Chapter Opening Class - Advertising
Chapter Opening Class - Advertising
Chapter Opening Class - Advertising
Instructor Information
Nguyen Thi Minh Ha (PhD)
[email protected]
Faculty of International Business & Trade
Foreign Trade University - Ho Chi Minh City Campus
• Principles of Marketing (MKTE302)
Course Objectives
• This module provides a creative and contemporary appraisal of advertising.
• This module aims to develop the students’ knowledge of the theory and practice of
advertising and promotion.
• This module explores advertising communications, theories, concepts and frameworks,
whilst encouraging students to develop their creativity to overcome contemporary issues
within advertising management practice.
• Students learn how to use both broad communication theory and specific promotion-related
theory to inform and develop advertising and promotion programs. They learn how these
promotional activities fit with and contribute to overall marketing strategies and objectives
while learning to develop, implement and evaluate advertising and promotion campaigns.
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge, Skills, Autonomy and Responsibility
• Knowledge
- Apply relevant creative advertising concepts, theories and frameworks to complex
and ambiguous scenarios.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the dynamic nature of inter-relationships between
creative advertising and the marketing communications mix.
- Critique and apply key advertising theories, concepts and frameworks informed by
academic research and professional advertising practice.
- Create and justify links between information, data and appropriate literature to
inform the planning and management of a creative advertising campaign.
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge, Skills, Autonomy and Responsibility
• Skills
- Proactively manage independent research, critiquing appropriate academic and
practitioner resources to ensure deliverables and enhance outcomes.
- Develop creative and innovative ways to evaluate alternatives and maximize
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge, Skills, Autonomy and Responsibility
• Autonomy and Responsibility
- Demonstrate professional working style .
- Demonstrate a sense of responsibility.
- Demonstrate appropriate attitude towards partners and customers.
Reading materials
• Textbook
Chris Fill, Graham Hughes, Scott De Francesco 2013, Advertising strategy, creativity and media, Pearson
• Compulsory reading
- William Arens and Michael Weigold, 2022, Advertising, 4 edition, Mcgraw-Hill
- Emmanuel Mogaji, 2021, Introduction to Advertising – Understanding and Managing the Advertising
Process, Routledge
- Sandra Moriarty, Nancy Mitchell, Charles Wood and William D. Wells, 2019, Advertising & IMC:
Principles and Practice, 11th edition, Prentice Hall Inc.
- Chris Fill, 2011, Essentials of marketing communications, Pearson
- Bonnie L. Drewniany, A. Jerome Jewler, 2013, Creative strategy in advertising
- Larry Percy, Richard H. Elliott, 2016, Strategic advertising management
Scan for materials
Course policy
1. Missions of students
• Read materials and prepare before attending class
• Fulfill all assigned tasks.
• Prepare the discussion of the course.
2. Bonus point policy
Students who contribute in class discussions and are recognized by the teacher,
will be credited to the attendance, mid-term and final scores, by ratio and
Course policy
3. Requirements for final examination
• Students have to attend at least 75% of the total class.
• Fulfill all assigned tasks of the course.
• According to current training regulation
• Assignments which exceed total number of required pages will be deducted 10% of total
• Assignments which are similar at least 50% will be halved
• Assignments which are similar more than 50% will be zero
• Students who do not receive assignment, do not submit or miss the deadline will be zero.
Course assessment
Form Criteria Proportion
Midterm Exam
• Topic 1.
• Topic 2.
• Topic 3.
• Topic 4.
• Topic 5.
• Topic 6.
• Topic 7.
• Topic 8.
Final Exam
• All written assignments are to be word processed; (typed) neatly and
professionally in 12-point font, black ink on white paper
• Consists of a formally written advertising/promotion campaign (2,400 – 3,000
words) usually based on the group verbal pitch (mid-term test).
• This detailed individual report is normally exam schedule (60% of overall
• Please read this assessment brief in its entirety before starting work on the
Assessment Task.
The Final Assessment Task
• Content: campaign idea for an integrated advertising campaign.
• Format: Word Count: 2,400 – 3,000.
• Criteria:
- be of a suitable structure
- planning framework
- conduct a context analysis
- identity target audiences
- identify key marketing communication objectives and how these will be achieved
- evaluate a range of digital and emerging media to reach your chosen target
The Final Assessment Task
• Criteria (cont.):
- debate the creativity, content and appeals to be used within an advertising
integrated communications campaign, with justifications for your creative choices
- identify effective ways of measuring the success of your campaign
- include an outline of appropriate guidelines to balance budget spend across lead
and support media
- be presented in report format, including title page, contents page and an executive
- include references to appropriate academic texts and use Harvard Referencing
throughout. Do not rely on internet searches; widen your reading to include key
marketing textbooks and articles from a range of academic journals.
Assessment Criteria - report
General rules for all written documentation
• A4 sized paper
• Font: Times New Roman - Size: 12
• Line spacing: 1,5pt
• Margin: top 2.5 cm, bottom 2.5 cm, left 3.5 cm, right 2cm
• Cover: light green, NO plastic cover
• Number of words: less than 3,000 words
• Deadline for submission: as exam schedule
• Place of submission: A201 and MS Team
Assessment Criteria
Clear and feasible topics 1 point