Ideological Foundation of The Phil.

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Republic of the Philippines

Mountain Province State Polytechnic College

Tadian Campus
2620 Tadian, Mountain Province

Name: Jed G. Godangan Degree: 1st year

Date: June 5,2023 Major: Social Studies
Instructor: Liman Cladio Class Schedule: MWF 11:00am-12:00

The Ideological Foundation of the Philippines

Learning Objectives:
They will be able to determine and be familiarize with all the 1987
Philippine Constitutions.

What is Ideology?
• A set of doctrines, concepts, and beliefs that lends legitimacy to the
operation of a government and its various institutions.
• Basic beliefs about power, political values and the roles of a
government in society
• A constitutional government must operate on the basis of specific
THE PREAMBLE is an introductory and expressionary statement in a
document that explains the document’s purpose and underlying
philosophy. When applied to the opening paragraphs of a statue, it may
recite historical facts pertinent to the subject of the statue. It is distinct
from the long title or enacting formula of a law.

Function of Preamble:

• To introduce the supreme law of the land;

• To expound the rationale behind the enactment of the constitution;
• To single out the purposes to be achieved by the constitution;
• To specify the framers of the constitution; and
• To serve a reference for its interpretation.


“We, the sovereign Filipino people imploring the aid of Almighty God, in
order to build a just and humane society, and establish a Government
that shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote the common
good, conserve and develop our patrimony, secure to ourselves and
our posterity, the blessings of independence and democracy under the
rule of law and a regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and
peace, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution.”

1|THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD ( C l a s s 2 n d

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Republic of the Philippines
Mountain Province State Polytechnic College
Tadian Campus
2620 Tadian, Mountain Province

The Frames

 Filipino people are the framers of the fundamental law of the land
o Filipino people drafted the constitution
 The preamble considers the Filipino people as religious
o ‘Imploring the aid of the Almighty God’
 The Filipino people believe that God shapes their future as
individuals; and their destiny as a nation

The purposes for establishing the government

• Four implications of the previous purposes:

o The people’s interests should be the paramount consideration of all
government officials in conduct of the government’s affairs. The
government is a creation of the people.
o The government has to work for the promotion of the people’s
welfare, in response and accordance to their needs. The
government was established to attain the common good.
o The government has a moral obligation to conserve and develop
everything that belongs to the Filipino nation. It is constitutionally
mandated that the conservation and development of the national
patrimony be considered by the government.
o The government must guard and preserve the independence of the
country, for the people to enjoy their basic freedoms, and the
liberties that democracy provides.

The declaration of state principles and policies

• Article II of the 1987 Constitution outlines the policies and principles

of the State.
• Also serves as the ideological foundations of the Philippine
• The guidelines for the exercise for governmental powers by the
Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of the government.

1. Democracy and republican

• The Philippine is a democratic and republican state
o Dictatorship/one-man rule is an unacceptable means of government
in the country
• Republican Government: Those who have authority to make
decisions, acquire and retain authority with the force of law, do so

2|THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD ( C l a s s 2 n d

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Republic of the Philippines
Mountain Province State Polytechnic College
Tadian Campus
2620 Tadian, Mountain Province

by way free elections.

• Democratic Government: Government officials chosen by way of
suffrage or a right to voice
• Manifestations of republicanism is the Philippines:
o Government of law: Operates on the basis of laws and the rule of
law. Both the people and leaders are subject to the same laws. No
one is above the law.
o Repealable laws: Leaders cannot legislate or enact laws that
cannot be repealed, modified or altered.
o Election and Suffrage: The people elect those in local and
national authority via scheduled elections.
o Checks and Balances: Constitutional powers enable each branch
of government to check some acts of the others, so that to one
branch dominates.
o Non-suability of the State: The state cannot be sued without
consent. This prevents the State from neglecting more important
matters relating to public service and welfare.
o Public Accountability: All government officials are accountable to
the people as they exercise power.
o Bill of Rights: As per Article III of the Constitution, the government
must safeguard the rights, liberties and freedoms of the people.
o Non-Delegation of Powers: The maximum means that authority
is given, cannot be further divided.

2. Sovereignty of the people

• “sovereignty resides in the people and all government emanates
from them” (Section 1, Article 2)
• The government if sounded on the principles of:
o Popular Sovereignty: Ultimate power of a government rests on
the people. Power emanates from the people to the government
through their exercise of suffrage (right to vote.)
o Popular Consent: Governmental power is derived from the people
it governs. People exercise sovereignty directly via officials, and
indirectly via suffrage.

3. Renunciation of war

• The Philippines renounces war as an instrument of national policy.

• In line with the adherence to the generally accepted principles of
international law and a policy of peace, equality, justice, freedom,
cooperation, amity (friendly relations).
• Defensive war is not within this policy, the State has the right to

3|THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD ( C l a s s 2 n d

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Republic of the Philippines
Mountain Province State Polytechnic College
Tadian Campus
2620 Tadian, Mountain Province

defend itself from aggressor states.

4. Civilian supremacy over the military
• Civilians are supreme over the Armed Forces of the Philippines
(AFP), who are the protectors of the people and the State.
• Ensures that a military dictatorship is an unacceptable option for
civil government.
• The Constitution places the AFP under the command of the
• The members of the AFP are prohibited from:
o Involvement in partisan politics
o Engagement in partisan political activity-except when voting in
o Appointment or delegation of AFP officers and men to civilian
positions in government during active military service

5. Serving and protecting the people; the prime duty of the

• The fundamental ideology of democracy- a government of the
people, by the people and for the people.
• The government exists for the welfare of the people and not the
people for their government.
• The government may require the people to submit personal, military
or civil service in order for them to protect its citizens.

6. Securing for the people the blessing of a democracy: a

constitutional mandate
• The government must secure for the people the blessings of
o Maintenance of peace and order
o Protection of life, liberty and property
o Promotion of the general welfare

7. Separation of church and state

• The Church should not interfere in matters of pure politics
• The State should not interfere in matters of pure religion and
• The establishment of an official religion is avoided, namely:
o Government sponsorship of religion
o Governmental financial support of religion
o Active involvement of the State in religious matters
• The ‘free exercise clause’ (Section 5, Article III)- essentially ensures
the government cannot impose a religion on the people.

4|THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD ( C l a s s 2 n d

S e m e s t e r 2 0 2 2 - 2 0 2 3 )
Republic of the Philippines
Mountain Province State Polytechnic College
Tadian Campus
2620 Tadian, Mountain Province

8. Pursuit of an independent foreign policy

• Foreign Policy: The action a state takes in its external relations to
advance national objectives and interests (Domingo, 1983)
• The State requires the government to pursue an independent
foreign policy, not imposed by any other state.
• Philippine Foreign Policy is two-fold:
o Friendly relations with both democratic and communist
o Promotion of beneficial economic and trading relations with
all countries

9. Freedom from nuclear weapons

• “The Philippines, consistent with national interest, adapts and
pursues a policy of freedom from nuclear weapons in its territory”
(Section 8, Article II)
• The making, storing and even testing of nuclear weapons in the
country is forbidden by the Constitution.
• Using nuclear energy for peaceful uses is not prohibited
• Nuclear weapons are permissible in the hypothetical event that
another nuclear power threatens the Philippines.

10. The promotion of a just and dynamic order

• The State promotes a dynamic social order, that allows the
prosperity of the nation and allows people to be free from poverty.
• The constitution mandates (Section 9, Article II) that the
government undertakes policies that provide social services, full
employment and an improved standard of living and quality of life.
• This is often disregarded by politicians whose motivation for service
are self-centered.

11. Promotion of social justice

• “The State shall promote social justice in all areas of national
development” (Section 10, Article II)
• Social Justice: The protection and enhancement of the right of all
people to human dignity by reducing social, economic, political and
cultural inequalities through equitable distribution of wealth and
power for the common good
• The government has a duty to reduce the gap between rich and
poor in society.
• The government is also committed to create economic opportunities
based on initiative ad self-reliance for the welfare of everybody.

12. Dignity of the human being and full respect for human
• “The State values the dignity of every human person and

5|THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD ( C l a s s 2 n d

S e m e s t e r 2 0 2 2 - 2 0 2 3 )
Republic of the Philippines
Mountain Province State Polytechnic College
Tadian Campus
2620 Tadian, Mountain Province

guarantees full respect for human rights” (Section 11, Article II)
• The government id morally obligated to safeguard the inherent
rights of the people.
• Non-recognition of this rights is an undemocratic way of life

13. Recognition of the sanctity of the family life

• “The State recognizes the sanctity of family life and strengthen the
family as a basic autonomous social institution” (Section 12, Article
• The State recognizes the sacredness of family life, as it is the basic
unit of society. Therefore, it cannot enact laws that lead to the
destruction of the family unit.
• The government has the duty to undertake: strengthening family as
a basic social unit, protect the life of a mother and unborn child, and
the rearing of youth for civility and moral development.

14. Recognition of the role of the youth in nation-building

• The State recognizes youth as a vital part building the nation.
• Hence, the state should promote and protect their: physical, moral,
spiritual, intellectual and social well-being
• The youth shall be instilled with a sese of patriotism and nationalism
• The government should also encourage their involvement in public
and civic affairs

15. Recognition of the role of women in nation-building

• “The State recognizes the role of women in nation-building, and
shall ensure the fundamental equality before the law of women and
men” (Section 14, article II)
• Women are potent political and economic societal force
• The State is mandated to ensure the lawful equality of men and
women, as well as the promotion of employment opportunities
between them.

16. Protecting and promoting the people’s right to health

 Adoption of an integrated and comprehensive approach to health
development at affordable cost.
 Establishment and maintenance of an effective food and drug
regulator system.
 Responsive to the country’s health needs and problems.
 Establishment and rehabilitation centers, self development and self
 Integration into mainstream of society.

17. The right of the people to a balanced and healthful

6|THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD ( C l a s s 2 n d

S e m e s t e r 2 0 2 2 - 2 0 2 3 )
Republic of the Philippines
Mountain Province State Polytechnic College
Tadian Campus
2620 Tadian, Mountain Province

• Section 16 of Article II state that shall protect and advance the right
of the people to balanced and healthful ecology in accord with the
rhythm and harmony of the nature.
• The provision is a clear recognition of the right of the people to a
balanced and healthful ecology.
• The government is expected to undertake programs in ensuring
clean and pollution free environment to protect human life and

18. Prioritizing education, science and technology, arts,

culture and sports
• Section 17 of article II states that the state shall give priority to
education, science and technology, arts, culture and sports to foster
patriotism and nationalism, accelerate social progress, and promote
total human liberation.
• Section 2 od article XIV enumerates the steps that the government
should undertake in making the aforementioned policy a reality:
1. Establishment of complete, adequate and integrated system of
2. Establishment and maintenance of free education in the
elementary and high school levels.
3. Establishment and maintenance of scholarship grants to
deserving students in both public and private schools especially the
4. Encouragement of non formal, informal and indigenous learning
system and out of school study programs, particularly those that
respond to community needs.
5. Provision of training in civics, vocational efficiency and other skills
to adult citizens, the disabled and out-of-school youth.

19. Affirmation of labor as a primary social force

• Section 18 of Article II states that the state affirms labor as a
primary social force. It shall protect the rights of workers and
promote their social welfare.
• Following policies:
1. Full protection of local and overseas labour.
2. Promotion of full and equal employment opportunities.
3. Guaranteeing the full enjoyment of the rights of workers.
4. Promotion shared responsibility between workers and employers
and the preferential use of voluntary modes in settling dispute and
5. Regulation of relationship between workers and employers.

20. Development of a self-reliant and independent

national economy
• Section 19 of Article II states that the state shall develop a self-
reliant and independent national economy effectively controlled by

7|THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD ( C l a s s 2 n d

S e m e s t e r 2 0 2 2 - 2 0 2 3 )
Republic of the Philippines
Mountain Province State Polytechnic College
Tadian Campus
2620 Tadian, Mountain Province

• The foregoing provision of our fundamental charter provided the
guidelines for the development of the economy of the country.
• This constitution guidelines are the following: self-reliance;
independent national economy and effective Filipino control of the

21. Recognition of the role of the private sector in the

• Section 20 of Article II states that the state recognizes the
indispensable role of the private sector, encourages private
enterprise, and provides incentives t needed investments.
• From this provision it can be inferred that constitutions forbids an
economy where the states shall be competing with private
• This is due to the concern of the government not to engage in
business reaping huge profits in managing affairs of the state.
• The fundamental law of land mandates the state to provide
incentives to local and foreign inventors.

22. Promotion of a comprehensive rural development and

agrarian reform
• Section 21 of Article II states that the State shall promote
comprehensive rural development agrarian reform.
• This program is based on the right of the farmers and regular farm
workers who are landless to own their lands or in the case of other
farm workers to get the share of fruits.
• The state is obligated to provide support to agriculture through
appropriate technology and research, an adequate financial,
production, marketing and other support services to farmers and
their organizations.

23. Recognition and promotion of the rights of cultural

• Section 22 of Article II provides that the Sate shall recognize and
promote the rights of the indigenous cultural communities within
the framework of national unity and development.
• This provision was included in the Constitution owing to the
presence of numerous cultural communities on the different parts
of the country.
• The State is mandated to safeguard their rights and has to
consider the culture and interest to this non-dominant groups in
conceptualizing and implementing programs and projects for they
benefit and welfare.

24. Encouragement of non-governmental, community

8|THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD ( C l a s s 2 n d

S e m e s t e r 2 0 2 2 - 2 0 2 3 )
Republic of the Philippines
Mountain Province State Polytechnic College
Tadian Campus
2620 Tadian, Mountain Province

based or sectoral organizations

• Section 23 of Article II provides that the State shall encourage non-
governmental, community based or sectoral organizations that
promote the welfare of the nation.
• Considering that non-governmental organizations can help in
building and developing communities, as well as in articulating the
interests and views of the people, the constitution of the land
requires the state to encourage the organization of this
community-based or sectoral NGOs.

25. Recognition of the vital role of mass media to nation-

• Section 24 of Article II states that the State recognizes the vital
role of communication and information building.
• In view of the important role played by the mass media in shaping
public opinion and uniting people, the state is compelled to create
an environment that promotes the emergence of communication
structures for the nation that respects the policy of freedom of
speech of the press.
• The foreign point is clearly stated in Section 10 of Article XVI
provides that the state shall provide an environment of the
development of Filipino capability and emergence of
communication structures that fulfil the aspiration of the nation, in
accordance with the policy that respects the freedom of speech
and the press.

26. Autonomy of local government

• Section 26 of Article II states that the State shall ensure the
autonomy of local governments.
• This particular policy had been already implemented with the
enhancement of Republic Act No. 7160, also known as the Local
Government Code of 1991.
• The local government unit serve as conduits of the national
government in the performance of its varied tasks and functions.
• With local affairs under local executives, the national government
can devote its time and effort in addressing national issues and

27. Equal access to opportunities in public service

• Section 25 of Article II states that the state shall provide guarantee
equal access to opportunities for public service, and prohibit
political dynasties as may be defined by law.
• This policy of the state points out the outlawing of political
dynasties to give as many people the opportunity to serve the
• Equal access to public service is guaranteed through the
limitations of terms of office of all elective officials as stipulated in

9|THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD ( C l a s s 2 n d

S e m e s t e r 2 0 2 2 - 2 0 2 3 )
Republic of the Philippines
Mountain Province State Polytechnic College
Tadian Campus
2620 Tadian, Mountain Province

the Constitution.
• For instance, the term of office of the president is 6 years without
re-election (Section 4, Article VII) the term of office of a Senator is
6 years and cannot serve for more than 2 consecutive terms of 12
years (Section 4, Article VI).
• Members of the House of Representative are elected for a term of
3 years and cannot serve for more than 3 terms of 9 years.

28. Honesty and integrity in public service

• Section 27 of Article II of the Constitution states that the state
shall maintain honesty and integrity in the public service and take
positive and effective measures against corruption.
• Honesty and integrity in public service are vital in governance.
• The fulfilment of thus mandate of the Constitution is essential in
strengthening people’s trust and confidence in the government
and its officials.
• Government officials and leaders need to demonstrate honesty
and integrity due to the fact that public office is a public trust.
• The need has become urgent as many of our local national
government officials, then and now, has allegedly perpetrated
graft and corruption.

29. Full disclosure by the state of all it’ transactions

• Section 28 of Article II provides that subject to reasonable
conditions prescribed by law, the State adopts and implements a
policy of full disclosure of all its transactions involving public
• This policy is line with the constitutional mandate of an
accountable, open and transparent government (Section 12 and
16, Article VI).
• Thus, the people have the right to be informed of what the
government is doing.
• This right is clearly stated in Section 7 of Article III, which provides
that the people have the right to information on matters of public
concern and can access records pertaining to the official
transactions of the government.
• The people cannot access information relating to the security of
the State.

10 | T H E C O N T E M P O R A R Y W O R L D ( C l a s s 2 n d
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2 0 2 3 )
Republic of the Philippines
Mountain Province State Polytechnic College
Tadian Campus
2620 Tadian, Mountain Province


11 | T H E C O N T E M P O R A R Y W O R L D ( C l a s s 2 n d
S e m e s t e r 2 0 2 2 -
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