SC With Legal Med
SC With Legal Med
SC With Legal Med
SPECIAL CRIME INVESTIGATION Forensic geology deals with trace evidence in the form
of soils, minerals and petroleums
Special Crime Investigation deals with the study of major
crimes based on the application of special investigative Forensic odontology is the study of the uniqueness of
technique. dentition better known as the study of teeth.
The study concentrates more on physical Forensic photography is the art of producing an
evidence, its collection, handling, identification and accurate photographic reproduction of a crime scene for
preservation in coordination with the crime the benefit of a court.
laboratory. Special Crime Investigation involves a close
relationship between the prober in the field and the crime Forensic toxicology is the study of the effect of drugs
laboratory technician. and poisons on/in the human body.
They work together as a team, reacting to and extending Forensic firearms examination is the science dealing
one another’s theories and findings both working patiently with the investigation of use of firearms and ammunition
and thoroughly to solve a crime from their investigative Medical jurisprudence
The knowledge of law for medical application.
The present criminal justice system in our country,
the court relies more on physical evidence rather than Juris- a Greek word which means law.
extra-judicial confession.
Prudentia - a Greek word which means knowledge.
• The emphasis is on physical evidence rather
For instance, a physician while prescribing medicines for
than an extra-judicial confession.
his patients is guided by certain rules and regulations.
• Special crime investigation focuses on specific
crimes which by their nature are difficult and If he is negligent towards his patients, he may have to face
complex to investigate the law.
PHASES OF CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION All the rules and regulations which guide a physician
during his practice come under medical jurisprudence
Criminal investigation is a planned and organized
determination of the material facts concerning a specific Roots of legal medicine
crime. It has three—fold aims to accomplish:
Imhotep – the chief physician of the Egypt on King
1. To identify the victim and perpetrator Zoser’s regime and builder of the first pyramid.
2. To arrest the perpetrator; and Antistius – The first police surgeon and perform an
autopsy on the body of Julius Cesare.
3. To provide the evidence of his guilt
Paulus Zacchias – the father of Forensic Medicine.
3000 B.C.
Legal medicine
Chinese published information about poisons, including
branch of medicine that is applied to law and justice
arsenic and opium.
whether to elucidate legal problems or not.
Greeks had a knowledge of poisons and laws against
abortions, but autopsies were not performed for a dead
Forensic medicine boy was believed to be sacred.
529-564A.D. 1823
Dr. Beck published the Elements of Medical-
In Rome, the Justinian Code made its appearance, Jurisprudence which defined the field of legal medicine for
included within its provisions a precept that indicated that about half a century of American medical practice
a medical expert would not be used to proper or greatest 1830
advantage if he were to be simply regarded as ordinary In Germany, they established the first known medico legal
witness but he must assist the judiciary by impartial clinic in Vienna and second one in Berlin in 1833.
interpretation and opinion based on his specialized
knowledge. 1838
Issac Ray published A Treatise on Medical Jurisprudence
1236A.D. of Insanity
In China, a volume entitled the Hsi Yuan Lu (Washing
Away of Wrongs) by Sun T’zu was compiled that outlined 1855
procedures to be followed in investigating suspicious Dr. Beck died.
Atty. Francis Wharton and Dr. Moreton Stille, a physician
1249 collaborated to publish a Treatise on Medical
In Italy, Hugo de Lucca took his oath as a medico legal Jurisprudence.
Autopsies were performed to determine the cause of In Philippines, the first medical textbook printed including
death. pertinent instruction related to medico-legal practice and
included in pre curriculum of College of Medicine of Santo
In Germany, a comprehensive penal code was Tomas.
established that called for proof of cause of all violent
deaths. 1860
2.Purpose - Evidence is a means, sanctioned by the rules of court,
of ascertaining the matter of fact. (Rules of Court, Rule
3.Emphasis 128, Section 1)
4.Minor or Non – pathological - If the means employed to prove a fact is medical in
5.Conclusion nature, it is termed as Medical Evidence
Autopsy is called a negative autopsy if after all efforts Types of Physical Evidence
including gross and microscopic studies and toxicological
analyses, fail to reveal a cause of death. 1.Corpus Delicti Evidence – these are facts that the crime
really exist.
Negligent Autopsy
2.Associative Evidence – evidences which links the
An Autopsy where in no cause of death is found on suspect to the commission of the crime.
account of imprudence, negligence, lock of skill or lack of
foresight of the examiner. 3.Tracing Evidence – evidences which may help in
locating the whereabouts of the perpetrator.
1.) Failure to have an adequate history of facts and
surrounding the death. Death - defined as the absence of life in a living matter.
In this state the organism returns to a stable equilibrium
2.) Failure to make a through external examination. both physical and chemical.
3.) Inadequate or improper internal examinations.
f.) Death is hospitals or clinics ( D.O.A ) wherein physician it is the complete, continuous and persistent cessation of
was not able to arrive at a clinical diagnosis as the cause respiration, circulation and almost all brain functions of
of death. an organism.
g.) Death occurring in a unnatural manner. it is the duty of any physician to listen in his stethoscope
for a period of 10-15 minutes.
Rigor mortis -this stage lasts for 3-4 hours after death.
Cadaveric spasm
Stage of Post mortem rigidity (Rigor Mortis)
Livor mortis
- the whole body in this stage becomes rigid due to the
contraction of the muscles.
Methods to detect cessation of Respiration - develops 3-4 hours after death and may last for 18-36
1.Observing the upward and downward movement of the
chest. - it begins to develop in the muscles of the face particularly
the jaw to the lower extremities that will be completed 2-6
2.Palpation of the respiratory movement hours.
3..Examination through a stethoscope Conditions simulating Rigor Mortis
4.Mirror test • Heat stiffening - the hardening of the muscles due
to exposure to extreme heat.
5.Placing a feather or cotton on the nostrils
6.Placing a glass of water at the chest • Cold stiffening -the hardening of the muscles due
to exposure to extreme cold temperature.
7.Winslow test
• Cadaveric spasm or Spontaneous Rigidity -the
instant stiffening of a certain groups of muscles
immediately after death due the injury of the
central nervous system.
Methods to detect cessation of Heart action and
Circulation Stage of Secondary flaccidity
Heart Action: The muscular change characterized by the softness and
flaccidity of the muscles in which no longer responds to
1. Palpation of the heart
external stimulus.
2. Auscultation through a stethoscope
this stage is the onset of putrefaction.
3. Fluoroscopic examination
Putrefaction- the process of dissolution of the tissues by
4. Electro Cardiogram (ECG) the digestive action of the of its enzymes and bacteria that
results to softening liquefaction of the tissues and usually
Peripheral Circulation: accompanied by a foul smelling odor.
1. Magnus test (ligature) Approximate sequence of events in putrefaction
2. Palpation of the radial pulse, carotid pulse and 12 Hours - Rigor will be evident
femoral pulse.
24 Hours - Rigor will be evident with greenish
3. Icard’s Test discoloration
48 Hours- Presence of ova flies As to the kind of instrument used:
➢ Atmospheric Pressure:
Mummification - a condition where there is a removal of
• Barotraumas
the body fluid before decomposition sets in that resulted
in the shrinking and preservation of the dead body.
➢ Extreme temperature :
Cause of death
• Heat:
▪ Natural death Burns
▪ Violent death Scalds
▪ Parricidal death
As to the depth of wound:
▪ Homicidal death
• Superficial wound
▪ Murder • Deep wound
▪ Euthanasia • Penetrating wound
• Perforating wound
▪ Suicidal death
- Is a condition of a female who has not experience Labia majora- is an elastic and pulp and its medical
sexual intercourse and who's genital organs have not borders are usually in close contact with each other
been altered by carnal connection. so as to cover the labia minora and the clitoris
- A woman is a “virtuous female” if her body is pure
and she has never had any sexual intercourse with Labia minora- is soft, pinkish in close contact with one
another, though her heart and mind is impure ( another, and its vestibule is narrow.
Thomas v. State, 19 Ga. App.104, 91 S.E. 247, 250). Fourchette- V-shaped appearance as the two labia
- The presumption of a woman’s virginity arises minora unite posteriorly.
whenever it is shown that she is single and
continuous until overthrown by proof to be contrary
(U.S. v. Alvarez, 1 Phil. 242). A woman is presumed
to be a virgin when unmarried and of good
reputation. Classification of Hymen
Kinds of Virginity As to shape and size of the opening:
Moral Virginity – state of not knowing the nature of ➢ Annular or circular – opening is oval or circular
sexual life and not having experienced sexual relation. located at the center of the hymen.
Physical Virginity – condition whereby a woman is
➢ Infantile – opening is small, usually linear, fleshy and
conscious of the nature of sexual life but has not
experienced sexual intercourse.
True Physical Virginity – a condition wherein the hymen ➢ Semilunar or Crescentric – the concavity may be
is intact with the edges distinct and regular and the facing either side or upwards or downwards.
opening small to barely admit the tip of the smallest finger
of the examiner even if thighs are separated.
➢ Linear – opening is slit like and usually running
-Is the laceration or rupture of the hymen as the result of
sexual intercourse.