Effects of Academic Stress On The Behavior of Selected Senior High School Students of Acts Computer College 1 1
Effects of Academic Stress On The Behavior of Selected Senior High School Students of Acts Computer College 1 1
Effects of Academic Stress On The Behavior of Selected Senior High School Students of Acts Computer College 1 1
pressure, either good or negative pressure. There are different events in one’s
life that can cause stress. It is triggered when someone experiences something
new or unexpected that threatens the sense, capabilities, self, or when they feel
they have the control over the situation. Stress can affect the body, thoughts,
Stress causes major effects not only the body but also the psychological
thinking. But one thing that affects the students are academic stress, academic
stress or also known as academic pressure may come from family expectations,
the high goals or high ambitious goals of the student that they set for themselves,
or the demands placed on them by the society that they belong to. If stress
affects the person’s behavior, the person might experience changes in mood and
school, irritability, anger and even aggression. Changes in behavior due to stress
can lead to serious effects. It can lead to angry outbursts, drug or alcohol misuse,
tobacco use, or social withdrawal. Students might use different stress relivers or
ways to cope for their stress, and for them to control their behavior due to stress.
other student might start discovering new hobbies, new passion and many more
to improve their mental health and behavior due to stress. This study aimed to
gather information from the Senior High School students in ACTS Computer
College as the coverage of the research. Survey will be the most accurate
This study talks about how stress affects students’ behavior. Many
students are experiencing difficulties right now, and due to that, they are also
experiencing stress. Stress came from the Latin words “strictus” that means “tight
or narrow” and “Stringere” which means “tighten” these words root carry the
states under physical pressure or mental demands. Stress has two types, it is the
negative stress and positive stress, positive stressors are called “eustress” it can
include weddings, special events, holidays and other events that brings joys.
health problems, exhaustion. it can also affect the behavior, on how we think and
academic stress at some point in their academic lives. stress can start because
Additionally, students who have poor diets, little sleep, or even too much
alcohol experience stress. but how do students get stressed? Simply put
sustained high levels of stress can have a negative impact on how our brain
stores and processes memories, which in turn can impair our ability to learn and
remember new knowledge, and due to that, it can affect the academic
performance of the student which can lead to academic stress. Due to academic
stress, students’ behavior might change, on how they think and how they see the
world. Stress can bring with it significant harm to the student’s academic
dedication to study, and more absences from class) (Chou et al., 2011; Turner et
al., 2015).
are stress and motivation. It is an essential aspect for senior high school
students as they are nearing college life and because having better academic
theories on motivation and stress may vary from these for the Filipino and
tasks. Bruinsma in 2004 (as cited by Kori et al., 2016) stated that higher
other studies claim that stress has no significant relationship with academic
performance. A study by Bello & Gumarao (2016) concluded that stress is not
could serve as a basis for program development to assess how the school
academic performance.
Theoretical Framework
Theory of Emotion
emotion, but they had a unified idea on this relationship - emotions do not
immediately succeed the perception of the stressor or the stressful event; they
become present after the body’s response to the stress. For instance, when you
see a growling dog, your heart starts to race, your breath begins to go faster,
According to James and Lange, the feeling of fear or any other emotion
only begins after you experience these bodily changes. This means that the
comes first and form the basis oof emotional experience. emotion is somehow
connected our behavior. there are many ways that emotions affects behaviors,
emotions can influence our behavior, vice versa. In this theory, emotion or
This theory is quite the opposite of what James and Lange proposed.
occur even when the bodily changes are not present. Cannon said that the
by the brain as compared with its function to release emotional response in the
Schachter-Singer Theory
wherein the brain can identify the stress stimulus producing an emotion is also
proposed by Schachter and Singer. The theory explains that we become aware
of the reason behind the emotional response, and when we the reason is not
obvious, the researchers start to look for environmental clues for the proper
Conceptual framework
Academic Stress
Peer Pressure
Students’ Behavior
Written Works
Academic workload
variables which were considered in the present study. Figure 1 shows the
conceptual paradigm of the study. The independent variable of the study is the
This study aimed to know the effects of academic stress on the behavior
and behaviour.
Students. They will have their own ideas on how academic stress affects
Teachers. Through this research, the teachers will know the causes of the
stress of their students and how it affects the behavior of their student. Also,
they will have an idea or it will help them plan and think of strategies to lessen
information and ideas so that they will know how to expand and grow their
knowledge when they conduct the same research. They can also learn from this
research about what strategies they can use to cope with stress as an individual
and as a researchers.
Researchers. This study will help the students to fulfill their research
requirement for the research project. This study will help help their knowledge on
ACTS Computer College. The study can help ACTS Computer College
on the idea on how they can help the students. Also, It can help the school to
This study was limited to the “Effects of Academic Stress on the Behavior
participants were forty (40) students of ACTS Computer College. They were
Definition of Terms
For better understanding of the terms use in the study, the following were
defined operationally:
assignments and projects, and. independent study hours per week for a
authors and researchers. This will also present the synthesis to fully understand
Foreign Literature
forms and natures, they cannot ditch stress because stress is everywhere, it can
risk of young people developing preventable physical health problems later in life.
A systematic review of prospective studies found that people who were stressed,
such as during examination periods, were less likely to be physically active, the
stress can give a huge effect to a student’s physical and mental health, it can
that have been learnt, too much homework, and school schedules were too
academic stress starts from numerous activities, packed schedules, and other
with increased perceptions of stress in fact, the manner in which students cope
with stress appears to be related to their emotional well-being. The study that is
demands it can easily increase the student’s level of stress that can result in
hinders his ability to study efficiently and better time management. (Khan &
Kausar, 2013, 149). Due to academic stress it can easily affect a student’s ability,
and performance making it difficult for them to have a study habit, and for them to
study efficiently.
that the less the students have their course period but are required to accomplish
many modules, leads them to stress. The higher the stress, the lower the
the same time it leads to a higher level of stress, making their academic
performance low.
Talib and Zia-ur-Rehman (2012), implies that the higher the stress
perceived by the students, the lower is their performance. High and low
overall sources of stress. (Shastri, 2016, 79). The presented literature is related
to our study because when a student’s stress becomes high, their performance is
affected by it. It can cause the overall stress of the student making it difficult for
the student to catch up with their studies. Stress can bring with it significant
class) (Chou et al., 2011; Turner et al., 2015). The presented literature is relevant
to the study because stress decreases students learning ability and they may not
One notable study of (Zajacoba et al. 2015) states that Stress is common
among students in the academic context which is related to our study because
everyone or every student feels stress, in any form and in any ages, anyone who
goes to school might feel academic pressure or they may get stressed.
between the sources of stress and someones capacities to cope with these
conditions pressure and their capability to cope with it. Stress is a perceived
disconnect between a situation and our resources to deal with the situation.
Empirical evidence of the impact of stress on the individual has shown that
depending on the stress coping strategies of the individual, stress could be very
harmful to a person’s physical and mental health (Akhlaq et al., 2010; Al-Sowygh,
2013; Hung & Care, 2011; Smith et al., 2014). Stress might show different things
and effects, when stress is not handle well there might be a huge chance that it
can damage the persons mental, behavior, academics, and physical health. The
literature furthermore documents that high levels of stress if not controlled could
there are high possibilities that they cannot maintain their good academic
performance. They may not also function properly during classes or when they
study because stress is always there, it comes in different forms and natures,
One notable study of Li and Lin, 2013, states that Academic stress has
also been shown to negatively impact mental health in students, which is related
to our study because stress can easily affect a students; health and mental
behavior. It can lead to negative impacts like mental and academic problems.
Academic stress gives a huge impact on studying. It can lead to negative, and
behavioral problems making it difficult for the student to keep up and maintain
to our study because due to academic stress, and pressure it can lead to multiple
Leung et al., (2010) indicated that academic stress was a risk factor that
heightened student anxiety levels and that parental emotional support was a
protective factor that contributed to better mental health among children. The
presented literature is related to our study because the student’s stress and the
academic stress is a huge factor for the student’s performance and behavior. It
learning ability and learning achievement among students (Benner, 2011). The
presented literature is related to our study because feelings and loneliness can
affect a student’s academic performance. Their learning ability might slow due to
of depression, anxiety and stress. Stress associated with academic activities has
been linked to various negative outcomes such as poor health. The presented
literature is related to our study because a student’s stress, anxiety and other
serious mental illness can lead to a student’s poor academic response. Soliman
(2014) argue that high levels of stress do not only lead to anxiety and loss of
objectivity but could also lead to increased incidence of errors and improper
a high level of stress, it may be difficult for him to focus on studying and there is a
possibility that he will not be able to review properly before the examination. And
This chapter presents the methodology used in this study. It includes the
instruments, date collection procedure and data analysis procedure of this study.
Research Design
study that is used to describe sample size. Descriptive data gathers data that can
Research Locale
Guevara Av, Cor., A Bonifacio Street, Sta. Cruz, Laguna 4009, Philippines.
Source: https://maps.app.goo.gl/Uc51hgjsNeM3nXXRA
students of ACTS Computer College Sta. Cruz, Laguna S.Y. 2022-2023. The
total respondents of this study were forty (40) Senior High School students. They
Research Instruments
The instrument used in this study questionnaire that was distributed using
study-related questions. The researchers could use this to generate ideas and
Teacher, as well an endorsement letter that would allow them to create and
all the guidelines and items to the twenty (20) Senior High School students to
A. Descriptive Statistics
summarize the results of the first portion of the questionnaire. It is a type of data
presentation that shows the number of observations for each data point or
collection of data points. It was a great way to describe the relative frequency of
survey replies and other information. Tables, bar graphs, and pie charts were
P= x 100
Where: P- Percentage
f- Frequency
n- Number of Respondents
the weighted mean. A concrete example should assist clarify that somewhat hazy
∑ (s)( f )
s- Scale
f- Frequency
n- Number of Respondents
B. Inferential Statistics
measures the strength and direction of linear relationships between pairs and
N ∑ xy −( ∑ x)( ∑ y )
√¿¿ ¿
∑x = sum of x scores
∑y = sum of y scores
This chapter presents the results gathered and analyzed by the researchers
from the questionnaires answered by the selected Senior High School students
activities even though I am stressed” has the highest mean of 3.89 with the
remarks of Agree. With statement three “I still answer my activities on time even
though I lack focus” has the lowest mean of 3.7 with the remarks Moderately
Agree and Lastly, Table 1 shows the weighted mean of 3.71 with a Verbal
better time management. (Khan & Kausar, 2013, 149). Because of that, due to
academic stress it can easily affect a student’s ability, and performance making it
difficult for them to have a study habit, and for them to study efficiently.
have a heavy academic workload that adds stress and pressure” has the highest
mean of 3.95 with the remarks of Strongly Agree. And the statement four “I still
difficulties in studying that are too hard to deal with” has the lowest mean of 3.8
with the remarks of Agree. With this, table 2 shows the weighted mean of 3.79
terms of Peer Pressure. In this variable, statement three “I tend to agree with my
peer about the things that I don’t usually do” has the highest mean of 2.88 with
the remarks of Moderately Agree. And the statement one “Sometimes I miss
classes because my friends urge me to do so” has the lowest mean of 2.2 with
the remarks of Disagree. Lastly, Table 3 shows the weighted mean of 2.66 with
different things and effects, when stress is not handle well there might be a huge
chance that it can damage the persons mental, behavior, academics, and
physical health. The literature furthermore documents that high levels of stress if
control their stress, there are high possibilities that they cannot maintain their
good academic performance. They may not also function properly during classes
r Correlation p-
valu Interpretation valu
e e
Peer Pressure -0.078 Very Low Negative 0.634
Correlation Significant
value of -0.078, a very low negative correlation, p-value of 0.634 with an analysis
of not significant While Written Works got a r value of 0.620 with a high positive
workload got r value of 0.603 with a high positive correlation, p-value of .001
with an analysis of significant One notable study of Li and Lin, 2003, states that
Academic stress has also been shown to negatively impact mental health in
students, which is related to our study because stress can easily affect a
students; health and mental behavior. It can lead to negative impacts like mental
can lead to negative, and behavioral problems making it difficult for the student to
of the study
Summary of Findings
The study's main goal was to determine “The Effects of Academic Stress
College”. Specifically, it aimed to answer the following: (1) What is the level of
student’s academic stress in the terms of peer pressure, written works, and
academic workload. (2) what is the mean level of students' stress and (3) is there
The participants were forty (40) students from ACTS Computer College
Senior High School Department. They were chosen using random sampling. It
was held at the aforementioned College in Sta. Cruz, Laguna, School year 2022-
2023. In order to determine the relationship between academic stress and the
guide was given to the researchers for them to use in developing their
respondents. The school principal’s consent was requested before the data
collection phase could begin. After the request was approved, the gathering of
data was done. The researchers also distributed the questionnaire to the
The statistical treatments used in computing the data were frequency and
gathered data analysis that was conducted, the following findings are presented:
Peer pressure in terms of behavior obtain a very low rating, this means that peer
pressure does not affect the students behavior. In terms of written works it
obtained a high rating, meaning that written works can affect the students
behavior. Lastly, academic workload got a high rating. This implies that academic
The following conclusions are drawn based on the study’s various findings
School Students at ACTS Computer College. With this, the students performed
well academically and academic stress does not affect their behavior.
performance will not decrease or get affected with the sudden behavioral
decreases. So that, the teacher can help the student to keep up in class.
that they can study more about this kind of problem so that the students,
researchers, teachers, and other school heads are aware how academic stress
Akhlaq et al., 2010; Al-Sowygh, 2013; Hung & Care, 2011; Smith et al., 2014).
Li and Lin, 2013; Eisenberg et al., 2019; Green et al., 2021) Retrieved from:
Li and Lin, 2013; Eisenberg et al., 2019; Green et al., 2021) Retrieved from:
Suldo, Shaunessy &Hardesty, 2018, 288) Retrieved from: Stress Levels Among
the Senior High School Students in Practical
Appendix A
Request Letter
Dear Sir:
We, the Senior High School Students of ACTS Computer College are in the process of
preparing our research paper entitled “EFFECTS OF ACADEMIC STRESS ON THE
COMPUTER COLLEGE”, as a requirement on our subject Research Project.
In light of the foregoing, we sincerely request permission from your excellent office to
conduct a survey among ACTS Computer College selected Senior High School
students. Rest assured that the information you provide will be kept private and used
solely for academic reasons.
Respectfully yours,
Appendix B
This questionnaire is part of a research paper which is a partial
requirement for the subject, Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion (Research
This questionnaire would like to know your views and opinion in the topic,
Direction: Fill up the following with the correct details about yourself.
Strand & Section:
Directions: Kindly rate and read the following statements carefully and check
your answer at the appropriate column that corresponds to your answer. Use the
following scale:
5- Strongly Agree
4- Agree
3- Neutral
2- Disagree
1- Strongly Disagree
A. Peer Pressure
Statements 5 4 3 2 1
1. Sometimes I miss classes because my
friends urge me to do so.
2. I cannot say ‘NO’ to my friends even if my
parents do not agree.
3. I tend to agree with my peer about the things
that I don’t usually do.
4. I always get low scores in my tests and
assignments due to peer pressure.
5. I do something that I normally would not do
because I want to feel accepted and valued
by my friends.
B. Written Works
Statements 5 4 3 2 1
1. I can finish my activities on time without any
2. I can answer my quizzes or activities even
though I am stressed.
3. I still answer my activities on time even
though I lack focus.
4. I still answer and submit my activities on time
even though I am stressed and pressured.
5. My heavy workload gives me pressure and
C. Academic Workloads
Statements 5 4 3 2 1
1. I still have my personal time even though I
have a heavy academic workload.
2. I still spend my time with my family, and
friends even though I have a heavy academic
3. I still finish my activities even though I have a
heavy academic workload that adds stress
and pressure.
4. I still answer my activities even though my
academic workloads lead me to more
difficulties in studying that are too hard to deal
5. I still do my hobbies and likes even though my
academic workload is heavy.
D. Behavior
Statements 5 4 3 2 1
1. I put a lot of effort into my studying.
2. I come to class even though I am pressured
and stressed.
3. I organize my study hours even though I am
busy dealing with my problems.
4. I enjoy attending my classes even though I
am stressed.
5. I still keep my focus on class even though I
am overthinking about my academic
Sitio 4 Bagumbayan Sta. Cruz Laguna
[email protected]
Phone No. 0968559651
To obtain a position where I could effectively apply my skills and
knowledge I’ve learned and further enhance them to contribute to my
development as a person.
Sex : Male
Civil Status : Single
Birth Date : August 21, 2004
Birth Place : Sta. Cruz, Laguna
Height (cm) : 175 cm
Weight (kg) : 55 kg
Religion : Mormons
Nationality : Filipino
Languages : Tagalog and English
I hereby certify that the information given above is true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and ability.
Joshua R. Aquino
Brgy. Bagong Pook Pila, Laguna
[email protected]
Contact no. 09365436266
To obtain a position where I could effectively apply my skills and knowledge I’ve
learned and further enhance them to contribute to my development as a person.
Senior High School ACTS Computer College
EGK. Building P. Guevara Ave. cor. A. Bonifacio St.
Sta. Cruz, Laguna
I hereby certify that the information given above is true and correct to the best of
my knowledge and ability.
To obtain a position where I could effectively apply my skills and knowledge I’ve
learned and further enhance them to contribute to my development as a person.
Sex : Female
Civil Status : Single
Age : 18
Birth Date : May 06, 2005
Birth Place : Sta Cruz, Laguna
Height (cm) : 154 cm
Weight (kg) : 75 kg
Religion : Roman Catholic
Nationality : Filipino
Languages : Tagalog and English
I hereby certify that the information given above is true and correct to the best of
my knowledge and ability.