High-Performance Crystal Oscillator Circuits: Theory and Application
High-Performance Crystal Oscillator Circuits: Theory and Application
High-Performance Crystal Oscillator Circuits: Theory and Application
Ahtruct -A general theory that allows the accurate linear and nonlinear analysis of any crystal oscillator circuit is presented. It is based on the high Q of the resonator and on a very few nonlimiting assumptions. The special case of the three-point oscillator, that includes Pierce and one-pin circuits, is analyzed in more detail. A clear insight into the linear behavior, including the effect of losses, is obtained by means of the circular locus of the circuit impedance. A basic condition for oscillation and simple analytic expressions are derived in the lossless case for frequency pulling, critical transconductance, and start-up time constant. The effects of nonlinearities on amplitude and on frequency stability are analyzed. As an application, a 2 - M H z CMOS oscillator is described, which uses amplitude stabilization to minimize power consumption and to eliminate the effects of nonlinearities on frequency. The chip, implemented in a 3-pm p-well low-voltage process, includes a three-Ftage frequency divider and consumes 0.9 pA at 1.5 V. The measured frequency stability is 0.05 ppm/V in the range 1.15 V of supply voltage. Temperature effect on the circuit itself is less than 0.1 ppm from - 10 to +60C.
based on [ l l ] will be presented. This approach allows the accurate calculation of all linear and nonlinear effects in any crystal oscillator, by taking advantage of the high value of Q. Section I11 concentrates on the particular structure based on a single active device, which is used in most of the practical realizations. As an example, Section IV describes a high-performance CMOS oscillator developed for advanced watch applications. METHOD ANALYSIS QUARTZ OF OF 11. GENERAL CRYSTAL OSCILLATORS
A . Crystal Resonator
I. INTRODUCTION TARTING in the late sixties, large efforts have been devoted to the development of hgh-performance integrated quartz crystal oscillators for electronic watches. This application requires high stability (1 second per day corresponds to 12 ppm) and very low power consumption, typically 0.1 to 1 pW. Because of the very special domain, few results have been published, most of them in very limited circles [1]-[13]. A more general interest for the problem arose later, for the realization of time bases in microprocessors and switched-capacitor filters. Special problems that appeared in these applications were discussed in a few publications [14]-[17], but these failed to address the important issues of frequency stability and power minimization. Besides the watch, which is still being improved, high-performance crystal oscillators are required in an increasing number of portable instruments where power is limited and precision is of some concern. The very high quality factor Q and the need for precision prevent direct numerical computer simulation of a crystal oscillator. In particular, direct time-domain simulation to evaluate nonlinear effects would necessitate the calculation of close to one million periods of oscillation. In Section I1 of this paper, a very powerful analytic approach
Manuscript received September 7, 1987; revised November 30, 1987. The authors are with Centre Suisse d'Electronique et de Microtechnique, Maladiere 71, CH 2000 Neuchitel 7, Switzerland. IEEE Log Number 8719478.
A quartz crystal resonator may be represented by its electrical equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 1 [IS]. Each possible mode ( i ) of mechanical oscillation corresponds to a series resonant circuit L ( i ) , C ( i ) , R ( i ) having a motional impedance Z,(i). The current i ( i ) through Z,( i ) is proportional to the velocity, thus its amplitude is proportional to the amplitude of oscillation at mode ( i ) . The motional capacitance C( i ) is proportional to the electromechanical coupling of mode ( i ) . Since this coupling is always very small, the total capacitance across the main electrodes 1 and 2
is always much larger than C ( i ) . Part of this capacitance is shelded by a third electrode 0, usually connected to the case. Each mode of oscillation may be characterized by its mechanical resonant (angular) frequency (1 and 2 shortcircuited) w,(i)
[ ~ ( i ) ~ ( p1'2 ] i)
In most practical resonators, the frequencies of the various modes are not exact multiples of each other, or the undesired modes are very weakly coupled. Thus, when oscillation occurs at a given single mode characterized by L , C, R , Z,, Q, a and i , all other series branches may , ,
I-fWL C R 1
be neglected, even if the voltage U across the device contains large harmonic components. Furthermore, Q is always very large; the current i through the motional impedance Z, is therefore sinusoidal for any shape of voltage U. The motional impedance may be expressed as
Fig. 2. Most general form of a crystal oscillator. Deep insight and precise analysis are possible by splitting the circuit-resonator combination (a) into the motional impedance Z , and an equivalent impedance of the circuit at fundamental frequency Z,(,, as shown in (b).
tal frequency, and the nonlinear circuit can be completely characterized (Fig. 2(b)) by its equivalent impedance at this frequency
< 1 <
where p is the relative amount of frequency pulling above the mechanical resonant frequency U, of the resonator. The mechanical energy of oscillation is given by
E,=---LVI2- 11 1, 2 2W2C
where ql)is the complex value of the fundamental component of U , which depends on the amplitude of I . Furthermore, since Zc(l)usually has no high-Q pole in the vicinity of w,, its frequency dependence is orders of magnitude smaller than that of Z,. Thefrequency w may therefore be considered constant (and equal to w,) with regard to Zc(l), whereas the frequency dependence of Z, is expressed by means of pulling p , according to (6). These assumptions do not introduce any significant loss of accuracy. They greatly simplify the linear and nonlinear analysis of any crystal oscillator.
C. Linear Analysis
As long as the amplitude of oscillation is small, the whole circuit stays linear, and the impedance Zc(l)reduces to the small-signal impedance Z,. The critical condition for oscillation can then be simply expressed as
where 11 is the amplitude of sinusoidal current i. 1
B. Optimum Splitting of the Oscillator
A crystal oscillator is obtained by connecting the three poles of the resonator to an oscillator circuit, as shown in Fig. 2(a). The traditional analysis includes the whole resonator as a component of the circuit [18]-[20]. However, much more insight can be obtained by splitting the oscillator into the linear motional impedance Z , and the rest of the circuit, which includes capacitances Clo, Cl2, and C,, of the resonator and all the nonlinearities. As was pointed out above, the current through Z, can be assumed to be always sinusoidal, even if voltage U across it is strongly distorted. As a consequence, exchange of energy with the circuit can only occur at the fundamen-
Using expression ( 6 ) of Z,, it can be split into two conditions for the real and imaginary components: -Re(Z,)
shows that the negative resistance of Z, must exactly compensate the positive resistance R of the resonator; and -Im(z,)
shows that the amount of frequency pulling p is proportional to the imaginary part of Z,. As soon as -Re(Z,) becomes larger than R , oscillation builds up exponentially from noise, with a time constant
7 = -
L Re(Z,)+ R
02C(Re(Z,)+ R ) .
t -Re'Zci
Fig. 4.
Fig. 3. Locus of Zc~l~(lIl) complex plane. It starts at linear in the 1. impedance Z , for small amplitude 1 1 Stable oscillation is reached at intersection P with locus of - Z,,,(p).
The time required for growing of oscillation, whch depends on the noise level, is usually comprised between 5 and 157. It can be reduced by providing more initial energy through an adequate switching procedure [17]. Above a certain level, the circuit becomes nonlinear, whch provides amplitude limitation.
Z&)(lZl), and a new stable point P', with a new value p' of frequency pulling. The frequency stability can therefore be strongly degraded. Furthermore, such a limitation has a poor power efficiency, since a large part of the supply power is wasted in producing harmonics. It also complicates the selection of the desired mode ( i ) of oscillation of the resonator [ll]. In high-performance oscillators, these problems must be eliminated by limiting the amount of distortion. Fixing the bias point just above the critical condition for oscillation would not leave enough margin for variations in the process, neither in the resonator nor in the environment. The solution consists in using a feedback loop, with a time constant much larger than the period of oscillation. As illustrated in Fig. 4 in an ideal case with no distortion, such a regulator reduces -Re(Z,) (usually by reducing 1 the bias current) when the amplitude 11 increases, until equilibrium is reached at point P . In practice, the stable amplitude at point P is chosen low enough to avoid any significant distortion, so that the circuit operates very close to the critical condition for oscillation. 111. THEORY THE THREE-POINT OF OSCILLATOR A . General Linear Circuit
Excellent oscillators can be implemented by using essentially a single transconductance device, such as a bipolar or a MOS transistor [18], [19]. It can be shown that, since no T h s occurs when the locus of Z c ( l ~ ( ~ Z ~ ) intercepts the locus integrated inductor is available, the only possibility is to of - Z,( p ) at point P. The exact values of frequency associate the transconductance with two functional capacipulling p and amplitude of oscillation are then given, tors, to form the three-point oscillator shown in Fig. 5. The respectively, by the imaginary part of Z, (according to most general form of t h s oscillator, after separation of the (6)) and by the value of 11 at point P. 1 motional impedance Z,, is represented by its ac diagram An accurate numerical simulation of the nonlinear be- in Fig. 6. Impedances Z,-Z, include all the components havior of any crystal oscillator can thus be carried out in of the real active device, except its transconductance g,, the following manner. For a given circuit configuration, and all other possible contributions. As discussed previwith given bias conditions, the impedance Zc(l) can be ously, their values can be considered constant (indepen1: calculated by time simulation for a given amplitude 1 1 dent of frequency pulling p < 1) without any significant < the sinusoidal current i (complex value I) is imposed by a loss of accuracy. The small-signal circuit impedance is current source, and the resulting periodic voltage U is easily obtained as computed. Its complex fundamental component yl) is then extracted by Fourier analysis and divided by I. according to (9). The locus of Zc(l)(lZl) obtained by is repeating this procedure for increasing values of 1 1 1. This lund of amplitude limitation by distortion has T h s relation is a bilinear function of g,. Therefore, the many disadvantages. As shown by the dotted curve in Fig. locus of Z,( g,) in the complex plane is a circle (half-circle 3, any change in the circuit bias (due for instance to a for 0 < g , < C O ) as shown in Fig. 7. This circle is always variation of supply voltage or temperature) corresponds to located inside the lower half-plane, since the reactive coma new value of small signal impedance Z;, a new locus ponents are all capacitive.
zc(l)z, = 0. +
1I m
Fig. 5.
.z c
Fig. 6. General form of the three-point oscillator. Fig. 8. Complex plane representation of the lossless three-point oscillator (linear).
Any increase of the real part of Z,, Z,, or Z3 moves the circle to the right, and causes an increase of p by pushing A downwards. These real parts correspond to losses in the circuit. They can be due to losses in the active device (output conductance, input conductance for a bipolar), to the components that must be added to bias it in active mode, to the external load of the oscillator, and to parasitic effects such as interconnection resistance or moisture.
Fig. 7. Complex plane representation of the general three-point oscillator (linear). Stable critical oscillation corresponds to intersection A of loci Z c ( g m aand - Z , ( p ) . )
The critical conditions for oscillation correspond to intersections A and B of this locus with that of - Z,(p). It can be shown that no stable oscillation is possible at point B , because the phase stability condition [21] is not satisfied. The critical transconductance for oscillation g, may thus be calculated by introducing (15) into (11) and selecting the smaller solution (point A ) for g,. The second (point B ) , beyond which no oscillation solution is g,,, can start, as was pointed out elsewhere [15]. The negative resistance -Re(Z,) provided by the cirof cuit reaches a maximum for an intermediate value gmopt transconductance. If resistance R in the motional impedance is larger than this maximum value, no oscillation is possible, whatever the value of the transconductance. If oscillation is possible, the start-up time constant given by (13) reaches a minimum for g, = gmopt. representation The of Fig. 7 also allows one to predict the qualitative influence of the three circuit impedances on frequency pulling p. An increase of the imaginary part of Z, or Z, (reduction of C, or C,) reduces the diameter of the circle and always moves the stable point A downwards, which causes an increase of p. An increase of the imaginary part of Z3 (reduction of C3)moves the whole circle downwards and increases its diameter. As a result, point A may move downwards or upwards, depending on its initial position.
Im (2,)= -
gic3 + 02(c1
+ c2)(c1c2
+ c2c3 + c3c1)
[(gmc3>+ u2(c1c2 + c c + c , c , ) ~ ] 23
which must be larger than resistance R to allow oscillation. By using (3), this condition can be expressed as
3, J U N ~ 1988 .
As seen in Fig. 8, the imaginary part of Z , at the stable point A is a function of its real part R . The frequency pulling p therefore depends on the quality factor of the resonator, which is quite unsatisfactory for frequency stability. Meanwhile, if condition (20) is fulfilled with a large enough margin, point A stays very close to the imaginary axis, and this dependence is very small. The introduction of (17) with g,, --* 0 into (12) yields a value of frequency pulling independent of R and Q: P=
c,c, c3+=
\ .
Fig. 9. Amplitude of oscillation for an active device with exponential transfer characteristics.
Introducing (16) into (11) with the same hypothesis yields the critical transconductance for oscillation:
g m cnt =
( C ~ C+ ~ ,
3>2 ~
It can be reduced by reducing capacitor values, at the cost of an increase of p given by (21). This trade-off between transconductance (related to current) and frequency pulling (related to stability) is best expressed by introducing (21) into (22); t h s yields
grncrit =
as to generate harmonics in its output current i The , . small-signal transconductance must then be replaced by the transconductance for the fundamental defined as
wc QP *
4 C L
which is still real, since the fundamental component I,(,, of i , is in phase with V,. Amplitude IV,l stops increasing whch yields the stable value when g,(,) = gmcrit,
which is a minimum for C, = C,. The minimum start-up time constant is achieved for the optimum value of transconductance given by (18). It can be obtained by introducing (19) into (13). Neglecting R , t h s yields
ID(,) 0 D(1) -- -.
where I D ( , ) / I 0 must be calculated by Fourier analysis. If the active device is a MOS transistor, it should be operated in weak inversion [lo], whch provides a maximum value of transconductance for a given bias current I ,
I O gm = -
The absolute minimum possible for a given resonator is < obtained when C, is reduced to C,, < C , and C,, which results in
minmin =
2c12 OC
Because of the small piezoelectric coupling coefficient of quartz material, the value of C,,/C is always at least several hundred. Therefore, the start-up time constant always exceeds 100 periods of oscillations, which corresponds to a start-up time that always lies above 1000 periods. C. Amplitude of Oscillation When the critical transconductance gmcrit exceeded by is applying a dc bias current Zo to the active device above a critical value ZOcrit, oscillation builds up. Nonlinear effects start appearing when the amplitude IV,l of the sinusoidal driving voltage of the device (see Fig. 6) becomes so large
where UT stands for k T / q and n is the slope factor. Taking IV,l as the amplitude of the sinusoidal component of total gate voltage uG, the combination of (27) to (29) yields
= ~vl~/nuT
and IB0 I,, are zero- and first-order modified Bessel and functions. Ths relation is plotted in Fig. 9. It is also valid for a bipolar transistor ( n =l).If the MOS transistor is
operated in strong inversion, the amplitude for a gven bias current can be shown to be smaller. For very large amplitudes, the transistor only conducts during a very short fraction of the period. For the limit case of Dirac current Z) , = 21, and (27) becomes pulses, 1 (1
This relation gives the maximum possible amplitude which can be obtained with bias current Z, independently of the , shape of the transfer characteristics. It is also reported in Fig. 9. The maximum power P, dissipated in the resonator can < be evaluated by assuming negligible losses and C, < C, and C,. The current flowing through Z, may then be neglected, which gives
Fig. 10. CMOS inverter oscillator with controlled current. (a) Circuit diagram. (b) &le of locus of Z , ( g , ) for o / 2 = 2 MHz, C, = C, ~ = 2 pF, and C =1 pF. ,
1 <G 1 1
The combination of (8), (22), (32), and (33) results in (34) The exact value of P,,, can be obtained by computing 11 1 with the method described in Section 11-D.
values of C, and C,, and a small value of C,. The remaining instabilities will be due to variations of the capacitances, according to (21). They can be minimized by reducing the nominal frequency pulling p (which costs current, according to (23)) and by minimizing the voltage and temperature sensitivities of the capacitors.
D. Frequency Stability
The frequency stability of a quartz crystal oscillator can be affected by various causes. Instabilities are first due to the resonator itself. Its natural mechanical frequency usually changes with temperature and aging. Although temperature compensation with the circuit is in principle possible [19], it will not be considered here. The circuit will be required to have a negligible additional effect on stability. Nonlinearities in the circuit can have a devastating effect on stability, through the mechanisms explained in Section 11-D. This can be avoided by limiting the amplitude of oscillation to reduce distortions. If nonlinear effects are limited to the transfer characteristics of the active device, as discussed in Section 111-C, a small influence on the frequency of stable oscillation occurs in the following manner. The harmonic components of i , create harmonics of voltage U , across Z,. Harmonics of current flow through Z, and slightly distort driving voltage U , across Z,. These harmonics are then intermodulated in the device nonlinearity, eventually creating an additional fundamental component of i , with a different phase, which shifts the frequency. If Z, were infinite, U , would not be distorted and there would be no effect on the frequency. 2, should then be as large as possible. Linear effects on stability can be due to variations of losses, either in the resonator (variation of Q) or in the circuit. Referring to Fig. 7, these can be minimized by ensuring a small slope of the tangent to the circle at equilibrium point A . This requires low losses, large enough
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shown in the example of Fig. 10(b). The slope of the tangent to the locus of Z,(g,,) is increased in the vicinity of the imaginary axis, whch significantly degrades the stability even with values of C, much larger than C, and C,. The preferred solution uses a single transistor biased by a current source. Using a fixed bias current requires sufficient margin to ensure oscillation with the maximum value of R (minimum Q ) and for extreme values of process and environment corresponding to minimum transconductance. This increases the power consumption and gives a transconductance much higher than its critical value for the opposite extreme situation, which may drastically degrade the frequency stability through nonlinear effects. On the contrary, amplitude regulation at a low level through a feedback loop that adjusts the bias current virtually eliminates all nonlinear effects. It also limits the current just above its critical value in normal operation, whle allowing a much larger start-up current to reduce the start-up time. Except when a large amplitude of oscillation is accepted, an interface amplifier is necessary to produce a logic signal. This interface should not add too much loss in the oscillator. I t should be optimized with respect to power consumption.
A -1 4 K R7
where K is the low current gain of loop M , - M6 and A is the ratio of mirror M,, M,. When the oscillation grows, I,, decreases until the amplitude IVll at node Q1 reaches a value solely determined by K and nuT,if M , and M , are in weak inversion. This amplitude can be adjusted to any higher value by the capacitive divider C,, Cll. The choice of IV,l results from the optimum trade-off between the current consumption of the oscillator itself and that due to the output amplifier, including its loading of the oscillator. The output amplifier and the following frequencydivider stages (not shown) are powered at a reduced voltage V, to lower their current drain. The amplifier is a simple CMOS inverter M,,, M I , biased in active mode by the matched inverter M,,, M,, and by M,,. It uses concentric transistors to provide the maximum switching current with minimum size devices. I t is capacitively coupled to node Q , of the oscillator. The total gate-to-drain capacitance C, of M , , and M,, causes an input conductance G, to load the oscillator, which can be evaluated as follows, with reference to the ac equivalent circuit of Fig. 12. If load capacitance C, > C,, the gain of the amplifier is > imaginary with
The circuit described here as an example of a highI VL I =jv,. performance oscillator is intended for a high-quality (36) IVll miniaturized 2-MHz ZT resonator [22], which provides a frequency stability withm 10 ppm from -10 to 50C. Its If the gain is large, the complex input current is simply application in a watch requires a nominal current drain below 1 PA, and a minimum supply voltage of 1.1 V. I , = - joC,V[.. (37) Frequency adjustment is carried out digitally in the frequency-divider chain [23], so that no trimming is neces- Assuming that the output amplitude just reaches V,/2, the sary in the oscillator. The complete diagram of the whole combination of these equations yields oscillator is shown in Fig. 11. The heart of the oscillator uses transistor M , in a grounded source configuration, with the resonator connected to Q , and Q,. It is biased by current I , delivered from an amplitude regulator. Transistor M,, is operated in This conductance is inversely proportional to the oscillator weak inversion as a resistor, instead of lateral diodes in the amplitude lVll, which explains the trade-off in the choice polycrystalline silicon layer which were used in previous of this amplitude. The reduced voltage V is supplied by a dc voltage , implementations [ll], [24]. This resistor that forces M , regulator whch uses M,, and M,, matched to M , , , M,, into the active mode must have a very high value to avoid and M,,, M,, as a reference delivering voltage V,, and an degrading the frequency stability and increasing the curadaptive biasing amplifier M24- M35 [26]. The input pair rent. Its value is imposed at about 100 MO by the biasing M33,M3, of this amplifier operates in weak inversion. A transistors M,, and M,, matched to M , and M,, [lo]. critical amount of positive feedback is obtained by choosThe total values of functional capacitors C, and C, (whch ing a current gain of 2 through mirrors M,,, M,, and include all stray capacitances at nodes Q , and Q,) are M,,, M2,. The output current I , is then given by selected to ensure a negligible influence of the voltagedependent junction capacitances, without pushing the current too high. The amplitude regulator is based on a known circuit [lo], [25] in which high-value resistors are again implemented by M,, and M39 biased by M , and M9. In the absence of oscillation, the regulator behaves as a current where B is the ratio of mirror M,,, M,,. This relation is
Fig. 14. Complex plane representation for the experimental oscillator. TABLE I
Figure Formula
plotted in Fig. 13, which shows that this voltage-follower amplifier achieves a very small offset lVRl- I , for I , > V l > BIp. The scaling current I p mirrored by M29 is proportional to current I , in M,. A h g h current efficiency is obtained by choosing a large value of mirror ratio B. The calculated values for the oscillator based on Section 111 are given in Table I. They correspond to the complex plane representation of Fig. 14, which shows the relevant part of the circular locus of Z,( g,) with its intersections A and A with - Z,( p ) for minimum and maximum values of Q. The influence of Q on frequency is obviously negligible. The amplitude regulation moves the value of g, from its value for I,,,,, (outside the plot) to small-signal value g,,. The rest of the reduction to gmcri,is due to nonlinear effects as discussed in Section 111-C. The influence of nonlinearities on frequency can in principle be calculated by computing Z c ~ l ~ ( l I l ) the by
Circuit Functional capacitances (including parasitics) Total parallel Capacitance Frequency pulling Critical transconductance Critical current Amplitude of oscillation Bias current of M 1 Start-up current in M1 Current in oscil.tregulator Total a r r e n t with dividers
2.8 2.8
P gmcrit Ocrit
1.60-2.27 p A f V
Fig.6 Fig.9
258-396 960
I ~ s t a r t( 3 5 ) 410/3
nA mV nA nA nA nA
method presented in Section 11-D, using SPICE for timedomain simulation and Fourier analysis. However, this influence is so small in this almost linear case that the computing accuracy is not sufficient to produce any valid
Area on chip (complete oscillator) Total current (dividers unloaded) Minimum supply voltage Frequency d e p e n d e n c e on v o l t a g e (1.1 to 5 V ) Frequency instability in -10 t o 60 C:
.z 1 m m Z
.9uA at 1 . W 1.1v
. OSppm/V
Global with r e s o n a t o r
C o n t r i b u t i o n of c i r c u i t
< .lppm
of the circuit allows a detailed analysis of all linear and nonlinear effects to be carried out. It also provides the necessary insight to synthesize optimum solutions with respect to frequency stability and power dissipation. In the special case of single-transistor circuits (three-point oscillator), the linear analysis is simplified by the fact that Z, is a bilinear function of the transconductance, whch corresponds to a circular locus. The practical CMOS implementation presented as an example uses a robust amplitude regulator to limit the current below 1 pA at 2 MHz. It achieves a circuit stability better than IOp7 with voltage and temperature variations. The nonlinear analysis was only used in this case to help eliminate nonlinear effects; it is presently applied with success to less optimum situations. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank F. Nicolas for analyzing the controlled-current CMOS inverter and L. Astier for computing the complex plane representation of the practical realization.
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Fig. 15. Photomicrograph of the c h p that combines the complete oscillator with a three-stage dynamic frequency divider.
result (accuracy should be better than 0.1 percent). In fact, Zc(l)(lZl) superimposed on Z c ( g n l ) ,as shown on the is same plot for Qmin,and the nonlinear equilibrium point P falls almost exactly on linear point A . Nonlinear effects on frequency are thus completely negligible. This would not be the case if gnZO were much larger (no amplitude regulation) with a smaller diameter of the circle (large value of parallel capacitance C 3 ) . The circuit has been realized in the 3-pm p-well lowvoltage SACMOS process [27]. The experimental c h p shown in Fig. 15 includes three stages of dynamic frequency dividers. Its measured characteristics are reported in Table 11. The measured frequency variation with temperature is virtually the same as that of the resonator alone. The current consumption falls within the calculated range. About half of it is due to the output amplifier and to the frequency divider. This circuit has been implemented as module of a program for automatic synthesis of analog functional blocks, which allows it to be adapted to any set of specification in any technology [ 2 8 ] . V. CONCLUSION
Taking advantage of the very high Q of the resonator, the splitting of a crystal oscillator into the motional impedance Z , of the resonator and the impedance Z , of the rest
783 integrated circuit design at EPFL, where he became Titular Professor in 1982.
[22] J. W. Hermann, A novel miniature ZT-cut resonator, in Proc. 39th Annual Symp. Frequency Control, May 1985, pp. 375-380. [23] E. Vittoz et al., Logical circuit for the wrist watch, in Proc. Eurocon 71 (Lausanne, SwitzeAland), paper F 2-6. [24] M. Dutoit and F. Sollberger, Lateral polysilicon p-n diodes, J . Electrochem. Soc. vol. 125, pp. 1648-1651, Oct. 1978. [25] E. Vittoz, Micropower SC oscillator, IEEE J . Solid-Stare Circuits, vol. SC-14, pp. 622-624, June 1979. [26] M. G. Degrauwe et al., Adaptive biasing CMOS amplifiers, IEEE J . Solid-State Circuits, vol. SC-17, pp. 522-528, June 1982. [27] R. Luscher and J. S. De Saldivar, A high density CMOS process, in ISSCC Dig. Tech. Papers (New York, NY), 1985, pp. 260-261. [28] M. Degrauwe er al., An analog expert design system, in ISSCC Dig. Tech. Papers (New York, NY), 1987, pp. 212-213.
was born in Lausanne, Switzerland, on May 9, 1938. He received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland (EPFL) in 1961 and 1969, respectively. After spending one year as a Research Assistant, he joined the Centre Electronique Horloger S.A. (CEH), Neuchltel, Switzerland, in 1962, where he became involved in micropower integrated circuit developments for watches, whde preparing a thesis in the same field. I n 1971 he became Vice-Director of CEH, supervising advanced developments in electronic watches and other micropower systems. Since 1984 he has been Director of Centre Suisse dElectronique et de Microtechnique S.A. (CSEM), in charge of the Division of Circuits and System Design. His field of personal research interest is the design of low-power analog circuits in CMOS technologies. Since 1975 he has also been lecturing and supervising student work in
Serge Bitz was born in Sion, Switzerland, on November 30, 1959. He received the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETHZ), Zurich, in 1985. He joined the Centre Suisse dElectronique et de Microtechmque S.A. (CSEM), Neuchltel, Switzerland, in 1985. Since then he has been engaged in the research and development of CMOS analog integrated circuits.