
into hellish beings with hellish lives, and the wisdom to know
how to bring those lives into a place of goodness, kindness, love
and peace, the qualities that make a liveable world. Then the
practice and life become a single unit. We may be practising
sitting in full lotus or on a chair, or lying down, walking or
running, but the mind (citta) is with us all the time. And the
mind is not just the brain or the intellect. It is the reality that
we experience in each moment. This experience includes
feelings, mental constructs, memories, desires, sensations –
whatever experience is present here and now, this is the mind.
The practice is so beautifully simple. All the techniques,
methods and teachings are designed simply to bring us back
to the present moment, here and now, to bring us back to
seeing clearly. All the techniques and methods help to give
us a good pair of spectacles. We wear them so we don’t have
blurry eyesight. When we look at the world through lenses of
greed, hatred or delusion, we look at a very blurry world. And
yet as meditators, we can become attached to clarity, to purity,
to wanting a perfect view. But it may be a long time before we
achieve that perfect view. Meanwhile our vision is not clear yet
and that’s just the way it is.
energy, our big energy body that doesn’t always tell us in
advance how it is going to respond to the practice. So we have
to become skilled in receiving this energy without freaking out,
without misinterpreting it or being confused by the energetic
movement of the mind and body. According to the Buddha’s
teaching, integration of the world begins with sila (ethics);
that is the foundation. Ethics requires effort, it calls for energy.
It can be more difficult than meditation and attaining Samadhi.
Ethics is the first step, and the hardest one for most people.
Awakened beings don’t usually do things that make them
miserable. Their lives may still have some misery, but they
don’t pick it up. They don’t identify with it; they don’t make
it their own. They stop and look at it; they feel, experiencing
their life as it is right now, and they leave it there.
Luang Por Dun1 described the Four Noble Truths in this way:
when the mind goes out, it is caught in desire. This is the cause
of suffering. The fruit of the mind that goes out is suffering.
When mind sees mind, this is the path. The result of mind
seeing mind is nirodha, the cessation of suffering.
We cannot train the mind just by constantly accumulating
knowledge about Buddhism. We have to start with our life as it is,
right here, right now, in this moment. We may still be infatuated
with the desire to be constantly satisfied. Detachment may not
make sense yet. While in the grip of desire, we may see that life
is varied and exciting, and this can make us temporarily happy
1. Luang Por Dun was one of Luang Por Mun’s disciples and a highly respected
12 Forest monk.
or miserable. But we are blind to other aspects of life, such as the
joy of peace, of clarity, of a mind that is full of understanding and
wisdom, a mind that is kind, calm and compassionate. We may
occasionally experience that perspective, but is it our refuge
yet? Has it taken root? Or is it just passing moments, passing
experiences? Perhaps the mind and body haven’t yet been
transformed by these qualities. Have we seen clearly that anger
is totally useless, that it harms everybody, including ourselves?
life, you will know how they burn. Clinging makes us really hot,
heated up with misery. The Buddha points us toward the peace
of a cool mind.
our mind with all its stories, all its structures, constructions,
memories, anticipations, hopes and so on. That is our inner
book, the book we learn to read in meditation practice.
I find Luang Por Dun’s teaching of the third noble truth very
helpful: ‘The mind seeing the mind is the Path.’2 I don’t have
to believe it blindly; I can put it to the test, put it into practice,
right here and now, by starting with mindfulness. Mindfulness
is what carries us along the path of practice. It brings us straight
back to the present moment where there is the possibility
of being awake and aware and knowing what’s what. It is
2. A senior monk of the meditation tradition came to pay his respects to Luang
Por Dun on the first day of the Rains Retreat in 1956. After giving him instruction
and a number of teachings on profound matters, Luang Por Dun summarized the
four noble truths as follows:
The mind sent outside is the origination of suffering.
The result of the mind sent outside is suffering.
The mind seeing the mind is the path.
The result of the mind seeing the mind is the cessation of suffering.
important that we see directly, not just intellectually. As long as
the mind still identifies seeing with intellectual understanding
and hasn’t come to the realization of Dhamma at the deeper
level, it is still a bit lost. The intellectual mind is still there
amid waves of doubt and anxiety, constantly moving around
trying to defend one thing and reject another. The Dhamma
mind is confident and trusting. It recognizes the limitation of
taking refuge in the thinking mind. The thinking mind is not a
waste of time, it’s just limited. The thinking mind still has the
tendency to think it knows, and so it keeps falling into views.
Thinking ‘I know’ is conceit. Conceit is attaching to an idea of
‘who I am.’ You might think, ‘I am a hopeless case. I can’t be a
Buddhist. It’s too hard for me.’ That’s a form of conceit. Whether
we think we’re superior, inferior or equal – that’s still conceit,
that’s still ‘self’, ‘me’.
When we start relating without being so caught up in the
attachment to ‘me’ and ‘mine’ – my mind, my position, my
view – being human is really easy, and relating as human
beings is not so difficult. We no longer see and experience
anyone as ‘out there’. We feel each other as human bodies,
feeling bodies. When we recognize this, we begin to participate
in life as something bigger than just ‘me’ and ‘my’. That
brings a lot of joy. We don’t have to keep on trying to control
everything through fear and worry. We are able to witness the
blessing of trust.
Now, there are these five gifts, five great gifts – original,
long-standing, traditional, ancient, unadulterated,
unadulterated from the beginning – that are not open to
suspicion, will never be open to suspicion, and are unfaulted
by knowledgeable contemplatives and priests. Which five?
freedom from danger, freedom from animosity, freedom
from oppression to limitless numbers of beings.
ourselves. This is just to give a sense of how interconnected
we all are and how vast is our influence in this world. He then
elaborates on each of the other four precepts and shows that
in observing them we are giving faultless gifts to a limitless
number of beings.
is the time for practice, and then you will find that a moment
of mindfulness will provide the energy you need. You might
not feel it straightaway, but trust that opening. Mindfulness
brings us the perception of change, which in turn gives us
the trust, confidence and faith to keep going, to not be fooled
by the appearance of things. Confidence brings stability of
mind, concentration.
The deficiencies of our mind and body, the weak spots, are the
materials needed for transformation. We don’t seek problems,
but when they arise we don’t have to see them as something
in the way. We can go to meet each experience with the
faculties of the mind: faith, energy, mindfulness, concentration
and wisdom. We begin to heal and experience the joy of
letting go, of not clinging, grasping, or complicating things.
Practice is particularly needed at times when we don’t feel
like it, when everything is going wrong, when our lives are
falling apart, our families are driving us mad, our bosses and
co-workers are making us crazy, when the mind is just about
ready to give up. Those are the very situations in which the
practice is most useful. At those times the physician and the
remedy are truly essential. Bring in the physician and the
remedies at those moments. Don’t forget them – just find some
simple Dhamma remedies, all natural, complete naturopathic
treatment with no side effects, a sure way for long-term health.
I like simple things. ‘Buddh’ means ‘awake’, so we can start
with that. We don’t have to go into a whole commentary about
Paticcasamuppada. Sometimes we accidentally counteract
the process of awakening by filling up our mind with more
thoughts. We can be very attached to thought. Particularly in
this culture, we tend to believe that everything can be solved
through thinking. We can become completely besotted with
thought and strongly loyal to the thinking mind. But in Thailand,
if you start thinking too much, people say you’re a bit mad.
stabilizing the mind facilitates seeing, and seeing can lead to
understanding – not through thinking, but by allowing the
wisdom factor to appear. Insight doesn’t necessarily have to
do with thinking. We might suddenly drop the thought and
realize that understanding grows. For a minute we can drop
the thoughts that have been clogging up the brain and jump
into the void. Actually, it is not a ‘void’. It is a jump out of our
security zone. And it is not a big jump, it is just a freedom jump,
a loving jump.
know.’ ‘Don’t know’ is very good for cutting through doubt, and
doubt is one of the Five Hindrances. Not sure whether to do
this or that, not sure whether or not Buddhism is good for me,
whether I should go with this person or that person, whether I
should sit on a chair or cushion – doubt can take on any form.
It can be existential: do I exist or not? Am I really as I appear?
Don’t know.
world, a world that is tight, predictable. It is very important to
be with the open mind, the ‘don’t-know’ mind. When we say
‘don’t know’, nothing has changed externally, but internally
we have suddenly stopped sticking to the idea that we should
know, that we must know – and we’ve also stopped our loyalty
to the opposite idea, the despair of worrying that we will
never know, that we are not capable of knowing, that we need
to find somebody else to know for us. And if we search for
somebody else, unfortunately we don’t always find the wisest
person. Sometimes we are lucky, but we don’t always meet
a good adviser.
meditation doesn’t always work. Some people feel happier
when they just let their mind be spacious. If that works for
you, use that comfortable spaciousness as an object, as a way of
reminding you to be present.
training it gently but firmly, like a child. Bring it back to your
object of meditation.
When the mind is still, you may notice that the rest of your life
is not particularly still. ‘The mind that is still’ is just another
way of saying ‘the mind that is present.’ You may be present
with laziness, carelessness, wilfulness, confusion. Don’t worry
about results. Meditating with a goal in mind creates a duality:
there is ‘me’ and there is ‘the goal’. Work on letting go of this
idea of a goal, but do it without expectations. Our goal-oriented
mind doesn’t stop just because we say ‘don’t expect anything’,
but at least we begin to see its expectations. We begin to see
the contents of all those unskilful kilesas, miserable, afflictive,
harmful mental states. Kilesas have many names, and once we
can put a name on them we can recognize them much more
easily, and then we can catch them and avoid acting on them.
We can actually see that we have the power and resources and
means to restrain ourselves from doing something unskilful. It
is good to be able to recognize these things.
No goal. No expectation. We are not going anywhere. The
title of Ayya Khema’s book, Being Nobody, Going Nowhere, is a
skilful means in words. The mind is always going somewhere
and trying to be somebody. These words are a good antidote.
How many times do we catch ourselves going somewhere?
Somebody says something we think is wrong and we run
to correct them. I don’t mean ‘run’ as for catching a bus. I’m
talking about running with our critical mind, running with our
angry mind, running with our greedy mind. We run. Anger in
particular not only gets you running, it gets you up to Olympic
standard. It feels like a fire that is unstoppable. It took me a long
time and many experiences to realize that anger is redundant.
I’m not saying that I never have anger, but I have no doubt now
that anger solves nothing. It hurts oneself and others. There is
no wisdom in it.
Sometimes people tell me, ‘I have to express my anger. If I am
not angry, I am not alive.’ I have no doubt that we feel very
alive when we are banging our fists, slamming the door or
kicking someone. Our depression suddenly goes away for a few
minutes. But don’t trust that. It will return, and it will just keep
depositing us back in the same rut. We need to be reminded
of this many times. It is easy to fall into habits which, like a
mental law of gravity, pull us down into well-worn furrows in
the mind. That is why in some teachings you will come across
references to ‘higher mind’ and ‘lower mind’. Developing the
higher mind means leaving behind the mind of old habits
created and conditioned through anger, greed and delusion. We
let that mind go. The ‘higher mind’ is the mind of wisdom and
compassion, an unselfish mind that is able to bring happiness
into this world and benefit other people. It is a beautiful mind.
But we mustn’t be too caught up in duality, thinking we must
destroy one mind to develop another. We simply let go of the
lower mind, of all the activities bound up with attachment and
destructive emotions, and allow the higher mind to manifest.
When worry leaves us, where does it go? Have you found a
place where your worry goes? Or is what disappears really the
illusion of worry? Worry is like a bubble. If we believe in it,
it can be frightening. We can believe something huge is about
to fall on us. But when we realise it’s really just a bubble, it
suddenly bursts and disappears. The ignorant mind will always
find a reason to continue worrying. We think we have to worry
about this and that. We fear that if we don’t worry, life will stop.
Well, if we stop worrying, for sure the miseries of life are likely
to stop, but maybe something else will arrive. We don’t know
yet, but we can always take the risk of finding out by stopping
the mind from worrying or fearing and seeing what happens.
But don’t stop the worry by repressing it. The way to stop it
is by becoming aware, conscious, mindful. Awareness ends the
illusions of worry. They might not stop straightaway. We need
to be patient and determined to be able to sustain our attention
and determination, but when we do, the illusory quality of what
we think, feel or hear starts getting lighter. That is because we
have stopped believing in what we experience, so the power of
illusory thought decreases.
One way of reading the mind incorrectly is by being caught up
in thinking, in that mass of agitating mental activity. Agitation
is one of the Five Hindrances. It makes us worried and restless,
it generates more and more mental proliferation. But we can
say, ‘Stop. I am just going to be with my breath for five minutes.’
That’s all. Of course, the little child inside may say, ‘No! I’m not
going to do that! I’m only going to do what I want! I won’t do
stupid things like paying attention to the breath!’ Listen to that
childish voice and then gently bring your attention back to the
breath. The mind is very trainable. It is not too difficult to train,
it just needs correct reading and learning the skill of calming
the mind and letting go.
happening. We suddenly find ourselves in a mess and think,
‘What happened?!’ We don’t realize that we’ve been thinking
in a particular way for a long time. Instead of looking at what
has been going on in our minds, perhaps we have been blaming
somebody else for our problems, and we’ve been so busy
finding somebody to blame that we’ve forgotten our Buddhist
practice of conscientiously looking at our mind, at our way of
thinking. We can think negatively about someone: ‘She is so
stupid. She is irritating and horrible. She’s hopeless. She hates
me and I hate her.’ We can think like that for years without
ever questioning the effect those thoughts have on our life.
right. We don’t have to accuse or blame ourselves. The
teaching just asks us to be intelligent and take responsibility
for ourselves so that we can grow and mature. Then we can
deal more confidently with our diseases and we won’t need a
doctor; we can actually be our own physician. We can be with
our inner Buddha, and that is so empowering and joyful. And
then, when we see the misery that we are unknowingly causing
ourselves, we learn how to become humble, bow down and say,
‘Yes. Okay. I’ll start again.’
Buddhist teaching is a clear map to psychological health. The
Buddha shows very clearly where the mind becomes diseased
and the path that takes the mind to a state of health. There are
many aspects to that path. One of the first important teachings
I learned from Ajahn Sumedho was how to develop the ability
to see life as it is and to simply learn from it, not to fall into
the traps of judging, criticizing, wanting things to be different,
feeling constantly discontented.
‘me’ doing something, it is a clear seeing. Awareness itself is
what enables the mind to let go.
being still, the condition of seeing arises naturally in the mind.
A seeing mind doesn’t move. It has stopped. It is here, now.
restful. The Buddha invites us to really examine the excitement
of this world of desires. He draws our attention to the danger of
believing in this world of sensuality and its complexities, and
to really apply our attention, to question and investigate.
is not something we want to live in all the time or part of the
time or even any time at all. Perhaps we come to know that the
mind can be quiet and peaceful and we naturally feel the quiet
loveliness of the peaceful mind.
on in their minds. It’s a very complex inner world. We react
to things twice over; we react once and then we react again.
We find ourselves trapped in reactions, but that’s not our
fault, as in fact there is nobody to blame. If we want to blame
anything, we should blame avijjā (ignorance). We can’t blame
ourselves for being blind. We didn’t ask to be blind. We haven’t
invited blindness into our lives. The blindness just came along
with us and our bodies and minds, so we can’t really feel bad
about it. That’s why the Buddha doesn’t make a big issue out
of guilt. Instead, he draws our attention to understanding
ways of reacting.
arises naturally when the mind realizes that it is in bondage,
caught up in the pain of delusion, anger and greed. The danger
with ‘religion’ is that, grasped wrongly, it can take you back to
those same things – greed, hatred and delusion. You can see
that everywhere in the world.
Buddha’s experience, we have confidence in what he teaches.
Indeed, we can see this for ourselves. When we do, say or think
something good, when we manifest qualities that are skilful,
healthy and sound, the result will always be a happier mind.
We don’t need to believe the Buddha to see that. We experience
it for ourselves as we apply close attention.
Many of us have been discouraged by seeing our delusion and
have almost abandoned any interest in the path because we
feel, ‘I’m so greedy (or impatient, angry, etc.), I can’t do it. I
can’t follow this path. I can’t be a Buddhist because I am so
deluded.’ But in fact, it is because we are deluded that we need
to walk the Path. And we need to make peace with our delusion.
What else is there to work with? Buddhism wouldn’t need to
exist if we didn’t have anger, greed and ignorance. The Buddha
brought this path into the world of humans to illuminate those
mind-states, not to make us believe that by just reading or
listening to his teachings, or meditating, we are instantly going
to turn into a holy being.
rituals, doubt, or many other things. We see those things and
we acknowledge them in a way that is liberating. We don’t have
to eradicate our mind, kill it, trample on it, squeeze it, squash
it, or turn it into something completely dead and miserable. We
start by using the instrument we have at our disposal, and this
instrument is called ‘mind and body.’ We use this instrument
to face life and our ‘self’ as they are. That takes strength.
It takes energy. It takes interest, fearlessness, compassion
and patience. It takes many things to be able to look at
reality as it is.
world, simply because we don’t notice the noble qualities in
people. Through mindfulness we break our habit of creating
negativity, of undermining others and ourselves. Through
mindfulness we notice when people are kind, or generous, the
small things that make us see the world in a happier way.
The Buddha gives us a lot of tools that we can use, but the tools
don’t constitute liberation. They are only means to an end.
Liberation is when we start letting go, when we start freeing
the heart through renouncing all the things that are redundant
in our minds and keep us in misery, such as depression, despair,
lack of confidence, fear, anxiety. These qualities may make
us think there is something wrong with us, but no. There is
nothing wrong with us. Human life is really difficult. We have
to attend to so many things just to survive at the physical level.
We may have to look after people. Some of you are married
and look after children, pets, a house, a car and bank accounts.
There’s nothing wrong with that. It is not easy to live a human
life. Dealing with all these things demands a lot of energy, but
those demands are not an obstacle to liberation. If you feel your
life is difficult and troublesome, don’t blame yourself; it is just
human life and it’s like that. So hopefully you can make peace
with being human, with the joy and the misery of a human life,
and continue to develop a sense of great gratitude towards the
Buddha’s teaching. The Dhamma enables us to live our human
life with a sense that it is worthwhile. It doesn’t need to have
a ‘meaning’. We may never find a meaning in it, but we can
come to understand and make the best of it. The meaning of life
is life itself.
If we find that our mind feels dull, there are many ways of
working with this. We can bring attention back to the body
sitting. We can investigate this quality of dullness as an object
of observation. What does dullness feel like? We begin to see
that it has a quality of vibration. It is changing all the time; it is
not just one uniform mass. We can feel it in both the physical
and the mental body. We can double-check that moment when
our mind says, ‘I’ve got to move’ or ‘Something has to change.’
We try to stay with it, and if we do that, we may actually
realize the ending of that pressurizing mind. Begin to know
that the mind can sometimes feel like a pressurizing force.
Sometimes we think that pressure only comes from our outer
life, but actually it comes from within, from the way we react to
the outer life. When we take refuge in the Buddha/Dhamma/
Sangha, we stop wanting life to be perfect and turn inwards to
see whether our responses to life are just reactive habits, often
tinted by anger, aversion, frustration, impatience and so on.
when nothing has arisen, when no mind objects are present,
when nothing is reflected. Notice the moments when there is
the feeling that the mind is just resting.
Many of you know that the goal of the Buddhist path is to reach
nibbāna. But nibbāna is not actually a world or a realm or a
state. It is absence, the absence of greed, hatred and delusion. It
is often referred to as ‘the cooling down of the mind’. How can
we conceive the absence of something? We can’t. How can we
imagine nibbāna? Instead of seeking to describe it, the Buddha
pointed to what we know. One thing we know is suffering. It
is not difficult for a human being to realize how difficult life
is – we have to toil and work to be able to eat, to keep warm,
to have a home, to make and keep our friends, and to deal
with the people we don’t really want in our lives anymore,
such as parents with whom we maybe don’t get on, to develop
relationships that may be wonderful or disastrous. Dukkha is
not very far away. It is in every corner of our life.
The opposite of dukkha is sukha, which means ‘happiness’ or
‘ease’. There is suffering, but there is also happiness. Both
are essential aspects of human experience. When there is
sukha, the human heart wants more of it. During meditation,
you notice the mind is peaceful and blissful for a few minutes
and there’s an immediate tendency (if the mind is untrained)
to assume that this state should last, but of course it doesn’t.
‘Why is my happy, blissful moment of meditation turning into
an awful memory of my last relationship (or job, or whatever)?
I was blissed out of my mind, and suddenly up came an awful
memory of when I was a child and my mother screamed at me.’
These memories leave traces, marks in our hearts and minds.
Sometimes when a memory is extreme it constitutes a trauma.
Sometimes it is just called ‘painful memory.’
Sukha and dukkha work together. The more we run away from
dukkha, the more we want sukha; the more we want sukha, the
more dukkha pops its head up. It is like a pendulum. The mind
is like a pendulum.
The Buddha did not speak much about what happens once we
get to the absence of greed, hatred and delusion, though in the
Udana he describes it in this way:
Udana 8.3
The Buddha taught profoundly and very broadly on the dukkha
of human existence and, fortunately, he also expounded on
the way out of dukkha. He offered us his unrivalled knowledge
of the mind, not in the way science examines the human
brain as an apparatus that puts us in touch with the world
outside, but from the perspective of how to end dukkha. As
one teacher said, ‘The whole path of Buddhism is to decrease
suffering.’ So if you have suffering in your life, double-check:
this is a symptom of something. It is not that you are ‘bad’.
It is not something to be taken personally. None of us would
have taken an interest in the Buddha’s teaching if we hadn’t
at some point experienced a sense of being fed up with living
blindly. Most of us have experienced regret and misery. We
have felt unable to deal with suffering, stuck and incapable of
liberating our heart.
The Buddhist path touches on every aspect of ourselves and
every aspect of life. It is not just a set of methods to calm the
mind down. It shows us that everything we do, say and think
is interconnected. Everything we do has a result, bears a fruit.
In our practice of meditation we learn to notice, to look, to
see. This requires complete willingness to participate actively
in the research. That is why we need to be awake. The word
‘Buddha’ means ‘awake’. If you are not awake you don’t have
the energy that is necessary to penetrate this knowledge of the
mind. The mind is very tricky. It is a very difficult thing to hold
for even a second. Everything moves and changes very quickly.
Ajahn Chah used the simile of catching a fish with your hands.
I’ve never caught a fish, but I imagine it is very slippery. You
can’t hold it for very long. Ajahn Chah compared the mind to a
slippery fish.
But the mind doesn’t feel like a slippery fish. It can feel more as
if we are being crushed underneath heaps of dukkha. So when
we practise meditation we are affecting our lives in a deeper
way than we imagine. We are having a taste of the absence of
greed, hatred and delusion in a very small dose. For just a few
minutes we see the mind when it is not attached. We begin
to notice what that feels like. We begin to see, for example,
that greed has a cause. Then we see it disappearing. What has
happened? We have noticed the end of a moment of greed. The
same can happen with anger. We become really upset because
we don’t get something we want. Then we suddenly observe
what is happening; we begin to see, we can listen to it, feel it
and notice when it has ended.
ending of a state of greed or anger, the ending of anything; as
soon as we felt okay we would move on to the birth of the next
state: ‘I’m all right now. Let me find somebody else I can be with
(or another piece of cake, etc.).’ We forget. But mindfulness is
remembering: remembering to look, to see, to be interested
in this life which is creating our world moment by moment.
What is our world right now? Are we happy? Are we peaceful?
Are we a mixed bag of both or neither peace nor happiness,
or this or that? Grey? Unformed? That is called confusion.
Are we confused?
When the mind is not in a good place, I’ve noticed that it
doesn’t function very well. The mind needs care. For instance,
if your mind feels miserable, sometimes just noticing what
is happening can bring a balance to the mind. The mind is
comforted and then ready to continue working better. When
we listen to our mind, it brings peace, and peace can bring
energy into our mind.
it is about noticing, studying the experience of desire, and
letting go. There is a difference between a healthy desire and
an unhealthy one. We may notice that a desire to be happy
has made us unhappy because we have become hooked on the
experience of happiness. But we can live without depending
on a feeling of happiness. Not only that, we can also find a
different kind of happiness that is more subtle – the happiness
of freedom, the happiness of a mind liberated from dependence
on wanting to be happy.
renounce using our ability to communicate and speak in a way
that perpetuates a miserable world, and weakening control of
our mind through intoxicating drink and drugs.
self is wisdom. And wisdom is not a small thing; it is really
worth exchanging delusion for wisdom. Wisdom is much
more powerful, much more capable than delusion. It is able to
respond to life with delight, so we can delight in the responses
we see coming from a mind that is not caught up in delusion, a
mind that knows.
find out for ourselves whether the teaching is true or not.
We begin to take notice, rather than being obsessed with
perfecting a particular quality of mind. Instead we learn to
relax in the present moment. There may be the wish to have a
happy mind, a radiant and peaceful mind. All these desires are
natural. These are healthy motivations, called chanda in Pali.
But work must be done to get to that point. When we say, ‘I
want to be happy’, we learn to recognize this mind state and
allow mindfulness to see it as it is, instead of using wilfulness
to try to get what we want according to an idea.
Then we can begin to notice the ‘do-er’ and the ‘doing’. The
idea of being able to get somewhere without ‘doing’ anything
can be difficult to understand. How can I get somewhere
without ‘me’? And yet when we practise our meditation, little
by little and with patience we begin to withstand the power
of ‘me’ wanting to do something. Instead of ‘me! me! me!’, we
begin to simply understand. We hear those voices shouting
‘me!’, and our attitude is: ‘Yes – I hear you. You want to be good.
You want concentration. You want to be a good meditator. I
understand that you are in a hurry, that you think you have a
better way. But for now we are doing it like this.’ Sometimes
you have to talk to yourself in this way. ‘The Buddha-mind is
in charge. The wakeful mind is in charge. Okay?’ Talk to the
mind firmly sometimes. Otherwise it will just keep making you
feel miserable and dragging you back onto the treadmill of
suffering, lamentation and grief.
towards ourselves and all beings. This has a very powerful effect.
A mind suffused with loving-kindness is a conscious mind. It
is an intelligent mind. We all have this kind of intelligence, so
tap into it. We don’t need to think about it a lot, just feel this
mind that at this moment is like a container filled with loving-
May I be well.
May I be happy.
May I be at ease.
Ajahn Sundara was born in France in 1946 and studied dance there
and in England. In her early thirties, whilst living and studying in
England, she attend a talk and later a retreat led by Ajahn Sumedho.
His teachings and experiences of the monastic way of life in the
Forest Tradition resonated deeply.
In 1979 she asked to join the monastic community at Chithurst
Monastery in England as one of the first four women novices. In
1983 she was given the Going Forth as a Siladhara (10-precept nun)
by Ajahn Sumedho. After five years at Chithurst, she went to live at
Amaravati Monastery, where she participated in the establishment of
the nuns’ community.
Between 1995 until 1998 she deepened her practice mostly in
Thai Forest monasteries. In 2000, after spending a year as the
senior incumbent of the nuns community at the Devon Vihara,
she was based at Abhayagiri Monastery in the United States. She
currently lives at Amaravati Monastery where she explores ways of
practising, sustaining and integrating Buddhist teachings in Western
culture. Since the late 1980’s she has taught and led meditation
retreats worldwide.
The Present Moment
ISBN: 978-1-78432-079-9
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Paccuppanna The Present Moment
The Present Moment
Ajahn Sundara
Dhamma Reflections by
Ajahn Sundara