Critival Reading

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Lesson 4: CRITICAL READING • Previewing Vocabulary

• Ask Questions
• means engaging in what
you what you read by
asking yourself questions • used to activate students’
such as “What is the author prior knowledge and build
trying to say?” or “What is curiosity about a new topic.
the main argument being
First, you write four to six statements
about the test. In the column to the left, the
students will check the agree or disagree,
to whether they agree or not with the
What needs to be done to prepare for
statements about the text before reading it.
critical reading?
• Self-Reflect before and after reading.
• Read to Understand by:
• help students to organize
a. Examining the text and its context. the information that they
know, want, and what to
b. Skimming the text. learn.
c. Resolving confusion. • composed of three columns

Suggested ways to help you become a WORD SPLASH

critical reader:
• teachers pull out vocabulary
• Identify what you are reading words that are in the text
for. and have the students
• Engage with the text to get the become familiar with them
most out of it. before reading.
• Prepare to read with an open • using the words, the
mind. students will predict what is
• Understand the author's writing going to happen in the
purpose. story. This allow students to
infer and critically think.
(1. Before you read a text ask and answer the
ff questions: Are you reading for general
content, data, specific information or PREVIEWING VOCABULARY
assignment? • a great way for the students
4. put yourself in the author's shoes &
to become familiar with the
recognize that those shoes fit a certain way of
words. This helps students
better understand and
Before Reading Strategies comprehend the text they
are reading
• Anticipation Guide
• KWL Chart
• activates topic specific
knowledge, general word
knowledge, text
organization or structure THINK ALOUD
• teacher can stop in the
middle of reading to think,
discuss, and reflect what is
During Reading Strategies
• Double-Entry Journal • used to model to the
• Marking the Text students what should be
• Think Aloud going through their mind as
• Table Talk they are reading or
• Reading Guide answering questions.
(teacher does the talking here guiding
DOUBLE-ENTRY JOURNAL the students and allowing them to
broaden their imagination)
• these are used to get
students to connect and
relate with the text. TABLE TALK
• Students will make two • this is when the teacher
columns on their paper. On stops at certain points in the
the left side, they will write story and allows students to
quotes from the text that talk about what has
they relate to or found happened and what is
interesting. happening in the story.
• On the right side of the • allow all students to be
paper, the students will engaged and stay focused
write their opinion or on the story.
reaction to the qoute they (students do the talking here)
chose from the text.


• this is used in many reading • can assist with developing

programs and many students’ comprehension
classrooms. • students comprehend the
• this asks students to main points of the reading
identify information in the and understand the
text that is relevant to the organizational structure of a
reading purpose. text.
• students underline, circle,
and number in the text. After Reading Strategies
• helps answer • Exit Slips
comprehension questions, • Graphic Organizer
summarize, and find • Summarizing
evidence. • QAR
• Whip
think and search, author and
you, and on my own.
Think and Search - the answer is in the
• these are small pieces of
selection, but students need to put
paper that have questions
together different pieces of
on them for students to
information. The answer is found in
answer regarding the text.
more than one place.
• this shows what students
have comprehended during Right There - the answer is in the text
the reading or the text or and is usually easy to find. The
lesson. information is found in one place.
Author and You - the answer is not
explicitly stated in the text. They need
• For nonfiction, these can to think about what they already know,
be used as charts that the what the author tells them in the text,
students can fill in about and how it fits together.
the text.
On My Own - the answer is not text-
• students can fill in events
based. Students may be able to answer
in a time line.
the question without reading the
• great way for students to
selection by using their own
reflect on what they read.
experiences and background
(timeline of chronological order
organizer) knowledge.


• teaches students how to • this is when a teacher goes

determine important around the room and asks
information from students questions about the
unimportant information. text after reading it.
• reduce a large text to just • questions are usually given
the main points or ideas. to the students before
• can improve students’ reading so they know who
memory to specifically look for or
listen to while reading.
• allows to recall information
QAR the students read.
• stands for Question-
• students practice going
back to the text to find
• there are four types of
questions given: right there,

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