Forensic Psychiatry
● Forensic Psychology is the interaction of
the practice or study of psychology and
● Forensic Psychiatry refers to the the law.
application of psychiatry to law. ● Most often, forensic psychologists work
● In the investigation of crime, a forensic in prisons, jails, rehabilitation centers,
psychiatrist who is a medical doctor can police departments, law firms, schools,
be asked to develop a profile of the government agencies, or in private
suspect based on all available evidence. practice to name a few.
● He can testify whether the suspect is ● Forensic psychologists also try to
competent to stand trial and is determine whether the defendant was
responsible for his actions. mentally stable or insane at the time the
crime was committed.
Forensic Entomology
Forensic DNA Analysis
● This unit is staffed by specially trained ● The photography unit has film and
biologists who analyze biological digital cameras to record the crime
materials for DNA. scene.
● The evidence can include blood, wood ● Infrared photography is also used in the
fragments, semen, saliva, skin, hair, and study of questioned documents and
other samples which can be positively bloodstained garments.
linked to a person by the DNA ● Video cameras are also used to obtain a
information contained in each cell. “walkthrough” view of the crime scene.
● This unit may also be asked to identify
various biological samples and carry out
extensive analyses of blood factors. QUESTIONED DOCUMENT UNIT
3. Types of evidences
● Testimonial
● Documentary
● Physical
○ DNA, body fluids,
weapons, impressions
4. J.E.M.A
● Justifying
● Exemption
● Mitigation
● Aggravation