Communication IA
Communication IA
Communication IA
Candidate Name:
Candidate Number:
Territory: TrinidadandTobago
Year: 2023
Table of Content
When choosing my topic for this IA my main thoughts were whether or not I wanted to make an
impact with my topic and if I am serious about the research. As I pondered, the idea of the
“Psychological impact of social stigmas and bias on LGBTQIA students” was the one that
resonated with me. Primarily, I chose this topic to raise awareness of the factors many people
overlook when it comes to violence and bullying queer students in school. I know this is a topic
that’s a bit controversial and raises a lot of red flags in our society. However, this is why I believe
Most of the information I relied on was not collected in our region or country. My main
target is teachers and students as they are the first line of contact on the educational hierarchy.
Most of my information provided a clear definition of the problem, the psychological effects
of the problem and clear easy ways to help resolve the problem. My reflective piece helps to
give a simple yet emotional image of what many homosexual students go through at schools.
The topic “Psychological impact of social stigmas and bias on LGBTQIA students” was
based on the desire to advocate against the biases and stigmas being promoted by our society.
The main purpose of this is to create awareness of these problems and help find solutions to
In presenting the exposition, my focus was on trying to explain and expand on each piece of
sources with an evaluation of both the authors and their work that I used. I stated the
challenges I faced while doing this research and the effects this research had on me. When
writing the reflection using my main theme, stigmas and bias, I tried to create a piece that ties
into the emotional and psychological impact as stated in my topic, to show the emotional
dynamics of what bullying does to homosexual students. I used many poetic languages to
develop my piece, using them as humour and figurative reel in the story as development.
My academic interests relate to the subject of Sociology and social work as precursors to
speaking, a combination of support for the homosexual community, psychology and social
issues have always been of interest to me. As such, I publicly and privately support and
advocate for the LGBTQIA community as I am a strong believer in equality, equity, social
‘To Them I am a Sin’ is a short story in which a homosexual adult speaks about their
experiences with bullying during high school and the physiological scars that were left on
them. In analysing this piece I will be looking at two of the communication elements,
Primitively, a language register is an element of language used for particular contexts. The
casual register and language slang were repeatedly used in informal settings for speaking to
friends or family in the first person. An example of this in the story, as the speaker says
‘Today, I don't have any grudges against either my people or past classmates, I am still
healing and the world is still changing.’ and ‘Back then it wasn’t easy, and I can’t say that to
this day it hasn’t left me with scars but truly I can't blame them.’ These lines show the story
reads like a conversation between close friends, as the narrator seems to expose a part of
Additionally, there was the use of Communication behaviours, these are impressions made by
the speaker that communicate to the listener that the listener can be unaware of. For example
movement and facial expressions, in the line that says, ‘I asked “ Why?” with trembling fists,
tears in my eyes and sea breeze sending chills across my bare shoulders……’ the speaker
showed nonverbal communication of fear towards their classmate. Also as readers, we were
able to visualise an idea of how the speaker felt towards their bullies.
In finishing, we can understand that in the story ‘To them, I am a sin’ language register and
communication behaviour were used and they assisted in enhancing the story by adding small
Chan ASW, Wu D, Lo IPY, Ho JMC and Yan E (2022). Diversity and Inclusion:
Impacts on Wellbeing Among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Communities.
Francis, D. (2022). Schools Are Seeing More Hate and Bias Incidents. But Educators
Russell, S. T., Bishop, M. D., Saba, V. C., James, I., & Ioverno, S. (2021). Promoting
School Safety for LGBTQ and All Students. Policy Insights Behavioral Brain Sci. 2021 Oct;
8(2): 160–166.
Tutt, P. (2021). 20 Years of Data Shows What Works for LGBTQ Students. Edutopia.