EPR Center Presentation II - Membrane Proteins

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• Activation Æ conformational change that transfers

information across the cell membrane
• Allow the cell to sense and respond to environmental
conditions and stimuli
• Three classes:
– Ligand-gated ion channels (nicotinic acetylcholine receptor)
– Enzyme-linked receptors (epidermal growth factor receptor)
– G-protein coupled receptors (many hormones, peptides, biogenic
Ligand-gated ion channels
(Ionotropic receptors)

• Neuronal receptors for acetylcholine, glycine,

serotonin, GABA
• Very large (~ 300 kDa) glycoproteins
• Heteropentamers (α γ α β δ)
• Ligand binding Æ opens channel allowing rapid
flow of ions down concentration gradient
• Either cation or anion selective
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor
(Torpedo marmorata)

4.0 Å resolution reconstructed from cryoelectron microscopy

N. Unwin, J. Mol. Biol. 346, 967 (2005)

Subunits symmetrically arranged around central pore
Two Ach binding sites at the α-δ and α-γ subunit interfaces
Each monomeric subunit

N-terminal extracellular domain:

two β-sheets joined through
a disulfide bond

TM domain: four α-helices per

subunit, arranged symmetrically
with the five M2 helices lining
the central pore

Cytoplasmic domain: each subunit

contributes one α-helix to a

Torpedo AchR α-subunit

Electrostatic potential of the
outer and inner vestibules
- highly negative
- many Glu and Asp residues

(AchR is cation-selective, allowing

passage of both K+ and Na+ ions)

Unwin, J. Mol. Biol. 346, 967 (2005)

TM helices M1, M3, M4 shield pore
helices from the lipid bilayer
Hyrophobic constriction keeps pore closed
Rotation of α-subunit M2 helices proposed
as channel-opening mechanism
G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs)
• Largest group of cell surface receptors found in
nature (several hundred identified, account for ~ 3%
of the human genome)
• Present in all eukaryotes (including plants, yeast, on
up to mammals)
• Found in essentially all tissues and cell types
• Are targets of ~ 40% of all drugs currently in clinical
GPCRs signal by activating heterotimeric guanine
nucleotide-binding proteins (G-proteins) that consist
of α, β, and γ subunits

N-termini of
Gα and Gγ are


Binding to GPCR Æ a conformational change in Gα

and dissociation of Gα from Gβγ
Overview of the G protein cycle. Gα, blue; Gβ, brown; Gγ, gray; GDP, yellow, with smaller
circles representing the two phosphates; GTP, green, with smaller circles representing
three phosphates; RGS (regulator of G protein signaling), magenta.
Major subclasses of Gα
• Gαs activate adenylyl cyclase to increase cAMP
(β-adrenergic receptors)

• Gαq/11 activate phospholipase C: consequent

hydrolysis of PI lipids produce IP3 and DAG
leading to Ca2+ release and activation of PKC
(Adrenergic-α2 receptors)

• Gαi/o inhibit adenylyl cyclase to decrease cAMP,

Gβγ subunit opens K+ channels
(metabotropic epinephrine, serotonin, dopamine receptors,
muscarinic acetylcholine receptor)

• Gt cGMP phosphodiesterase, decreased cGMP


• Gα12/13 RAS, Src, PKC, phospholipase D

(lysophosphatidic acid, thromboxine A2 receptors)
Mammalian trimeric G proteins

A given Gα subclass may associate with more than

one receptor

Only 1 Gαs identified so far, but many Gαq and Gαi

proteins have been found

Overall, ~ 20 Gα, 6 Gβ, and 11 Gγ proteins have been


Signaling specificity lies in the recognition of a

GPCR cytoplasmic surface by the Gα subunit
GPCR structure

Seven transmembrane α-helices

(GPCRs are sometimes referred to as 7TM receptors)

Cytoplasmic loop 3 (between TM helices 5 and 6) and the

C-terminal tail involved in signal transduction
Chimeric GPCRs expressed
in Xenopus oocytes
Æ Critical role of TMH5
and CL3

Kobika et al., Science 240, 1310 (1998)

Membrane topology of the human h2 adrenergic receptor

Highly conserved residues found in each TM helix

Two highly conserved disulfide bonds
Palmitoylation site in C-terminal tail (Cys341)
~ 48,000 rhodopsin molecules per μm2
(70% of total cell protein)
Membrane topology of rhodopsin



Helices 1,2,5,6,7 contains bends

CL3 is α-helical based on EPR and more recent crystal data
Altenbach et al., Biochemistry 40, 15493 (2001)
Bovine rhodopsin @ 2.2 Å (1U19)

Okada et al., J. Mol. Biol. 342, 571 (2004)

Okada et al., J. Mol. Biol. 342, 571 (2004)
Structural model of bovine rhodopsin

Schematic representation of a GPCR in the cell membrane based on the

packing arrangement of TMHs observed in the crystal structure of rhodopsin
(Okada et al., J. Mol. Biol. 342, 571 (2004) pdb code 1U19).
Proposed mechanism of rhodopsin activation

Tilting and rotation of TMH6. A change in the relative orientations of TM

helices 3 and 6 produces a conformational change at the cytoplasmic surface

Farrens, Altenbach, Yang, Hubbell, and Khorana Science 274, 768 (1996)
Interaction of switch helix II in the Gα subunit of transducin
with the cytoplasmic face of activated rhodopsin
Æ G-protein dissociation and activation

Van Eps et al., PNAS 44, 16194 (2006)

Interaction surfaces of rhodopsin and transducin

Preininger and Hamm, Science STKE (2004)

GPCR families based on sequence homology in TM domain

Agonist/antagonist binding sites identified through mutagenesis, some cross-linking studies

AFM of rhodopsin dimers in native disk membranes

Organization and topography of the cytoplasmic surface of rhodopsin. a, Topograph obtained

using atomic-force microscopy, showing the paracrystalline arrangement of rhodopsin dimers in
the native disc membrane. b, Angularly averaged powder-diffraction pattern, showing peaks at
(8.4 nm)11, (4.2 nm)11 and (3.8 nm)11. c, Magnification of a region of the topograph in a,
showing rows of rhodopsin dimers, as well as individual dimers (inside dashed ellipse), and
occasional rhodopsin monomers (arrowheads). Scale bars: a, 50 nm; inset, (5 nm)11; c, 15 nm.

Fotiadis et al., Nature 421, 127 (2003)

Evidence for GPCR dimers
- co-IP
- Co-expression of active
and inactive isoforms
- Binding cooperativity
- Cross-linking

Model of rhodopsin dimer

complexed with arrestin

Park et al., Biochemistry 43, 15643 (2004)

Shutting down GPCR signaling

• Deactivation of receptors occurs through

phosphorylation and subsequent binding of β-arrestin
(this leads clathrin-mediated endocytosis of the
arrestin-receptor complex)
• Deactivation of G-proteins occurs through intrinsic
GTPase activity of the Gα subunit and subsequent
reassembly of the inactive hetero-trimeric complex
• Deactivation of second messengers occurs in part
through arrestin-mediated recruitment of enzymes
that degrade (or metabolize) the second messenger
Residues in the human h2 adrenergic receptor that are important for receptor regulation. Possible sites for phosphorylation by
protein kinases are indicated in gray circles. A C-terminal PDZ interaction motif is indicated that mediates interactions with
NHERF1, NHERF2, and NSF scaffolding proteins. The highly conserved reference residue within each TMH is indicated with
black circles and white text.
Typically activation of a GPCR leads to (1) activation and inhibition of specific signaling pathways in the cell,
(2) short-term desensitization mediated by phosphorylation of GPCRs by GRKs followed by β-arrestin
binding to the GPCR, (3) endocytosis of the receptor, followed by postendocytic sorting of the receptor either
(4) back to the plasma membrane or (5) to lysosomes for degradation.
Arrestins also stimulate degradation of second-messenger molecules

Following muscarinic receptor

- activation of the G-protein leads
to production of DAG and IP3
- arrestin was essential for
conversion of DAG to PA
- required recruitment of the
arrestin-DAG kinase complex to the
activated GPCR
Nelson et al., Science 315 663 (2007)

Previously shown that that arrestins

recruit PDE4 to activated β-
adrenergic receptors, stimulating
degradation of cAMP
Perry et al., Science 298 834 (2002)
• Gateway to a wide variety of G-protein
coupled second messenger systems
• Contain 7 TM helices
• Extracellular N-terminal domain, cytoplasmic
C-terminal tail
• May function as dimers
• Signaling mediated through rigid-body
rearrangements of TM helices (esp. TMH6)

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