Natal Chart Report

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Natal Chart Report

Birth Chart Report

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What follows is your personal natal chart information, as well as interpretations of the
positions and aspects in your chart.

With this report, you'll find out the positions of the planets in your natal chart by sign. The
most personal of these are the Sun sign, Moon sign, Mercury sign, Venus sign, and Mars
sign. Most people already know their Sun sign. If your time of birth is known, you will also
find out your Ascendant, or rising sign, as well as the positions of the planets in the houses
of your chart. Aspects between the planets are also listed and interpreted.

If the birth time is unknown, we cannot know the Ascendant or house positions. The natal
chart shown here is an Aries chart in that case. Additionally, you may not know the Moon
sign for certain. This is because the Moon changes signs approximately every 2-1/2 days.
Less probable but still possible is a change of signs for the other planets and luminaries,
depending on the planet itself (for example, the Sun changes signs every 30 days or so).

Each paragraph of interpretation refers to an individual position in your chart. All of these
positions and aspects are some of the "parts" that make up a "whole"--you! Some of these
interpretations will be contradictory, just as people are contradictory. A person can be
timid in love and aggressive in business, for example. As well, we evolve and grow
throughout our lives, facing challenges that help us to handle our positions and aspects in a
different way. We all have choices, and one of the major benefits of astrology is the chance
to understand ourselves so that we can work with our natal charts and improve ourselves.
Any computerized report that interprets the individual placements in a natal chart is
somewhat disjointed, simply because the different parts that make up the whole are not

Some of the interpretations are more detailed than others. You can use this as a starting
point and do some further reading about different positions (such as Moon in Libra, Saturn
in the 10th house, Moon conjunct Mercury) in your chart by exploring our own site, other
astrology sites, and by reading astrology books.

The tables show the technical details of your natal chart, personalized based on your birth
data. Below the tables, you'll find your free birth chart report.

BigBUB Pronoun She

Tacoma, WA United States 12/14/1968 05:00

Planet Positions, Ascendant, & Houses

The following table shows the position of the planets in your chart, by sign and degree. You
will also find the sign of your Ascendant and the signs on the cusp of each house in your
natal chart only if the birth time is known. The Roman Numerals refer to the houses, where
the Ascendant is also the first house and the Midheaven is also the tenth house. For
example, if the sign Taurus is next to Mars, you know your Mars is in Taurus. If the sign
Libra is next to Venus, you know your Venus is in Libra. If Cancer is next to Ascendant, you
have a Cancer Ascendant, and if Leo is next to II, Leo is on your 2nd house.


Zodiac : Tropical Placidus Orb : 0

Sun Sagittarius 22°37' I ASC Scorpio 18°32'

Moon Libra 11°05' II Sagittarius 18°38'

Mercury Sagittarius 26°46' III Capricorn 25°40'

Venus Aquarius 5°26' IV Pisces 3°56'

Mars Libra 21°07' V Aries 5°30'

Jupiter Libra 3°59' VI Aries 29°34'

Saturn Aries 18°44' R VII Taurus 18°32'

Uranus Libra 3°43' VIII Gemini 18°38'

Neptune Scorpio 27°13' IX Cancer 25°40'

Pluto Virgo 25°05' X MC Virgo 3°56'

Lilith Gemini 20°03' XI Libra 5°30'

N Node Aries 6°10' XII Libra 29°34'

Sun in II

Moon in XI

Mercury in II

Venus in III

Mars in XI

Jupiter in X MC

Saturn in V

Uranus in X MC

Neptune in I ASC

Pluto in X MC

Lilith in VIII

N Node in V

masculine 8 fire 3

feminine 2 earth 1

cardinal 5 air 5

fixed 2 water 1

mutable 3


The following table shows the planetary aspects in your natal chart. Interpretations of
these factors are found below. The numbers listed under the column "Value" serve as a
relative rating system for each aspect and are determined based on the planets involved,
the aspect type, and the orb of influence. Negative values suggest more stressful or
challenging influences while positive numbers show more flowing, easy energy.

This is a wide table that may require you to scroll right on smaller screens.

See also your full natal chart wheel graphic depicted below the report.

Planet Aspect Planet Orb Value

Sun Conjunction Mercury 4°09' 295

Sun Sextile Mars 1°31' 156

Sun Trine Saturn 3°53' 36

Sun Square Pluto 2°27' -65

Sun Opposition Lilith 2°35' -143

Moon Trine Venus 5°39' 47

Moon Conjunction Jupiter 7°06' 162

Moon Opposition Saturn 7°39' -19

Moon Conjunction Uranus 7°22' 126

Moon Opposition N Node 4°55' -73

Mercury Square Pluto 1°42' -45

Mercury Opposition Lilith 6°44' -28

Mercury Trine X MC 7°10' 6

Venus Trine Jupiter 1°27' 98

Venus Trine Uranus 1°43' 79

Venus Sextile N Node 0°44' 102

Mars Opposition Saturn 2°22' -52

Mars Trine Lilith 1°04' 36

Jupiter Conjunction Uranus 0°16' 312

Jupiter Conjunction Pluto 8°54' 26

Jupiter Opposition N Node 2°11' -61

Saturn Sextile Lilith 1°18' 30

Uranus Conjunction Pluto 8°38' 22

Uranus Opposition N Node 2°27' -29

Neptune Sextile Pluto 2°09' 34

Neptune Conjunction I ASC 8°41' 11

Pluto Square Lilith 5°02' -2

1578 -517 1061

Part of Fortune & South Node

The following table shows the positions of the Part of Fortune (using the classic formula)
and the South Node of the Moon (the True value).

Fortune Aquarius 0°05'

South node Libra 6°10'

Natal Chart Report

Birth Chart
This birth chart report shows the positions of the planets for BigBUB.

The Sun
The Sun represents vitality, a sense of individuality, and outward-shining creative energy.

The Sun is in Sagittarius

Restless, cheerful, and friendly, Sun in Sagittarius people are generally on the go. They
have a love of freedom, and a disdain for routine. Generally quite easygoing, Sagittarians
make friends with people from all walks of life. They love to laugh and tease, and get along
well with both sexes. Sagittarians have an often blind faith in people, and in the world.
Their optimism is infectious, although it can get them into trouble from time to time. These
are curious people who love to learn. Their idealistic nature is hard to miss.

Although generally easygoing, Sagittarius is a fire sign. This gives natives a generally quick
temper. Fortunately, they're usually as quick to forget what got them angry in the first
place. The need for escape is generally strong, and some Solar Sagittarians come across as
a little irresponsible. They're generally easy to forgive, however. After all, their direct,
honest approach in life is admirable.

Short description:

She is good, idealistic, enthusiastic, and warm-hearted. She is independent, having a taste
for travel and freedom. She is curious and fair-minded.

Possible issues: She is too adventurous and may leave things to chance; may take risks
which cause problems; she is rebellious and sometimes tactless when offering opinions.

Sagittarius with ascendant Scorpio

Sun in II: The Sun is in the second house

You take pride in what you own, and have a strong drive for security. You have staying
power, and you hate to let others down once you've made a promise. Avoid over-
identifying with what you have. Concentrate on proving your worth through your strong
value system and your incredible ability to stick with things and with people. Take pride in
the solid and secure foundations that you build, as well as the lasting relationships you aim
to maintain, while being careful to avoid possessiveness. You seek a safe and secure job,
you satisfy your needs, which are substantial. You may be given to spending money

295 Conjunction between the Sun and Mercury

Because your ego and your mind are usually on the same page, you possess much mental
energy. You are always in a position to think about what you want, and in many ways, this
is an interruption of the will. You are highly intelligent with a great drive to communicate
with other. You invest a lot of pride in your intellectual capacities. You may not always
listen as well as you speak, however! You might be too busy thinking about what to say
next. But you are very curious and although you enjoy expressing yourself, you usually
don't dominate conversations completely.

As far as studying or learning goes, you are better off reading the material than listening to
a teacher. These traits come from a strong need to take an active role in communications. It
is very hard for you to passively listen and absorb information.

Your opinions are usually strong and you are an independent thinker. You tend to be proud
of your opinions and thoughts, and might easily get a bruised ego if you are not "heard", if
your opinions are pushed aside or ignored, or if your opinions are criticized. You are
expressive and possibly a very animated speaker. You are also very witty and others enjoy
your playful and sometimes mischievous sense of humor.

156 Sextile between the Sun and Mars

You are enterprising and have powerful stores of energy that you can draw upon when
needed. You respond to problems or challenges with a spirited and enthusiastic confidence
that is admirable. You are naturally competitive, and this trait is generally well-received by
others simply because it is unforced, unaffected, and sincere. You truly believe in fair play,
and you seem to be in love with life. When you are expressing competitiveness and
courage, it's easy for others to smile and accept these traits as positive ones rather than
being rubbed the wrong way. You have good physical vitality. Although competitive, you
are not naturally combative. You may enjoy sports or games that are competitive, but not
violent. Breaking the rules of a competitive game is particularly upsetting to you. You are
more able than most to control your desires, aggressions, and instincts. You know how to
be fair, and you expect others to be fair. As such, sneaky behaviors, uncontrolled impulses,
violence, and rage are offensive to you.

36 Trine between the Sun and Saturn

It is easy and natural for you to accept responsibilities, to lead a rather ordered life, and to
apply caution in your financial and business dealings. You rarely jump to conclusions or
take uneducated risks. You have a certain amount of patience and enough self-discipline to
slowly but surely achieve what you set out to do. Although somewhat undemonstrative,
you are generally loyal and responsible people to those you care about. You take your time
in most endeavors and generally use a step-by-step approach to most projects--but you
steadily reach your goals. You are naturally trustworthy, and you don't have much patience
for those who don't show respect for others, who take foolish risks, and who lead
disorganized lives.

-65 Square between the Sun and Pluto

You may be prone to inner tension and negative, self-destructive behavior. When things
are going well, you suffer from fears that something will come along to change that.
Constantly worrying that the rug will be pulled from under your feet can easily become a
self-fulfilling prophecy. You possess tremendous power and strength--when you learn to
accept and use that strength, instead of fear it, you can be one of the most effective,
insightful, helpful, and healing person around! At times, you can be intensely dissatisfied
with your personal accomplishments and expressions of self. You put a lot of pressure on
yourself regarding your own endeavors. You can be quite dissatisfied with your creative
self-expressions, and want to hide your expressions from others until you feel the output is
"right". This is largely due to a perceived inability to express or reveal your true personality
to others. You struggle with a deep need to control yourself and life itself. You are
especially sensitive to criticism, and feel the need to "redo" yourself often. There is a
marked fear of losing control, and this might stem from some traumatic event in
childhood, or the childhood might have been crisis-ridden or emotionally-charged in
general. As such, you can be intensely fearful of, or threatened by, change. This can
express itself through attempts to control your life in such a way that you can manage your
fears of being taken off guard. Of course, this generally backfires! You have an intense need
for privacy at times.

-143 Opposition between the Sun and Lilith

There is a self-destructive side to you that should be managed by confronting your fears.
You might worry about a friend betraying you, although others might find this person full
of charm!

The Moon
The Moon represents the emotional responses, unconscious pre-destination, and the self-
image. The Moon represents the emotions, and the Moon sign shows how a person
expresses themselves when at home, at ease, and comfortable.

The Moon is in Libra

Moon in Libra people have a strong need for partnership. Without someone to share their
lives with, they feel utterly incomplete. This is why many people with this position get
involved in marriages or living-together arrangements quite young. Because this drive for
harmony, peace, and sharing is so powerful, Lunar Librans are apt to do a lot of conceding.
They are sympathetic and concerned for others, enjoy socializing, and revel in a good
debate. Mental rapport with others is especially important to them.

Lunar Librans feel safe and secure when they are in a partnership. These are the people
who seem to always need to have someone tag along with them wherever they go -- even if
it is to the corner store. They find strength and reinforcement in and through others.
People with this position are often quite charming. They can be very attractive to be
around, and are often given to flirtatiousness. Rarely directly aggressive, these people win
your heart with their gentle and refined ways.

Moon in Libra natives simply can't help but see flaws in their environment and their
relationships. In fact, anything out of whack will bother them until it's fixed. Although
diplomatic with acquaintances, when Moon in Libra natives argue with their long-standing
partners, they rarely let up until they win. And, winning an argument is a Libran specialty--
in fact, they may not even believe what they are saying, but will adopt all kinds of ideas just
to get the last word. Living with Lunar Librans can sometimes feel like you are on trial, and
Libra is the expert lawyer. Sometimes, though, Libra is defending you and supporting your
point of view. Lunar Librans' idealistic outlook and constant striving for the best, most
harmonious lifestyle can lead to much discontent. Looking for that one (elusive) perfect
way to lead their lives can detract from enjoyment of the moment.

Short description:

She is sociable and popular. Good judgement, she is intelligent and reasonable, liking
social pleasures.

Potential issues: instability in loving relationships, wavering, may give too much weight to
the views of others and to public opinion.

Moon in XI: The Moon is in the eleventh house

Lots of friends, relationships. She makes friends easily and uses her relationships to
further professional success. Feelings of friendship are sometimes superficial. Often, lots of
children or nurturing friendships.

This position of the Moon indicates an emotional need for a feeling of belonging with, and
support from, friends and associations with groups. You look to acquaintances for support,
and offer the same in return. A changeable or unstable social life might be a reflection of
inner emotional unrest. Waxing and waning feelings for others can cause problems in your
relationships. You are a person who is filled with many dreams, wishes, and hopes for your

future, and most of these are altruistic and good-hearted desires. However, you might
change your aspirations frequently, with your changing moods, and have a hard time
settling on goals to work towards as a result.

47 Trine between the Moon and Venus

You are generally amiable and project a soft and yielding manner. You possess natural
charm and you are highly imaginative and sympathetic. You can make an excellent
mediator and go-between. You are keenly aware of your need for relationships and for
intimacy. You have a well-developed respect for qualities typically associated with the
feminine. People appreciate you for your tender heart and friendly, diplomatic disposition.
You should enjoy a good measure of personal popularity and success in your life. Although
generally considered "lucky" with relationships and with money, this is less about luck than
it is about a certain level of inner peace and positive energy that attracts pleasant
situations. At times you can be complacent, downright lazy, and over-indulgent in the
"pleasures" of life. However, you are a peace-maker at heart and have an unusual ability to
help and heal others. You are gracious and warm.

She is gracious, sweet, happy. She especially enjoys pleasure and entertainment, the Arts.
She needs tenderness. She appreciates home life in a comfortable, safe atmosphere more
than most.

162 Conjunction between the Moon and Jupiter

She is generally pleasantly composed, due to an inner sense of harmony and emotional
balance. She is optimistic--and realistically so, most of the time--which contributes to her
overall "luck." She is able to get a real perspective on emotional matters that not only
benefits her outlook, she is able to offer support to others when needed. Broad-mindedness
is a wonderful characteristic. Quick to find humor in situations, she is generally warm and
fun to be around. Deep down, she believes in the basic goodness of people and of life in
general, and this basic and natural attitude helps her to attract positive circumstances and
to make good connections. One of her best qualities is tolerance. Usually, she doesn't take
life too seriously in the sense that she believes in having a bit of fun, enjoying life. Her
hunches are more often than not bang-on.

She is frank, honest, optimistic and generous. She likes good cooking, creature comforts.
Her friendships are sincere. She is smart and knows how to surround herself with the right
people: She is appreciated at work, usually well-liked and comfortable.

-19 Opposition between the Moon and Saturn

When the Moon is in hard aspect to Saturn in the natal chart, natives need to learn to trust
others more. Fear keeps them from fully enjoying personal relationships, and fear is
behind the occasional rigidity that they express. When they let themselves receive nurture
or care from others, an inner voice cautions them that it might not be sincere, long-lasting,
or enough! There can be some reluctance about becoming a parent, but once taken on,
these people don't take their responsibility lightly.

Emotional reticence is the main theme of these aspects. Many people with this aspect had a
lot of conditions placed on the love they received in early childhood. They tend to expect
the same later in life. With hard Saturn aspects, individuals are often plagued with doubts,
not only about the self but about what to expect from life itself. The problem is that
expecting difficulties or negative situations creates an aura around them that perpetuates
the problem. They must work hard at positive thinking and expecting more from life.
Ironically, many people with hard Saturn aspects can be quite sarcastic, skeptical, and rigid
in manner. This is essentially a defense mechanism designed to protect themselves from
harshness in the world.

It is extremely likely that they feel neglected because they perceive it in the first place, and
later expect it, to be the case. There's a vicious circle going on here that can only be broken
when the patterns created by negative conditioning are broken. Adjusting one's
perceptions and expectations is the key to breaking out of these negative patterns.
Otherwise, natives of hard Moon-Saturn aspects will live life feeling left out--attracting
circumstances that perpetuate a feeling of deep unhappiness and dissatisfaction.

Short description: She has changeable moods, a reserved character, can be stubborn and
may lack assurance. Her relationship with a guardian may have been difficult or a
challenging early family life in some cases.

126 Conjunction between the Moon and Uranus

She is imaginative and benefits from the Moon's intuition complemented by Uranus'
independence and originality. Her life is out-of-the-ordinary, with lots of changes and a
great knowledge of the world not necessarily through reading but through personal
experience and brilliant intuition. She likes the sensational, new things. She acts
instinctively, but fortunately has a good sixth sense. She likes to be surrounded by original
people, artists.

Mercury represents communication, Cartesian and logical spirit.

Mercury is in Sagittarius
Enthusiastic, humorous, and sometimes moralistic. She has strong opinions, and will often
be eager to share them! Democrat, philosopher, tolerant, respectful of laws. Interested in
foreign places and learning more languages. Believes that everything teaches you

Mercury in II: Mercury is in the second house

Intelligence geared toward ways to make money, become rich, or to be independent. All
methods are good, sometimes she might be on the borderline of honesty.

You have a very practical mind and intelligence, seeing the obvious, most logical answer to
any predicament often before others. You don't like to be put on the spot or pushed into
talking or coming to a conclusion. Studies are similar--you need to work at your own steady
pace. You can be quite one-track minded at times, not very happy with multi-tasking, and
often quite fixed in your opinions. Sensual stimuli is more relevant to you than abstract

-45 Square between Mercury - Pluto

She may be impatient, often fearing or imagining the worst that could happen. She likes
contradiction. Her arguments can be intense.

You can be very incisive and aggressive with your opinions. You have a tendency towards
fanaticism and often want to impose your ideas on others, sometimes in a subtle manner
and sometimes more imperatively. You are drawn to mysteries or investigations. There can
be mental fixations or obsessiveness. It would be wise to think things over before speaking
and to respect the weaknesses of others.

-28 Opposition between Mercury - Lilith

Can be provocative in speech or communications, often challenging and contradicting, and

seeing the flaws of a situation. This might be someone who holds back her sensuality.

6 Trine between Mercury - Midheaven

She likes to have her own ideas about things, to form an opinion and think over the
problems it poses. She is an intellectual.

Venus represents an interest in emotions and values, exchange, and sharing with others.

Venus is in Aquarius
Venus in Aquarius people try to impress you with their open-minded, future-thinking
spirit. They want you to see them as unique, rebellious, and a little provocative. They are
attractive when they are acting a little aloof. They want you to acknowledge and appreciate
that they don't follow the beaten track in matters of the heart. Venus in Aquarius people are
attracted to unusual or unconventional relationships. They don't want to follow all the
rules, although they may make quite a few of their own. They can appear quite standoffish
at times, and are threatened by restrictions of any kind. Emotional types may be put off by
their detached manner in love. Venus in Aquarius wants you to love them for their
intellect, and to admire their visions. They value lovers who are also good friends, and they
avoid emotional displays or confrontations like the plague. Venus in Aquarius will delight
in shocking you with their unusual ways and their forward-looking thinking.

Pleasing Venus in Aquarius involves letting them know just how interesting they are. Put
up with their occasional need to act superior on an intellectual level -- they are very proud
of their unique ideas and visions. Dream along with them, and don't fence them in. They
need space and will happily return the favor, giving you lots of room to breathe and to be

Venus in III: Venus is in the third house

May like everything that is beautiful, as well as decorum. Outstanding intelligence. She
may work in a trade linked to beauty, fashion. Numerous but select friends.

You are verbally expressive, diplomatic, and aim to be tactful. You easily win others over
with your words, whether it's because of a likeable facility with language, a beautiful voice,
or a diplomatic use of words. You readily give out compliments. Some of you might use
flattery to your own benefit at the risk of being ingenuine. You are generally a very good
mediator, aiming to settle arguments quickly and restoring at least temporary peace. You
have a mischievous side, however, and your desire to be tactful and polite with others
doesn't always succeed. Some of you might engage in a lot of mind games, and others
might eventually find out that you don't always mean what you say or say what you mean!
You value mental stimulation and frequent changes of scenery in your love relationships.

98 Trine between Venus - Jupiter

She is good-hearted and generous, possessing a good character. She likes well-being,
comfort, a life of ease, without problems. She has good relations with her social circle. She
is easy to approach. All the same, she may fall in love easily. She has a successful
partnership and professional life. People usually trust her.

79 Trine between Venus - Uranus

Independent in love. Her love life is rich, but possibly with passing love affairs. She can tire
quickly and can be scared of losing her liberty. Traditional marriage may not be for her.
She has that little something that attracts others. She likes amorous adventures or unusual
pastimes, she is romantic, although a little detached or unpredictable. She is the eternal
lover and is more likely to break something off than live untruly. She likes art, anything

The ability to get along with--and accept--people from all walks of life as friends is strong
with this position. She can readily see through insincerity in others. In relationships,
tolerance is the most important "ingredient" to her. Her sexual preferences can be
somewhat unconventional, and she may not be happy with a partner who tries to limit her
sexual expression. She is usually quite capable of maintaining relationships that require a
great deal of freedom and tolerance, such as long-distance romances or set-ups in which
partners are unable to see each other consistently. Her style in love can be somewhat free
and breezy, and possibly noncommittal. She quite naturally accepts the idea that her
partner might need some personal space and freedom.

102 Sextile between Venus and the North Node

This aspect indicates diplomacy and attractiveness. There is a certain luck in meeting
others at the right times. There is skill in harmonizing and much desire to cooperate rather
than compete.

Mars represents the desire for action and physical energy.

Mars is in Libra
Mars in Libra natives often reflect about things before they act. Decisiveness is not their
strong point, but they do, eventually, get things done. Many people with this position
procrastinate, generally because they feel the need to weigh all of the alternatives before
taking action.

Life isn't always fair, as Mars in Scorpio would say, but Mars in Libra will seldom accept
this notion. These natives can easily get caught up in defending themselves and others.
Although their overall goal is to live peacefully, they stir others up with their desire to
balance everything. Still, they always play innocent when they are challenged, and can
generally charm the birds out of the trees to win your favor. Passive-aggressiveness is
practically the hallmark of this position. They don't want to look like they are ever being
mean or unfair, but aggression has to go somewhere! Too often, this results in sneaky
behavior and subterfuge. On the other hand, some Mars in Libra people turn the Mars
energy into action, and they fight for Libran justice and fairness in the world. On the up
side, Mars in Libra people are adept at predicting when problems and discord will occur
well in advance. They know how to compromise and are excellent at conflict management.

Mars in XI: Mars is in the eleventh house

She achieves her ambitions. She is impulsive and presses on sometimes without thinking.
She starts something new without necessarily finishing the previous job. She likes to
dominate and may lack diplomacy at times where friends and professional relations are
-52 Opposition between Mars - Saturn

She is often attracted to doing something if there are problems attached. Once these are
solved, she will go on to something else that has complications. She likes to overcome
obstacles, can be tough, and is business-minded. She can be very stubborn and sometimes
cold and calculating.

36 Trine between Mars - Lilith

Love affairs are passionate. There is an instinctive understanding of intensity, the dark side
of our natures, and passion.

Jupiter represents expansion and grace.

Jupiter is in Libra
She attracts the most good fortune when she is fair-minded, treats others with equality,
bends without being a doormat, is gracious, and uses her talents at promoting and
mediating. Values people and relationships, and might succeed best in partnership.
Relating as equals is important to her. The arts, architecture, law, math, mediating, and
politics are possible avenues for success. Use of charm and grace to reach goals.

Jupiter in X: Jupiter is in the tenth house

She has problems adapting to a humdrum or an uncertain life. She likes comfort. She can
move toward a managerial position or position of prestige. Her success follows on from
that of the parents or in her home town.

312 Conjunction between Jupiter - Uranus

She quickly sizes up a situation and knows what's going on at a glance. She thirsts after
knowledge, and is a good organizer. She is very independent, her freedom of action is
extremely important to her, is non-conformist. She is very agreeable company and is
always in demand.

26 Conjunction between Jupiter - Pluto

She likes to direct, she is intelligent and an organizer of the first order.

Saturn represents contraction and effort.

Saturn is in Aries
Self-consciousness can be a problem. Must learn to develop self-confidence. Is bothered by
a "me-first" attitude in others, but must learn that "me-first" is sometimes necessary, in

Saturn in V: Saturn is in the fifth house

She likes method, calculation, concentration. She is not as drawn toward frivolity,
amusements, or pleasure as much as others. She may have few friends, but does have deep
and sincere feelings. She is serious and responsible.

30 Sextile between Saturn - Lilith

She can be hard-working and practical.

Uranus represents individual liberty, egoistic liberty.

Uranus in Libra
Well-developed artistic leanings; her balance can be upset by too great an independence.
Questions traditional approaches to relating and wants to do things differently.

Uranus in X: Uranus is in the tenth house

She must have an independent career with little in the way of dull routines, and that
satisfies her need to move around, travel and that must in particular have an element of
excitement, uncertainty, creativity, or risk attached. She can be eccentric.

22 Conjunction between Uranus - Pluto

She fights to improve her daily life, she is persevering.

Neptune represents transcendental liberty, non-egoistic liberty.

Neptune is in Scorpio
Willing to look beyond the superficial. May confuse intensity and compassion.

Neptune in I: Neptune is in the first house

She is intuitive, sensitive. Not a fighter and can be indecisive. Usually projects an image of
softness. May have some identity problems until she decides on a more spiritual or artistic
path. May be psychic or simply strongly intuitive. Gentle and yielding. Changeable

appearance or image, particularly if Neptune is close to the Ascendant.

34 Sextile between Neptune - Pluto

She is perceptive and able to see layers to a situation. She is naturally drawn to learning
what makes herself and others tick.

11 Conjunction between Neptune - Ascendant

She can have unusual relationships. She is easily influenced, very sensitive and emotional.

Pluto represents transformations, mutations, and elimination.

Pluto is in Virgo
Research and investigation come naturally. May worry about health.

-2 Square between Pluto - Lilith

She may lead a double life. She may have a secret love affair but the secret doesn't last, or
at the very least there are complications. Otherwise, this aspect can point to scandals
whether or not they are real.

Black Moon Lilith represents our darker, deeper natures that may be repressed or buried.

Lilith in Gemini
She can feel uncomfortable if speaking too much or too little, or for her intelligence or
social skills. She may be wary of people who seem to be indulgent in these ways -- who are
social butterflies or who talk too much or who seem to flaunt their intelligence. Her
curiosity may have been stifled in some manner. Owning and accepting this side of the
nature can be empowering. She can be wicked with what she says when angry! Shame in
these areas can lead to extremes of behavior and a feeling of being out of control. Working
on self-acceptance is the key to empowerment.

North Node-South Node

The South Node represents our overdeveloped character traits. We are talented here but if
we overdo this area of life or hold onto these traits to feel secure, we may stagnate. The
North Node points to the qualities that we need to work on and develop to achieve inner
balance and fulfillment.

North Node in Aries

She is brilliant at mediating and cooperating but in the first half of life, she learns many
lessons regarding codependency, indecision, and fear of making errors or striking out
independently, perhaps the hard way. For happiness and success, she must discover and
embrace her independence and build confidence in her decisions. Qualities to develop: self-
confidence, assertiveness, decisiveness.

North Node in V: North Node in the Fifth House

Her path is to believe in herself enough to feel comfortable expressing her unique
creativity, to be the center of attention, committing herself to a definite path rather than
shooting in the dark. Although she feels less pressured and more comfortable in a group or
informal setting, moving out of this comfort zone once in a while can enhance her social
and romantic life tremendously. Qualities to develop: self-confidence, getting personal,
willingness to stand out or call attention to herself.

The Houses
House I is the area of self identity. The ascendant is a symbol of how one acts in life. It is
the image of the personality as seen by others, and the attitude that one has towards life.

Sagittarius with ascendant Scorpio

Ascendant is Scorpio

Scorpio Ascendant people have a lot of presence. There is something about them that tells
the world that they are not to be pushed around. Their manner commands respect, and in
some cases, fear. Scorpio rising people can be quiet or loud, but they always seem powerful
and determined. You either love or hate Scorpio rising people-- they are rarely people who
go through life unnoticed. In fact, some of them are confused when faced with the fact that
they get such strong reactions from others. They seem to look right through people, seeing
through superficiality. This can be quite intimidating to some, and intriguing to others.
Scorpio rising people, in their dealings with others, look for answers by reading between
the lines. Surface details are discarded when they are getting a feel for people and
situations around them.

Scorpio rising people value their privacy so much, it can border on paranoia. They have a
strong need to control their environment and are experts at strategy. Rarely people who
will blow their chances with impatience, they plan out their moves carefully and
deliberately, relying on their awesome ability to feel out others and situations. Scorpio
rising natives are drawn to down-to-earth, natural partners. Reliability in their partner is
very important. They generally look for complete commitment and have little patience with
flighty partners.

House II - the second house - is the area of material security and values. It rules money
and personal finances, sense of self-worth and basic values, personal possessions.

Sagittarius on House II

Financial success may come through an import/export company dealing regularly with
foreign countries. She may have a laissez-faire attitude toward money. May take risks
financially, as making and spending money are seen as an adventure. The house and sign
placement of Jupiter can show more clues to where and how money is made.

House III - the third house - is the area of social and intellectual learning.

Capricorn on House III

Nothing is left to chance, everything is calculated, dissected slowly and methodically, twice
rather than once, in peace and quiet by herself. She is introverted, and doesn't speak about
her plans until they are under way.

House IV - the fourth house - is the area of home, family, roots, and deep emotions/sense
of self-worth.

Pisces on House IV

She is very susceptible to the moods of those around her. May feel misunderstood in youth
which can mark her for life. When a child, needs more than most to be protected, given

House V - the fifth house - is the area of creative self-expression, romance, entertainment,
children, and gambling.

Aries on House V

Full of initiative. Things are done to the full, with energy, vigor and strength of purpose,
and it is the same with the love life. Children are usually hardy and robust.

House VI - the sixth house - is the area of learning by material transaction.

Aries on House VI

Ability to command, easily meets her responsibilities at work. Weak point: headaches,

House VII - the seventh house - is the area of one-to-one relationships such as marriage
and partnership, and of social and intellectual action.

Taurus on House VII

May partner for love but also wants security. A peaceful union even if the exchange of ideas
isn't always smooth.

House VIII - the eighth house - is the area of emotional security and of security of the soul.

Gemini on House VIII

If she is a writer, a painter or involved in another of the Arts, and if fame doesn't come
when living, then it will come posthumously. Small inheritance from near relations. Take
care of the lungs - if a smoker, then it is advisable to stop.

House IX - the ninth house - is the area of learning that shapes the identity.

Cancer on House IX

Fertile imagination. She is easily influenced. She enjoys travel, especially cruises.

House X - the tenth house - is the area of material action. The Midheaven represents the
work one will do in one's life, the place one will take in the world of society. It becomes
more important as one grows older.

Virgo on House X

All medical, paramedic, or social work professions are recommended.

House XI - the eleventh house - is the area of search for social and intellectual security.

Libra on House XI

Often friends are "well-placed" people, artists known even regionally, influential people in
society, the social or political world, high class evenings.

House XII - the twelfth house - is the area of education and of emotion. This is where we
meet our karma, deal with endings, and sometimes where we bury things.

Libra on House XII

Marriage doesn't always bring luck, honors come as she imagined they might.

Your Personal Natal Chart

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Please note that the MC line in the chart wheel's aspect grid above is picking up aspects
from Lilith and North Node as well as the Midheaven. I hope to have this fixed soon. This
only affects the graphic/visual and not the interpretations or calculations.

After enlarging your chart, you can click on any planets in the chart wheel to find out more
about their positions in your chart.

Full birth data:


Pronoun She


53 Washington WA

1 United US

Date 12/14/1968 Saturday

Time 05:00

Julian day 2440205.04

Timezone -8.0000 8h00w

ST 10.23

Lat 47.2500 47°15'n

Long -122.4300 122°26'w

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