Chapter 2 Gillespie Powerpoint
Chapter 2 Gillespie Powerpoint
Chapter 2 Gillespie Powerpoint
Chapter 2
Learning outcomes
By the end of this chapter, you should be able to:
• understand what is meant by a production possibilities frontier (PPF),
also known as a production possibility curve (PPC);
• analyse the shape and the position of the PPF;
• understand the concept of productive efficiency; and
• understand the concept of economic growth.
One of the key questions in economic thought is to consider what an
economy can produce given its resources.
As consumers, we may want many things, but there is a limit to what our
economy can actually produce to meet these demands.
These issues of scarcity and choice can be analysed using the production
possibilities frontier (PPF).
Figure 2.3 Producing on the production possibilities frontier is productively efficient. (p. 26)
Productive inefficiency
• If an economy is producing a combination of products on the PPF, then it is
productively efficient.
• However, an economy may be operating within the frontier, in which case it
is productively inefficient.
• Example:
An economy may be operating within the frontier → G
If an economy was to produce at point D and not G, then it
would be making more of both cameras and smartphones
Inefficiency may occur if there is a lack of demand in the
economy, so that although it can produce at D, customers can
only afford the combination of products at G