Question Xi Bio

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BIOLOGY (Theory)
Class –XI
Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks -70

General Instructions:
i. All questions are compulsory.
ii. The question paper consists of five sections A, B, C, D, and E. Section – A
contains 16 questions of 1 mark each (12 MCQs and 4 A/R questions), Section –
B contains 5 questions of 2 mark each , Section-C has 7 questions of 3marks
each, Section D contains 2 case based questions of 4 marks each and Section E
has 3 questions 5 mark each.
iii. There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in
one question of two marks, one question of 3 marks, and all three questions of 5
marks weightage. A student has to attempt only one of the alternatives in such
iv. Wherever necessary, the diagrams drawn should be neat and properly
1 What is the correct sequence? 1

a. Genus-species-order-kingdom
b. Species-order-phylum-kingdom
c. Species-genus-order-phylum
d. Kingdom-phylum-class-order

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2 Five kingdom system of classification suggested by R.H. Whittaker is not 1
based on:
(a) Presence or absence of a well defined nucleus.
(b) Mode of reproduction.
(c) Mode of nutrition.
(d) Complexity of body organisation.
3 Which of the following carries out asexual reproduction by formation of 1
conidia but lacks sexual mode.
(a) Neurospora
(b) Alternaria
(c) Agaricus
(d) Saccharomyces
4 Select the correct labelling that forms asexual reproductive buds in 1

(a) A-Gemma cup

(b) B-Gemma cup
(c) B-Rhizoids
(d) C-Archegoniophores
5 Gnathostomata of subphylum Vertebrata are divided into super classes; Pisces 1
and tetrapoda. Pisces are true fishes that have further two classes; X having
fish with cartilaginous endoskeletons and class Y, which includes fish with
bony endoskeletons. Tetrapoda is divided into 4 classes: Members of Class A
can live on both land and water. Class B members have a hairy bodies and
produce milk to feed their young ones. Class C includes creeping vertebrates
while class D comprises flying vertebrates.
i) Identify examples of X and Y
a. Torpedo Scoliodon
b. Exocoetus Pristis
c. Trygon Hippocampus
d. Pristis Carcharodon
6 Ovary is one chambered but forms two chambered due to formation of false 1
septum in

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(a) Pea and Lemon
(b) Primrose and Dianthus
(c) Marigold and sunflower
(d) Mustard and Argemone
7 Study the following root anatomy and identify A, B, C, D and E 1

(a) A-Metaxylem, B-Pericycle, C- Phloem, D-Cortex, E-Endodermis

(b) A-Metaxylem, B-Pith, C- Phloem, D-Cortex, E-Endodermis
(c) A-Metaxylem, B-Pith, C- Phloem, D-Endodermis, E-Pericycle
(d) A-Metaxylem, B-Pith, C- Phloem, D-Pericycle, E- Endodermis

8 Which of the following bacterial disease can destroy the economy of a 1

(a) Wheat rust
(b) Citrus canker
(c) Orange rots
(d) White spots on mustard leaves
9 Water needs to be transported from one cell to another to reach all parts in 1
plant. The correct direction of transport of water within 2 adjacent plant cell is
a) Cytoplasm -> Cell membrane-> Plamodesmata->cell membrane of
adjacent cell-> cytoplasm of adjacent cell
b) Cytoplasm -> Cell membrane-> middle lamella ->cell membrane of
adjacent cell-> cytoplasm of adjacent cell
c) Cytoplasm -> Cell membrane-> cell wall ->cell membrane of adjacent
cell-> cytoplasm of adjecent cell
d) Cytoplasm -> Cell membrane-> Plamodesmata->cytoplasm of adjacent
cell-> cell membrane of adjacent cell

10 The names of different cell organelles /structures are given below- 1

Glycocalyx, Ribosomes, Mitochondria, Cell wall, nucleus, peroxisomes,
centrosome, Chloroplast
How many of the above features are associated with plant cells?
a) five b)four c)two d)three.
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11 Given structural formula is identified along with its related function which 1
of the following option?

(a) Cholesterol- A component of animal cell membrane

(b) Lecithin – A component of cell membrane
(c) Triglycerides – An energy source
(d) Adenosine – A component of nucleic acids
12 In which of the following sets of three items each belong to the category 1
mentioned against them?
a. Lysine, Glycine, Thymine- Amino acids
b. Trypsin, Collagen, GLUT-4 – Protein
c. Rubber, gum, Anthocyanins- Polymeric substance
d. Adenosine, Cytosin, Guanosine- Nucleosides
Question no 13 to 16 consists of two statements- Assertion(A) and
Reason(R). Answer the questions by selecting the appropriate option
given below.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.
13 Assertion: In lichens, mycobiont, and phycobiont are symbiotically 1
associated in which algae is predominant and fungi is a subordinate
Reason: The alga provides food and the fungus provides shelter and
absorbs mineral nutrients and water for alga.

14 Assertion: Vascular cambium is absent in monocot plants 1

Reason: Secondary growth is not found in these plants.

15 Assertion: Alternation in generation is a characteristic feature of plant 1

Reason: In plants diploid sporophyte and haploid gametophyte generation is
found alternatively.

16 Assertion: Insulin is the polymer of fructose. 1

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Reason: Fructose is a monosaccharide like glucose.

17 Column I Column II 2

Family A

B Polymoniales

Genus C

Species tuberosum

D Angiospermae

Identify A,B,C and D

18 a) Phylum Platyhelminthes are triploblastic as well as acoelomate. 2
b) What are the stinging capsules in coelenterata called? Write any one
function of it.
19 Cloaca is a common opening in Frogs. Enumerate the route for passage of 2
sperms male frogs from testes to it.
20 (i) Relate the following with the type of plant they belong to: 2
a. Vascular bundles are conjoint, closed and scattered
b. Vascular bundles are conjoint, open and arranged in concentric
(ii) The monocot leaf is well adapted to overcome water stress conditions.
21 Compare the axoneme with a centriole structurally. 2
Membrane bound cell organells are absent in prokaryotes but still major
activites like cell division, respiration, cell wall formation are carried out
(a) Indicate the part of cell that is responsible for these activities.
(b) What are its various forms?
22 a. Euglenoids differ from Dinoflagellates on the basis of cell wall and 3
flagella. Provide suitable evidence.
b. Enumerate the process of ingestion of food in ciliated protozans?
23 Sketch out the steps of formation of Female gametophyte in cycas. 3
24 Give an example of plant for each of the following: 3
a. Valvate aestivation.

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b. Pinnately compound leaf
c. Whorled phyllotaxy
d. Basal Placentation
e. Syncarpous carpel
f. Variation in length of filament in stamen
25 Explain the organization of CNS in frogs. 3
Explain the circulation of blood through the heart in frogs.
26 a. Draw the event of Meiosis I previous and next to the event shown below: 3

b. Compare the event shown above with that of Meiosis II.

27 a. Identify the enzyme, substrate and the inhibitor: 3
“Inhibition of succinate dehydrogenase by malonate that closely
resembles succinate in structure.”
b. Name the type of enzyme that catalyse the following:
i. Hydrolysis of ether.
ii. Joining of C-O.


28 a. Prosthetic groups different from cofactors. Justify 3

b. Plot a graph to represent the concept of activation energy, in presence of
enzyme, for an exothermic reaction.
29 Represented below is the characteristic of a certain phylum consisting of 4
vertebrates and invertebrates. Answer the following questions with respect to

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a. Indicate the parts labeled A and B in the diagram.
b. How is B different in Phylum Hemichordata?
c. How is structure C and D differ in animals belonging to chordates
and non chordates?
d. How are Urochordata different from Cephalochrodata. Give one
example of each

30 4

a. Indicate the part from the diagram that bears 70s Ribosome and circular
b. Relate the part with that of chloroplast and find any 2 differences.
c. Enumerate any 2 activities that the above structure can do
d. Chloroplast can also perform some activities independently. Write any
31 a. Selaginella and Salvinia are unique in there spore formation. How are 5
they different from other pteridophytes.

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b. Pteridophytes undergo an event that is precursor to seed habit in higher
plants. Discuss.
c. Mention the type of stored food and number of flagella in
Phaeophyceae and Rhodophyceae respectively.
d. Explain the various stages of lifecycle of Funaria.
a. Classify the following based on number of chambers in their heart.
Rohu, Crocodile, Platypus, Salamander
b. Which among these is an egg laying mammal?
c. Differentiate between osteicthyes and chondricthyes on the basis of
scales and position of mouth

32 a. Observe the given figures and identify the type of placentation they 5
are showing and give one example of each:

(a) (b)
b. Differentiate between Recemose and Cymose inflorescence.
c. Identify the functions:
i. Lateral branch of Jasmine
ii. Leaves of pea

Given below is the floral formula of an angiospermic family:

a. Identify the family and give one example of a plant belonging to

this family.
b. Draw its floral diagram , depicting the position of the mother axis
with respect to the flower.
c. Why are mango and coconut known as Drupe? How are they
different on the basis of mesocarp.

33 a. When we analyse the plants, fungal and microbial cells, we would 5

see thousands of compounds like e.g alkaloids, flavonoids, rubber,
gums, spices etc. Many of them useful to human welfare. Give two
examples of useful drugs.

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b. What is the function of GLUT-4?
c. Draw the structure of one hydroxyl methyl group-containing amino
d. How is the Sugar component of RNA different from that of DNA?
e. Lipid has a molecular weight of around 800 Daltons still they come
under acid insoluble fraction. Why?

a. Observe the following figure, label and write the function of the part
marked as ‘A’.

b. Identify the stages in diagram given below and also write the key
functions these stages A, B, C, D.

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