Python Roadmap - Noobacker

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Python Roadmap

Introduction History, Setup, Syntax

Data Types Numbers, Strings, Lists, Tuples, Sets, Dicts, Booleans

Basic Operators Arithmetic, Comparison, Logical, Assignment, Bitwise

Control Flow Conditional Statements, Loops, Loop Control

Functions & Modules Defining Functions, Arguments, Lambda, Scope, Built-in Functions, Importing

Data Structures Lists, Dicts, Sets (Advanced), Comprehensions, Iterators, Generators

OOP Classes, Objects, Methods, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation, Magic Methods

Intermediate File Handling Read/Write Files, File Paths, Exception Handling with Files

Exception Handling Try/Except, Multiple Exceptions, Custom Exceptions

Decorators & Closures Function Decorators, Class Decorators, Closures

Python Learning Path Advanced Concepts Metaclasses, Context Managers, Asyncio, Multiprocessing, Threading

Testing & Debugging Unit Testing, Mocking, Debugging, Profiling

Web Development Flask, Django, FastAPI, Web Scraping

NumPy (Numerical Computing), Pandas (Data Manipulation),

Matplotlib (Data Visualization), Scikit-Learn (Machine Learning),

Advanced Data Science & Machine Learning TensorFlow (Deep Learning), PyTorch (Computer Vision and NLP)

Data Modeling (Predictive Models, Feature Engineering)

Data Analytics (EDA, Visualization, Statistical Analysis)

ETL Pipelines, Data Warehousing, Big Data Tools (Spark, Hadoop)

Data Engineering

Data Lakes, Data Integration, Data Quality

DevOps & Automation Scripting, APIs, Docker, CI/CD

Python Roadmap
1. Basic
1.1. Introduction

● History, Setup, Syntax

○ Overview of Python’s creation and its evolution.
○ How to install Python and set up your development environment.
○ Basic syntax rules including indentation and simple statements.

1.2. Data Types

● Numbers
○ Integers (e.g., 10).
○ Floating-point numbers (e.g., 3.14).
● Strings
○ Text data enclosed in quotes (e.g., "Hello").
● Lists
○ Ordered, mutable collections (e.g., ["apple", "banana"]).
● Tuples
○ Ordered, immutable collections (e.g., (10, 20)).
● Sets
○ Unordered collections of unique elements (e.g., {1, 2, 3}).
● Dictionaries
○ Unordered collections of key-value pairs (e.g., {"name": "Alice", "age":
● Booleans
○ Represents True or False.

1.3. Operators

● Arithmetic Operators
○ Perform mathematical operations (e.g., +, -, *, /).
● Comparison Operators
○ Compare values (e.g., ==, !=, <, >).
● Logical Operators
○ Combine boolean values (e.g., and, or, not).
● Assignment Operators
○ Assign values to variables (e.g., =, +=, -=).
● Bitwise Operators
○ Operate on binary representations (e.g., &, |, ^).

1.4. Control Flow

● Conditional Statements
○ Execute code based on conditions (e.g., if, elif, else).
● Loops
○ Repeat code blocks (e.g., for, while loops).
● Loop Control
○ Control the execution of loops (e.g., break, continue).

1.5. Functions & Modules

● Defining Functions
○ Create reusable blocks of code (e.g., def function_name(parameters):).
● Arguments
○ Pass values to functions (e.g., function_name(arg1, arg2)).
● Lambda Functions
○ Create small anonymous functions (e.g., lambda x: x * x).
● Scope
○ Visibility of variables within functions (e.g., local vs. global variables).
● Built-in Functions
○ Predefined functions provided by Python (e.g., len(), print()).
● Importing Modules
○ Use external libraries and modules (e.g., import math).

2. Intermediate
2.1. Data Structures

● Lists
○ Ordered, mutable collections (e.g., ["apple", "banana"]).
● Dicts
○ Unordered collections of key-value pairs (e.g., {"name": "Alice", "age":
● Sets (Advanced)
○ Advanced operations on sets (e.g., union, intersection).
● Comprehensions
○ List Comprehensions: Concise way to create lists (e.g., [x**2 for x in
● Iterators
○ Objects that implement the iterator protocol (e.g., iter() and next()).
● Generators
○ Functions that yield values one at a time using yield.

2.2. OOP

● Classes
○ Define classes (e.g., class MyClass:).
● Objects
○ Create instances of classes.
● Methods
○ Functions defined within classes.
● Inheritance
○ Derive a new class from an existing class.
● Polymorphism
○ Methods in derived classes override methods in base classes.
● Encapsulation
○ Restrict access to class attributes.
● Magic Methods
○ Special methods with double underscores (e.g., __init__, __str__).

2.3. File Handling

● Read/Write Files
○ Read: Open and read files (e.g.,
○ Write: Write to files (e.g., file.write("text")).
● File Paths
○ Working with file paths and directories.
● Exception Handling with Files
○ Handle exceptions during file operations (e.g., using try/except).

2.4. Exception Handling

● Try/Except
○ Handle exceptions (e.g., try: ... except: ...).
● Multiple Exceptions
○ Handle different types of exceptions.
● Custom Exceptions
○ Define and raise custom exceptions.

2.5. Decorators & Closures

● Function Decorators
○ Modify the behavior of functions (e.g., @decorator).
● Class Decorators
○ Decorate classes.
● Closures
○ Functions with access to variables from an outer function.

3. Advanced
3.1. Advanced Concepts

● Metaclasses
○ Define and use metaclasses for class creation.
● Context Managers
○ Use with statement for resource management (e.g., file handling).
● Asyncio
○ Write asynchronous code using async and await.
● Multiprocessing
○ Run multiple processes in parallel to bypass the GIL.
● Threading
○ Run multiple threads in parallel.

3.2. Testing & Debugging

● Unit Testing
○ Test individual units of code (e.g., unittest framework).
● Mocking
○ Use mocks to simulate objects in tests.
● Debugging
○ Debug code interactively (e.g., using pdb).
● Profiling
○ Measure the performance of code.

3.3. Web Development

● Flask
○ Lightweight web framework for building web applications.
● Django
○ Full-featured web framework.
● FastAPI
○ Modern, fast web framework for building APIs.
● Web Scraping
○ Extract data from websites (e.g., using BeautifulSoup or Scrapy).

3.4. Data Science & Machine Learning

● NumPy
○ Numerical computing library.
● Pandas
○ Data manipulation and analysis library.
● Matplotlib
○ Data visualization library.
● Scikit-Learn
○ Machine learning library.
● TensorFlow
○ Deep learning framework.
● PyTorch
○ Deep learning and computer vision library.
● Data Modeling
○ Predictive models and feature engineering.
● Data Analytics
○ Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), visualization, and statistical analysis.

3.5. Data Engineering

● ETL Pipelines
○ Extract, transform, and load data pipelines.
● Data Warehousing
○ Store and manage large amounts of data.
● Big Data Tools
○ Use Spark, Hadoop for big data processing.
● Data Lakes
○ Store large volumes of raw data.
● Data Integration
○ Combine data from different sources.
● Data Quality
○ Ensure the accuracy and completeness of data.

3.6. DevOps & Automation

● Scripting
○ Write scripts for automation tasks.
● APIs
○ Work with APIs for integrating services.
● Docker
○ Containerize applications using Docker.
○ Implement Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment.

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