On The Generalization of Velocity Slip in Fluid Flows Using A Steady-State Series Expansion of The Wall Shear Stress: Case of Simple Newtonian Fluids

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European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids 57 (2016) 204–213

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European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids

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On the generalization of velocity slip in fluid flows using a

steady-state series expansion of the wall shear stress: Case of simple
Newtonian fluids
Martin Ndi Azese
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409, USA

article info abstract

Article history: This paper is one of two articles, where we present a new wall slip formulation based on a series expansion
Received 8 January 2015 involving both differential in space and exponential forms of wall shear stress. In the first of these
Received in revised form articles, we presented and described this new formulation using Phan-Thien–Tanner fluid as case study.
23 December 2015
Meanwhile, this second paper analyzes the new slip formulation for Newtonian Fluid. Unlike in the first
Accepted 12 January 2016
Available online 21 January 2016
paper, here, we have considered both the exponential and differential forms, though truncated at three
terms each. Thus, we use our new truncated triple-slip-coefficients wall slip law to analyze Newtonian
fluid in different systems. In particular, we study the planar Couette and planar Poiseuille problem, where
Linear slip two infinitely long and parallel plates have been used.
Non-linear slip For this part also, slip velocities and shear stresses at the walls are scrutinized for both problems.
Planar-Poiseuille Further, as the Couette problem is pressure independent; the differential form of the slip law is considered
Planar-Couette for Poiseuille problem only. In addition, the pressure and flow-rate are studied for various slip coefficients
Newtonian fluid for Poiseuille flow case using condensed forms of the triple-slip-coefficients. Our results obtained prove
Shear stress reasonable as represented by physically realistic plots herein. This feasibility is especially dictated by the
velocity profile across channel width for both application problems. More importantly, results obtained
for Poiseuille problem is corroborated with experimental data. Therefore, we can infer from all these, that
this new model has the potential of providing results which can match experimental data, that is, if the
three slip-coefficients are properly chosen.
© 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction profile u the slip velocity of a liquid tangent to wall whose normal
is n is defined as
In the past, researchers in the field of hydrodynamics were more
uslip = Lslip [n · (∇ u + (∇ u)T )]t , (1)
interested in flow field inside a fluid domain. As a result, their
attention was least focused on properly modeling of the boundary where T denotes transpose, t refers to the tangential-component,
conditions at the periphery. Consequently, it was common to and constant parameter Lslip has the dimension of length, thus the
assume that the liquid layer closest to the solid boundary sticks name slip length. We add that Maxwell who defined an identical
to it meaning equal velocities for two interfaces in contact. This slip velocity for cases of Newtonian gases also supported this
boundary condition is widely referred to as the ‘‘no-slip’’ boundary law [4].
condition. Typically, the slip length (Lslip ) of common fluids have nanome-
In 1827, this issue caught the attention of Navier [1], who ter to micrometer order of magnitude [5,3]. Hence, when the char-
constructed the first ever slip boundary condition. In his postulate, acteristic length scale of flow system is not much larger than this
he suggested that the slip velocity be proportional to the tangential slip-length, some variation of Eq. (1) should be taken into account
component of the stress, and this was referred to as the linear to model slip. This suggests a non-dimensional number defined by
the ratio of slip-length to a characteristic length scale dictated by
Navier-slip boundary condition. The fundamental definition of this
the flow or the geometry (Lc ). This deterministic slip ratio has been
initial postulate, [2,3], was based on the idea that for a velocity
widely referred to as the slip-number. In fact, for gases the mean
free path (lm ) is widely used in characterizing the degree of slip [4]
whose ratio with characteristic distance defines the Knudsen num-
E-mail address: martin.azese@ttu.edu. ber (Kn). Generally, lm ≈ 500 nm for liquids and according to this,
0997-7546/© 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
M.N. Azese / European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids 57 (2016) 204–213 205

slip effects are important when the flow length-scale becomes of most common wall-slip theories. The choices of these slip laws,
the order of a few micrometers. reviewed here, are also based on the fact that they include other
Until recently, Navier-slip phenomenological law was slow to sub-sets of familiar wall slip postulates. Thus, the review presented
gain popularity as most researchers still continued to use the no- here, though aligned with the focus of this paper, is straight-to-
slip boundary condition [6,7]. Perhaps because the no-slip con- the-point and could be inadequate for a complete understanding
straint seems to validate experimental predictions, contrary to of slip phenomenon. For this reason, for additional familiarity
viscous flows in closely confined conduits. Nonetheless, lately, with literature of wall slip we recommend that the reader visits
fluid researchers have started considering these effects as some the following three sources: First, the review paper that presents
were noticing non-zero slip velocity of fluids on their bound- experimental studies of boundary slip by Neto et al. [12], and next,
ing walls [8–14,5]. It is realized that a deeper understanding of the book chapter Microfluidics: The no-slip Boundary Condition
this phenomenon will be especially crucial for microfluidic sys- in [3], and finally, the review of slip (depletion) of polymer
tems, [15], where slip length becomes around 10% of the relevant solutions in viscometers [27]. In addition, we also suggest the
dimension of the domain. For these cases, underestimation of wall reading of review paper by Hatzikiriakos [33]—where rheology of
slippage can cause substantial error in calculation of velocity pro- both static and dynamic slip is reviewed in relation to polymer
file and axial evolution of flow. melts.
The aforementioned systems are extremely relevant for con-
temporary science. For example, liquid encroachment through 2.1. Partial review of existing approach
novel microcapillary channels [16–18] can be affected by the
slip-velocity at the wall. Additionally, flow around conduit-bound
As mentioned before, an earlier attempt to address this slippage
microparticles [19–24] like blood cells should be analyzed by con-
problem was put forward by Navier [1]. According to that theory
sidering a proper slippage conditions at the surface of suspended
(which is depicted in Eq. (1)), the slip velocity of a flow profile is
bodies. However, such boundary conditions have never been taken
proportional to the wall shear stress. It follows that this constant
into account in the flow analysis of mesoscale transport phenom-
of proportionality is the ratio of slip distance b to viscosity η (i.e.
b/η). This slip distance, pivotal to all subsequent models reviewed
A proper estimation of this effect may have industrial impact, as
here, is a characteristic slippage length equivalent to the Navier
it leads to significant corrections in formulations related to several
slip distance Lslip in Eq. (1). It is defined as the stretch beyond
modern technologies like, for example, micro-rheology [25]
the solid boundary up-to the position where the velocity must
and polymeric micro-extrusion [26–28]. Remarkably, this new
extrapolate to give zero velocity as defined in [3,34,35]. Moreover,
consideration can even be important in large-scale aerodynamic
as discussed in [3], the slip length has been found experimentally
calculations for drag reduction and optimization if the boundary-
by different techniques, and some reported results show that it
layer thickness approaches to micron size.
With recent rapid advancements of measurement technique can be as small as 1 nm or as big as 2 µm. In particular, Haifeng
with high precision instruments, slip boundary conditions are et al. [15] used particle tracking technique to obtain sleep lengths
gradually getting the attention of experimentalist. Their experi- within this range.
ments have yielded direct or indirect evidence and measurement Since this inaugural postulation by Navier, many modifications
of slip. Such evidence have been brought to light by employing and extensions have been brought to it. For instance, some
techniques such as particle image velocimetry (PIV) [15], near-field experimental results [8] have suggested that slippage occurs at
Laser velocimetry [29], streaming potential [30]. Further, measure- the walls only when the wall shear stress is greater than a certain
ments techniques have also included magnetic resonance imaging critical value, τc . Hence for a wall perpendicular to ŷ, say, one of
and laser Doppler anemometry [31], although we note that such such extension of Navier slip follows,
imaging still suffers from limitation in spatial resolution. Uws = λ[τxy − τc ] if τxy ≥ τc ,
In the present paper, our purpose is to continue the develop-
ment of a semi phenomenological relation for wall slip velocity, = 0 otherwise. (2)
which was first presented in our first paper, [32]. In this article, Here, τxy is again the wall shear stress, meanwhile τc is the critical
our new slip model is studied and assessed, considering Couette stress, and λ is the slip coefficient. Kaoullas et al. [34] elaborated
and Poiseuille planar flows of Newtonian fluids. Although existing more on this connection.
slip laws provide a foundation in setting-up our formulation, we Another extension of Navier slip is the non-linear Navier
also intend to show that they can be considered as a sub-fold of slip [10,36]. This slip law says that the wall slip velocity is
our intended generalization of slip velocity. So, firstly, in Section 2 proportional to the wall stress raised to a certain power. Because
our new formulation together with a review of commonly used of that, it is also referred to as power-slip law. The general form of
wall-slip equations are briefly presented. Next, we expect our new this slip law is
generalization to incorporate every fluid interaction at the neigh-
borhood of a fluid–solid boundary of some common flow con- Uws = k τ(wall, δ)  ,

figurations. According to this, the new development is rigorously
applied in a planar-Couette and planar-Poiseuille flow system in where m can be any real positive number, and δ is a characteristic
Section 3, together with their respective solutions. In the next seg- slip distance describing the region of influence of slip within the
ment, Section 4, we analyze and discuss the results and feasibility fluid. Parameter δ , can also be defined as the fluid boundary
of the theory. Finally, this paper is summarized and concluded in thickness within which slippage is affected (i.e. distance within
Section 5. which slip effects are significant). Again, k is the slip coefficient,
whose dimension is derived based on the value attributed to m.
2. Theory and formulation of wall slip Following the same concept of critical wall stress, Hatzikiri-
akos [8] developed a slip law with two coefficients, k1 and k2 in
Since the postulation of the initial slip law by Navier, many the form
alternatives have been formulated, [12], and the use of no-
Uws = k1 Sinh{k2 |τxy | − τc } if τxy ≥ τc ,
slip boundary condition has reduced considerably. Hence, in
this section, we enumerate and concisely describe a few of the = 0 otherwise. (4)
206 M.N. Azese / European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids 57 (2016) 204–213

Here also, τxy and τc are the wall shear stress and critical stress In particular, our attention is especially focused on the
respectively, similar to those defined in Eq. (2). In addition, irregularity of the wall (to which a length scale can be attributed),
according to Hatzikiriakos [8], the two slip coefficients, k1 and k2 as it is a vital characteristic used in constructing our formula.
are both temperature dependent. This geometrical characteristic, measured by the curvature of the
These different forms of slip laws, and their extensions, have point of interest and beyond, can greatly change the mechanism of
been exploited theoretically [36,37], as well as in experimental slip. This latter parameter is also indispensable to the form that
studies [12]. Amazingly, majority of them have been found to we propose below. On that account, to generalize wall slippage
corroborate interesting results for different cases. For instance, slip in arbitrary systems, we choose a random wall of space varying
phenomenon has been used to study flow stabilizing properties curvature to illustrate this dependence.
in annular Poiseuille flow [38] and Hagen–Poiseuille flow [39]. In Fig. 1, we show a schematic representation of such wall
Despite that, slip phenomenon is in general still under examination slip phenomenon. On this figure, we first consider an irregular
by many researchers, as current models do not exactly predict all boundary wall (spatial variation in curvatures), such that points
experimental results [12], thus the constant search for a better P1 , P2 , P3 , . . . , Pn , all belong to this surface. Next, we choose
formulation. In accordance with this, the purpose of the present point Pn as a point of interest with curvilinear coordinates (xt ,
paper is a quest for such better, if not generalized form of slip xn ), tangent and normal to the surface respectively. Then, for Pn
design. we consider two fluid-layer-elements, fluid layer touching wall
We finalize this section by recognizing that a vast majority of (FLTW) and fluid layer adjacent to wall (FLAW) but parallel to
the slip models presented in this Section 2.1, depend on shear FLTW. Both fluid layers are perpendicular to the normal vector (-⃗ en )
stress and its different power laws, an observation that is also a of that point and are separated by a small distance, δ . The extended
key point in our formulation. length, b(Pn ), is the slip length, defined similarly as in [34,35].
To this end, we have noted that parameters originating from
liquid, solid-boundary, and the interaction fluid-with-boundary,
2.2. Formulation of new approach
can affect wall slip considerably. On top of that, the physical
dimensions together with the flow kinematics have direct impact
The primary goal of this section is to formulate a new slip
on the shear stresses. Thus, complex flow-profiles [42], will mean
model. We do so by closely examining, first the shear stress and
complex spatial velocity gradients in the system, which is even
its various forms, and ultimately the different parameters that
more substantial at the boundaries. Because of all these, we
could potentially influence this solid–liquid interaction at the wall.
hypothesize that as we go from FLAW to FLTW, the dependence
For the latter case, some studies have been done to detect and
of velocity to non-trivial forms of the wall shear stress [Uwall =
measure the degree of influence of such parameters. For instance,
f(τn̂ )] increases significantly. These hypothetical velocities are
in experimental studies by Hatzikiriakos et al. [40] and Kazatchkov depicted in Fig. 1, where UW and Uδ correspond to FLAW and FLTW
et al. [41], where their results have advocated for the dependence respectively. According to all these, we propose that for a wall
of wall slip on the first normal stress. Although Neto et al. [12] and whose normal direction and variable are respectively -⃗ en , xn̂ , we
Hatzikiriakos et al. [33] discuss such parameters in their papers in can define a steady state slip law model in the following form:
detail, in the course of our description, we however enumerate a
few of those. Uw s = 0 , if τn̂ ≤ τc
On one hand the physical properties of a fluid that could directly m 
 n

 dp−1

influence the slip velocity [27] can be enormous. In the literature, = kp,q (W, F, γ )  p−1 (τn̂ − τc ) 
otherwise. (5)

experimental and simulation results have correlated slippage p=1 q=1
 dx 

with more than a few known fluid properties: viscosity, density,
electrical properties, dissolved gas and bubbles property, pressure, Here also, kp,q (W, F, γ ), is a slip coefficient which depends on wall
and elasticity (liquid’s memory) properties. In reference to this, properties (W), fluid properties, (F), and other properties yet to be
the description of how some of these properties affect slip can be brought to light (γ ). The parameter τc is similar to those defined in
found in [3]. One of such interesting properties, which could also Eqs. (2) and (4). We note that this expression shows summation of
be regarded as the manifestation of some of the aforementioned, a linear differential operator – itself linear – applied on a non-linear
is the wettability of fluid. This complex phenomenon depends combination of the shear stress. It can be shown that for a finite and
on how the liquid sticks to the solid wall, sometimes referred to q-differentiable (of class C q ) stress-component, single terms in this
as hydrophobicity. In spite of the advancements made towards series are obviously bounded.
the understanding of this phenomenon, the slip physical process In this new expression, we hope that the combination of the
is yet to be fully comprehended, because, it involves complex two summations will fully account for all the different changes that
physicochemical properties. can be brought in by the kinematics of fluid flow. We note that
the first summation, p, is the degree of derivative characterizing
On another hand, we also recognize that because solid boundary
the spatial dependence of the shear stress at the neighborhood
can be made of different materials, the electrical properties,
of the wall. Meanwhile the second, q, is the degree of the wall-
surface roughness, absorption properties can be different. As a
stress exponent, revealing the strength of the local shear stress.
consequence of this, the union between such material surfaces
This non-trivial kinematics can also be explained from a point of
with the fluid immediately touching them, can influence slippage
view that there is continuous momentum transfer from wall shear
substantially. Additionally, the rate of energy transfer from wall to
stress to the fluids velocity, and vice-versa. Therefore this transfer
fluid dictated by the shear rate of the experiment has proven to
mechanism is expected to fade spatially as the fluid layer distance
play a role in slippage [5,15].
from the wall, thus the series.
Thus, for such boundary physics, overall we remark that slip
As this formulation is a series expansion, omitting the detail
depends on the material composition of the solid surface as
Physics supporting what is to follow, we present the following
well as the fluid. As this is in general a source of yet to be
mathematical implications that substantiate and connect our slip
fully exploited slippage dependability, the mechanism of slip is
law to reality: First, we hypothesize that;
therefore a complex one. We add that because all these quantities
depend on temperature, the wall slip can considerably depend on (1) the strength of the physical properties of solid-wall and fluid
temperature as well, especially for lighter fluids. kp,q (W, F, γ ),
M.N. Azese / European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids 57 (2016) 204–213 207

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of Boundary conditions in an arbitrary bounding wall, according to the new series expansion approach, having differential forms of wall
stress (τn̂ ).

(2) the degree of the spatial-derivative p, and

(3) the power of shear stress q,
affect each other. With this connection, next we state that *the
cross-correlation of the aforementioned variable groups described
by the new formulation is such that the increase of anyone causes
a higher order decrease of at-least one of the other. Therefore, a
conjecture can be procure from this, that as p and q become big,
the series converges.
So for this series, m and n can be big numbers, yet provide
feasible wall slip velocity since the other parameters re-adjust
(smaller k-values) to yield an appropriate result. However we test
a simplified (and/or truncated) form of Eq. (5) in our subsequent

3. Analysis of application of new wall slip: non-Newtonian fluid

The main purpose of this section is to test our new wall slip
formulation, Eq. (5), in practical problems. Accordingly, our choice
of application problems, here, is steady state Planar-Couette and
Planar Poiseuille flow. Because these systems can enhance uni-
directional flow neatly, it is therefore a widely studied flow in
many textbooks, hence references are easy to find.

3.1. Description of system

3.1.1. Plane-Couette flow

For a typical parallel plate Couette flow system, whose
schematic is shown in top picture of Fig. 2, the lower wall is fixed
meanwhile the upper wall has a constant velocity (U). Ipso facto, Fig. 2. Representations of flow systems: Planar-Couette flow (top figure), and
this setup makes certain that the induced flow is a steady state Planar-Poiseuille flow (bottom-figure). Both schematics have their origins at the
one. Further, because of slippage we define wall slip velocity for center with channel width 2h. In addition, profile streamlines and wall slip
both upper and lower stationary walls, Uwall , whereby symmetry velocities are depicted.

has made them indistinguishable. The two bounding walls of the

system are separated by a fixed distance 2h with axes-origin
consequently assumed. Furthermore, and similar to Couette flow,
chosen at the center as shown. Hereafter, we use this Couette flow
we note that flows generated by such source is prone to cause
schematic to describe the influence of slippage in such steady-state
planar system 3.3.1 and 3.4.1 using our new slip law. wall slip at upper and lower walls, and these slip velocities are
similar due to flow symmetry. Hence for these walls, we can also
define identical slip velocities as Uwall . Equivalently, the origin
3.1.2. Plane-Poiseuille flow
of this system is chosen at its center, and the bounding walls
A conventional Poiseuille flow system is shown in the bottom
figure of Fig. 2. Unlike in Couette flow described above, the are 2h apart. It is on this Poiseuille system that velocity slippage
driving force here is the prescribed pressure gradient. Hence if will be subsequently described 3.3.2 and 3.4.2 using our new slip
this pressure gradient is time-independent, a steady state flow is formulation, as a second case study.
208 M.N. Azese / European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids 57 (2016) 204–213

3.2. Governing equations for the problem 3.3. Slip-boundary conditions

As a starting point, governing equations for our problems are We define the steady state boundary condition by assuming a
laid out. Accordingly, for a specified velocity profile v, the presiding wall slip velocity according to our new formulation. To do so, we
equations are the continuity equation use simplified and truncated versions of Eq. (5), where first, the
∂ρ exponential series is stopped at n = 3. Secondly, we use different
+ ∇ · (ρ v) = 0, (6) limits for the differential terms: m = 1, m = 2 and m = 3. In
addition, we consider τc = 0, that is, there is no limiting shear
where ρ is the fluid’s density and t is time, and the momentum
stress. Accordingly, we define three simplified versions:
 
Uw(1,3) =

ρ + v · ∇ v = −∇ p0 + ∇ · 6, kp,q (W, F, γ ) (τn̂ )q  ,
 
(7) (13a)
∂t q=1
respectively. Here, 6 is the anisotropic stress tensor, and p0 is the 2 
3  dp−1 
isotropic pressure. As we recognize that the flow is unidirectional Uw(2,3) =

kp,q (W, F, γ ) (τn̂ )q , (13b)
 
in the x-direction, we immediately can appreciate the generated p=1 q=1 dxn̂
velocity as being in the form
3 
3  dp−1 
v = u(x, y, t ) êx . Uw(3,3) =

(8) kp,q (W, F, γ ) (τ )q

p−1 n̂ ,
We note that the analysis shown here is somewhat similar to p=1 q=1 dxn̂
that done in [36,37] and work cited therein. For instance, [43] did
where the superscripts (m, n) represent the limits of differential
a similar study for third grade fluid. Hence, in this section, we do
and exponent summations respectively. Hence, according to Eqs.
not include details for sake of brevity.
Nonetheless, for Newtonian and incompressible fluids, we (13a)–(13c), we can define the boundary conditions for both
consider an anisotropic stress tensor of the form geometries. Moreover, the shear stress components in those
equations are identically τxy

, therefore Eq. (12b) is the defining
Σ = µ(γ̇ ){∇(v) + [∇(v)]T }, (9) expression necessary to evaluate the stress.
where µ(γ̇ ) is strain dependent viscosity and T denotes transpose.
From Eqs. (6)–(9), the pressure gradient (∇ Px : which is negative in 3.3.1. Slip-boundary for Couette
direction of flow), and anisotropic stress components (τxx , τxy and First, for Couette flow where we use top-Fig. 2, we recognize
τyy ) can be related according to the following set of equations from Eq. (12b) that without pressure-gradient, stress is indepen-
∂ ∂ dent of y. Hence, for m > 1, the series is trivially 0, thus needless
∇ Px = τxx + τxy , (10a) to consider Eqs. (13b) and (13c). The upper wall slip velocity can
∂x ∂y
be defined as
∂ ∂
0= τxy + τyy , (10b)
Uw (h) = U − Uw(1,3)
∂x ∂y
  2 3 
= U − k1 τxy (h) + k2 τxy (h) + k3 τxy (h) ,
  
τxy = µ(γ̇ ) . (10c) (14)
As we plan to use non-dimensional forms, we define dimen- meanwhile, for the lower one, we define
sions for distance as h, velocity as Us , and from these, we construct  3
Uw (−h) = Uw(1,3) = k1 τxy (−h)+k2 τxy (−h) + k3 τxy (−h) .
  2 
non-dimensional quantities: y∗ = y/h, u∗ = u/Us , τ ∗ = µhU τ and
 
h2 (15)
∇ Px∗ = µUs
∇ Px . These transform Eqs. (10a)–(10c):
∂ ∗ ∂ ∗ To obtain non-dimensional forms of above equations, we normal-
∇ Px∗ = τ + τ , (11a) ized slip coefficients
∂ x∗ xx ∂ y∗ xy
 µ j
∂ ∗ ∂ ∗
0= τ + τ , (11b) k∗j = kj Usj−1 , (16)
∂ x∗ xy ∂ y∗ yy h
∂ u∗ and together with previously designated normalized parameters,
τxy∗ = ∗ . (11c) we redefine Eqs. (14) and (15) as follows:

For steady state flow, and appreciating the fact that the flow is a Uw∗ (1) = 1 − Uw(1,3)
unidirectional one (v = 0), we recognize here that the only varying  2 3 
= 1 − k∗1 τxy∗ (1) + k∗2 τxy∗ (1) + k∗3 τxy∗ (1) , (17a)
   
quantity in the x-direction is the pressure (for Poiseuille flow). In
addition, the pressure is independent of the transverse direction  3

U ∗ (−1) = U (1,3) = k∗ τ ∗ (−1)+k∗ τ ∗ (−1) + k∗ τ ∗ (−1) .
  2 
(y). These assertions can also be re-enforced if the continuity  
w w 1 xy 2 xy 3 xy
equation is considered. Because of all these, Eqs. (11a)–(11c) can
admit solutions of the form: (17b)

τxx∗ = 0, (12a) These dimensionless forms will be used in evaluating the boundary
conditions for Couette problem.
τxy∗ = −∇ Px∗ y∗ + c1∗ , (12b)
∇ Px∗
u∗ (y) = − y∗ + c1∗ y∗ + c2∗ ,
2 3.3.2. Slip-boundary for Poiseuille
2 Secondly, we focus on defining slip velocities for Poiseuille
where ∇ Px∗ is the normalized pressure gradient in positive x- problem. Unlike Couette problem in previous subsection, this
direction hence negative. The two constants c1∗ and c2∗ will be involves the pressure gradient term, hence considering Eqs. (13b)
subsequently determined when slip boundary conditions are and (13c) will constitute additional terms to this geometry. Thus,
developed and applied to the corresponding geometries. we define three forms of slip velocity accordingly:
M.N. Azese / European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids 57 (2016) 204–213 209

Table 1 3.4.1. Plane-Couette flow solution

Condensed slip coefficient for different power-limits, also alluded here as modes
For Couette flow, the driving force is the moving upper plate
(m, n), where m is the summation limit for differential series and n denotes
summation limit for power series, in the wall slip velocity double-series- with velocity U, which can be considered as our characteristic
formulation. velocity scale (Us = U). Additionally, there is no pressure gradient,
Modes (n, m) k∗γ k∗β k∗α hence for ∇ Px∗ = 0, we obtain
m = 1, n = 3 k∗13 k∗12 k∗11 τxx∗ = 0, (23a)
m = 2, n = 3 k∗13 + 3k∗23 k∗12 + 2k∗22 k∗11 + k∗21
m = 3, n = 3 k∗13 + 3k∗23 + 6k∗33 k∗12 + 2k∗22 + 2k∗32 k∗11 + k∗21 τxy∗ = c1∗ , (23b)
u∗ (y∗ ) = c1∗ y∗ + c2∗ . (23c)
For m = 1 and n = 3, we obtain ∗ ∗
The constants c1 and c2 depend on the boundary conditions,
Uw (±h) = Uw(1,3) ,
1 − u∗ (−1) 1 + u∗ (−1)
c1∗ = and c2∗ = .
2 3
= k11 τxy (±h) + k12 τxy (±h) + k13 τxy (±h) . (18) (24)
   
2 2
Next, for m = 2 and n = 3 we derive Using Eqs. (17a), (17b), together with Eqs. (24) and (23a)–(23c), we
Uw (±h) = Uw(2,3) , obtain a polynomial equation in terms of c1∗ in the form
2 3
= k11 τxy (±h) + k12 τxy (±h) + k13 τxy (±h)
   
α1 c1∗3 + α2 c1∗2 + α3 c1∗ + α4 = 0, (25)
 
 dτxy
   dτ 2
where the polynomial coefficients are functions of the wall slip

 xy
(±h) + k22  (±h)

+ k21 

parameters, α1 = 1, α2 = k∗2 /k∗3 , α3 = (2 + k∗1 )/k∗3 , α4 = −1/k∗3 .
 
dy  dy 
  Hence, from Eq. (25), we can calculate value for c1∗ , corresponding
 dτ 3  to a set of slip parameters, and then evaluate the stresses and
 xy
+ k23  (±h) . (19)

velocity profiles:
 dy 
τxy∗ = c1∗ , (26a)
The last of this boundary equation is obtained for m = 3 and n = 3
Uw (±h) = Uw(2,3) , u (y ) = c1 (y − 1) + 1,
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
where c1 = f (k1 , k2 , k3 ). The slip length can also be obtained
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
2 3
= k11 τxy (±h) + k12 τxy (±h) + k13 τxy (±h)
   
  analytically
 dτxy
   dτ 2 
 xy
(±h) + k22  (±h) bsl = −1/c1∗ ,

+ k21  (27)
 
dy  dy 
  which are extrapolations of the velocity lines in Fig. 4 until their
 dτ 3  d2 τxy
 
intersections with the channel width axis.

 xy
(±h) + k31  2 (±h)

+ k23 
 
 dy  dy
 2   2  3.4.2. Plane-Poiseuille flow solution
d d For this Poiseuille flow, first, we recognize that the shear stress
+ k32  2 [τxy (±h)]  + k33  2 [τxy (±h)]  .


  (20) at the walls are anti-symmetrical, that is −τxy ∗
(−1) = τxy∗ (+1).
dy dy
According to this, the slip velocity is the same for both walls
These three different slip boundary conditions will be referred
[u∗w (1) = u∗w (−1)], hence from Eqs. (12c), c1∗ = 0, thus
to as different slip-boundary modes, and will be dealt with
simultaneously. τxy∗ = −∇ Px∗ y∗ , (28a)
Again, as we intend to use non-dimensional forms for our ∗
∇ Px
u∗ (y∗ ) = − y∗ + c2∗ .
analysis, we also define a generalized non-dimensional form of the 2
slip coefficients as 2
 µj  Next, we observe that the only initial and steady source of energy
k∗ij = kij Usj−1 . (21) for this system is the pressure gradient, ∇ Px∗ . As a consequence,
hj−i−1 we can obtain a suitable velocity scale from it. However, because
We analyze Eqs. (18)–(20), in their non-dimensional forms for a prescribed pressure gradient, the wall slip can affect the flow
together with Eq. (12b). The end result is a generalized slip-velocity field, and hence the flow rate, we prefer using the flow rate (Q )
for all different modes, in the form as an imposed external and desired condition. Accordingly, we
Uw∗ (±1) = −k∗α ∇ Px∗ + k∗β (∇ Px∗ )2 − k∗γ (∇ Px∗ )3 , (22) define the volume flow rate per unit length in the z-direction, using
∗ ∗
Eq. (28b) as follows
where the generalized and normalized slip coefficients, kα , kβ and
k∗γ depend on the slip coefficients associated with the (m, n)-mode, 1
∇ Px∗

as depicted in Table 1. Q ∗ = 2Uavg /Us = u∗ (y∗ )dy∗ = − + 2 c2∗ . (29)
−1 3
With these sets of wall velocity equations, represented by
Eqs. (17a), (17b) for Couette and Eq. (22) for Poiseuille, the On one hand, we impose scale for velocity Us = Uavg . Because of
boundary conditions of our systems of equations are entirely this, the flow rate is fixed at Q ∗ = 2, and this leads us to determine
defined. Hence, the respective solutions of the problems can now the constant c2∗ = 1 + 6 x . Moreover, with this velocity scale, we
be addressed. re-enforce the slip boundary equation, Eq. (22), with expression
of c2∗ . The end result of this operation is a polynomial equation
3.4. Analytical solutions showing the pressure gradient driving the flow
This section is intended at obtaining solutions of the essential χ1 ∇ Px∗ 3 + χ2 ∇ Px∗ 2 + χ3 ∇ Px∗ + χ4 = 0, (30)
equations for both Couette and Poiseuille flow. We do so by as-

suming slippage at the bounding walls as defined in Sections 3.3.1 where the generalized polynomial coefficients are kij -dependent,
and 3.3.2. with χ1 = 3k∗γ , χ2 = −3k∗β , χ3 = 1 + 3 k∗α , and χ4 = 3.
210 M.N. Azese / European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids 57 (2016) 204–213

Following this, the velocity profile across the channel is obtained Thus, with the presence of existing models in our plots,
by combining Eqs. (28b) with expression of c2∗ , we directly compare our results with aforementioned slip laws.
Moreover, in [36], a similar analysis presented here is done, where
∇ Px∗  1
u∗ (y) = − y2 − + 1 OR, they compare different models (linear Navier theory, Hatzikiriakos
2 3 models, asymptotic representation). Hence, linking our results
∇ Px∗   with theirs [36], provides a comparison of our new wall slip
y2 − 1 − k∗γ ∇ Px∗ + k∗β Px∗ − k∗α ∇ Px∗ ,
3 2
=− (31) formulation with existing popular slip laws.
We add that although we do not test negative values of slip
where, k∗α , k∗β and k∗γ are defined according to Table 1. From this coefficients as in [32], such possibilities are not to be discarded
equation, we can deduce the slip length, as potential choices even for practical cases. Because they can
 combine with their positive slip coefficients counterparts to
2 1 provide a feasible wall slip velocity (though not always). Therefore,
bsl = + − 1. (32)
∇ Px∗ 3 this can be a necessary choice to be able to capture particular
experimental data. **Although, we note, that in order to ensure
To showcase Eq. (32), some reported experimental data alongside a-priori realistic wall slip, the choice of the coefficients should be
our analytical results have been dissected and delineated in Fig. 6. such that the slip velocity is in the same direction as the velocity
On the-same figure also, velocity graphs have been extrapolated to of neighboring fluid layer. With this, we ascertain that back-flow
catch the slip lengths at the channel width axis. induced by slip phenomenon is prevented, as this scenario will be
On the other hand, we also intend to analyze the coupling physically unrealistic.
between pressure gradient and flow rate. To do so, first, we Using the critical solutions described for Couette and Poiseuille,
note that until this end, we have normalized velocity with the we obtain proper graphical representations pertaining to our
average velocity of the flow, which itself varies according to the respective geometries.
slip coefficients, thus pressure as well. Therefore, to examine the
influence of pressure on flow-rate, next, we choose a fix velocity 4.1. Graphical result for Couette
scale, Us = ρ h , which is obviously geometry and fluid-property
dependent. With this new velocity scale, pressure, stresses, and Eq. (25), cubic polynomial equation, is solved using Cardano–
generalized slip coefficients are redefined accordingly. Tartaglia technique (Appendix) to obtain c1∗ as function of three
Correspondingly, from Eqs. (22) and (29), finally, we obtain slip coefficients. Thus, we set two of these coefficients to a constant
pressure-gradient to flow-rate relation value 0.0, 0.5, or 10.0, and vary the third.
According to Eq. (26a), we present Fig. 3 which shows how these
3 2
 2 different combinations of slip coefficients affect the shear stress.
Q̄ = −2k̄γ ∇¯P x + 2k̄β ∇¯P x − 2 k̄α + ∇¯P x . (33)
3 The plots show that generally wall shear stress decreases with
increase in slip coefficient. Moreover, setting two slip coefficients
Here, the generalized slip coefficients k̄α , k̄β and k̄γ are defined
at an initially higher value yields a relatively gradual variation of
similarly as in Table 1 but with ‘‘− ’’. This expression concludes the
the wall shear with respect to the varying coefficient. Additionally,
analytical solution for Poiseuille geometry.
the slopes decrease as the varying coefficients shift from k∗1 to k∗3 .
Following Eq. (26b), velocity profile across channel width will
4. Results and discussion differ as the slip coefficients vary. Therefore, to illustrate this
variation, first we fix each coefficient at 2.0 and ultimately set the
In this section, we evaluate the analytical solutions obtained remaining two to values chosen from 0.0, 0.5, and 10.0 as presented
in Section 3. For this purpose, we identify crucial expressions and in Fig. 4. Although more could be described from these plots, we
semi-analytical solutions obtained for both Couette and Poiseuille however limit our description to a few their characteristics. For
flow problems. Accordingly, first, for Couette, Eqs. (25), (26a) and example, they evidently indicate that increasing slip coefficients
(26b) are identified as the representative solution, which can be turns to flatten the progression thus decreasing shearing in the
used to appraise the wall shear stress and the velocity profile fluid layers across channel. Moreover, the trends of these plots are
respectively. Meanwhile for Poiseuille flow, Eqs. (22), (30), (31), consistent with those in [36] for Newtonian fluid and [37] for Phan-
and (33) are the determining results for these particular problem, Thien–Tanner fluid.
as they will provide wall slip velocity, pressure gradient, velocity
profiles and flow-rate. For all these equations, the parameters 4.2. Graphical result for Poiseuille
characterizing wall slip has to be decided.
According to this, we systematically choose sets of coefficients, Here, we concentrate on obtaining plots depicting results of
first by maintaining two of the coefficients to a fixed value, and our new wall slip law for Poiseuille problem. We note again that
then resolve on the third. The fixed values chosen are such that the truncated series considered for this case involves both the
they span a considerable margin of real number domain, as well as differential and power forms, therefore subsequent treatments
provide a better judgment for our slip law. embrace condensed slip coefficients according to Table 1.
In what follows, we note that one of the choice of slip We begin by probing Eq. (30) which shows the variation of nor-
coefficients is fixing all but one coefficients to ZERO, thus allowing malized pressure gradient vis-a-vis condensed slip coefficients for
only one non-zero slip coefficient. This choice is especially a constant and normalized flow-rate. The coefficients are selected
important because it enables a juxtaposition of common slip laws by fixing two at values choosing from 0.0, 0.5, and 0.2 and vary-
to our expanded version. This insures that other familiar slip laws ing the third up-to value 10. Then we proceed in two steps: In the
match-up to ours. first, we recognized that the normalized pressure gradient with-
In accordance with this, for instance, with the Couette case, out slip, denoted here as ∇ P ∗x,0 is identically −3.0. In the second
k∗1 (for k∗2 = k∗3 = 0.0) matches the linear Navier slip, k∗2 (for and final step, we find enhancement ratio (percentage increase)
k∗1 = k∗3 = 0.0) is equivalent to non-linear Navier slip of order in pressure-gradient by evaluating [∇ P ∗x − ∇ P ∗x,0 ]/(∇ P ∗x,0 ), sym-
2, and k∗3 (for k∗1 = k∗2 = 0.0) is congruent with non-linear Navier bolized here by ∇ P ∗x and this result is delineated in Fig. 5. In
slip of order 3. Same analogy can be extended for Poiseuille case. these, we show how slip enhances pressure-gradient in providing
M.N. Azese / European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids 57 (2016) 204–213 211

Fig. 3. Normalized shear stress for Planar–Couette problem, for different slip Fig. 4. Normalized velocity profile across channel width for Planar–Couette
coefficients [k∗1 , k∗2 , k∗3 ]. Two slip coefficients are kept constant using values chosen problem, for different slip coefficients [k∗1 , k∗2 , k∗3 ]. Two slip coefficients are kept
from [0.0, 0.5, and 10.0], and the third is varied: (a) k∗1 , (b) k∗2 , and (c) k∗3 . constant using values chosen from [0.0, 0.5, and 10.0], and the third is assigned
a fixed value: (a) k∗1 = 2.0, (b) k∗2 = 2.0, and (c) k∗3 = 2.0.
the same flow rate, as illustrated by the different trends. We note
in particular, that when double-set coefficients are identical, the
different graphs intersect at indistinguishable points.
Next we consider Eq. (31) showing variation of velocity across
channel depth as function of condensed slip coefficients. That being
so, we decide on the choice of slip coefficients similar to case of
Couette velocity profile. So, we fix each coefficient at 10.0 and set
the remaining two to values chosen from 0.0, 0.5, and 0.2. Fig. 6
shows the resulting plots. Additionally, we have included plots
involving coefficients for both slip-free and infinite slip scenarios.

Interestingly, these plots all intersect at u∗in = 1 and y∗in = ± 1/3.
Thus, the parabolic curves flatten to a value of 1, as slippage
increases infinitely, which is the mean velocity dictated by the flow
rate. We note that at this point of intersection, the corresponding
slopes can be defined as du

 = ±√1/3∇ P ∗ . As can be divulge, Fig. 5. Poiseuille problem: Log-scale plot for ratio between normalized slip-
dy in x
no unreasonable surging scenarios such as back-flow are set forth dependent pressure-gradient versus normalized slip-free pressure-gradient for the
different generalized slip coefficients [k∗α , k∗β , k∗γ ]. Two slip coefficients are kept
by the plots.
constant chosen from 0.0, 0.5 and 0.2, and the third is varied: (a) k∗α , (b) k∗β and
We have incorporated experimental results conducted by (c) k∗γ .
Watanabe et al. [31]—where slip profiles for Newtonian fluid are
obtained for laminar flows subjected to pressure gradient of ∇ Px∗ =
10.8 Pa/m using hot film anemometer. Moreover, these velocity Finally, in Fig. 7, using a different set of normalized parameters
plots are consistent with those presented by Damianou et al. in [44] distinguished by the ‘‘− ’’, we present normalized pressure gradi-
for similar Poiseuille geometry where instead viscoelastic material ent versus normalized flow-rate as defined in Eq. (33). Here, we
is studied. In their work, unsteady slip velocity alongside cessation have fixed each coefficient at 2.0 and set the remaining two to
of slip are studied for viscoplastic materials (Bingham Plastic) values chosen from 0.1, 0.5, and 1.0. Moreover, in this figure, we
using molecular simulations. However, in their analysis, Bingham again include plots for slip-free flows, that way we get a better ap-
Number (BN ) is used as an additional parameter. praisal of the slip dependent ones. As expected, volume flow-rate
212 M.N. Azese / European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids 57 (2016) 204–213

Fig. 6. Poiseuille problem: Normalized slip-dependent velocity versus normalized channel width as function of generalized slip coefficients [k∗α , k∗β , k∗γ ]. Two slip coefficients
are kept constant chosen from 0.0, 0.5, 0.2, and the third is assigned a fixed value: (a) Left figure shows the symmetric velocity profiles on halfwidth. In addition, results from
Watanabe et al. [31] have been represented, where Watanabe et al. (1) is for Tap water meanwhile Watanabe et al. (2) is for 20% by weight of Glycerine. (b) On the right
figure the profiles are extended to catch the slip lengths bsl . These experimental data represented by the square [Watanabe et al. (1)] and circle [Watanabe et al. (2)] have
been smoothed using Bezier.

liquid-wall conditions. Hence, to address such nonfulfillment, in

this article we have developed a new formulation of slip velocity,
and apply it for Newtonian flow. The outset of the formulation
is introduced when we examine the proximate fluid layers to
the solid bounding walls. This consideration, done in conjunction
with previous slip law, led us to suggest that slippage within
a fluid–solid boundary should have both differential and power
series forms—having a mathematical and theoretical implication.
We note that previous forms now regarded as special cases
of ours, provided an inspiration to this construction. Moreover,
some have more or less been substantiated by experimentations.
Hence, the fact that they exactly correspond to single terms
(sub-groups) of our proposed stress series expansion theory,
not only strengthens ours—but also provides a wider scope for
experimental validations. For instants, we ratify our slip law with
experimental data which perfectly lies within the frame of our slip
law. Hence, the presence of multiple slip parameters, (kij ), can help
in fine-tuning experimental results to get such agreement, and
vise-versa, a pathway for proper empirical construction.
In this connection, we believe that our new formulation can rec-
oncile slippage phenomena with even more experimental obser-
vations with extension to even more complex flow environments.
This is even more true if such flows show strong coupling of local
shear stress with physical properties of the fluid and the boundary
Although the values of these slip coefficients(kij ), are chosen
randomly in cases demonstrated here, our analysis leads to the
believe that it can reveal some interesting features in the domain
of influence of slip. On top of that, we show from our plots that
our formulation is a realistic one, especially as our velocity profile
are reasonably practical, showing no paradoxical flow regimes—
which could include back-flow. That being so, for several choices
of the slip coefficients, the picks leading to un-physical back flow
velocities can be screened immediately. Besides, limiting cases
of such values can be studied further, alongside detail physics
Fig. 7. Poiseuille problem: Log-scale plot for normalized slip-dependent pressure-
relating the properties of both fluid and material wall, the aim
gradient versus normalized flow-rate for the different generalized slip coefficients
[k̄α , k̄β , k̄γ ]. Two of these slip coefficients are set at values chosen from 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, of which is directed towards strengthening the science associated
and the third is held to a fix value: (a) k̄α = 2.0, (b) k̄β = 2.0 and (c) k̄γ = 2.0. with slippage.
As such, a thorough experimentation where such properties
increases monotonically with increase in pressure gradient. This is are correctly matched can provide a pathway in catching such
consistent with work done by Chatzimina et al. [38]. coefficients accurately, even without disclosing the physics behind
it. Hence, for a given liquid, say, and for a given material wall,
5. Concluding remarks different sets of experiments can be done. From these experiments,
the necessary and appropriate acquired data can be used to
The widely used No-slip boundary condition is under scientific systematically characterize these triple-coefficients (or even
scrutiny, due to its recent failures in properly representing more for higher orders), from where proper empirical relations
M.N. Azese / European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids 57 (2016) 204–213 213

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