WLP English4 Q1 WEEK 6

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K to 10 Curriculum Name of Teacher JOEL T. FERNANDEZ Learning Area ENGLISH

Weekly Lesson Log Teaching Dates and Time SEPTEMBER 2-6, 2024 Quarter FIRST QUARTER


The learners demonstrate their expanding vocabulary knowledge and grammatical awareness, comprehension of
A. Content
literary and informational texts, and composing and creating processes; and their receptive and productive skills in
order to produce age-appropriate and gender-responsive texts based on one’s purpose, context and target audience.
The learners apply comprehension of literary and informational texts and produce narrative and expository texts based
B. Performance
on their purpose, context, and target audience using simple, compound, and complex sentences, and age-appropriate
and gender-sensitive language.
EN4SW-1-5- Express EN4SW-1-5- Express EN4SW-1-5- Express EN4SW-1-6 Use EN4SW-1-6 Use
ideas appropriately ideas appropriately ideas appropriately appropriate non- appropriate non-
(age-appropriate, (age-appropriate, (age-appropriate, verbal cues for verbal cues for
gender- responsive, gender- responsive, gender- responsive, clarity of clarity of context,
C. Learning
culture sensitive) for culture sensitive) for culture sensitive) for context, purpose purpose and
one’s purpose, one’s purpose, one’s purpose, and meaning. meaning
context, and target context, and target context, and target .
audience. audience. audience.

Differentiate narration Identify the structure Write friendly letter Use facial Use facial
from enumeration- of a friendly letter. based on a given expressions and expressions and
D. Learning
description patterns. situation. gestures when gestures when
speaking. speaking.

Patterns of Structure of a Friendly Writing a Friendly Using facial Using facial

Development Letter Letter expressions and expressions and
gestures when gestures when
speaking speaking
A. References
B. Other Learning https://slamboresourc https://www.youtube. https://www.google.co https://www.yout https://www.googl
Resources es. com/watch?v=3ClV82 m/search?q=example ube e.com/search?q=p
com/grade-4-verb- aT2oA .com/watch?v=V5 ublic+speaking+exa
worksheets/#google_ https://www.superteac G mples+for+element
vignette herworksheets.com/lett _FT0Ib6A ary

Before/Pre-Lesson Proper
Learners will The teacher will show a Arrange the jumbled Watch the song Match each
listen/watch the story. picture. letters to identify the “Mr. Happy”. sentence in column
The Ant and the Dove. parts of the letter. (https://www.yout A with the correct
(https://www.youtube. ube. com/watch? facial expression in
com/watch?v=KVullcC 1. LOCINGS v=qfZ Xh column B. Write
TvEM) - It ends the letter. AWj4 the letter of the
2. TNGIREEG correct answer.
Ask: How does the - It’s the way you say What are the
Activating Prior storyteller read? hello. emotions Column A
Knowledge Is he/she narrating or 3. YDBO mentioned in 1. Your favorite
enumerating? - It is where you the song? movie is now
Ask: What do you think write your message. showing.
is the boy doing? 4. EADHINGD 2. Angel left alone
- It is in the upper in the school.
right corner of your 3. Danica won the
letter. contest.
5. TURESIGNA 4. Andy broke his
favorite toy.

- This is where you 5. I heard that your
sign your name. pet died.

Column B
A. angry
B. sad
C. afraid
D. excited
E. happy
F. lonely

(Let the learners

watch a public

Say: Observe the

Narration – is the act The teacher will show a The teacher asks:
of telling a story Friendly Letter.
How do you get in
(Teacher gives September 1, 2022 touch with your
an example.) friends?
Dear Fred,
How are you? Next Writing a letter is
Lesson Monday is the opening one way to connect
Purpose/Intention of our classes. I am so your friends.
excited to go to school.
I am glad that we are
classmates again.
See you on Monday.

Your Friend,
Fill in the correct letter Match each underlined Choose the meaning of Arrange the (Teacher asks
Lesson Language
to complete the word. word in column A with the word from the jumbled letters to questions about
Choose your answers choices below.
from the letters given its meaning in column get the correct the pictures being
below. B. 1. hang answer. shown above.)
I hang the curtain
1. S ak d – Column A Column B outside. 1. tedexci- very 1. What is the
extremely wet eager boy/girl doing?
1. I hope a. to recall a. to be fastened
you’re in a to the
2. ddl -a at the top so 2. prisesur – an Children stand and
good mind by
short pole with a condition. an act or that the lower unexpected event follow what is on
broad blade at one effort of part is free or happenings. the picture.
or both ends memory; b. to learn the
think of skills that are 3. oonhpyt – a
a b c d e f again needed violent storm and
g h i j k l c. to put up wind that has a
m n o p q r 2. I like b. something circular
s t u v w x the Condition movement.
y z present – the state 2. house
you gave of
Betty wanted to buy a 4. acementnnou
me. something
house like that. - a public and
regard to a. a business typically formal
its b. a building for statement about a
appearanc human fact, occurrence,
e, inhabitation,
lived by a
3. I c. Present group of
remember – a gift people.
the days from c. a building of
when you someone religious group.
still liked

During/Lesson Proper
Enumeration – the act Let us read the letter. Put the correct parts Identify and Hand Gestures –
Reading the Key or process of making 22 August 2023 of the letter. underline the are movements
Idea/Stem or stating a list of facial expression that you make with
Dear Mia, a part of your body,
things one after Hi, how are you? I used in a especially your
another. hope you are in a good sentence. hands, to express
condition. emotion or
(Teacher gives an I just want you to 1. Jonathan was information.
example.) know that I have a new so excited that he
pet. I named it Magic couldn’t stop -Teacher will
Children will read the because I remembered/ talking about the identify the
story: thought of you when my movie he watched. different hand
mom gave it to me as gestures.
Last night, I was on my present. 2. I am scared that
my way home when it See you soon, Mia. my dog will die.
suddenly rained. I Take care and keep Read the
forgot to bring my safe. 3. Some children paragraph below
umbrella so, I ran to Your Friend, get bored at long and use the proper
avoid getting Zion conversations. facial expressions
completely soaked in and hand gestures.
the rain. Not seeing August 29,2023 4. It makes me sad
where I was going, I knowing that I
fell into the paddle of Dear Mon, can’t go outside. Hello my name
water. Then a guy I am excited to see is and I am
helped me to stand. you. I got a new pet 5. He must be very running for the
When I looked up, I and guess what? It’s a angry to do some Pupil Government.
recognized him. I monkey. I named it things like that. I am years old.
forgot I was soaking Halulo. The most
wet and that I felt very Halulo always hang important thing to
cold. He offered to on the tree, and he me is to give my
walk me home, and I loves doing it. best ability to be a
just nodded. The next I hope to see you good leader. My
day, I saw him in soon. three best traits are
school. At last, we .I promise to
talked like old friends. Your friend, do my duty as your
Ching secretary. Don’t
forget to write my
name in your
ballot. Thank you!

The teacher will give Say: Do you have a The parts of the letter Facial Expressions Teacher will
more examples of friend? are: -are configurations show the
enumeration and Have you experienced 1. Heading- is in the of different different hand
narration. writing a letter? upper right corner micromotor (small gestures here
(Teacher shows a of your letter. muscle) again.
1. Covid-19 is a friendly letter) It shows date when movements in the
respiratory illness that Structure of a Friendly the letter was written. face that are used
is caused by different Letter 2. Greeting- is the way to infer a person's
viruses. Most people 1. Heading- is in the you say hello. You can discrete emotional
infected by Covid-19 upper right corner just say “Dear John”. state
will experience mild of your letter. Comma is used after
and moderate It shows date when the the greeting.
respiratory illnesses letter was written. 3. Body – is where
and recover without 2. Greeting- is the way you write your
any special treatment. you say hello. You can message.
just say “Dear John”. 4. Closing – the way Say: Remember
2. As a grade 4 pupil, Comma is used after you say goodbye. that when you talk
Developing Emmanuel is already the greeting. 5. Signature – is in front of people,
Understanding of the motivated in many 3. Body – is where where you sign your do hand gestures
Key Idea/Stem ways. He does things you write your name. and facial
in order so that he will message. expression.
not forget anything 4. Closing – the way you
when he starts helping say goodbye.
his parents. First, he Sincerely,
would assist his Your friend,
mother in doing some Yours truly,
household chores. 5. Signature – is
Next, he would go to where you sign your
his father in the farm name.
to pasture the carabao
to the field. Then, he
would gather
firewood to be carried
back home. Finally, he
would burn the
midnight oil working
on his assignments
and study his lesson.
What makes you think Cut out the names of Drag and drop the Read the story Why do we need to
that the example is a the parts of a letter and words form the box to with proper do hand gestures
narration? glue them in the correct identify the parts of facial expression. when we speak?
boxes below. the letter. Alice sleeps
Body Signature early on Sunday
Greeting Heading evening. She is
Signature Body excited to go to
Closing Closing school the next
Heading Greeting day. She arrives at
the school so
early. She was
September 13, 2022 surprised when
Monday, Aug.21,2023
nobody was in
Dear Mac, school. She didn’t
Dear Tom,
Thank you for coming know that there
How are you? I
to my birthday party. was an
Deepening hope you’re doing fine.
By the way, I like your announcement of
Understanding of the I and my mom are
gift. class suspension
Key Idea/Stem coming to visit you in
God bless! due to a typhoon.
two days. I hope to
visit the Botanical So, she went back
Yours truly, home. On her way
Garden and Baywalk.
Alex home, She saw the
We also plan to swim
in your beaches there. flooded road. She
I can’t wait to see got scared of the
you. thought that she
can’t go home. Her
Your cousin, mother was too
Angel worried when Alice
didn’t arrive on
time. She
immediately took
an umbrella and a
raincoat and for
her. Alice saw her
mother waiting for
her. This made her
feel relaxed.

What were the

mentioned in
the story?
After/Post-Lesson Proper
Differentiate narration Give the meaning of Give and define the Draw the different Why is there a
from enumeration. each part of the letter. parts of the letter. facial expressions. need to do the
Making 1. Heading different hand
Generalizations and 2. Greeting gestures?
Abstractions 3. Body
4. Closing
5. Signature
1. I like everything Arrange the letter Make a letter to your Box the facial Make a short
about him-his smile, according to its parts. friend telling you have expression of the paragraph about
his personality, and 1. Yours truly, a new pet. underlined noun yourself and be
his sense of humor. 2. August 30,2023 used in the able to use hand
3. Hi. I heard that you Rubrics: sentences below. gestures while
2. She unpacked her passed your entrance  5pts -Write reading it.
suitcase, her exam in SLU. with all the 5 1. Ana is excited to
toothbrush, her Congratulations my parts of a open her gifts. Rubrics:
slippers, her shirt, her friend. Another letter.  5 pts
pants and her laptop. achievement unlocked Proper Capitalization (Great use of
Evaluating Learning for you. and Punctuation. gestures and facial
3. I was seven years I will visit you next All sentences are expressions)
old when I started month. See you soon. complete. 2. The dog barks
 4 pts
singing. My mother 4. Melanie  4pts -Write at the snake on a
(Contained some
taught me to sing. My 5. Dear Michelle, with only 4 tree angrily.
gestures and facial
favorite song is Dream. parts of a letter. expressions)
As I got older, I 1-2 errors in  3 pts
became a choir capitalization and
member. Singing is a punctuation.
Some sentences are

God-given talent that I  3pts -Write 3. Lucy was so (Needed more
will treasure. with 2-3 parts nervous before her gestures and facial
of a letter only. job interview. expressions)
3-4 errors in  2 pts
capitalization and (Contained little to
punctuation. no gestures and
Only a few sentences facial expressions)
are complete. 4. Don’t be shy
 2pts -Write with Carla; you have a
1 part of a letter good voice.
4-5 errors in
capitalization and
punctuation. 5. Tom was scared
Incomplete sentences. to say that he
broke the glasses.

Additional Activities
for Application or
Remediation (if



Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:


Subject Teacher Master Teacher D.
School Head


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