The Science of Cycling - Part 1

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The Science of Cycling - Part 1

Dataset · January 2015



3 authors, including:

Daryl Lee Parker

California State University, Sacra…


Irvin E. Faria
Universidade Federal do Pampa (…


Available from: Irvin E. Faria

Retrieved on: 19 June 2016
Sports Med 2005; 35 (4): 285-312
REVIEW ARTICLE 0112-1642/05/0004-0285/$34.95/0

 2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.

The Science of Cycling

Physiology and Training – Part 1
Erik W. Faria,1 Daryl L. Parker2 and Irvin E. Faria2
1 Exercise Physiology Laboratories, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New
Mexico, USA
2 Department of Kinesiology and Health Science, California State University Sacramento,
Sacramento, California, USA

Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
1. Terminology and Research Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
1.1 Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
1.2 Research Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
1.2.1 Graded Exercise Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
1.2.2 Anaerobic Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
1.2.3 Performance Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
2. Bicycle Ergometer Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
3. Test Termination Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
4. Predictors of Cycling Potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
4.1 Characteristics of Road Cyclists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
4.1.1 Maximal Oxygen Uptake (V̇O2max) and Metabolic Thresholds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
4.1.2 Peak Power Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
4.1.3 Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
4.1.4 Breathing Pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
4.2 Characteristics of Off-Road Cyclists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
4.3 Use of Blood Lactate Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
5. V̇O2max and Metabolic Thresholds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
6. Anaerobic Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
7. Metabolic Acidosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
8. Fatigue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
9. Pulmonary Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
10. Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
10.1 Monitoring Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
10.2 Determination of Training Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
10.3 Training Volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
10.4 Interval Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
11. Tapering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
12. Overuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
13. Over-Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
14. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307

Abstract The aim of this review is to provide greater insight and understanding regard-
ing the scientific nature of cycling. Research findings are presented in a practical
manner for their direct application to cycling. The two parts of this review provide
286 Faria et al.

information that is useful to athletes, coaches and exercise scientists in the

prescription of training regimens, adoption of exercise protocols and creation of
research designs.
Here for the first time, we present rationale to dispute prevailing myths linked
to erroneous concepts and terminology surrounding the sport of cycling. In some
studies, a review of the cycling literature revealed incomplete characterisation of
athletic performance, lack of appropriate controls and small subject numbers,
thereby complicating the understanding of the cycling research. Moreover, a
mixture of cycling testing equipment coupled with a multitude of exercise
protocols stresses the reliability and validity of the findings.
Our scrutiny of the literature revealed key cycling performance-determining
variables and their training-induced metabolic responses. The review of training
strategies provides guidelines that will assist in the design of aerobic and anaerob-
ic training protocols. Paradoxically, while maximal oxygen uptake (V̇O2max) is
generally not considered a valid indicator of cycling performance when it is
coupled with other markers of exercise performance (e.g. blood lactate, power
output, metabolic thresholds and efficiency/economy), it is found to gain predic-
tive credibility.
The positive facets of lactate metabolism dispel the ‘lactic acid myth’. Lactate
is shown to lower hydrogen ion concentrations rather than raise them, thereby
retarding acidosis. Every aspect of lactate production is shown to be advantageous
to cycling performance. To minimise the effects of muscle fatigue, the efficacy of
employing a combination of different high cycling cadences is evident. The
subconscious fatigue avoidance mechanism ‘teleoanticipation’ system serves to
set the tolerable upper limits of competitive effort in order to assure the athlete
completion of the physical challenge.
Physiological markers found to be predictive of cycling performance include:
(i) power output at the lactate threshold (LT2); (ii) peak power output (Wpeak)
indicating a power/weight ratio of ≥5.5 W/kg; (iii) the percentage of type I fibres
in the vastus lateralis; (iv) maximal lactate steady-state, representing the highest
exercise intensity at which blood lactate concentration remains stable; (v) Wpeak
at LT2; and (vi) Wpeak during a maximal cycling test. Furthermore, the unique
breathing pattern, characterised by a lack of tachypnoeic shift, found in profes-
sional cyclists may enhance the efficiency and metabolic cost of breathing. The
training impulse is useful to characterise exercise intensity and load during
training and competition. It serves to enable the cyclist or coach to evaluate the
effects of training strategies and may well serve to predict the cyclist’s perform-
Findings indicate that peripheral adaptations in working muscles play a more
important role for enhanced submaximal cycling capacity than central adapta-
tions. Clearly, relatively brief but intense sprint training can enhance both glyco-
lytic and oxidative enzyme activity, maximum short-term power output and
V̇O2max. To that end, it is suggested to replace ~15% of normal training with one
of the interval exercise protocols. Tapering, through reduction in duration of
training sessions or the frequency of sessions per week while maintaining intensi-
ty, is extremely effective for improvement of cycling time-trial performance.

 2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2005; 35 (4)
The Science of Cycling: Part 1 287

Overuse and over-training disabilities common to the competitive cyclist, if

untreated, can lead to delayed recovery.

Cycling remains the major means of transporta- concepts and terminology is considered necessary.
tion in many countries of the world and, as a recrea- Furthermore, research design, subject sample, sam-
tional and competitive sport, it continues to grow ple size, instrumentation, methodology and data ac-
increasingly popular. Furthermore, during the last quisition are addressed.
decade, off-road cycling has enjoyed an exponential
growth in popularity. While cycling has continued 1.1 Terminology
to expand as a recreational/fitness activity, so has
The following terms are prevalent in cycling
the competitive nature of the sport. Competitive
literature; however, the definition of these terms is
cycling requires both aerobic and anaerobic power.
often absent or inconsistent. For clarification and
Road and off-road bicycle racing require the cyclist
consistency, the terms with their definitions are
to possess the ability to generate a relatively high
power output of short duration during the mass start,
steep climbing and at the race finish. ‘Anaerobic’ is considered a non-oxygen meta-
bolic concept that represents enzyme concentrations
The typical road race and off-road cross-country
and activity. In the present article, the term anaerob-
cycle events may have durations of approximately
ic relates to those metabolic processes that do not
1–5 hours while multi-stage races are characterised
depend on oxygen, irrespective of its availability.[6]
by several back-to-back days of racing consisting of
mass-start stages and individual and team time tri- ‘Maximal oxygen uptake (V̇O2max)’ represents
als. Professional cyclists must be able to tolerate the maximal oxygen used, and is limited by oxygen
high work-loads for long periods (3 weeks) during delivery and subject to central and peripheral cardio-
major tour races such as the Giro d’Italia, Tour de vascular capacity limitations and tissue oxygen de-
France and Vuelta a España. During these competi- mand.
tive events, the power output of the cyclist is used to ‘Efficiency’ is a measure of effective work and is
overcome the aerodynamic and rolling resistances. most commonly expressed as the percentage of total
Different by the nature of the setting, competitive energy expended that produces external work.[7]
track cycling demands acute bursts of high power ‘Lactate threshold 1 (LT1)’ is defined as the
output followed by constant high-intensity sprint- exercise intensity that elicits 1 mmol/L increase in
ing. This article attempts to provide an overview of blood lactate concentration above the average rest
the physiological and metabolic factors associated value.[8] It is identified on the individual power
with cycling performance. A better understanding of curve as the intensity eliciting such a blood lactate
the mechanisms and their interactions that underlie increase. This threshold has several names, such as
excellence in the dynamics of cycling will enable lactate threshold, aerobic threshold and anaerobic
more educated approaches to testing, training and threshold. However, we will use the term ‘threshold
research. 1’ to represent the first break-point on the lactate-
intensity curve.
1. Terminology and Research Design ‘Lactate threshold 2 (LT2)’ is the highest exer-
cise intensity at which blood lactate concentration
Recent literature has questioned the application remains stable and is often referred to as maximal
and interpretation of terminology and concepts com- lactate steady state (MLSS). MLSS is attained when
monly found in scientific papers that address topics blood lactate concentration varies <1 mmol/L dur-
related to exercise science.[1-7] Consequently, prior ing the final 20 minutes of constant intensity exer-
to this review, some interpretative commentary of cise, reflecting a balance between lactate production

 2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2005; 35 (4)
288 Faria et al.

and removal.[9] Another common name for LT2 is bility, or degradation of fitness condition over time.
the ‘onset of blood lactate accumulation’.[10] An A rightward shift of the lactate-velocity curve re-
additional approach of determining LT2 is lactate flects training-induced gains.
Dmax. This method provides a means of estimating ‘Gross efficiency’ is the ratio of work done dur-
power output corresponding to a rate of glycogen ing cycling to the total energy expended and is
utilisation that can be maintained for 1 hour. The expressed as a percentage.[14] It is important to re-
Dmax method involves calculating the point on the member that measurement of gross efficiency is
regression curve that yields the maximal perpendic- limited to intensities that elicit a respiratory ex-
ular distance from a curve representing work and change ratio of <1.00.
lactate variables to the line formed by the two ‘Economy’ is a measure of V̇O2 per unit of power
endpoints of the curve. output. It is the amount of oxygen per litre per unit
‘Ventilatory threshold 1 (VT1)’ is the point of a of energy transferred to the cycle ergometer.
non-linear increase in ventilation (V̇E) and carbon
dioxide production (V̇CO2), in combination with a 1.2 Research Design
decline in expired CO2 fraction (FECO2) and an
elevation of expired O2 fraction (FEO2). In practice, A review of cycling literature clearly reveals the
the VT is identified as a point of hyperventilation importance for a note of caution to the reader. Al-
with respect to oxygen uptake (V̇O2) and is reflected though published in peer-reviewed journals, several
in a systematic increase in ventilatory equivalent for papers have vulnerable internal as well as external
oxygen (V̇E/V̇O2) without a concomitant increase in validity. Additionally, the over-extension of statisti-
the ventilatory equivalent for carbon dioxide (V̇E/ cal inference, small sample size and the absence of
V̇CO2).[11] VT1 corresponds closely with LT1. control groups are often evident. Addressing sample
‘Ventilatory threshold 2 (VT2)’, the second VT is size, Hopkins et al.[15] comments that for the esti-
the respiratory compensation point. The respiratory mate of the within-subject variation, ten athletes and
compensation point is identified as an increase in three trials will give a barely acceptable 95% confi-
both V̇E/V̇O2 and V̇E/V̇CO2 and a decrease in end- dence interval. Moreover, additional trials and more
tidal CO2 tension (PETCO2).[12] VT2 corresponds athletes allow firmer conclusions about learning ef-
very closely with LT2. fects between trials. Concern is raised regarding the
subject sample, which ranges from untrained to pro-
‘Peak power output (Wpeak)’ is the highest work-
fessional racers. Furthermore, several studies fail to
load sustained for 2–3 minutes during progressive
control for the confounding factors of training, ini-
incremental exercise to exhaustion.
tial training level and the effect of testing.
‘Mechanical efficiency’ is the percentage of total
chemical energy expended that contributes to exter- 1.2.1 Graded Exercise Tests
nal work, the remainder being lost in heat. Within Laboratory and field test methodology and proce-
this definition, mechanical efficiency is equal to the dures differ among researchers engaged in cycling
actual mechanical work accomplished divided by science. The extent to which dissimilar approaches
the input of energy × 100. to cycling exercise research affect the validity of the
‘Lactate concentration work-load’ is defined as findings remains unanswered. Ramp protocol on a
the highest work-load not associated with a rise in cycle ergometer is generally adopted for laboratory
lactate concentration above baseline.[13] Blood lac- testing; however, work-load assignment differs.
tate profiling is widely used for monitoring training- Table I presents a summary of commonly applied
induced changes in the physical fitness status of aerobic cycling test protocols.
cyclists. The generation of a blood lactate-velocity When V̇O2 measuring equipment is not availa-
curve from incremental exercise testing allows for ble, V̇O2 may be estimated utilising the following
visual inspection for evidence of improvement, sta- equation:[33]

 2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2005; 35 (4)
The Science of Cycling: Part 1 289

Table I. Commonly applied aerobic bicycle ergometer test protocols

Study Initial work-load Work-load increase Stage duration Pedal cadence Termination
(W) (W) (min)
Bentley et al.[16] 100 30 1 Self-select Exhaustion
Bishop et al.[17] 50 25 3 Self-select Exhaustion
Fernández-García et 100 50 4 Self-select Exhaustion
Harnish et al.[19] 200 50 2 min for first 6 min, 80 rpm Exhaustion
1 min thereafter
Heil et al.[20] 80 30 (men), 25 (women) 1 80 rpm Exhaustion
Laursen and Jenkins[21] 100 15 30 sec Self-select Exhaustion
Lepers et al.[22] 150 25 2 Self-select Exhaustion
Lindsay et al.[23] 3.3 W/kg 25–50 2.5 80–90 rpm Exhaustion
Lucía et al.[24] 0 25 1 70–90 rpm <70 rpm
Lucía et al.[25] 20 25 1 70-90 rpm Exhaustion
Marsh and Martin[26] 100 50 2 85–110 rpm Exhaustion
MacRae et al.[27] 100 25 1 Self-select Exhaustion
Moseley and 60 35 3 80 rpm Exhaustion
Padilla et al.[28] 110 35 (with 1 min 4 75 rpm <75 rpm
recovery intervals)
Romer et al.[29] 95 35 3 >60 rpm <60 rpm
Schabort et al.[30] 100 20 1 Self-select < power output
Stepto et al.[31] 3.3 W/kg 25–50 2.5 Self-select Exhaustion
Swensen et al.[32] 200 40 2 80 rpm <80 rpm
rpm = revolutions per minute.

V̇O2 (mL/min) = kg/min × 1.9 mL/min + ([3.5 1.2.2 Anaerobic Tests

mL/kg/min × kg bodyweight] + 260 mL/min) The cyclist’s ability to generate relatively high
where: 1.9 mL/min = V̇O2 power relationship; 3.5 power output of brief duration is essential during
mL/kg/min = resting V̇O2; 260 mL/min = O2 cost of climbing, sprinting to the finish or to pass other
unloaded cycling. cyclists, starting in mass and individual time trail-
This prediction equation, however, is not recom- ing. To examine this, ability tests of anaerobic pow-
mended for use at power loads above the lactate er are often employed. For example, Baron[36]
threshold.[33] Moreover, the accuracy of V̇O2max presented a protocol for a 10-second anaerobic pow-
estimation from regression equations, at least in top- er test that began with a 10-minute warm-up period
level cyclists, may experience inaccuracy since an at 1 W/kg bodyweight at 70–80 revolutions per
attenuation of the V̇O2/W relationship at high work- minute (rpm) followed by a 1-minute rest then ten
loads is a distinguished characteristic of the best randomised 10-second bouts at maximal cadence
cyclists.[34] ranging from 50 to 140 rpm in 10 rpm increments.
In the field, energy expenditure in terms of V̇O2 Recovery between bouts was 4 minutes, during
may be estimated for outdoor cycling utilising the which time the cyclist continued to cycle with a
equation presented by McCole et al.:[35] power output of 1 W/kg. Numerous other protocols
V̇O2 (L/min) = –4.5 + 0.17 * C1 + 0.052 * C2 + designed to test anaerobic power can be found in the
0.022 * C3 literature. Hence, there is a need for consistency.
where: C1 = rider speed (km/h); C2 = wind speed Specific protocols should be examined for their
(km/h); C3 = rider weight (kg). reliability, validity and appropriateness. Perhaps as

 2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2005; 35 (4)
290 Faria et al.

a starting point, a Wingate test might be used with a Researchers regularly comment that differences
protocol of an initial load of 0.075kg resistance per between their work and the findings of others cannot
kilogram of body mass applied within 3 seconds be explained or perhaps are due to a different subject
after the initial inertia and unloaded frictional resis- sample or test protocol, etc. Currently, there is little
tance of the ergometer are overcome. The subse- information in the literature on the confounding
quent work-loads, durations, intervals, recoveries, effect of different research methodologies. In this
etc., should then be established according to specific regard, a careful review of the cycling literature
characteristics of the cyclist. reveals the need for consideration of methodology
Anaerobic power is generally measured using an standardisation if research findings are to be useful
isokinetic cycle ergometer equipped with racing at the operational level. The relationship between
handlebars, saddle, toe clips and configured to performance in tests and performance in cycling
match closely to the dimensions of the cyclist’s competition has not been explored adequately. The
bicycle. Throughout the test, lasting generally question remains, how a change in performance in a
10–30 seconds, the cyclist remains seated and gen- cycling laboratory test translates into a change in
erates 50–140 rpm. It appears that to remain seated performance in the actual competitive setting. More-
discounts any confounding effects of standing. over, the selection of the ergometer used in testing
as well as the protocol demands serious considera-
1.2.3 Performance Tests
The laboratory 1-hour time-trial test is frequently 2. Bicycle Ergometer Types
performed on a calibrated wind-braked cycle er-
gometer employing the cyclist’s bicycle. For this Data generation is accomplished utilising various
test, the cyclist is instructed to generate the highest cycle ergometers including the Ergometrics 900 (Er-
power output possible throughout the 60-minute go-line, Barcelona, Spain); Superbike IIs or SB-II
ride. The initial 8-minute power output is preset for (USA; Fitrocyle, Fitronic); mechanically braked
work at 70% of the cyclist’s Wpeak determined from Monark 818 (Varberg, Sweden); mechanically
a previous incremental test. After 8 minutes, the braked Body Guard 900 (Ste Foy, Quebec, Canada);
cyclist is free to vary both pedal cadence and force. electromagnetically braked ergometer (Lode,
Throughout the ride, the cyclist is continually pro- Gronigen, The Netherlands); or the electromagneti-
vided with visual feedback of pedal cadence, power cally braked ergometer (Orion S.T.E., Toulouse,
output, heart rate (HR) and elapsed time. A 100km France). Additionally, the Kingcycle (Kingcycle
time trial has been developed to mimic the stochas- Ltd, High Wycombe, UK) or the Kreitler windload
tic nature of bicycle road races and includes a series simulator equipped with a Killer Headwind resis-
of sprints.[30,37] In this regard, for the research find- tance unit (Kreitler Rollers Inc., Ottawa, KS, USA)
ings to be useful, test protocol should allow pacing is often employed as they allow the cyclist to ride
that mimics an event and allow the cyclist to her/his own cycle for various tests. In this instance,
reproduce a familiar pacing strategy. the bicycle, after removal of the front wheel, is
Field research is frequently conducted in an out- attached to the ergometry system by the front fork
door velodrome or during a road or off-road race. and supported by an adjustable pillar under the
The bicycle is generally equipped with SRM instru- bottom bracket. The rear wheel rests on an air-
ments (Schroberer Rad McBtechink, Weldorf, Ger- braked flywheel. Conversely, the Computrainer (Se-
many) that measures and stores power output, speed, attle, WA, USA) provides resistance to the rear
cadence and subject HR. Credit should be given to wheel of the bicycle through an electronic load
those scientists who have examined the effects of generator. The SRM crank dynamometer of an in-
treatments on performance in actual competitive strumented chainring that transmits strain-gauge
events. readings by telemetry to a handlebar microprocessor

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The Science of Cycling: Part 1 291

or to a central computer, along with crank rpm and maximal (V̇O2max) rather than a peak (V̇O2peak)
bicycle speed. An alternative to the SRM is the value if the peak blood lactate concentration is >8
Power-Tap (Madison, WI, USA), which determines mmol/L. The question remains as to which criteria
power from strain-gauges placed in the hub of the provide the most consistent and valid measure of the
rear wheel. Undertaking a test on a cyclist’s own cyclist’s exercise capacity.
cycle rather than on a cycle ergometer eliminates the
problem of the cyclist not being able to configure to 4. Predictors of Cycling Potential
their normal riding posture.

3. Test Termination Criteria 4.1 Characteristics of Road Cyclists

The criteria adopted to terminate a cycling exer- 4.1.1 Maximal Oxygen Uptake (V̇O2max) and
cise test vary among investigators. Nevertheless, Metabolic Thresholds
there appears to be nothing to suggest that any one The cyclist’s potential for road-racing success
criterion is superior, reliable or valid compared with might be measured from physiological values of
another. Rather, the investigator’s past experience, elite professional riders. There is substantial evi-
subject’s state of conditioning, concern for the sub- dence demonstrating that successful professional
ject’s safety and desired data acquisition appear to cyclists possess high V̇O2max values (~74 mL/kg/
dictate the adopted test termination conditions. min) and a LT2 that is ~90% of V̇O2max.[18,44-47]
Some of the termination criteria applied include: Padilla et al.[38] have grouped riders into their area of
• pedal cadence of 70,[24,38] 80[32] or 90 rpm[39,40] expertise, i.e. uphill riders, flat terrain riders, time-
can no longer be maintained; trial specialists and all terrain cyclists, and
• subject volitional fatigue;[16,17,21] characterised their physiological attributes. Table II
• a given work-load or power output can no longer presents absolute and relative power output values at
be maintained;[30] individual lactate thresholds.
• a plateau in V̇O2;[26] A scaling of maximal aerobic power and V̇O2
• selected metabolic parameters, such as a rise in values was performed using mass exponents of 0.32
respiratory exchange ratio of >1.0,[7] 90% of age to evaluate level of cycling ability and 0.79 to evalu-
predicted peak heart rate (HRpeak),[41] HR >95% ate uphill cycling ability.[48] Frontal area was con-
of age-related maximum (220 – age).[42] sidered to be 18.5% of body surface area and
Other test termination variables include various V̇O2max was estimated utilising the regression equa-
blood lactate and VE values predetermined by the tion proposed by Hawley and Noakes[49] where
research design or established guidelines. For exam- V̇O2max = 0.01141 • Wmax + 0.435. Wmax is defined
ple, with regard to blood lactate, the British Associa- at the highest work-load maintained for a complete
tion of Sport Sciences[43] guidelines propose that the 4-minute period. The LT1 was identified as the
V̇O2 measurement at exhaustion can be considered a exercise intensity that elicited 1 mmol/L increase in

Table II. Absolute and relative power output values (mean ± SD) at the individual lactate threshold (reproduced from Padilla et al.,[38] with
Variable Flat terrain Time trialist All terrain Uphill
WLT (W) 356 ± 31 357 ± 41 322 ± 43 308 ± 46
WLT (W/kg) 4.67 ± 0.25 5.0 ± 0.2 4.73 ± 0.48 4.91 ± 0.5
WLT (W/kg–0.32) 89.0 ± 6.7 91.0 ± 8.0 83.4 ± 10.0 81.0 ± 10.8
WLT (W/kg–0.79) 11.6 ± 0.69 12.25 ± 0.64 11.47 ± 1.23 11.71 ± 1.29
WLT (W/m–2 FA) 962.5 ± 59.0 1009.7 ± 65.0 933.7 ± 110.2 940.7 ± 10.3
WLT (%Wmax) 77 ± 2.0 78 ± 3.0 74 ± 7.0 76 ± 3.0
FA = frontal area; WLT = power output at lactate threshold; Wmax = maximal power output.

 2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2005; 35 (4)
292 Faria et al.

Table III. Characteristics of professional road-racing cyclists (repro- been questioned. Research data indicate that steady-
duced from Padilla et al.,[38] with permission)
state conditions at exercise intensities eliciting
Variable Mean ± SD Range
blood lactate values differ from the fixed 4 mmol/L
Age (y) 26.0 ± 3.0 20–33
Height (cm) 180.0 ± 6.0 160–190
value corresponding to LT2.[52,53] However, LT2 has
Mass (kg) 68.2 ± 6.6 53–80 been reported as the highest possible steady-state
Wmax (W) 431.8 ± 42.6 349–525 work intensity that can be maintained for a pro-
Wmax (W/kg) 6.34 ± 0.30 5.58–6.82 longed time and, therefore, is an excellent endurance
V̇O2max (L/min)a 5.63 ± 0.47 4.42–6.42 index.[50,53,54] The LT2 of the cyclist who set a new
V̇O2 (mL/kg/min) 78.8 ± 3.7 69.7–64.8 world record in 1999 was 88.2% of his maximal
HRmax (beats/min) 192 ± 6.0 178–204 aerobic power. Moreover, power output at blood
Lamax (mmol/L) 9.8 ± 1.9 6.9–13.7 lactate threshold has been shown to be an important
a V̇O2 was estimated.
variable for cycling performance.[16,44] As a predic-
HRmax = maximal heart rate; Lamax = maximal blood lactate
concentration; V̇O2 = oxygen uptake; V̇O2max = maximal oxygen
tor of performance, Baron[36] used a fixed lactate
uptake; Wmax = maximal power output. threshold of 4 mmol/L. In support of this finding,
Coyle et al.[44] demonstrated that lactate threshold
V̇O2 is a strong predictor (r = 0.96) of endurance
lactate concentration above average lactate values
performance among trained cyclists with similar
measured when exercising at 40–60% of V̇O2max.[8]
maximal aerobic power. The success of tests per-
The LT2 was identified as the exercise intensity
formed and the related accomplishment of a new
eliciting a lactate concentration of 4 mmol/L.[50]
1-hour world record reveal the existence of a close
When the last work-load was not maintained for 4
relationship between those measurements for cy-
full minutes, maximal power output (Wmax) was
cling and future performance potential. When
calculated as follows.[51]
standardised environmental and equipment condi-
Wmax = Wf + (t/240) • 35
tions are maintained, adequate models that integrate
where: Wf = the value of the last complete work-
all major performance-determining variables are
load (W); t = the time the last work-load was main-
used and laboratory-based assumptions are verified
tained (seconds), and 35 = the power output differ-
in the field, cycling laboratory tests have a high
ence between the last two work-loads (W) [tables
predictive value.
III, IV and V].
Power output at lactate threshold has been shown 4.1.2 Peak Power Output
to be a valid predictor (r = 0.88) of cycling potential There is substantial evidence demonstrating that
(table VI).[44] Wpeak obtained during a maximal incremental cy-
The validity of using the 4 mmol/L intensity cling test can be used as predictor of cycling per-
determined during an incremental test as a predictor formance.[16,49] Hawley and Noakes[49] report a sig-
of the maximal steady-state intensity sustainable nificant correlation (r = –0.91; p < 0.001) between
during prolonged exercise for all individuals has Wmax during a graded exercise test and a 20km

Table IV. Group anthropometric characteristics (mean ± SD) [reproduced from Padilla et al.,[38] with permission]
Variable Flat terrain Time trialist All terrain Uphill
Age (y) 27 ± 3.0 28 ± 5.0 25 ± 2.0 25 ± 4.0
Height (cm) 186 ± 4.0 181 ± 6.0 180 ± 2.0 175 ± 7.0
Mass (kg) 76.2 ± 3.2 71.2 ± 6.0 68.0 ± 2.8 62.4 ± 4.4
BSA (m2) 2.0 ± 0.06 1.91 ± 0.11 1.87 ± 0.04 1.75 ± 0.01
FA (m2) 0.37 ± 0.0011 0.353 ± 0.02 0.345 ± 0.008 0.326 ± 0.019
BSA-BM (–1 • 10–3) 26.26 ± 0.48 26.82 ± 0.73 27.44 ± 0.53 28.27 ± 0.49
FA-BM (–1 • 10–3) 4.86 ± 0.09 4.96 ± 0.13 5.07 ± 0.10 5.23 ± 0.09
BM = body mass; BSA = body surface area; FA = frontal area.

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The Science of Cycling: Part 1 293

Table V. Absolute and relative power output values at the individual lactate threshold (mean ± SD) [reproduced from Padilla et al.,[38] with
Variable Flat terrain Time trialist All terrain Uphill
WLT (W) 356 ± 31 357 ± 41 322 ± 43 308 ± 46
WLT (W/kg) 4.67 ± 0.25 5.0 ± 0.2 4.73 ± 0.48 4.91 ± 0.5
WLT (W/kg–0.32) 89.0 ± 6.7 91.0 ± 8.0 83.4 ± 10.0 81.0 ± 10.8
WLT (W/kg–0.79) 11.6 ± 0.69 12.25 ± 0.64 11.47 ± 1.23 11.71 ± 1.29
WLT (W/m–2 FA) 962.5 ± 59.0 1009.7 ± 65.0 933.7 ± 110.2 940.7 ± 10.3
WLT (%Wmax) 77 ± 2.0 78 ± 3.0 74 ± 7.0 76 ± 3.0
FA = frontal area; WLT = power output at lactate threshold; Wmax = maximal power output.

cycle trial. These investigators concluded that Wmax required to achieve this characteristic is unknown.
may be a good parameter for assessment of cycling Nonetheless, professional riders generally cycle
performance. Test data reveal that Wpeak measured ~35 000 km/year and compete ~90 days.[24]
during a maximal incremental cycle test can be used This training volume impacts the cyclist’s effi-
as a predictor of performance in endurance cy- ciency. The professional cyclist’s efficiency during
clists.[16,49] A power/weight ratio of >5.5 W/kg is heavy exercise appears to be positively related to the
considered a necessary prerequisite for top-level percentage of type I fibres in the vastus lateralis
competitive cyclists.[55] However, this criterion must muscle.[57] A higher proportion of type I fibres in the
used with caution as the protocol used during testing muscle is associated with a lower submaximal oxy-
can affect the outcome of power output, thus further gen cost, thus a greater gross efficiency.[58] This
reinforcing the need for a common protocol. efficiency is a reflection of the increase in aerobic
metabolism and related increases in muscle power
4.1.3 Efficiency
Recent information indicates that in professional
cyclists the rate of the V̇O2 rise, elicited by graded 4.1.4 Breathing Pattern
exercise, decreases at moderate to high work-loads The cyclist’s breathing pattern appears to have
to the maximal attainable power output.[24] More some influence on performance. Professional riders
importantly, these authors observed that mechanical exhibit a unique breathing pattern at high work-
efficiency seemed to increase with rising exercise loads characterised by a lack of tachypnoeic shift,
intensity. These findings reveal that professional that is they continue to increase VE through increas-
road cyclists acquire a high cycling efficiency al- ing tidal volume versus breathe frequency.[59] It is
lowing them to sustain extremely high work-loads suggested that this breathing adaptation may en-
for extended periods of time. To that end, profes- hance the efficiency and metabolic cost of breathing
sional racers exhibit considerable resistance to fa- and partly account for the V̇O2 kinetics exhibited by
tigue of recruited motor units at high submaximal professional cyclists. Nevertheless, the oxygen cost
intensities.[46,56] The years of training and mileage of breathing in highly fit individuals has been esti-

Table VI. Absolute and relative power output values at the onset of blood lactate accumulation (WOBLA) [mean ± SD; reproduced from
Padilla et al.,[38] with permission]
Variable Flat terrain Time trialists All terrain Uphill
WOBLA (W) 417 ± 45.0 409 ± 46.0 366 ± 38.0 356 ± 41.0
WOBLA (W/kg) 5.46 ± 0.42 5.73 ± 0.21 5.37 ± 0.37 5.70 ± 0.46
WOBLA (W/kg–0.32) 104.1 ± 10.3 104 ± 8.9 94.8 ± 8.7 94.8 ± 9.6
WOBLA (W/kg–0.79) 13.57 ± 1.10 14.03 ± 0.69 13.01 ± 0.99 13.57 ± 1.14
WOBLA (W/m–2 FA) 1125.8 ± 100.3 1156.8 ± 70.0 1061.0 ± 91.0 1090.4 ± 88.0
WOBLA (%Wmax) 90 ± 3.0 89 ± 2.0 84 ± 5.0 88.5 ± 5.0
FA = frontal area; Wmax = maximal power output.

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294 Faria et al.

Table VII. Lactate threshold responses of National Off-Road Bicycle Association (NORBA) and United States Cycling Federation (USCF)
cyclists (mean ± SD) [reproduced from Wilber et al.,[61] with permission]
Female Male
V̇O2 (mL/kg/min) 48.4 ± 3.0 53.3 ± 3.8 53.9 ± 4.6 56.4 ± 4.4
V̇O2max (%) 83.8 ± 5.6 83.6 ± 2.7 77.1 ± 6.4 80.1 ± 3.2
Lactate (mmol/L) 2.6 ± 0.7 3.0 ± 0.6 2.9 ± 1.1 2.7 ± 0.4
HR (beats/min) 155 ± 8.0 165 ± 12.0 166 ± 13.0 169 ± 13
HRmax (%) 87.2 ± 2.7 87.9 ± 2.5 86.4 ± 4.2 84.9 ± 4.3
Power (W) 204 ± 20 224 ± 8.0 271 ± 29.0 321 ± 17
Power (W/kg) 3.6 ± 0.3 3.7 ± 0.3 3.8 ± 0.3 4.4 ± 0.3
HR = heart rate; HRmax = maximal heart rate; V̇O2 = oxygen uptake; V̇O2max = maximal oxygen uptake.

mated to be ~15% of V̇O2max.[60] The work of 40km was found by these authors to be the most
breathing during heavy exercise compromises leg convenient method, limiting testing to a single ses-
blood flow to working limb muscle.[60] Consequent- sion.
ly, a more efficient breathing pattern may not reduce Furthermore, Bishop et al.[17] have shown that
blood flow to the working muscles. lactate parameters and Wpeak provide better predic-
tors of endurance performance than V̇O2max in
4.2 Characteristics of Off-Road Cyclists trained female cyclists. Wpeak was found particular-
ly useful for its predictive value of 1-hour cycling
Table VII summarises the physiological re-
performance. The importance of this finding is that
sponses for male and female riders from the Nation-
Wpeak discovery does not require the measurement
al Off-Road Bicycle Association and the United
of V̇O2 or lactate. However, if lactate measurement
States Cycling Federation.[61] These data reveal that,
is available, it is a valuable measure for prescription
in general, elite off-road cyclists possess physiologi-
of training intensity.[64,65]
cal profiles that are similar to those of elite road
cyclists. However, males tend to have higher power
outputs. It should be noted that the lactate threshold 5. V̇O2max and Metabolic Thresholds
of elite off-road male cyclists has been determined V̇O2max is said to be set by metabolic and oxygen
to correspond to 77% V̇O2max in laboratory condi- transport limits or a combination of both. There is
tions.[27] considerable evidence documenting the contention
that V̇O2max has limited predictive value for per-
4.3 Use of Blood Lactate Levels
formance in homogeneous groups of high-perform-
Blood lactate concentration at various cycling ance athletes.[54] Nonetheless, V̇O2max measurement
exercise intensities is highly predictive of endurance remains recommended for the purpose of evaluating
performance making its measurement valuable for and selecting elite cyclists and as a prerequisite to
evaluating future performance.[9,44,62,63] Especially perform at a high level.[66,67] Furthermore, to some
meaningful is the MLSS, the highest exercise inten- extent it appears that depressed V̇O2max values may
sity at which blood lactate concentration remains be indicative of fatigue or overtraining than actual
stable, which reflects a balance between lactate pro- training progress.
duction and removal.[9] Trained cyclists have been There is substantial evidence documenting the
observed to reach MLSS at an intensity equivalent high V̇O2max of road-racing cyclists.[18,38,68] Moreo-
to 90% of their average simulated 5km time-trial ver, Pfeiffer et al.[69] have demonstrated V̇O2max is a
speed.[32] Harnish et al.[19] demonstrated that MLSS strong predictor (r = –0.91) of cycling performance
may be estimated non-invasively, within a 2% error, in a 14-day stage race among trained female cyclists.
utilising a 5km and 40km cycling time trial. The For males, the mean V̇O2max during the Tour de

 2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2005; 35 (4)
The Science of Cycling: Part 1 295

France and Vuelta a España was found to be 73.5 racing cyclists. These data are useful in the selection
mL/kg/min and the LT2 was observed to be 90% of and subsequent classification of cyclists.
V̇O2max.[18] Thus, it is not surprising that Lucía et Although not to be dismissed as an important
al.[70] reported leading time realists of the Giro quality for endurance cycling performance, V̇O2max
d’Italia, Tour de France, or Vuelta a España stage alone is not a good predictor of endurance perform-
races were able to tolerate high submaximal con- ance when athletes of similar endurance ability are
stant work-loads close to their VT2 or ~90% compared.[85] The mechanisms that underlie why
V̇O2max for ~60 minutes. A high VT2 is an advan- lactate parameters provide a better predictor of en-
tage to the cyclists since mountain stage climbs durance performance than V̇O2max continue to be
lasting 30–60 minutes demand the cyclist work examined. The argument has been presented that
close to VT2 or onset of blood lactate.[38,59] Table V̇O2max is limited by the oxygen supply to the
muscle mitochondria.[86,87] However, lactate levels
VIII presents the V̇O2max values recorded for vari-
are related to the capacity to transport lactate and
ous levels of male and female road and off-road-
hydrogen ion or proton (H+) out of the muscle
Table VIII. Maximal oxygen uptake (V̇O2max) of road and off-road fibres, and the capacity of skeletal muscle to take up
male and female cyclists lactate.
Study Cycling level V̇O2max Central factors are likely to limit V̇O2max, while
(mL/kg/min) the lactate response to exercise is primarily related
to peripheral factors in the trained musculature.
Fernández-García et al.[18] Professional 73.7
These factors include the percentage of slow-twitch
Lucía et al.[34] Professional 72.0
Lucía et al.[34] Professional 71.3
fibres, the activities of key oxidative enzymes and
Lacour et al.[71] Professional 70.1 respiratory capacity.[50,88-91]
Padilla et al.[38] Professional 78.8
Sjogaard[72] Professional 71.0 6. Anaerobic Power
Terrados et al.[73] Professional 70.0
Gnehm et al.[74] Elite 69.4 The attainment of very high power output during
Saltin and Astrand[75] Elite 74.0 30 seconds of cycle sprinting is derived from the
Burke et al.[76] Elite 67.1 anaerobic sources of phosphocreatine (PCr) degra-
Hermansen[77] Elite 73.0 dation and glycogenolysis ending in lactate produc-
Burke[78] Elite 74.0 tion. The most frequently used test to describe ana-
Coyle et al.[44] Elite 69.1
erobic power and capacity is the Wingate test.[92] At
Stromme et al.[79] Elite 69.1
the onset of sprinting, both the phosphagen and
Wilber et al.[61] Elite (off-road) 79.3
Wilber et al.[61] Elite 70.0
glycolytic systems are fully activated.[93-95] Acceler-
Faria[68] Elite 68.0
ated glycolysis, PCr degradation and oxidative me-
Faria et al.[45] Elite 75.5 tabolism provide approximately 50–55%, 23–29%
Lindsay et al.[23] Amateur 65.7 and 16–25%, respectively, of the adenosine triphos-
Impellizzeri et al.[80] Amateur 75.9 phate (ATP) required by the working muscle during
Lucía et al.[24] Amateur 69.5 a 30-second sprint.[5,96-99] Furthermore, resynthesis
Padilla et al.[81] Amateur 66.1 of ATP to ~80–100% of resting value requires 2–4
Palmer et al.[55] Amateur 66.7 minutes of recovery.[100-102]
Palmer et al.[82] Amateur 73.6
For the competitive cyclists, these facts serve as
Tanaka et al.[83] Amateur 69.4
the foundation for sprinting strategy. Initiation of
Hopkins and McKenzie[84] Amateur 68.0
the sprint to the finish too soon will result in a
Females gradual reduction of speed and most certainly a loss
Wilber et al.[61] Elite (off-road) 57.9 of first place. This notion is supported by the fact
Wilber et al.[61] Elite 68.0
that PCr degradation begins at the onset of intense

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296 Faria et al.

exercise and reaches a maximal rate within 10 ty/alkalinity) where ‘lactic acid’ would exist as lac-
seconds, and then ceases to contribute to energy tate and not ‘lactic acid’. Moreover, the main form
provision as the PCr store depletes sometime be- of ‘lactic acid’ in physiological systems is sodium
tween 10 and 30 seconds.[5,93-95,103] lactate.[4] Rather, Robergs et al.[4] suggests an in-
creased reliance on non-mitochondrial ATP turno-
7. Metabolic Acidosis ver as the potential source of proton production that
is associated with increased lactate creation and
It is apparent that when cycling at increasing development of acidosis. Furthermore, when cell
power outputs, lactate accumulates in the vastus buffering capacity is exceeded, acidosis develops.
lateralis muscle. However, while the mechanisms Clearly, there are plausible mechanisms which ex-
responsible for its production, accumulation, use plain that ‘lactic acid’ is not the likely source of
and disposal have been well investigated, they are protons during exercise. In this regard, Robergs et
misinterpreted by many athletes, coaches and some al.[4] points to the evidence that lactate serves to
scientists. More importantly, there is a need to dispel lower hydrogen ion concentrations rather than raise
the myths of ‘lactic acid’ so often voiced among them. The conversion of pyruvate to lactate not only
cycling coaches and athletes. Included among the oxidises the reduced form of nicotinamide-adenine
misnomers are such statements as: “lactic acid is the dinucleotide (NADH) but also utilises an H+ from
primary factor in muscle soreness”; “lactic acid is solution to attach to the middle carbon, thereby
the central cause of oxygen debt”; “lactic acid is the serving to lower the H+ concentration rather than
causative agent in muscle fatigue”; “lactic acid is the contribute to its increase. In a recent investigation of
immediate energy donor for muscle contraction”; professional cyclists (exercising at 90% V̇O2max, 2
and “lactic acid is a dead-end waste product”. × 6-minute sessions), Santalla et al.[105] demonstrat-
Most texts on physiology and biochemistry clear- ed that despite a pH indicative of acidosis, there was
ly demonstrate the importance of the lactate reaction no apparent acidosis-induced impairment in skeletal
in maintaining cytosolic redox (oxidation-reduction muscle function in the athletes. These results also
reaction) and allowing glycolysis to continue during suggest, indirectly, that the efficiency of muscle
intensive exercise. Furthermore, Donovan and contraction was not altered significantly and adds
Brooks[104] were able to demonstrate the signifi- further support that lactate production retards rather
cance of lactate as a gluconeogenic substrate during than contributes to acidosis.
exercise. The most striking finding was the observa-
tion that well trained individuals were better able to It should be evident that the production of lactate
maintain blood glucose levels through the glucone- should not be viewed as a negative facet of increas-
ogenesis of lactate than were untrained individuals. ing exercise intensity. Every aspect of lactate pro-
Recall that gluconeogenesis is the synthesis of glu- duction is beneficial. Lactate production serves to
cose from non-carbohydrate precursors such as maintain cytosolic redox, make new glucose, con-
glycerol, ketoacids or amino acids. While many sume H+ from the cytosol, as well as allow transport
have come to accept these positive facets of lactate of H+ from the cell. All of these reactions are
metabolism, some individuals continue to believe advantageous to the exercise response. Therefore, it
that these benefits come at the cost of increasing is better to conclude that high levels of lactate are
acidosis whose genesis is ‘lactic acid’. not detrimental to cycling performance.
Nevertheless, there is no biochemical evidence to Moreover, the cause of acidosis is not the result
support the belief that lactate production during of non-steady exercise intensity.[4] While an in-
exercise releases a proton and causes acidosis.[4] A creased ability to produce and remove lactate from
review and comments by Robergs et al.[4] clearly the cell helps delay the onset of acidosis, lactate
identifies that the intermediates of glycolysis are production retards, not worsens acidosis.[4] For the
protonated in a physiological pH (measure of acidi- competitive cyclist, this means that for a given

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The Science of Cycling: Part 1 297

V̇O2 during intense cycling, high lactate production Evidence has been provided that subjects who pos-
is beneficial. Its production is even more beneficial sess a high percentage of fast-twitch fibres are more
if accompanied by a high capacity for lactate and sensitive to fatigue than those with more slow fib-
proton transport from the cell. Both factors are res.[112] Repeated sprint cycling results in the fatigue
known to increase with endurance and sprint train- of the gluteus maximus and vastus lateralis muscles.
ing.[106] When fatigued, these monoarticular muscles pro-
While lactate production does not cause the aci- duce less force and power. Two types of fatigue are
dosis it remains an important indirect indicator of an evident: (i) peripheral fatigue where there is an
adjustment in metabolism causing acidosis. High increase in the EMG/force ratio; and (ii) central
lactate production may be due to contributions of fatigue characterised by a constant EMG/force ratio
anaerobic glycogen and glucose metabolism[107] or associated with a force decline.[113] There occurs a
due to aerobic overproduction of pyruvate and sub- decrease in the efficiency of the EMG signal of the
sequent conversion to lactate.[108] When oxygen is power producing muscles. However, simultaneously
non-limiting, the higher the exercise intensity the lower activation of antagonist muscles intervenes,
higher the rate of muscle production and release of thereby allowing the cyclist to efficiently transfer
lactate.[109] force and power to the pedal.
Muscle fibre type recruitment also has implica- Prolonged cycling exercise impairs muscle
tions for the onset of metabolic acidosis. As dis- strength capacity associated with changes in con-
cussed in the accompanying article,[110] high pedal tractile and neural properties of leg extensors. There
cadences with reduction of force to the pedal, reduce appears to be no relationship between fibre type
the force used per pedal stroke. Consequently, mus- recruitment pattern and neuromuscular fatigue and
cle fatigue is reduced in type II fibres. However, subsequent reduction of strength during cycling ex-
when pedal cadence is increased without a reduction ercise. Rather, a central component of fatigue exists.
in force to the pedal or a harder gear is employed, Deficits of muscular activation are not significantly
type II muscle fibres become progressively recruit- different between cadences. Lepers et al.[22] found
ed. Type II muscle fibres have a lower mitochondri- that at the highest pedalling rate, the central neural
al density than type I fibres and therefore are more input to the vastus medialis and vastus lateralis
dependent on glycolysis and cytosolic ATP turno- muscles remained unchanged. Additionally, the
ver.[4] Combined, these two metabolic characteris- findings suggest that the central drive is less altered
tics result in an increased rate of proton release from when a high (69–103 rpm) pedal rate is used. It is
catabolism resulting in substantial proton produc-
interesting to note two important findings of these
tion when cycling intensity calls upon increased
authors: (i) central drive is less lathered when a high
type II muscle fibre recruitment. Consequently, type
cadence is used; and (ii) freely chosen cadence does
II fibres will then substantially contribute to acidosis
not minimise the effects of fatigue on subsequent leg
because they have less mitochondrion mass to facili-
extensors’ strength capacities. In practice, this
tate ATP regeneration, and the uptake of protons.[4]
means that a combination of different high cadences
Accordingly, it is important to recognise their con-
may be used effectively.
tribution to acidosis is not because type II fibres
produce more lactate. For a comprehensive discus- There is some evidence showing possible mecha-
sion of metabolic acidosis the reader is encouraged nisms of CNS fatigue during prolonged exercise.[114]
to read the paper by Robergs et al.[4] More specifically, increases in serotonin (5-HT) or a
depletion in catecholamines during exercise have
8. Fatigue been examined as possible contributors to early on-
set of fatigue.[115,116] However, Piacentini et al.[117]
Muscle fatigue may be defined as the failure to demonstrated that a 90-minute cycling time-trial
maintain a required or expected power output.[111] performance was not influenced by a noradrenergic

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298 Faria et al.

reuptake inhibitor. Furthermore, the ingestion of 9. Pulmonary Limitations

5-hydroxytryptophan (5 mg/kg), a serotonin precur-
sor, had no effect on prolonged cycling performance Respiratory muscles may reach the limit of their
capacity during exercise of high intensity or long
at 65% V̇O2max followed by a graded effort to
duration. Research data suggest that inspiratory
fatigue.[118] It appears that the ‘central component’
muscles present a potential site of exercise perform-
of fatigue is not easily linked to increase or decrease ance limitation.[29] An elevated acid milieu of respir-
of neurotransmitters. atory muscles or competition for blood flow be-
Little has been said concerning fatigue avoid- tween locomotor muscles and the respiratory mus-
ance, especially during stage racing. In this regard, it cles may contribute to inspiratory muscle fatigue
is hypothesised that there exists a learned subcon- following high-intensity exercise.[123] Romer et
scious anticipatory/regulation system, known as al.[29] observed a decrease in maximum inspiratory
‘teleoanticipation’ originating from the CNS.[119] flow rate after both a 20km and a 40km cycling time
This subconscious feedback mechanism serves to trial. Furthermore, inspiratory muscle fatigue slows
decrease efferent output from the motor cortex. Pri- the relaxation rate needed for muscle recovery.[124]
or to the beginning of a given competition it is It appears that endurance training fails to provide
the necessary training stimulus to strengthen the
hypothesised that the cyclist’s CNS is aware of the
inspiratory muscles, therefore, a specific inspiratory
rider’s fitness level, endurance capacity and limita-
muscle training protocol may be wise. Attenuation
tions as gained from previous similar competitions.
of exercise-induced inspiratory muscle fatigue and
The total exercise load and time the cyclist’s body recovery time may be accomplished through specif-
can tolerate the given metabolic level is known. ic inspiratory muscle training.[29] Inspiratory muscle
Having this information there occurs, at the subcon- training incorporating 30 dynamic inspiratory ef-
scious level, the exercise load limit in order to avoid forts twice daily for 6 weeks against a pressure-
premature fatigue prior to the conclusion of the threshold load equivalent to ~50% maximum inspir-
event. This is accomplished by a ‘central program- atory mouth pressure (PO), has been shown to be an
mer’ that sets the tolerable upper limits for the total effective training stimulus.[29,125] However, im-
competitive loads.[120] It is postulated that the limita- provements in respiratory muscle function do not
tion is accomplished through a decreased efferent appear to be transferable to V̇O2max or endurance
output from the motor cortex. This theoretical mech- capacity in competitive athletes.[126]
anism may be akin to the ‘central governor’ hypoth-
esis where it is theorised that a central, neural gover- 10. Training
nor constrains the cardiac output by regulating the
mass of skeletal muscle that can be activated as 10.1 Monitoring Training
metabolic limits are approached.[121] Operationally,
Numerous strategies have been presented for
the process might be viewed as ‘pacing’ in order to
monitoring the training status of competitive cy-
complete the near impossible physical challenges
clists in order to precisely evaluate training methods
encountered during a 3-week stage racing, 161km
and their efficacy during a training and competitive
(100 mile) endurance run or climbing the highest season. The magnitude of dependent variable reac-
mountain peaks of the world. In this respect, Lucía tion as subsequent alterations in response to training
et al.[122] observed that during the Tour de France is remarkably varied. No significant change in
and Vuelta a España, cyclists never achieved their V̇O2max during a complete training and competitive
maximal exercise limits for two consecutive days. season is evident.[127-130] However, this variable may
Their subconscious was ‘well aware’ of thresholds increase by about 20% with ranges between 10–40%
to avoid in order to realise success another day. for athletes having pretraining V̇O2max values be-

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The Science of Cycling: Part 1 299

tween 40 and 50 mL/kg/min.[67] V̇O2, VE, mechani- HR = VT, respiratory compensation point (RCP),
cal efficiency and HR at VT remain stable relative to %V̇O2max and classified accordingly by phases:
pedal speed throughout the training and competitive • phase I (‘light intensity’, <VT or approximately
season. In contrast, submaximal exercise parameters <70% V̇O2max);
are more sensitive to training and yield valuable • phase II (‘moderate intensity’, between VT and
information regarding the training status.[131] More RCP, or approximately 70–90% V̇O2max);
importantly, these work-loads correspond to work-
loads encountered during racing. Clearly, these find-
• phase III (‘high intensity’, < RCP or approxi-
mately <90% V̇O2max);[133,138]
ings suggest in experienced cyclists peripheral adap- (HR = VT, RCP, %V̇O2max are related to pre-tour
tations in working muscles play a more important metabolic data collected during a ramp protocol
role for enhanced submaximal working capacity cycling test).
than central adaptations.
The exercise volume or load score in each phase
VT appears to be an indicator of endurance per- was computed by multiplying the accumulated dura-
formance as V̇O2, mechanical efficiency and HR at tion in the phase by multipliers for the phase:
the VT remain stable. Training adaptations that have
been observed include the interaction between V̇O2,
• 1 minute in phase I = 1 TRIMP (1 × 1)
HR, ventilation, and mechanical efficiency at work- • 1 minute in phase II = 2 TRIMP (1 × 2)
loads of 200W and 250W.[67] Interestingly, these • 1 minute in phase III = 3 TRIMP (1 × 3)
work-loads correspond to work-loads encountered The total TRIMP score was obtained by sum-
during racing. ming the results of the three phases. Lucía et al.[122]
reports that the upper tolerable limits for total loads
The training impulse (TRIMP), computed from
(volume × intensity ) set by the hypothetical ‘central
both exercise HR and duration, is used as an integra-
programmer’ is ~ 6000 TRIMP for mass start stages,
tive marker of exercise load undertaken by the cy-
250 TRIMP for individual time trials of 55–70km
clist during a training or competition bout.[132-136]
and ~8300 TRIMP for the entire 3-week period.
When used to characterise exercise intensity and
Schabort et al.[30] utilising a Kingcycle ergometer
load during competition it may subsequently be used
system that allows the subjects to use their own
effectively to establish appropriate training criteria.
cycle, devised a test of cycling performance that
TRIMP = A • B • C simulates the variable power demands of competi-
where: A = competition time (in minutes); B = tive road racing. Beginning with a 5-minute warm-
[(HRT – HRB)/(HRmax – HRB); C = 0.64. e1.92B; e = up, the cyclists commence a 100km time trial incor-
Napiarian logarithm having a value of 2.712; HRT = porating 1km sprints after 10, 32, 52 and 72km, and
average HR during competition; and HRB = basal four 4km sprints after 20, 40, 60 and 80km. The
HR. object is to complete the total distance in the fastest
The physiological load of the extremely high time possible. Throughout the test the cyclist is free
exercise demands of 3-week professional cycling to regulate the power output. Feedback to the sub-
competition tours has been characterised by em- jects includes elapsed distance and HR. This test
ploying the concept of the TRIMP. Its application serves to evaluate the effects of training strategies
provides an analysis of the exercise volume.[122] In and may well serve to predict the cyclist’s perform-
doing so, Foster et al.’s[137] approach to the concept ance. An important finding of this research was that
of the TRIMP,[132,133] which integrates the exercise data are more reliable when subjects are allowed to
volume (i.e. total exercise time in minutes) and freely choose their effort during testing than when
intensity (i.e. total time spent in each of the three they exercise to exhaustion at a constant work-
phases) in the three phases was employed. HR data load.[30]
were continuously collected via telemetry during The laboratory-simulated 40km time trial has
daily stages. Exercise intensity was referenced by shown to be highly reproducible in well trained

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300 Faria et al.

cyclists.[82] Hence, such a laboratory test may serve continuous work-load increases of 5 W/12 seconds
as an indicator of training protocol efficacy. In this or 25 W/min) should provide sufficient data to per-
regard, Lindsay et al.[23] have shown that 4 weeks of mit establishment of training protocols correspond-
high-intensity interval training significantly im- ing to low-, moderate- and high-intensity training.
proved the cycling performances of highly trained For example, low intensity would equal <VT1, mod-
cyclists in laboratory tests ranging from ~60 seconds erate intensity between VT1 and VT2, and high
to ~1 hour. On six occasions during a 28-day period, intensity >VT2.
the cyclists performed 6–8 repetitions of high-inten- While the most accurate method to determine the
sity interval training. High-intensity training was MLSS remains the measurement of the athlete’s
shown to result in significant improvements in 40km blood lactate response to changes in work intensity,
time trial, Wpeak and muscular resistance to fatigue. a non-invasive estimation procedure may serve as an
In summary, no significant change in V̇O2max alternative.[19,36] To that end, many studies show that
during a complete training and competitive season is training at MLSS is beneficial.[13,50,64,90,139-141] A
evident. Likewise, V̇O2, VE, mechanical efficiency 5km time trial, on a windload simulator, has been
and HR at VT remain stable relative to pedal speed shown to be an effective and valid means to estimate
throughout the training and competitive season. MLSS and HR at MLSS for the purpose of training.
Rather, submaximal exercise parameters are more The cyclist first performs a maximal 5km time trial
sensitive to training and peripheral adaptations in on a windload simulator. Subsequently, following
working muscles play a more important role for complete recovery several days later, a 30-minute
enhanced submaximal working capacity than central MLSS trial is performed on the windload simulator
adaptations. The TRIMP, computed from both exer- riding at a velocity that is approximately 90% of the
cise HR and duration, is useful as an integrative average 5km velocity. The mean HR attained during
marker of exercise load undertaken by the cyclist the last 20 minutes of the MLSS trial is used as the
during a training or competition bout. When evalu- MLSS training HR. Whether training at MLSS or
ating cycling performance, if subjects are allowed to using intermittent and steady-state training at a pow-
freely choose their effort during testing, data are er output corresponding to the anaerobic threshold is
more reliable than when they exercise to exhaustion more efficient remains unresolved.
at a constant work-load. The laboratory-simulated
40km time-trial test may serve as an indicator of 10.3 Training Volume
training protocol efficacy.
Professional road-racing cyclists train over dis-
10.2 Determination of Training Parameters tances of approximately 30 000–35 000km per
year.[18] Distances covered during multi-stage road
Lucía et al.[70] provide substantial evidence dem- races range between 5km to almost 300km. Vuelta a
onstrating that a single laboratory testing session at España, a 22-day stage race covers ~3725km, of
the beginning of the cycling season may be suffi- which ~3635km is in-line competition (IL) and
cient to adequately prescribe training loads based on ~89km are individual time-trial (ITT) stages. Like-
HR. In this respect, the authors found that mean HR wise, the Tour de France multi-stage race covers
values corresponding to the lactate threshold (LA), ~3899km, of which ~3796km are IL competition
first ventilatory (VT1) [author used at least 0.2 and ~103 km ITT.
mmol/L] and second ventilatory (VT2) threshold The training protocol employed by the German
remained stable throughout the training season de- national 4000m pursuit team during the last 19 days
spite a significant improvement in performance and prior to the 2000 Olympic Games is listed in table
shifts in LA, VT1 and VT2 toward high work-loads. IX.[142] In this training programme, the ‘basic train-
Use of the SRM training system to measure power ing’ is aerobic training. The intensities are deter-
output, and a ramp test protocol (employing gradual mined during an incremental cycling test on ergom-

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The Science of Cycling: Part 1 301

Table IX. Training protocol employed by the German national cling disciplines within the national team (road,
4000m pursuit team during the last 19 days prior to the 2000
Olympic Games[142] track, mountain-bike training). For riders using the
No. of days to Training
SRM system, these zones are given in watts (Schu-
competition macher YO, personal communication).
15–19 Stage race
14 Rest day 10.4 Interval Training
13 115km basic training
12 120km basic training Cyclists traditionally use increases in training
11 115km basic training
volume to induce an overload in the training stimu-
10 120km basic training
lus. When a rise in volume no longer augments
9 Rest day
fitness, cyclists employ intervals to intensify their
8 Track training 3 × 5000m evolution training
7 Morning 3 × 5000m evolution training
training load. Hawley et al.[143] have suggested that
Afternoon 4 × 5000m evolution training following the base training period, endurance ath-
6 2 × 5000m evolution training letes undergo a period of transition training, which
1 × 2000m, 1 × 1000m ‘peak’ training entails the use of ‘pace’ type intervals. Accordingly,
5 75m basic training/recovery (road) when high-intensity intermittent training is adopted,
4 Morning 2 × 5000m evolution training the selection of the most effective work and rest
Afternoon 1h basic training (road) ratios of the exercise bouts must be addressed.
3 3 × 5000m evolution training Toward that end, MacDougal et al.,[144] examined
2 × 2000m peak training
the effects of cycling sprint interval training on
2 75m basic training/recovery (road)
muscle glycolytic and oxidative enzyme activity and
1 2 × 5000m evolution training
exercise performance. Training consisted of 30-sec-
ond maximum sprint efforts (Wingate protocol) in-
eter using the HR at the individual anaerobic thresh- terspersed by 2–4 minutes of recovery, performed
old (IAS) as the main marker. Basic training ranges three times per week for 7 weeks. The training
between HR (IAS) – 50 beats/min and HR (IAS) – programme began with four intervals with 4 minutes
30 beats/min. For example, an athlete with an HR of of recovery per session in week 1 and progressed to
165 beats/min at IAS should perform his basic train- ten intervals with 2.5 minutes of recovery per ses-
ing at intensities between 115 and 135 beats/min. sion by week 7. This training strategy resulted in
This training is aimed at pure aerobic adaptation. significant increases in Wpeak, total work over
Training units last from 2 to 7 hours (60–240km) 30 seconds and V̇O2max. Moreover, maximal en-
and are usually performed on the road (Schumacher zyme activity, sampled from the vastus lateralis, of
YO, personal communication). hexokinase, phosphofructokinase, citrate synthase,
Furthermore, ‘evolution training’ is calculated in succinate dehydrogenase and malate dehydrogenase
a similar way: HR (IAS) – 5 beats/min and HR at was also significantly higher following training.
(IAS) + 5 beats/min. (160–170 beats/min in the These findings clearly demonstrate that relatively
above-mentioned example). It ranges around the brief but intense sprint training can enhance both
IAS and therefore aims at improving lactate toler- glycolytic and oxidative enzyme activity, maximum
ance. Evolution training is usually performed after a short-term power output and V̇O2max. Tabata et
period of basic training, closer to the competition. al.[145] found that a high-intensity intermittent train-
Intervals with or without full recovery (intensive/ ing programme achieved bigger gains in V̇O2max
extensive) are usually used for this type of training. (+9%) than a programme of 60 minutes of moder-
The length is between 3 and 10km or 3 and 15 ate-intensity cycling (70% V̇O2max) for a total of 5
minutes. Training can be performed on the road or hours per week for 6 weeks. The short-term, high-
discipline-specific on the track or mountain-bike intensity training sessions consisted of eight all-out
training. These training zones are used for all cy- work bouts, each lasting 20 seconds, with 10

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302 Faria et al.

seconds of rest. This group cycled for a total of only is difficult to explain since the single best predictor
20 minutes per week, yet their V̇O2max improved by of a 40km time-trial performance is the average
15%. amount of power output that can be maintained in 1
hour.[44] This predictor represents 89% of the vari-
More specifically and performance applied, the
ance in time-trial performance.[48] The authors[146]
effect of transition training on trained cyclists labo-
suggest that the lack of correlation may be the result
ratory-simulated 40km time-trial performance and
of interval training producing different responses
power output was examined by Lindsay et al.[23] and
between individuals in 40km time-trial performance
Stepto et al.,[146] employing similar protocols of 6–8
and peak power. These curious findings call for
intervals of 4–5 minutes separated by 1–1.5 minutes
further research.
at an intensity of 80% to 85% of Wpeak for 3–4
weeks. The cyclists in these studies replaced ap- In support of high-intensity, short-term intervals,
proximately 15% of their normal training with one Rodas et al.,[147] reported that a high-intensity inter-
of the interval exercise protocols. Given the relative- mittent training programme increases oxidative en-
ly short duration of these training protocols, these zyme activity in muscle. It was shown that 2 weeks
investigators produced rather impressive increases of daily high-intensity intermittent training consist-
in Wpeak of ~3%[31] and ~5%,[23] and improved ing of two 15-second all-out bouts separated by 45
40km time-trial velocity by ~3%[23] and 2.8%.[31] A seconds of rest, followed by two bouts of 30-second
notable variation in the interval training protocol of all-out sprints separated by 12 minutes of rest result-
Stepto et al.[146] allowed an examination of interval ed in ~10% increase in V̇O2max, 38% increase in
training protocols ranging in time from 0.5 to 8.0 activity of citrate synthase and a 60% activity in-
minutes. Interestingly, these authors found that crease in 3-hydroxyacyl-coenzyme A (CoA) dehy-
30-second work bouts at 175% of peak power fol- drogenase. The oxidative enzyme activity modifica-
lowed by 4.5 minutes of recovery and repeated 12 tion could enhance the rate of fat oxidation and
times was nearly as effective for improving 40km reduce carbohydrate oxidation. Furthermore, subse-
time-trial performance (+2.4% estimated from cubic quent decline in the accrual of hydrogen irons may
trend)[146] as the 4-minute interval. It was shown that augment endurance performance.[143]
following the high-intensity training, both absolute Similarly, Hawley et al.[143] investigated the
and relative intensity during the time trial were question of intensity and duration of interval train-
improved. The observed increase in absolute inten- ing. They found a plateau in both Wmax and 40km
sity is not surprising since Wpeak was increased. It time-trial speed with six sessions, suggesting the
appears the increase in relative intensity is sugges- transition phase of training only be carried out until
tive of an increase in lactate threshold. The mecha- these six sessions have been completed. Following
nisms that underlie the efficiency of this short-term the transition period, Hawley et al.[143] suggest a
very high-intensity training may include enhanced speed/power training phase. However, the training
ability to sustain, for a longer period of time, a during this phase has not been clearly investigated.
higher fraction of V̇O2max or power output due to
Laursen and Jenkins[21] examined interval op-
improvement in muscle buffering capacity. The data
timisation in trained cyclists by engaging cyclists in
herein demonstrate that very short high-intensity
intervals using Wmax as the training intensity and
work bouts also enhance endurance performance.
60% of the maximal duration that Wmax could be
Furthermore, the 4-minute work bouts at 85% sustained for (Tmax) as the duration of each interval.
peak power with a rest interval of 1.5 minutes re- Interval sessions were performed two times per
peated eight times, demonstrated the best result for week for a 4-week period. The results were impres-
improved Wpeak of ~3%.[146] However, there was no sive with increases in V̇O2max (+5.4–8.1%), peak
significant correlation found between the change in power (+4.7–6.2%) and average velocity during a
peak power and 40km time. This lack of correlation 40km time trial (+5.1–5.8%). Training of this nature

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The Science of Cycling: Part 1 303

during the speed/power phase would significantly efficacy of a training strategy, it should be
enhance the improvements already made during remembered that the single best predictor of a 40km
transition training suggested by Hawley et al.[143] time-trial performance is the average amount of
Westgarth-Taylor et al.[148] examined the meta- power output that can be maintained in 1 hour.
bolic adaptations to the same training protocol and
found that the only changes in metabolism occurred 11. Tapering
at absolute intensities and not relative intensities,
suggesting that the increase in relative intensity dur- To achieve peak performance, the cyclist must
ing the 40km time trial could not be the consequence develop a training strategy that blends very hard
of an increase in lactate threshold. Weston et al.[149] riding with the correct amount of rest and recovery.
examined muscle buffering capacity in response to A systematic reduction of training is a key part of
preparation for an important competition. The extent
the same high-intensity interval training and ob-
and rate to which training volume, intensity and
served an increase in muscle buffering capacity that
frequency should be reduced during a taper can
was related to the increase in time-trial performance.
seriously affect the cyclist’s race performance.
The authors concluded that the increase in relative
Should there be step reductions in training or expo-
performance was due to an increase in muscle buf-
nential decays? Houmard et al.[150] demonstrated
fering capacity rather than an increase in threshold.
that a 7-day exponential decay in training volume
The limited research on interval training in each day or 85% reduction in training volume pro-
trained cyclists brings light to an overall important duced dramatic improvements in running economy
finding that trained athletes can make significant and 5km race times. Furthermore, MacDougall et
improvements that are measurable in the laboratory. al.[66] employed an exponential taper strategy of an
Previously, it has been thought that trained athletes overall 87–88% reduction in training and found a
are unable to demonstrate improvements during 22% increase in endurance performance of runners.
training studies because of their already high level More specifically, these athletes gained enhanced
of fitness. Hence, most of the research on training leg-muscle enzyme activity, augmented total blood
has been conducted on individuals of low to moder- volume, increased red blood-cell density and greater
ate fitness, suggesting that science knows little muscle-glycogen storage compared with those using
about how to best optimise training in already highly a step-reducing programme. Banister et al.[133]
trained athletes. Laursen and Jenkins[21] highlight demonstrated that an exponential reduction in train-
this limitation in their review on interval training, ing utilising a reduction in the duration of training
and readers are urged to review this paper for greater sessions or the frequency of sessions per week to be
discussion on interval training. extremely effective for improvement of Wmax.
In summary, when a rise in training volume no These observations lead to the conclusion that the
longer augments fitness, cyclists employ intervals to exponential decay taper is the superior strategy. It
intensify their training load. Relatively brief but appears that the quicker reduction seems to stimu-
intense sprint training can enhance both glycolytic late quicker recovery from and responses to the
and oxidative enzyme activity, maximum short-term previous training. To be effective, exponential ta-
power output and V̇O2max. Brief 30-second work pering should include at least 1 day off per week
bouts at 175% of peak power followed by 4.5 min- with no exercise.
utes of recovery and repeated 12 times has been Trappe et al.[151] showed, in highly trained swim-
found to be nearly as effective for improving 40km mers, that a 21-day taper resulted in neuromuscular
time-trial performance as 4-minute interval training adaptations in type II muscle fibres characterised by
bouts. Moreover, high-intensity intermittent training increased contractile functional properties (peak iso-
programmes have been effective to increase oxida- metric force, peak power and unloaded shortening
tive enzyme activity in muscle. When examining the velocity). Additionally, swim performance was im-

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304 Faria et al.

proved. It was hypothesised that the increased con- These researchers observed that changes in concen-
traction velocity of type I fibres partly contributed to tration of this hormone predicted 82% of the varia-
improved swim performance. Furthermore, in a sim- tion between pre- and post-tapering performance.
ilar study employing cyclists as subjects, these find- Noradrenaline is secreted by nerve cells of the sym-
ings were extended and confirmed by Neary et pathetic system and the adrenal glands. Its action
al.[152] who showed that metabolic (enzymatic) ad- includes increased HR and contractility and in-
aptations in single muscle cells improve with specif- creased rate of breakdown of glycogen and fat.
ic taper training. Employing 22 male endurance Increases in noradrenaline suggest overtrain-
cyclists (V̇O2max 4.42 ± 0.40 L/min, and 60.9 ± 2.4 ing.[155] Consequently, reduced levels of nora-
mL/kg/min), taper training was found to be intensi- drenaline portend that the body is under less stress
ty, volume, frequency and duration specific. Follow- and adaptation to the taper regime has occurred. It
ing a high-intensity training (progressive overload) appears that levels of this hormone serve as a relia-
programme, (60 minutes per session × 4 days/week ble marker of training efficacy and work-recovery
for 7 weeks at 85–90% HRmax), the most effective balance. For those without the means for such blood
taper protocol was found to be that where the cy- analysis, use of the Profile of Mood Status (POMS)
clists maintained training at 85–90% HRmax for 4 questionnaire may serve as an alternative mea-
days/week with progressive reduction in exercise sure.[156] A 65- and 30-item questionnaire is availa-
duration (45, 35, 25, 20 minutes). During this taper, ble.
the volume of training (units of work = exercise In summary, the extent and rate to which training
duration × number of days × exercise intensity) was volume, intensity and frequency should be reduced
113 units of work. Tapering resulted in a faster during a taper can seriously affect the cyclist’s race
simulated 40km cycling time trial by 4.3% and performance. To that end, an 85% reduction in train-
V̇O2max and power output at VT improved. Meta- ing volume has been shown to produce dramatic
bolic adaptations were most evident in oxidative improvements in running economy and 5km race
(cytochrome oxidase, β-hydroxyacyl CoA dehydro- times. An exponential decay taper is the superior
genase, succinate dehydrogenase) and contractile strategy. Employed properly, tapering results in
(myofibrillar adenosine triphosphatase) enzyme ac- metabolic (enzymatic) adaptations in single muscle
tivity and structural (fibre size) changes of type II cells. A key taper strategy is to maintain high-
muscle fibres. Increased activity of β-hydroxyacyl intensity (85–90% HRmax) training while methodi-
CoA dehydrogenase, a marker of β-oxidation, indi- cally reducing training volume by at least 50%.
cates an improved utilisation of fatty acids. The
results of this study suggest that when designing a 12. Overuse
taper protocol, it is important to maintain high-
Cycling is associated with overuse and overtrain-
intensity (85–90% HRmax) training while methodi-
ing disabilities, of which knee pain and excessive
cally reducing training volume by at least 50%.
fatigue are at the forefront. Biomechanical abnor-
Once the taper regime is established, a plan to malities of the patellofemoral complex in conjunc-
monitor recovery during and following the taper is tion with strenuous training appear to be responsible
required. Indicators that recovery is progressing we- for chronic knee pain referred to as the patel-
ll include: a noticeable increase in muscle strength lofemoral syndrome.[157] This complex comprises
and power, fewer sleep disturbances, decline in feel- the knee cap, the femur, and their associated muscle
ings of stress, reduced fatigue, lower rates of per- and connective tissues. During constant knee flexion
ceived exertion (RPE) during cycling and improved and extension associated with cycling, any cartilage
feelings of well-being.[153] In this regard, the best breakdown places extra pressure on the bones that
predictor of effective recovery is plasma come together at the knee. When breakdown occurs,
noradrenaline (norepinephrine) concentration.[154] bone pain and inflammation together with cartilage

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The Science of Cycling: Part 1 305

destruction irritate the synovial membrane of the 13. Over-Training

knee causing synovitis and joint discomfort. The
causes of poor biomechanics that lead to patel- There is fine balance between the training load
lofemoral pain include: and recovery. Too much cycling and too little recov-
ery may disturb this balance and the result is a
• poor quadriceps function phenomenon referred to as ‘over-reaching’.[158] Cy-
• vastus-medialis insufficiency clists who drop out of stage races due to insufficient
• subtalar-joint pronation metabolic recovery caused by a decline in glycogen
• poor muscle flexibility levels and energy-rich phosphates are examples of
• abnormal lower-limb biomechanics over-reaching. When corrected promptly, recovery
• incorrect bicycle and equipment settings (saddle from over-reaching generally occurs within approxi-
height, cleat position, cleat type and shoe type) mately 14 days.[159]
• abnormal fore-foot and rear-foot alignment If training and recovery are not rebalanced, over-
• leg-length discrepancies reaching leads to the over-training syndrome (OTS).
• varus or valgus knee misalignments. A common symptom of which is reduced cycling
Riding events that are often related with patel- performance and subsequent fatigue leading to such
lofemoral pain comprise: symptoms as irritability, sleep problems and a lack
• hill training of motivation. The mechanisms involved include
• cycling with high gears at low cadence major disturbances in the hypothalamo-hypophyseal
• sudden increase in training volume. thyroid axis as well as disturbed neuromuscular
Characteristically, patellofemoral pain presents function.[160] Included among the disturbances are
itself as discomfort in the front of the knee area. This both rest and exercise HR.
diffuse ache around the patella is often described as HR is a sensitive indicator of the cyclists training
a vague knee pain ‘underneath the kneecap’. At state. Resting HR is controlled by sympathetic and
times, the knee may ‘lock up’, ‘catch’, ‘give way’, parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous
make ‘cracking’ noises and display some swelling. system. When sympathetic activity increases, HR
In >80% of cyclists presenting with patellofemoral increases and short-term HR variability de-
pain, an abnormal mediolateral deviation of the knee creases.[161] However, when the parasympathetic ac-
during the downstroke of pedalling was demonstrat- tivity increases, HR decreases and the short-term
ed. The abnormal action was characterised as exces- HR variability increases.[161] The short-term HR va-
sive side-to-side swinging of the knee during the riability has been reported to reflect the activity of
down stroke, as the knee underwent extension. At the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous sys-
the first sign of knee pain, the best action to take is tem and balance between these two divisions. Be-
active rest, application of ice, and if so recommend- cause the balance between and the activity of these
ed local ultrasound. Once symptoms subside, bi- divisions of the autonomic nervous system change
omechanical corrections are made and quadriceps with training and over-training, HR variability can
muscles strengthened, a conservative return to cy- be used to indicate training effects.[161] For example,
cling is possible. At first, hill riding must be ap- HR decreases and HR variability increases with the
proached with caution and spinning using low rather positive training effect. In over-reaching and in the
than high gears should be considered. If the symp- sympathetic over-training state the HR increases
toms return, perhaps surgical procedures deserve and HR variability decreases.[161] In the parasympa-
consideration. Patellar shaving and patellectomy are thetic over-training state or in exhaustion both HR
common surgical procedures; however, a simple and HR variability decrease.[161]
procedure termed ‘washing out the knee’ or ar- If HR during sleep is used to interpret training
throscopic lavage is an alternative to be given con- state or overtraining, consideration must given to the
sideration. fact that intrinsic day-to-day maximum HR during

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306 Faria et al.

sleep varies by ~8 beats/min.[162] Lucía et al.[122] 16 µmol/L.[164] A glutamine concentration of 585

have shown that in professional 3-week cycling µmol/L or lower appears to indicate a ‘developed
races, the best possible marker suggestive of over- work capacity’ or tolerance to exercise volume. This
reaching and fatigue is a decrease in HRmax. This reference is associated with athletes who have de-
phenomenon, in turn, would reflect a certain state of veloped an aerobic base over years of training.
down-regulation of the sympathetic-adrenal system. The changes in both glutamine and glutamate
In fact, a certain state of ‘hormonal exhaustion’ has concentrations appears to follow a pattern of a de-
been reported by the end of 3-week races.[122,163] crease in glutamine and an increase in glutamate
Moreover, the over-trained cyclist generally ex- concentration with increased training load. Conse-
hibits performance incompetence, prolonged fa- quently, it has been proposed that training status can
tigue, or an inability to train at expected levels. be represented by the ratio of glutamine to glutamate
Additionally, muscle soreness and tenderness, per- (Gm/Ga). The Gm/Ga ratio rested or early season
sistent muscle soreness that increases with each training would be >5.88 µmol/L.[164] A maximum
training session and elevated serum creatine kinase value might be 7.66 µmol/L.[164]
may be observed. The overload may be both psycho- A mean glutamine concentration of 522 ± 53
logical as well as physical. Disturbance of mood µmol/L, glutamate of 128 ± 19 µmol/L and Gm/Ga
state, reduction of maximum performance capacity, ratio of 4.15 ± 0.57 µmol/L have been proposed as
and competitive incompetence over weeks and the extreme values for athletes who have not met
months are common. conditions of over-training and are managing the
The OTS has been related to glutamine levels.[163] training load imposed.[164] A Gm/Ga ratio of 3.58
It has been suggested that the single measure of a µmol/L is a suggestion of over-training.[164] This
lower concentration could be a negative effect of level may be used as guide to suggest that over-
exercise stress. Glutamine is the most abundant reaching, which leads to over-training, may soon
amino acid in the body, where skeletal muscle pro- manifest itself. In this instance, serial testing is
vides the majority of plasma glutamine required by necessary beginning prior to the training season.
the gastrointestinal tract, cells of the immune system Athletes who have a potential for less tolerance to
and kidney during acidosis. Moreover, glutamine either volume or intensity of training load imposed
may be important in the regulation of protein syn- may be identified by relatively lower Gm/Ga ratios
thesis and degradation. Two factors appear to be of approximately one standard deviation (5.04
responsible for the decline in glutamine concentra- µmol/L) from the mean rested or early season train-
tion over time: (i) increased levels of glucocorti- ing value.[164] Likewise, a reduced maximal lactate
coids may decrease muscular glutamine stores; and as opposed to the preserved maximal lactate in ath-
(ii) decreased nutritional intake of protein may af- letes adapted to a hard training programme suggests
fect stores because increased protein intake has been over-training. In this regard, Snyder et al.[128] sug-
suggested for endurance athletes particularly during gests that one of the most sensitive and easy measure
heavy training. criterion for over-reaching/over-training is the plas-
Glutamate concentration for over-trained athletes ma blood lactate to RPE ratio (BLa : RPE). When
presents another perspective to over-training. It ap- the concentration of blood lactate (measured in
pears that high glutamate concentrations are associ- mmol/L) is reduced and the RPE (using a 10 scale)
ated with very high-intensity training periods where remains unchanged, the ratio of the two (multiplied
high blood lactate concentrations and coincidently by 100) will be reduced to probably <100 (here the
high hydrogen ion concentrations are observed. blood lactate concentration is less than RPE). Such a
Normal rested or low training volume status is rep- ratio suggests over-reaching/over-training.
resented by a glutamine concentration of 585 ± 54 To avoid the OTS, the long-term training back-
µmol/L and by a glutamate concentration of 101 ± ground must be such as to develop an adequate

 2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2005; 35 (4)
The Science of Cycling: Part 1 307

tolerance for work or that genetic make-up predis- ble marker suggestive of over-reaching and fatigue
poses one to reduced training ability. Development is a decrease in HRmax.
of a sound base of training may prevent both injury Furthermore, the over-trained cyclist generally
and over-training later in the season. Tolerance to exhibits performance incompetence, prolonged fa-
training should be reflected in a trend toward higher tigue or an inability to train at expected levels. The
Gm/Ga ratios. Excessive training load is most likely overload may be both psychological as well as phys-
a major contributor to the likelihood of developing ical. One of the most sensitive and easiest to mea-
the OTS. sure criterion for over-reaching/over-training is the
BLa : RPE. Training status may also be represented
The cyclists who experience ‘heavy legs’ while
by Gm/Ga. Rest may be the most potent healing
riding are voicing a common symptom of over-
training. Large volumes of training, systemic in-
flammation and elevated levels of proinflammatory
cytokines, directly and/or indirectly, induce anorex- 14. Conclusions
ia resulting in reduced caloric intake. Additionally,
local muscle membrane injury and reduced availa- This research review confirms that competitive
bility of GLUT-4 glucose transporters in muscle cell cycling is a strenuous exercise that requires unique
membrane, attenuates movement of glucose into the physiological and metabolic demands. To achieve
cell for glycogen resynthesis. Both factors may con- success entails thousands of kilometres of riding
tribute to reduced muscle glycogen synthesis in the while pushing toward extremes of training volume,
OTS. Moreover, the reduced muscle glycogen could intensity and duration. The physical and physiologi-
in turn account for the ‘heavy legs’. Likewise, re- cal characteristics of high performance cyclists
duced blood lactate levels during both submaximal presented in this review serve as morphological and
and maximal exercise could be the consequence of physiological guidelines for optimal performance.
reduced muscle glycogen. To assess road cycling performance, scaling of the
Treatment of OTS includes determination and physiological characteristics to account for the in-
elimination of those factors, in both daily life and fluence of morphotype on road conditions is recom-
training that lead to obvious over-training. Regular mended. A power output : body mass ratio of at
sleep is very important. Adequate quantity and qual- least 5.5 W/kg may be used as a prerequisite for top-
ity of nutrition should be ensured regardless of any level cyclists; however, a ratio ≥6.34 W/kg is sug-
loss of appetite connected with over-training. Most gested for professional cyclists.
importantly, rest may be the most potent healing Research findings clearly demonstrate that rela-
agent. tively brief but intense sprint training serves to en-
hance both the glycolytic and oxidative enzyme
In summary, if training and recovery are not activity, short-term Wpeak, V̇O2max, lactate thresh-
rebalanced, over-reaching leads to the OTS. A com- old and 40km cycling TT performance. From a
mon symptom of which is reduced cycling perform- review of the scientific literature, it becomes clear
ance and subsequent fatigue leading to such symp- that specific monitoring of training and competition
toms as irritability, sleep problems and a lack of intensity, through the application of the TRIMP and
motivation. HR variability can be used to indicate use of SRM power cranks, is essential for perform-
whether effects of over-reaching are present. HR ance improvement and competitive success. These
decreases and HR variability increases with the pos- data become crucial reference material for the en-
itive training effect. In over-reaching and in the richment of training regimes. It is imperative that the
sympathetic over-training state, the HR increases cyclist give credence to the importance of tapering
and HR variability decreases. It has been shown that and over-training avoidance in order to achieve per-
in professional 3-week cycling races, the best possi- formance improvement.

 2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2005; 35 (4)
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