8 - Geography Ch2
8 - Geography Ch2
8 - Geography Ch2
3.I)Soil has certain properties such as fertility,ability to retain air and moisture.
I) But when any of these properties is diminished or increased soil erosion takes
place and plants fail to grow.
II) To prevent soil erosion,afforestation,mulching,rotation of crops,controlled
growing must be done.
2) Soil refers to the thin layers of grainy substance covering the surface of the earth.
It ie closely related to land.
Soil profile is further divided into a number of horizons.
I) Horizons(top soil)-It conytain humus and the finer particles of rock.It is the
uppermost horizons of soil profile.
II) Horizon(sub soil)-It lies below the top soil and contains small rock particles,
soluble minerals and iron oxides.
III) Horizon(fragmanted rock material)-It lies below the sub-soil.It is made up of the
small pieces of rocks, that come from the parrent rock.
IV) Horizon(parrent rock)-This horizon consists of parent rock.It is the solid
unweathered rock.
Different types of parent rock and differnt climates produce different types of soil.
(Both the diagrams given on the page no.275)
4) Water scarcity is being felt in many parts of the world due to the following
I) Changing land use pattern and need for irrigation coupled by inefficient use of
II) Pollutionbof water bodies as well as degradation of our envitonment.
III) Globle warming and drying up of many streams and rivers. The ground water
level has decreased in many parts of the world.
IV) Over explotation, excessive use and unequal access to water among differnt
areas are the main factors responsible for water scarcity.
The water scarcity is causing ecological crises in the
world. To overcome such situation, human being have to conserve and manage
water resources.
5) Land resource
I) Land resource refers to the shape, form and nature of the land.
II) The land covers about 30% of the total area of the earth surface.
III) Land resources are the store house of mineral deposits.
IV) Conservation of land by controlling overgrazing by planting trees.
Water Resources
I) Water is a vital renewable natural resource of the Earth surface.
II) Water is not only essential fpr drinking propose butb it also provides shelter to
many of the organisms.
III) It is a tasteless and colourles substance that covers about 3/4th of the earth’s
IV) Growing different types of natural vegetation to slow down the suraface run off.
6) Afforestation- In this method more and more trees are planted at short distances
to conserve soil.
Shelter belt- In this method trees are palnted in rows to provide shelter belt. It os
mainly used in the coastal and dry regions.