Trust Account Application

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Questions? Go to or call 800-343-3548.

New Fidelity Account® — Trust — Brokerage

Use this application to open a Fidelity Account® for a trust. To open other account types, visit for the
appropriate form. Type on screen or print out and fill in using CAPITAL letters and black ink. If you need more room for information or
signatures, make a copy of the relevant page.

Important to Understand Additional Documentation Requirements

By signing this application, you acknowledge that: • For domestic trusts, certification of trust can be accomplished
 idelity Brokerage Services LLC (“FBS”) will perform brokerage by signing this form. Some states require this certification to
and administrative services. be notarized (see signatory page for specific states). You may
obtain the notarization or attach a copy of the relevant pages
 ational Financial Services LLC (“NFS”) will provide of the trust document that provide the full name of the trust,
administrative, clearing, and custody services. grantor(s), trustee(s), trust date, and the signature page(s) that
• FBS and NFS are together referred to herein as “Fidelity.” match the trustee(s) listed in this form, and all signatures. Do
• Important documents related to your account include the not include the entire trust document.
Fidelity Account Customer Agreement (“Customer • For foreign trusts, include the relevant pages of your trust
Agreement”) and other relevant information delivered from document that provide the full name of the trust, grantor(s),
time to time. trustee(s), trust date, and all signature pages. Do not include
• In this application, “You,” “you,” and “your” refers to all the entire trust document, and it must be in English.
account holders, including individual, joint, trustees, and/or •A
 ny other required documents as indicated in the appropriate
custodians. Each of the account holders agrees that any account sections of this application (if applicable).
holder has authority to act on behalf of this account.

1. Trust Information
Trust Name Enter full trust name as evidenced by the trust document.

For the Benefit of

Provide the tax reporting Trust Taxpayer ID Number Required Date of Trust MM DD YYYY
number for the trust. A
decedent’s SSN cannot SSN/ITIN Entity ID/TIN
be used as the tax For a domestic trust, provide the state. For a foreign trust, provide the country.*
reporting number.
The SSN must be that of
a living grantor. *Your trust documents set forth the terms of your trust. Based on these documents, please tell us which state’s laws
apply to your trust. If your trust is subject to foreign law, please tell us which country’s laws apply.

Trust Address This is the legal address used for tax reporting.
Street Address

City State ZIP Code

Mailing Address This may be a PO Box, drop box, or c/o location.

Same as residential address Default if no other information is indicated below.
Mailing Address

City State ZIP Code

Form continues on next page.

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2. Primary Trustee Information
Provide the following information for the primary trustee. To provide information for any additional trustee(s), grantor(s), and/or any others
with the authority to appoint/remove trustees and/or revoke/amend the trust, you can do so in Section 3 and have all trustees sign in
Section 9. Do not make copies of Section 2 for additional individuals.
Required. Trustee only Authority to appoint/remove trustees Authority to revoke the trust
Check ALL that apply. Trustee and grantor Authority to amend the trust
 rustee is an entity If the trustee is an entity, check the box, enter full entity name as evidenced by the relevant
formation document (e.g., trust document, partnership agreement, articles of incorporation), and a completed
Fidelity Brokerage Business Account Certification form, as applicable, is required. All required forms and
supporting documentation must be provided at the time this application is submitted, or we will be unable to
process this request.
First Name Middle Name Last Name
Enter full first and last
name as evidenced by
a government-issued,
unexpired document (e.g., Entity Name
driver’s license, passport,
permanent resident card).
Taxpayer ID Number Required Date of Birth MM DD YYYY


Mobile phone number Mobile Phone Secondary Phone
and email are required
for account security,
transactional alerts, Email
and delivery of other
By signing this account application, you agree to conduct business with Fidelity electronically and to the electronic
delivery of all account-related documents and communications. You consent to Fidelity’s use of your email and/or mobile
number to message, call, or text you for this purpose. Message and data rates apply; frequency may vary. For help with
texts, reply HELP. To opt out of texts, reply STOP. You may also update your contact information at any time through
your profile on Please look for an email to confirm your information and the terms of this consent.

Residential Address This is the legal address used for tax reporting.
Street Address

City State ZIP Code

Mailing Address This may be a PO Box, drop box, or c/o location.

Same as residential address Default if no other information is indicated below.
Mailing Address

City State ZIP Code

Primary Trustee Information continues on next page.

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2. Primary Trustee Information, continued


U.S. citizen Do not complete the fields below.

Indicate your
citizenship status. Foreign citizen Information in this box must be completed.
Country of Citizenship

Choose one. Permanent U.S. resident Nonpermanent U.S. resident Nonresident of U.S.

Government Identification Number

ID Number Country of Issuance

Unexpired ID ID Issuance Date MM DD YYYY ID Expiration Date MM DD YYYY

must include reference
number and photo.
Attach copy of ID.
Passport Number Permanent Resident Identifier Other Government-Issued ID Number

Income Source Industry regulations require us to ask for this information.

Check one and Employed: Self-employed:

provide information. Occupation Employer Leave blank if self-employed.

Employer Address

City State/Province ZIP/Postal Code Country

Retired: Not employed:

Source of Income Pension, investments, spouse, etc.

As a person associated If you are employed by or associated with a broker-dealer, stock exchange, exchange member firm, the Financial
with a member firm, you Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), a municipal securities dealer, or other financial institution, or are the spouse or
are obligated to receive an immediate family member residing in the same household of someone who meets the aforementioned employment
consent from that firm. criteria, provide the company’s name and address below. Information (including duplicate copies of confirmations and
Fidelity has existing statements for this account, and any accounts you choose to have on a consolidated statement) will be sent to the asso-
consent agreements ciated person’s employer for purposes of compliance review.
with many firms for
Company Name
their employees to
maintain accounts with
Fidelity and to deliver
transactional data. If Company Address
your firm is not one
of them, Fidelity will
attempt to contact your City State/Province ZIP/Postal Code Country
firm’s compliance office.

Primary Trustee Information continues on next page.

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2. Primary Trustee Information, continued

If you, your spouse, or any of your relatives (including parents, in-laws, and/or dependents, etc.), living in
your home (at the same address), is a member of the board of directors, a 10% shareholder, or a
policy-making officer of a publicly traded company (an “Affiliate”), you must provide the information
below. If there are more than two Affiliates, make a copy of this section.
Affiliate’s Company Name Trading Symbol or CUSIP

Affiliate’s Company Name Trading Symbol or CUSIP

3. Additional Individual Information

Provide the following information for each additional trustee, grantor, and any others with the authority to appoint/remove trustees and/or
revoke/amend the trust. If there are more than two individuals, make a copy of this Section 3 and have all trustees sign in Section 9.
Required. Trustee only Living Grantor only* Authority to appoint/remove trustees*
Check ALL that apply. Trustee and grantor DECEASED Grantor* Provide ONLY full Authority to amend the trust*
legal name Authority to revoke the trust*
Trustee is an entity If the trustee is an entity, check the box, enter full entity name as evidenced by the relevant
formation document (e.g., trust document, partnership agreement, articles of incorporation), and a completed
Fidelity Brokerage Business Account Certification form, as applicable, is required. All required forms and
supporting documentation must be provided at the time this form is submitted, or we will be unable to process
this request.
*These individuals will be listed as Beneficial Owners and will not have any authority or be able to take any action on
this account or receive any account documentation, unless they are also trustees or granted account authority. If the
Beneficial Owner is an Entity, a separate Beneficial Ownership for Trusts form, or Beneficial Ownership — Control
Person/Entity Owner for Entities form, as applicable, must be attached.
First Name Middle Name Last Name
Enter full first and last
name as evidenced by
a government-issued,
unexpired document (e.g., Entity Name
driver’s license, passport,
permanent resident card).
Taxpayer ID Number Required Date of Birth MM DD YYYY


Mobile phone number Mobile Phone Secondary Phone
and email are required
for account security,
transactional alerts, Email
and delivery of other
By signing this account application, you agree to conduct business with Fidelity electronically and to the electronic
delivery of all account-related documents and communications. You consent to Fidelity’s use of your email and/or mobile
number to message, call, or text you for this purpose. Message and data rates apply; frequency may vary. For help with
texts, reply HELP. To opt out of texts, reply STOP. You may also update your contact information at any time through
your profile on Please look for an email to confirm your information and the terms of this consent.

Residential Address This is the legal address used for tax reporting.
Street Address

City State ZIP Code

Mailing Address This may be a PO Box, drop box, or c/o location.

Same as residential address Default if no other information is indicated below.
Mailing Address

City State ZIP Code

Additional Individual Information continues on next page.

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3. Additional Individual Information, continued


U.S. citizen Do not complete the fields below.

Indicate your
citizenship status. Foreign citizen Information in this box must be completed.
Country of Citizenship

Choose one. P
 ermanent U.S. resident Nonpermanent U.S. resident Nonresident of U.S.

Government Identification Number

ID Number Country of Issuance

Unexpired ID ID Issuance Date MM DD YYYY ID Expiration Date MM DD YYYY

must include reference
number and photo.
Attach copy of ID.
Passport Number Permanent Resident Identifier Other Government-Issued ID Number

Income Source Required ONLY for trustees.

Check one and E

 mployed: S
provide information. Occupation Employer Leave blank if self-employed.
Industry regulations
require us to ask for
this information. Employer Address

City State/Province ZIP/Postal Code Country

 etired: N
 ot employed:
Source of Income Pension, investments, spouse, etc.

Associations Required ONLY for trustees.

As a person associated
If you are employed by or associated with a broker-dealer, stock exchange, exchange member firm, the Financial
with a member firm, you
Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), a municipal securities dealer, or other financial institution, or are the spouse or
are obligated to receive
an immediate family member residing in the same household of someone who meets the aforementioned employment
consent from that firm.
criteria, provide the company’s name and address below. Information (including duplicate copies of confirmations and
Fidelity has existing
statements for this account, and any accounts you choose to have on a consolidated statement) will be sent to the asso-
consent agreements
ciated person’s employer for purposes of compliance review.
with many firms for
their employees to Company Name
maintain accounts with
Fidelity and to deliver
transactional data. If Company Address
your firm is not one
of them, Fidelity will
attempt to contact your City State/Province ZIP/Postal Code Country
firm’s compliance office.

Additional Individual Information continues on next page.

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3. Additional Individual Information, continued

If you, your spouse, or any of your relatives (including parents, in-laws, and/or dependents, etc.), living in
your home (at the same address), is a member of the board of directors, a 10% shareholder, or a
policy-making officer of a publicly traded company (an “Affiliate”), you must provide the information below.
If there are more than two Affiliates, make a copy of this section.
Affiliate’s Company Name Trading Symbol or CUSIP

Affiliate’s Company Name Trading Symbol or CUSIP

4. Initial Funding This is a one-time contribution.

Check all funding options that apply to this one-time transfer.

By check payable to Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC. This must be a check written by you, as third-party
checks cannot be accepted.
 ransfer from another firm Include a completed Transfer of Assets form available at
Your name and T
 ransfer from your Fidelity nonretirement account: If entire account value is transferred, the source account
SSN must be will be closed. Account features do not transfer and must be reestablished for the new account.
identical on both
accounts. Brokerage Account
Your Fidelity Brokerage Account Number Amount Must be available as cash.

OR All Assets

Mutual Fund–Only Account

Your Fidelity Mutual Fund–Only Account Number Fidelity Fund Name

Dollar Amount Number of Shares

OR OR Transfer All Shares

5. Core Position
Any cash balances awaiting your further instruction will be swept into the Fidelity Government Money Market Fund (SPAXX) (referred to as
your “Core Position”). There may be other options available for your Core Position. If so, you can change your Core Position to one of these
other options after your account is opened.

6. Ongoing Funding Options

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

See “Important Information About Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)” at the end of this application.
EFT allows you to electronically transfer funds between your bank or other financial institution and Fidelity. This section must be completed
for automatic investments from outside Fidelity. Not ready to sign up now? Log in to after your account has been opened
to establish EFT.
You must be an owner of the account at the other financial institution. You will need to attach a voided check, deposit slip, or bank state-
ment with the account number and all owner names preprinted on it.

 hecking Savings
Provide bank Owner(s) Name(s) Exactly as on Bank Account
information to set up
the EFT feature.
Bank Routing/ABA Number Bank Name

Checking or Savings Account Number

Automatic Investments
Automatic Investments may be set up at any time to direct Electronic Funds Transfer that are held in your Core Position into the
investment vehicle of your choice. This can be established by visiting
Ongoing Funding Options continues on next page.

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6. Ongoing Funding Options, continued

Income and Dividends

All income from securities (dividends, capital gains, or sale proceeds) is automatically deposited into your account. Dividends from mutual
funds are reinvested in the originating fund. To change your distributions, call Fidelity or log in to

7. A
 ccount Features
Additional account features are available for your new account. You may establish most of these online at
Or, you may choose from the following:
 stablish now — You must include the Checkwriting form with this application. Go to to
download the form.
Please send information to establish checkwriting in the future.
Establish Fidelity BillPay®.
Order me a Fidelity® Debit Card.
Order a second card for the Additional Account Owner.
Request Active Trader. To sign up later, call a trading specialist at 800-564-0211.
Trades per year 36–119 120+
Send me information on automatic investments.

8. Certification of Trust
By signing on the next page, you certify as Trustee that:
• The trust has not been revoked, modified, and issue the instructions that you make require, and each trustee may act inde-
or amended in any manner that would on behalf of the Trust account with Fidelity. pendently.
cause the statements contained in this trust The Trustees understand that all such trans- • Fidelity is authorized to follow the instruc-
certification to be incorrect. actions and instructions will be governed tions of any Trustee and to deliver funds,
• The trust exists under all applicable laws. by the terms and conditions of all other securities, or any other assets in the
account agreements applicable to this account to any Trustee on any Trustee’s
• There are no Trustees of the Trust other
account. The Trustees, jointly and severally, instructions, including delivering assets
than those listed above. Every trustee
indemnify Fidelity and hold Fidelity harm- to a Trustee personally. Fidelity, in its sole
(whether you are the sole trustee or there
less from any claim, loss, expense, or other discretion and for its sole protection, may
is more than one) has signed below and
liability for acting pursuant to the instruc- require the written consent of any or all
is authorized to make these statements.
tions given by the Trustees. The Trustees Trustees before acting on the instructions
Should only one person execute this agree-
further agree not to give any instructions of any Trustee.
ment, it shall be a representation that the
for which they are not in full compliance • If included, the pages of the Trust doc-
signer is the sole Trustee.
with the Trust. ument are true copies of the valid legal
• You agree to inform Fidelity, in writing,
• Fidelity has the authority to accept instruc- document currently in effect.
of any change in the composition of the
tions relative to the account from those • Where applicable, plural references in this
Trustees, or any other event that could alter
individuals listed as Trustees in Sections 2 certification shall be deemed singular.
the certifications made herein.
and 3. They may execute any documents
• You have the authority under the trust and on behalf of the Trust that Fidelity may
applicable law to enter into transactions

9. A
 ccount Owner Signatures and Dates ALL trustees must sign and date this application.

Please be sure to read all the language included on the following pages, as well as sign, date, and return your
completed application, including this signature page, to Fidelity.

If you are a U.S. person for tax purposes: • Certify under penalties of perjury that you • Certify under penalties of perjury that the
 ertify under penalties of perjury that are not subject to backup withholding FATCA code(s) entered on this form (if
you are a U.S. person (including a U.S. because any of the following applies: any) indicating that you are exempt from
resident alien or other U.S. person as – You are exempt from backup withholding. FATCA reporting are correct.
defined in the instructions to IRS Form – You have not been notified by the If you are not a U.S. person for
W-9) and the Social Security or Taxpayer Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that you tax purposes:
Identification Number provided is correct are subject to backup withholding as a
result of a failure to report all interest • You are submitting the applicable
(or that you are waiting for a number to
or dividends. Form W-8 with this form to certify your
be issued to you).
foreign status and, if applicable, claim
– The IRS has notified you that you are no
If the IRS has notified you that you are tax treaty benefits.
longer subject to backup withholding.
currently subject to backup withholding
because you failed to report all interest
and dividends on your tax return,
CROSS OUT all text in brackets.

Account Owner Signatures and Dates continues on next page.

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9. Account Owner Signatures and Dates, continued

To help the government fight financial crimes, federal regulation requires Fidelity to obtain your name, date of birth, address,
and a government-issued ID number before opening your account, and to verify the information. In certain circumstances,
Fidelity may obtain and verify comparable information for any person authorized to make transactions in an account. Also, federal
regulation requires Fidelity to obtain and verify the beneficial owners and control persons of legal entity customers. Requiring the
disclosure of key individuals who own or control a legal entity helps law enforcement investigate and prosecute crimes. Your account
may be restricted or closed if Fidelity cannot obtain and verify this information. Fidelity will not be responsible for any losses or damages
(including, but not limited to, lost opportunities) that may result if your account is restricted or closed.
The IRS does not require your consent to any You acknowledge that this account is governed by a predispute arbitration
provision of this document other than the certi- clause, which appears on the last page of the Customer Agreement, and that
fications required to avoid backup withholding. you have read the predispute arbitration clause.

By signing below, you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to be bound by the provisions of this application,
including the Terms and Conditions for This Account on the following pages.
If a copy of the relevant pages from a domestic trust are not being provided, all trustee signatures MUST be notarized if your trust
is governed by the laws of any of the following states: California, Delaware, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi,
Nebraska, Nevada, South Dakota, Tennessee, and Vermont. Refer to your trust document to determine which state’s law applies.




Important Note: CA Notaries are permitted to submit a separate page notary document. If used, it must identify the document being notarized.

Notice to CA Residents: A Notary Public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual
who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document.

Certificate of Acknowledgment of Notary Public Must be Certificate of Acknowledgment of Notary Public Must be
a U.S. Notary. Foreign notary or consular seals may NOT be substituted. a U.S. Notary. Foreign notary or consular seals may NOT be substituted.

State of _______________________________, in the County of State of _______________________________, in the County of

______________________________, subscribed and sworn to ______________________________, subscribed and sworn to

before me by the above-named trustee who is personally known to before me by the above-named trustee who is personally known to

me or who has produced _________________________________ me or who has produced _________________________________

as identification, that the foregoing statements were true as identification, that the foregoing statements were true

and accurate and made of his/her own free act and deed, on and accurate and made of his/her own free act and deed, on

______/______/____________ . ______/______/____________ .





My commission expires ______/______/____________ . My commission expires ______/______/____________ .

446304.23.0 Form continues on next page.

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10. Terms and Conditions for This Account
By signing the previous section, you:
• Hereby request Fidelity to open a Fidelity •C  onsent to have only one copy of Fidelity •U  nderstand that you will be receiving and
Account in the name of the Trust listed as mutual fund shareholder documents, such reviewing separate account agreements
on this application. as prospectuses and shareholder reports for using Fidelity BillPay® and the Fidelity®
• Affirm that you are at least 18 years old and (“Documents”), delivered to you and Debit Card.
of full legal age to enter into the agree- any other investors sharing your address. • Agree that any information you give to
ments associated with this application in Your Documents will be householded Fidelity on this application will be subject
your state of residence. indefinitely; however, you may revoke this to verification, and you authorize Fidelity
consent at any time by contacting Fidelity to obtain a credit report about you at any
• Affirm that you have received and read the
at 800-343-3548, and you will begin receiv- time. Upon written request, Fidelity will
prospectus for the Core Position (if appli-
ing multiple copies within 30 days. As provide the name and address of the credit
cable), the FDIC-Insured Deposit Sweep
Documents for other investments become reporting agency used.
Program Disclosure, and the description
available in the future, these Documents
of the Core Position in the Customer • Certify that this account is not a Pooled or
may also be householded in accordance
Agreement, including Fidelity’s right to Omnibus Account. A Pooled or Omnibus
with this authorization or any notice or
change the options available. Account is a single account that pools
agreement you received or entered into
• Agree to the use of the Core Position the holdings of more than one beneficial
with Fidelity or its service providers.
specified above to hold assets pending owner, whose identities are not disclosed
• Understand that, upon issuer’s request to Fidelity, in which the beneficial owners
investment, withdrawal, or other
in accordance with applicable rules and have the ability to effect transactions, and
regulations, Fidelity will supply your name for which subaccounting is performed by the
• Understand that: (i) generally, Fidelity earns to issuers of any securities held in your
more compensation when you invest in Omnibus Account holder or a third party.
account so you might receive any important
products offered by an affiliate of Fidelity, • You agree to promptly notify Fidelity if and
information regarding them, unless you
and the compensation earned, as well as when any beneficial ownership information
notify Fidelity.
your yield, varies by product; (ii) notwith- changes.
• Hereby constitute and appoint Fidelity your
standing any contrary provisions in any If requesting EFT:
true and lawful attorney to surrender for
underlying account documentation, other • Acknowledge that you have read and
redemption any and all shares held in your
options may be available for your Core agree to the Important Information about
account with full power of substitution in
Position after opening your account, and, if Electronic Fund Transfer document.
the premises, and further acknowledge that
other options are available, you may select
Fidelity may cease to act as agent to the • Authorize Fidelity, upon receiving
a different option by updating your Core
above appointment after providing notice instructions from you, to make payments
Position on or through a repre-
to your account’s address of record. of amounts representing redemptions by
sentative; and (iii) in certain circumstances,
• Certify and agree that the certifications, you or distributions payable to you by
such as when Fidelity determines that you
authorizations, and appointments in this initiating credit or debit entries to the bank
reside outside the United States, the Core
document will continue until Fidelity account identified in Section 6 (“Bank”),
Position will operate differently.
receives actual written notice of any change as indicated on the attached “voided”
• Affirm that you have received, read, check, deposit slip, or bank statement. You
understood, and agree to be bound by authorize and request the Bank to accept
the terms and conditions of the Customer • Upon transfer of assets due to any life
such entries from Fidelity, and to credit or
Agreement, this Application (including event (death, divorce, etc.), and unless
debit, as indicated, your account at the
if applicable the Important Information otherwise instructed, all dividend/interest
Bank in accordance with these entries.
regarding Electronic Funds Transfer income paid to the Transferor (Current
Asset Holder) of $100 or less will be • Acknowledge that this authorization may
(EFT) and the Fee Schedule), as is
systematically allocated to the Transferee only be revoked by providing written notice
currently in effect and as may be amended
(New Asset Holder) receiving the largest of revocation to Fidelity, in such time and
in the future.
share proportion of the account assets. If the manner as afford Fidelity and the Bank a
•U  nderstand that your Core Position reasonable opportunity to act upon it.
account is transferred evenly, the dividend/
may be a money market fund, and that
interest income will be systematically • Understand that Fidelity may purge unused
you could lose money by investing in a
allocated to the last transferee paid. EFT instructions from your account on a
money market fund. Although the fund
Acknowledge that Fidelity will not be periodic basis without notice to you.
seeks to preserve the value of your
liable for any loss, expense, or cost arising • Understand that Fidelity may terminate the
investment at $1.00 per share, it cannot
out of your instructions, provided that it EFT instructions from your account at any
guarantee it will do so. An investment
institutes reasonable procedures to prevent time in its sole discretion.
in the fund is not insured or guaran-
unauthorized transactions.
teed by the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation or any other government • Certify that all information provided to us in
agency. Fidelity Investments and its affil- this form is true, accurate, and complete.
iates, the fund’s sponsor, have no legal • Acknowledge that you will receive a
obligation to provide financial support monthly account statement from Fidelity,
to money market funds and you should unless there are no transactions in a partic-
not expect that the sponsor will provide ular month. In any case, you will receive a
financial support to the fund at any time. statement quarterly.

Form continues on next page.

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Did you sign the form and attach a check or any necessary documents? Regular mail Overnight mail
Please return your completed application and any necessary attachments. Fidelity Investments Fidelity Investments
You will receive a “New Account Profile” confirming that your account(s) PO Box 770001 100 Crosby Parkway KC1K
is opened. Cincinnati, OH 45277-0002 Covington, KY 41015
Questions? Go to or call 800-343-3548.

On this form, “Fidelity” means Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC and its affiliates. Brokerage services are
provided by Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC. All trademarks and service marks used
herein are the property of their respective owners. 446304.23.0 (12/23)

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Questions? Go to or call 800-343-3548.

Trusted Contact Authorization Form

Use this form to designate a primary and alternate trusted contact, that is 18 years or older, for your Fidelity account(s). Do NOT use
this form for charitable giving accounts or workplace retirement plans, such as a 401(k). Type on screen or fill in using CAPITAL letters and
black ink. If you need more room for information or signatures, make a copy of the relevant page.

Helpful to Know
• To prepare yourself and your trusted contact(s) for success, • If Fidelity has questions or concerns about your health or welfare
consider choosing someone with whom you are comfortable due to potential diminished capacity, financial exploitation or
discussing your health, relationships, loved ones, work, abuse, endangerment, and/or neglect, this form authorizes us to
and finances. You may also want to consider selecting get in touch with the trusted contact(s) and:
someone who isn’t currently involved in your financial life, – Provide the trusted contact(s) listed below with information
like a beneficiary or power of attorney, to ensure fairness about you and/or your account(s), including notice of a
and objectivity. temporary hold, but does not provide him or her with the
• This form supersedes any previous trusted contact ability to transact on your account(s).
designations that you may have submitted. – Inquire about your current contact information or
• If you are using this form for an Entity relationship (for ex: a health status.
business account), we will assign the Trusted Contact(s) to the – Inquire about whether another person or entity has legal
Authorized Individual that signs this form. authority to act on your behalf (e.g., legal guardian or
conservator, executor, or trustee).

1. Account Owner
First Name Middle Name Last Name

Social Security or Taxpayer ID Number

2. Accounts Included
Check only one. ALL eligible accounts associated with the above Social Security or Taxpayer ID Number Skip to Section 3.
ONLY the account(s) listed below:
Fidelity Account Number Fidelity Account Number Fidelity Account Number

Fidelity Account Number Fidelity Account Number Fidelity Account Number

3. Primary Trusted Contact Name, email, phone, and address are all required.
The trusted contact First Name Middle Name Last Name
MUST be someone
other than the individual
listed in Section 1. Do Email Relationship to Owner (Spouse, Child, Parent, Sibling, Friend, Other)
not provide the account
owner’s information here.
Primary Phone Secondary Phone
Mobile Mobile
Number Number

Legal/Permanent Address
Street Address
This cannot be a
PO box, mail drop,
or c/o.
City State/Province ZIP/Postal Code Country

Form continues on next page.

1.9883825.102 Page 1 of 2 037430201

4. Alternate Trusted Contact Name, email, phone, and address are all required.
The trusted contact First Name Middle Name Last Name
MUST be someone other
than the individuals listed
in Sections 1 and 3. Do Email Relationship to Owner (Spouse, Child, Parent, Sibling, Friend, Other)
not provide the account
owner’s information here.
Primary Phone Secondary Phone
Mobile Mobile
Number Number

Legal/Permanent Address
Street Address
This cannot be a
PO box, mail drop,
or c/o.
City State/Province ZIP/Postal Code Country

5. Signature and Date Form cannot be processed without your signature and date.

By signing below, you:

• Authorize Fidelity to communicate with • Understand that this does not authorize in writing to one of the business addresses
your trusted contact(s) and disclose your trusted contact(s) to separately access listed below.
information about designated accounts or transact on your account(s). • Understand that you may change
to address possible financial exploitation • Understand that you may identify multiple your trusted contact(s) at any time by
or confirm specifics about your current trusted contacts on this form, provided completing a new form.
contact information, your health status, or they are 18 years or older.
the identity of any legal guardian, executor, • Certify that all information provided in this
trustee, or holder of a power of attorney, or • Understand that this trusted contact form is true, accurate, and complete.
as otherwise permitted. designation is optional and you may • Acknowledge that we may remove any
withdraw it at any time by notifying Fidelity trusted contact from any account, at any
time or for any reason.




Did you sign the form? Send the ENTIRE form to Fidelity. Regular mail Overnight mail
Fidelity Investments Fidelity Investments
Questions? Go to or call 800-343-3548. PO Box 770001 100 Crosby Parkway KC1K
Cincinnati, OH 45277-0002 Covington, KY 41015

On this form, “Fidelity” means Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC and its affiliates. Brokerage services are
provided by Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC. 802990.3.0 (06/20)

1.9883825.102 Page 2 of 2 037430202

Questions? Go to or call 800-343-3548.

Important Information about Electronic

Funds Transfer (EFT) Keep this information for your records.

Privacy Statement Direct Deposits

You understand that Fidelity will disclose information to third If you have arranged to have direct deposits made to your Fidelity
parties about your account or the transfers you make: Account or Fidelity Mutual Fund Account, at least once every sixty
(i) Where it is necessary for completing transfers, or (60) days from the same person or company, you can call Fidelity
at 800-343-3548 to find out whether or not the deposit has
(ii) In order to verify the existence and condition of your account been made.
for a third party, such as a credit bureau or merchant, or
(iii) In order to comply with a government agency or court order, or Special Disclosure for Covered Transfers
(iv) If you give Fidelity your written permission, or In general, your use of the EFT service for transfer of funds
(v) F or other purposes in accordance with Fidelity’s privacy statement electronically other than those for which the primary purpose is
the purchase or sale of securities (“Covered Transfers”) is covered
Fees under the Electronic Funds Transfer Act and the Bureau of Consumer
Financial Protection’s Regulation E and related laws and regulations.
There is no fee to use the EFT service, although your financial The following terms and disclosures apply to Covered Transfers:
institution may charge transaction fees.
Unauthorized Transfers
Limitations for EFTs You will tell Fidelity promptly if you believe your password has been
lost or stolen or may have been used without your permission.
There may be a four-day period after Fidelity processes your request Telephoning Fidelity at the number listed below is the best way of
to establish EFT, during which the service will be unavailable to keeping your possible losses down. If you believe your password has
transfer funds to or from your bank account. The minimum amount been lost or stolen, and you tell Fidelity within two (2) business days
for EFTs initiated on is $1 for nonretirement brokerage after you learn of the loss or theft, you can lose not more than $50
accounts and $10 for retirement brokerage accounts (or with respect for Covered Transfers if someone used your password without your
to a Fidelity mutual fund account, the fund minimum). In most cases, permission. If you do NOT tell Fidelity within two (2) business days
EFTs initiated on are subject to a maximum cumulative after you learn of the loss or theft of your password, and Fidelity can
daily amount of $100,000 for transfers out of your Fidelity account, prove Fidelity could have prevented any unauthorized use if you had
and $250,000 for deposits into your Fidelity account. Transfers told Fidelity, you could lose as much as $500. Also, if your statement
out of your Fidelity account initiated on are typically shows Covered Transfers that you did not make, you will tell Fidelity
limited to three per day. promptly. If you do not tell Fidelity within sixty (60) days after the first
statement was mailed to you, you may not get back any money you
Brokerage Account Minimum Balances lost after sixty (60) days if Fidelity can prove that Fidelity could have
There is no minimum account balance to process an EFT transaction; stopped someone from taking the money if you had told Fidelity in
however, your core account must have adequate funds to cover time. In extenuating circumstances, Fidelity may extend such time
a redemption. periods. Additional protection may be available from Fidelity for
specific accounts under certain circumstances.
Mutual Fund Account Minimum Balances Stop Payment Procedures
There is no minimum account balance to process an EFT transac- If you have told Fidelity in advance to make regular Covered
tion; however, you must have an adequate balance in your mutual Transfers out of your Fidelity account, you can stop any of these
fund position to cover a redemption. payments. Here’s how: you can call or write to Fidelity using the
contact information listed below. Your notice must be made in
Business Days time for Fidelity to receive your request at least three (3) business
days or more before the payment is scheduled to be made. If you
For purposes of EFTs, Fidelity’s business days are Monday through call, Fidelity may, as an additional measure, require you to put
Friday. Bank and New York Stock Exchange holidays are not included. your request in writing and get it to Fidelity within fourteen (14)
days after you call. Unless otherwise provided, you may not stop
Documentation Periodic Statement ­payment of electronic funds transfers; therefore, you should not
employ electronic access for purchases or services unless you are
You will receive a monthly account statement from Fidelity, unless
satisfied that you will not need to stop payment.
there are no transactions in a particular month. In any case, you will
receive a statement quarterly.

1.964554.105 Page 1 of 2
Important Information, continued

Fidelity’s Liability for Failure to Make Error Resolution

Covered Transfers In the case of errors or questions about your Covered Transfers, you
If Fidelity does not complete a Covered Transfer to or from your will call or write Fidelity using the contact information listed below,
Fidelity account on time or in the correct amount according to Fidelity’s promptly. You will call or write Fidelity if you think your statement
agreement with you, Fidelity may be liable for your losses or damages. is wrong or if you need more information about a Covered Transfer
on the statement. Fidelity must hear from you no later than sixty
However, there are some exceptions. Fidelity will not be liable
(60) days after Fidelity sent the FIRST statement on which the
for instance:
problem or error appeared. You will:
• If, through no fault of Fidelity’s, you do not have enough money in
• Tell Fidelity your name and account number.
your Fidelity account to make the Covered Transfer.
• Describe the error or the Covered Transfer that you are unsure
• If the money in your Fidelity account is subject to legal process or
about, and explain as clearly as you can why you believe it is an
other claim restricting such transfer.
error or why you need more information.
• If the transfer would exceed your margin availability, if any.
• Tell Fidelity the dollar amount of the suspected error.
• If the bank account information you provided to Fidelity when
If you notify Fidelity orally, Fidelity may require that you send your
you established the EFT service was incorrect or has subsequently
complaint or question in writing within ten (10) business days. Fidelity
become incorrect.
will tell you the results of its investigation within ten (10) business
• If circumstances beyond Fidelity’s control (such as fire or flood) pre- days after Fidelity hears from you and will correct any error promptly.
vent the transaction, despite reasonable precautions taken by Fidelity. If Fidelity needs more time, however, it may take up to forty-five (45)
• If there was a technical malfunction which was known to you at days to investigate your complaint or question. If Fidelity decides
the time you attempted to initiate a Covered Transfer or, in the to do this, it will credit your account within ten (10) business days
case of a preauthorized Covered Transfer, at the time the transfer for the amount that you think is in error, so that you will have the
should have occurred. use of the money during the time it takes Fidelity to complete its
investigation. If Fidelity asks you to put your request or question in
• There may be other exceptions stated in our agreement with you.
writing and it does not receive it within ten (10) business days, or if
your account is a brokerage account subject to Regulation T of the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Credit By Brokers
and Dealers, 12 CFR 220), Fidelity may not credit your account. For
questions involving new accounts, point of sale or foreign initiated
transactions, we may take up to ninety (90) days to investigate
your complaint or question. With respect to new accounts, we may
take up to twenty (20) business days to credit your account for the
amount you think is in error. Fidelity will inform you of the results
of its investigation within three (3) business days of its completion.
If Fidelity decides that there was no error, Fidelity will send you a
written explanation. You may ask for copies of the documents that
Fidelity used in the investigation.
Contact Information
Fidelity Investments
PO Box 770001
Cincinnati, OH 45277
Phone: 800-343-3548
Representatives are available 24 hours per day, seven days per week,
to take your call.

On this form, “Fidelity” means Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC and its affiliates. Brokerage services are
­provided by Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC. 652049.6.0 (04/23)

1.964554.105 Page 2 of 2
Questions? Go to or call 800-343-3548.

Automatic Investments — Transaction Policies

It can take up to 4 days to complete your transaction. During this period, the assets being invested will not appear in the account balance
for either of the accounts involved. As noted in the table below, transaction processing can take even longer if there are insufficient funds in
the source account.
All automatic investments involve two distinct transactions: a withdrawal from the source account and a deposit/investment into the receiv-
ing account. As noted in the table below, in some cases the investment transaction may go forward even if the withdrawal transaction that
funds the investment does not occur due to insufficient funds.

Transaction Type Time Frame If Insufficient Funds

From bank/financial institution to Funds will generally leave the • Investment portion of transaction occurs, unless prohibited
brokerage account core position bank/financial institution at least by bank/financial institution.
2 days prior to the trade date. • Bank may subsequently demand return of cash to
satisfy overdraft.
• Your bank/financial institution may charge transaction and/or
overdraft fees.
• You may need to contact your bank/financial institution to
restart automatic transactions.

From bank/financial institution Funds will generally leave the • Investment portion of transaction occurs, unless prohibited
to purchase mutual fund bank/financial institution at least by bank/financial institution.
2 days prior to the trade date. • If we do not receive full amount within 3 days, we will
record a debit balance on your account and cancel future
automatic investments.
• Your bank/financial institution may charge transaction and/or
overdraft fees.
• You may need to contact both your bank/financial institution
and Fidelity to restart automatic transactions.

Within the same account: Transaction begins 2 days prior • Investment portion of transaction occurs.
- From core position to to the trade date. • All available assets will be applied toward the transaction.
mutual fund • If no further assets appear in the source account within
- From one mutual fund 3 days, we will record a debit balance on your account for
to another the insufficient amount.

Between two Fidelity accounts: The withdrawal from the source • Investment portion of transaction occurs.
- From core position or mutual account generally begins 4 days
Nonretirement accounts:
fund in one brokerage account to in advance of the trade date.
• If funds are not available at the end of the settlement period
core position in another broker- For retirement accounts, invest- (0 days for core positions, 3 days for mutual fund positions), a
age account ments from another account debit balance will occur.
- From one Mutual Fund Only are placed in your core position • An attempt is made to sell for 3 days (6 days for plans that are
account to another Mutual Fund for three days prior to being offered an immediate payment feature). Each day, we remove
Only account invested in any mutual funds you any available assets to apply toward the transaction.
may have designated.
Fidelity managed accounts:
• If no further assets appear in the source account within
15 days, transaction is canceled without notice to you.
Future transactions are not affected.

On this form, “Fidelity” means Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC and its affiliates. Brokerage services are
provided by Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC. 728535.2.0 (05/18)

1.9866000.101 Page 1 of 1
Questions? Go to

Checkwriting Information and Terms

Helpful to Know
•Y  ou must complete a separate form for each account. Feature Specifics
• This form REPLACES any checkwriting information cur- • Checks are reported on your statement.
rently on your account. Be sure that ALL owners sign • For copies of canceled checks or to have checks sent
as well as any authorized individual to whom you to an alternate address, go to
want to grant checkwriting privileges.
Brokerage Accounts
Who Needs to Sign
• Checks are drawn on your account’s core position.
Individual/Joint Each registered owner Mutual Fund Accounts
UGMA/UTMA Custodian only • For information on minimum balances, fees, and which
funds are eligible for checkwriting, see the applicable
Trust At least one trustee
fund prospectus.
Corporate/Business All authorized individuals • To add checkwriting to more than one fund, set it up on
Individual with  ll account owners and any indi-
A any eligible fund, then call Fidelity to have it added to
Power of Attorney vidual with Power of Attorney for other funds.
whom checkwriting privileges are HSAs
desired. If an account owner is inca- • Be aware that Fidelity must report all checks to the IRS
pacitated and cannot sign, attach a as distributions.
physician’s letter stating this.

• Be sure we have your correct name and address in our
records, because this is the information we will use when
we print and mail your checks.
• If updating your signature because of a name change,
complete and attach a Name Change form, as well
as appropriate documentation, such as a copy of a
marriage certificate or divorce decree.

Terms and Conditions Keep this for your records.

By signing the form, you:

• Direct Fidelity and the processing bank Commercial Code as enacted in Missouri, HSAs
(UMB Bank, NA, which is not affiliated with your Fidelity Brokerage Customer • Acknowledge that any checks you write on
Fidelity) to act on all instructions pursuant Agreement, the Fidelity HSA Custodial this account will be reported to the IRS as
to this form, and to honor any checks that Agreement, and the Fidelity Brokerage distributions, and that any part of a distri-
appear to be properly executed and pre- HSA Customer Account Agreement. bution not used to pay qualified medical
sented. • Agree not to write any checks on the expenses (a) is counted as gross income
• Agree to be bound by all applicable account that exceed the available balance. and (b) may also be subject to a 20% pen-
rules and agreements, in their current or • Verify the authenticity of any other alty (unless an exception applies).
future state, including these Terms and signature(s) on this form. • Agree not to close your account by writing
Conditions, the enclosed Checkwriting a check.
Terms and Conditions, the Uniform
Questions? Go to

Use this form to:
• add checkwriting to an existing Fidelity nonretirement brokerage, mutual fund only, HSA, or Fidelity® Cash Management Account.
529 College Savings Plans, ABLE Accounts, and Fidelity managed accounts are NOT eligible to establish checkwriting.
• change or update signatures for account owners or authorized individuals (for example, because of a name change or to remove an individual).
Type on screen or print out and fill in using CAPITAL letters and black ink. If you need more room for information or signatures, make a
copy of this page.

1. Account Owner(s)
Name(s) Account Number
For business or trust
accounts, provide
entity name here, and
names and signatures Fidelity Fund Name or Symbol Required if your account number begins with a “2” and then any two letters.
of authorized individ­
uals in Section 3.

2. Checkwriting Setup To change the account address before ordering checks, go to

Check only one in Print on Checks Signatures Required on a Check

each column. N
 ame(s), mailing address Any one signature
ALL owner names Default if no choice indicated. Default if no choice indicated.
will be printed Phone
Name(s) only Any two signatures
on checks.
Name(s), mailing address, phone:

3. Signatures and Dates ALL owners must sign and date.

By signing below, you agree to everything in the “Terms and Conditions” section of the previous page. Checkwriting can only be granted
to owners or to people who are already listed on the account as authorized individuals.










Complete and sign. Submit

Be sure to complete the form and collect all required signatures. 1. Scan or take a digital photo of the ENTIRE form.
2. V
 isit to submit your files or photos.
Your checks should arrive in two weeks.

On this form, “Fidelity” means Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC and its affiliates. Brokerage services are
provided by Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC. 574789.11.0 (05/21)

1.925785.111   Page 1 of 4 025780601

Checkwriting Terms and Conditions —
Effective 2019
Keep this information for your records.
Eligible Accounts. As a customer of Fidelity with an eligible Fidelity brokerage account [including a Fidelity Individual Retirement Account
(“Fidelity IRA”) or a Fidelity Health Savings Account (“Fidelity HSA”)], and/or eligible Fidelity mutual fund account (each, an “Eligible
Account”), you or someone designated by you as your agent (“Authorized Agent”) may be entitled to exercise certain checkwriting privileges
in connection with your Eligible Account. For these purposes, Fidelity has established an account with UMB Bank, N.A., a national banking
association located in Kansas City, Missouri (the “Bank”), against which your Checks are presented. In accordance with the terms governing
your Eligible Account, Fidelity liquidates assets in your Eligible Account in order to cover payment of Checks.
Checkwriting Terms and Other Agreements. By applying for checkwriting privileges for your Eligible Account, signing an authoriza-
tion form on such account, or writing a Check, each owner of an Eligible Account (an “Accountholder”) and any Authorized Agent will be
deemed to have accepted and agreed to be bound by all the terms set forth in these Checkwriting Terms and Conditions (the “Terms”).
The Terms apply to your use of your Checks. The Terms supplement the terms and conditions of any Customer Agreement for your Eligible
Account (“Customer Agreement”), the prospectus and statement of additional information (“Prospectus”) for any mutual fund (“Fund”)
shares held in your Eligible Account, and, if applicable, the terms of the Fidelity Individual Retirement Account Custodial Agreement or the
Fidelity Health Savings Account Custodial Agreement (each, a “Custodial Agreement”).
For Native American tribe accounts (“Tribe Accounts”), these Terms supplement the terms of the Customer Agreement governing Tribe
Accounts, including but not limited to the provision that all Third Party Providers shall be entitled to invoke the provisions of the Customer
Agreement, including the waiver of sovereign immunity, choice of Massachusetts law, consent to pre-dispute arbitration, and waiver of exhaus-
tion of tribal remedies with respect to services rendered specifically relating to Tribe Accounts. If you exercise checkwriting privileges in
connection with your Fidelity IRA, you also certify that you are over age 59½. If you elect to exercise checkwriting privileges to be covered by
your Fidelity IRA or Fidelity HSA, you further agree that the Terms constitute an amendment to the Custodial Agreement to permit distributions
from your Fidelity IRA or Fidelity HSA by means of a Check, or a Check converted to an electronic debit, as more fully set forth below.
Additional Definitions. In the Terms, “you” and “your” mean any Accountholder and/or any Authorized Agent, as reflected on the books
and records of Fidelity or a Fund. “Fidelity” means, as applicable, Fidelity Investments Institutional Operations Company, Inc., Fidelity
Brokerage Services LLC, National Financial Services LLC, Fidelity Personal Trust Company, FSB, Fidelity Management Trust Company and
any of their agents, affiliates, successors and/or assigns. “Services” means the checkwriting and other services you receive under the Terms.
“Checks” means the checks that may be used in connection with your Eligible Account.
Purpose. The purpose of the Terms is to advise you of the terms and conditions that apply to your use of Checks. Please keep a copy of
the Terms with your other important records related to your Eligible Account.
You should review the Terms. Fidelity Personal Trust Company, custodian for the Fidelity HSA, and Fidelity Management Trust Company, custodian
for the Fidelity IRA, or any successor custodian of the Fidelity IRA or the Fidelity HSA (collectively “Custodians”), may impose additional terms,
conditions, and procedures, or may modify the same, with respect to your Fidelity IRA or Fidelity HSA checkwriting privileges.
The checkwriting privileges extend only to the actual writing of Checks and electronic debits (discussed in the next Section) and do not
include electronic fund transfers to or from your Eligible Account.
Electronic Debits. Some businesses may convert your Check to an electronic debit when you buy goods or services and offer to pay by
Check, or they may convert your Check to an electronic debit. In addition, you may only need to provide information from your Check (such
as your account number and the Bank’s routing and transit number) to a business for the purpose of making an electronic debit. All these
types of electronic debits are governed by the Terms.
You authorize the Bank to honor any electronic debit converted from a Check when the Bank believes you have drawn or authorized the
Check and the Check is forwarded to the Bank through National Automated Clearing House Association (“NACHA”). A Fund’s Prospectus
may limit the types of electronic payments that can be made from that Fund.
Access to Your Assets/Redemption of Shares. You appoint the Bank as your agent and direct the Bank to request that Fidelity or a Fund
access your assets and/or redeem shares in your Eligible Account (“Proceeds”) to provide funds to cover Checks or Checks converted to
electronic debits received by the Bank, and to pay any standard service charges that may arise in connection with the Services. The service
charges are listed in a Prospectus for a Fund and/or in your Eligible Account agreement. You must use check stock that meets standards the
Bank has established as Checks, to be sure that it contains the correct account information.
If there is more than one Accountholder, any or all of the Accountholders may write Checks, unless otherwise specified in your application.
An authorization form is required to be filled out by each Accountholder before they may write Checks.
Emergency Restrictions. For Fund shares held in an Eligible Account, redemption rights for a Fund may be suspended under certain
emergency circumstances as set forth more fully in the Prospectus. In such circumstances, a Check may be dishonored without prior notice
to you. You agree to hold the Bank, Fidelity and their officers, directors and employees, the Fund, and the Custodians, harmless for any and
all adverse consequences you incur as a result of a Check being dishonored under such circumstances.
Date of Distribution. The date of the distribution for all Eligible Account distributions to cover Checks or Checks converted to an electronic
debit will be deemed to be the date that the Check or electronic debit is posted for payment by the Bank, not the date on the Check, the
date that the Check is deposited or the date the electronic debit is created. FOR THIS REASON, YOU ARE ENCOURAGED TO NOT USE

1.925785.111 Page 2 of 4 025780602

the Bank, Fidelity, and any of their agents, affiliates, successors and assigns and their officers, directors, employees and representatives, a
Fund or the Custodians will not be liable for any adverse tax consequences you incur as a result of you not meeting IRS minimum distribu-
tion requirements because a Check or electronic debit was not posted to your IRA within the necessary time period.
IRA Withholding. Unless you elect not to have withholding apply to any distribution from your Fidelity IRA, all Fidelity IRA distributions used
to cover Checks or electronic debits will be subject to federal income tax withholding at the rate of 10% plus any applicable state income tax
withholding. The amount of the withholding will be satisfied by separate distribution(s) from your Fidelity IRA. For example, if you write a Check
to be covered by your Fidelity IRA for $1,000, a total of $1,111.11 will be redeemed from your Fidelity IRA. An initial distribution in the amount
of $1,000 will cover the Check, and a second distribution of $111.11 will be withheld for federal income taxes. Your actual tax liability may be
more or less than the amount of tax withheld, and you are responsible for paying the entire amount of your tax liability.
Overdrafts. You will not write a check unless funds are in your Eligible Account. If the amount of a Check you write exceeds the available
Proceeds in your Eligible Account, the Check (or electronic debit, if your Check was converted to an ACH debit) may either be paid or
returned. If the Check or debit is paid, you will have an overdraft that you agree to repay immediately. NOTE: Overdrafts are not permitted
for Fidelity IRAs or Fidelity HSAs. Nothing contained in the Terms may be construed as an obligation or agreement by the Bank or Fidelity
to pay any item that creates an overdraft. There may be a service charge for each Check or debit that creates an overdraft and is paid by
the Bank or Fidelity. In the event a Check or debit is paid by the Bank or Fidelity or other payment is made that creates an overdraft and
you fail to repay that amount upon demand, you agree to pay the costs of collection and reasonable attorney’s fees, if not prohibited by
applicable law. If you have a joint Eligible Account, each Accountholder is responsible for all overdrafts, collection costs and reasonable
attorney’s fees relating to Checks, debits or other payments made by any other joint owner.
Stop Payments. If you do not want the Bank to pay a Check you have written, you may request that the Bank place a stop payment order
on the Check, by notifying Fidelity orally or by mail before the Bank has become responsible for paying the Check. You should not attempt
to send your stop payment order directly to the Bank. If you do give Fidelity notice, then the stop payment order will remain in effect for 12
months from the date that you provided notice. If you want a stop payment order to remain in effect beyond 12 months, you must contact
Fidelity to reinitiate the stop payment order every 12 months. Fidelity will use best efforts to implement stop payment orders in a reason-
able period of time in order to prevent any future presentments from occurring but Fidelity will be unable to prevent an intraday check from
being processed if it is already in the clearing cycle.
Your stop payment order must be timely (as noted above), and must include the following information: the Eligible Account number, the
Check number, the date and amount of the Check, and the name of the payee. The Bank and Fidelity assume no liability for failure to stop
payment on a Check or electronic debit if any of the above information is incorrect or incomplete. If there is more than one Accountholder,
Fidelity will accept a stop payment order from any Accountholder, regardless of who signed the Check.
If the Bank honors your stop payment order, you agree that you will hold the Bank and Fidelity harmless for all expenses incurred on
account of the stop payment order. You further agree that if, contrary to such stop payment order, payment is nevertheless made through
inadvertence, accident or oversight, that the Bank’s, a Fund’s, the Custodian’s and Fidelity’s liability, if any, will be limited to the amount of
actual loss sustained by you up to the amount of the Check, and that the Bank, any Fund, the Custodian and Fidelity will not be liable with
respect to other items drawn by you which are returned because of such payment.
Stale Checks. Once a Check is 6 months old, the Bank may elect not to pay it. Unless there is a stop payment order in effect when the Bank
receives the Check for payment, the Bank will be deemed to have paid the Check in good faith if the Bank pays it. Normally, the Bank will
make this decision without consulting you or Fidelity.
Postdated Checks. You agree not to write postdated Checks (a Check that’s dated in the future). The Bank and Fidelity will not be liable to
you for paying a postdated Check prior to its maturity date unless you notify Fidelity in the same manner as set forth above with respect to
stop payments.
Protecting Your Checks and Signature. You agree to use care in safeguarding your unsigned Checks against theft or unauthorized use. You
will inform Fidelity immediately if any of your Checks are stolen or missing. If you use a facsimile signature, stamp or other device for your
signature, you are responsible for maintaining security over such device. Any signature made on a Check using the device will be effective
as your signature, regardless of whether the person affixing it was authorized to do so. If you voluntarily provide information about your
Eligible Account, such as your account number and the Bank’s routing and transit number, to any person in connection with your purchase
of goods or services or to a person who is trying to collect a payment from you, any debit related to your Eligible Account initiated by that
person will, as between the Bank, Fidelity and you, be deemed to have been authorized by you.
Your Obligation to Promptly Review Your Statements. You agree that you will review your statements and other information sent to you
by Fidelity with respect to your Eligible Accounts as soon as you receive them. This includes reviewing statements and account information
that you receive electronically. If you believe any statement you receive contains any errors or discrepancies, including, without limita-
tion, forgeries, alterations or other unauthorized transactions, you agree to notify Fidelity immediately by phone and follow-up in writing.
You must report any errors or discrepancies to Fidelity within 30 days of your receipt of the statement, or, if notice regarding the
availability of the statement is delivered to you electronically, within 30 days after Fidelity sends you a notice that the statement is
available through Fidelity’s online service. You must identify the particular transactions that you consider having an error or discrepancy. If
you do not notify Fidelity within the required period of time, the statement will be deemed to be correct, and all transactions shown
on the statement will be deemed to have been properly charged, and you may not make any claim against the Bank and/or Fidelity
for any transaction on the statement that you believe is incorrect, unauthorized, forged, altered or improperly paid. You agree that
neither the Bank nor Fidelity will be liable if you fail to exercise ordinary care in examining your statements. You further agree that the Bank
and Fidelity do not fail to exercise ordinary care if the Bank pays a Check that was altered or forged in such a manner that a reasonable per-
son would not be able to detect the alteration or forgery.
Check Imaging. Unless otherwise set forth in your Customer Agreement with Fidelity or in a Prospectus, Checks will not be returned to you
with your account statements in the normal course. Images of the Check will be retained, and may be obtained online through
or may be provided to you if you elect to receive them with your statement.

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Instructions Believed to be Genuine. You hereby acknowledge that Fidelity, a Fund, the Custodian or the Bank may act on instructions
believed by Fidelity, a Fund, the Custodian or the Bank to be genuine instructions.
Privacy. Certain information relating to your use of checkwriting under the Terms is private. The Check itself, when it is given to the payee
and when it is submitted for collection, is not private. The Bank will not disclose information about your checkwriting activities to third
parties except: (1) where it’s necessary to complete a transaction; (2) to a Fidelity entity servicing your Eligible Account, or to a Fidelity des-
ignated third party service provider, (3) in order to comply with applicable law, government agency regulations or court orders; (4) in order
to enforce these Terms, or (5) if you give the Bank or Fidelity written permission. If the Bank has to obey an order for information from an
authorized government body or court, the Bank will, to the extent required by applicable law, notify you before the Bank provides the infor-
mation. The Bank will communicate with Fidelity as necessary to comply with the government or court order.
Legal Proceedings. If your Eligible Account with Fidelity becomes involved in legal proceedings such as attachment or garnishment, your
use of Checks may be restricted. You may be notified by a Fund or Fidelity in writing whenever such a restriction is placed on your Eligible
Account. A fee may be imposed for responding to legal orders related to your Eligible Account.
What Law Governs; Compliance with Law. The Terms are governed by federal law, and to the extent not preempted by federal law,
the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, without giving effect to the conflict of law principles thereof, provided that applicable
provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Missouri, as may be
amended from time to time. You agree to be bound by such laws and the rules of NACHA. The Bank will comply with such laws and rules
in connection with the Services.
Termination of Check Writing. Your checkwriting privileges may be terminated at any time and for any or no reason, without prior notice
to you. You will be notified if your checkwriting privileges are terminated. You agree to destroy or return to Fidelity all unused Checks upon
request after termination of your checkwriting privileges. If you wish to terminate the checkwriting feature, you must destroy or return to
Fidelity all unused Checks and place stop payments on any outstanding Checks as necessary.
Amendment. The Bank and Fidelity may change any term or condition of the Terms in their sole discretion at any time and from time to
time. In most circumstances, 30 days advance written notice of such changes will be provided to you, but less than 30 days’ notice shall be
considered reasonable if the change is necessary to comply with a law or regulation or to prevent or minimize a loss. The changes will be
binding on you and on your Eligible Account unless you notify Fidelity that you wish to terminate your checkwriting privileges before the
effective date of the change. If any such advance notice is returned as undeliverable because of a change in your address which you have
not notified Fidelity about in writing or for any other reason which is not the Bank’s and Fidelity’s fault, the changes described in that notice
are still binding on you. If you do not agree to the changes, you may terminate your checkwriting privileges. You will be deemed to accept
any changes if you continue to use the Services after the date on which the changes became effective. Any notice that the Bank or Fidelity
sends to you will be deemed delivered when mailed or sent to you at your address as it appears on Fidelity’s records.
The Terms are binding on you and your heirs, executors, administrators, successors, legal representatives or assigns. They may be enforced
by the Bank or Fidelity and by their respective successors and assigns.
Service Charges. Standard service charges may be imposed and/or modified at any time for items including but not limited to, expedited
shipping, specialty or custom checkbook requests and overdrafts. Although it is our policy to send prior notice to Accountholders of any
material changes, we are not obligated to do so in most cases.
Limited Liability. Unless the Bank or Fidelity have acted in bad faith or are otherwise prohibited by applicable law, the Bank and/or Fidelity
will not be liable to you for performing (or failing to perform) the Services. Without limiting the foregoing, neither the Bank nor Fidelity will
be liable for delays or mistakes resulting from reasons that are beyond the Bank’s or Fidelity’s control, including, without limitation, acts of
civil, military or banking authorities, national emergencies, insurrection, war, riots, acts of terrorism, failure of transportation, communica-
tion or power supply, or malfunction of or unavoidable difficulties with equipment. If a court finds that the Bank or Fidelity is liable to you
because of what either the Bank or Fidelity did (or did not do, as the case may be) in connection with the Terms, you may recover only from
the responsible party only your actual damages. IN NO EVENT WILL YOU BE ABLE TO RECOVER ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, EXEMPLARY,

On this form, “Fidelity” means Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC and National Financial Services LLC and
its affiliates. Brokerage services are provided by Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC.
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